our lady queen of peace the medjugorje story · 2018. 10. 26. · mirjana medjugorje medjugorje, a...

Our Lady Queen of Peace Apparitions of the Mother of God 1981 - Present Day THE MEDJUGORJE STORY

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Page 1: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

Our LadyQueen of Peace

Apparitions of the Mother of God 1981 - Present Day


Page 2: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,


Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother

of Jesus, began to take place on Wednesday 24th June, 1981. Her message to the

world is that God exists, for us to be at peace, and to reconcile our differences. On the

tenth anniversary of the apparitions war broke out in Yugoslavia. Three of the six

visionaries continue to have apparitions today.

When They See Our Lady

Many scientific and medical tests have been carried out by experts. All have concluded

the visionaries to be normal. During the time of the apparition, the visionaries make no

response to loud sounds, bright lights in their eyes, or touch. The visionaries claim that

Mary speaks to them, prays with them, and gives them messages for the world. They

can even touch Her. Some of them were taken by her to see Heaven, Purgatory and Hell.

The Message

The Mother of Jesus invites us to put God in the first place in our lives, to pray daily, to

fast on bread and water on Wednesdays and Fridays, confess our sins, and go to Mass.

In this way, She said in July 1982, “You can stop wars and prevent natural disasters”.

The Visionaries Today

All Six Visionaries are now married. Three of them continue with daily

apparitions, usually at 18.40 BST. They are invited to spread the messages Mary has

been giving them since 1981. They receive invitations from all continents to share Our

Lady’s message.

Ivan Marija

The Visionaries

2 Medjugorje Explained

Page 3: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

at Medjugorje

VickaFuture Events

The Mother of Jesus has spoken to the visionaries about some future events, ten of

which are to be announced three days before they happen. The Visionaries already

know these dates, and Medjugorje Centres around the world are ready to spread the

news of the announcements, Mary says, it is to verify the authenticity, and to encourage

more people to convert, ie., to turn back to God.

A Permanent Sign

Gospa, (The Croatian title for the Mother of Jesus) has promised to leave a permanent

sign on the site of the apparitions. The sign will remain until the end of the world. We will

be able to see the sign, but not touch it. “My Children”, said Gospa, “Do not wait for the

sign before you convert or it may be too late”.

Jackov Jelena

W h e r e H e a v e n M e e t s E a r t hM E D J U G O R J E

CARDIFF - The Welsh PilgrimageFlying from Bristol International Airport every year

To go to Medjugorje, flying from Bristol International Airport every year,please contact Mr. PhilIp Illsley: Tel 01443 203305

Medjugorje Explained 3

Page 4: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

My name is Philip Illsley and I organised our first Pilgrimage toMedjugorje in 1996: there were twelve of us - The TwelveApostles! Since then I have organised a Pilgrimage every May,flying from Cardiff Airport.

There have been many grace’s and blessings received by the people who have joined our pilgrimage to Medjugorje. Some havereceived outward signs; rosaries turning gold, the sun spinning,shapes and figures of the Christ child, the Holy Mother, the SacredHost etc., whilst others have had visions that have touched theirhearts and some miraculous healings.

Many people have experienced inner peace and tranquillity, a feeling of belonging, cleansing and healing, to name but a few ofthe remarkable occurrences in Medjugorje. There is a sense of holiness within the fields and the mountainsides surrounding the village where the Blessed Mother has been appearing daily sinceJune 24th 1981.

I have personally been blessed with the opportunity to visitMedjugorje on 47 occasions. Each visit has been unique andmemorable on my own personal journey of faith.

The parish church of St. James

The parish church towers and the statue of Our Lady have become a recognised symbol of Medjugorje.

By Mr. Philip Illsley

Every word of Our Lady is of value and directed to the hearts of everyone

4 Medjugorje Explained

Page 5: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

Each visit has brought me peace and tranquillity and a closenessto God, with a deepening and greater love of my faith. Medjugorjeis a place of tremendous love and faith, the whole atmosphereechoes peacefulness. It is a place where you are given theopportunity to find peace within yourself and with God.

