over 250,000 signatures for burma's political prisoners _pdf

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  • 8/14/2019 Over 250,000 signatures for Burma's political prisoners _PDF



    Sign the Petition at www.fbppn.net

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    888,888 Signatures for Burma

    Press Release

    For Immediate Release

    Mae Sot, Thailand, 21 April 2009

    Over 250,000 signatures secured for Burmas political prisoners

    We must show them they have not been forgotten, says Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

    A global petition campaign for Burmas political prisoners has secured over a quarter of a

    million signatures. Campaign activities are taking place across five continents in 32 countries

    around the world, from the Czech Republic to South Africa. The campaign - which launched

    on 13 March Burmas Human Rights Day - aims to collect 888,888 petition signatures before

    24 May 2009, the legal date that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi should be released from house


    Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Jody Williams today called for increased support for the global

    campaign to free all of Burmas political prisoners, including fellow Laureate Daw Aung San

    Suu Kyi. She is the only Nobel Peace Laureate currently imprisoned, and has been under

    house arrest for 13 of the past 19 years.

    Williams won the Peace Prize in 1997 for her work to secure an international treaty to ban

    antipersonnel landmines. Speaking on behalf of the Nobel Womens Initiative, founded in

    2006 by six of the seven living women Nobel Peace Laureates, she said, Many of us struggling

    for peace around the world can use our freedom to express our views. But the people of

    Burma risk prison to do this. We need to stand shoulder to shoulder with those democracy

    activists who have been locked up in the dark. We must show them they have not been

    forgotten. Please embrace our fellow Laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and her colleagues as

    heroes for freedom, peace, and democracy, and sign the petition.

    The petition calls on the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to make it his personal priority

    to secure the release of all political prisoners in Burma, as the essential first step towards

    national reconciliation and democratization in the country. The target symbolizes 8.8.88, the

    day the junta massacred some 3,000 people who courageously protested in Burmas largest

    democracy uprising.

    To sign the petition, visit www.fbppn.net

  • 8/14/2019 Over 250,000 signatures for Burma's political prisoners _PDF



    Sign the Petition at www.fbppn.net

    Tell your friends to sign the petition

    888,888 Signatures for Burma


    For media interviews, please contact:

    Tate Naing (Assistance Association for Political Prisoners Burma) - +66(0)812878751

    Dr Naing Aung (Forum for Democracy in Burma) - +66(0)818837230

    Notes to editors:

    1. The campaign is led by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) andForum for Democracy in Burma.

    2. 199 organizations worldwide have endorsed the campaign. For the full list, please clickhere