overview 21 days of prayer, fasting ... - celebration...

WEEK MEMORY VERSE ONE THING SHOPPING LIST 1 Ezra 8:23 (NLT): So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God would take care of us, and he heard our prayer. Fasting means to give something up to help us focus on God. 1. Host Game – Blow Wind Blow: No supplies needed 2. Bible Lesson: Awakening video 1 3. Group Icebreaker— Counting Contest: No supplies needed 4. SUDS Devo: Bibles, Today’s memory verse 5. Group Game 1 – Row, Row, Row Your Boat: No supplies needed 6. Group Game 2 – Starring Contest: 2 chairs (optional) 7. Take Home Items: SUDS Bookmark 2 James 5:16 (NIV): Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Prayer is powerful because God is powerful. 1. Host Game – Tug of War: 1 smooth rope, floor marker, rope marker 2. Bible Lesson: Awakening video 1 3. SUDS Devo: Bibles, Today’s memory verse 4. Group Icebreaker— Toilet Paper: 1 roll of toilet paper per group 5. Group Game 1 – Everybody’s It: No supplies needed 6. Group Game 2 – Paper Airplane: 1 hula hoop, 1 piece of paper per person, writing or coloring utensils 7. Take Home Items: SUDS Bookmark OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING AND PERSONAL DEVOTION

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Page 1: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of



Ezra 8:23 (NLT): So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God would take care of us, and he heard our prayer.

Fasting means to give something up to help us focus on God.

1. Host Game – Blow Wind Blow: No supplies needed

2. Bible Lesson: Awakening video 1

3. Group Icebreaker— Counting Contest: No supplies needed

4. SUDS Devo: Bibles, Today’s memory verse

5. Group Game 1 – Row, Row, Row Your Boat: No supplies needed

6. Group Game 2 – Starring Contest: 2 chairs (optional)

7. Take Home Items: SUDS Bookmark


James 5:16 (NIV): Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

Prayer is powerful because God is powerful.

1. Host Game – Tug of War: 1 smooth rope, floor marker, rope marker

2. Bible Lesson: Awakening video 1

3. SUDS Devo: Bibles, Today’s memory verse

4. Group Icebreaker— Toilet Paper: 1 roll of toilet paper per group

5. Group Game 1 – Everybody’s It: No supplies needed

6. Group Game 2 – Paper Airplane: 1 hula hoop, 1 piece of paper per person, writing or coloring utensils

7. Take Home Items: SUDS Bookmark



Page 2: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of


John 1:14 (NIrV):

The Word became a human being.

He made his home with us. We

have seen his glory. It is the glory

of the one and only Son. He came

from the Father. And he was full

of grace and truth.

We read the bible to get to know God.

1. Host Game – Left Foot Art: 4 pieces of paper, 4 pens or markers,

countdown clock

2. Bible Lesson: Awakening video 3

3. SUDS Devo: Bibles, Today’s memory verse

4. Group Icebreaker— Hot Potato: Ball or potato

5. Group Game 1 – Telephone: No supplies needed

6. Group Game 2 – Red Light, Green Light: No supplies needed

7. Take Home Items: SUDS Bookmark, Activity Sheet 1, Fasting Calendar


Jeremiah 29:12-13 (NIV):

12Then you will call on me and

come and pray to me, and I will

listen to you. 13

You will seek

me and find me when you seek

me with all your heart.

There are many ways to seek God. One way is by worshipping Him.

1. Host Game – Cheeto Head: 2 plastic bags, 1 bag of Cheetos (or other), shaving cream, tape to mark line on floor

2. Bible Lesson: Awakening video 4

3. SUDS Devo: Bibles, Today’s memory verse

4. Group Icebreaker— Get to Know You: No supplies needed

5. Group Game 1 – Follow the Leader: No supplies needed

6. Group Game 2 – Swamp Crossing: 3 “rocks” (scrap paper) per team

7. Take Home Items: SUDS Bookmark, Activity Sheet 2

Page 3: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of


1 Corinthians 11:23b-25 (NIV):

“…The Lord Jesus, on the night he

was betrayed, took bread, 24


when he had given thanks, he

broke it and said, “This is my body,

which is for you; do this in

remembrance of me.” 25

In the

same way, after supper he took

the cup, saying, “This cup is the

new covenant in my blood; do this,

whenever you drink it, in

remembrance of me.”’

Communion is a way to remember what Jesus did for us

on the cross.

1. Host Game – Tennis Ball Relay: 2 buckets, 2 tennis balls

2. Bible Lesson: Awakening video 5

3. Group Icebreaker— Card House: 1 stack of cards per team

4. SUDS Devo: Bibles, Today’s memory verse

5. Group Game 1 – Everybody’s It: No supplies needed

6. Group Game 2 – Hot Potato: 1 Ball or potato per group

7. Take Home Items: SUDS Bookmark, Activity Sheet 3


Luke 3:21 (NIV):

When all the people were being

baptized, Jesus was baptized too.

And as he was praying, heaven

was opened.

Baptism is a way to show others that you believe in Jesus.

1. Host Game – Freeze Dance: Music

2. Bible Lesson: Awakening video 6

3. SUDS Devo: Bibles, Today’s memory verse

4. Group Icebreaker— Hula Hoop Pass: 1 hula hoop per group

5. Group Game 1 – Look Up, Look Down: No supplies needed

6. Group Game 2 – Diving into the Crowd: No supplies Needed

7. Take Home Items: SUDS Bookmark

Page 4: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Fasting


Awakening is a 21 day season of prayer, fasting and personal devotions. This curriculum is designed to introduce kids to spiritual disciplines and encourages them to get to know God better.


ONE THING – This is the ONE THING we want every kid to know when they leave this service:

ONE THING – Fasting means to give something up to help us focus on God.

Be very familiar with all the games and lessons you will be leading. Please read and study Ezra 8:15-23 as you prepare to teach this week. Also study through the God-First Group lesson and games. Remember, the better you know the lesson for the day, the more easily God can lead you by His Spirit as you teach!


When welcoming the Kids this weekend, remind them:

Welcome everyone, especially visitors: We are so glad you are here!

Series review: (See above)

Simple rules: Respect God, Respect your leaders, Respect each other and we’ll have fun today!

Worship intro: explain to Kids their options: Example: “You can sing along with the words on the screen, learn the hand motions with our leaders, you can stand up or sit down, but we ask you not to distract others: this is a time to respect God and focus in on all He’s done for us.”


Fasting means to give

something up to help us

focus on God.


Ezra 8:23 (NLT):

So we fasted and earnestly

prayed that our God would

take care of us, and he

heard our prayer.


1. Host Game – Blow Wind Blow: No supplies needed

2. Bible Lesson: Awakening video 1

3. Group Icebreaker— Counting Contest: No supplies needed

4. SUDS Devo: Bibles, Today’s memory verse

5. Group Game 1 – Row, Row, Row Your Boat: No supplies needed

6. Group Game 2 – Starring Contest: 2 chairs (optional)

7. Take Home Items: SUDS Bookmark



Page 5: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Fasting


OVERVIEW: The Host Game serves as an icebreaker for all of the kids and happens before any other activities

begin in service. The goal is to simply let the kids have fun.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: No supplies needed.


1. Split the room into two teams, boys and girls. Each team should form a circle and sit on the floor.

2. Each team selects one person to start off in the middle. They begin by calling out, “Blow wind blow”.

3. The rest of the group must respond, “Blow what?”

4. Then the middle player can say some kind of conditional statement like “everyone with red hair” or “everyone

not wearing shoes”. All the players that fit that category must get up and switch spots with another player.

5. This allows a chance for the middle player to steal a chair also.

6. Once everyone has finished switching as quickly as possible, there will be one player left stuck in the middle.

7. Then the process repeats.

OPTIONAL: Instead of two groups, play with one.


Kids worship should fit your ministry and resources. Some examples include:

Worship intro: explain to Kids how worship works: Help them understand how and why we sing songs to Jesus.

Worship: Two fast songs led with singing, motions and dancing. This helps the kids encounter, engage and enjoy God’s presence.

Altar: A third song, powerful and intimate, with motions. Introduce this song as a time to pray with you at “the altar” (a spot where kids can gather to pray with your team), or sing along from their spot.