Whether walking through the fields and climbing the hills, the simplicity and serenity of this holy place allows your hearts to opento the call of Mary, to let the love of Jesus penetrate your wholebeing and....

To make time for God.Since my first pilgrimage in 1996, my life has changed; it has beenenhanced with the fruits and graces of God’s love.

Medjugorje ChangesPeoples’ Lives

I have come to tell you God exists

This is a timeof grace for

each one of you!

Medjugorje Explained 5

Page 6: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

These apparitions at Medjugorje are by far the most importantevents in over 2000 years.

Why? ....Because the Mother of God, The Queen of Peace,The Queen of Heaven, The Immaculate Conception, theMediatrix of all graces, The Mother of us all, has descendeddaily, from her heavenly throne, to this earth, to a tiny villagein the Bosnia Herzegovina region of the former Yugoslavia,called Medjugorje, since June 24th 1981 to present day.

So far, millions of pilgrims from all over the world haveflocked to be where the Mother of God appeared, continuesto appear every evening in Medjugorje. These supernaturalevents have survived; all efforts of the Communists to put a stopto them, many scientific studies, even the condemnation of thelocal bishop, and the hostile media, throughout the world. In spiteof all this the apparitions have survived giving strongevidence that this is from God, because nothing and no onehas been able to stop them!

These apparitions at Medjugorje have proved themselvesover and over again. The local Franciscan clergy atMedjugorje have given documented proof to the Vatican, ofthousands of miraculous cures, and healings, throughthese fruits, Medjugorje has become so credible nowthroughout the world, that the burden of proof thatMedjugorje is authentic...

By Mr. Philip Illsley

God will reward you with great gifts if you abandon yourself to him

Medjugorje Changes Peoples’ Lives

6 Medjugorje Explained

Page 7: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

Medjugorje Changes Peoples’ Lives...has shifted from those who believe, to those who are justopposed, and those who are opposed, these are beingcrushed daily by the fruits of Medjugorje, which are sopowerful that they are changing and will continue to change,the whole face of the earth.

Grace is something my Mum brings back from Medjugorje

Is Mary CallingYou To Medjugorje

A time for prayer at thesite of one of Our Lady’s apparitions on the hill atPodbrdo.

Medjugorje Explained 7

Page 8: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

In Medjugorje you recapture a life full of joy, serenity, and purpose...You understand the reason you are living, where you havecome from, and where you are going...You take your life back into your hands with vigour...You rediscover a love in your life that trials anddifficulties have buried...Then you feel like a new person, and even others areaware that something has changed your life...

To go to Medjugorje

flying from Bristol

International Airport

every year:

Please contactMr. Philip Illsley:Tel 01443 203305

God never brings confusion to the soul - but attracts it and fills it with love

An Invitation to Medjugorje...

8 Medjugorje Explained

Page 9: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

Whether you are a priest, lay person or religious, I would like you to readthese few words. As you know it was Jesus himself who was the first toapply the title ‘Mother of Christ’ to the Church, when he said “My brothersand sisters are those who hear the word of God and put it into practice.”[Luke 8:21].

We are all called to grow into a spiritual maturity resembling Mary and thisis brought home to us by St. Francis of Assisi when he wrote to his brothers“We are Mothers of Christ when we carry him in our hearts and our bodiesthrough divine love and a pure and sincere conscience - we give birth tohim through holy works which should shine as an example before others.”

Today, Mary as a Mother is concerned about us, a concern which shinesthrough her messages at Medjugorje. These messages are based on theGospel and on content. On this basis alone a Catholic is not only freeto adopt the messages of Medjugorje, but is in fact called to live them,which are nothing less than the challenge of the Gospel. This inspires ustoday to greater prayer, penance and as a result to peace in public andprivate life.

Can an obedient Catholic accept the contents of private revelation prior toan official judgement of the Church on the apparitions?The answer is yes - provided the person takes the trouble to examine theorthodoxy of the messages and finds nothing incompatible with the Gospelor Church teaching.

