our quiet time with god (modified from "growing strong to serve" by paul champoux ©2000,...

OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

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Page 1: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


(Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

Page 2: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

GOD SPEAKS TO US(Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church

You traveled to a foreign country, far from your home and family. Every day you look for communication from home. Then a letter or E-mail arrives! What do you do with it? Do you leave it unread for days? Or do you eagerly read it?

God, your Father in Heaven, loves you dearly and has written a letter to you: the Bible. Are you reading it? Your Lord God has given written instructions to you in the Bible. Do you give the Bible top priority?

Page 3: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


Note: The terms, the Lord's teachings, rules, ways, orders, your word and commands, all refer to the instruction God gives us in His written word, Scriptures, the Bible.

Page 4: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


1. What will reading the Bible do for you? Read the Bible quotations below and summarize what they say about how the Bible can help you.

Psalm 119:105 New International Version (NIV)105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

God's Word gives us guidance.Proverbs 2:6 (NIV)6 For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come

knowledge and understanding.

Page 5: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


Proverbs 2:6 (NIV) 6 For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come

knowledge and understanding. God’s word gives us knowledge, understanding and


Page 6: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


Romans 15:4 (NIV) 4 For everything that was written in the past was written to

teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

The Bible provides us with a record of God's power, mercy and faithfulness to save His people in the past, and of God's promises to us for the present and the future. This gives us hope. Hope is the confident expectation of the good that God will bring into our lives now and in the future.

Page 7: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


2. Now read the Bible passages below and make a list of the specific benefits that God wants to give you through reading the Bible.

Psalm 119:1-4 (NIV)1 Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the LORD.2 Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart—3 they do no wrong but follow his ways.4 You have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed.

Page 8: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


Psalm 119:1-4 (NIV)1 Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the LORD.2 Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart—3 they do no wrong but follow his ways.4 You have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed.

Psalm 119:9-11 (NIV)9 How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.10 I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Page 9: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


Joshua 1:7-9 (NIV)7 “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Page 10: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


2 Peter 1:2-4 (NIV)

2 Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

Confirming One’s Calling and Election

3 His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

Page 11: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


Answers to question 2

God's Word gives us basic values and general direction for living. It leads us to understand and love what is true and good, and to hate what is wrong, wicked and deceptive. The Bible shows us the errors and sins in our attitudes and behaviour. This understanding, in turn, encourages us to want to do what is right and good.

Page 12: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


Answers to question 2

In addition, God's Word directs us to depend on Him to enable us to do what is right - to obey what He tells us to do. When we welcome God's Word into our heart, He purifies us and enables us to overcome temptation. The Bible also shows us that we cannot do good by ourselves alone. When we ask God for help sincerely, with all our heart, He helps us and purifies our lives.

Page 13: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


Answers to question 2

This obedience, in turn, brings true and lasting success in every area of our lives. We will be prepared and equipped to work to bring about good in the world (justice, kindness, love and knowledge of God and His salvation).

But all this depends on whether we make a serious and thorough study of God's Word, and faithfully obey it.

3. How can the benefits listed in Questions 1 & 2 help you in your personal life right now? Think of needs in your life where the Bible could help you. What difficulties are you going through now for which you need to read God's words of encouragement?

Page 14: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


4. The most important and wonderful reason to read the Bible is expressed in what Jesus said to His followers in this Bible passage. What is this greatest of all the benefits from reading the Bible?

John 14:21-23 (NIV)

21 Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”22 Then Judas (not Judas Iscariot) said, “But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?”23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.

Page 15: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


Answers to question 4

The greatest benefit from reading the Bible is that it helps produce for us a loving, intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Additional thoughts: Because we love Jesus, we want to know what He wants us to do. We cannot know all that He wants us to do unless we read what He says in the Bible. When we know His commands and obey them, then we experience God's nearness and love for us in a special, greater way.

Page 16: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


So now to help you to get the most from your Bible reading, you need to learn when, where and how to read the Bible. ("How" will be discussed later.)

Page 17: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


When?5. According to Jesus' illustration in the following verse, how

often should we read the Bible?

