outpost - bsap uk

British South Africa Police "'-::; " Regimental Assmation UK ""OUTPOST Issue?3 Winter 2009 ~Published b The United Kingdom Branch of the BSAP Regimental Association and the BSAP Trust PATRON OF THE BSAP TRUST General 5e Lord Walker GCB CMG CBE EDITOR Mike Abbotts (5975) e-mail: michael. abbotts1@ btinternet. corn Tel: 01 932 3493?3 Mob: 07931 388821 Proof Reader Alan Lane {5248) The opinions ex~ in Ve UK~are not necessarily those of the UK Branch of the BSA Police Regimental ~tion and the BSAP Trust. Please Address correspotxtence to the Hon Sec whose details are published on the last page. 02 Chairman's Chat 03 Around 8 about the UK and Ireland 3- VSC London; 4- VVhitwell Braai; 7- Irish Gathering; 9- Regimental Association Annual Dinner 2009 13 Move from Chudleigh Dates for Your Diary 14 The UK Inpost 15 Short Term Accomodation for Ex@/lembers Email Addressess- From Bertie Cubitt 17 The BSAP Trust-What it is and what it does. 18 Early Days In The Rhodesian Police 22 From the Far Outposts 22 Natal; 23 Australia, 24-Queensland; 25- Transvaal; 27- New Zealand; 28 The Western Cape. 29 British South Africa Police Memonal National Memorial Arboretum 31 Who's This' Two Wheels 8 A Tokoloshe by Dave I emon 32 Invitation to Danger A Tale of T~ 8, Romance by Joy Madean 33 A Fifty-Two Year Memory - 6130 Randy Symmons 38 Important informabon in regard to Zimbabwe Pension 39 Support Unit Nominal Roll Changes of Address 8 Other Contact Details 41 Squad 5of59 43 Pink Elephant of Sinoia 45 Elegy for a Despot, Output Publication Deadlines Christmas 8 New Year wishes to all 46 Obituaries 49 Overseas Branches INSIDE BACK COVER - UK Committee 8, Trus~

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British South Africa Police "'-::;" Regimental Assmation UK

""OUTPOSTIssue?3 —Winter


~Published bThe United Kingdom

Branch of the BSAPRegimental Association

and the BSAP Trust


General 5e Lord Walker


EDITORMike Abbotts (5975)


michael. abbotts1@btinternet. corn

Tel: 01932 3493?3Mob: 07931 388821

Proof ReaderAlan Lane {5248)

The opinions ex~ in

Ve UK~are not

necessarily those of the UK

Branch of theBSA Police Regimental

~tion and the BSAPTrust.

Please Addresscorrespotxtence to the

Hon Sec whose details arepublished on the last page.

02 Chairman's Chat03 Around 8 about the UK and Ireland

3-VSC London; 4- VVhitwell Braai; 7- Irish Gathering;

9- Regimental Association Annual Dinner 200913 Move from Chudleigh

Dates for Your Diary

14 The UK Inpost15 Short Term Accomodation for Ex@/lembers

Email Addressess- From Bertie Cubitt

17 The BSAP Trust-What it is and what it does.18 Early Days In The Rhodesian Police22 From the Far Outposts

22 —Natal; 23—Australia, 24-Queensland;25-Transvaal; 27- New Zealand; 28 The WesternCape.

29 British South Africa Police Memonal

National Memorial Arboretum

31 Who's This'Two Wheels 8 A Tokoloshe by Dave I emon

32 Invitation to Danger —A Tale ofT~ 8,Romance by Joy Madean

33 A Fifty-Two Year Memory-6130Randy

Symmons38 Important informabon in regard to Zimbabwe

Pension39 Support Unit Nominal Roll

Changes of Address 8 Other Contact Details41 Squad 5of5943 Pink Elephant of Sinoia45 Elegy for a Despot,

Output Publication DeadlinesChristmas 8 New Year wishes to all

46 Obituaries49 Overseas BranchesINSIDE BACK COVER -UK Committee 8,Trus~


British Soph Africa Police " - .-" '

Regimental Association UK

C.'1 l»l(I H l1»l(;i'8 C'. f l »1(1'

A» ever, I;UH )(1)tii)&» this in the

«lfICI111ath of the Anntull DIIIHCI attd pl. k)I"

to o(u' Chrtsttll«&ts L»athcntl&~». jhc dtHncl

wtt», at»;tin, a very successfill event with

7t) in attcndancc, ,ut intpn)vcn)&'Ht on IJ.'it

ycJI. FLIC Onslow !i sj)ccYh w«as!illort JHd

!ih'Up h(tt vctp ct)tcltainin&»; thc Iwsponsc

frotn TotlV 41Jn&'Ct O'J» Of his Ltstutl litt»lt

sttrxLird. KVC ))cn deli&»htcd to wclcotnc

I'Ltcsts fnull overs&'lts of whonl I IHLlst

csj)(axially mention Hill Ct Jhttxv. —;Ivcty

fit ) yc«u old ovct' ftT)IH N«IL'll. A ftlllct'

rcport 'uld pllok)s itppcJI clscwhct'c,

Much of my eliot this time is to tl:f(.*r

yotl k) Itcins apj)c(U11)f» clscwhctc IH tjlis

i»»tlc. Plat ts for tire Metnorial;u»c covered

in a flyer with this issue; plcltsc gct the

dates In votu' dt«uv now. l&Vc «u&c still c«l'"cl"

fot (R)nations «u'ld h«lvc cvcn «UT«Lul~&'cd aV'IyV(ll 'lceontlt for those v, ho lravc

fon'ottct I liow k) wt I tc Ll ch(.'(ILIC.

,)ctlotlsly, s()IHC I)copjc at)' j)Litt tn~&» «I. Iot ofcfjolt It)to thc Mcmotqal;tnd thc 1..1nvctlln~&»

cvcttt, D.) f&«cl ftcc to st tppot t thcIH «IHd thc


I..lscwhet'c there is pos»ihiy t»ood news

()n thc Vctlsiott IIT)t)t. EVIIII."it llot havln&» «I

) c«stcd interc»t nlysclf„co(lid I tsk;u)yoncwho I,'i cotTcspot)dtn'» with (6VA to also

lct Hcltic know s() tllat wc CJII h'Iwc 'I

j)IT)j)cl' d'lf'Ihitsc of 0LU j)ct)sionct. i,

Upconltn~&» ls thc Rcnlct)lht«ulcc Daysctvicc at thc RhodL sin plot;ltKcstt))instcr. O'UTy, lot les„kcith j»IT)wl I

iuld I )vill hc tJkul~&» (Ul «active part Iuld,

«1'»«lln, sttpjwt1. wottid hc vety wclcoITlc.

Af jcr that wc look tov(ttrds otu.

Chl istt))as SLU)do)»»llcr Jnd I look fot«ward

to sccint» you then. . In tire mc U)tiiTIC, m;lyI wish you thc complitncnts of'the Scltson;uld all you wo(tld wish for yotn»eclvcs forthe 1»fcw Yc;u..Pctcr Phillips C)W)5

t: haimt;Ut

hill p;tt)(: f,"100 tor 3 issu(:sH'll I pap(' f50 lot 3 Issl.los

Qu;trt(:r p;q»(: f-;25 for 3 issues

Spotlsol «1 p«tQc 1=0 Ior 3 tssu( s

Contact Asst Scc Bcffic Ctjhitt4n. h Ick pa»c f'or cont:lct details

Sponsor by 4539 Hugh ALEXANDER fn loving memory of vvife Yvonne.


British South Africa Police' -. -- ' Regimental A~ation UK

. WN. ()LJWI& 8;:WIN)LJ1'1'III'. I.ik A&l)IRI.'.L.rii.h I)

X' fetor)&" Scl'vice (. Iuh (Jafllcrlllg'54~ Auftu&it 2N)9 — Ihis n)onth vv'&' vector

pfe;ised ti) svcfeiu))e tire fi)lfovvinL) hon)&211 Hill Birch {Jsf;)n)ihi;)),

()17{),'77&() (iracn&e I)c X%'it {SoiitfiAfi ic;i);uuf Al;U) Bi&'ant {Zin)I);)b)ve}, exRf)E)Efes)«l Ani)y (4)'EIIIEI)'1)II 1)/ )Orr))&)

/I'r»)I)E'I' rf. l' /)ll'EIII/ . 5E'E' /Ilk'vr)I )i' )EE'111»1

/I» /I ur/Irv UI/E)I II Il I/Ir»IJ. Also et) JE)y) ng tf)e

cr)t))p;)t)y zen.': 427)J jt)hn Balchin, AJ) &3

I" O'.Ef Vuiltct*, ~0 )') I%en lXIutcrs )2'0l:),L)n L.anc, ~&07 Hri;u& 'Iavlor, &975I) rfif'c rkhhotts, ()197/72{5 neith

:Wddtson, ()34&) Dent)ls Voolc, ()5 7 Jvf ike

(Ji'I&onncll„()737 Mike (.olcntan, t')E){)&

I'etc) I'ltlllips, 722& kettf) «U)d .Jttdy

IJ'n»vn, 735E) He)tie ( uhitt, 7391 Al«ui

I i)nts„7407 .Iof)n Bt adhurv'„ I )')()()"Skip" I&usch, 22137 peter XlundaJ);uxf L&tte&Ls .Joiu) Dc A%it;U)EI Ian Stuart{iiuiker of tiisty t)iltE)nL&! }.

I Scptcnthcr 2N)9 — «'i fine e*u ly

;uittuiu) eve))it)g sw' tl)e hest turnout lit tf)e

ini)ntl)iy &&')therit)g fi)r sE)n)c ci)nsidctt)1)le

tin)e vvitli tire f'E)IJE))vinL&, putting» in;U)«tppe«U«u)cc: 4 7J) .Iohi "I Balchut, '43{)3

I X.)wk I Iurnhcv. .tone, -IJ)&3 I't)xf punter,473& (. Iiff lhv~ctw, 4')")~ Vcter i&anccr~24') Al;U) I.anc„~469 I./;tve (inn)hi&',»{)7 Hnan laJ, Ior, &()2& "HifÃ

S6()2 Hang I Icnson, )E)7& Mike Ahhotfs,{)3{JJ) I h~) I-Iu&)his, ()& I 4/7&()2 ('liris.Iollnson„())27 Mike () I)onncll, ()(){)E)

I «UTv .Ion(. .), 6){)) I et&.'1 I hillips„7211peter Biddulph 73')EJ I3ctt)c (.'uhitt,7391 Aliu) louis. (833&{ M«il I huitnan,J)')10 David ri«dales {/ln)1)«11))& e)„5/V(}A%I ( «U))l 'U)d (ii«)11'U)) AiacI& clujc, u)d

1 9&()()() "SIEip'

lkausch to«etlier

gqtests (';u.l kcith, (J«uy king, 'pon)

I l cntlcc {Majol) «Uid Ian «)tuart.

;'.)."': "-. )+!:


( /II I s, /E)III 151»1, /41'lr I; fr/EIII I&

/PEv E/ I II IIIII)rv ~/r»IE

(Q'tohcr 2{){)9- «i si'n«)lie) ttul)E)t)t

JIUU) ni)in)iil, J)tx)fx)1)fy 1)ec')ttse i)f oiu'

ace))t Diiu)cr. Nice tE) s««4&10 DavidAdanls fi i)n) I3tifa)v«i&'"E). Zltllklh)ve ii&'Un

this n)&)ntfi 1)c retitle)s thew. shE))1fv.

()tf)ers «Utetldil)&& )) et& 427&8 .Jofui Balchiiu124)) Al;ui l..anc, {)344 lX",nnis I'oolc,()737 Mil'e ('olcntan, ()E){)~ pete).

I'hillips, 7391 AI'tn 'L'oms iu)d 74{)7'I i)nyBi adhut~'.

Sponsor by 6424 N/ynn BERRY


British South Africa Police "" .-" Regimental Association UK

M'hit)veil Ht".Iai: Rut land

25 'July 2(109

Tllc I)ltd-ycat bra«tl Kv«L» once agilin

held (lt V'hitwcll on the shot(.'s ot lktltj'u)d

EV«tier In thc Cotulty ot ihilt nat))c. Thc

Il)ottr) of tire (..ounty Li, aj)j)topnately„li'1(lliLUII tn pltrvo which nle«U)s Hluch

it& little'" -- I..ngl;uT(l'» s()etut LU)d snualle»t

co(inly. I hose attcn(ling tile bl«till and

;uliving c;lrly oticn take thc opportunity to

visit the tvvo deli Ji~)tful m;uket t())v))s of'

O(tkhan1 «lnd ffpptngj)«aln iaHrl the Ilc«trby

»LUTONldltlg co(ultrystde. Tlie ( i)LII)ty s

centtttj tcature is of coutse„Rutiand Raterwhich cxtetlds ovci 3„300ilcn:s iuld Is one

ot the large»t n);IH-II);tde ILLservoirs in

Il(ttopc. ll)e reservoir. ct)"Itcd

d'U)u))II)g tl'ie villlcy ne«Lr 1:n)pu)gh«ul).

built to supply water lo EL»t

Midi'U)(IS tr)wHS and vvas c()t)II)lct(xf Itl

197'). It i» ot intcn st ilrat tile village» ot'

)er I' IatTlblcton «Uld I'i)ost of Ml(kilc

I Iantbjetot) h;ld to be den1011»hcd «Is piu t

of tl lc gT)N)(I prcpal;ltl(UI bLlt thell'

nct J)jx)ttr, I tppel' I' Ian)bietotl„si.lrvlvcd

thc f1 lhng of the reservoir and now»its on'I pcnlnsLII«l within the I'tke —rcn)IHiscent

r)t'the building of karikt B;Un to provide

hy(II()electricit in the Lite 1980's xvlten

the BatoHka tithe 11«l(.l to i))ove frol)I thcll

tn;u)y vill IgL& in the l.u))bL«si V,tlley to

ilvotd the IlslH«' waters of the d'ul).

R(ltku)d Watcl veil», hovvcv cl, «I vct y, vcl yil utch snTaller pi()jcet in c()n)j)(uison!! It is

«I H'«lily del lghtt Ll1 are«) k) cxplol'c.

As LL»rial„ tl'le j(etutir)n (. cntn! w(L» set

Llp thc day bcfot'8 thc blitiu I')v st')Iwat15

Al'Ul Ton)s, .Iltn O'L'(lett„&*I)1)is P(wlc,

HaITy I jcnson, Peter Phillip» together with

thc vvclcon)c help of ( arollne )«Vttt I')I'/R)

('('lel)ll tk(//tl. '3' /)tt7/I(/(lt ' 0) '('I' //I(' I A'('/(CI l(l

) t c )1t)u / rc'// \ '()I I l I'/ll('/I ()II('. ) Thiscntaijs Ll cr')nstdct )blc 'Itllolult, of tlnle iu) I

efiort and all shotilri bc congtutttlated onthcu g(xxj wold «U)d the fullshcd I) s(tlt-illl soli» 0't H~)AI nlcnlolilblll«l was on

sh())v and It, wcts vvcjj )vofth the tlnlc spent.

on «I vlslL Men)bet'5, wives„j')«u'lt)ers «u)d

families stu1ed to gather dttnng ihe

atfctllrx)n and soon then: wcl e !in)all

gtl)LII)s e«ltchulg up ot'I thc pn.'&nt «u)d

IenuluscttlQ of yeiu's goHC by — s()tileIladn't mct for over 30 ye;us!!! Thecot))jxu)y wais convtvl«ll, thc frx)d goodru)d the dt t Ilk fiowc(I %veil Il)to tile

cvcnltlg. Hcyond all expLx:tattotls iu)d

tjl«U)ks to th(.". nun)hei of pll/es «~vncIT)LL»ly

donated by 11)en&el's «lttendlflg the bl«lilt,

the H)ttle luis(xI the gliuld stil1) of f3115

which will go toxvatds thc cr)st ot' the

projx)scd H»AI Mell'lonai (ttt('Ilrl()ft((/

('/«'(") I'/lct L' III 1/IL'i Ol tr/)05/).

A most enjoyable )vcckcnd wa» had

by one and;lll -- s))owing their tltecs weic. :

Sjx)nsored by 4891 Sid COOPER In loving memory of wife Dorris


British South Africa Police' -. =


Regimental Assodation UK

-'I')01 [Dclck «H1d .Io'ul I ltnnI1cI stoneKcn;u»d 20-I&0&I Dorset}1&&

Stlnlford~lnlith, 464() Ro rcr Young&,

4741 Bill l)ail', 4&1&3 I)tx.d;UId M;Ir&uu&ct

I nntcr, A&«&2 Pc(or l)anccI", '&111 Ix"UI

;H1d Jtulc .ititt, 5171 I'ctcr llillicr;U1d200029 Jo&ul M alhcI, '&2(I&i A}&HI tuld

Valliulc I .&Inc, &31 M lkc &u Ici S&u&l

Lindlc&„33% Mick, uld Nolrth Yorl~,

M Ick tu1(i M&I/ Q' ocKI, 1&0&&

4olcicu1 &uld f;&'c it&ol I is„&5) J I)ick 'uld

Hcx' 1 holnpson„&()15 1 ol11 'U1d Jokul

i&lcclcin, &()2& I)if]';U»d Anit;I %ay, &6&3

M Ikc «Uld Dl I a%'Ior, &66 H&ulg' &ulci

200715 JCIU1 I lcnson, p()70] J;u1cPrin~~lc, ()348 D.nnls Potllc„6-'W9 1cd;u1d 20139() Ros C.."I"&1&sf'ord„()-I79Tcci'ulci Tln'I A$'crs-Hllnf, ()8)& Cp 'U1d

Rculnic Hat%Icy, (188 P;H1y, lone&, (430Jlnl HIb&Icff, ()7&&() M &It t &Uld C) lcnnls

Han1ond, ()c)0& PCtor PhillipS, ()98)Stc'&'c «Uld M«llN:cn Riplc&', 7072 Icnp';Hid J;u1 Q'ahnslcy„70&85 I 'n.ci;HidA I I L&cla H III1INlI d, 7 I 3() 0&I &'c &U1ci I. p»1

L$'nas, 7 I I Vctcl «U1ci M«u'&)cuvt

Biddtllph, 7233 Clix'c;U1d 111co Shcllcy[7327] M I~~)I&ic I'lant;U1d Ilcnc Arnot,7391 ALU1 'Ind L%11 Tonls, 7()77 I'ctcl

Deme, 7M)2 Pctcr and Lie ."Ilalwhall anci

Ann Dclh«lm, 796-1 Sttl&ut Thon1st)n„NA) Pc(et'and Ricky Hlltlcr, 821K Cicoii'

t. .lclncllts &Uld


( Iclncnfs, 4224 Al&ul

;H1d M,utinc lxwl&~)cr, 833&1 M;II;UIcl I~c)~

I htn nlan„)10 icul &Hld .1'lc(ituc.IlcLal"cn, C Ilul1: ihlcl, arcn„0413 &()

C;uc)linc M'itfs, Assocl'Itc: 8'Ulcli

I I cn son„ I4)lx.'I't &U1d ..)tlstu 1 A I'llphlcff

;U1d M'u k 'uld I icicn I Iihol .

ll&»c' c))c /)I)r)/r)s r)/'', ir))))c' r)I /I)r)ic

I))'c',sc') )/:

, fl(()1 lz)))c', II)IIII()l/c»; Ao~~'n }r)lr))I&,

I'c. tc ) I)i(I(I)rip)l)

I()));&tlcl~))c»), C /nc ct, ~/)cr) Il)(II(»;,}I())1&())(/ct'; I )c'(Il))r))/c); Ir))));}le(I&)»


British South Africa Police -. - Regimental Assoaation LIK


I)(n'E' l.l??((i, .t I(It I I(IIa r 1&(I(I .tli(l( tt'(I(lil C'linc kl?EII(i

l(ll?, t IE' L II c'I l, ,b?? I(II 1 II?()II?.'!(&I?,

1~(IIic I.? . III?I ?IIIE rr

(?E'1'c' I(li)ic'1', Ill'I E'IE I Ill?I?I~E'I (rf)I?i',

I ) i (I II?IIII&(I?El



Ir'( ll I .511?I, f IIA'E' 1(ll'lnl; I E'rc'I'I ~Ill?E'c'I' .&II c l.il?(ll('l;, l ll('Ic ) (II'lj

Sponsored by 6925 Dave DARBY


Brttlsh South Afncct Police '"' '-" Regiment«II A~elf)on UK

IRISkI CM'III:Rli'&1('5"' September 20()9

'I he E.'ig&)th Aru) tlal Irish gllthcring w;ts

held on S«ltluday 3 Sef)ten)bet «lt thc

us( taf excellent Yen( te, S«uldy Stokes

hon)c ne«u Clonnlci, Irel«uld, Once «tgatn„

HMlch thtu'Iks to S'Uldy. Thc w'cathe) was

g«o(xi, althoug1 clou(ly «U)d a lt ttfc co()1 «Uld

s() fi.tll ILsc could bc made of' the lovely

»I'0(u)(fs, TI"tc conscl'v«ltory w«ls decot atc(1

by fb(u old Rhodesian fl'IE«s pt)vented to

the group by 4061 Tpr Robert Slade.f'h;u)ks«Hob.

