our lady of perpetual help catholic church · 2018. 9. 30. · rev. mr. horacio corchado, deacon...

Sunday Mass Schedule 6:30a.m., 8:00a.m.(Español),9:30a.m.,11:00a.m., 12:30p.m., 4:00p.m.(Korean), & 5:30p.m. Daily Mass Schedule Monday - Thursday: 7:30a.m. & 5:30p.m. Friday: 8:45a.m. Saturday: 7:30a.m. & 5:30p.m. Vigil Confession Schedule - In Chapel First Saturday of the month: 11:00a.m. - Noon & 4:00p.m.-5:00p.m. Every Saturday: 4:00p.m. - 5:00p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Monday: 8:00a.m. thru Tuesday 7:15a.m. Tuesday: 6:00p.m. - 7:00p.m. 1st Friday: 9:30a.m. thru Saturday 7:15a.m. 3rd Friday: 7:15a.m. - 8:15a.m. - for Vocations Rev. Robert B. Borges, Pastor Rev. Athanasius Okure, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Horacio Corchado, Deacon Rev. Mr. Rick De Leon, Deacon Rev. Mr. E. Gary Stevens, Deacon Sr. Martha Arteaga, MEMI, Hispanic Ministries Our Lady of Perpetual Help School Patrick Dodd, Principal Heather Forcey, Vice Principal 836 Dewitt • Clovis, CA 93612 299-7504 • www.olphschool.net Office Hours: Monday ~ Friday 8:00a.m. ~ 4:00p.m. 929 Harvard, Clovis, CA 93612 • (559) 299-4270 • Fax (559) 299-7126 www.olphclovis.org • e-mail: [email protected] Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ Sept 30, 2018 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00a.m. ~ 5:00p.m. Friday: 9:00a.m. ~ Noon 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month: 9:00a.m. ~ 1:00p.m. The People of God of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish are commiƩed to: Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ; Celebrate the Gospel through our rich Sacramental heritage; Live the Gospel through acƟve service to our neighbor; Share the Gospel through lifelong Catholic formaƟon to every generaƟon; and Perpetuate the Gospel with the help of Our Lady for the glory of God.

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Page 1: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church · 2018. 9. 30. · Rev. Mr. Horacio Corchado, Deacon Rev. Mr. Rick De Leon, Deacon Rev. Mr. E. Gary Stevens, Deacon Sr. Martha Arteaga,

Sunday Mass Schedule 6:30a.m., 8:00a.m.(Español),9:30a.m.,11:00a.m.,

12:30p.m., 4:00p.m.(Korean), & 5:30p.m.

Daily Mass Schedule Monday - Thursday: 7:30a.m. & 5:30p.m.

Friday: 8:45a.m. Saturday: 7:30a.m. & 5:30p.m. Vigil

Confession Schedule - In Chapel First Saturday of the month:

11:00a.m. - Noon & 4:00p.m.-5:00p.m. Every Saturday: 4:00p.m. - 5:00p.m.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Monday: 8:00a.m. thru Tuesday 7:15a.m.

Tuesday: 6:00p.m. - 7:00p.m. 1st Friday: 9:30a.m. thru Saturday 7:15a.m.

3rd Friday: 7:15a.m. - 8:15a.m. - for Vocations

Rev. Robert B. Borges, Pastor Rev. Athanasius Okure, Parochial Vicar

Rev. Mr. Horacio Corchado, Deacon Rev. Mr. Rick De Leon, Deacon

Rev. Mr. E. Gary Stevens, Deacon Sr. Martha Arteaga, MEMI, Hispanic Ministries

Our Lady of Perpetual Help School

Patrick Dodd, Principal

Heather Forcey, Vice Principal

836 Dewitt • Clovis, CA 93612

299-7504 • www.olphschool.net

Office Hours: Monday ~ Friday

8:00a.m. ~ 4:00p.m.

929 Harvard, Clovis, CA 93612 • (559) 299-4270 • Fax (559) 299-7126

www.olphclovis.org • e-mail: [email protected]

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ Sept 30, 2018

Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday: 9:00a.m. ~ 5:00p.m. Friday: 9:00a.m. ~ Noon

1st & 3rd Sunday of the month: 9:00a.m. ~ 1:00p.m.

The People of God of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish

are commi ed to:

Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ;Celebrate the Gospel through our rich

Sacramental heritage; Live the Gospel through ac ve service

to our neighbor; Share the Gospel through lifelong Catholic

forma on to every genera on; and Perpetuate the Gospel with the help of Our

Lady for the glory of God.