If you have avoided Medjugorje - then, please, I beg you do so nolonger. At least read and reflect on the messages. Mary in simplybegging us to take the Gospel to our hearts and to live it with passion andconviction. Yes it is a challenge, but is there anything wrong with that?

May the Lord and his Mother bless you.Fr. J. McCaffery OFM Spiritual Advisor Medjugorje Apostolate England and Wales

Whether you are a Priest,Lay Person or Religious.I would like you to

read these few words.

Medjugorje Explained 9

Fr. J. McCaffery OFM

Page 10: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

Fr John Patrick Thomas,Spiritual Director of

The Welsh Pilgrimageto Medjugorje

10 Medjugorje Explained

Medjugorje A Personal PerceptionAsk me 20 years ago about Medjugorje and I would have dismissed it out of hand. Imean its bad enough immersing oneself into seminary was throwing up to startconsidering the ‘visits of Our Lady’ well that was beyond belief.

20 years on and whilst still struggling to keep abreast of the philosophical, theologicaland pragmatic pastoral issues of my day I would say that theory and experience aremutually suited to each other. Even if it means myths are exploded or created. I havecome to discover the truth sometimes lies in the paradoxical marriage and mismatchof theory and practice. Medjugorje falls into the invitation Jesus extends to those whoask ‘Where do you live?’ ‘Come and see.’ (John 1:38) The author of the gospel makesclear his intention behind the books that make up the corpus of his work in chapter 20verse 31: ‘There were many other signs that Jesus worked in the sight of the disciples,but they are not recorded in this book. These are recorded so that you may believe thatJesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing this you may have life throughhis name.’ In my two visits in the last two years my experience points to the validationthat Medjugorje is truly a place of profound prayer and faith. I have come to lay aside20 years of disinterest because I chose to ‘Go and see’ for myself.

Walking the handful of streets in the small village that make up Medjugorje I felt asthough I was walking through liquid prayer. It’s beyond saturation point. The place’speace, beauty and tranquillity betray its country’s immediate history which has seenhorrors visited in sectarian fighting, fear and death. It’s as though the disfigurement ofhumanity’s inhumanity is being washed away by heaven sent peace. A peace impartedby God and dispersed by the simple and fervent faith of a people who truly are poor;a peace which flows as effortlessly and rhythmically as a penitent praying the rosary.In this place one finds ones true place in God’s creation. As Fr. Svet said in his addressduring our week this year ‘you are the centre of the pilgrimage you have come on, youmay think God is but here you are central because God’s whole attention is centred onyou.’ In all our prayers we forget that ‘I’ am indeed central for God truly wishes to listento and respond to ‘me’. My story is important to him as a child’s stumbling story is ofimportance to its mother or father. In these streets my life and the lives of others aroundme are being rewritten by the author of life.

The signs attest to this. The story of sorrow, pain, suffering and the unforgiven isrewritten through the compassionate words of absolution. How else would fellowpriests like myself spend a mere hour and thirty minutes minimum hear confessionsdaily? In services of healing tears shed under burdens unimaginable are transformed

Fr. John Patrick Thomas

Page 11: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

Medjugorje Explained 11

into tears of joy as peace, happiness and strength give succour to stooping spirits. Asthe Lord wishes this spiritual salve often brings about physical health and well-beingtoo. For some sight is truly restored, the deaf do really being to hear and crippled walk.The gospel message proclaimed weekly from pulpits and ambos across the world areeveryday realities. God is among his people. Truly I say these words ‘God is with us.’‘Emmanuel’ I say.

Much unnecessary significance is given to the miraculous by the sensationalist; herethe miraculous manifest blessings which deepen faith, renew joy and increase thepraise of God. No more is this more apparent and indeed for me palpable than duringadoration of the Blessed Sacrament. I just cannot stop crying so strong is the love thatemanates and permeates all who gather to adore Jesus. The miracle of tears ofhappiness, joy and peace are truly sensational because they reveal God’s love andhealing for you, for me. These daily miracles are our assurances that ‘I am with youalways until the end of time.’ I prayer that when that end time does come I will be withhim always too.

