oum-english for oral communication

(a) Which of the following speech types will best describe your speech: informative, persuasive, negotiation, or argumentative speech? Give the reasons for your answer. For the speech, i’ll use two types of speech. The first one is the informative speech and the second one is the persuasive speech. The purpose that I’m using the informative speech is because i’m aiming to increase my audience’s knowledge, their understanding or pertaining to a particular issue. There were a few types of informative speech and their specific purpose is to give instruction, demonstration, explaination and reporting. Secondly, i’ll use the persuasive speech. This type of speech is to influence audiences attitude, behavior, beliefs or even values. This type of speech can be use to persuade the audience to take actions due to the problem that had been highlighted in the previous PTA meeting. There were also a few types of purposes for using the persuasive speech 1

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Page 1: OUM-English for Oral Communication

(a) Which of the following speech types will best describe your speech: informative,

persuasive, negotiation, or argumentative speech? Give the reasons for your


For the speech, i’ll use two types of speech. The first one is the informative speech

and the second one is the persuasive speech. The purpose that I’m using the informative

speech is because i’m aiming to increase my audience’s knowledge, their understanding

or pertaining to a particular issue. There were a few types of informative speech and their

specific purpose is to give instruction, demonstration, explaination and reporting.

Secondly, i’ll use the persuasive speech. This type of speech is to influence audiences

attitude, behavior, beliefs or even values. This type of speech can be use to persuade the

audience to take actions due to the problem that had been highlighted in the previous

PTA meeting. There were also a few types of purposes for using the persuasive speech

such as facts values, and policy. So, i’ll use the facts and values for my PTA speech to

see if the audience will agreed with me and give a good feedback about the issue.


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(b) Briefly outline the problem that the PTA need to address. What actions can the

members of association take?

The problem that PTA need to address are about the poor performance of the children,

particularly in Mathematics, Science and the English Language and how we want to

overcome these problem and also about insufficient PTA funds to carry out the ideas to

solve the problem that had been discussed in the previous PTA meeting.

We have discuss the methods to solving the poor performance for the three subjects

and we have divided it into four point of view such as the subjects itself, teachers,

parents and school.

About the subjects, we found there were several problem occurs during the teaching

and learning process. Some of the students thought these subjects are difficult to

understand and this will lead them to lose interest to learn those subjects. At the same

time, the teaching methods that’s been use by the teachers effect the students interest to

learn more. So, teachers have to create an effective and fun teaching environment to

persuade their students.

For the teachers, most of the problem occurs after the PPSMI policy had been

implemented. Teachers who are teaching Science and Mathematics not only need to

understand their syllabus well, but they also need to have a good english authority and

this is the burden for them because they maybe expert in those subjects but they’re weak

in english.

Parents is the first teacher to their children. It’s their responsibility to create their

children with their own mold. Don’t assume their child’s behavior is teacher’s

responsibility. What they must do is they must alert about their children activities, build


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a good relationships among their child’s teachers and most important thing, they must

always support their children to do a good thing.

School especially the principal or the head of unit must also participate to overcome the

problems. Nowadays, local universities had introducing their students with a social

service program. School and these local universities can collaborate to organize a

motivational program for the school students. They also have to make sure that teachers

and students will be provided with latest teaching aids to help them during teaching and

learning process.

About to raise more money for the PTA funds, we’ve comes with a few ideas such as

organizing a ‘Carnival Day’, charity dinner, charity car wash and donation from the

parents or any private organization.


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(c) What form of oral communication will your intended PTA speech be? Briefly

describe the model of communication that clearly explains how your public speech

work most effectively.

The form of oral communication that i’ll use for the PTA speech is public

communication. This form of oral communication, also known as public speaking,

involves communication between speaker and audience. The aims of using this form

because i want all the audience to be inform and i can persuade them to act and think

about the poor performance of their children, particularly in Mathematics, Science and

English. I also want to persuade them on how or what we have to do to earn money for

the PTA fund in order to execute our ideas.

Transactional model is the model of communication type that i’ll use for the

speech. This type of model shows that the elements in communication are

interdependent. Each person in the communication act is both a speaker and a listener,

and can be simultaneously sending and receiving message. There were three implications

in the transactional model. First, the word “Transactional” means that communication is

an ongoing and continuously changing process. This means everybody and the

environment that participated in this type of communication are also changing.

Second, in any transactional process, each element exists in relation to all other

element. There is this interdependence where there can be no source without receiver and

no message without a source.

Thirdly, each person in the communication process reacts depending on some factors

such as their background, prior experiences, attitudes, cultural beliefs, and self-

esteem. So, these two form of oral communication and model of communication are the


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best ways for me to deliver my PTA speech effectively.

(d) What is the social context of your speech and who are the participants?