Page 2: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church · 2018. 9. 30. · Rev. Mr. Horacio Corchado, Deacon Rev. Mr. Rick De Leon, Deacon Rev. Mr. E. Gary Stevens, Deacon Sr. Martha Arteaga,

The Sacrament of Bap sm/Bau smo Those interested in a ending Bap smal

Prepara on Class must register in the Parish Office or please visit our website for more informa on and to print out a registra on


Los padres necesitan visitar la oficina parroquial para hablar con la Hermana Martha. Su horario de oficina es Lunes y Viernes dentro de las horas de

mediodía a 5p.m.

The Sacrament of Matrimony/Matrimonio The bride or groom should make an

appointment with one of our priests at least six months in advance.

La Novia o Novio necesitan hacer una cita

con nuestro. Párroco por lo menos seis meses antes de la Boda.

Wedding Banns In the coming weeks, Christopher

Jackson Perkins and Britney Elizabeth Toste will be married at our church. If

you know of any canonical reason for them not to be married, please contact the parish office.

Anoin ng of the Sick If you are having a scheduled surgery and would like to have the anoin ng, please call the office and make an appointment

with one of our priests prior to your procedure.

Our Faithfully Departed We pray for the repose soul of Dionicio Gonzalez and all the faithfully departed.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace, Amen

Altar/Ves bule Flowers The Ves bule flowers were donated by

Maria D. Franco in memory of Greg Bustamante. Flowers are a wonderful way

to honor special loved ones or special event with a dona on of flowers, for your

convenience the Altar/Ves bule Flower Calendar is located right outside the entrance to the chapel.

Flores del altar son una maravillosa manera de

honrar nuestros queridos u ocasiones especiales. Tenemos muchos espacios disponibles para

nuestros arreglos del altar y del ves bulo para el año.

Mass Inten ons Mass inten ons are a beau ful way to pray for our

loved ones both those who have died, and those who are s ll here with us. Requests may be made at the

parish office. Intenciones de las Misas son una hermosa manera de

rezar por nuestros seres amados-tanto los que han muerto y los que todavía están aquí con nosotros. Las

solicitudes se puede hacer en la oficina parroquial.

Sunday 9/30

Nm 11:25-29; Ps 19:8, 10, 12-13, 14, Jas 5:1-6; Mk 9:38-43, 45,

47-48 5:30p.m. Vigil 6:30a.m. 8:00a.m. 9:30a.m. 11:00p.m. 12:30p.m. 5:30p.m.

Brian Higgins † Chris Chavez † OLPH Parishioners Martin Saavedra † Mr. & Mrs. Greg Newman Alice Carreiro † Aidan Montes

Monday 10/1

Memorial of St. Therese of the Child Jesus

Jb 1:6-22; Ps 17:1bcd, 2-3, 6-7; Lk 9:46-50

7:30a.m. 5:30p.m.

Judy Tolbert † No Mass—Office is Open

Tuesday 10/2

Memorial of Guardian Angles Jb 3L1-3, 11-7, 20-23; Ps 88:2-3, 4

-5, 6, 7-8; Mt 18:1-5, 10 7:30a.m. 5:30p.m.

No Mass—Office is Open Communion Service

Wednesday 10/3

Jb 9:1-12, 14-16; Ps 88:10bc-11, 12-13, 14-15; Lk 9:57-62

7:30a.m. 5:30p.m.

Communion Service No Mass—Office is Open

Thursday 10/4

Memorial of St. Francis of Assisi Jb 19:21-27; Ps 27:7-8a, 8b-9abc,

13-14; Lk 10:1-12 7:30a.m. 5:30p..m.

No Mass—Office is Open Hai & Rosa Nguyen

Friday 10/5

Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; Ps 139:1-3,7-8, 9-10, 13-14ab; Lk 10:13-16

8:45a.m. Eduardo F. Pauda, Jr. †

Saturday 10/6

Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Ps 119:66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130; Lk 10:17-24

7:30a.m. 5:30p.m. Vigil

June Rusak † Souls in Purgatory

Sunday 10/7

Gn 2:18-24; Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6; Heb 2:9-11; Mk 10:2-16

6:30a.m. 8:00a.m. 9:30a.m. 11:00p.m. 12:30p.m. 5:30p.m.

Living & Deceased ICF Members Ramon Fletes Martinez † John Quintero † OLPH Parishioners Robert Sanchez, Jr. † A. Jack Hernandez †

Page 3: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church · 2018. 9. 30. · Rev. Mr. Horacio Corchado, Deacon Rev. Mr. Rick De Leon, Deacon Rev. Mr. E. Gary Stevens, Deacon Sr. Martha Arteaga,

Next weekend, we will participate in our regular

second collection for our school. Your entire contribution goes

toward tuition assistance, instructional materials, academic programs,

and administrative support. Your contribution WILL make a difference.

Please give generously.

BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Those who have suffered a loss of a loved one are invited to join our support group on the second & fourth Saturdays of the month at 1:00pm at our

Harvard House at 689 Harvard Ave. behind Notre Dame Hall.

