ouzkourni fi malakoutika remember me in your kingdom …...remember me in your kingdom ¿ƒdÉ°u...

February 2019 2019 •ÉÑ°T 12/2 "Consolation of the Afflicted" When a death notice is mounted on a wall, we read it and head to the church reception hall to offer our condolences to the family of the departed. The ‘consolation of the afflicted’, however, holds dimensions that are farther and deeper than the simple duty of offering condolences.The “consolation of the afflicted” holds three important dimensions: First, consolation is a human, concrete and existential feeling, through which we express our solidarity with our afflicted sisters and brothers. We share with them the suffering they experience due to the loss of a dear one. When we offer our condolences, we express our desire to support them and to stand by them in these difficult circumstances, because they are our sisters and brothers in Christ. Second, by offering our condolences to the afflicted, we instill in them the spirit of the Christian faith. We remind them that we share with them the faith in Jesus Christ, the Redeemer and Savior, who has given us back, through His Resurrection, eternal life that we had lost by sinning. We pray along with them because prayer is in itself a consolation to them; it provides them comfort and peace, strengthens their faith, and reinforces their Christian hope in the resurrection of their deaths. Third, the ‘consolation of the afflicted’ is not limited to a few minutes of condolences, but requires from the faithful to visit the afflicted after the condolences period in church has ended. This should be done to support the afflicted family in their daily life and needs and to avoid they return home and fight alone their loneliness in the absence of their departed, with all gloomy ideas and hardship this could entail. The ‘consolation of the afflicted’ requires to accompany the afflicted, and to pray, read and contemplate with them the Word of God. Thus they can bear witness to their faith in Jesus Christ despite their sorrow. Death remains a difficult human ordeal although we believe in resurrection. In fact, the person we lose to death is one with whom we have shared feeling, emotions, and life trials; a person we will no longer be able to see with our physical eyes. For many, death causes a great trauma, particularly when the deceased is young. Parents who have lost a child cannot easily accept this loss and remain afflicted for life. Here comes then our significant role in infusing these vital dimensions. The Lord Jesus who gives true consolation does not only work through the priest or deacon, but also through the action of the parish communities and through each sister and brother to create spiritual peace and offer it to every person afflicted. Consequently, the ‘consolation of the afflicted’ should not be limited to offering condolences to the family of the deceased, but should also be realized through our support, presence by their side, and praying with them. This will