Assuming that your audience will be multicultural, analyse its need so that these

can be addressed in the speech.

About the social context of my speech, the participants or the audience are parents and

teachers. This is a multiracial school. We have Malay, Chinese, Indian and other

race in this school. They come from a different economic background which i can

categorized them into three types of economic background such as high class, middle

class and low class.

Bussinessman, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), directors and managers are the

examples of people from the high class category. These type of people is somebody who

had a big authority or someone who is on the top in a organization or company and of

course they are wealthy. For the middle class category, these kind of people mostly

comes from the professional sectors. There are doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, and

others in this category. In the low class category, these type of people is just working as

gardeners, cleaners, work at the construction site or doing something that earn just

enough to cover their basic needs.

So, I have to make sure that my speech didn’t focus only for one category and hardly

didn’t sound racism in order to deliver my opinion and solutions to overcome the issues

in the PTA meeting. I also have to make sure that my speech didn’t seem bias to any

party I conjunction to get my audience’s attention.


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(e) Prepare an outline of your speech ( see e.g. Topic 8.4.4, p. 174 ) keeping in mind

the purpose of your speech ( Topic 9 ). Use complete sentences to express your main

points and supporting statements in the Introduction, Body, and Conclusion or any

content structure that may be appropriate.

Monroe’s Motivated Sequence ( Google this to find out more ). Indicate in the

outline what audio/visual aids and supporting evidence you may use to make your

speech more effective.

Good morning to the The Principal, fellows teachers, line of the PTA committee and

lovely parents. Welcome to our third PTA meeting and a very thank you to all of you for

spending some of your precious time to come here for this meeting.

As in our previous meeting, we’ve come out with a quite interesting issues which we

think all of you already known what is it about. So, now we want to talk about the poor

performance of our children in Mathematics, Science and English Language. The PTA

committee thought that this is a serious issues and after we’ve discussed this matter,

we’ve come out with some ideas that seem reasonable for every one of us. We also

had a few thought to overcome our problem about to earn some money for insufficient

PTA funds. So, we’ll give u some overview about what we want to say next.

First, we’ll talk about the poor performance of our children for these three subjects

and what we may do to improvise them and then we’ll talk about the ideas to raise

money for the fund which all of you will surely will love to know and we hope you’ll

give your full support.


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Ok, before we go further about this, I would love to ask all of you to lend me your

ears, eyes and the most important thing, your brain because I want a full attention from

all of you regarding these issues.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Before you guys started to get bored, I think go through with our agenda. First of all,

about the poor performance for these three subjects, we have divided this thing into four

point of view which is from the subjects itself, teachers, parents and school. We’ll go

through by each subjects one by one.

I guess everyone knows that Mathematics is not an easy subject. Its required your full

attention in orders to understand it well. We all noticed that playing with the numbers is

not something that we love to do unless we have interest in the subject. So, after doing

some homework, we have come to some technique that suitable for the teachers to

implied during the teaching and learning process.

Let’s say if the teachers spend a short time during the class period on something

mathematical which is puzzling or fascinating. For example, ask some question to the

student by the end of the period, and make sure they’ll they answered it by the beginning

of the next class. What if we asked them to guess how many second have you lived and

what if someone covered your bed with money everyday without overlapping them, how

much money will you have? or you could ask them to play some games such as how

many possible ways are there, in chess, for black and white each to make their opponent

move? The other method that an be used is letting your students help you teach .Don’t

just give answers right away but just give them a lead and let them make suggestions.


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Teachers must realized that student have different ways of thinking to understand the

true Science concept that they are learning. many research found that student have their

own alternative or idea based on their daily experience that is away far from the right

scientific concept itself. In Science, teaching using the text book alone is not enough.

That will makes students find it hard to understand everything about science theory, facts

and concept. So, teachers must know how to manipulate things such as to do more

outdoor activities to explain thing. For example, instead of showing the process of

photosynthesis from the book, they can bring their student outside the class to use the

real tree to explain about the process so the student will be more clear about what is the

process is all about. Giving group assignment is another method that teachers can do.

Ask each group to pick one of the experiment exercise from the book and they have to

do the experiment according to the instruction that been given. Make sure they had write

every single details from the beginning until they have complete the hypothesis for the


English Language which is also known as the world language. Most of the country

around the world are using this language in their business deal, diplomatic meeting and

many more. Sadly, there were some student didn’t have interest to learn English. This

happen because they failed to notice on how important to learn English Language. In

other word, they don’t know why and on what purpose they have to learn this world

language. So, teachers have to play their role to explain the reasons and rationality of

learning English because nowadays, students always begging for reward in return for

doing something including learning.