Tithes and Offerings (Malachi 3; 2 Corinthians 9): We return the tithe each week as we worship together. What is the Tithe? It’s the first 10% of the money God gives you. The tithe belongs to God. We also worship with offerings. Offerings are gifts we give to others to honor God. Offerings are a sacrifice. They can be anything that means a lot to you. So, ask God what He wants you to give, talk with your parents about it, then bring it for an offering.



Page 6: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Fasting


OVERVIEW: The bible lesson explains the “why” behind the “what” when it comes to fasting.

DURATION: 5-8 Minutes

ONE THING: Fasting means to give something up to help us focus on God.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: Awakening video 1

>>PLAY: Awakening Video 1<<

Pretty sweet! That guy chose FASTING over video games.

Now, what in the world is fasting? Fasting means to give up something to help us focus on God. Sounds wild!! Who in the world fasts? Well, Christians fast. We see that in our memory verse today:

Ezra 8:23 (NLT): “So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God would take care of us, and he heard our prayer.”

In this story, Ezra, a guy who loves God, is taking a huge group of people on a very dangerous trip. Let’s read a little more of the story:


And there by the Ahava Canal, I gave orders for all of us to fast and humble ourselves before our God. We prayed that he would give us a safe journey and protect us, our children, and our goods as we traveled.

22 For I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to accompany us and protect us

from enemies along the way. After all, we had told the king, “Our God’s hand of protection is on all who worship him, but his fierce anger rages against those who abandon him.”

23 So we fasted and earnestly

prayed that our God would take care of us, and he heard our prayer.”

Ezra and his people fasted to focus on God. God responded by honoring their prayer!

Every year in January, Celebration Kids goes on a fast together. We call it AWAKENING! This is something your parents are talking about in big church right now. We fast and pray together for 21 days. We believe that when we fast and pray, just like God did with Ezra, God hears us, and answers our prayers!

Over the next few weeks, we invite you to do these things with us:

Fast: Each day we’ll give up something for the day. Stuff like video games or candy. You’ll get a calendar to put on the fridge at home to remind you what we are fasting each day.

Pray: We’ll have a weekly prayer focus for each week. We’ll be praying for all kinds of stuff. We believe God hears us when we pray.

Read: We’ll be reading our Bibles together every day. You’ll get a cool handout each week, as well as a special AWAKENING bookmark to stay on track.

Again, fasting means to give something up to help us focus on God.

Everybody yell: “I wanna focus on you, Jesus!!”

We fast to focus on God!

Page 7: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Fasting


OVERVIEW: Each week, recruit kids to memorize it and share it alongside you in front of the crowd. Get some to memorize and do it all by themselves. Say: Before we go to our groups, we want to give everyone a chance to become a Christian today. We do this by sharing with you The Good News. Would you like to hear The Good News??

The Good News is: heaven is free! Would you like to go there with me? The bad news is sin: It keeps us from Him. It can keep us from God forever. But God is fair, and because He cares, He sent his Son Jesus to save us!

Jesus came down from heaven Lived as a man Died on a cross Then rose again And when He did, He beat down sin FOREVER!

Would you like to pray and give your life to Jesus today? Just repeat after me:

Dear Jesus I trust You Forgive me of my sin And fill me with Your Spirit So I can live for You Forever Amen

If you prayed that prayer, I will see you in the air!! AWWWW YEAH!!!! Say: If you are NOT YET a Christian, and you want to BECOME a Christian today, stand up to your feet right now so we can celebrate with you!

>>Have those who stood up come aside before groups. Briefly go back through the Good News, restating the truths of God’s love for us, sin, the cross, the prayer, and heaven!

Page 8: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Fasting


God-First Groups are designed to connect Kids to new friends, their group leaders and the lesson’s ONE THING. For many, this will be their introduction to Christian community. Community is the context in which we live God-first lives!

Remember that every age group has its own feel. Customize your group to fit your kids’ age and spiritual aptitude. You may want to focus on taking prayer requests and praying for your kids. You may need to lean heavier on the games, to keep energetic kids engaged. God has called you to this ministry, and equipped you to serve. So, let the Holy Spirit lead you in how to walk it out!


OVERVIEW: SUDS is a personal devotions method for kids. Review the memory verse from the lesson using the SUDS format below. Translate it for your particular grade.

S.U.D.S.: See it, Understand it, Do it, Share it: that’s how we read the Word!

1. SEE IT: Read Ezra 8:23 (NLT):

“So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God would take care of us, and he heard our prayer.”


a. What does fasting mean? (Fasting means to give something up to help us focus on God.)

b. Who can fast? (Anyone! But, this is something that we do as Christians to grow closer to God.)

c. Do you just have to give up food when fasting? (No, some people give up things in their lives that can

makeit hard to focus on God. Examples: TV, Play Station, Cell Phones, Nintendo DS)

d. What does it mean to “earnestly pray”? (To talk to God with all your heart, attention and emotions.)

e. Why did the people from this scripture fast and pray? (They needed God to take care of them)

f. What did God do when they prayed? (He heard them.)

3. DO IT: a. What are some things you can fast? (Examples: TV, Games, Sugar…) b. What are some things you can pray about? (Let kids answer)


a. How can you share fasting with your friends? (Ideas: Show them your fasting calendar. You can explain why you are not eating a cookie today or reading your bible instead of watching TV.)

ONE THING: Fasting means to give something up to help us focus on God.



Page 9: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Fasting


OVERVIEW: See how many kids you can encourage to memorize the Good News. This will help the kids when they present the Gospel to their peers!

See CK Good News in “Big Group Activities” section. This week, recite it several times with the kids until they get a feel for it. For older grades, you can have kids take turns reading it.


OVERVIEW: The goal of an icebreaker is to help kids connect with at least one new friend by name.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: No supplies needed.


1. Have kids pair up with a partner and find out their name and favorite food.

2. When finished, kids then sit in a big circle and each pair takes turns telling the group their partner’s name and

favorite food.

3. Before moving on to the next couple, this pair of kids will play this game:

a) Simultaneously, Kid 1 counts from 1 to 20 and Kid 2 counts from 20 to 1, out loud, without messing

up. Whoever gets through counting without making a mistake wins for that pair!

4. Repeat until each pair of kids had a turn.


OVERVIEW: During game time in God-First Groups, reinforce the ONE THING and memory verse.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: No supplies needed.


1. Have kids sit in a circle and select one person to recite the “ONE THING”. (Fasting means to give something up

to focus on God.)

2. The first child starts the game and sings, “Row, row, row your boat… (continues with song)”.

3. When the first child gets to the word “boat” the next person starts singing the song from the beginning.

4. When the second child gets to the word “boat” then the third person begins and so on.

5. The whole circle should be singing the song. The goal is to get through singing it without allowing the surrounding distractions to get them off track.

Page 10: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Fasting


OVERVIEW: During game time in God-First Groups, reinforce the ONE THING and memory verse.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: 2 chairs (optional)


1. Divide your kids into teams and have each form a single file line. You can do boys vs. girls, grade vs. grade, etc.

2. The first person in each line sits in a chair (or on floor), facing one another and in close proximity.

3. Before the kids begin, have them recite the “ONE THING”. (Fasting means to give something up to focus on


4. The teacher says, “On your mark, get set, STARE!”

5. Judging: Have kids monitor their opponent’s eyes. The teacher should monitor too as they will probably miss

a blink.

6. Keep score for each contest then declare the winning team!

Page 11: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Prayer


Awakening is a 21 day season of prayer, fasting and personal devotions. This curriculum is designed to introduce kids to spiritual disciplines and encourages them to get to know God better.


ONE THING – This is the ONE THING we want every kid to know when they leave this service:

ONE THING – Prayer is powerful because God is powerful.

Be very familiar with all the games and lessons you will be leading. Please read and study James 5:13-18 and John 14:14 as you prepare to teach this week. Also study through the God-First Group lesson and games. Remember, the better you know the lesson for the day, the more easily God can lead you by His Spirit as you teach!


When welcoming the Kids this weekend, remind them:

Welcome everyone, especially visitors: We are so glad you are here!

Series review: (See above)

Simple rules: Respect God, Respect your leaders, Respect each other and we’ll have fun today!