Matthew 4:4 (NIV)4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Page 18: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)



Answer: Jesus' reference to physical food implies that feeding our minds and spirits with God's Word at least every day is necessary for spiritual health and strength.

Additional thoughts: We hunger for food for our body every day. We eat several times a day as a habitual practice. We set aside other important or interesting activities in order to get our necessary food. If we miss many meals, we become weak or sick. This illustrates how important it is for a Christian to give Bible reading a delightful, regular place in his daily schedule.

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6. Your Response to the Bible's Teaching

Ask God, "How often do you want me to read your word?" Then write down your promise to God for how often you will read the Bible.

7. What principles can you get from the following verses to help you select a time (or times) of day to meet with God for Bible reading and prayer?

Page 20: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

What time to read your Bible?

Exodus 23:19a (NIV)19 “Bring the best of the firstfruits of your soil to the house of the LORD your God.

Psalm 143:8 (NIV)8 Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.

Answer: The farmer was encouraged to bring the best and the first of his resources as his gift to God. What time of day are you most alert? For many people, like King David, that time is early in the morning. However, for others, the best time may be at night, or some other time.

Page 21: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

What time to read your Bible?

8. Your Response to the Bible's Teaching

Therefore, what is the best time of day for you to read the Bible? Find good quality time for God, not just whatever is left over after you have done everything else you want to do. When would you be most alert for effective study? Do not schedule too long a time for Bible reading. If the reading time is too long to maintain day after day, you may get discouraged. But as your enjoyment of Bible reading grows, the length of time will increase. Make a time when you can be relaxed and unhurried. What time(s) of day will you schedule to read God's Word?

Page 22: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

WHERE TO READ THE BIBLE 9. According to the following passages, what did Jesus do when

the pressure of His work did not allow Him to talk with His Father in Heaven, or with His disciples?

Mark 6:31, 3231 Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

Mark 1:3535 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Answer: Jesus frequently went to a private, quiet place to talk with God, sometimes with His disciples, other times by Himself.

Page 23: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

WHERE TO READ THE BIBLE 10. Your Response to the Bible's Teaching

Think about a place for you to meet with God. Where could you read the Bible without being distracted by people, phone calls or work demands? Write here what you think the best place would be for you to meet with God for daily Bible reading and prayer:

(Write where you think would be the best place for you to read your Bible and pray every day.)

Page 24: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

WHERE TO READ THE BIBLE Additional thoughts: Find a place where you can have relaxed time alone with God. It requires time and concentration to hear God speak to you personally through the Bible.

Find a place where you will not be distracted visually, or by the telephone or TV, or by people's demands on you.

If possible, find a separate place (not where you usually sit to work, with work papers or newspaper lying around) where you can go every time for your regular meeting with God. This will become a special place that puts you in the mood for prayer and Bible reading. Then after you have established the habit of meeting God there on a daily basis, you will find it easier to meet with God in any private place, having the same sense of His nearness and companionship.

Page 25: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


With what attitude, or desire, should you come to meet with God? To illustrate the point of this question, think about the difference between:

a. how two college students listen to a professor lecturing in a class,

b. how those same students, who are very close friends, listen to each other.


Page 26: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


11. God's love for you, and your love for God, should produce what attitude (feeling and purpose) when you meet with God to listen to His special word to you?

OUR ATTITUDE: Devotional

To help you answer this question, describe in your own words, King David's attitude, expressed in his prayers to God in the Bible quotations below.

Psalm 42:1, 2

1As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.2 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?

Page 27: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


OUR ATTITUDE: Devotional

Psalm 63:1-4, 7-8A psalm of David. When he was in the Desert of Judah.

1 You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water. 2 I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. 3 Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. 4 I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.

7 Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.8 I cling to you; your right hand upholds me.

Page 28: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)


OUR ATTITUDE: Devotional

Answer: David's attitude is to be devoted, attentive and eager to please.

Additional thoughts: The Christian who knows and loves God eagerly desires to meet with God. Reading God's Word is not an academic exercise, or just a duty. The Christian's spirit is driven by a hunger for companionship and conversation with God our Father and friend. We expect that God will meet with us and speak to us through His words in the Bible, and we feel His presence and love for us.

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As you read, listen for God to give a message especially for you and your needs. And remember, the living God is present with you, speaking to you; so reply to him.