I cannot hope every to capture in words the inexpressible reality of the resurrection Ihave experienced in Medjugorje. Words failed St. Paul constantly as they did the otherevangelists. Yet the words that give me a sense of Christian authenticity are these:

‘By their fruits you shall know them’ Matthew 7:20‘Taste and see that the Lord is good.’ Psalm 34:8

Whatever preconceived ideas people and priests among them, may have about thehappenings at Medjugorje they are just those preconceived. These two wise biblicalsayings provide us with a prudent perspective with which to discern the truth. Myencounter with Medjugorje, its visionaries, villagers and pilgrims has been uplifting andgrace filled. I have savoured its fruit and wholesomeness and have been changed inthe process for the better. If I were to say which words would summarise the messageof this place of prayer and faith it would be these from Psalm 122: 6-9

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem pray, ‘Peace be to your homes!May peace reign in your walls in your palaces, peace!’

For the love of my brethren and friends I say: ‘Peace upon you!’For the love of the house of the Lord I will ask for your good.

Pictured from left to right: Fr John Patrick Thomas, Fr Teyrnon Williams,Viska the Visionary, Fr Bill Curran & Mr Philip Illsley

Page 12: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

12 Medjugorje Explained

The Welsh Pilgrimage to Medjugorje is dedicated to re-building the lives of children and families whose lives were torn apart and destroyed during the war in Yugoslavia. After the war, approximately three million people, including 500,000 childrenwere displaced, made homeless, or had suffered the loss of oneor both parents. This war left a terrible legacy. Millions of people ofthis once peaceful area of Europe were left homeless. Their needfor help it acute and continues to this day. Our trust has beenestablished to help rebuild the lives of those most affected, thechildren, and the elderly.

We have in place, programmes to help with poverty relief,humanitarian aid, sponsorship of orphaned children, financialaid to orphanages, financial aid to homes for the elderly.”

Please send donations to:Philip Illsley, 18 Meadow Hill, St. David’s Manor, Church Village, East Glam. CF381RX.

The Fruit’s of OurPilgrimage to Medjugorje

By Mr. Philip Illsley

We are sometimes called a “Pilgrim People” because we are, all of us, travelling along the road of life to our destination with God, Our Father.Out search for happiness is really a search for God. We keep our faith strong by keeping close to God.Only God can fulfill our dreams and we can only be certain to reaching complete happiness if we travel along life’s pilgrim road and faith together with God.

Page 13: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

To make a donation, please send payments to:

Mr. P. Illsley, 18 Meadow Hill,St. David’s Manor, Church Village, East Glam. CF381RX

Giving hope tothese little ones

We dependon your kindness

There are one hundred and fifteen orphans who are cared for bynine sisters in the Order called Missionaries of the WoundedFamilies. The children are from 28different communes in Citluk,Bosnia, Herzegovina. The majority are Catholic, although thereare some Orthodox, and Muslim children. The youngest is 1 monthold, and the oldest, 20 years old. Sr. Cornelia, who runs thisorphanage, said that they received no help from the state, and wasentirely dependent on the assistance of friends, like the Welsh Pilgrimage to Medjugorje.

Orphanage in Citluk,Bosnia, dedicated toPope John Paul II

Medjugorje Explained 13

With your help, we can make a difference

Page 14: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

Extracts from the book “Medjugorje and the Church” by kindpermission of Sister Emmanuel and Denis Nolan.

The public expects us to say something about the events in theparish of Medjugorje, where six children claim the Madonnaappears to them... It is certain that the children have not been‘talked into’ anything, and have not - certainly not by the Church -been encouraged to speak falsehoods. Everything indicates thatthe children are not lying... When the Jews tried to silence theApostles, according to the Acts of the Apostles, a teacher of theLaw, highly regarded by all the people, Gamaliel, said to theJewish assembly: “If their purpose or activity is human in its origins, they will destroy themselves. If, on the other hand, whatthey say comes from God, you will not be able to destroy them.You might even be found opposing God!” (Acts 5:38-39).