Worship intro: explain to Kids their options: Example: “You can sing along with the words on the screen, learn the hand motions with our leaders, you can stand up or sit down, but we ask you not to distract others: this is a time to respect God and focus in on all He’s done for us.”


Prayer is powerful because

God is powerful.


James 5:16 (NIV):

Therefore, confess your sins

to each other and pray for

each other so that you may

be healed. The prayer of a

righteous person is

powerful and effective.


1. Host Game – Tug of War: 1 smooth rope, floor marker, rope marker

2. Bible Lesson: Awakening video 1

3. SUDS Devo: Bibles, Today’s memory verse

4. Group Icebreaker— Toilet Paper: 1 roll of toilet paper per group

5. Group Game 1 – Everybody’s It: No supplies needed

6. Group Game 2 – Paper Airplane: 1 hula hoop, 1 piece of paper per person, writing or coloring utensils

7. Take Home Items: SUDS Bookmark



Page 12: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Prayer


OVERVIEW: The Host Game serves as an icebreaker for all of the kids and happens before any other activities

begin in service. The goal is to simply let the kids have fun.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: 1 smooth rope, floor marker, rope marker


1. Split the room into two even teams. Each team should take their positions next to the rope.

2. Make sure the midpoint of the rope is in line with the marker on the ground.

3. Each player must hold the rope, and when signaled, start pulling the rope to their side of the playing area.

4. A team wins the pull when the rope marker comes on their side of the marker on the ground.

OPTIONAL: Play 5 times and the team with highest score wins.


Kids worship should fit your ministry and resources. Some examples include:

Worship intro: explain to Kids how worship works: Help them understand how and why we sing songs to Jesus.

Worship: Two fast songs led with singing, motions and dancing. This helps the kids encounter, engage and enjoy God’s presence.

Altar: A third song, powerful and intimate, with motions. Introduce this song as a time to pray with you at “the altar” (a spot where kids can gather to pray with your team), or sing along from their spot.

Tithes and Offerings (Malachi 3; 2 Corinthians 9): We return the tithe each week as we worship together. What is the Tithe? It’s the first 10% of the money God gives you. The tithe belongs to God. We also worship with offerings. Offerings are gifts we give to others to honor God. Offerings are a sacrifice. They can be anything that means a lot to you. So, ask God what He wants you to give, talk with your parents about it, then bring it for an offering.



Page 13: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Prayer


OVERVIEW: The bible lesson explains the “why” behind the “what” when it comes to prayer.

DURATION: 5-8 Minutes

ONE THING: Prayer is powerful because God is powerful.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: Awakening video 2

>>PLAY: Awakening Video 2<<

Why is prayer powerful? Hint: it’s our ONE THING today!! (take an answer) PRAYER: Prayer is powerful because GOD is powerful!

Does anyone know the memory verse today, that shows us that this is true? (take an answer)

James 5:16(NIV): Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be

healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

To tap into the mighty power of God through prayer, you’ll need to know how to pray. Today, we’ll learn one part

of prayer: talking to God. Does anyone know another part of prayer? (listening to God)

Talking to God is like talking to a friend: every time you talk, it’s different. However, there is a simple place to


First, fold your hands. Your hands represent you and God coming together in prayer. Now, think about each of your fingers…

1. THUMB: Give God a thumbs-up to start. Begin your prayers by telling God how awesome he is! Give Him the thumbs-up He deserves as the Almighty Creator of the Universe! You can say…

“God, you are awesome… You are amazing!... You are super cool… you are good and great!”

2. POINTING FINGER: First things first; forgiveness! We all make mistakes, but, the important part is to confess them to God (1 John 1:9). Do this first before you pray for others. You can say…

“God, I’m sorry for the mistakes I’ve made today… Please forgive me for being mean to my sister. Forgive me for not honoring my parents. I need your help!”

3. MIDDLE FINGER (be careful! ) The next finger is the longest finger. We should spend the longest part of our prayer thanking God for what He’s done for us. You can say…

“I am thankful for my home… I am thankful for my parents… I am thankful for my health… I am thankful for my puppy… Thank you for taking good care of me… And, most importantly, thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for my sin!”

4. RING FINGER: The fourth finger is our ring finger. The ring finger is traditionally linked to the heart. Use this time to pray for anyone that the Holy Spirit puts on your heart. You can pray for…

Page 14: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Prayer

Leaders, like your teachers or the President

Your pastors

Your parents

Those who are sick, homeless or hungry

Friends at school

Missionaries you know

5. LITTLE FINGER: And lastly comes our little finger, the smallest finger of all, which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others. Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself:

“God, please help me to obey my mom and dad… Please send a new friend my way… please help me remember everything I need to know for my math quiz…”

CLOSING: You can close your prayer by saying “thank you for all these things, in Jesus’ Name I ask, AMEN.” Why?

- THANK YOU: because it’s good manners. It also says that you trust God with your prayers!

- IN JESUS’ NAME: because of what Jesus said: “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”

(John 14:14)

- AMEN: because this means: “Let it be so!”


OVERVIEW: Each week, recruit kids to memorize it and share it alongside you in front of the crowd. Get some to memorize and do it all by themselves. Say: Before we go to our groups, we want to give everyone a chance to become a Christian today. We do this by sharing with you The Good News. Would you like to hear The Good News??

The Good News is: heaven is free! Would you like to go there with me? The bad news is sin: It keeps us from Him. It can keep us from God forever. But God is fair, and because He cares, He sent his Son Jesus to save us!

Jesus came down from heaven Lived as a man Died on a cross Then rose again And when He did, He beat down sin FOREVER!

Would you like to pray and give your life to Jesus today? Just repeat after me:

Dear Jesus I trust You Forgive me of my sin And fill me with Your Spirit So I can live for You Forever Amen

If you prayed that prayer, I will see you in the air!! AWWWW YEAH!!!! Say: If you are NOT YET a Christian, and you want to BECOME a Christian today, stand up to your feet right now so we can celebrate with you!

>>Have those who stood up come aside before groups. Briefly go back through the Good News, restating the truths of God’s love for us, sin, the cross, the prayer, and heaven!

Page 15: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Prayer


God-First Groups are designed to connect Kids to new friends, their group leaders and the lesson’s ONE THING. For many, this will be their introduction to Christian community. Community is the context in which we live God-first lives!

Remember that every age group has its own feel. Customize your group to fit your kids’ age and spiritual aptitude. You may want to focus on taking prayer requests and praying for your kids. You may need to lean heavier on the games, to keep energetic kids engaged. God has called you to this ministry, and equipped you to serve. So, let the Holy Spirit lead you in how to walk it out!


OVERVIEW: SUDS is a personal devotions method for kids. Review the memory verse from the lesson using the SUDS format below. Translate it for your particular grade.

S.U.D.S.: See it, Understand it, Do it, Share it: that’s how we read the Word!

1. SEE IT: Read James 5:16 (NIV):

“Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The

prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”


a. What does it mean to “confess”? (To tell someone; to admit) b. Why do we pray for each other? (So that we may be healed) c. Whose prayers are powerful? (The prayer of a righteous person) d. Who is that? (It’s anyone with Jesus as their Lord and Savior)

3. DO IT: a. What are some things you can pray about? (go through the 5 fingers of prayer) b. Where are some places you can pray for one another? (Anywhere, anytime!)

4. SHARE IT: a. How can you share prayer with your friends? (Ask them if they need prayer. You can remind each

other that because we have Jesus we are righteous in God’s eyes and He hears our prayers.)


OVERVIEW: Utilize our Five Fingers of Prayer technique to model prayer for your group. Remind the kids that they can teach this to their parents and pray together throughout the week. Encourage your older kids to lead prayer time in the group when they’re ready.