Tfurty-etght Ixx)pie attended, of whon)

tsvclve 'llol'Ic wen: bttssed (k)wn fn all thc

North by stalw«)rt Ton) M(x;ku). Sevcl«ll

ofd Rhodesl«tn f«ucsts attcf )dc(i, Includtn»

S«u)(fy s old b«ulk mana»«er„Ge()fT Wxxf„f)'on) ChtplHga nl«uly yc«lfs a»0.

AH cxccl lent Itu)ch w;ts sel ved,

It'Iclu(ling Ix)el«ewots, testin)ony k) thch'Ud Yvork «'u)d dc(itc'it)on of Intuty of tl"Ic

ladles. M«Uly thanks fot contrtbuttng to the

success of thc cvcnt.

A ne1v face this y("-u was that of Biff'

%;Iy, well-known nlcontc(u. I le actc(i as

auctioneer of Eddie Matchett s p;tinting«of

«a Mount(xl TIUopcr and It was ltkc thc

Tob'lcco Sales Hoor. I-fe also potent(XI an

Af11can Constable sktt Yvhtch was t'nuch

af)pt1viatc(f. Another innovation this yetu

w«ts «l fkaNe, whtch w«ts olg««u)lse(f, «u)d

ptl/cs dot);)ted, by M;U1e Berry andI& athel ale l'lynn, Yvhtl&" HIfl dtd the tlckct.

sclltng. The I,IHIc, sotne dontlttons, ;Uld

thc cvctlt ovcl, lll br()ught In cno(tgh to

enable the Group to rnakc a don, ttion of,t 200 to Assoc)at)on f' tul(ES.

'I I)ose;Itten(fir)» Yves. : 4789 I.ddic«U'Id .10«IH Matcflett, 5196 41«than) «Uld

I&".athy Magccan„)272 Vat Deasey, 5312Mike and S;lra I.indley, ~AN Goldon;utd

Lve Norris, 55@ .fohn 'U)d Mane Berry,5615 'I'om and Joan M~vkin and gtt&&Ls

Stan aHd Anne Mills, 5625 Htfl 'tnd Antt;I

56111 14)b at)d parole Iiarvey,5976 Nigcl and Vaulinc Seward, 62MBob at)d I('.atherinc lynn, 7341) VcterO' Hara, 9225 John 'u)d Linda Scott,110713 Hnan Armstrong

Bclaney, 23361 (kRI ( Iu)s;u)d (%FR)ggcndy Kav«llnlll, 31177 (I'I(l I,'u) 'Utd

V;ltricia Vearce„gue+s Ntcky Hall, C)c()A'

;u)d Magg&«te Wood, Mtke I-Iarns (exRhod. Govt) «uld Noel ate (U)d 1«1st, but not

lc'1st, 5.)86 Sandy Stokes.

Apologtcs lcvetved fr()ln. Harry

Henson, Vetcr Hit)(ficy, ('. Itve

Derek Singleton, Nomuln McN;uqy GaryMe%@de, John ('.olerid «e, Garth L()n»

,lirn I bzlett.

,Iohn I&rl&' 5%4

Sponsored by 8289 John DINEEN


British South Africa Police ' - - '

Regimental ~ation UK

. IIIl llul/ R t:)P II c'/(ll t(l ../I?I? ll(ll (?(t(I?(vYI I~lia(A /((I?('I (r'. l l(t&'c 'it ttr, (' I lit?a'c't: .4 '(t tfic i, l fl litt I tn, I/ It in; I;,l (i i«'I«'I(, (i I I it(t(/ (r,h(tt?'I&',

Ir' /litt?en;. S,l lilli, I'(4((t'. I'() l litt? t. , l I'i t?li: I .l li'i'I ttr, ,l ti (t?I. .N ll(?Ill, I/:It?tr(tt?ttt~; I'. i(intr?It/, 5",i (ncitrt/. if/. itrt!I.i

/nt? ti?t Rtt?(' Ii. l Ic I& i i (rtr, , l II fit?I'i i„f.l li I«'i?i'II, .l / I? &r(?t I I;,Yitt?i ~, /. .ic?ttt, :t,l It'Ili, /, I'tt I tt I, , I l fc'c I ii i,

II I I'tt tt?, . 1??in; C L'n«tr r "It, ??' Ii nt tttcr, "It, .l/I/&'tra;. II?c'/citric; I'I c'i?tie; fl'it i»c', 5/I'It(fico'

I'(t1 tl 111 I)c'I YI( c I(.'(c ill?(' (1111('.

.I(II?i? II(».1 q; .'?(II?(l&,4'((?lie;~ cd/&(I,

I (&ii?. 'L lc c I'i I?, I/iff I I'c

p I!?!.

.:1fi i (I? t?I 'll II? f'I'. ll' .&Eil I? ((',~.

Ii(lit?(I? 1('

I:clclic, ~(rlt?'I? EI(I?i c i (i?«c c.iaaf?'Il I?i(laic?),

Biff' I f '(n ((«Ic (ic)I?c c I), ('(II (II( I l(I?avl'

Sponsored by 7411 Jock EDIE


British South Afnca Police "-'. :--'

Regimental Association UK

Rcgtntcn41 Assoclatlon l)InnerLondon

25 'Scptcmhcr 2009

Thc 62 AlulUal Rcg)ITICI)tal Dtm)cf

took place in thc C(uisbtTtoke Hall at thcVictory


C'Iub, London on I riday

2) Scptctnbcr 009. Mcn1bcrs «u)d

y.tests st used to gather at an.)N)d 6.00pn)with the tTNllpet c«tll fol dtnnct soN)du)gat 7.30pm. Ch'tirman, Peter Phillips, gotthings I.lnderw'«ly bv welcotnltlg DI StlcOnslo)v (Guest Sp(oker), Peter Petter-8omycr (RhodAF) tuld Nlghettn

Daflasfon (NRV Assocl«ttton) togcthctwith those nlenlkTs «lftcrldl fig flat)1

overseas vith spvial mention of 37K Bill

Ct allfrcc, over fT0111 Sotuh Afl Ic'I,

lo()king very well «tt 92 ye(If's old. He then

I&Id out @1:etings tuld best wv'lshcs ffon1

I Icf' M J)esty tl'lc Queen, Gct)cf«tl fhc Lo dMichael Walker (Patron), Rhodesian

AH11y Assoctatl(TH «lnd thc Natal BI««nch

of the Association.

Aller the loy«11 to«tst, 70 I'nelllbcrs «ulcl

glests sat clown to a very ct)joyable meal.Following the customafy short brcak,Vcicr introduced our guest sp=,tker, Dr SueOnslo&v, Rcmatl:h Fellow (Old Lect«rcr%'Ir Stucltcs, Kings College. Site, I'I'lvlng

lived «lncf vvorkc(I 11'I South Afnca «ur(1

Kenya, gave an insight into hct wotan;„

espxially hcr pi&sent pn)jc t which lras

brought lrcr f;lce to face v, ith t)uu)y of o(trMembers v hen tccording their

il)voivct))c11t (ulcl expel icncc's IH thcfcnotist w;u leading up to the ch;ulgc in

(iovcnlment in Rhodcsi t. I-ler speech xv'ts

vcty vvell nwcivcd. Tony Grltngcr replied

ln his (lsu'll cfo(I(tcf) t n)allncr.

Onci the sfxxches werc ovcf; Dctlf )IsPoolc got thc H«)AIc tuldcr way with thc

help of Sue —thc Hum fnain plies beingwon by Mick York, Se(umts Po&&'cr;Ind

Vctct Lane —procMxt of thc I «tflIC,

an)ounting to just ovcl 61100,00, will goto thc Mcnlonal I"tlncl. A si)cclal word ofth'ulks shol. ll(f bc gtvetl to Dcnilts vvho hils

~n rtliltlttlg thc I «tNc f()t tll;uly years —hcIs stat)ding (k)wnf this vc(lr fuld says hcv '«u) ts to give son)Cbody else thc chilHcc k)' rake II1 thc fllollcy!. (3 )IIIIIII'.'('I )ITIIIIc/

l)(. Ir('lc(IIII('). Vany, )ones and Dan

ilttghcs slu)ttld;llso bc thatikcd for thccfl tclcflt. Of/ants'ttlon of the dinllet.

go I'cpot t of the dttlllcT would bccomplete without mention of thctulfortunate accident that bef(:II BctticCuhitt whilst setting up the hall for thecllnncl —Beffle slipped IIUI)) the sttlgc auld

landed h(' lvily on his hip. Thistlcccssitatcd hiln ITcing t'Ikcn k) hospitalwhere hc )vas dct;ltt)cd, thlls Inissillg thcdiHf let „«ltld h«1vtilg k) h«8'c a I'lip

tt:pI;Iccn)cnt Opcl:Ition on thc following


British South Africa Police ".-':=.'Regimental Association UK

Monday. Tile gorman news is th;It Hemic is

now nl«lku1 ~ «I ~~ood I1:co%el+«lt honle.

Those, lttcndin~~~ thc dinner werc: Stlc

Onslow (Cuest Spe.lkcr), Peter Pcttcr-

Bowycr (IkhodAF), NiL«hen Dariaston

(NRV Assoc), 37% Hill Crahtrcc (South

Afiica), 4158 'I'in1 &elmer, 4278 John

Balchin„4503 D:I&k Humherstone„

4735 CIIIl ROI~clw, 4851 Murl;ly

I-larrison (Spain), 4853 Fred I'untcr,

4I(57 Mil c IYiltshirc, 4I(Y2 Peter

Dancer 4897 Hli;u1 Shields (USA), 4964

Mike I'adman, 5055 kcn Miners, 5075

Dick i&ay, 5111 .lack Bacon, 5171 Peter

Hillier, 5248 Alan Lane„5259 KViII

Howe, 5272 Pat Deasy (k.irc)„5349Peter

Lane, 5358 Mick York, 545 Richard

Barncs (Austnllia). 5507 Hlian 1'aylor,

5559 Dick Thompson, 5601 Elic Rohh,

5615 Toln IXIcckin, 56 5 "Hill" Way,5662 HxTy Henson, 5755 Stew'u1

I'"dwards, 6123 Hli;u1 I'ym, 6130 Randy

Symnlons, 63(5 Dan Huglus, 6348

IXnnls I'oole„6432Chlis Rollcrts, 6507

SL."«u11tls Pow'cr„66( ) V«lny .Ioncs, 6629

(icovgc (ilihhcl&, 6630 Jim Hajjett,

6632 4cny I'a@ton„6743 Hmcc Alien,

6905 Peter Phillips„7211 Peter Biddulph,

7359 Hcltlc ( uhitt, 7391 Al«ul 1on'ls,

7677 Peter I%wc, 7784 Steve Accornlcy,

7996 Peter Hirst, M@9 Peter Butler„8163Mike Rohcltson, 90M& Tony Cran er

9102 I;ul McLaren, 9591 Lcs Burrow,111032 Colin Bew'Is, 9,'199 Linda

Robertson, 'A' Rcsclxc 4891 Sid

Cooler„195(& "Skip" Rausch, 201279Heather Wlilncr„00453 Patrici;I Shaw,Associates: Andy Bani s„JIcqui

MCLarcn;uld CI;Iin: Mcl.aren, Cjucsts:

Stan Mills, Nick (.olden, Jlson Allen,

Huw Parry-Jones and Cjlyn Parry-Ioncs.

OI0 VIII,sr Spcilkr & I)& StII. OIlsjrul

Sponsored by 6100 John FGRREST



British South Africa Police - '

Regimental ~ation UK

.Aire lAici»i, I'e/ii liii/i/iil~)li, I'&(ii I.xiii

16 li ii /1 '.Vl 'I1 il ) 1()l 1 i /3i i li( ii ( / /3i ii i i( .i

Sponsored by 6100 John FORREST


British South Africa Police ': - Regimental ~ation UK

,t /(()') (n' l I(() )i ~&»i, ~i))) i .I I(( hi) 1,

,5/(() )In, t /('/Ii/I(nr I'(()vl'-Ji»)(. ',~; I h sr(//'((&) a'-. I&»k'. i,

C)ll 'i 7 I (ll')1'-. /&»i('5.

I'(I.'5'/kr; D ) / II(())il&('):~l.'r»i;

I I( ((//i(»). .t /(I)i( ).7&»)l ' (i1'&ll 1('('i'

Sponsored by 4005 Stan FORREST


British South Africa Police '"';'"' Regimental Association UK

LV/7Ve FI'OI1 l 6/1 lid jL'EpII

Over the last few gatherings of theSW Region members at Chudleighit hasbecome apparent that the standard of the

Old Cceching House has unfortunately

dropped to the extent at our gathering onSaturday X May 2009 a guestfonnafrepoleindicated that a move should be

made with elfect from our May 15"'bashnext year.

Visits made by myself, Colin

Anderson and Steve Teasdale following

some excellent 'ground work'by Colin, toa number ofpotential; premisesin thearea, resulted in the selection of THE

CROMWELL ARMS, Fore Street, BoveyTracey, TQ13 9AE, Devon being made.

Their websfte can be viewed at:www. thecromwellarms. co.uk Email:

in thecromwellarms. co.uk lsoveyTraceyis not far from Chudief'gh on the

west side of the A38.

Accordingly those present on the 3May were advised of this move, however

please note our venue changeifyouif)tend JQlf7fng us.

Furtherinfo ff required contact: DaveKennedy, Tel: 01726 851258 or email:

DATES I OR YOUR DlARYThc London gathcnngs «Ue f)ton) 5.30pnl on

thc FIRS)T Tuesday of c1'CI& n)()nih It the

Victory Scn1(m Club, Seymour SUu:t just011 L(tg11'«Irc R(Mci close t() M«Ublc A)1:h «Uld

thc N)der@1)IU)d st,')(ion of th;lt n;U11c. Thc bltr

cloms (It midi)ight.


NOVEMBERTuesday 3'U - 5.3()pm unt) I late «It VSCSulldlly 8 - 10.15«U11 Renlenlbll«UICC Sel~jee«lt, thc 1"icld of Ikclncnlbl(U)cc, St Marfa«lrct's

ChNd1 (next to )Vertu)instcl Abbey),

DECEMBERTuesday I - 5,30pm ( hnsttn;&s get-together

;lt VSC.Sunday 13tll - ( hnst)1)«Ls LN1ch at ThcMycfscougll.


Tuc&lay 5 - ).30pnl IUltll l«ltc at. VSCFEBRUARY

Tuesday2'" - 5.30pm until late at VSC


TuMay 2'"'- 5.3()pm Nltil late at VSCAPR11.

Tu(&ay 6 - 5.30ptn until late at VSCMAY

Tu~ay 4 - 5.30pnl NISI l«ltc at. V$CSaturday 15"'- I I an) AGM at VSCSatunlay 15 - South%est "bash'- sez

coINIln left fbi dctalls.

Sponsored by 4046 Ted GALLGVVAY


British South Africa Police'

« ..= Regimental Association UK

THE UK INPOST%93 I)avtd 1&In()n MTItcs that. follovvnlg

hi» rcpott in thc la»t c(iition of the Otttf)ost

(Issue 7-} illat hc c«N novv rcj)olt tl'l«lt

dcsj)itc his IU)nlftc llljLU Ics, MIUk Vovvts Is

Hot only fttljy fit fot';teflon once ilgilln, I)(tt

h(L» just jxxn Ixv;U)lcd the Mtlttuy Ctvss

for his hntvcry in Af(~h;U)ist;U). Thcrclcvilni p'lrt. of his cttiltlon Mld IU» folio& vs:

Scp 'U)g as second ltl cot))nl(U)d of iN

Oj)crational Monitoting at)d Liaison

I & "«U)1 oj)crJttttg «&lot)~&~»ldc lhc Af ~/~1(ll)

1»jatiottaj Anny, you dcpjoynj into a

kno&&v«n Ins(U'gent alL;J. W1cn youl

cotlltnandct &&vits v "oLNdcd, you

dcmonstrJtcd inspirational rlvv co(U JqcJtld I~Mt j)n scf)cc of t))ind. AAcr

rclnovlng thc cas(U)lty to safety Jnd

cnsLltlng thilt hc vv(L» IL'.cctvIHI' aid, you

j)1Jv c(1 enemy fire to IL.tricv c vit;ll

C(jttipn)CI IL YOLI thCH 10()k COMI)1'U)d,

d&.*lnonstl )ting o(ll!ItiU)ding lcitdct chip and

cotltlx)j lcd a+pk&jlot) th«lt Qajv&Ullsc(1 thc

lc»t of' thc t(."Itt). !)elf Irate»jy acting i)s

1&Up);U(j. y()u fought 10 'lllow thc saf(.'

c)(tl lclloH 01 thc tc'Ull iUld cvacttation offlic scnously injLNM HUUl.

Vo(lr galliU)tly tjlR)Llghotlt thL» hugely

ch JllcHglng incident iltld thc exit)))pic yoll

lo tl Ic A fgh«Ul I»I«ltlotl«ll Anl'tv vv Jsc&(cn)j)LU"y,'U)d ltl thc IU)cst il,ldttlons ofyOLU' IC&'It)lout.