Another factor that cause the poor performance in English Language is there were so


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much student uneven capability among students. Today, the scale between teachers and

students is 1:40. Between these 40 students, it could be only half of them that really give

full attention in the class or maybe it could be less than that. It will be difficult for the

teacher to evaluate their students one by one and because of that, teachers will assume

that their students can understand well. Therefore, if school making streaming classes,

the total of good student class should be more than the total of weak student class.

Example, we put 40 students in class A, 35 students in class B, 30 students in class C and

25 students in class D. This will be better than dividing all the classes equally. On top of

that, student can be changed their class according to their subject. Let’s say if this student

is from class A, but he/she is poor in English Language, so, during the English Language

period, this student have to change his/her class to class C or D according to his/her

performance. This could help him/her to improve in English Language.

Ladies and gentlemen, are you still with me?

Ok, now I would like to move on to the second point of view. I think everybody here

noticed that since the PPSMI policy had been implemented from 2003, there were many

problems occurs not only from the students but also from the teachers as well. The

teachers whose is involves in teaching these two subjects not only need to understand

their syllabus very well, but they also need to have a good English speaking skills in

orders to fulfill the Ministry of Education needs. This thing have gave them a burden

because they may be a good teacher for those subjects but they are not so good when

they had to teach those subjects in English. Although they had been given 5% allowance

for graduated teachers and 10 % allowance for non-graduated teachers from their salary

for them to, it’s difficult for them to attend any extra English tuition because they are


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already had a lot of thing to do at school. So, the school management should help these

teachers by arranging to send them to extra English courses during their free time like

during the school break. They will be asked to attend those classes let’s say, twice a

month. If we could help them out with this, there is no way they can give any excuses.

By the way, teachers themselves must be more creative while teaching in class. They

have to come out with an effective and fun method during teaching such as always

giving a practical examples because this is one of the effective ways an should be use

regularly. Teachers can help students link theory to practical application, which may

result in more productive learning. practical examples is not only help enhance the

theories taught in the classroom, but also a useful tools in illustrating and explaining

new material. By using these examples, teachers are able to show students what they are

learning has practical applications and also teach them how to apply basic principles to

real life problem.

The second method that can be apply while teaching is show and tell. One of the

goodness of this method is, students and teachers can change their role the other way

around. But in order to explain the concept to others, student must understand deeply all

about the concept first which require them to understand and analyze the selected subject

fully before they can explain about it to their peers.

Here comes the best part. The point of view from parents. Education starts from home.

parents are the first teacher to their children. Its been our responsibility to teach and

nurture our children of what will they become when they grow up. So, there are a few

things that we can do such as don’t ever think that only teachers are responsibility

towards our children performance in study. We must remember that students only spent


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their time for about 6 to 8 hours at school daily and most of the time, they’ll at home. So

we must be alert about our children activities, get to know all of their friends

and realize if there were any changes in their behavior. If we want to help them with

their problem, we have to become their friend first instead of being their parent. This

have to be done because children only like to share their problems with friends more than

their own family members. We also must have a good relationship with our children’s

teachers in orders to know about our children’s performance in their study. That’s the

best way for us to know which subject that our children are weak in. So, in order to be a

good parents, we have to help them with their needs such as provide extra reference

books, send them to tuition class especially for the subjects that they are not very good

at. Last but not least, we have to give them moral support continuously, advice and

persuade them about on why they have to success in their study in order to see them

becoming a useful person for our beloved country.

And now we have come to the last point of view which is the school. What is school

may contribute to the issues? School here means the principal, head of unit and all the

teachers. Nowadays, there were a few of our local universities such as Malaysia Islamic

International University or in malay is stand for “Universiti Islam Antarabangsa

Malaysia” or UIAM had been introduce with a social service program. One of the

purposes of this program is to involve in motivational program at school. So, we can

collaborate with any local universities to organize this kind of program. In this program,

students from the universities can share their tips, experience or anything about being a

good student and they also can give the students with some skills to answers question the

better way. They also may share problems among them because it easier for school


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student to co-operate with the universities student because they are more like brothers

and sisters to them. As a return, we will provide them with an appreciation letter and at

the same time, we are helping them with their social service program. So, it’s like a win

win situation, right? We also may organized a special day or special for those subjects

such as “English Day/Week”, and “Science and Mathematics Day/Week”. There are so

many events and program that we can do while the program is being held such as essay

writing competition, spelling bee competition, debate and during the week, students and

teachers have to speak in English while communicating with each other and if they

failed to do so, they will be fined 20 cent each time they make the mistake and maximum

RM1.00 per day. For the Science and Mathematics, we can organize a trip to National

Science Centre, Planetarium Negara or Petrosains Exhibition. Students will be surprise

of what could they find there because there are so many amazing thing that they may

explore when they were there and we hope that this will increase their interest to learn

more about Science and Mathematics. On top of that, we also could organize a

Mathematics workshop that will be conducted by an experience teachers. One more

thing, we also can arrange an extra class or tuition at school maybe after the end of

school session or on the weekend. These tuition will be teach by the school teachers

itself and as a rewards, they will be given some incentive. Sound like fun isn’t it?