This is our stand at present.

Bishop Pavao ZanicBishop Mostar(Published in Glas Koncila, August 16, 1981)

(Glas Koncila, August 16, 1981, p. 1)

Medjugorjeand the Church

14 Medjugorje Explained

Page 15: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

In response to many questions from priests and bishops aboutMedjugorje, we have assembled here some basic information. Wehope this modest summary will dispel any confusion in people’s minds as to the Church’s position on Medjugorje. Wehave not sought to retrace the history of the apparitions, alreadycompetently related in several books. Nor have we sought to beexhaustive, but rather to awaken interest and provide some pointsof departure from which each person can undertake a morecomprehensive study.

After having given his support to the testimony of the six visionaries at the beginning of the apparitions (“It is certain thatthe children have not been talked into anything... Everything indicates that the children are not lying.” Glas Koncila, August 16,1981), Bishop Zanic, the Bishop of Mostar, changed his mind anddenied their authenticity.1 Entrusted by Rome with the Commissionof Inquiry as local bishop, he submitted a negative judgment toCardinal Ratzinger in 1986. This judgment was echoed in thenewspapers, and many Christians, even among the clergy, havesince received no more information.

But Cardinal Ratzinger rejected these negative conclusions.And - an event without precedent in the history of apparitions - thelocal bishop (Msgr. Zanic) was relieved of the dossier.


On March 22, 1995, Archbishop Frane Franic, Ordinary at the time of the Metropolitan, See that in 1981 included

Medjugorje, informed Sr. Emmanuel and Denis Nolan that at a meeting of the BYC (Bishops’ Conference of

Yugoslavia) held soon after Bishop Zanic had changed his mind, he explained before the Bishops’ Conference why

he had done so: “Through one of the children Our Lady sent me an admonition, and the Blessed Mother would

never admonish a Bishop!” The Conference granted Bishop Zanic’s request, and Archbishop Franic’s response,

“But in the Book of the Apocalypse the Holy Spirit admonishes seven Bishops!”, was not recorded in the minutes

of their meeting.

Medjugorje and the Church

Medjugorje Explained 15

Page 16: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

This fact was not widely reported. Rome dissolvedBishop Zanic’s commissionand then put the matter inthe hands of the YugoslavianEpiscopal Conference. Anew commission wasconsequently appointedunder the presidency of Bishop Komarica (of Banja Luka, Bosnia-Herzegovina). On the 21st of November, 1990, Bishop Komarica(President of the Commission) came in person to celebrate thepilgrimage Mass and to announce that other bishops on theCommission would follow, and this happened up until the war.According to the customs of the Church, this is the equivalent ofa recognition of the devotion and of the pilgrimage. In his homilyhe acknowledged the good fruits of prayer and conversion atMedjugorje: “The Commission recognises these fruits.”

On the 11th of April, 1991, at Zadar, the Episcopal Conferenceresponsible for the Commission accepted Medjugorje as a placeof prayer. This is not yet a final “Yes” on the part of the Church butit is a big “Yes.” It is in any case an explicit encouragement for themaking of pilgrimages and to priests to come and administer the sacraments there.

Bishop Ratko Peric, the new Bishop of Mostar, came toMedjugorje on the 6th of June, 1993, to confirm 150 children there.In his homily, he recalled the most important points made by theCommission on the 11th of April, 1991, on the subject ofMedjugorje, namely:

But CardinalRatzinger rejected

these negativeconclusions...

Medjugorje and the Church

16 Medjugorje Explained

Page 17: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

• Medjugorje is officially accepted as a place ofprayer and worship.

• A liturgical and pastoral team is responsible forensuring the rightful status of the Virgin in the officesof the Parish.

• The Commission has declared a“non constat de supernaturalitate.”