1. THUMB: Tell God how AWESOME He is!

2. POINTING FINGER: First things first; forgiveness. Confess your mistakes to God.

3. MIDDLE FINGER: Give thanks to God.

4. RING FINGER: Pray for people God puts on your heart.

5. LITTLE FINGER: Pray for yourself.



Page 16: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Prayer


OVERVIEW: The goal of an icebreaker is to help kids connect with at least one new friend by name.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: 1 roll of toilet paper per group


1. The group leader has each person pull of 1-4 squares of toilet paper (without telling them what it’s for).

2. Then, everyone counts how many squares they have and tells the group that many things about themselves,

starting with their name. (Example: If someone has 3 squares, they tell 3 things about themselves)


OVERVIEW: During game time in God-First Groups, reinforce the ONE THING and memory verse.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: Butcher paper to make hand and label it like the “prayer” hand lesson, markers, one small

piece of paper per child, one straw per child (to avoid sharing), tape to mark starting point


1. Teacher asks each child to think about one thing they are praying for during the fast (kids can share with group

if they choose). Give each child a piece of paper (index card sized).

2. Each child writes down a prayer request on their paper (younger kids will need help).

3. Teacher selects two kids to compete. A plate should be located on one side of each player with prayer request

sheets on it and a big hand made out of butcher paper is at the other end of the playing area.

4. When signaled, kids will use their own stray to move the prayer request to the giant hand by sucking up the

paper and dropping it on the coinciding finger. Continue playing until each child gets a turn.

5. When finished, teacher collects all prayer requests and turns into the Kids Director or Pastor. We will pray for


VARIATION: Use paper plates representing each finger instead of butcher paper.


OVERVIEW: During game time in God-First Groups, reinforce the ONE THING and memory verse.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: 1 hula hoop, 1 piece of paper per person, writing or coloring utensils


1. Give each person a piece of paper and writing utensils.

2. Have each person write down their name and prayer request on their paper and also decorate it.

3. Then, have each person make a paper airplane out of it then line up in a single file line. The teacher goes

approximately 15 feet away and holds a hula hoop in the air.

4. When signaled, the kids will throw their airplane one at a time and aim to get it through the hula hoop.

Page 17: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Bible Reading


Awakening is a 21 day season of prayer, fasting and personal devotions. This curriculum is designed to introduce kids to spiritual disciplines and encourages them to get to know God better.


ONE THING – This is the ONE THING we want every kid to know when they leave this service:

ONE THING – We read the bible to get to know God.

Be very familiar with all the games and lessons you will be leading. Please read and study John 1:1-14 as you prepare to teach this week. Also study through the God-First Group lesson and games. Remember, the better you know the lesson for the day, the more easily God can lead you by His Spirit as you teach!


When welcoming the Kids this weekend, remind them:

Welcome everyone, especially visitors: We are so glad you are here!

Series review: (See above)

Simple rules: Respect God, Respect your leaders, Respect each other and we’ll have fun today!

Worship intro: explain to Kids their options: Example: “You can sing along with the words on the screen, learn the hand motions with our leaders, you can stand up or sit down, but we ask you not to distract others: this is a time to respect God and focus in on all He’s done for us.”


We read the bible to get to

know God.


John 1:14 (NIrV):

The Word became a human

being. He made his home

with us. We have seen his

glory. It is the glory of the

one and only Son. He came

from the Father. And he

was full of grace and truth.


1. Host Game – Left Foot Art: 4 pieces of paper, 4

pens or markers,

countdown clock

2. Bible Lesson: Awakening video 3

3. SUDS Devo: Bibles, Today’s memory verse

4. Group Icebreaker— Hot Potato: Ball or potato

5. Group Game 1 – Telephone: No supplies needed

6. Group Game 2 – Red Light, Green Light: No supplies needed

7. Take Home Items: SUDS Bookmark, Activity Sheet 1, Fasting Calendar



Page 18: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Bible Reading


OVERVIEW: The Host Game serves as an icebreaker for all of the kids and happens before any other activities

begin in service. The goal is to simply let the kids have fun.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: 4 pieces of paper, 4 pens or markers, countdown clock


1. Select 2 boys and 2 girls (wearing pants/shorts) who feel they would be great at creating art by drawing

with their left foot!

2. Have kids remove their shoes and socks and give each of them 1 pen or marker.

3. On the count of three, each member will begin writing the word “SUDS” in the center of the page and 4

bubbles (circles) using only their left foot.

4. By the end of the countdown clock, kids stop.

5. The crowd votes for which contestant they feel made the best art work and easiest to read the word



Kids worship should fit your ministry and resources. Some examples include:

Worship intro: explain to Kids how worship works: Help them understand how and why we sing songs to Jesus.

Worship: Two fast songs led with singing, motions and dancing. This helps the kids encounter, engage and enjoy God’s presence.

Altar: A third song, powerful and intimate, with motions. Introduce this song as a time to pray with you at “the altar” (a spot where kids can gather to pray with your team), or sing along from their spot.

Tithes and Offerings (Malachi 3; 2 Corinthians 9): We return the tithe each week as we worship together. What is the Tithe? It’s the first 10% of the money God gives you. The tithe belongs to God. We also worship with offerings. Offerings are gifts we give to others to honor God. Offerings are a sacrifice. They can be anything that means a lot to you. So, ask God what He wants you to give, talk with your parents about it, then bring it for an offering.



Page 19: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Bible Reading


OVERVIEW: The bible lesson explains the “why” behind the “what” when it comes to bible reading.

DURATION: 5-8 Minutes

ONE THING: We read the Bible to get to know God.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: Awakening video 3

>>PLAY: Awakening Video 3<<

What’s our ONE THING today?

BIBLE READING: We read the Bible to get to know God!

Let’s look at how this works…

John 1:1,2,14 (NIrV): 1 In the beginning, the Word was already there. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 14 The Word became a human being. He made his home with us. We have seen his glory. It is the glory of the one and only Son. He came from the Father. And he was full of grace and truth.

We know that Jesus is God. How? The Bible tells us so!

We know that Jesus became human and “made his home with us” on earth. How? The Bible tells us so!

We know that Jesus died on a cross for our sins. How? The Bible tells us so!

We know that Jesus was “full of grace and truth.” How? The Bible tells us so!

(sing ): “Jesus loves me, this I know…” BECAUSE THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO!!

We get to know God as we read the Bible. Do we understand everything about God? NO WAY! He’s big and wild and amazing. However, The Bible sure helps!

Remember: We read the Bible to get to know God!!

So, HOW do we read God’s Word? At Celebration Kids, we have a thing called SUDS: How to Read God’s Word:

SEE IT: make time every day to read your Bible

UNDERSTAND IT: Don’t just see it, UNDERSTAND what it means

DO IT: Make a choice to DO what the Word says to do. (Do it! Do it! Do it!)

SHARE IT: God’s Word is for who? EVERYONE!

We are going to talk more about that in our God-First Groups today…

Page 20: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Bible Reading


OVERVIEW: Each week, recruit kids to memorize it and share it alongside you in front of the crowd. Get some to memorize and do it all by themselves. Say: Before we go to our groups, we want to give everyone a chance to become a Christian today. We do this by sharing with you The Good News. Would you like to hear The Good News??

The Good News is: heaven is free! Would you like to go there with me? The bad news is sin: It keeps us from Him. It can keep us from God forever. But God is fair, and because He cares, He sent his Son Jesus to save us!

Jesus came down from heaven Lived as a man Died on a cross Then rose again And when He did, He beat down sin FOREVER!

Would you like to pray and give your life to Jesus today? Just repeat after me:

Dear Jesus I trust You Forgive me of my sin And fill me with Your Spirit So I can live for You Forever Amen

If you prayed that prayer, I will see you in the air!! AWWWW YEAH!!!! Say: If you are NOT YET a Christian, and you want to BECOME a Christian today, stand up to your feet right now so we can celebrate with you!

>>Have those who stood up come aside before groups. Briefly go back through the Good News, restating the truths of God’s love for us, sin, the cross, the prayer, and heaven!

Page 21: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Bible Reading


God-First Groups are designed to connect Kids to new friends, their group leaders and the lesson’s ONE THING. For many, this will be their introduction to Christian community. Community is the context in which we live God-first lives!

Remember that every age group has its own feel. Customize your group to fit your kids’ age and spiritual aptitude. You may want to focus on taking prayer requests and praying for your kids. You may need to lean heavier on the games, to keep energetic kids engaged. God has called you to this ministry, and equipped you to serve. So, let the Holy Spirit lead you in how to walk it out!


OVERVIEW: SUDS is a personal devotions method for kids. Review the memory verse from the lesson using the SUDS format below. Translate it for your particular grade.