Ok, we are done talking about the subjects issues, and I hope all of you understand

everything that been told just now. Now, I would like to move on to our second issues.

As you all know, everything in this world nowadays have a price and to make sure all of

the methods will be done successfully, we got have enough money and that is our second

issue here. We don’t have enough money in our PTA funds, so we have came out with a


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few ideas on how to earn more money.

After having a discussion with the PTA committee, we thought that it will be good if

we having a “Carnival Day” at school. There will be a food stalls, souvenir stalls, games

other thing that we think is appropriate with the events. All this stalls will be manage by

each club and association from the school. I know you all are wondering on

how we will earn the money from this events. During the “Carnival Day” , every single

purchase must use coupons. Coupons booklet will be sold in three prices and that will be

RM20.00, RM40.00, and RM60.00 per booklet. 60% from the coupons selling collection

will go to the PTA funds and another 40 % will be divided to all clubs and association

that have been participated in the events and to make it more interesting, clubs or

association that can collect the highest amount, will be given a special prize.

“Charity Dinner” is another option to raise money for our fund. We will selling tables

to earn the money. The price for each tables will be RM500 each and there will be 10

person per table. Each tables will cost us about RM250.00 for the food and we will take

another RM50.00 per table in order to buy presents for the lucky draw. So, we will earn

RM200.00 nett per table. Let’s say we are having about 50 tables, total amount that we

can get is about RM10,000.00. Isn’t that great?

We all comes from a different kind of economics background, so we will be grateful if

any of you would be generous to donate some money for our PTA fund or with the

power that you have, you can persuade any private organization to contribute a sum of

money to our PTA fund.

So, now I would like to summarise about my speech today. For the poor performance of

our children in those three subjects, we all have to participate and always back each other


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up for sake of children’s victory. You are always welcome if you have any new ideas in

conjunction to make this school the best place for our children to gain knowledge.

Teachers, parents and any party that involve must playing their part to make sure the

successful of our children. I’m sure that you don’t want to cry because of their failure but

to cry because they have succeed with flying colours, right? We understand, that not

everyone can give their money that easy. Some of you may have more important thing to

do with the money instead of giving us just like that but that not the issues, because we

really hope that you still contribute in your own ways as long as all the thing that we

have been discussed just now will reach its goals.

Last but not least, I would like say on behalf of the PTA committee, a million of thank

you to all of you because you let us take a little of your time to attend this meeting. I also

would like to apologize if I have say anything that makes you angry. The good thing

comes from God, the bad thing comes from me. Thank you very much.


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1. http://www.gnarlymath.com/gnarart1.html

2. http://gb5023researchaction.wordpress.com/2009/11/21/aktiviti7-kelemahan-


3. http://www.cikguazleen.com/2008/04/punca-dan-cara-mengatasi-masalah-


4. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/effective-teaching-strategies.html

5. S. Sivagnanachelvi, Dr Chong Poh Wan, Chua Eok Keng, Cik Norazlina

Mohamad.( 2009 ) Topic 1, Communication : An Overview, Model of

Communication, Transactional Model. Editorial Unit Open University Malaysia

OUMH1303 English for Oral Communication ( 2nd ed., p10 ). Selangor : Meteor

Doc Sdn. Bhd.

6. S. Sivagnanachelvi, Dr Chong Poh Wan, Chua Eok Keng, Cik Norazlina

Mohamad. ( 2009 ) Topic 1, Communication : An Overview, Forms of Oral

Communication, Public Communication. Editorial Unit Open University

Malaysia. OUMH1303 English for Oral Communication ( 2nd ed., p14 ). Selangor

: Meteor Doc Sdn. Bhd.

7. S. Sivagnanachelvi, Dr Chong Poh Wan, Chua Eok Keng, Cik Norazlina

Mohamad. ( 2009 ) Topic 8, Public Speaking, Different Types of Speeches, The

Informative Speech. Editorial Unit Open University Malaysia. OUMH1303

English for Oral Communication ( 2nd ed., p168 ). Selangor : Meteor Doc Sdn.


8. S. Sivagnanachelvi, Dr Chong Poh Wan, Chua Eok Keng, cik Norazlina

Mohamad. ( 2009 ) Topic 8, Public Speaking, Different Types of Speeches, The

Persuasive Speech. Editorial Unit open University Malaysia. OUMH1303

English for Oral Communication ( 2nd ed., p169 ). Selangor : Meteor Doc Sdn.