This Latin phrase signifies that at the present stage ofinvestigation, it is not yet possible to declare the supernaturalreality of the phenomena, but that such a possibility remainsopen for the future. There exists another canonical phrase -“constat de non supernaturalitate” - which the Commission hasnot employed. It signifies that the phenomena have been declaredfalse definitively. Few people know of these canonical subtleties,which is why the rumour has circulated - even among the clergy -that the Commission has made a negative declaration andthat, therefore, pilgrimages to Medjugorje are either not advisedor forbidden.

This is not the case at all. On the contrary, there is every reasonto hope that the supernatural authenticity of the apparitions will bedeclared in the future. At the same time, we ought to be patient,because waiting for this declaration may take as much as half acentury! In fact, has there been a single case where the Churchhas recognised apparitions while they were still occurring? Howmay years after the last apparition did she wait before recognizingLourdes or Fatima?

Medjugorje and the Church

Medjugorje Explained 17

Page 18: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

We bishops have accepted Medjugorje as a placeof prayer, as a sanctuary... Cardinal Kuharic

Cardinal Siri of Genoa, gave hisassessment to Bishop Hnilica in1989: “I have noticed that thepeople who come fromMedjugorje become apostles.They renew the parishes. Theyform groups in which they gettogether, prayer groups. They pray before the Blessed Sacrament.They hold lectures, lead discussions and bring othersto Medjugorje. And these circles - these prayer groups - spreadout more and more. They renew the Church!”(Gebetsaktion #4, 1990).

Testimonies from 40 bishops(10 Cardinals among them)have been collected andpublished in Medjugorje: ATime For Truth And A Time ForAction by Denis Nolan, USA.Let us note, for example, fromCardinal Frantisek Tomasek:“Personally, I am convinced thatMedjugorje is the continuationof Lourdes and Fatima. Step by

step the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph. And I am alsodeeply convinced that Medjugorje is a sign for this.”(Gebetsaktion, #17, 1990)

“I have noticed that thepeople who come from

Medjugorje becomeapostles... They renew

the Church!”

“Personally, I am convinced

that Medjugorje is the

continuation of Lourdes

and Fatima. Step by step the

Immaculate Heart of Mary

will triumph. And I am

also deeply convinced

that Medjugorje is a sign

for this.” Cardinal Tomasek

18 Medjugorje Explained

Medjugorje and the Church

Page 19: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

From among the greatesttheologians of our century, letus note further testimonyfrom Cardinal (designate)Hans Urs von Baltasar:“The theology of Medjugorjerings true. I am convinced ofits truth. Everythingconcerning Medjugorje is authentic from the Catholic point of view.All that happens there is so evident, so convincing!” (Interview withFr. Richard Foley, S.J., November, 1985.) Von Baltasar met withvisionary Maria Pavlovic in Germany. Before being named acardinal he stated for publication: “There is only one dangeralone for Medjugorje - that people will pass it by!”

And among the great figures in theChurch the Holy Father has manytimes expressed his faith inMedjugorje. Cardinal Tomasek hasmade public the Holy Father’sremark in his presence, “If he were not Pope he would like to goto Medjugorje to help at the work with the pilgrims.” The HolyFather has invited numerous priests and bishops to go there. Hehas received several of the Medjugorje visionaries, among themMirjana Dragicevic. Upon her first visit to Rome he spoke for 20minutes with her in private. The visionary states that she will revealnothing about this conversation for the time being, apart fromthese words of the Holy Father: “If I were not the Pope, I wouldbe in Medjugorje already.”

“Medjugorje is authenticfrom the Catholic pointof view. All that happens

there is so evident,so convincing!”

Hans Urs von Baltasar

“If I were not the

Pope, I would be in

Medjugorje already.”