Irene • 291-4966 ~ Maureen • 906-6447

Stewardship Report Weekly goal is $14,500

Sept , 2018

Plate Collec on $10,830.43

Outreach Collec on $6,835.71


Behind Notre Dame Hall- Phone 298-8808 Hours: Mon. & Sat.: 9a.m. - Noon &

Thurs 2-5p.m. If you like to volunteer, please call

Jacqui Ramirez at 299-4270


$2,500.00 — Mar n Ouelle e $1,000.00 — Yuechane Lor

$500.00 — John Loera $250.00 — Catherine Uribe

$250.00 — Be y Massa $100.00 — D. Ladeairous $100.00 — Sandra Vargas

$100.00 —Khan Ha $100.00 — Sherry Alexander

$100.00 — Jose Diniz Congratula ons !!!

Thank you for all those who par cipated to make our Fes val a success, whether it was se ng-up, working booths, cooking, cleaning-up, buying /selling raffle ckets

but especially coming out and have a great me. It is always nice to see us coming together and enjoying one

another, friendship, fellowship and fun that is what it’s all about.

Thank you for your Time, Talent and Treasures!

Page 4: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church · 2018. 9. 30. · Rev. Mr. Horacio Corchado, Deacon Rev. Mr. Rick De Leon, Deacon Rev. Mr. E. Gary Stevens, Deacon Sr. Martha Arteaga,

Help to serve the people of God

Have you considered helping your Church at Mass? Perhaps in one of these spiritual rewarding ministries:

*Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

*Lectors *Ushers/Greeters/Hospitality


Please pray, reflect, and consider helping. Questions? Contact the

Parish Of ce for a volunteer form.

Art and Environment Committee We are looking for creative volunteers to help make our church more beauti-ful for Holy Days and Seasons of the liturgical year. If you are interested please contact Janet or Jacqui at the

parish office at 299-7504

Honoring our Judges, Lawyers, Legislators and other Pubic Officials


Principal Celebrant: The Most Rev. Armando X. Ochoa, D.D. Bishop

Diocese of Fresno Friday, Oct. 19, 2018 at 12:10p.m.

St. John’s Cathedral Recep on immediately following at

Singleton Hall for addi onal info contact Marty Oller 433-1300

Page 5: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church · 2018. 9. 30. · Rev. Mr. Horacio Corchado, Deacon Rev. Mr. Rick De Leon, Deacon Rev. Mr. E. Gary Stevens, Deacon Sr. Martha Arteaga,


Olph COUNCIL 10248


SEMINARIAN FUNDRAISER Saturday, October 27th @ 5:30pm Notre Dame Hall ~ 333 Eighth St.

Clovis, CA 93612

Dinner/Dance $40.00 per person Dance only $20.00 per person

Dance opens at 8:00pm

Casual dress a re

Social Hour - 5:30 (Must be 21 to a end)

Dinner- 6:00 – 7:00 Dance and Fun- 8:00 – 11:00pm

All proceeds will benefit our Diocesan Seminarians.

Monetary dona ons will be accepted, please write check to:

Knights of Columbus - Council 10248 2685 Holly Ave. Clovis, CA 93611

For ckets or more informa on please call: Bob: (559) 930-1155 James: (559) 647-2602

“James- Pearls for Wise Living” An Eleven-Part Bible Study

a series by The Great Adventure Publication which features Jeff Cavins in its video presentations

Tuesday Evenings ~ Now thru December 4, 2018

6:45pm-8:30pm No cost to attend the Bible Study. An optional

textbook with Bible Study material is $25 and will be available for purchase at the class

For more information, please contact: Karen Mentlewski at 559-313-2032

[email protected]

Page 6: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church · 2018. 9. 30. · Rev. Mr. Horacio Corchado, Deacon Rev. Mr. Rick De Leon, Deacon Rev. Mr. E. Gary Stevens, Deacon Sr. Martha Arteaga,


To be precise, a man only “knows” he is called when he is ordained!

However, there are many posi ve signs that can point to a voca on, and

which can help a man make the decision to enter the seminary and

con nue along the path towards the priesthood. Read these statements to

yourself, take them to prayer, then act on what you know is right. God

knows, you may be called to the priesthood!

• A personal rela onship with Jesus Christ is important to me.

• People have told me I would make a good priest.

• Going to Mass and Adora on is a very important part of my faith life.

• The thought of becoming a priest keeps coming back over and over again.

• I feel called to give more of myself to others.

• I have a burning desire to help people get closer to Christ and to know the Truth.

If some of these statements reflect how you feel, if your heart is

pounding even harder, if you sense a greater desire to find out if God is

calling you to live in black and white, get in touch with the Voca ons

Director or our Pastor. voca [email protected]

Have no fear, the Lord wants only what is best for you!

