ourcambridge engaging effectively with academics · ourcambridge engaging effectively with...

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Engaging effectively with academics

Ian Matthias and Jo Bishenden (PA Consulting)

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Introductions and what we’ll cover in this session

• The Golden Principles

• Practical ways to engage with academics



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Engaging effectively with

academics – the golden



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Crystal clear on your case for change:

A really well written document goes far. What does it mean for

me? What are the benefits for me? Use data or evidence to support the

reasons for the change.


10 golden principles – strategic level

Think about timingInvolve academics early but good engagement does not

mean endless rounds of consultation. Be considerate

of the demands on time.


Be clear on your objectives / purpose:

What are you seeking to achieve - simply raising

awareness? changing behaviour?


Identify the ‘degree’ of buy-in you want

to achieve: 50% 10%? You are not

going (or need) to secure everyone


Who are you engaging with?: Don’t just engage with the younger

academics or ‘usual suspects’. Find the right people to talk to and

make sure you involve everyone who is affected to avoid the

question ‘why wasn’t I consulted?’


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10 golden principles – practical level

Be resilient Be patient

Sometimes your approach may not

land, but try something else


Right channel mixDon’t rely on broadcast - plenty of opportunity

for face-to-face discussion where



It is not all down to you

Bring academics into the programme. Peer-to-peer advocacy can be a

good unblocker


9 Get the language right

Change management terminology can be a turn-off. Talk openly

and honestly and with respect to the need for


11Close the

engagement loopEnsure you feedback outcomes and reasons

for it. Ground in evidence

Build the relationshipListen to concerns, be flexible

with your approach and use the engagement to work out any

shared goals that you can work towards together.

Find out about the academic before hand, what re their

interests, how do they like to work


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The words you most commonly when creating the key principles

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Practical ways you can

engage with academics –

academic engagement



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Why are we engaging with academics?

What are you trying to achieve?

They need to be aware of the


Need to change behaviours /

have them fully bought in

Low touch High touch


They need to support the

change or contribute ideas /


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They need to be aware of the project


They need to support the change or

contribute ideas / perspectives


Need to change behaviours / have

them fully bought in

Low touch High touch

Communicate future

academic journeys / day

in the life visuals

E-mail from e.g. PVCs

Text / twitter

Faculty / School

governance meetings

Campus video screens or

screen savers

Form part of the project /

change team

Training on new systems

and policies

Peer-to-peer advocacy

Ownership of a process /

change in respective area

Involvement in change

readiness assessments

Invite onto academic user


Changes to objectives

Identify ‘nudge’ changes

to influence behaviour

Coaching / mentoring


Direct Head of School


Ongoing f2f briefing and


Departmental / school


Online feedback / pulse


Drop-in sessions to walk

through prototypes

Interviewed as part of

change project

Regular cascade via

Head of School (e.g. 5

key update points every

three months)

Head of School

presentations and


Establish feedback loop

from academic user


UoC specific newsletter /


Sentiment analysis? (H /

M / L awareness?)

What are you trying to achieve through academic engagement?

World café event

Formal feedback process

on written document /


Feedback loop from

academic user group


Attends Community of


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Host workshops at Department level

Establish an academic advisory / user group and create a feedback loop

Establish online feedback mechanisms / pulse surveys

Arrange drop in sessions to walk through a new process or prototype of new technology

Interview colleagues as part of the project(involving those with specialist interest)

World café events

Establish a formal feedback / consultation process to written proposal

Create a Community of Practice

Networking events, away days or social activity (e.g. drinks reception). Create environment that allows less formal discussions

Establish academic champions at all levels

10 key involve channels / techniques* In use? Y / N / NA

Head of Department presentations / briefings / updates at termly meetings (ongoing)

Presentation at existing governance meetings (build relationships with committee chairs)

One-to-one meetings

Update e-mails from Head of Department or Project Sponsor

Regular cascade e-mail of key update points every few months

Establish Yammer or WhatsApp groups

Informal drop in sessions (include refreshments)

Short newsletter updates e.g. via Regus newsletter (clinical school) or ourcambridge

Future academic journeys / day in the life and share with academics

Create an infographic or visual roadmap. Disseminate / create posters

10 key inform channels / techniques*

In use? Y / N / NA

INFORMWe want academic colleagues to be

aware of the project and what we are planning

INVOLVEWe want academic colleagues to support

the change or contribute ideas / perspectives

INSPIREFor the change to succeed we need to change behaviours and have academic

colleagues fully bought in

What are you trying to achieve through your academic engagement?