S.U.D.S.: See it, Understand it, Do it, Share it: that’s how we read the Word!

1. SEE IT: Read John 1:14: “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his

glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. “

2. UNDERSTAND IT: “Let’s think about what that means…”

a. The Bible says that “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word

was God.” (John 1:1) Who do you think is the Word? (Jesus)

b. So when we get to know God’s Word, who are we getting to know? (Jesus)

c. When you are getting to know a friend, and you are spending a LOT of time with that friend do

you get to know that friend quickly or slowly? (quickly)

d. When you are getting to know a friend, and you are spending a TINY LITTLE BIT of time with that

friend, do you get to know that friend quickly or slowly? (slowly)

e. So, if we spend a LOT of time in God’s Word, do we get to know Him quickly or slowly? (quickly)

f. And, if we spend a TINY LITTLE BIT of time in God’s Word, do we get to know Him quickly or

slowly? (slowly)

g. So if you want to get to know God, how much time should you spend in God’s Word: a TINY

LITTLE BIT or a LOT? (a lot!!)

3. DO IT: “How can you spend time in God’s word?”

a. Do your SUDS devo every day!

b. Do it with your parents, until you can do it on your own!

4. SHARE IT: “Who can tell me what we learned today?” or “How would you share this with a friend?”

a. Of course, this answer will be unique to each child, but a general answer would be: “If we love

God and want to know Him more, we need to spend time in His Word.”)

ONE THING: We read the Bible to get to know God.



Page 22: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Bible Reading


OVERVIEW: Utilize our Five Fingers of Prayer technique to model prayer for your group. Remind the kids that they can teach this to their parents and pray together throughout the week. Encourage your older kids to lead prayer time in the group when they’re ready.

1. THUMB: Tell God how AWESOME He is!

2. POINTING FINGER: First things first; forgiveness. Confess your mistakes to God.

3. MIDDLE FINGER: Give thanks to God.

4. RING FINGER: Pray for people God puts on your heart.

5. LITTLE FINGER: Pray for yourself.


OVERVIEW: The goal of an icebreaker is to help kids connect with at least one new friend by name.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: Ball or potato


1. Have kids sit in a circle.

2. Tell them to begin passing the ball (or potato) to their right. Start counting or humming.

3. When signaled to stop, the person holding the hot potato has to recite the “ONE THING” and then go sit in the

“mush pot” in the middle of the circle. (ONE THING: We read the bible to get to know God.)

4. Repeat until only one person is left.

VARIATION: Create a separate group for boys and girls. The boy and girl winner of each group plays each other to

see who the ultimate winner is.


OVERVIEW: During game time in God-First Groups, reinforce the ONE THING and memory verse.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: No supplies needed.


1. Split the group into 2 teams.

2. The teacher whispers a phrase or sentence to the first player of each line (each team gets their own phrase).

3. Each player successfully whispers what the player believes he or she heard to the next.

4. The last player announces the statement to the entire group.

5. Whichever team with the correct phrase, wins. If teams are tied, continue with another. 6. Repeat as desired.

Page 23: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Bible Reading


OVERVIEW: During game time in God-First Groups, reinforce the ONE THING and memory verse.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: No supplies needed.


1. Have kids line up at one of the playing area. Teacher will stand at the other end.

2. Teacher will say one of these options: red light, yellow light, or green light.

3. The kids will move according to the color called.

o Green = Walk Fast

o Yellow = Walk Slow

o Red = Don’t Move

4. If someone moves during “red light”, they must return to the starting point.

5. The first person to tag the teachers hand gets to be the game leader.

Page 24: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Worship


Awakening is a 21 day season of prayer, fasting and personal devotions. This curriculum is designed to introduce kids to spiritual disciplines and encourages them to get to know God better.


ONE THING – This is the ONE THING we want every kid to know when they leave this service:

ONE THING – There are many ways to seek God. One way is by worshipping him.

Be very familiar with all the games and lessons you will be leading. Please read and study Jeremiah 29:11-14 as you prepare to teach this week. Also study through the God-First Group lesson and games. Remember, the better you know the lesson for the day, the more easily God can lead you by His Spirit as you teach!


When welcoming the Kids this weekend, remind them:

Welcome everyone, especially visitors: We are so glad you are here!

Series review: (See above)

Simple rules: Respect God, Respect your leaders, Respect each other and we’ll have fun today!

Worship intro: explain to Kids their options: Example: “You can sing along with the words on the screen, learn the hand motions with our leaders, you can stand up or sit down, but we ask you not to distract others: this is a time to respect God and focus in on all He’s done for us.”


There are many ways to

seek God. One way is by

worshipping him.


Jeremiah 29:12-13 (NIV) 12

Then you will call on me

and come and pray to me,

and I will listen to you. 13

You will seek me and find

me when you seek me with

all your heart.


1. Host Game – Cheeto Head: 2 plastic bags, 1 bag of Cheetos (or other), shaving cream, tape to mark line on floor

2. Bible Lesson: Awakening video 4

3. SUDS Devo: Bibles, Today’s memory verse

4. Group Icebreaker— Get to Know You: No supplies needed

5. Group Game 1 – Follow the Leader: No supplies needed

6. Group Game 2 – Swamp Crossing: 3 “rocks” (scrap paper) per team

7. Take Home Items: SUDS Bookmark, Activity Sheet 1



Page 25: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Worship


OVERVIEW: The Host Game serves as an icebreaker for all of the kids and happens before any other activities

begin in service. The goal is to simply let the kids have fun.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: 2 plastic bags, 1 bag of Cheetos (or other), shaving cream, tape to mark line on floor


1. Divide the whole room into two teams, boys vs. girls. Pick 1 older kid from each team to be the game leader.

2. Each game leader stands at the front of the line with their team lined up in single file line at the marker

3. Game leader has plastic bag tightly taped or tied around the top of their head (not covering their face).

4. Then, spray shaving cream on top of their heads forming a full head of shaving cream. They are instructed to

help their team by moving their head to attempt to catch the cheeto on their head.

5. When signaled each team will rotate giving each team member a chance to get a cheeto on their leaders’

head. The goal is to get as many Cheetos as possible to beat the other team by the time each line gets one



Kids worship should fit your ministry and resources. Some examples include:

Worship intro: explain to Kids how worship works: Help them understand how and why we sing songs to Jesus.

Worship: Two fast songs led with singing, motions and dancing. This helps the kids encounter, engage and enjoy God’s presence.

Altar: A third song, powerful and intimate, with motions. Introduce this song as a time to pray with you at “the altar” (a spot where kids can gather to pray with your team), or sing along from their spot.

Tithes and Offerings (Malachi 3; 2 Corinthians 9): We return the tithe each week as we worship together. What is the Tithe? It’s the first 10% of the money God gives you. The tithe belongs to God. We also worship with offerings. Offerings are gifts we give to others to honor God. Offerings are a sacrifice. They can be anything that means a lot to you. So, ask God what He wants you to give, talk with your parents about it, then bring it for an offering.



Page 26: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Worship


OVERVIEW: The bible lesson explains the “why” behind the “what” when it comes to worship.

DURATION: 5-8 Minutes

ONE THING: There are many ways to seek God. One way is by worshipping Him.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: Awakening video 4

>>PLAY: Awakening Video 4<<

Say: Wow, that was a great lesson on worship! What’s the ONE THING today: There are many ways to seek God. One way is by worshipping Him.


OVERVIEW: Each week, recruit kids to memorize it and share it alongside you in front of the crowd. Get some to memorize and do it all by themselves. Say: Before we go to our groups, we want to give everyone a chance to become a Christian today. We do this by sharing with you The Good News. Would you like to hear The Good News??

The Good News is: heaven is free! Would you like to go there with me? The bad news is sin: It keeps us from Him. It can keep us from God forever. But God is fair, and because He cares, He sent his Son Jesus to save us!

Jesus came down from heaven Lived as a man Died on a cross Then rose again And when He did, He beat down sin FOREVER!

Would you like to pray and give your life to Jesus today? Just repeat after me:

Dear Jesus I trust You Forgive me of my sin And fill me with Your Spirit So I can live for You Forever Amen

If you prayed that prayer, I will see you in the air!! AWWWW YEAH!!!! Say: If you are NOT YET a Christian, and you want to BECOME a Christian today, stand up to your feet right now so we can celebrate with you!