So .)ally Powls no&&v hJs;l hLL»1)al)(f

vvlth tl'lc Qttcct)s Voltcc Mcdill Jnd il soll

vvith thc Military C'n)ss. I did ask hcr what

shc )v;L» going to do in onjcr to cotnplctcthc sct, j)ttt shc Incrcly sn)i lcd.

I 7ft(11&/'s' I)rt) v, f,»11(tr(' I'()to' )'lrst' tlk tt

(') '(V) 01tr' \ (I


!)(', f)fr'(('&r'rl f()1' i1'frtrf&' (ll I(f ftl b'

f)(trr ttt). Ed. j

Associate Harry I.cnnox ca)He acrossthc ahovc ptcttll c &&vhtlst hc o'asscill chtng fol iln Lltll'cl;lied photo. Il)vas tilkcn at th('. I'I;lvv(llliln EvcnNg;11thc Hikita Mincnlls cluh in 1962. Thosefoitt(UUX1 IH lhC photo i~ (floll) ICII to light}:624% .john PfaA; 6161 Ib~n %V;U))n, I'/R

I&us»cll Whiting, I. Isie Whiting, v, ith Hanghin)self on thc I lght.

6090 1&lcvillc (Paddy) (.~ar(liner says tllat

gotng throtlgh «Ul old phok? aj1)UH1 hc fo(I)id

thC pictLU): OVCI IC'lf.

Sponsored by 5364 Dave GEORGE In loving memory of wife Sheila


British South Africa Police "- '

Regimental ~ation UK


I i«' "-'Jk.


Seville &vent on to say that thc photo is;1 good example of a combined l)Ixvi Il BITII1ch,

District Police and Do~&& Section p«ltTol showing thc fl«I&~'

In thc VIctoi l«l Rcsci'&«'c cite;I

nil(i 19601cs. Unfortml«ltcly hc clocs not. h«lvc the n«lnlcs of thc plvs «lnd dog'.

( Tl?(?)?lD' /0)' /(le pl?()/()??)?( /11)l /?' (I )??&~~I1?r?/l(?/?0? I '& l)/? //?(." Ol?//)() &'/?V('r? I/c. [:(I.)





Email: Itkin le hotmail. co.ukTel: 0044 75151 60662.

l.mail Address4cntlcll1c11, I ihilnk those 6'ho I'cplicdto

thc Au@List Issllc 'ln(l «'lsk th(Tsc 1& 'ho hilvc

not yct I('.I')lied io t'Ikc 'I f(;%' 111onlcnts to

lct ITlc kilos' iilcll clll«ill «Td(fn'ss

I Icl with ihc next list I&nltc flil th lt t11c

111cl11hcI's n'I(.'ntloncd coiltilct nlc &,y'Ith thciI-

cnl«lll «l(kin:sscs ol il nil lctuIT1 w'o(IId hc

llpprcci;Itc(I —. 441 Day, 7(54 l)cardcn5272 l)easy, 4220 1&ipr(lsc, 712') Fills,57/)t') l"airlic, t')2r)4 I'lynn, 414")I' rcclll«lnflc, 5()12 l' llrlliYal, 62%iCilldca-

TITanks, )aortic Ctihitt

( ont«'Icl dot "ills oil h«lck p'I. .

Sponsored by 4960 Gerry GIBSON



British South Africa Police'

- - Regimental ~ation UK

A l'L.'I v f)lc(LLInt occLIJTL"ncc I)v(.'1 lily(( IL( Il

x'Isli io ifl(.' f.ik by JI f()n11cr IX.plliy

( on1111ISslon(.'I' 473() ()(.'ol Q(' .)tliilvf (('}lo

li~(.s in tl)(. ( 'Ipc 'IJJLl 11;ILf his'n on 'I ~ isit io

hi» fOIrm(. 11OI11Cllll)Ll fl'L'1(ln(f, rind 11iILf

stoppxl oA In f'.ngLIIILf io nl(.'cf Jill ol(l

l'n("11Lf, Af)4) M lkL' I ill&l()N'. %Ilk'

rill. ln "E'.Lf II co(lpl(.' ('}f "(.'1-toQL'th(.'I ( o I oil)(.'I

fol nl(.'I collc~l& LI(.s (('llo 1)IILf s(.'II'(.'Lf (E'ltll

C )col'Q(.' oa'(.'I 11)(.' ),'( LIJW. Ii (1"Is fl'Lily Il ('('.Iypic'L&IJ) t (.'xpci1L'llc('. %)n1(.' of 111OQ: G'llo

n1('.t Llp III' fc(11LIrL'LI 11(.'Iv. . , 1 li 4 I)t t& ~l())); (i(()t&~( .('tl t(tt t, ,t lili(" fl)I)(&tti.


lktLI' r (()t~~~(,')tt«tt I, r 'Ii f)I&&)g~c n, , /1ih( I'tttil(»(; I'(t(t l&(ttt((t. .

I rl)ttt:. I()Ittt It tt I', I~()l),& lot)1 )'t(»J, .'i Itlic" f t 'I'Itiltt'I'(', I')I't(ttt I(n'I()t'.

In memory of Lubimbi Hotsprings, Matabelelend.



British South Africa Police " -:. :-." Regimental ~ation UK

The BSAP TrustWhat it is and what it does.

The Trust was set up in May 1987. It is a Registered Charity, having as its

objectives "to provide assistance and support to members of the United KingdomBranch of the British South Africa Police Regimental ~ation and their dependantswho are distre~ by sickness or poverty.

" The rule regarding assistance to UKbranch subscribers on/y is a legal requirement by HMRC. Failure to comply is likely toresult in a court appearance by the Trustees. For this reason alone it is not pmible tomake contributions to the welfare of the elderly in Zimbabwe, whatever ourhumanitarian instincts dictate.

in past years a large proportion of the Trust's outgoings have related to funeral

grants for deceased members. Though this support will continue, it was decided at arecent Trustees' meeting that the qualifying criteria needs to be reviewed as age andaccompanying frailty means that more members need help in their everyday lives. In

practice this now means that Trust funeral grants will in future be limited to cases ofsevere financial hardship.

In general, it has been found that a majority of assistance requests are indirect; theycome from friends, relatives and old comrades rather than the person concerned. If youknow of an ex member in dNiculty and feel that he/she doesn't want to make a direct

approach, usually for reasons of pride or self reliance, please pass the details on to yourAlmoner or a Trustee. All such requests are always dealt with in the strictestconfidence.

There are three Trustees, as required by the original setting up, and they are listed atthe back of this publication. In addition, there is an Almoner whose job it is to look into

requests for assistance and report back to the Trustees, who then decide onappropriate action. It should be said here that it is a p~uisite of any grant that therecipient makes a full disdosure of his/her financial circumstances. The Almoner is

supported by a network of asst almoners in the UK regions, all of whom are Iormermembers of the Force. Like the Trustees and the Almoner, all are volunteers.

The Trust is not intended as a replacement for the State benefit system and where~are available, for example Funeral Grants, they must be daimed before any Trustassistance can be considered, The Almoner can usually advise on how to daim.

In memory of Fearsome waters, Kariba Gorge.


British South Africa Police "' '-" Regimental Assckation UK


7391 Alarl 1nnls

The I list(lry Section this issue is

dcv(31' k3;I trlrrrseript ot;III (3rigin;rl set otnotes wn11ell by 230 fpt Artlrrrr I(dardBry;II3t, dtm13bing his e(rrty expericnc(is in

thc HSAI . Hc Is M'ordcd a!i attestr11g fir&t

on 6 'ArryLst 1901. It s(x",ms hc ttren took

I(". Ive aHd M-irttcstLM as Tpl (35N 011

Apnl 1903 frrrrrlly leillVIng 01'I .Ilrrrrr'rry1910.

It is rr(3t kr3(3wn exactly when thc notes

werc MTrtterl b(11 «Irl.* tlloLIght, t(3 have b(x'. ll

rrrorrnd 1905. I he Ilotcs were dolrrrte(I io

the Ass(3ciation by his grandson, Alan

Hlyrrrlt, still living in ZimI3abvve. It is

intendc(1 they wiII be lodged in thc

N,rtiolral Am3y MLLscrrln.


ByA.V.. Bryarlt, Vlullltrcc,

S. Rhodesia {I'O Box I3)Born Itl I'.Sscx I I ccclvcdas good

arr edrrciltroH ils p(3ssrblc and 013

le;lvirrg scho(rl w;rs apprenticed as a

gunsmith. I did vvcll;rt this but on

the outbreak of the Anglo-Boer Warthc rcstlcs!iHc!is of yorrth scr/ed H3C

;lnd in 1901 at tire agc of' IN yearsihc IUst for trilvcl lnld advcntur'c

( I u I y 0v cI err 111e d I scI'c 1,100,'I rid

pal ctltal Lldv Ice 'nld I volrrlltccrcdfor service in S. At'I'ica. I joined thcH S A. Vol ice {th;rt is the Vol iceI'ore c o t Rhodesia) 1nd pr ocecded10 thrrt Col()lly. I Ile Boer' Will wilsthCH IH 1310glCSS '113d the jOLUIICy Llp

coUntl y 10 BLllilwilyo was asexcltlllg ils ally youllgstcl coLlldwish. There v erc S0 (3f us lads thathad been recruited in I ondon andnone of us African cxplorers. Ketook I 0 days on the j(3(rrt1ey f loniCape Town to Bulawayo onlytrilvcllrng by daytrme. Ke wercc()n!it'llltly slllpcd at 13y thc Hocrsbut saw no very serious tlghting.

YVc werc irccolnln(3dated I list

clilss. Thitt was 10 nlcr1 II3 all ll 0H

c,'lttlc truck and even although thiswas thc month of .tune thc heat;lcross the Kar(30 and throughBcchUallrllrllld was qUltc ils lnuch 'ils

we yoUngstcls collld stilrld. Ke had1() cook orll Inca ls, 01 I atllel I

should s'ry make our coffee or tca atlrlly trine the tl arrl s1013ped iand lt

lvas quite usual tor us just as wch;ld our billies near boiling 1hercwollld 13c il 1cl rrblc scl ecc13, thcwhistle of 1he engine and;111;Iboardwrth oul Irlkcwill rl'1 water.

Spon~ by 4212 Tommy GRIFFITH


British South Africa Police "-'::.-" Regimental ~ation UK

Ilowever Htllaw«'IyO w'Is I cachedeventually and at the HSA I'olicecan)p there v'e werc;lblc to get ridof the dirt and dust of the journeyand the bath we then enjoyed was„ I

think, one of thc grclltest luxuries ofIny whole career.

Dul n)g thc ]ourn(", V Llp countl V,

al thoUgh we wcl c f Ul 1y f1c(fgedPolicemen, we only h ld our civilianclothes, so I will leave to theimagination what a scarecrow partywe looked, some in grey loungesUIts, son1e ln blue sll its others in

oner; white sun)mer suits and, in

Onc case, a Pollcclt)an lll ITlol ningsuit complete with tails «ls then

worn, To add to the glory of ourapparel was Police hoots, slouchhats (Police pattern) bandolicr with50 rounds of ammunition, waterbottle haversack and mess tin,

After a fcw days halt at

Bill«lwavo we st«lrtcd on the 300mile trek to Salisbury, our ultimatedestination. It must be rememberedthat this was thc ye«lr 1901, so th«lt

the luxury of' motorcars orarITlourcrf tl ucks h«ld not vct «ul lvclf

and we harf to Inake thc jr)Lll ncy on0Llr as yct. Untl lcd I')ollcen)«ln s feet.

~0 of us started out onc coldnlol ning In July.In chalgc of us w«ls a pollcc off lcel

;lnd sergeant, two good mcn whr)

had bol n 'the h«lfrlshlp i Of thel&hodcstan Rebclllon, v'hlch plellseremember had only been over f'orfour year», so f'r)r v:e youngsters thevery unsettlcrl state Of the Country;I(Id thc hate fl1lc(3 cycs of thcn;ltivcs w«ls «ls thl tiling and «ls net vetestn1g «ls One coLIld wish. 9 Ith

to carry Our kit and supplied for thc~ourney wcl c three ox wagonsLulrlel chal ge of Hottentot dl lvcl's

and a QLl«lt tel nlastcl' serge;lntIssUc OLII llltlons «u)d sce wc dirt not

get too fit for that 300 mile walk.As wc werc still in our civilian

clothes plus the m'Irtia. l trappings„beg(I n to I escnlble good Old

English tr;Imps but wh'lt did wecare, we wcle yourlg anrf fit„andgoing up tr) M«tshon«(land tr) gu;lrdrai lw;ly bridges, this to br'. OLII.

glol"IOLIs patt In helping to be«at theBoers.

At. the n)(rid«ly h'lit thc f list dayof olll tl ck happened One of then1()st amusing incidents of my life.tlt rfid not rlppe;lr so hun)orous atthe time). Thc w;lgr)ns outspanncd

Sponsored by 5681 Robin HARVEY


British South Aflica Police " «;«'» Regimental Assodation UK

iuld th(« inl I lt«ai y voice of LI?e O.M

Serge;Int, called lve 50 innocents toc(?Inc and get Our r;ltions. Now,h'lvlng» been well ted and lookedafter at Hul;Ilvay(? the thou(»ht ofhow wc wcle going io feed On thero«'Id hlld not oceLlrrcd to Us, so wcstrolled up to the ration wag(?n torthe gr?ods. What divas our surprise,not to say disgust„when thc woriliyO.M, S. hulled at c«lch of Lis a tin ofbully beef; str?oping» to pick theseILIXUI les Up we wcic told io c0111c

and gct Our flour, (wc expectedbread)„a ser?op full supposed to belib, was thrust at each of us which

we werc obliged to einpty into Our

havel's&lcks 01 nlcss tins. Next a

hand full of'sugar (3ozs) was given

Lls «lnd this, togi:.thcl with 1 oz coffccand half (?z of'tea had to &»o into our

pockets. This comprised our rationsf'or the next 24 hours. In; ) verychastened nlood xvc s'lt dowll,foi iuniltcly thcic wclc onc oi tw(? ofus v, ho had previously soldieredand we w'ci'e soon, ilndcl' thcll

gU1da1? ce, &ari ailg lug oi.1lselvcs Into

Incsses, but the g»reatest mess of'allw'Is that fll'st 'lttcnlpi to tul n 'fl(?Llr

into bread Or its c(luivalent, and tos(?rt out the tea„sugar and cotTee

fn?m our pockets. This first daydivas„ I?atrll ally, ihc w(?1st. Ke soonhad little ration bags n?;Ide (In(?Stlyf loni 0LII I'iandkei chiefs) to hold thesUg«ll, iea, ctc., «uld aftef a lcw daysreally enjoyed the roug»h life and itse(lual ly roug»h food.

Ov( ing ir? being» voung ands(?I?1e?Vh«lt soft, the first fcw d«lys

wc ol'lly vvalkcd I - Illlles eac)'I day,but this was gradually increased to15 and then to 20. Try this s(?me ofyou tough Policemen ot the In(?torera, don't forget, civili(ln clothes,nlilitary boots, rifle and bandolier,50 I'OLlndsanlnl(lnition„ lvatcrbottle, haversack and mess tin andWC ]List yoUng»SteIS, avel (u»e «lge

perhaps 0, straight out from g»ood

living ln thc Old t 0Untry, bUt wcdid it and never;I grouse or sr?refoot al?10l?gSt US, foi' WC wCI'C notadventurers, coming out for thelove of thc life and lis excltenlellts,»ot to mention the great attractionof the fr&lb(11(?Lls p«ly of 5/- pcr diem.

Thele w&as s«llnencss abo(it eachdav, bUt onc gl('«it hal dshlp, ol soEve tho(lghi', was th(. f&lct thai all thcwayside stoics «uld hotels I el(ised toscl vc Us. Ke nat(ll ally wlshcd 10

add some luxuries to our spartan

Sponsored by 5681 Robin HARVEY



British South Africa Police "-~:;-"' Regimental Association UK

fare, but thc stores werc all

barricadecl and the storckecpcrs on

guard with rifles. fhc reason forthis w«ls that Just pi ior to olu

lourncy Up, a celt«un RcgllTlcHt, (Ilotan I:nglish one) coming down

country from Heira en route for the

South, had shovvn a veryunsportsmilnlike attitude by helpingtheinsclvcs 'lt the stol cs and

ncglcctlng to lc;lve thc IHoncy,hence we had to suffel fol this.

'I owards the end of 3uly we werenearing Sillisbuiy and were then

burnt and fit, «1 I'eal toUgh lookinglot notvvithstandtng our «lttire. Atthe tin'ie of which I write thcl'c wasa splendid military band attached tothe Police at Salisbury lnd at ourlast halt some six miles from Townthe Hand met us headed by that

grand old soldier, Jack Flint„whowas then Comlll«lrid«lnt of thcPolice. 3ack, as hc wasaffectionately called, was an oldIndian ofhcer of thc RoyalDl agooHs «lnd I Understaild «at. onctime the best swordsman in India.The Colonel was in the full dress ofa Dl'«lgoon ( Ol oriel and the 4«lnd

also was in full dress to welcotneUs. Thc joke of this sltUation was

that as thc Hand appl'oachcd oUI

camp„ they broke into thc hymntune of Alt thou weili y alt tholl

languid", which wc considered veiyappropriate after our 300 milestroll. The 1«1st six miles, headed by"Jack" and thc band wasaccomplished in fine style in undertwo hotlrs.

After a fcw days rest,'lt SalisburyCamp we werc issued withuniforms and oui' trainingcommenced. This did not take long;ls we could all both ride and shoot,these accomplishments having been

a necessary qual i ficiltion beforejoining in London, so at the end oflhl cc weeks we wclc rcildy fol oui

boobs «lnd I with aboiit 20 othclyoullgstcl s welc sent clown toUrntall and thelc detailed to gu«lrd

thc railw. ly bridges on thc Heira andMashonaland railways. Three men

on each bt idge, 2 hours on guardand 4 hollI's off duty and thcie weI'cIHalned 01'I this glol ious «and nobleduty until pcacc was proclaimed in

May 190 1

l3on't accept your dog's admiration ascondusive evidence that you are

wonderful. - Ann Landers

Sponsored by 315 Jeannie HENSON


British South Afric Police '"-' -- '

Regimental ~ation UK

Vl Olll ThC I'cll OUfPOStSWf':ital OutPOSt

'I rcvor Dutton, I:.ditor ot' the Na1;II

Outpost, writes: It& thi», thc &»2nd

cd 1t loll of 1h('. Ni11«11 OLltposi. , sp(lccI'Iils heel) «ll Inc«lied to ouf fell)illc

col lcif&»LIcs. I hcv wcl c llot off lv iln

If)icf»f il I pill 1 of the I'of ce hll1, I

I')clleve, Lild tlot L»ct the I'ecoL', tll11on

they (icscf 1 cd.Thclc w"Is little Iflect)t. lvc fol 1hc

111«llol ltv 1o 01«lkc «I c«ll'ccf fol

1hcn1!ielves In thc HEAP «lf1d those

thil1 lnill1if&»cd io scf vc thc I'fllllllllunl

cof111"lct ol 3 yciu s (nlilfly dccidin(»to hlly thcn1sclvc» ollt I')cfof ecxpfl y} wel &' th&."I1 f«lc&'(.I withdlsnlfss;ll »hoLlld they elect. to 111;Illy«I pol lccf11iln. Uf) I I kc thcf I I:LII'opc«ln

coL1111el'pill t», 11oiilhlv thc UK,v, herc thc I;ldics v, crc;lhle to rc;lchihc hi)»hest r;Inks, whether n1;lrricdof flot.