WELCOME TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Bienvenidos a Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo

Socorro We are happy and grateful to have you with us today! If you would like to register at OLPH, please fill

out this form and place it in the collec on basket, drop it off, or mail it to the parish office.

Estamos felices y agradecidos de que estén con nosotros el dÍa de hoy! Si desea registrarse en esta parroquia, por favor llene la siguiente forma y regrésela en la canasta de la colecta o entréguela a la


New parishioner New address Please send me Sunday contribu on envelope Nuevo miembro Nueva dirección Por favor envíenme Sobres para mi contribución Please send informa on on ACH (Auto Clearing House Process) Electronic Contribu ons Por favor envienme información en ACH(Auto Clearing House Process) Contribuciónes Electronicas

NAME_________________________________________________________ Husband and Wife’s Name, if applicable / Nombres de Esposo y Esposa si aplica. FAMILY LAST NAME __________________________________ Apellido de la Familia ADDRESS /DIRECCIÓN ________________________________________________________________ CITY/CIUDAD____________________ ZIP____________ PHONE (Cell) _____________________________ PHONE (H) ____________________


SHARE YOUR TIME AND TALENTS WITH US / COMPARTE TUS DONES Y TALENTOS! I would like to serve at Our Lady of Perpetual Help as a/ Me gustaría servir en Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro como: ____________________________________________________

Gracias por Acompañarnos ~ Thank You for Joining Us!

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Page 7: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church · 2018. 9. 30. · Rev. Mr. Horacio Corchado, Deacon Rev. Mr. Rick De Leon, Deacon Rev. Mr. E. Gary Stevens, Deacon Sr. Martha Arteaga,
Page 8: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church · 2018. 9. 30. · Rev. Mr. Horacio Corchado, Deacon Rev. Mr. Rick De Leon, Deacon Rev. Mr. E. Gary Stevens, Deacon Sr. Martha Arteaga,

PARISHMINISTRIESPastoral Finance [email protected] Pastoral Council [email protected] Pastoral Finance Chair [email protected] Evangeliza on evangeliza [email protected] Family Life [email protected] Religious Educa on [email protected] Social Jus ce socialjus [email protected] Stewardship [email protected] Worship [email protected]


Altar Servers Mark & Dee Schultz 559-299-4270 [email protected] Extraordinary Ministers Rick Page 559-299-1686 [email protected] of Holy Communion Cindy Lucas 559-906-2950 [email protected] Lectors John Thibodeaux 559-905-7441 jgt1jmt2@a .net Ushers/Greeters Luis Ramirez 559-801-4856


Bible Study Karen Mentlewski 559-313-2032 [email protected] Encuentro Matrimonial Rogelio & Brenda Covarrubias 559-862-6551 Natural Family Planning Veronica Fortunato 559-917-7106 Linda Garcia 559-392-2119 Retrouvaille Marty & Denise Ouelle e 559-862-6765 Retrouvaille en Español Lupe & Maria Arredondo 559-935-1424 [email protected]


Boy Scouts (Ages 11-18) Robert Hillis 559-392-0149 Catholic Daughters Lydia Ledezma 559-241-4867 Cursillos Pablo Galvez 559-321-5963 Patricia Galvez 559-321-5964 Grupo de Oración Maria Torres 559-314-5146 Tina Torres 559-240-6724 Italian Catholic Federa on Jeane e Shriver 559-291-7543 Knights of Columbus Freddie Jimenez, Grand Knight 559-352-8004 [email protected] Korean Community Liaison John Roh 559-304-7494 [email protected] Open Door Prayer Group Virginia Corpus 559-392-0899 Mary Lou Francisco 559-906-5671 Our Lady’s Guild Dorothy S ers 559-292-9533 dorothys ers@a .net Perpetual Helpers Veronica Roebuck 559-299-4270 Silver Foxes Angelo & LeAnne Lavagnino 559-298-3625 angelolavagnino@a .net Sociedad Guadalupana Estela Aparicio 559-348-3077 The Workshop Madeline Conatser 559-297-0149

Policy for Bulle n Announcements

Deadline is 14 business days prior to the Sunday you would like your ar cle

to be considered for publica on. Ar cles will run for approx. 3wks. Ar cles must be approved prior to

appearing in the bulle n. Send submissions to:

bulle [email protected]

PARISH STAFF - 299-4270

Director of Parish Operations: Jacqui Ramirez [email protected]

Director of Religious Ed.: Karen Mentlewski [email protected]

Director of Liturgy & Music: Janet Peevyhouse [email protected]

Admin. Assistant/Registrar: Lidia Rivera [email protected]

Receptionist/Office Assistant: Silvia Camarena [email protected]

Bookkeeper: Arsen Adjemian [email protected]