contribute toward sowing the seeds of hope in their hearts and reinforcing their desperate souls following this separation. "≈fGõ◊G ájõ©J" ∫ƒîf êQƒL …QƒÿG ¿É«HOôØc - ΩGôaCG QÉe á q «YQ øgÉc 2/12 To my five brothers (Luke 16: 19-31) Translated from the arabic version written by Father Georges Nakhoul Parish Priest of St. Ephrem - Kfardebian Ouzkourni Fi Malakoutika Remember me in your kingdom ¿ƒdÉ°U ≈dEG ¬ q LƒàdÉH Égó©Hh É¡ p JAGôb ≈dEG Q p OÉÑ o f ,¿GQóédG ióMEG ≈∏Y ºg p óMCG IÉah o ábQh ≥s∏© o J ÉeóæY ≥ªYCGh πª°TCG G k OÉ©HCG É¡JÉ q «W »a π p ªë n J "≈fGõëdG ájõ©J" q ¿CG ô«Z .¬« q Ñë o eh ó«≤ØdG πgC’ AGõ©dG ÖLGh ºjó≤àd á°ù«æμdG s ª¡e m OÉ©HCG áKÓK "≈fGõëdG ájõ©J"`` p d .º¡d ÖLGƒdG ºjó≤J π© p a øe ɪd ºdC’ÉH ô©°ûf PEG ,ø« p fhõëªdG Éæ p JƒNEG ™e Éæ p æ o eÉ°†J øY ô u Ñ© o f É¡«ah , q …OƒLhh q »°ùM q »fÉ°ùfEG l Qƒ©°T É¡ q fEG :k’ q hCG ,º¡JófÉ°ùª p H ÉæàÑZQ øY ,∂dòc ô q Ñ© o f ,AGõ©dG ÖLGh Éæªjó≤J »a .䃪dÉH º¡FÉ q ÑMCG óMCG ¥Gô o a AG q ôL º¡HÉ°UCG .í«°ùªdÉH Éæd l IƒNEG º¡ q fEG PEG ,¬d Gƒ°V s ô©J …òqdG Ö© q °üdG ±ô¶dG Gòg »a ,ÖæL ≈dEG É k ÑæL º¡©e ±ƒbƒdÉH q ÜôdÉH ¿ÉªjE’G »a ºgÉ q jEGh ∑ôà°ûf Éæ q fCÉH ºgô ucòæa , q »ë«°ùªdG ¿ÉªjE’G n ìhQ º¡«a q åÑf ,ø« p fhõëª∏d Éæà n j p õ©J óæY k «fÉK » q ∏°üæa ,áÄ«£îdÉH ÉgÉfô p °ùN ¿CG ó©H ,¬àeÉ«≤H á q jóHC’G IÉ«ëdG Éæ«dEG OÉYCG …òdGh ,¢üu∏îªdGh …OÉØdG ,í«°ùªdG ´ƒ°ùj ºgAÉLQ º¡«a R q õ©Jh º¡fɪjEG … u ƒ≤Jh ,É k eÓ°Sh k áMGQ º¡ëæªJh ,º¡d k ájõ©J É¡JGP u óëH π u μ°ûJ IÓ q °üdG q ¿C’ º¡©e .º¡JGƒeCG áeÉ«≤H q »ë«°ùªdG IQÉjR ø« p æ p eDƒªdG øe Ö q ∏£àJ πH ,AGõ©dG ÖLGh É¡«a Ω s ó≤ o j IOhó©e n ≥FÉbO ≈∏Y ô°üà≤J ’ "≈fGõëdG ájõ©J" q ¿EG k ãdÉK á∏FÉ©dG Oƒ©J ’ »c ,á q «JÉ«ëdG º¡JÉHƒ©°Uh º¡JÉLÉM »a º¡JófÉ°ùªd,á°ù«æμdG »a AGõ©dG ΩÉ q jCG AÉ¡àfG ó©H ≈fGõëdG A’Dƒg ,G k PEG .ÜQÉéàdGh AGOƒ°ùdG QÉμaC’G É¡«∏Y q óà°ûJh ,ÉgóM n h Ég p ó«≤a ÜÉ«Z »a É¡JóM n h ´QÉ°üJh ,É¡ p à«H ≈dEG áfhõëªdG ,É¡H π q eCÉàdGh ¬ q ∏dG áª∏c IAGôbh IÓ q °üdG »a º¡©e ∑Gôà°T’Gh ,ø« p fhõëª∏d ø« p æ p eDƒªdG á≤aGôe Ö q ∏£àJ "≈fGõëdG ájõ©J" .º«dC’G º¡HÉ°ü o e ø p e ºZ o ôdG ≈∏Y ´ƒ°ùj q ÜôdÉH º¡fɪjE’ É k ©e ¿hó¡°û«a ¿É°ùfEG ƒg 䃪dÉH √ó≤Øf …òqdG q ¿EG PEG ,áeÉ«≤dÉH ÉæfɪjEG øe ºZ q ôdG ≈∏Y ,É k Ñ©°U É v «fÉ°ùfEG G k QÉÑàNG ≈≤Ñj 䃪dG q ¿EG ºg ¿hô«ãc ,ó°ùédG ¿ƒ«©H ¬àjDhQ øY øjõLÉY ÉæëÑ°UCG óbh ,á q «JÉ«M äGôÑNh ¢ù«°SÉMCGh ôYÉ°ûe ¬©e Éæc n QÉ°û n J ’ º¡«dÉgCG q ¿EÉa ,ÜÉÑ°ûdG ôªY »a ó«≤ØdG ¿Éc GPEG á q °UÉîHh,G k óL k Iô«Ñc k áeó°U 䃪dG º¡d Ö q Ñ°ùj øjòdG ¢UÉî°TC’G √òg q å n Ñ p d Éf p Qh n O á q «ªgCG ô¡¶J Éægh .G k ô«Ñc º¡d º¡fGó≤a ôKCG ≈≤Ñjh ,ádƒ¡°ùH ºg p OÉÑcCG äGò∏ p a ¿Gó≤a π q Ñ≤J ¿ƒ©«£à°ùj q «°SÉ°SC’G OÉ©HC’G ,¢SÉ q ª°ûdG ∫ÓN øe hCG ,øgÉμdG ∫ÓN øe §≤a πª©j ’ ,á q «≤«≤ëdG ájõ© q àdG »£©j …òdG ´ƒ°ùj q ÜôdÉa ¬FÉ£YEGh »Mh q ôdG ΩÓ q °ùdG ™æ o °U π«Ñ°S »a , m âNCGh mñCG qπc »ah ,á q «YôdG »a äÉYɪédG π n ªY ∫ÓN øe É k °†jCG πª©j πH ≈∏Y πH ,Ö°ù n ëa ó«≤ØdG πgC’ ÖLGƒdG ºjó≤J ≈∏Y ô°üà≤J ¿CG Öéj ’ "≈fGõëdG ájõ©J" ,»dÉ q àdÉHh .¿hõëe uπμd q ƒ≤Jh º¡Hƒ∏b »a AÉLôdG n ´QõJ ¿CG É¡fCÉ°T øe »àqdG ,º¡©e IÓ q °üdGh ,º¡æe ÉæHô o bh Éf p OƒLh ∫ÓN øe º¡JófÉ n °ù o e .¥GôØdG Gòg ôKEG á°ùFÉ«dG º¡ n °SƒØf