(VC hilvc I 3 kllown fol lllCI

'(Vofncn I'olicc Of'flccrs in N'Ital.'(Vc hild 15 hut h,fvc 'Inst' )VPO 73Shirley Ski ft;Ind )VPO 241D;Iphnc YVif L»ill (n)arricd to &»71)1

EVil ('.;Ifncn)n-Dowi. Thc rcnuindcr(with their f'orcc Nuf))l. )cr, S(fu;fdNllll)huis, nl«lldcll niff11Cs„s(fl11iffiles(in hl'Ickcts} (lfld di11cs scl vc(i flic:WPO 71 No J/63 Louise Ford (Ford)Dec 62 —Aug 81WPO 90 No 3/63 Gill Weston(Colepeper) Jun 63 - Dec 65WPO 91 No 3/63 Chris Clarke (Lees)Jul 63 —Dec 64WPO 96 No J/64 Val Oldham (Oldham)Dec 93 —Dec 66WPO 144 No 2/69 Maddie Hayes(Lynn) Oct 69 —Feb?2WPO 154 No J/70 Sarah Lowe (Olds)/) ug 70 —Sep 71

Sponsored by 5659 Hoppy HOPKINS In memory of Bob Savage



British South Africa Police "-~':--'" Regimental Assooation UK

WPO 158 No 1/71 Les Manning

(Manning) Feb 71 —Feb?4WPQ 168 No 1/?2 Jill Bullock (Bullock )

Jan72 - Aug75

WPO 169 No 1/72 Pauline Clarke

(Clarke) Jan 72 - Aug75

WPQ 185 Cathy Fitzgerald {Mason) Jun

Jun 72 —Dec 75WSO 225 Wendy Kalshoven

(Kalshoven) Jul 73 —May 81WPO 387 No 2/77 MaureenHoffenberg {Whitelavv}

Feb 77 - Sep 80WSO 424 Pauline Clarke (Clarke)

Oct 77 —Jan 81WPO 426 No 4/77 Berenice Tarr

(Dutton} Nov 77 —May 80(The Arz/rI/ OIIPPr)5/ IIrl «i 1'Ilr)/"r'

dc/I/i' r)f //Ic/'/ /i» I»e/ IV~»nc/I

I rlllr'e cr)l/er'1gllc', «', Ed. J

At.lstl 811 I

Annual Caner al Meeting 2009Heretlnder is the rcport fr)r the ye;U 200K

by oilr Acting Glaiim'Ul, Lcw%'hiimore:

I h'lve been as)red to pit",sent Oui

Annual repolt oil heh;Ilf' of your

Commitkv. You will 11' all th;it lt our last

A(3M there w«ls no nolniniltlon fol thc

post of Gxcirman, so over the year

dtfTelent Colnmlttee nlcnlbcfs werc

selcctcrf to chair meetings. The year 200K

was ii silcccssftll onc fr)i tile Hi Ulch In th'lt

its melnbclship L«cw, its financial position

imply)ved;U)d it held a niUnher Of

success fill sr)cia) functions.

I"01 us ln thc C OITII"Lllttcc a n10!It

impr)it+)t i)spcx;t is our n)emhciship, ;Ls

without rnemheis we v ould nr)t exist Resct olU' tiU@ct fol thc VOIU at 105 «U)d I «Un

glird to rcpr)rt that wc n)olc th«U1 «achicvcrl

it with our membership nov' st;Uldin«« lit

107.Our two n)ost impoit'U)t sr)cia) events

wci& thc AG M «Ind tl'1c Annuii1


Mr. Mal):us Nor)dgish was our gtiest

speaker «lnd hc vvas able to n:late his

expcncnccs ILS a .")cnlr)r M«lglstnltc ln

Rhodesia and his eonneetir)n with the

HSAP. I lc wils most IUTiusirlg rLx:oilnting

11Lj expcncnces «UTrl then con)piU illg thcl'i'I

with his cxpcncncc In AILsti«11IIL It. wils «in

cvr." opener iU)d mr)st 1nten:sting.

Our combined Christn)as BBQ wit)I

RAYvA In Kin~«~s I IUfr vviLI attended by

only a fev«meinbers. I IUs is r;lther

disappointing as it is a he'Iutifiil venue so

hope fl illy next vciU IIlorc will «lttcnrl.

Oui Blanch wclcon)cd 11)CMbcrs fn)nl

i)veloce'Ls Branches 'Ind where possible

tried tr) ilrnU)ge «an lnfon1lal fllnctlon to

give theln IU1 oppoitunity to meet Irx.al


Sponsor by 5659 Hoppy HOPKINS In memory of Bob Savage


British South Africa Police " -'. .=" Regimental ~ation UK


BRA,"iCH')009 h;ts bc«cn;u) intcrestittg nine

It)otlths. I tlhtly thc tc"LIIS«atlolt, ciu ly In tltc

yciu„ that thc cttrtettt ccoltotllic cltl)tate

and tire distances I Itvo1vc(I Inciult thai

attcttd;u)cc at fonlral fiu&ctir)ns of the

'Qttccttsl«utd Btiu)ch wits sicitdtly rft'r)pptng

'u&d there w;ts little or no CII;u)cc r)f'

(Tvcn:oming tltis sitttation.

In;tddition, 7012 Mike King hnally

decided thrlt ITC Itccd&."d to give Llp tllc

n:sponsibility Of Sccrcttry/I reasy:r Ltnd,

cvcn thotlgh wc hild pct'sltitdcd htnl a. ycru

ago to keep the position for yct another

yelu„ (itis yc;u' &we acccptcd that thc ilntcs

«'uld cilctttt)sLutccs v, cl(. srlch th;li we

short! d regtl."(fully;Lli(wv h IIH k) secede.

UIT(lcr tftcsc ctrctu11st«utces, wtth thc

aglr'. Ctncnt of thc (. Otntlut(D. ", I ctl):LII«lied

men)hers to obtain their apptvv;II to hold

thc A(.iM by clcctn)nic mc(uts, which was

Lll)'u)II11()LLsly appt'()x crl bv those who


Thc ntain task Of thc A()M w'ts k)

dcctdc 0H iltc IUtrue fon11«Tt Of thc Bnulch

Lu)d ihc ITleITlbcts itpplovcd ITIy ret'ttlllltg

ihc I, llatr brit also 1'Lktltg on Mtkc Klttg s

roles as Secre(at'y/TMlsrul. "r. I Ogctl)ct

with thc afbnwud roice;tnd nly self'

inflictcrf n)lc as Fxfitor, it c;u) be saf(. ly said

that I Iravc bccOIIlc thc Adlntntstl «)tot!

I"Otf Utllt tcly 66(W .101111 (~Old divas

prep;tnd to sol(.lier on xs Social Scen:t;uytu)d, stncc there vvas tto polttt ll;lvtllg

iukftttontll cr)t"t)lntttcc I T1cl11bcrs, its

cvctyone cps vote by email, I decided that

a Cot I'ttntttcc of Onc plUs 10111I wotllrl bc1110re tllrul et)ough to r(lit tllc BI«ulcll

af fault&, plrttcUI«u'Iy, as QUccnslaHd Is sUch

I«uge st«ttc tf)«lt encolllfMsscs iul

~~tet (lian SoUth Attica «ulrf /ltnb«tbwe

cot)lbtllcd„so tnlvcl to 0Hc Of ollrflu1cttons ls H10re titan 50'~/0 of theHtcntbers cru1 Ilutn'lgc.

liter: was sytltpathy all arorutd ihevvol kf that Qlt(.'elis 1«uld scctt)ed to bedying out, whtch was «apptn. tatcd but,n"tfistically, wc re still providing the

opportutlities to stay IH torlcl'I withn'tclnbcrs wol Irfwlrfc, v'tthoLlt iulntlal

sttbsclipti01)s, Ltnd collcc11(ttttiltg&on 0Hc

Inapt()t get-tr)gctilcr dN1ttt~ thc veal.Otlr IHHJor pro)cct of thc ycilr was

Ltppe«LI by the UK BI«utch k) help pay fortltc btttllftllg of a Mcrnonal to tltc BSAV In

a Mcmotial Arboretum ne;lr I ichfield in

thc Uttticd KttlgdolTI. By thc cttd of butte,

tile Btanch half collected $2„275.00 attd,

by ITlaktttg Up ihc sn'tall shortfall fA)nl

IT)etnbcrshlp 'fNlds 10 Incet thc rc(]ucst ofthc onc, ITtctnbcl', was ill')lc to send61000.00 to tire UK, as our sharc of the&000.0() cr)sts, vvhiclt I bclicvc was I

Sponsored by 4284 Sid HUBBARD


British South Afnca Police '" ':= Regimental Assodation UK

H)~lpuflccnt cfog)rt On thc ply of tire

pclsolls who n)adc a c(ultnbrltlon.

I shall bc;lttending the unx eilu)g» On tire

2»fh July 2010, In nly Adn)illistrati)I s

clip„duc lnainly to the gei)enrsity of 7432Kill Keys and his plivate legal cont;ict»„s() HO cost fo thc HIUHch. I How have tofind thc funds fo;Illow Roscnulry fo

accomp(uiy n)c, p(utly to have ll laic

cclcblullon of hcl 80 birthday with hcl'

I.",llgllsh fainlly aild fncn(fs, wluch

occun&d In 3UIy this vc'u; 'uld pINy to bcpresent »vhcn I h'lvc ITiy L14 H:-NliOH with

0Id fliclids fl'oln Hlv youfh to cclcbl at(' nlytx&t friend's and iny 80"' birthdays in

AupLst; fnly actual bllthrfay is ul

1»Iovelnbci)„ mls this Ls thc Onlv chrulcc wcwill have 10 rncct Up Llgain with all our

other v,nnklic»„ciumblies;In(I wobblies

f1onl yCSfcryC. lr.

September 26" heIIII(ICLI thc night wecclcbnltcxl tile Annual Dinner Of the

Regiment'll Association luld tv, enty

n)en)hers «'uT(1 thc foll()wing plcsL» tNHcd

up f01 the Occ(L»lou (lt thc Kynnun)-

Manly SporL» Club: 4727 Mike Iu)d

Roscillal+ M(Ien, %4' David Iuld 3elu)

Clinker, 6278 Gcny and Wendy +'el',68)4 30hn 'uxor Muy (»01(j, 8)'A Colin

John and his gtlcsts Rob u)d Sandy

Knif»hts, 7012 Mike 'uld C)lnnic Kinf~,

7638 Gordi)n Ho(hlett and .1()iu) I'1etchci,

1026~ Mitch Ind Debbie Dove„25.)48Sinron;uTLI .I;ICLIui I..ucas, and 4()()fyI a)VTL»nee.

I tr)()k thc oppoftNuty lo ill"I'lily f;lkc

Ovci thc bor)ks Of Acco(IHl fTonl Mike

King and c(ln rcp()IA th:lt oi.u f Inances &vere

»llwllys ln safe hands Iuld hc I'ills k) bccol)g»HItulr'lied lol' thc wily hc kept OLu

fill(ulcc» ticklni» ovci. I' in(illy I sUI'pnscd

everyone by nl(1k lug a pA:senfation fo

Mike;u)d ()inny King ru»;I thank you f()I

thcll IOHL»„h(lrdwoI'klllg alld loyal scl vice

to the bnnch.

It contiIT(lc» to be n)y pleas(ul. to kLvp

Lvciyone in the Hnlnch up to date v„ith all

th;lt h;lppcns v, orldwidc and, alfhoup»» l v, eh;lve ITccn tI("It'll in fhc p'1st CL»;I poorSLvond cousin to Kestcin Austl;IIi;I, wL

actually have Ilolhii)g tr) (k) w"lth then),

being at lc;1st hvo tinge zr)ncs away, but I

am g~nltcful to John Sevvaid in I'C141 Iu)d

Andy Iield ln ~l&(~~A.* fi)I p'L»sing on

dctlils of anyother ex-Incmbers living in

thc SN)shine Sllltc.

MIke I».(jdcn 4727.I'HF. 'I RANSVAAI. OtJTPOSg'

1&I-:CI.'NS I.VI:.XTS.3 April 2009 Molithly Sun(k)watcr-

Most Of the IL»ual 'suspvts': 4831 Peter

k I:Ilui Stiff, »619 H:ury F.nsiin, &69.")

Dave SIOHTIIH, 6538 Glenn IWIIIeaskill,

6610.lrrck I'irrctt, 6769 Dick IC»l nlviIIC,

Sponsored by I28531 Jean ILLINGVVORTH In memofy of her father Col.H.Jackson


British South Africa Police '&.~ "- '

Regimental Assmation UK

7038 Ashlcy Coiling». 7A))9 lan Duncan,7()51 Dick I lltllLl, 9 71 I"I ik Hanckotll,900~0) M'dcolnl Bal11flckl I»ticsts

Molll&» WVillls„( Ilarlene Hanlficld,

Ytl«lilting Xlc Ltrcsi KVII fl&xI i»fdiovu. .Your comn)ittcc is ix)»v pn)viding silacks'll. Ix) ch;Irl»c;lt every n)onthiy fl, lnctloi'I.

May 20t)9 - A I;II better turnout

«Ind «I g»(xxI tlnlc»v«(s hild by rdl, 4028Teny 'I'horpc, 4831 Peter k. Fr;m StfA;")4)» Hn;l» 'I holnas„)»26 Phil k Robin

Devlin, &695 Dave Slonuul, f5703| Judy

Hankinson„»N)7 Afistair XVchh, 6017John Hill, 634& D;Ive Holnlcs„6'l34 I'«III

k Dcv. Cuthhcrtson, 6610 Jock Pinot,, 6817 I&.cith Bouche, 7t)3&»l Ashley

Collinfw, 741»9 I;In Duncan, 76~1 Dick

I.atifla, (431 Sin)on 1"hoq)c, 10-'l3') John

)Ill'aspc, 22225 I I;Iny Mci»;inlcy, 91¹02MalcoIIU Barnflcld, V4)28 AII;In I..ord,guests I oi)1 Cro»e» ( I VI Scots) 'II)d 41ibcl't


12,lunc 2009 —Not so g»Mlt «I ttln)out

this lime. &126 Phil k Robin Dc& lin, »619H;Iny I'.nslin„(5703] Judy Haulm*nson,

6017 .fohn Hill, 6345 D;Ivc Holm~&,

653&»l Glenn liacaskill, 6610 JockPIITctt, 6769 Dick Clanvillc, 7038Ashley Colllnfw, 74&t9 Iarl Duncan, 7651Dick Lltllla. &«410 AndA. ')v Stcl nslow„9790 Dune;Iil Q»au&»h aixf 9()t)202

Malcolm Bal nf Iield,

2I" Junc 2f)09 Curry and RiceI..ul'Ich. Ag'Iin»&vc h'ld «a g(xxl attendance«Ind a«glc«lt INlch; «dihotlgh cfultc a fcwnlcn1bel s VVIX) pfonllse(f to;lttcnd did not

pitch. I his nl«lkes It vci+ dtfficUltA.'g«II (ling catcn I)i», arid 1(x) nluch f(x)ddivas prq)«lrcxi, Sonic gtlys»vcfc an)bushe(Ibcx 1usc of Fathcl' s Day, hilt »vc «Ippcai k)otrr n)ef)lbcI C to give I.ls pllol Ix)flee If' they«111:n t going to attend once thev havecoll)mitt(xf. I.ortunatcly, v, e »vere able tor(-disc a sn)'dl pn)fit for benevolence.Those vvho signed thc register v«'cre: 41131Peter k Fain StiA; %70 Tom k SheiLa

Holden„5137 Don Norris, 5405 Brian1homas, 5577 John Thomc, 55&v7

IJO»vttrd Marshall„5619 H;IITy muslin,&695 Dave Sloman, f703] JudyHankinson, 51)06 Steve k. Chris Barry,5%8 Peter Stanton I)nd his vvife KP 74 LI»'.cats, 6017 John Hill, 6059 Laurie k Lielhhitt 6()99 S'Ikkie Mckay 6144 Dick,Iudson, 6255 Jack k Fiona London,6268 Leon k Meric du I'oft, 6316 Hob kWendy IVishait, 6345 Dave Holmes kMichelle knight, 6538 Germ Macaskill,6539 Dave Mcf»iamara, 6610 J(x:kPirrctt, 6612 Dav&c %'illis, 6769 Dick(~lanvillc, 6817 I&.eith Douche, 7038Ashlcy Collings and Morag XIr'fills.

[7347] Paul IA)uhscr, 7628 Jim k SheilaMorland, 8968 Dave 1»lixon, %34~

Spon~ by [2853]Jean ILLINGmtQRTH In memory of her father COI.H.Jackson


British South Africa Police "--:-' Regimental ~ation LIK

Mam)an MCITifield, 7651 Dick Il«atilla,

7670 30hn k Vcluna Sutton, 9790Duncan k C'uol XVauf»h, 110«887.fohn kllclcn Herdman, 25763 Bob ~s,W'% C)wcn l)rummond, 7N)315.)ohn

M alp Redfern, 110905 Doug

Ml&ihhon, 111378Pan) Clark„900202Malcolm Barnheld, Charlcnc Barnheld„Asst)c. LorTaine Ruthelford, gl)csts R.

Sempk~l isher (Kenya Police Capt)„D.Croukamp (Sclot)s Scouts}, Vcvin

Tll)mas (Scious Scouts), Ian Cat&well

(RLI), Pat k Noelfe Hill (An»ny), Richartl

&ven (2 RR), Tcd (9th Batt);Iud 3acqui

Coet&c, Alee Buntfoek (Intaf)„John van

Fyssen, l&)ulse Swart, Bndgct Hennu)g,

Dc+. Henning, Paul k Shcil'I Harl)ere)nd boys, Donald Tlndale, M;lpg»o

Eonvine, C) ilbcrt Holm&&, Rob k Mcg;In

Jones, Rich'll Barnfiekl, Bat)lia

Neophytou and Rogci Crosby.10"' July 2~ Monthly Sttndolvncr.

Not a IelrL»c tunlollt elAcI" thc Cun y «Ind

Rice„but n)ost enjoyable, The snacks arc

proving I dna. mI. 4831 Peter k I.l'In

StiA; 5526 Phil k Robin Devlin, 5619B)rry Vnshn 569& Dave )Ioman 6017John HIII 6145 Alex l«raser 6345 Dave

Holme, 6382 Teny Mnval~ 6538C)fenn Maeas411, 6610 Jock Pirrett,

6769 Dick Clamille„6817 kcith

&)uehe, 7038 Ashlcy Collinfw„

7118/I)597 Mike Harrison, 74lt9 lan

Duncan, 76 ) I Dick Latillll, 91&0

Jcrcn)y k LIbby 1honlpson, 9165 C)col)

k Orl;Indt) Lotter, 22')79 Mike Mist ulin

;II)d Ruth Reed.