>>Have those who stood up come aside before groups. Briefly go back through the Good News, restating the truths of God’s love for us, sin, the cross, the prayer, and heaven!

Page 27: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Worship


God-First Groups are designed to connect Kids to new friends, their group leaders and the lesson’s ONE THING. For many, this will be their introduction to Christian community. Community is the context in which we live God-first lives!

Remember that every age group has its own feel. Customize your group to fit your kids’ age and spiritual aptitude. You may want to focus on taking prayer requests and praying for your kids. You may need to lean heavier on the games, to keep energetic kids engaged. God has called you to this ministry, and equipped you to serve. So, let the Holy Spirit lead you in how to walk it out!


OVERVIEW: SUDS is a personal devotions method for kids. Review the memory verse from the lesson using the SUDS format below. Translate it for your particular grade.

S.U.D.S.: See it, Understand it, Do it, Share it: that’s how we read the Word!

1. SEE IT: Jeremiah 29:12-13 (NIV)


Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13

You will seek me and find

me when you seek me with all your heart.


a. Who is God talking to here? Any guesses? (His People) b. And, who are God’s people today? (Christians: followers of Jesus) c. When we call on God, what does he do? (Listens to us.) d. What does worship mean to you? (Some answers might be: Seeking God with all your heart. Telling

God how great he is, is an outward expression of the love we feel for our savior.) 3. DO IT:

a. What are some ways we can seek God? (Worship, prayer, fasting.) b. What are some ways we worship? (Singing, dancing, praying, offering…)

4. SHARE IT: a. How can you share worship with your friends? (You can do what you do: sing, draw, dance, paint, rap

for Jesus to worship him. When your friends compliment you, you can say, “Thanks! It’s my way that I like to worship God.)

ONE THING: There are many ways to seek God. One way is by worshipping him.



Page 28: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Worship


OVERVIEW: Utilize our Five Fingers of Prayer technique to model prayer for your group. Remind the kids that they can teach this to their parents and pray together throughout the week. Encourage your older kids to lead prayer time in the group when they’re ready.

1. THUMB: Tell God how AWESOME He is!

2. POINTING FINGER: First things first; forgiveness. Confess your mistakes to God.

3. MIDDLE FINGER: Give thanks to God.

4. RING FINGER: Pray for people God puts on your heart.

5. LITTLE FINGER: Pray for yourself.


OVERVIEW: The goal of an icebreaker is to help kids connect with at least one new friend by name.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: No supplies needed.


1. Have kids sit in a circle.

2. Each child gets a chance to share their name, school and favorite type of ice cream.


OVERVIEW: During game time in God-First Groups, reinforce the ONE THING and memory verse.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: No supplies needed.


1. Assign one leader and the rest are followers. 2. Have the leader start doing something. He can walk, run, dance, sing, talk or do any activity or combination of

activities he wants to do, in any order he wants. 3. Instruct the rest of the players to follow the leader, doing whatever the leader does and exactly the way he

does it. 4. Anyone who doesn’t follow exactly is out of the game. 5. Signal the end of the game when only one person left is following the leader. 6. That person becomes the leader of the next game.

Page 29: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Worship


OVERVIEW: During game time in God-First Groups, reinforce the ONE THING and memory verse.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: 3 “rocks” (scrap paper) per team


1. Divide the group into two teams.

2. Give each team 3 “rocks” (scrap sheets of paper).

3. Make a start and finish line (maybe 10-15 feet apart) and tell them that they must get their whole team across

without touching the water, using only these rocks to get across.

4. Kids may move the rocks as they go, however, only one food can be on a rock at a time and you cannot slide

the rock with your foot.

Page 30: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Communion


Awakening is a 21 day season of prayer, fasting and personal devotions. This curriculum is designed to introduce kids to spiritual disciplines and encourages them to get to know God better.


ONE THING – This is the ONE THING we want every kid to know when they leave this service: ONE THING – Communion is a way to remember what Jesus did for us on

the cross.

Be very familiar with all the games and lessons you will be leading. Please read and study 1 Corinthians 11:23-25 and Luke 24:13-35 as you prepare to teach this week. Also study through the God-First Group lesson and games. Remember, the better you know the lesson for the day, the more easily God can lead you by His Spirit as you teach!

COMMUNION: We will be teaching what communion is all about. However, since our kids come from all different religious backgrounds, we feel that taking communion may be a tricky course to navigate with parents. So: you have two options for the curriculum: 1. No Communion: The curriculum is written without the kids actually taking

communion together. We will teach them about it, demonstrate it for them, and then land them in taking communion with their parents in big church.

2. 4th


Communion option: 4th

and 5th

graders have most likely been exposed to communion before. If you choose this option, then do these following additional steps:

a. Post signs at check-in that read: “COMMUNION: our 4th


graders will be taking communion together today as part of Awakening. Please let us know if you would NOT like your kid to participate.”

b. Instruct the 4th


graders during group time that they do NOT have to participate in communion. If they would prefer, they can wait and take communion with their parents next time they are in big church.

c. Check for allergies before distributing the elements in group.


When welcoming the Kids this weekend, remind them:

Welcome everyone, especially visitors: We are so glad you are here!

Series review: (See above)

Simple rules: Respect God, Respect your leaders, Respect each other and we’ll have fun today!

Worship intro: explain to Kids their options: Example: “You can sing along with the words on the screen, learn the hand motions with our leaders, you can stand up or sit down, but we ask you not to distract others: this is a time to respect God and focus in on all He’s done for us.”


Communion is a way to

remember what Jesus did

for us on the cross.


1 Cor. 11:23b-25(NIV):

“…The Lord Jesus, on the

night he was betrayed, took

bread, 24

and when he had

given thanks, he broke it

and said, “This is my body,

which is for you; do this in

remembrance of me.” 25


the same way, after supper

he took the cup, saying,

“This cup is the new

covenant in my blood; do

this, whenever you drink it,

in remembrance of me.”’


1. Host Game – Tennis Ball Relay: 2 buckets, 2 tennis balls

2. Bible Lesson: Awakening video 5

3. Group Icebreaker— Card House: 1 stack of cards per team

4. SUDS Devo: Bibles, Today’s memory verse

5. Group Game 1 – Everybody’s It: No supplies needed

6. Group Game 2 – Hot Potato: 1 Ball or potato per group

7. Take Home Items: SUDS Bookmark, Activity Sheet 3



Page 31: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Communion


OVERVIEW: The Host Game serves as an icebreaker for all of the kids and happens before any other activities

begin in service. The goal is to simply let the kids have fun.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: 2 buckets, 2 tennis balls


1. Pick 3-5 girls and 3-5 boys and give each team one bucket and one ball. Select one person from each team to

be man the bucket and the rest line up.

2. When signaled, each team will have 60 seconds to see how many times they can land the tennis ball inside the


3. Each in line will get the tennis ball. They get to bounce it only one time and the person manning the bucket

works to catch the ball inside their bucket.

4. If the catcher fails to catch it in one bounce, the next person in line gets to bounce the ball.

5. Have team leaders keep score. The team with the most catches at the end of the 60 seconds, wins.


Kids worship should fit your ministry and resources. Some examples include:

Worship intro: explain to Kids how worship works: Help them understand how and why we sing songs to Jesus.

Worship: Two fast songs led with singing, motions and dancing. This helps the kids encounter, engage and enjoy God’s presence.

Altar: A third song, powerful and intimate, with motions. Introduce this song as a time to pray with you at “the altar” (a spot where kids can gather to pray with your team), or sing along from their spot.

Tithes and Offerings (Malachi 3; 2 Corinthians 9): We return the tithe each week as we worship together. What is the Tithe? It’s the first 10% of the money God gives you. The tithe belongs to God. We also worship with offerings. Offerings are gifts we give to others to honor God. Offerings are a sacrifice. They can be anything that means a lot to you. So, ask God what He wants you to give, talk with your parents about it, then bring it for an offering.



Page 32: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Communion


OVERVIEW: The bible lesson explains the “why” behind the “what” when it comes to communion.