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Page 1: Ouzkourni Fi Malakoutika Remember me in your kingdom …...Remember me in your kingdom ¿ƒdÉ°U ≈dEG ¬LƒàdÉH Égó©Hh É¡q pJAGôb ≈dEG Q OÉÑp of ,¿GQóédG ióMEG ≈∏Y

February 20192019 •ÉÑ°T


"Consolation of the Afflicted"

When a death notice is mounted on a wall, we read it and head to the church reception hall to offer our condolences to the family of the departed. The ‘consolation of the afflicted’, however, holds dimensions that are farther and deeper than the simple duty of offering condolences.The “consolation of the afflicted” holds three important dimensions: First, consolation is a human, concrete and existential feeling, through which we express our solidarity with our afflicted sisters and brothers. We share with them the suffering they experience due to the loss of a dear one. When we offer our condolences, we express our desire to support them and to stand by them in these difficult circumstances, because they are our sisters and brothers in Christ. Second, by offering our condolences to the afflicted, we instill in them the spirit of the Christian faith. We remind them that we share with them the faith in Jesus Christ, the Redeemer and Savior, who has given us back, through His Resurrection, eternal life that we had lost by sinning. We pray along with them because prayer is in itself a consolation to them; it provides them comfort and peace, strengthens their faith, and reinforces their Christian hope in the resurrection of their deaths. Third, the ‘consolation of the afflicted’ is not limited to a few minutes of condolences, but requires from the faithful to visit the afflicted after the condolences period in church has ended. This should be done to support the afflicted family in their daily life and needs and to avoid they return home and fight alone their loneliness in the absence of their departed, with all gloomy ideas and hardship this could entail. The ‘consolation of the afflicted’ requires to accompany the afflicted, and to pray, read and contemplate with them the Word of God. Thus they can bear witness to their faith in Jesus Christ despite their sorrow. Death remains a difficult human ordeal although we believe in resurrection. In fact, the person we lose to death is one with whom we have shared feeling, emotions, and life trials; a person we will no longer be able to see with our physical eyes. For many, death causes a great trauma, particularly when the deceased is young. Parents who have lost a child cannot easily accept this loss and remain afflicted for life. Here comes then our significant role in infusing these vital dimensions. The Lord Jesus who gives true consolation does not only work through the priest or deacon, but also through the action of the parish communities and through each sister and brother to create spiritual peace and offer it to every person afflicted. Consequently, the ‘consolation of the afflicted’ should not be limited to offering condolences to the family of the deceased, but should also be realized through our support, presence by their side, and praying with them. This will contribute toward sowing the seeds of hope in their hearts and reinforcing their desperate souls following this separation.

"≈fGõ◊G ájõ©J"

∫ƒîf êQƒL …QƒÿG

¿É«HOôØc - ΩGôaCG QÉe áq«YQ øgÉc

2/12 To my five brothers(Luke 16: 19-31)

Translated from the arabic version written byFather Georges Nakhoul

Parish Priest of St. Ephrem - Kfardebian

Ouzkourni Fi MalakoutikaRemember me in your kingdom

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Page 2: Ouzkourni Fi Malakoutika Remember me in your kingdom …...Remember me in your kingdom ¿ƒdÉ°U ≈dEG ¬LƒàdÉH Égó©Hh É¡q pJAGôb ≈dEG Q OÉÑp of ,¿GQóédG ióMEG ≈∏Y

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