The New Ze'&1;&nd Outpost2008 —2009

Anothcl vcly sat) s I elctol yvcell'

Iol our Ncwv Zeal'Ind Bl'Inch ot ThcIkcginlcntai Asst)ciation. 1hc Anlnl'll

C)cnclell Meeting on thc 24th M'ly 2008,

followed by lunch+)n at thc Silvcl dale

RSA, now our I lvouritc vcnucvvas )veil attcndcd. Thc prc-Chl lstlllas Itlnchcon on thc 29thNOVCH)bcl 2008, hCIII elt tl'IC Seln)C

vcnuc, v'as al.«o %veil attended. All

Plcscnt elt both occelslons aPPc;)tedto cnjc)y thc gatherings.

I h;)vc pleasure to rcport th;It thc

IIH;u)cial side 01 the Br;ulch is "verys;ltisfactory'", The Non)inal Rolealsoon thc lucre'lsc - thl'cc fulthcl

H)cn)hers I'cccntly signing I)n thc

dotted linc. Kith el hit 01 ltlck xvc

may have over ~0 members", .)'.)

Rcg'll ds lu)II best Yvishcs to 'Ill

mcmbcrs both herc 'lnd ovcrsc;ls.

Bill Sehollunl —Chall"nlan.

Sponsored by [2853]Jean ILLING)A'ORTH In memory of her father Col.H, Jackson


British South Africa Police " ' - Regimental Association UK

I lc Yv«)s «ll &v«tys the dlplon)&ll «)nd

I cl)t'cscntcd thc Assocl(ll lou vellhdi&&nity;tt n);Iny of'ftci;Il, tn(I non-of'flci;11 functions over lhe ye;trs. Atthc A()M JohH L",«Ivc «It) cxcciictltIcpot t fol thc yc«ll 2007/ 00&t.

/'/?Ot() fi 'OI) I (/ll'?5!') 7? LS 0()&Y /. I i)?('/I(OI?i

Di// 7('/?O//I ii) I (( /i(iii'I) ?Eli?), Dl'./O/?I?

RE'17?O/(l~' ((7?IE'5l,~g)E'EI/&'E"I') EI / Cte)'

//? II I IE/q~( (I i'( E C lli(?i I )7?(II?),

TI-IE WESTERN (..APEOur 40th A(ii'ti vv;)s held on 2n(f

M«ttch, 00). This yc«ll' &&&' «Is

p«11 ltcul«ll lv sl~~tllf lc«lnt Hl lh«lt otulon & st«ttldtt) 7 I lot)or;lt'y Scctct«tty()illy V()tter, I'rc, lsurcr, .fohn51tlnt 0 Ilnd (.Onln)ittec M(.'till)clI&od V.tcrnl:ln, 5~etc;111 stltndinf7

do&& 'n.

4illy served for 2& yc;lrs on the(.onlnllttcc, thc 1«lsl E) of vvhtcll hc'&v'Is tl)c, )ecl'ct'll y. I nl siul'(.' '111

n)cnlhcl s of the )&Vest(.'I n ( itp(.'

Bl tlHch, 'lnd olhct Hrt)Hchcsthr()ut7hou'l thc 5&&'ot ld &&vill «Igrcc thllt

he h;ls done 1 ~vondcrful job, I'or

lvh lcl'1 Q'c 'll'c ill I 4', I"lt cpu I. Jolinset "&'cd fol flvc vc&lls «Is (. h«lit n)tin.

./o/Ii? MII)?)'o (A.'fi) (» ()'i//I) /'ottei1('(.'I (.' /)I e5('I? 1(&(/ I elf/I &~ If15 o)7 /)e/i(i/f

of 1/ic' E'Ol)I)7? it?E'E' a)?(/ ))IE'))I/7(. '. I'5, fO)'t/?E'Ii' )??a)?I' I'E.'Ei?'5 of 5E.'I vi('(' to 1/I('

l It('5fcl'li ( EI/)E' .055O('IE?f?O)?

(()i? /)e/ia/f'()f't/?e /.,?K R)(7)&(/I / (i(/(/oiii' /)E'51 1('?5/?C5 f(7 ()I//I' El)?(/ Jo/?)i./ii /7(I).(iE?I/ai / IC(?5 Ei55aci(it((/ )I it/I(li//1' /)at/I fi O))? I)it' I O// ii? t/ICTl (Il?1'5(i(i/ 8) (I)?C/I (,O)7?)7?!tt(76'. (II?E/

/atf() /I E?5 Fdi tor of' 1/?E UA.C)iif/)o5f. /1 lt'a5 (I /)/('a5?ii'E' to /I('

(?55()(.IE?tC(/ tt It/? /li)71.

,t /i /.E'I /7/)Ot t5).

Sponsored by [3660]Marjorie Jones In loving memoty of Peter Sylvester Jones


British South Africa Police '"-v,- 'Regimental ~ation UK

Brltlsh Solltll Africa Police %1emonaI

«5'ational Memoiial Arboretum

5248 Alan LaneOrlf ( .11«tin)la»„Vctel Vhl Ill ps, has

incntir)n»xf in previous n1itio»s of The

Oiitpost, the pl'IH tr) elect ."l. Mcnlollrll k)

thc ICOSA Vollcc «'li. tire N'ltlonal Mcnloli JI

Arboretuin with IUl 0Alcial open ulg

planned for thr; 2~ ' .Iuly next year, 30yc«u's affcf ouf I"r)lcc G:;»««crf to exist, The

Mclnoi1al »'111 bc 11 replica of tl'ic

Hl«ltherwlck Me»Tonal ln Monls Depot,

wltII suitable broIT/c p'Ulcls en)belllshulg


R»x;cntly on a trip to the Derbyshife

D«lies, Vaullne «u'id I ITIadc «1 shoft dctorlf

tr) visit thc Alton'. tuI11 to flild out n"lore

about it and tr) scc wlrat had b(x;H achicvcrl

ln tire ielatively shoit time SIH»w its

inception, On our urival wc fi)tuid 'I

visltol" centre, ch«'lpcl, snlall ch'Uity shop

ru)d «i welcome coff»&t»;I IT)om which

provides lip~)t ivfnishnients.

Thc lltcl ltun' ln thc visik)I centi): stat»xf

that the National Mernori II Alt)01 turn is

thc United Kingdom's living;uld Iasti»g

Mein()nal to comnlcITIOI"ltc Iuld


s Those»'ho h«lvc glvr', n thea llv(."s

in tire scl«vice of their country.

All whr)H) have scrvcrf;u)d those

»'I"io h«lvc stlffcl&d ils a result of

CO» f1let,

Others vvho for spxi tic Or

apf)I opn«itc re«Isr)ils «uv.

coin»'lclTlol Itcd on the site.

(.."n wtcrf in 1997 on nx:faun»xf sand:uld

gI Jvcl pits, the Arborctuln is lrx" ltcrl in tile

heart of thc country within the Nation;11

I'on«st ai Alrcwas, near I. ichficld,

.)taAr)rdshlw. . (/()fr/I(')4'c ()/ I 1)II Ir/Io (1!!I I

I"('&k/ Cl 1)1&I/) (IIX/ !r.'/I ' 0!I (I .'i'(!I!ICI1', //IC /)05f

r'&+le i &' DE/3 PAR,!!/ . It covcls an area r)f

150;Icl»«s r)f w»ll-kept y;rssl;u)d bordcling

thc River T«u))e with some 50,000 fizz&

allc«ady pklHt(."rl ilnd I )0 rlcdlc«lt»xf

ITtcinonals est;Ibl Ish»4.

Is 9)c holllc of thc Anl)»ki I'ore(.'s

Memolial„dcrlic )ted in thc pnmncc of

I-ler M;ij»«sty thc ()rI»«en on 12'


2007. Th» Mcn)01ial wJs constlTIctlxI to

provide M:ognitir)n of the nlc» lu)d

woITlcn of thc AIT»cd ilild Mcrcharlt

Scrvic»w who lravc Inst tlleir lives in the

sci'vlc» of their countiy sulcc thc cnd of th»

S»x'.0»d World Kaf. l)»like th» Y(!orfd

Kaf Mcn)oiials in to»«ns and villages

acfoss thc n;lflon, then.' ls Ix)whclc thJt

nvords thc n«uncs Of thr)sc»'lw) hilvc b»x*. l'I

killcrl onduty since 1941,

Spon~ by [~]Marjorie Jones In loving memory of Peter Sylvester Jones


British South Africa Police "= ." Regimental ~ation UK

Onc H1«ty fot )ct tlt«tf '.itHcc the ScconclWMI(I Rat„tltc HlcH 'U1d )vonlctl of fhe

Atn1cci 'Ulcl Mctclt(111i Setvtces htlve fJken

jxlrt Ill Inorc th'111 t(I Opct;Ittotls, 'Uld

conflicts (IOR)»» the vvorld. TI)csc 'lcttotls

Ila 'e tiu1gcd ftotn )) «U' fo pc«acekccp/tlg,

ITVH1 Ill.un«utlt«utatt itsst!it«ulcc fo flghftl1g

tctroristn, ftntn thc jN)glc«s of Mal;ty»ia totl'le stonl'ts of the So(lfh Atlantic, ftvtll thc

strccts of'Aden to thc sit&«cts of 1»Iotthctn


The Mcn)orial it»elf' is 'u) intpo»ring

sftllctttR', eotlslsttng of a Iiu""c 6 lnctt).'

htgh e«11 tll tnotttlcl, Icdltcltlg fR)tn 100licit'cs )vi(:lc at the }x1sc to jttst 50 t)tcftks

%vide '1f. the fop 'U"Id I)«1«icd 0II CJI'ly Blitt.'ih

lxun))vs Ot tnH"Inlt. 011 fop of thc Inotuld

stands a 43-tnctt): di;uneter stone

sitltcfttrc xvttit t)vo cMvcd Ev«Ills «IHd t'vo

stntight avails, consuitctcd of'bticks filccd

wtfh I orfl«)u)(I »fot'lc p'lttcls. At pl'csct) t

thclc;UK If),(WK) I)atncs I11scl II)cd 011 thcsc

panels. II'I the ()cntn' of fhl» sttllctN'c Is

I)R)1)1& )vTcafh, fl'lnkccl hy t)vo cvocJt tve

hit)w'0 scltiptN):s. TI)c 'll igtlntcllt lu)(I a)(Is

of the Mctnontll Is sitch filar 011 the 11thhON of the 11th (I;ty of fltc 11th Inonth„the sN1s Rlys stJ'ciun thl'0(t&gl'I the (vali ofthc tncn1oll(tl„ tlltunttlIJttt1g thc QTcafft.

Thc HSA Police Mctnotial )vill hcsited in;& ) cry pleasrutt positio» nc;u thecotnct' Of %coin«utry Avctlne illtci I"iu f".~lst

Walk. Other Police Potvcw vvith

Men1011«als «1111:acfy c;»filh1 t shell III thcArbor'ctttln;ue. th(.'kenya Pol Ice,M(11«lyst(ill Poltce (Uld Royal I long I( ottt)I OIICC

()Vc font'Id the AI'Lx)H'f(IH1, fc«ttNcci

hclo)v) to hc a vcly vvortit)vl)lie «U1d

spcclal pl«tcc to vl!itt, SO tnnch so tllaf. I

Ilntllcdlatcly scnl off Il'lv long ovcrdttcdottattot) to)vards fhe Mclnon(11 f HHcf. I

Kvoltlci Rcotnn)cncf any Hl('. Illbcl )vl10 Inavhc Ill the (U):J fo pay It il vtslt —I «1Jn s(N.*the*,v xvi I I bc intpicsscd.

As cvctyone knov's Ottr Memoti(11 isbet fig fttt)deci solely hy cloftaittoHs. I ktlowthe HRlHCI'I Is gt Jtcf(II fot the dottattollsaII&t(ly rccciVcd ft Orn 111dIVldtl JI

Mcmhcts ru)d for a most g)cncR)us(Iot)allot) fn)H1 ihe At tsft Jl tall 'QIJc&t)sI«U1cf

Htiulch. Thc fUll cosl of the MCH1orlal It«x»,

ho)vcvcr, nof yet I)ccft t&tchccf (U1d %'Itilsf

Sponsored by [6772] Mary LANGFVAI In loving memory of TIm I angran


British South Africa Police "' " Regimental Asscxiation UK

tt ts &uppnv&;&tn1 tl&«&t vvc aw. pn. scntly

living in h;ud tinier, ;uly t;lunation would

bc most A'eicornc auld should 4; sent lo

D;u& 1 Iu«&IN~) our Tw;tste. r.

5E/: T/I/ I ~V('/. 05/'. l) I.l. ll 'l.l:'T I'l)lt

I 'UAVlll:it D/. T;tl/ 5' ()I Tl/I I/, 5. 11'

.III.;IIt)III:II.:I,'&«/) /101 I' Tl') 1)0V!I I /')




In his new book,


XVho ts This' ?

AND where wts he'

Lemon tells the story of an 8000 kilometre

cyde ride from Nairobi to Cape Town. Arrested

twice, he was beaten up by armed soldiery,

mugged, suffeted amoebic dysentery and anumber of falls, but made many new friends

and enjoyed himself immensely,

Written in his own irreverently laconic ~,this is the second volume in Lemon's 'back to

trod adventute trilogy and makes compulsive

reading for anyone with even a rrKxllcum of

adventure in their soul.

Available through Amazon, your loca/

bookshop can orr/er the book or ff you want apersonal/y Inscnbed copy, send cheqLie or PQfor D/. 00 (covers p 8 p) to Albtda Books, The

E/ms, Ftarxx Lynch. G/os. GL68L/,

Sponsored by [39?0]Cathy LGVVTHER In loving memory of Larry


British South Africa Police "'-:~ .-" Regimental Assooation UK

"invitation to Danger"A Tale of Tragedy and Romance.

The author Joy Madean also wrote 'The Guardians "(A history of the RhodesianNative Department) and 'V/hen the Going was Rough" (stories from the Rhodesian

Terrorist VVar in the 1970's) —published in 1974 and 1984,

Her third book, "Invitation to Danger - A Tale of Tragedy and Romance" also set inRhodesia/Zimbabwe, is a gripping heart-rending story of a Rhodesian family as they

lived through the perilous days of 1978and 1979when terrorists silently stalked throughthe wild bush, made ambushes, burned down farm houses, laid lethal landmines,

bombed buiidings and killing and torturing victims.This is an historical novel with a page turning fictitious detective story of murder, g~

and drug selling. This family became involved unravelling the mystery as they livedthrough the great historic effort by Rhodesians as they tried to save their country. It alsotells of the manipulations by fgures well known today for the political parts they playeddeliberately or unintentionally to bring Zimbabwe to power in 1980and complete ruin

today. Love and romance also winds through the story adding to poignancy of thecoilapse of Zimbabwe and how its effects were brought to this pioneer family and theirfarm. It is an example of many similar stories of so many Rhodesians and which make

one of the greatest shameful human tragedies in British history of this century,

Joy Madean informs members of the BSAP and other Rhodesians/Zimbabweans thatcopies can be ordered from her at her address: 17, Frank Cook Court, School Road,

Kidlington, OX5 2HVV D, England or Email: joymaclean@btintemet. cornor at the following addresses

Admin@Sable+ublishing+louse. corn OR www Amazon. co.ukLetter Post to: The Editor, Sable Publishing Houm, P.O. Box 107,

VVellington, Somerset, TA21 1BDUK

Sposnored by f4180j Jeanne MAY in loving memory of husband Rick


British South Africa Police " . .'."' Regimental ~ation UK

A I'IAy-Tkvn Vc ll Mctnolg


«) 130 Rttlldy Syllllll(Mls

On Ictvtng sclwx)l in 19')7 I st;uic(1

cmploytncnt as a motor apprentice in a

gal Jgc )List outside Hitchi» in

I lcrtfol(Mlu'8 where I xvJs Ix)nl. I h«lvc

«llvvapi had al1 lntl*l&st li'I cJrs at1d

lnOforcycics ctc.

Every cvcnin«" after v,'Olk I Us(xl to

meet our next-door ncighIM(tr vvhcn

v:afktng our dogzs', I-Ie had lived In

T«ul'/Bnla (T«ulgz«Nylk'I I cn Itot'y Js it thct'I

z»v«ts) vi'ofktng v»'Ifh «1 busttlt&s p«trfllcr v»'ho

v "Is IMITI bet%(x.'ll Cicntt«uly and I IJ»ccand could @x*4both Gem ul at)d I t»cnch.

»Vlulst oUt with thc dog» shc «Liked Inc If I

had cvct thoU«zht «IIMl.lt I( tvtng thc Uk'Nd jzoing ovclsc«Ls. I told httTI that I

I'Iadn t «altho(lgh lay co(Lsill v'ho Is tcl'I

older th JH I an1 had nlatri(xf

Rhodesian, Pat AddISOI1, Vvho z»Vas SCI'Vlllg

in the RAI. . Pat Ietf the RAI in about

1957 INd t»ct(uTIcx1 lo Rh(xlcsta wvlth nly

coUslil 'u)d xvas sftltioIILxI at RRAf'

Thomhill, Gv clo.

Our ncxtdoot »elf»»lbo(u told ITic tltat lf

I %vent (}U't to TJtlg«11'iytk'I and vvorkc(1 011

thc stsal cstatc hclpitlg thc 4cmlan I could

pA)bably (fo Ljuitc v»'cll fot tnyscif. I vv(L»

ItnITlcdtatcly Illtcn:etc(1 (uld»«tid th'lt I

v'ould go. I-Icc in)n)c(liately mute to thc

«icnn'N xvho XVA)tc b'tck itl f'II'.»ch,

(.}cITnan al'ld S)vJhlfl ott «I Lyly". vvrttcl' ihc

oilly lettcts v hich )vorkcd v, en I m:(Lll the

B «llld M . I lc s'ud lluit h(". had «I ltlrg»c

lu)(isc but tlrat hc vvottld build 'I roil(Ltvcl

fol nlc plLL» (1 ktthlrx)n'I ctc, I lc s'lid th'Ii

hc had a tn Ick and «1 ll «lc lot pl LL«i

insflntnc»L». I le lived about 120 miles

fh)n) Dar-es-S;II;mn along thc MOA)goA)

IL}(td btlt his platltatlon vals about 20 nliles

Into thc bLL»h fTonl thc 11ulitl A);Id.

E'.vc+lutg s(x'»144 hl)c «uld I Icf1 thc

Uk in August 1959 on the Y)»'arvvick

O'Istic via thc Suez «..attal. On;uriv(II at

Dlu~«»-Salaaln filis old sctIIf@ In,'ul c(ul}c

on bo;Ird thc ship — hc t(uI)ed out to bc the

«)cm1,'ul I v "ls going to vvork for. Aflcr

fINM d(lys In I.)LIr hc hIA'. d a Q% K.olnbtc

Ilnd vvc vvcnt 0(it to his platlt'Itiol). On

;ltTiv;ll I vvcnt k) bLxI b(tt vvhclt I z«vokc Up

the f(}IIOVVI»g nt(uI)lllgz thCre»»VII' 110

bathlTx)ln„ tlull"IIIIg v»'atci; toilet oi iuly

atnct)it1c». I xv(1s slUck thclv lol 'I Kvcck

Lulable to vvash, shave Or 'Nything». I

vv;u)44 to y) k) Morogon) to gct sotne

cJsh„which I h«td tl«ulsfcircxI thcA:, but I

htld Iw) Ine(Ills of I'cttiltg there.