DURATION: 5-8 Minutes

ONE THING: Communion is a way to remember what Jesus did for us on the cross.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: Awakening video 5

>>PLAY: Awakening Video 5<<

Lesson Script: That video is hilarious, but true. Sometimes we can forget how awesome heaven is going to be! Jesus knew we would have trouble remembering. He taught us this thing called communion – it’s a way to remember what Jesus did for us on the cross. Let me tell you a story from the bible:

One day, two people were walking down the road to their village, talking about Jesus. Only days before, Jesus had been crucified, buried, and then rose from the dead! Suddenly, out of nowhere, Jesus began walking with them! Now at the time they didn’t know it was him so they continued to walk and talk. Jesus asked them what they were talking about and they told him the story…

When they finally reached the village, they asked Jesus to stay and eat with them. He did. The three of them sat down at a table. Jesus got some bread, thanked God for it, broke it and began to give it out. RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT, they recognized that the man was Jesus! Why? Because Jesus had done that thing with the bread and the juice before. Let’s check it out in our memory verse:

1 Corinthians 11:23b-25(NIV): “…The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, 24

and when he had

given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” 25

In the

same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you

drink it, in remembrance of me.”’

We call this “Communion.” Communion is a special time where we think about, or “remember”, who Jesus is and what He did for us on the cross: his body broken for us, and his blood shed for us. His sacrifice for us made it possible for us to be right with God. (1Peter 3:18) Communicator demonstrates communion (bread, juice, pray), explaining each step as you take it. Say: “Communion is for everyone who has asked Jesus to be their Lord and Savior. If that is you, let me demonstrate it for you: As you eat the bread, remember Jesus’ body that was broken for us (speaker eats bread)”. “As you drink the juice, remember Jesus’ blood that was shed to cover all of our sins (speaker drinks juice).” If you have not asked Jesus or to be your Lord and Savior or if you don’t understand communion yet, you do NOT have to take communion. It doesn’t mean you are not saved, it just means you aren’t quite ready. You can always ask your GFG leader today, or your parents if you want to know more!”

We are going to learn more about COMMUNION in our God-First Groups today!

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Lesson Guide | Communion


OVERVIEW: Each week, recruit kids to memorize it and share it alongside you in front of the crowd. Get some to memorize and do it all by themselves. Say: Before we go to our groups, we want to give everyone a chance to become a Christian today. We do this by sharing with you The Good News. Would you like to hear The Good News??

The Good News is: heaven is free! Would you like to go there with me? The bad news is sin: It keeps us from Him. It can keep us from God forever. But God is fair, and because He cares, He sent his Son Jesus to save us!

Jesus came down from heaven Lived as a man Died on a cross Then rose again And when He did, He beat down sin FOREVER!

Would you like to pray and give your life to Jesus today? Just repeat after me:

Dear Jesus I trust You Forgive me of my sin And fill me with Your Spirit So I can live for You Forever Amen

If you prayed that prayer, I will see you in the air!! AWWWW YEAH!!!! Say: If you are NOT YET a Christian, and you want to BECOME a Christian today, stand up to your feet right now so we can celebrate with you!

>>Have those who stood up come aside before groups. Briefly go back through the Good News, restating the truths of God’s love for us, sin, the cross, the prayer, and heaven!

Page 34: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Communion


God-First Groups are designed to connect Kids to new friends, their group leaders and the lesson’s ONE THING. For many, this will be their introduction to Christian community. Community is the context in which we live God-first lives!

Remember that every age group has its own feel. Customize your group to fit your kids’ age and spiritual aptitude. You may want to focus on taking prayer requests and praying for your kids. You may need to lean heavier on the games, to keep energetic kids engaged. God has called you to this ministry, and equipped you to serve. So, let the Holy Spirit lead you in how to walk it out!


OVERVIEW: SUDS is a personal devotions method for kids. Review the memory verse from the lesson using the SUDS format below. Translate it for your particular grade.

S.U.D.S.: See it, Understand it, Do it, Share it: that’s how we read the Word!

1. SEE IT: Read 1Corinthians 11:23b-25(NIV): “…The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, 24

and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in

remembrance of me.” 25 In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new

covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.”’

2. UNDERSTAND IT: “Let’s think about what that means…”

a. It says this happened on the night Jesus was “betrayed.” This is the night before he went to the


b. Why do you think he gave thanks to God firs, before he passed it out? (we should always

remember that everything we have comes from God)

c. What does the bread represent? (Jesus’ Body)

d. What does “the cup” or the juice represent? (Jesus’ Blood)

3. DO IT: “When should you take communion”

a. Communion is for every Christian. What does it mean to be a Christian? (Jesus is your Savior and


b. If you are younger, take communion with your parents, or talk to them before you begin taking

communion. They will be excited to hear you are doing this awesome Christian practice!

c. We take communion in our big services every weekend. We do this to remember Jesus, and

what He did for us on the cross…

4. SHARE IT: “Who can tell me what we learned today?” or “How would you share this with a friend?”

a. Of course, this answer will be unique to each child, but a general answer would be: “Communion

is a way to remember what Jesus did for us on the cross!”

ONE THING: Communion is a way to remember what Jesus did for us on the cross.



Page 35: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Communion


OVERVIEW: Utilize our Five Fingers of Prayer technique to model prayer for your group. Remind the kids that they can teach this to their parents and pray together throughout the week. Encourage your older kids to lead prayer time in the group when they’re ready.

1. THUMB: Tell God how AWESOME He is!

2. POINTING FINGER: First things first; forgiveness. Confess your mistakes to God.

3. MIDDLE FINGER: Give thanks to God.

4. RING FINGER: Pray for people God puts on your heart.

5. LITTLE FINGER: Pray for yourself.


OVERVIEW: The goal of an icebreaker is to help kids connect with at least one new friend by name.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: 3-4 stacks of playing cards


1. Split the kids into 3-4 even teams and give each a stack of cards.

2. Each team tells each other their name. Then, they have 3-5 minutes to build the best card house they can.

3. When time is up, have everyone step back. After 30 seconds, whoever’s house is still standing will be judged.

Whichever house the kids vote as best, wins.


OVERVIEW: During game time in God-First Groups, reinforce the ONE THING and memory verse.

WHAT YOU’LL: No supplies needed.


1. Have your group spread out evenly within the playing area.

2. When signaled, everyone tried to tag each other. If one person tags another person, the tagged person must

sit down for the rest of the game. If two people tag each other at the same time, they both sit down.

3. The game continues until all but one person is eliminated. The last person standing wins.

Page 36: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Communion


OVERVIEW: During game time in God-First Groups, reinforce the ONE THING and memory verse.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: Ball or potato


1. Have kids sit in a circle.

2. Tell them to begin passing the ball (or potato) to their right. Start counting or humming.

3. When signaled to stop, the person holding the hot potato has to recite the “ONE THING” and then go sit in the

“mush pot” in the middle of the circle. (ONE THING: We read the bible to get to know God.)

4. Repeat until only one person is left.

VARIATION: Create a separate group for boys and girls. The boy and girl winner of each group plays each other to

see who the ultimate winner is.

Page 37: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Baptism


Awakening is a 21 day season of prayer, fasting and personal devotions. This curriculum is designed to introduce kids to spiritual disciplines and encourages them to get to know God better.


ONE THING – This is the ONE THING we want every kid to know when they leave this service:

ONE THING – Baptism is a way to show others that you believe in Jesus.

Be very familiar with all the games and lessons you will be leading. Please read and study Luke 3:21 as you prepare to teach this week. Also study through the God-First Group lesson and games. Remember, the better you know the lesson for the day, the more easily God can lead you by His Spirit as you teach!


When welcoming the Kids this weekend, remind them:

Welcome everyone, especially visitors: We are so glad you are here!

Series review: (See above)

Simple rules: Respect God, Respect your leaders, Respect each other and we’ll have fun today!

Worship intro: explain to Kids their options: Example: “You can sing along with the words on the screen, learn the hand motions with our leaders, you can stand up or sit down, but we ask you not to distract others: this is a time to respect God and focus in on all He’s done for us.”