When you read a command or instruction, decide to follow it--and tell God that you will. When you read what God has done for you, or promised you, then thank Him. Carry on a dialogue with God. He speaks to you; you reply immediately with praise. If He speaks to you again in a Bible; you reply again with a request based on what he promised.

This makes God's presence real to you, and draws you into a loving, trusting, obedient relationship with him.

Page 30: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

Practical Guidelines to Studying the Bible

Pray: Begin by asking God's Spirit to teach you, that you will understand and be able to obey what God wants you to do.

John 14:2626 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

John 16:12-1412 “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.

Page 31: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

Practical Guidelines to Studying the Bible

Background: What information can you get about the author, time, and place of the book? If you have access to Study Bible, they will include an introduction to each of the books of the Bible.

NIV Study Biblee-book version

Global English Standard Version (free Kindle e-book version)

Suggestion: BROAM

Page 32: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

Practical Guidelines to Studying the Bible

Read:Now read more careful the specific verses you are studying to understand what it teaches.

Suggestion: BROAM

Search for facts by asking questions: such as, who? where? when? what happened, or what does it teach to do or know? how? Why?

Underline important words or phrases, or those which show truths new to you. Then select the most important or helpful parts and write them down in a notebook.

Page 33: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

Practical Guidelines to Studying the Bible Suggestion: BROAM

If you do have trouble with some key words then try looking them up in a dictionary.try a Bible map if you have them in your bible. . For locations of places

I would encourage you to get a notebook where you can write down you observations, questions, applications and even your prayers if you like as you go along. We call this notebook a spiritual journal or diary.

Read: If there are words that you do not understand, focus on the main ideas of the passage.

Page 34: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

Practical Guidelines to Studying the Bible

Suggestion: BROAM

Observation: There are some questions to consider as you study the verses in more detail. We will consider these again during our study in Phil. 2:19-30.

1. What words or phrases are repeated?2. What is the main theme or idea of this section?3. What does the verses teach about God?4. Does the verses say anything about God the Father, Son, or

Holy Spirit?5. Is there a reason to worship God?6. Are there any good examples to follow?7. Are there any lessons that can be learned from the experience

of the people described?

Page 35: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

Practical Guidelines to Studying the BibleSuggestion: BROAM

Apply: What God is teaching you for your daily life. Below are, some questions you can ask yourself as you study.

1. Is there a promise to claim?2. Is there a command to obey?3. Is there a sin to confess?4. Is there an example to follow?5. Is there a behaviour to change?6. Is there an issue to pray about?

Memorize: Is there any special verse(s) that would be useful to memorize?

Page 36: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

Practical Guidelines to Studying the Bible

Pray: Remember that during your study you should be responding back to God as He talks to you through His love letter to you. If you have not already, you should finish by thanking god for what you have learned and ask Him to help you obey. You should also take time to pray for others as well.

Page 37: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

Sample Personal Study - Philippians 2:19-30

Pray: Begin by asking God's Spirit to teach you, that you will understand and be able to obey God wants.

Go to your private place where you can have a quiet time to spend time with God.

Background: If you can not remember the background information about the letter of Paul you can check a Study Bible or the introduction to our study in Philippians on the internet.

Read: Philippians 2:1-30 quickly to review this chapter.

1. What do you think is the major theme or thesis of this chapter in the Bible?

Page 38: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

Personal Study - Philippians 2:19-30

Consider the following questions and see if they will help you understand the passage. Note: that not all of the verse you are studying will be able to answer each of these question words.If you still also have trouble understanding you can check the resources mentioned above.

Read Philippians 2:19-30 (pg. 1407).Note the difference options you have on this website.

1. When? (When did the events happen that are described in these verses?

When Paul was in Rome awaiting trial, under guard 61 AD (Acts 28:11- to end of Acts)www.uoguelph.ca/~dbuchner/2tim3V16/Acts/Paul_lifeline.html

Page 39: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

Philippians 2:19-30

2. Where? Where was the location that these events occur? If you have a Bible with maps included try looking up the places named.