Affcr a )vL«ck I hc;uTI a cu; vvhich I

stoppexl. If. vv«L» a Gct tn«ul fannci «lnd I

«L»ked him i(he )v()uld give tnc a lift to thc

ln(utl A)'td Js I vv«u)tcxf to go to Mot'ogoio.

I lc gave Inc «I IIII «UId pcf»e(lad&] lne to stay

Sponsored by [59831Felicity McMANMON ln loving memory of husband John



British South Africa Police '"-':- 'Regimental ~ation UK

ni&»ht )vilh his wif&";Ind IJn)ily, lien)e «1 ch«&nge of clofl IIHL', «lncl


The 'Oct)))at) vvlr() I was supposed to)vork fot hi4] I'x)lh,"I flftck 'Ind 1l lcfN butnelthel" had engitlc». I found oily ctl"in&'

jxlrL» etc in hi» let)d;Ivcl. My fJthel hall

lnvcstecl solnc n)oney II'14) this pjatlfJ110H

bui. the (.)C111)«IH In»teJd Of pu11ln&g thc c«lsh

Info thc c»rtatcs JceoN)L'i put It 11110 his

j)11vatc Jcco(U)4 Hc w(Li sj)ending thc c'lsh

on il new tl Jctor and 11 Lick I)'IfL» JIT(1 I w«L»

tlnablc to stop hinl, I went 4);1 sollei1or IH

Dat'ws-Saia«)n) «lnd4)ld hll"Il th«lt the

4cil) Tan had )vTlttcn 4.) ON' next&foot

t)ctghbour stlylng» th«lt I'Ie h«ld «1 lat'I»c hollse„tt Jctor etc. The solicitor L»ke(1 nlc f()r fhcIcttcrs, Js If w;is possible )vc co(lid 4lkehil)1 4) coLlft fbr getting Il)e out

Truing»ttnytka tlt'ldet f«llse I)tl.'tcncc".i. phic

next-d(T01 nelgj'ilx)ur fl;Itly Ic;fIL»ed to sendthct)), s(lytn&' thJ1 I lla(f w«llkcd out on thcActi))«tn bn:aking fhe ag»n«ctncHt wc had.I I('. w'L» IL»IHg H ie Ils;1 sc,tj)cg(Tat LL» 11 )v'L»

obvlo(L» that thc clraHccs of getting tile

money b'lck werc pt).'tty slin). I s'lw thcGCHT)an )who I )v;L» supposed to lvx)rk forcvcly event n&' '1.'i I wal 14xl hill) 10!ihow n)ehis b()nk ltccottt)t. I thoLIghf. th«11 I wils

ITl;Iking s()tllc hc(tdway but the frcxt

morning I )vas Ixtck;It s(luau: one. I ran

rnysclf dolvn to I;2 lil the batik Nld vvas

vct'y nc'll'Iy n)'ldc a DHS I DisITcsscxfHntish SLtbIectf. In 1hosc cl'lys )vhcn youcHt&.'I'cd the CON1try a bun(1 of I) ~ (N hcicl tobc p;lid iilto the Iinmig&»1 Jtion Dcp;Itfl))c»t.If yoLI bccan)e a DBS the attthontlcswould usc tlrat n)oncy lo send y(T(i back to1he I.IK. I fold thc sollci4)I Ih(lt I only haclabout I;2 to I'Hy n«lnle. I fc askcxl H1c lf I

could clnve;1 Llnd Rovct' at)d I fold hln1th;lt I co(lid. Hc s ltcl fh,'lt In MOIT)gott Uptn thc hills he had J. sll)«lllholcltng lvherc hcg»n vv '.itl Jwbctrtes «lnd flovvers etc. All hew(it 1fe(I n lc 4) do w«ls 10 tJke thcstrnvbctTtcs and flowers 1o the ratlvvaysia110H aircf sencl thelll fo vanoUs hotels II'i

Mbcy;L Dodoma, At Ttsha. Hc told mc th;ltIrc would j)ay nle k25 a Inotlth pl(L» n)ykccj). I vvorkcd fol him for about sixweeks btlt no 1)Jy caine H1y lvay so Iw«llkccl otlt 0H htln Jnd )vent I'xlck fo theCicm)at) wl)0 h«ld given n)e J Iifl. Hc fcdNld clothed ll lc for stx weeks. I cvcntU«Illydt Jflcxf an «tgtrL«cITlcl)t oil nly own and thcln)1111g&»t«ltloH «)tiff)on ties lvho knew ITlycit):UnlsfaHccs put the f200 botld it)to HlynJn)c.

I cottld c;lsily hilvc fottnd work inT«lilt"«lnyika l.')Ut aflcl wh«lt had happciled I

cftdil 1 )vatlt 4) know &'lnynlon' alx)tlt Afric«t;It)d dccidkxf to tl'. turn to thc UK. In I;lct I

got 011 thc )»NAvtck Castle oil it's next tnpbitt I;lskc(1 iny filthcr if I eouM bn:;1k t))y

Sponsored by 5725 Phil MEAD


British South Africa Police ' -:,--' Regimental Association UK

Jo(IIT)cy and go to spclld Christ)Has 19')9 at

Thonlhill Yvilh nly cousin. I Ic «Igr&.'d th«it

I could, so I got 0A'the sliip at Heira and

got thc trail'1 to Gwcfo. V'lt, nlv col)sin s

husfxNd, being Rhodesian, s'lid tlut I

should stay in thc count)y. I;ipplicd for a

Job iis il le(1ITIci «issistant oil a tolx1cco f«IH11

in Trclawncy OwT)c(I by an ex indian

AH11v Colonel, t..oloncl Johi)son, who I

;tin siirc s0111e cx-HICIT1bcfs of tl'ic I"011:e

will remember. Hc off(:Ixxf n)e the job at

K')5 a week plus my ke(7. Affer what liad

happenc(I to me in Fast Afric;& I wanted

pr()pci contract of elllpfoyirlent dl,lwn tip.

He had no ObJG tions but when I vcnfI(xf

v~th him that his tcm)s of' employmcnt

were 625 plus my keep he told me that he

lrad madea mistake;lnd th;it it was 525 a

nlonth bui I keep H1vsclf. I IT(1(l b(«cn

issued with a Federal ixwidenc( pcm)it on

the stl).*ngth of I'Iis cn)ployinent off(.I but

when I leA his employIHent I lost H1y

n."sidential status and wcllt back onto

visitors petit tlrat r.N out in mid I ebITiary

1960, I had tried to get back with

coIT)p«Nies like Mike Appcl but %&ause I

Irad not coniplctcd H1y IT)otol

«Ippfcnticcshlp It was not easy to fin(1

work. I think the main reason was that thc

future of the Federation was veiy much a

(Iucstlon 111«Irk that had caus(4 (Nccrtaillty

fol thc futtlre. fl)c 11rst «av«1ilaI)lc ship thiit

h(11')pcl )cd to bc th(«Warwick ( (istic wiisll t

diic to «il11vc In Hcin) Uiitil tire cnd ol

FebiTIaiy 1960and I couldn 1'Iflbrd to st;iy

N Hei)«i foi two Yvccks waiting for tile

ship. I event to the IITIIT)i&~ration

I Icad(fual lci.i In Salisbuly to s(«c if I co(lid

gct, a two-vv(x. 'k cxtcHsion on nly visitors

peITHIt. I he InllTiigr«)tIOI I ofhcer w«)s

,limn)y Copley vvho said that I could stay

in Rhodesia. I told him that I didn't like

Afri «1 «Nd wiinle(I 10 rettinl t'0 thc Uk aild

that in ally c'1sc I coufdn I find work. I le

asked mc home tlut evening for a meal

with his wife and daughter at his flat in

Avond;Ilc. I-le su~»est(xf that I join the

Fc(feral Airny bitt I told him th;It I was not

inten. ste(I. I le tlieil told Illc «)bout thc

history of the HSAV but I said that I didn' t

think that I was suit;ible to be a policeinan.

He pcrsUadcd H)e to go 'I'oi' ai'1 lllteivlew, «11,

which I was i)cccptcd I))id that s how I

ended tip N S(IKld I of t)0, I really

enjoyed thefive aiid a half yeats I served

in thc BSAV nuinly in LJH)tali, Some

members of the Force ICA over the yeals

a)id got Imps Jobs ctc witli colTIITany calw

'li id cxpcnsc acco(Nts, I decided to do thc

s'N1c «Nd w«ls oflcn-d «1 Iob In eai siilcs «11.

Rawson's in Salisb(ily who werc the

R(x)tesagents at the tin)e. Tile sales

ITI«IH«)gci was ex-HSAV. Howcvci' UDI

put paid to that job so I n:t(N)(xf to LJmt, lli

Sponsored by 5615 Tom MEEKIN


British South Africa Police "::," Regimental Association UK

«IHd I Jrl Johrl .LUlllawctv .i dnvtllg schoolfor six inon&s. After the six months I verynC;U'ly rC-join&XI tile I'Orecc Paddy WardH.Jlly girlie(f nlc but I dcctd(xf clgJII'I!it tt

cUld Ict(U1)(xf k) thc Uk.I WVHS gOitlg ro WOIk «tt lny fclthcl S

engineering company but the d;ty bcf'()IL: I

w«IS du(c to sic'. w'Ork hC die(1 Of «I hc«trt


While I )v«xs still Itl Ikhodcsla illy

p(Ucnts n)ct;I dincctor of thc l;U)))acOIL)Ltp «tt. «I drtlr)cr attd Il)y n«U))c civppcd

up. The 'I an)uc dinvtor wttnted sot nc()ne

to sell Intr)trig dnlltr)g cxltltpn)crit w'hich

they n)atttlf«lciLU'Lxf ln «l sn)all factory In

%Hola, Z Unbi;t. B~ntsc of t)ay

cxpcticnce of'living in Afiica the dinxtor

thottgJ)t tl'i«lt I wottld bc sLUt«1bic fol thc Job.They appllcd for a work pcllmlt «Uld ln

J(U)tlaty I Jt)7 I lcff fOr ZlU))bier. I Wot'kCd

rhett." fbr ten yc(U& before bein«! tt;tnsf(, 'ITLxf

b«ICk k) thC hc«td Ofl)CC «ill(f factory Ill

,.)hcf'field on export stiles. I covctL'. d

Sottthcrlt I'.uIL)I')c «Utd Sotltft An)elle'I bLlt

tll thc cJl ly )0s otlt of a vvot kfoKC of oncth(»tsand seven httndrlxf, fifty of LLS Inst 0LU

Jobs. whilst )voti. ing in I'lnlbia I had to

go k) Dar-cs-. )ala,"Ull In thc e(U'ly 70s k)

CICar S()rl)C Lcood!I ft'Orl) thC docks «Ul(l «IIS()

to bc flown up cotlntry to sort ottt sonicptL)blctns wc had expcnenec(1 with son)cOf Otll c(ILtipnlcilt which wtls bcir)g Llscd

On thc road being btttit f loni I at)/lU)ta toIVPlacc thc Old I ICII ICLU) . I SKI Sornctime to wait in Dar s() I &vent to the4cn))ar) I'.I)1I»tssy to scc lf thc 4cn))'Ul%V'ho h«ld l(X)kod «lftCI lllC WclS Still «ln)LU)d

bttt hc wvasn t. Also thc Gcrlll(Ul who I

was SLII&I»)scd to )votf( for h;ld dic(l about aweek bcfbrc I IUlivc(1 in D;U. I i)ad HO

wish to scc hill) «U)yvvay. I fottnd It veryInteresting bclrlg ln D«tr-«ts-&alaatn ar'ctlll

aflcr sLlch J 101'Ig tin)c.

%her) I Event to Z«Ul ibt«l I calllcd nlorcn'loncv In a nlotl11) th(lll I c(U11c(1 ltl stxmottths in the police. 1hc company ptid'fol cvct@ling;U)d all I ha(1 to buv xvas aknife, folk, pLatc IUld coALY, 11)ttg ctc. YOLI

had a Job k) dnnk thc nlorlcy! I decidedth«lt I wantc(I k) tl«lvcl rN3LU)d thc wol ld soI kepi signing new contr JCLS until I h'td

gollc to cvcry contlncnt Ill thc wor'Id

IHCILtdtng JUPJI), I JIWcU), ThallcU'ld, ('.LC. It

n, ;Illy was;1 lucky brcak for mc. TO stopmc drinking all dly on aSaturday IU)d

SN)(Lty I joined the Ndol;I golf'club. I'hc

golf cfttb was n)y whole life tn Z'tll)bia.I rum 1976, when I rctun)cxf to the LJk,

AVC h«ld Ixldola Golf ( I(lb H.*-LIHIOI)S IH

Sollhtlll. Thcsc IL'.-Ltnions xvcr lt Oil f()l 2f)ycJI.i «U)d cvcty y("lt ttbottt 100 cx-n)ct))hers of eidola t lttb would n)(«ct LII') It)

, )OllhLIII. I hcy vvcl'c IJnt«l. itic gcttogether's, ltnl(ILIc I wotlld s;ly. Tl)e tct)

Sponsored by 6985 Tony MITCHELL


British South Africa Police '";.-"' Regimental ~ation UK

yc us I spent in / unbi I wcl1: vcty h;tppy

ycitrs;u«I I must sily tlrat I enjoyed thc

/~tnibta golf CILII') K-Lit)lot)s I List its IHLich «ls

I cnloy 1hc H, )AP ««ct-tr)gcthcls. I Iovvcvci'

affct 2«» I).-LUIIOIIS It w«'Is decided to fliltsh

the gct-togcthcts. Kc &vs. ;Ill getting

r)ldcr and the yottttgcr people xvl«) wcilt to

7'ltnbia itffct LL» didtl t s(.'ctn k) liilvc thc

s;Line dnl1V as u» older r)nc's did. As fiu Is

AUTlbi;I was c(»lcctllcd I got Itl lit thc cnd

of thc good yc;Us. As lllc ycitrs IT(Is~8 It

jttst didn 1 sc«ctn to h'tvc tl'Ic siTtnc 'Ippc'll.

I"or;I golf club fivnl thc tniddlc of tile btt»h

to IT(tvc 2f) rc-tultoHs In thc UK. I thulk

sp( aks for itself;

Im)king back over the yeats I think

tlrat if'I h;td H:tutncd tr) 1hc UI». ;)f4.*r v lrat

hi«1 happctlcd to Inc In TIUlgiu'lvika I

would I"iilvc bccll foo sc«lrcd 10 lc«lvc thc

Uk;tgain for wotf(. I will alw;lys bc vciy

IJ« ttefUI to 3ilniny ( oplcy fol talkil)g I'nc

It)to J01HIHg thc B )AV «ill those v«:«its ilgo.

1»tccdfcss to s«ay I was vcty ptotldto be I'I

inetnbct' of thc I orcc. Abottt txvcnty vcitt»I

affcr leavtllg I~1st Afllc«1 I wits h«lving it

Inc'll at 1hc LUTlboo IHH Irl M'Ulicil Ro'td

onc cvctltttg. Tile lxuTniul looked «lt Inc

ilHd I at htnl —v«"c knew thilt we hi«1 nlc1.

before. It stl(klcnly eltckcd; 11( w«1» th(".

bitnn'1H otl 1hc K'u«w«ick ( astle1

Although I was only in List Afric.t for

a relatively shot'1 ttllre I will Ilcvcl folgct 11.

It w«l. i also «I wonyiilg t linc fol n"ic.

I-l())vcver there is»T)mc1hing;lbotit L»tst

Afric(t tlla1 is morc Afiiciul to inc th;ul

( ctltl«11 Afric«U lt I!I difllcttlt 10 ptil It Iilto

worrfs. M;tybc it is thc fact that you c;ul bcln tl'ic cetlu'e ol N«iltl)bl iuld withlil «I vctyfi;w tnilcs you;u& in thc middle of';i g;unc

p;uk. In tile six to tcn tnilc drive fivnl D;u

aitport to towt1 p'tftn tt)'cs sLIIToLUld c'lch

side of thc tvad. Yott stt Ill thc Ncvv Afnc«1

I lotcl in Dar for a stuldow'Itcr «ur(1 there is a

p;tin) uzi, gtvwing through tile roof'of thc

hotel. 11 Is «ltl «ltnlospl'lcn) tllat i» very

Iflicttlt k) pLlt Iilk) wotlfs. I h;tvc Ix&n to

Oh«UTII, Togo ctc its vvcll as I»to@& Afiieit

btlt solnchow to nlc thc best piut of Afric'I

will tlvv;tys bc List Afi ic 1,

[ IT'.InctTlber fIvlng Ulto Dilr~ I-graf«UUn

frr)tn I us;tk;t r)n;ul I.'1st Afiic;ul Supct.

V(. 10 flyillg ovcl D«u «ls Eve ciultc 111 10

liuld. 1 hen the dn vc It 1 to town - I

rcl1)clnbcr titkltlg thc felly to Aulltbat «Uld

spcildillg s()Hlc tlnrc otl 11'I«lt very

Illtcn'sting IsLUld.

I hope that iny c."(pcnctlces 111 I ~»tst atld

( cnttal A'fnc«1 vvlll be of solnc Interest It

will bc Itltet)."stttlg k) s(«c )vhat othci'

member of our s(ILI «I llave 4vn «k»ng

sii'icc wc lcfi depot.

( ()/I(~OIIL«;, 'JI()l Il(~ I)(' I (T('(/ ()l I (.'l'('I I'

(()»((i)t tl)A. ()((T(ii()it.

Sponsored by [4743]June MORGAN In loving memory of husband John


British South Africa Police '"- - ' Regimental ~ation UK

4853 Fred PunterMr Turville Kille in Harare has been

liaising on behalf of the Public ServicePensioners' Association with theZimbabwe Dier for Pensions MrSylvester MnKandla and with HM Consulat the British Embassy Harare, Mr JohnMurphy. He has now reported that theDirector of Pensions is now seriouslyhoping to be able to pay a pensionallowance in US$ to pensioners residingoutside the country, whether they formally

emigrated from Zimbabwe or just left thecountry. There will be no back paybecause due to hyperintlabon in

Zimbabwe the value of pensions not paidsince 2003 has ~n wi~ out. TheBritish Consul in Harare who discussedthe scheme with the Director on istOctober has confirmed this information.

However, the Director has not yetobtained the necessary approval Rum the


In order for the Pensions Ofhce tocommence paying this allowance (if dulyauthorised), each pensioner must submitfour documents:1. CertNcate of Life;2. Additional Details (Details of mfvice,dates, Department etc)3. Bank instruction form (giving details ofthe bank account into which the pension

is to be paid);4. CertNed copy of the passport (thepage with your photograph).