Pope John Paul II

Medjugorje and the Church

Medjugorje Explained 19

Page 20: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

Six children, from unsophisticated backgrounds- are they capable of keeping up such a pretensefor over 33 years? Could the “fabrication” of asmall team of priests give rise to millions ofconversions across the entire world, to thetransformation and illumination of millionsof lives by Christ? Could it lead to the renewingof whole dioceses, the creation of thousandsof small prayer groups, the reconciliationof thousands of families or the blossomingof an incalculable number of priestly orreligious vocations?

Does one not know a tree by its fruits?

Podbrdo at dusk: A large, wooden cross at the place of the first apparitions.

Medjugorje and the Church

20 Medjugorje Explained

Page 21: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

Our Lady constantly, in most of her messages, asks us to PRAY-PRAY-PRAY my children. She asks us to pray with the heart, notjust with words. Think about what you are saying, she says and towhom you are addressing in prayer God!

Mary tells us also that in prayer we will come to know the greatest joy and the way out of every situation, that has noway out. Mary confirms to us that with prayer and fasting we canstop wars and suspend the laws of nature. She encourages usto read the Bible daily, to form prayer groups and to makeeucharistic devotions. She particularly asks us to pray theRosary daily, all the mysteries of the Rosary daily and she urgesus to go to monthly confession.

The messages she brings us at Medjugorje does not convey anynew teaching, but echoes the teachings of the gospel and thechurch. She tells us, that without us God’s plan for the salvation of mankind cannot be realised. Therefore she urgesus day-by-day to grow closer to God through prayer. Prayer, myfriends is the key, if we do not have a prayerful life, if we do notspend time in prayer daily, we are not able to comprehend themessages and what is God’s plan for us. Mary tells us that sheis with us here in Medjugorje in order that we may be able to bringabout Gods plan in all its fullness.

Our Lady is telling us that she appears at Medjugorje to fulfilGod’s plan to save mankind, through each one of us, but wecannot comprehend the magnitude of it all, nor our role in his planwithout prayer.

By Mr. Philip Illsley

Our Lady Asks Us To Live Her Message -

Her Words From Heaven

Medjugorje Explained 21

Page 22: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

Our Lady Asks Us To Live Her Message -

Her Words From HeavenSinful human nature she says blocks our intelligence, so we arenot able to understand the greatest of our role, in God’s plan tosave mankind. Only through prayer can this veil be removed,so we can see the reality and the truth of Our Lady’s wordsfrom Heaven.

Our Lady started giving monthly messages for the world atMedjugorje in January 1997, this first message was a veryimportant one, and this message should be central in our understanding of Medjugorje. This first message expresses thereason for the apparitions at Medjugorje. Here is this essential andcrucial message in all its entirety.

Dear children behold, also today I want to call you to startliving a new life, as of today.

Dear children I want you to comprehend, that God, has chosen each one of you in order to use you in a great plan, forthe salvation of mankind. You are not able to comprehend how great your role is in God’s design.Therefore dear children, pray, so that in prayer you may beable to comprehend what is God’s plan through you. I am withyou in order that you may be able to bring it about in all itsfullness. Thank you for having responded to my call. On August 2nd 1981, Mary gave this message to the visionaries at Medjugorje - A great struggle is about to unfold,a struggle between my son and satan. Human souls are atstake, without your prayers I cannot help you to understandthe messages that my Lord has permitted me to give you.

22 Medjugorje Explained

Page 23: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,




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Booking Form must be accompanied by a deposit of£100 per person.Cheques made payable to Marian Pilgrimages.and sent to: Mr. P. Illsley, 18 Meadow Hill,St. David’s Manor, East Glam. CF38 1RX.

Page 24: Our Lady Queen of Peace THE MEDJUGORJE STORY · 2018. 10. 26. · Mirjana Medjugorje Medjugorje, a small village in Herzegovina, is where the apparitions of Mary, the Mother of Jesus,

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CARDIFF - The WelshPilgrimage To Medjugorjeevery year flying from Bristol Airport

Please contact Mr. P. Illsley18 Meadow Hill, St. David’s Manor,

Church Village, East Glam. CF38 1RX.

Telephone: 01443 203305