Answer: In Rome where Paul was in chains under house arrest (Phil. 1:12-13; Acts 28:16, 30-31).www.uoguelph.ca/~dbuchner/2tim3V16/Acts/Paul_lifeline.html

Page 40: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

Philippians 2:19-30

3. Who? Who are the people involved in these verses?

The people involved in these verses are Paul, the Christians he is writing to in Philippi, Timothy, and Epaphroditus.

Page 41: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

Philippians 2:19-30

4. What did you learn about these people?

a. Paul

b. Philippians

c. Timothy

d. Epaphroditus

For more information about Timothy or Epaphroditus you could check go to www.biblegateway.com/keyword/ and type either name to find other verses in the Bible where their name is mentioned. Some Bible as have word sources as well call a Concordance.

Page 42: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

Philippians 2:19-30

5. Why? You may want to write this question down in your notebook to check on this later. You could ask for clarification from a more experienced Christian either by e-mail or in person. You could check some Bible helps like using a study Bible, commentaries on books of the Bible, a dictionary or check the internet for help. www.biblegateway.com/resources/ is a good place to begin.

Page 43: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

Philippians 2:19-30

Observations:Consider the questions below. Are there any of these questions that you can answer? For example, is there a command to obey?

1. What words or phrases are repeated?2. What is the main theme or idea of this section?3. What does the verses teach about God?4. Does the verses say anything about God the Father, Son, or

Holy Spirit?5. Is there a reason to worship God?6. Are there any good examples to follow?7. Are there any lessons that can be learned from the

experience of the people described?

Page 44: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

Philippians 2:19-30

Application: Do any of these questions help you to see what God is teaching you for your personal life? 1. Is there a promise to claim?2. Is there a command to obey?3. Is there a sin to confess?4. Is there an example to follow?5. Is there a behaviour to change?6. Is there an issue to pray about?

Memorize: Is there any special verse(s) that would be useful to memorize?

Page 45: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

Pray: During you time of study, God may have been speaking to you. If you are done with you time of study then take some additional time to talk to Him in prayer in the language you feel most comfortable using. Silent prayer is fine for God knows you thoughts). Ask Him to help you to do what He is asking me to do. You can pray more specifically about what you have learned and any other issues and needs that you would like to pray for either for other or yourself. Don't forget to start by praise God for who He is and what He has done.

Page 46: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

YOUR METHOD: Deeper, Systematic Study

If you have not read much of the Bible yet, begin reading about the life of Jesus in Matthew, Luke or John. Also read Genesis. Then a good plan to introduce you to all the Bible, would be to read Acts, then Romans, Exodus, another one of the 'gospels" (Matthew, Luke or John), Leviticus, then the remainder of the New Testament. Then work your way through the Old Testament at the same time that you read through the New Testament a second time. Psalms and Proverbs are exceptions. You can read each chapter separately, interspersed with your other-reading of whole books. Always read the Bible first, before reading other books about the Bible. However, as you develop your knowledge of the Bible, you will want to use Bible study helps such as the notes of the New International Version (NIV) study Bible or the English Standard Version study Bible e-book version, commentaries, Bible dictionaries, topical reference books, etc. These will help you dig deeper for spiritual insights and treasures in the Bible. There are also some guides on the Internet. Here are some additional links that provide daily Bible Study guides:Intervarsity daily Bible studiesToday in the WordBack to the Bible Search the Scriptures - A Three-Year Daily Devotional Guide to the Whole Bible

Page 47: OUR QUIET TIME WITH GOD (Modified from "Growing Strong to Serve" by Paul Champoux ©2000, ISI and "Friendship with God" © 1992 Willow Creek Community Church)

YOUR METHOD: Deeper, Systematic StudyHowever, as you develop your knowledge of the Bible, you will want to use Bible study helps such as the notes of the New International Version (NIV) study Bible or the English Standard Version study Bible e-book version, commentaries, Bible dictionaries, topical reference books, etc. These will help you dig deeper for spiritual insights and treasures in the Bible.

There are also some guides on the Internet. Here are some additional links that provide daily Bible Study guides:

Intervarsity daily Bible studiesToday in the WordBack to the Bible

Search the Scriptures - A Three-Year Daily Devotional Guide to the Whole Bible