Copies of the CertNcate of Life and thebank instruction form can be obtainedfrom the QSPA office:-OSPA (Zimbabwe Pensions)138High StreetTonbridgeKent TN9 1AXTe/: 01732 363836 (Int: +44 1732363836)Fax: 01732 365070 (Int: +44 1732365070)Email: mailoos pa.org. uk

Send your request by post, fax oremail and OSPA will send you the forms.Or FM Punter, fapunter@nttwortd. corncan send them to you as emailattachments.

Return the completed forms to theQSPA oIce for forwarding by ~remeans to the Government PensionsOnce. The Pensions Olce Directorhopes to be able to start makingpayments by December and that theywould be backdated to August.

Please note: OSPA cannot answerquestions about pension entitlement, orrelated queries. This applies to allpensioners in the UK and elsewhere,except South Africa where arrangementshave already been made.

Sponsored by 6360 John MOXHAM


British South Africa Police "-.:-" Regimental Association UK

Support Unit Wofninal Roll

8157 Barry %Roan

(I".nlall: Q'oanbll. ((I,'ttscall. co.la)I;lm presently in thc pIT)cess of

I%cording thc st'ltlstlcs Icl(ltlng k) thc

history of tire Suppott Unit, to initially

establish;I comprehensive nominal roll

from tile d;Ite of the Support Unit's

inception. This exel):ise is (I(lite far down

tire linc and we already have ln cxcc»s of'

4()0 naJ)1cs. I believe that this number„

when tl'lc I'oil ls con)pic(cd, coUld weil

Indlc'ltc th'lt. nlon: th'In 70() I"tJropcan

oflicefs serve(i in the Support Unit.

It Is I'Jo Exxonthtlt once wve Ilavc zl

accN-.Ite non)in;II roll togctllcr with Tn)op

a)ld CoITlpany statIstlcs this information

c()uld be p'Ilt an(.l parcel of s(3mcth1111g

mon exciting -a Exx)k on the history of'

thc S(lppoft Unit. Accot'dl ugly this

Jnfon))atton will be n)ade avalklblc to awilling author. This concept h;Is been

discusscxf with E.rnf Ma»on vvho vvould be

nlost interested In being palty ln t )king

this n)attel f(Hler .OIII re(luest is for this noti(vc to

bc included in your next edition of the

Outpost Jnd for cx Support Unit (Black

Boot) membcls to contact myself dinxtly

so that we can fom'«'IITI tire ncccw»;lly

docNTlcf )tat.lon fo1' conlplctlon k) thcnl via


Chan~~cs ofAddrcssand othercoll tact dctalls

4277 Iohll A Sonlny nly ncw l)ddn:»s Js

(.IroN)d floor fl;lt, 50 Albc11 R(xtd, I lyihc,

E»ent CT21 6HT and nly nevv phone

I')un)i)CI Is 01303237371.

4696 Tony 8 Laura l)o&vn wcbslte has

cll(llltvd to. www. bsapcc. g(lnU. I Ict

OUf othcl details I'cn I'11n i)s shov, l):Lmal1: rhln(QH ', In)at~Inc(. co.i'a

Vhone: (X)27 46 6245728

Cell Vhone: (¹7 (N2 3(u1216 or 0027 737199254V 0 Hox 27()4 Volt Alfnxf 617()SKYVL' nan)e: "syndof', nv;ld"

5247 kcn Macdonald oN ncw cnlail

address is: glcnkcl l75((I:,yoaii1ca. col))

5469 Dave (sAlnl)1$ advlscs I'11s chMlge

of address to: 5 Hondfield I-louse„

M;)tel)lcm» E311vc, KVooI)vich SL'l 8 41H

E.n)al I:Jtlddavgn n1bly((I;go()glcn1al I.con1

55()1 Chris Sc)veil )vTites that hc and

I Icl&"&I have ch(lngcd address 'k):

HKK)khcath, Sal)dy Do)vn, Lyn)lug(on,


I".nlail: chtishelga((i, btintcn)et. con)


British South Africa Police "-'.=" Regimental Association UK

I5858I Mrs Joan Jack tto1v llasap)tone ntut1her 01382 562223.

5914 Michael Veeny ch;utgtxI addtl:~s to:I 10 l(tdgelt1oor TI&tce, ( &Ultot I, 4A301 15, USA NCQ' hon1e pho11C 1111111heI

Is (67fI) SN}-6427. I I is (tel lpho11e ntu11het

is t tnchattgcxI —(401) 864-7052.I-Iiscmail also tt nt;Uns the s'U11e:

rhExk'. St«ul 1(rt '«Iol. co111

6156John Andrew sadviscs that he ttnd



.lean httve nlovcxI fltuTl I"I «ulcc

h&tck to Uk &hei& thett' addtess Is Ben(oil

House, 25A Br';td Strt&et. Vcrshotl:,

Kolxs. WRI0 I HH. F'or the ttme lyingottr Fil:nch entail adcb1&s is still relcv'utt:

outspan@sfr. fr

616() Boh Snllth Ilotifies us ofhis ch&ulge

of addtess &U1d telephot1e nttn1hct' to:Adtlnws: 2 I I;IA'kes ( ou11, (. tosslltichacl,

(:.Artie Dottgl«ts, D(.i7 3ABNcvv photic nut t1hel' Is 01556 670 450.I=nlat I uncll«ul~&'&cJ:

rohct tsn1 Ith9 I 1l It.htltltct11ct, con1

6513Terence 7'oung has inovcxI to I lat,

8, Tile Ancllol'&lge 157, Mu{lclot d,

(.hnstchtllcll, IX)lset, Bl'I23 4AO

6949 Mike Argent addtwws;U11en~kd toHat 5, D;tvid Lclu1 ( 'otut, Vatrttns VV'ty

KVest, Dctth&tnl (tcudetl Vlll&tge, Dctlllatn,Middlesex UB9 5PH.Tel 01895 934')90Mohilcs 07712 25630&1 (Mike);utd07944 043149 (Liz).i=mail:

c1I/ahctI t(t t.,&ugcnt0&. %'&u1adtx&. co.uk

8131 Bria 1-lodson net ltd' ss: 131(.'.«Uvlute YVay, Soverctgn I I&uttotu Notch,Fwstboume HN23 5AX..'I'cl: 01323479050FIB&all ren1atns:

hl ilul-Ilodson (cl,tiscltli. co.l.tk

8407(:raham Campbell advises of achange ftvm Flat 2 to I I tt 3 LockingMUI1ol' 34 LIITI T11v. Road, I ocktt1g,Wcstenl «cupel Maw. , Soi llct'sct BS24SDD. All othet deGUIS Ivtllatn tltlclttU1gcd

Tel: 01934 &823787; email:Inltil'Urtc52(tt;. p11tti I.con1

9767 Robert Mop~an has move&I to:12,Regent Close, Brnld&vay Park„Lancin«,YVest Sussex, HN15 SNZ. I'.mail:cdynlorgan1932(tt y;Il too.cot tl

By an anonymous donor in Memory of Henry VVolhuter



British South Africa Police ".':- Regimental Assc6ation LIK

PR 2f)899 Norman Vincent a(jvises

ills cj)al)'rc of tt(klress to: 20 Wcstw{)0(j,

Invergonk)n IV I r OJKV. Tel. 01349f)54399.

Major Andrew Banks IAssociate) has

followtllg change of addle:ss:

Close Vn)tectio» Unit RMI', kitchener

Ho(tse, Longmoor Catnp, N{'u Liss,

I-I'unpsl)it): EiU33 6DS.

Charles Bcnnctt (Assoctatc) changed

address 12 L()llgh Ro(L(j Drtu)ljctrafrrlr

New'townsteM'ttrt, Oma're G). Tyrone

Nonhem Ireland HT 7f) 4 Hl-j.

Mobile: 07831 289086Tej/F;tx: 028816 61231F.-Mail: Ltst Vithhelmct(((IYahoo. CO.Uk

SQUAD 5/59

5998 lan DunharThe UK. nxtuitni element ofwhat v';ls

to bc Sq(t;td 5/59 set sail f'rom Bligrhty's

shotxw on b{ntd the Stirling C;Istic on

April 9"' 1959, This fine bo(jy of tncn

tnCIU(jed r)004 Villll May, 6010 Oeorgre

May (not wjate(j to each Other) Q)t)9 Dick

Dowdcswcll, 5()99 Peter I.rulc, t)012

Peter Moscardi, |)002 Dick Marlcy„5998 I u) Dunhar, t)t)Oft/7614 Brian

Thomas, 6001 Alistair Black Iutd 5997

Hill) Allen. Afjct il j)lc(IS(ult Voyanre WC

discn)biuj(ed (Lt C'II& Tovvn on 23 Aptll

attd nlilde tjle tnun Jo(ul)ey vlit HttlcBvttyo

to Salisbtuy.

ln Depot, wc v en: j{)it'll by QX)3 Iat)

llullcy„60')0 Veter 1"'inch, 6011 LLtke

Mcintjcw, t)005 Vick Oppcrman, 6007Rob Schon ken 'uzi 60')6 D;lve

jl'1lus&~~ravc and wcA: tunlcd ovel to thc

tendet O'Ict ctcs of 4777 Tilcky Maclntosft

and 4972 Vetet l.iul~&rhan.

Dirc to the back logr ot'other sq(I;Lds in

Depot c ILLS(4 by thc tiots in Nyasltl;tnd

altd tile presence of a I CI110(u'1t sq(tad,

,'ICCOITIITtod'Ltiotl was at a pret nt(tnl and wc

werc initially llo(Ised In 'I n1iu(jtlcc On the

()t&xn Sq(t'u'e. Once the e'lrlier sq(tltds

wttjl the llkcs of 5936 R()grel Capper al)d

5975 Mike Ahhotts ha(1 j)(icn moved (xtt,

5/59 took Ltp %st(jctlcc II'1 I"Llllel Block.

Training follov ed the normal pattern,wttj) all tile LLs(taj cqtlttattott iulccdotcs at)d

nllsjlaps bUt I')1Ust have gone well cllougll

bcca(tsc we piLi&d o(tt before

( omtntsstoncr Bastl Spurltngr on October9" 1959. No fon11aj s(I(lad photo w;ts

1;)ken, no Idea )vhy, pcl.haps tjtc

pj)otogntphcr svas sick or on je(tvc„sothe

Only I):cold ts the [)Ictt.ues tttkctl Of tl'le foot

(jl I I I illspxtiot).

As to vvhctc wc till at(: n(Nv, I lull

afi;lid no one jt,'Is done thc I):sedan:h c(uried

By an anonymous donor in Memory of Allen Ferguson


British South Africa Police '"-' -'

Regimental Association LJK

o(tt [)y sllnrl& oi& ()f off tel' wfu«l(fs. It ls, f)oxvcx cl; ()n I ccord LI1;lf f Inl Allen, )v;ls klfle(f Itl,'I11);Id;lcci(tent, 11,'Ivin &;ItL'linc(f file I;Inl«'. of A«ssisL'lnf (. on)IHi«1«iionct . I;till May;Ind Pic()ppcn))«tn «It &' Ill so (fccc«tsiÃf.

I;In D(tnt), tr. no)1 le(it(.'rf in KViltsllitc;Iftcr contin(ling to )vorf~ in Afi1c;I until )fX) ),n)«ldc n«cent conL'!ct &&&'Iff1 f ctc lX'fosc«trdi. Vote folnc(f tflc f)sscx C, onsf«tf)(tl«II/' «Iftct doln."fits tf)BY, t')uf I).*t(tnlc(f k) .)until AfTIc«l, 4'f)ctc f)c still lives. If) I()74 Dick Do&«vdcsQ'cffillso fl«td &I sf)cll In file f'..sscx, I orcc, 6'fille l)lck iV«trlcy 6'«Is 1«l«'t Ilc'lid of ln t I&';lnd;I&«VOrttn & &IS ltn;I&«'I,'Ifor. l CtCI 1.«tnC, 6'llo ICtil&Xi «IS «1 6 4ICf InSf)CCtol„ IS prot)'ll')ly Stiff In/in)t)«tt))vc. f fIc n«lnlc, i of Vctcl f 'll Icf1, Ikot& )cf)onkcn «ln(f %list(Ill' (.lock) Bl«lck 'Ipf)c&II'In Tf1c ()(I(P()st fTon1 tin'Ic k) fin lc f)(tt «IP'ltt fl'()tll tf1«lf, Ilotl1 In@ Is knoQII. Vcl f)itPs If,'lny offlic otf1cl )(juil(f ') ' &9 n ten)hcl r rc«ld ffll'i tf Icy c«tn Inilk(.' th(«ll f)n'rcncc kno)& 'n.


. ™:

Squad 5 of 1959Pass O(If Pl)otoRear- Hulley, May. G, May. P, Dove'esvell, Lane,

Cel)fre - Fir)ol), ~IQI, Me(i)ffes, Opperrrtafl, Ma)1eyFrof)f - Dut)oaf; SxNl(00, Tl)or))as, Musgtave, lsl«tel(. Slol( Detail - AJlert

Sponsored by an anonymous donor in Memory of Dave Haffvvard


British South Africa Polim "'--:-" Regimental ~ation UK

Pink Vlephant of )inoial)y

7552 f4n PretoriusTile yc«U Av«ts 197«» at)d I w;ls itttachcd

to S~xvia] Bt;U)ch;Utd stttionc(f;ItKanhtt, 11. w'«ls '1]s() thc time w]'Icn ZIPRA(Josh(la Nkol)10 s P«U'ty) vvct'c very

actlvc ltl thc ltn."), so hut)'lot'ous incidents

wcn: soil)cwhttt ]In) ltcd. Ot)c

incident did lx)vvcvcr t,lkc place, which I

would like to n late, artd;tlso to

point out h(nv gltllihlc sotnc people c;ul


Those of yott, who had tt:tvc]led to

Kariba d(using this titne, would tu:(Ill

th«lt whcH pA:.I:ccdl rig (k)w)I 1hc

esc(tfptHCI)t frort I M«tkutl, ahutldatit

aninltll Iif(; could s1ill he Ohsclvcd (prc

Mug»l)bc Rcglnlc). My chlldl'cH werc

al)vays given the ch;I]lengc„ itl order to

keep them qtiict in the c;u, that t'or every

BLlck Pttnthcr sect) a I)')vtu'd of 10 cents

would he pat(L clcphiu)i and othcl aHI11)als

only one cent, You would hc am;rzu] how

1tltuly Black P«1ntl ters %vere on tilts

stnp of IU«td, scen Only I')y thc chil(II)'. n.

Otic ha(f 10 he esp'cl "11]v ohscl vaHt

hcc tuse of elephants, usually stationing

thcmsc]vcs on the n;urwv tarn);Ic

IQad. I IwvMII allw", ly. « thlllklr)g that 1hts

phclu)tncnon mostly took place

Ilip)t, i%cause 1]le wllnl1 LU' Il)ttst htlvc

ing»g»ctuf somethit tg» it& tile "toilctv

'tloll of tile clcph«U11. hl'Un. I lllg»c pilesof' clcph, t»t dttt)g wottld ahvay» hcf()und lyii)&» ttc'It]y sttckcd, usua]ly on

I)]It)d cot11ct's„)vhtch (tsua1 ly I cstlltcd

tllat thc second thitlg onc did on n.;lchin«»

Varih;I was to v, a»h yollr. c;tr, affcr

havttt~» «I Chahoclt tih«11, Is hect fol thc

IU Utl I11atCCI),

I It)1c-Of] during this pcl lod, w;I» a very

scat):c cHtlty, hccallsc of g»ookalH;Ulta

heir)I» rile„thcsc 1)ot)-swttlltHCI'5 potu tlu»

across the hordcr to cutsc ltavoc;U)dIn'tyhctH. H(wvewct 011 tllc odd Occ,'Isiotl

cert;Iin petw)t)s attache to 1hc B()AP

ltsually st«ltlol)e(f or" I ellevIHg», «lt Kt&)t 01'

Sinoi;I, would proceed late;tffcn)oon„ for atqtght ('}f Jovttl]lty attd dehauchety, to thc

g,tnha (;)sit)0. In other' IHst'Ulcc» k) fit (I

visit in to scc tllc fan)i]y, prior

to visiting thc (.asino, usually tctttrning to

their st;ltions c;uly in thc nloming», hefow.

St«II)]es. BcarIH IHtnd that '1 cur](:w was

heing II»Holed lay t]lese adveHturous fc)v,

tl"ills thc lilt tive nllulocuv11)s,

1»low thc story goer ih«lt «I cct't«aln

PolicclHlu), w]to sh"ill n:nlilin tlaiHC]es»,

ha(f pt'(Weeded„ lit)at)tloutlccd, ]rot)l Slnot;I

Lite otic;lflcmoon to I».atih;I, to visit

wife 'U)d txvo datlg»htei's. At itt)ottt 3 jul) ln

tl lc Ii )01»n Ing a] fet his nlclli;ll 1*'lsk

had h(vn col)lplctcd lit ld I).'ttttll IH'» 10


British South t-"(Inca Police ":--"Regimental Amxiation UK

Stnolti, he decided 10 !i1op lie'lr thc

Katib;I AiiTx)tt to wlicvc his bladd r r)f the

'lbundant &»olden lirI(tid he had

col LXIHncd du11I)~~» thc eventl1~&». St«'Uldn)'»

next 10 his vcl1 tel(.* in th('. fl csh

n)otning air, SLH)ounrfc(I by soft

n)rx)t)liL»ht, st'U')HI» at tlie dist'Ult hon/on

'villi il cot)centi«ltcri f;tr,'w",1y look In hts

eyes, I'Ic cvel)tuallv c«ls1c IUs cycs(IOA'll&'IULIS «Uld s(I)v he w«Ls stat)rfH)'» next

k) il htt~&»c eleph«Ult dut)L» hc«lp. After

short delibcnition hc rfccidcd to Irud this

h("II') cot)slsttt t~~ ol n)anllv

L&r««sscs at)d Icrt 'cs it)to the bor)t oi his

»pox'. Iai Br««t)ch n)ofot x chicle. Mrikn)$»

sttrc th«11 thc he«lp )vtts H01 dtstLU4xt of

on/i Ital sh«lpc ot !it/c, 1he

t Isk )vas completed succcwsf(illy.

A cotiple of Ito(HS I'ttci IH 1iie c(lrIy

tnottltttf», etltcntl~&» 11)e fannH)~&» tr)ATi of

Sinoia, hc nr)tcd the SULx, ts to bc rfesettc(I.

Kith a I(.')v nlit)utes 10 '.ipiU).'

bet()tr: Stables tfbr thc LH)inittatcxf vvhen

1)orscs A'cl'c no lonL»el LLie(1 tn

District St;Itir)ns thc xvord Stables

tunaincd to )v;tsh clcrtn;tt)(I check Police

vehicles «It ()lU)) In thc Il')oil)In&&»}, llc

decided to put his plan into action.