Baptism is a way to show

others that you believe in



Luke 3:21 (NIV):

When all the people were

being baptized, Jesus was

baptized too. And as he

was praying, heaven was



1. Host Game – Freeze Dance: Music

2. Bible Lesson: Awakening video 6

3. SUDS Devo: Bibles, Today’s memory verse

4. Group Icebreaker— Hula Hoop Pass: 1 hula hoop per group

5. Group Game 1 – Look Up, Look Down: No supplies needed

6. Group Game 2 – Diving into the Crowd: No supplies Needed

7. Take Home Items: SUDS Bookmark



Page 38: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Baptism


OVERVIEW: The Host Game serves as an icebreaker for all of the kids and happens before any other activities

begin in service. The goal is to simply let the kids have fun.



1. Have all the kids stand up.

2. When the music starts, the kids will begin to dance.

3. After the kids have danced for a little bit, stop the music.

4. Kids must freeze when the music stops. Any kids that move are out of the game.


Kids worship should fit your ministry and resources. Some examples include:

Worship intro: explain to Kids how worship works: Help them understand how and why we sing songs to Jesus.

Worship: Two fast songs led with singing, motions and dancing. This helps the kids encounter, engage and enjoy God’s presence.

Altar: A third song, powerful and intimate, with motions. Introduce this song as a time to pray with you at “the altar” (a spot where kids can gather to pray with your team), or sing along from their spot.

Tithes and Offerings (Malachi 3; 2 Corinthians 9): We return the tithe each week as we worship together. What is the Tithe? It’s the first 10% of the money God gives you. The tithe belongs to God. We also worship with offerings. Offerings are gifts we give to others to honor God. Offerings are a sacrifice. They can be anything that means a lot to you. So, ask God what He wants you to give, talk with your parents about it, then bring it for an offering.



Page 39: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Baptism


OVERVIEW: The bible lesson explains the “why” behind the “what” when it comes to baptism.

DURATION: 5-8 Minutes

ONE THING: Baptism is a way to show others that you believe in Jesus.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: Awakening video 6

>>PLAY: Awakening Video 6<<

Woah! Our friend in the video had all kinds of crazy ideas about what baptism would be about. It’s true, baptism

can be kind of scary if you don’t know what it is.

Baptism is a way to show others that you believe in Jesus. It's like having a bath to make you clean on the inside.

When you get baptized it's a special way of showing that you understand that you have and need God's


When Jesus began his ministry there was a man named John the Baptist preaching the good news to all who would

listen. He told them of the importance of turning away from their sin and being baptized. Matthew 3:1-3

One day while John was baptizing believers, Jesus came on the scene. Here’s the story:

13 Then Jesus went from Galilee to the Jordan River to be baptized by John. 14 But John tried to talk him

out of it. “I am the one who needs to be baptized by you,” he said, “so why are you coming to me?”

15 But Jesus said, “It should be done, for we must carry out all that God requires.*f+” So John agreed to

baptize him. 16 After his baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened[g] and he

saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on him. 17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is

my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy.”

Baptism is a symbol for us to show we are starting a new life with Christ. When we lay down into the water we are

dying or getting rid of all the bad things we've done. Under the water we are buried, and then when we are

brought out of the water we are a brand new person to God.

Memory Verse: Luke 3:21 (NIV) When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was

praying, heaven was opened.

Page 40: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Baptism


OVERVIEW: Each week, recruit kids to memorize it and share it alongside you in front of the crowd. Get some to memorize and do it all by themselves. Say: Before we go to our groups, we want to give everyone a chance to become a Christian today. We do this by sharing with you The Good News. Would you like to hear The Good News??

The Good News is: heaven is free! Would you like to go there with me? The bad news is sin: It keeps us from Him. It can keep us from God forever. But God is fair, and because He cares, He sent his Son Jesus to save us!

Jesus came down from heaven Lived as a man Died on a cross Then rose again And when He did, He beat down sin FOREVER!

Would you like to pray and give your life to Jesus today? Just repeat after me:

Dear Jesus I trust You Forgive me of my sin And fill me with Your Spirit So I can live for You Forever Amen

If you prayed that prayer, I will see you in the air!! AWWWW YEAH!!!! Say: If you are NOT YET a Christian, and you want to BECOME a Christian today, stand up to your feet right now so we can celebrate with you!

>>Have those who stood up come aside before groups. Briefly go back through the Good News, restating the truths of God’s love for us, sin, the cross, the prayer, and heaven!

Page 41: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Baptism


God-First Groups are designed to connect Kids to new friends, their group leaders and the lesson’s ONE THING. For many, this will be their introduction to Christian community. Community is the context in which we live God-first lives!

Remember that every age group has its own feel. Customize your group to fit your kids’ age and spiritual aptitude. You may want to focus on taking prayer requests and praying for your kids. You may need to lean heavier on the games, to keep energetic kids engaged. God has called you to this ministry, and equipped you to serve. So, let the Holy Spirit lead you in how to walk it out!


OVERVIEW: SUDS is a personal devotions method for kids. Review the memory verse from the lesson using the SUDS format below. Translate it for your particular grade.

S.U.D.S.: See it, Understand it, Do it, Share it: that’s how we read the Word!

1. SEE IT: Read Luke 3:21 (NIV): When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he

was praying, heaven was opened.

2. UNDERSTAND IT: Think about what that means.

a. Who was getting baptized? (Jesus, along with a bunch of other people) b. Why did Jesus get baptized with the people? (Jesus got baptized to set an example for us) c. What happened when Jesus was praying? (Heaven was opened) d. What does that mean, “Heaven was opened??” (God spoke, and the Holy Spirit descended on

Jesus “like a dove” from heaven.)

3. DO IT:

a. What does it mean to be baptized? (you tell the world that Jesus is your Lord, then you get dunked underwater, symbolizing a whole new life is beginning!)

b. Who should be baptized? (Anyone who has decided to follow Jesus for the rest of his/her life, asking Jesus to be his/her Lord and Savior!)

c. When can you get baptized? (Whenever you are ready, if Jesus is your Lord and you understand what that means!)


a. If someone were to ask you about being baptized, what would you tell them? (ONE THING:

Baptism is a way to show others that you believe in Jesus)

ONE THING: Baptism is a way to show others that you believe in Jesus.



Page 42: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Baptism


OVERVIEW: Utilize our Five Fingers of Prayer technique to model prayer for your group. Remind the kids that they can teach this to their parents and pray together throughout the week. Encourage your older kids to lead prayer time in the group when they’re ready.

1. THUMB: Tell God how AWESOME He is!

2. POINTING FINGER: First things first; forgiveness. Confess your mistakes to God.

3. MIDDLE FINGER: Give thanks to God.

4. RING FINGER: Pray for people God puts on your heart.

5. LITTLE FINGER: Pray for yourself.


OVERVIEW: The goal of an icebreaker is to help kids connect with at least one new friend by name.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: 1 hula hoop per group


1. Have all the kids stand in one large circle and join hands. Two players hands go through a hula hoop.

2. The children must pass the hula hoop around the circle without letting go of each other’s hands.

3. They must work together to get the hoop all the way around the circle.

VARIATION: Time them each time with a stopwatch and have them try and beat their fastest time.


OVERVIEW: During game time in God-First Groups, reinforce the ONE THING and memory verse.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: No supplies needed.


1. Have kids stand in a tight circle, facing inward with shoulders touching. 2. The leader stands outside of the circle and says, “Look down”. Kids put their heads down. 3. When leader says “Look up”, each kid looks up at one other person in the circle. 4. If that same person is looking back at him, both of them scream and jump out of the circle. 5. Kids then squeeze tougher to fill the gaps and the leader repeats the commands until there is no one left

inside the circle.

Page 43: OVERVIEW 21 DAYS OF PRAYER, FASTING ... - Celebration …as.celebration.org/series/Awakening+2012/Lessons+1-6+Plus+Series+Overview.pdfSERIES REVIEW Awakening is a 21 day season of

Lesson Guide | Baptism


OVERVIEW: During game time in God-First Groups, reinforce the ONE THING and memory verse.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED: No supplies needed.


1. Split the entire room into two teams. . Line each team up facing each other leaving enough room for a kid to run through.

2. Have a leader stand at each entrance to the lines. 3. Pick one child to run through the crowd with their eyes closed. The other kids are responsible for making sure

the runner gets to the end of the line safely. 4. Do this until everyone has had a chance to “dive into the crowd’.