There are a range of engagement channels / tools you can use in your projects:Low touch High touch

* The ourcambridge team will be creating a toolkit/ best practice examples of the key channels and techniques listed above

Invite onto the project team or agree ownership of a process / change in their area

Joint academic / professional service training or provide training on new systems and policy

Encourage peer-to-peer advocacy (within academic sphere – PhD students, DAs, technicians)

Establish action learning sets

Adjustments to objectives, incentives and rewards (e.g. ACP, supervisor recognition scheme)

Identify ‘nudge’ changes to influence behaviour

Provide coaching and mentoring support

Create task and finish groups with academic involvement

Involvement in change readiness assessments

Direct Head of Department interventions

10 key inspire channels / techniques*

In use? Y / N / NA

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Your golden principles (1)

Golden Principle What you said

Be clear on your objectives Intellectual humility - this is a hypothesis based on analysis of the data, involve them in identifying


Be clear on your objectives Clear on explanation and what the change will achieve and what's in it for them

Be clear on your objectives Keep it simple, straight forward and relevant

Be clear on your objectives Clear instructions (think of subject line in emails to make sure they open it)

Be clear on your objectivesBeing transparent, clear about expectations, build rapport with regular engagement, acknowledge &

appreciate academic position

Be resilient, be patient Being patient and convey a concise message

Be resilient, be patient Be patient, you might have to keep trying so don’t take non-engagement personally

Be resilient, be patient Patience

Be resilient, be patient Patience

Be resilient, be patient Patient and persistant

Be resilient, be patient Persitance

Build the relationshipFind out as much as possible about the person you're contacting, are they the right person and am I

wasting their time - can they respond?

Build the relationship FInd something to connect with them for example, their research

Build the relationship Do some homework about how best to engage

Build the relationship Present issues as joint problem solving activity

Build the relationship Look for shared goals and work together to achieve them

Build the relationship Listen first then say your piece, give and take

Build the relationship Listen and be flexible

Build the relationship Work with and not to them

Build the relationship Be kind and treat equally

Build the relationship Build rapport with regular engagement, acknowledge & appreciate academic position

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Your golden principles (2)

Golden Principle What you said

Close the engagement loop Give them facts and be to the point

Close the engagement loop Quantitative v qualitative data

Crystal clear on your case for change Make it easy, interesting and matter to them

Crystal clear on your case for changeEnsure they understand that we are trying to support them to do what they do best not

make more work

Crystal clear on your case for change Tell them what they need to know

Crystal clear on your case for change Tell them what’s in it for them

Crystal clear on your case for change Communication of the advantages and what's in it for me

Crystal clear on your case for changeDeliver something they want as part of early change efforts, to obtain trust and open

dialogue on other issues

Get the right language Keep it simple

Get the right language Talking with honesty, and openly and with respect for the need for change

Right channel mixLocation, location, location - face to face interactions to ensure communications are


Right channel mix Use different channels to connect and contact

Right channel mix Face to face

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Your golden principles (3)

Golden Principle What you said

Think about timing Awareness of time of academics

Think about timing Timing is everything, pick the right moment

Think about timing Being upfront about any demands on their time (even if its only a little)

Think about timing Involve academics early and allow them the opportunity to provide feedback based on

their own experience

Think about timing Pick the right time

Who are you engaging? Involve academics who are already on side

Who are you engaging? Why wasn't I consulted?

Who are you engaging? Include students where relevant additional resource/benefit of experience

Who are you engaging? Building a network of close friends

Who are you engaging? Find the right people