(.«U). ftiily Iifhn&» thc "heap" out tile c;U

bor)t, hc pl«iced tt tn the nttd(IIC of

the tviaH) St))«ct of Stt)ota, o'ctttt)Q il lvith

&vatct ft on) I'its sttUI(far(i issue

»&v;Ilcl bottle. St;It)ding Ix)ck hc Obsclh'c'cl

tl1«lt tile he'lp I(x)ked f»CHLHI)cly

vcty fiL:sh„with the moistet still flo)vin&»

h on) it, as if it h;Id only I(ist

bcx;n dclivcrcxf. I-Ic tltcn pn)ceeded on his

wv«1y, atltlctpatlll~&» the discovcty.11, shoLIlri bc bonlc Hl 111H)d ih«at no live

elephant had lxvn scan in the 'Sin()ia

;tw I sHiee the 1)30S, nl;Unly lxv luse ofcol1)n)ei'CIHI f(U))ttt)» bavin~&» pro~&»I'essed.

I'.Iephant i)ad by this time eithet lxxn shotout oi had ITiovrxi ovel the cse«Upnten1

into 1he ?'8)lbe/I Valley„vvlttch )v«Ls

st1(i«11cd apptoxtn)ately 100 kt)ls Notth ofSIHOI«).

)&Veil» 011 cntcting thc local Police Pubth'l1 cveHH'iL» this LIHH«U11c(l Pollcel))allKvas cnthlallcri to heat «ls to ho&&v H1«IHy of

lr)cols had;lc1ually sex:n thiselcplUU)t in thc O'Uly nlonlin&» n)is1. ofStnot&i. Mlat )vas «llso of Irltct est,«IjxUt fl'orf) thc acttlal SH')1tH)g, A'«Is thcrftfklcnt sl/cs of this elcph(U)t,HHd the diff(:tctlt si/esof Iti tusks.

It vis() ntltdc 1hc heiidlincs of 1llc local.»inoia nc)vspapet the fr)llowinf»


Hovtrimportant does a person have to bebefore they are considered

assassrnated rr1stead ofJUst mrrfde~?

Sponsor by 8515 Martin POVVIS


British South Africa Police "' -- ..-' Regimental ~ation UK


5/hat brought us to this place in time7This land so rich, with dreams so fineIts soaring mountains, blued with ageAnd peoples proud, once ffee, now


How CBfl gfeat fivers„ faglng deep0'er granite rocks with falls that keep

A rainbow splashed on nature's pageCan these succumb to one man's rage7

Vast tawny plains, lush verdant farmsMsasas, spreading out their arms

To shade the noble lion's prideAnd shelter those who fought, and died

Can these be ground into the dustBecause of one man's power lust7Can peoples starve, and forests fall

Because ofle man Jus'I wants It Bll?

Stand strong, for this blight too shall passAnd leave no jot upon the grassThe twisted id of one sad man

Means nought to this eternal land

This country will survive, endureIts peoples strong, its pufpose pure

And all the despot's schemes, and plansWill join him 'neath Zimbabwe's sands.

Richard Penner1'I November 2001

IJK Outilost Pulllieutifin l&eudlines


Issue 74 (,'qlnng 2010) 14'h M;udl

Issue 75 (Surnnlel 2010) 14 MarcIl

Issue 76 (D'inter 20I0) 17 '(.stol+*.r

gate ~ nN au~ %~~

Peen~~ c f~ kec.act

usa e pace~ ~Qeae.



Sponsored by [4414]Moira STENNER In loving memory of Husband Raymond


British South Africa Police ".- .-" Regimental Association UK


It is )vith regret that ))e ref)ort thefhllo)) in~~ deaths.

4 k e extend oui decl)est synlpiathy tothe fiulllly luld frlellds of the


()I19 Vd)vard John Vrancis Burl)idge.Peter Hcllingh;lm, (cntni HI»anch, I lime:ref%)its 11)c clciltll of I (hv(U'cl ilt ( hipu)g'I,

ZunhahQ'c lii 20(% 111e c,'(act date Iuld

cause of' dc()11) is not kno)sn. I..:dvv;Ird

served hum I)" Vchr(uuy 1960 until 13'

3uiy 1()64 lcav ing in thc rank of'

Constahic. I 'lc veils fain) 1ilg 111 thc

(hlpin&&'ll Distllct, vvhcn hc died 'll)d ills

den ill Q its c(')i)f'Ilnic(i I')y lhc fouhcl 1

fill"i 1i lv vvho fanned nc»(t do()I to h in).

hhvard's dc;Ith only e;une to light )vhcn

menlf»cia of'his 1960 Ihvr»uit »(Iu;Id )vcr:tiyli)g to contilct s(]uad ineiilhcls f(U il

s(luad n'. (u) loll

4006,fohn (..hal Ies Hooton I'0)( died on30 '

fuly 2009 in Middfcn)oic I k»spital,

Auckliliid, Ncxv Zcillalid i)ffel sllffcnng aIn'Iv»ivc stroke. I-Ie divas in hospit)1 at the

tin)c, h;lviilg kxn Idn&ittcd for an

un'.'lated hl(iddci' infQ:tion. .101111, rvlio

vv«'Is a 1ncn)f»cr of ti)c Nc)v Zc'll'lnd

Hiunch of tile Associllti(»n, (.Iid histhll. c,



2f)" Apnl 194~ to 27"Apn11949, lcavlilg u) tllc nulk (»I

( Onstahfc.

8225 Trevor, lohn tw Roux dic(i on 31.Iuly 2009 a1 his hon)c in Poly I'..Iiz'(he(I),

South Aine'I fl'oln O'Ulcc)'. 1 lcvor, il

lncn)hei of thc I")st (.apc Hl.)i)eh of lhc

Ass(»ciation, serve(i fn)m 15'

Apiil 1969to 16

'JIU)c 1973, lcavuig In thc niu)k of

Detective Patrol Officer. His vvif(.

M;Ugarct and daughter Melanic sulvischiln.

4321 Jack Berry died on IQ'


20K in Ziinhahwe. .lack, svho divas;I Iif(.

lncn)hcr of thc O'Isholull(li)d Hi )i)eh of

tire A»sociiltion, selves fi oin 16Novcinhcr 1941) to 20 '

Noveinhcr 1968,n tiling iil the railk of ('hief


(%37 NCII Mervyn Donachie died


Au~&wist 2009 in (.ape 1 o)vn, 'South

Afnc'l fn)m il hc(U t att()ck. Nell, a Incn)I»ci0'I tire Rildio Hliulch, served froIn I .filly197~ iultil 31" .Iuly 1980 xvhcn lie

tr(ulsfcln:(I 10 th(', /Itnh()hvvc Ikcpuhlic

Police„vvhcre he sciwnf lint)i 31Kvcn)hcr I'N0„leaving v ith the rank of'

Inspvtor (Tf.

Sponsored by 4158 Tim VVEIMER


British South Africa Police '"-:--' Reg imental ~ciation UK

5552 iticll Mc(~lip il'IN~llfIog died oli

20 Atlgtlst, 2009 Iil T«lsn)«li)i«l, Austzhlta.

Nell served horn 23" Septcn)hcr 195() to22" Apnl I9&9„1cavn)g in thc lank of

(."onst;Ihlc. I-lc )vent on to sci»ve in tile

Swx.ilai)d I'olicc.

4416 Melvin Alfrul (I".ddy) Wlt'cbh,

VW'IM v, as fhtnxl dead at his reside))cc at

thc M')son ic ( ott tg»c (..0111plcx.

HttlaQ'ayo, /I I i)hah%'c oil 7 Augtist

2009. t',ddy scrvnf fivm 29 'M'utah 1949

to 31' Iuly 1980 wlten llc tr«U)stcncd to

thc Zll))hahwc Rcpuhlic Volicc, where hc

cont)ulled n) serve Ln'itil 30 Apnl 19«82,

retiring with tile rink ot Assistrn)t

(.'Omn) issioncr.

3824()40k John lrrnlcricl~ She&vanl

died on I Septen)l)CI' 2009 in

301)«un)cshttrg, South A Itic«l. 301u)„ tl

Volicc Rcmtvist, was a very keen, loyal

anLI long standn)g nlenlhcl of thc

Transvaal Branch ot the Aw»ociation. I-le

hiid I)ccn m)»»veil tol s()nlc while sLIAcnng

eventually from Alzhcimer's, Our

symp'lthics 'ul. extended to his s()n

110()87Nick Sheward;U)d his family.

4388 Valll Jlisper died on 14

Scptcinhcr 20(W) in ("olchcster, I":ngl;u)d of'

clulccl; VJLII, Ll n)cnlhct ot tile UK Bnu)ch

of thc Association, sct ('cd fi olTI 10

.Ianttaly 1949 k) 31' Octohcr 1953,

I cavil)L» with thc i,u)k 0f Scl'gc,*nil

4040 Dclcl~ I'ctcr ( lail(c dic(.l oi) 13'

Scptcmhcr 2009 in Adctatdc„Aust) Jlia.

Derek sexed th)n) 11'

/Lute 194() to 2»"'

May I 948„ lc;tving L» 'I Trooper.

Vollov'lng his service in the I"orcc, Derek

v '«ls tt:sldcl)t in tl'ic Shan)va «UAM «liid

involved ll1 tI)c tnu)sport Indttstty. I lc Is

thc t;ither ot O'V424 V«n ilute Clarke.

7617/9154 David John I-lannan (Dave)I"owlcr died on 20"' September 2009 in

30h(U]ncshtng„SO(1th Attl(:(I l)'on) c;Ulcct.I. Ic w Js (.Itic n) «)(tend thc Tl «u)svaai

1&cgnmettt'll Dn)ncr on 18~' Septcn)hct.

20()9 hut xv;L» too ill to Ltttcnd. D;lvc tiist

attc»tcd on I4~' &uiy I9(')() t;)king his

(.Ii»C1HI'L»c on — Fchtl. nup 1972 «Is

Scctl('H) 0theet „hc tv)oined ot'I

I charac 1974 'u)d scv'cd Ln)til 13"".Iuly

1%0„1e;tvii)gwith thc lank of Ittspvtor.I-lc wtls a nlcn)hcr Of thc I nutsv«ut1

I311ulch of tile A.'i»ocI')(ion,

522') JAnlcs (JI111) (.arse died on ()

Scpten)hcr 2009 «it St. ()c()ig»e's Hospital,

Vol't I.'.Iil."thcth, South AII1C'I tron) h("U't

;lnd kidney tatiut): - hc ha(1 lxvn suHcnng

ftUII) 'I hc'Ut condition f()I son"ic yctu's.

Sponsored by 556 Caroline VVITTS


British South Africa Police"' -' -- Regimental Association UK

.IH)), tt n)cn)hcI of thc (, ID for n)ost of his

SCIA'ICC, ;tttested ('Hl 14 Mitt eh 19 )0 tu')d

scr)'cd IH)til 31 .Inly 19f)tf »'hen hcti U)s I Ct)cd to thc /it))h, ')h» c Rcp(lf)I IC

I'olicc scl&'ing until 31' .Inly 1982„»hcn

n:tin:d 'Ls thc V( 10, iX'I;U)ic;Il(u)d

I I))x'incc»'1th thc I".Utk of Acti t)I» Assist'U)t

t. on)n)is!iiot)ct'. A keen soccer tu)d ci icket

pk)yet„he f)lttycd fot. Voficc te;tn)s

))U)o(Ls Icxcfs. .frn)»)l. i tire ( I)tun))un ol

thc I.'.;Lst t '')pc I)I;H)ch of the Associ;Ition,

I fis»ife I)I;tu)c;)r)(f s()ns .fohn iu)d .I,U))cs

sul »:I)'c h I n).

%17 1 lcn(fN~ ('urstcn Cocbxv. died on-r') '

!)cptcn)I)cr 20(f() H) t. ';)pc I (Aw),

!)Outh Afiic(I fivtn c;)neer. I lcn(frik, »'ho

»"Ls tu)t;I n)cmt)cr of the Associ'ttion„scA'cd fton) IA .ILU)e I9(4 k) 13 .Iune

1(&71 lc;n in&~, ts, t v;ltrol t)Hiccr.

,»II" A18stlrlr All (f. vVhilst r)ot lt n)cn)hcl

of tl)e I"orce, ,)ii All)st()il »'(is 'I goodfi)cnd to thc Associ;Ition. I IC scwLM otuI' lonot Uy ( on)ll)lssionct I IM I hc QueenMotl)el H) x'urto(Ls c()1)')cities ITon) 198) till

1)cr de(ltll ut »'hich iln)e hc»'Its hcI Vn)'tttc

SccrcLlty. Hc»'i)s vcty h('Ip fill In the

;UTIH)(»cn)ct)LS fol otu (. Ct)tcn;uy Dintrcl'

»hich f Icr M;tjcsty tttcn(fc(f. I-IC «nsurcd

th,'l1 otu lulks»'Itl'I the Hottschold»'ctv.t))(unt'UnEd IH)(f »'t)s H)stTtu1)enlrll H)

en!itu ll)g th'lt. »'C»el c ref u'cscn led i)t

IIM's st;ttc ftu)er;11. In «'u) e'ulicr life*„

h(A'H)I» hccn I)on) H) Indra H)to tt n)ifit'Uy

ftu))tly, he lost: k) (..()f)ttut) H) the Qttccn s

Roy;11 Lulcefs hcfolv, hccon)u)~~ rtn

I (Itieny to tl)c Quccn Motllcl. A'ficr

I).'ti&n)cl)t he hcclln)c t)n I.".xti'1 I'(I(tent tothc Queen. He died in i)orsct on 30'!)cptcml)cr )0'') ut thc;)u»c of'7(l,

4~N3 l)I)VI(f, lnf)l) .)» Itell()cl (1)J4'c)

')l)nkc) died of;& hc;)rt;)tt;)ck in I..cn)in~~

4')Tth isfutsit)g I ion)C„Yot'kshiD:, I'nL»l'U)d

on I & 't:)et')cr )OW. I);I)e, ;1»ell kru)»n

cf)lu))ctct In th('. I'OIYc ruul tt n)cn)hct of

the t.iK Hnutch of thc, ')(ssoci'Ition, seta'Lxf

fi'on) 5' ()ctol)cr 19&') tintil 31' M;u»ch

I (&73 n."tiriI tl» in the ntnk of I use»ctor.


Sponsored by 5358 Mick YQRK


British South Africa Police'" -:. .-" Regimental A~ation UK


AUSTRALtA: John Seward, 9/71 EpsomAvenue, Reddiffe 6104, Western Australia,

Tel: (H) (8) 9277 3396,Email. &22.~os;:ipse /I'ills. cd, au.

QUEENSLAND: Mike EddenEmail: mtchaeledder @/~otma//. mm

SOUTH AFRICABORDER: Bruce Beukman,Erreil: /esp~imxjhet coza

EASTERN CAPE: Nobby Clarke: Hon SecPQ Box 27648, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth

6057. Tel Res: +27413671642Mobile: +27836516914.Email: /opal'te/komsa. net

NATAL: Des Howse, P Q Box 3019,~ay, Kwa-Zulu Natal 3624 Republic ofSouth Africa Tel: 031 764 2609Email: d/h@sao/. cmn

NATAL MIDLANDS: Alan Bennett - 51Uplands Road, Bl~ge, Pietermaritzburg3201 - Tel: (W) 033-922910—(Mob)0823721448.Email: Nick. benne~mdwml. co.za

TRANSVAAL: Dick Glanville, PQ Box 8389,Johannesburg, 2000, Tel: (H) 011 477 2793;Fax:~518~2;~le: 082 739 1432Email: doute/komm net

WESTERN CAPE: Neviile Spurr„15Stanford Road, Claremont 7708, SouthAfric Tel: (H) 021 782 0339 Tel: (Mob): 082456 1240 Email: nevillespumSgmail. m~.

NEW ZEALAND: Greg McManus, Unit 160,441 Whangaparoa Road, Whangaparoa,Hibiscus Coast, 1463, Tel: 64 9 424 2980,Email: mcmanus@iconz. co.nz.


Cornell, 17462 Walnut S~t, Yotba Linda,

California 92~1827, Tel: 001 714 9931975, Email: bsapu~ao/mm

ZMBABWECENTRAL Sec 8 News Letter, PeterBeilingham, 6 Clifton Road, HarareEmail; p/bnmngo. zw

MASHONAt~D: R«I O'Connell -PQ Box1860, Harare, Zimbabwe.

Email; hon, ~.ma~na/a~bsap org

MATABELELAND: Denise Hurry, wife of9499 Karl Hurry. Postal address: AtL K.Hurry,

C/Q Guard Mrt, 135Jason Moyo S~t(Be~n 13th and 14th Avenues), Bulawayo,Zimbabwe

Erreil: kaMr~bco. zw.


British South Africa Police "'-'.-" Regimental Association UK


Chairman: Peter Phillips 6905, 28 Cemmaes Court Road, Hemel Hempstead, HertsHP1 1SU. Tel: 01442 244919- Email: peterbp@lineone. netDeputy Chairman and Trustee: Alan Toms 7391, '

High Trees,'Manor Road,

Nhckhamford, Evesham, VVorcestershire, VVR11 ?SA. Tel: 01386831541 —Email:antoms1@btinternet. cornHon Secretary: Barry Henson 5662, 30 Hilltop Drive, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6NF.Tel: 01572 770331-Email: bsapukaol. cornAssistant Secretary: Berbe Cubitt 7359, "Fritton" 55 Church Road, Elmstead Nr.Colchester, Essex CO7 ?AW . Tel: 01206 822814 - Email: bsapuk2@aol. cornTreasurer. Dan Hughes 6308, 9 Luxford Road, Crowborough, East Sussex TN6 2XQ.Tel: 01892 652546 - Email: CDA hughes@msn. cornEditor. Mike Abbotts 5975, 8 Camphill Court, VVest Byfleet, Surrey, KT14 6EQ. Tel0'I 932 349373- Mobile: 07931 388821 - Email: michael. abbotts1 @btinternet. cornAlmoner: Ted Ayers-Hunt. 6479, 9, Bellhouse Walk, Kingsweston, Bristol BS110UE —Tel: 0117938~8 - Email: ted. ayershunt@btinternet. cornMember. Jim Hazlett 6630, 33 Hill Farm Avenue, VVhitestone, Nuneaton, Warks CV116TA, Tel 02476 343176-Email: BSAPDVDOaol. cornMember. Hywel Parrydones, 18 Roman Way, Thrapston, Northamptonshire, NN144TE Tel: 01832 7326678; Email: hjpj@hotmail. co.uk

REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVESSouth West - Dave Kennedy 5956, 'Matambhega', 13 Penwithick Road,Penwithick, St Austell, Cornwall PL26 8UQ. Tel: 0'l 726 851258. Email:plumvilleObtinternet. cornNorth West - Rod Wilson 4933, Flat No 3, 39 Digg Lane, Moreton, Wirral

TRUSTEESTony Granger 9086, The Harridge, 11 Melbourne Rise, Bilton Heath, Shrewsbury,Shropshire SY3 5DA. Tel: 01743 360827. Email: tonygranger@hotmail, cornFred Punter 4853, "Mhlaloenhle", 182 St Neots Road, Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19"BU. Tel: 0176?223393. Email: fapunterntlworld. corn.Deputy Chairman and Trustee: Alan Toms 7391 —See under Committee above,