skinny series guide | awakening

AWAKENING skinny series guide | dialogue church

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New series guide for the "Awakening" series at Dialogue Church, Muncie IN.


awakeningskinny series guide | dialogue church

2 THE SKINNY SErIES guIdE | dIaloguE cHurcH

The Skinny Series Guide and its contents here out were developed by Dialogue Church, Muncie, Indi-ana. Some rights reserved. Part of this publication, including content and graphics, may be reproduced and distributed with permission granted by the aforementioned organization.

It’s not that we’re totally worried about copyrights, but we’d just like to know who, where, and why people are using our stuff.

Permission requests may be made via email, [email protected].

All scriptures referenced and used are from either the New International Version published by Zondervan or The Voice New Testament.

Published by Dialogue ChurchMuncie, Indiana 47305

Copyright © 2010 Dialogue Church


Dad, it’s time to come inside. Dinner is almost ready, and it’s almost dark.” The old man stirred in his chair, “Thanks, son. Just give me a minute.”

He looked out across the emptiness filling the space between the house and the road. Though almost a mile, he could see to the bend in the dirt path, far enough to see it meet the horizon.

Dusk was approaching. His long shadow stretched across the porch to the grass, bringing premature night to the ground. Leaning back in his chair, the old man squinted toward the distance, to the bend in the road, waiting. What for, he wasn’t sure.

“I don’t know why he keeps this up. Does he realize how long it’s been?,” the son said in a whisper to his mother, standing over the table. Three places—three cups; three forks; three plates.

“You have to understand all people grieve in different ways.”

“It’s not like he’s dead; he’s out spending Dad’s money on God only knows what! I don’t even know why he’d want him back here; even as his brother, I know I wouldn’t.”

“Don’t say that,” she snapped, looking up from the steaming copper pots.

Suddenly, they heard a shrill scream fol-lowed by a loud pounding on the porch. She looked out the kitchen window to find the chair empty and dust in the air. Rush-ing toward the door, the son flung it open just in the time to see his father, free from injury, running down the road, a great cloud behind him. As the followed, the yelling continued.

“Stop! What’s wrong?” the mother cried after her husband, narrowing her gaze on a shadowed figure on the horizon.

Reaching the fence, she could see her husband calling to one of the farmhands in the field. Nodding in agreement, the farm-hand turned to the barn and began to run.

As she inched closer and closer in the dim-ming light, she saw the shadowed figure turn into a young man, falling to his knees to embrace her husband, and then through tears, her youngest son.

“He has returned! He has returned!” The father cried, repeating in disbelief as his wife joined them on the dirt road.

“He has returned!”—How much is a soul really worth? When we experience the love God has for us, something inside our soul stirs, some-thing inside our hearts awakens to this new life, this new love. How can we then love others in this same way?

Come and join the conversation.

4 THE SKINNY SErIES guIdE | dIaloguE cHurcH

theskinnYSo what’s the deal with


The Skinny is a tool to help you find out how His plans and dreams fit your life.

The concept is simple. If God is speak-ing to us today, we want to do more than simply listen—we want to join the conversation.

We want to do more than hear and obey. We want to listen and interact. We need more than the message —we want to know the messenger.

The Skinny is a collaborative tool to help you discover the longing in your soul.

How amazing would it be to understand what God was thinking?

It moves through three phases:

1. Connect to God’s truth and beauty.

2. Center your life on love.

3. Create hope in a broken world.

The world is waiting on you to live your best life. God is speaking, and He is invit-ing you to join the conversation.

6 THE SKINNY SErIES guIdE | dIaloguE cHurcH

1. PrayAsk God to help you hear His voice and for insights into His thoughts on your life.

1. do More than listenAs you hear the message from God’s Word, learn to listen for God’s voice. Listen with your heart.

What did He say?

How did you feel when you heard the message?

What images ran through your mind during the teaching?

2. Write it downI know that you think you’ll remember, but you won’t. So write it down.

During the teaching, take some notes. Use the space provided each week, your favorite Moleskin, or the back of a gum wrapper, but write down what you hear God saying. (this guide is highly recommended!)

Sketch. Write some song lyrics. Make a list. Whatever method works for you; get your thoughts down on paper.

Where do you see God’s truth and beauty?connect

In what ways can you center your life on love?center

7THE SKINNY SErIES guIdE | dIaloguE cHurcH

2. ImagineWhat would your world be like if you lived God’s story? Look for ways to see the truth and beauty of God in all the areas of your life. Balance your life by placing God’s love in the middle of everything you do:

Home» family, relationships, finances, children.

Work» occupation, school, co-workers, time management, diligence.

Play» times of reflection, contemplation, hobbies, family outings, sports.

Giving» humanitarian projects, church efforts, helping others, prioritizing yourself above others.

1. converseSit down with a friend and share how God has impacted your life. Look for areas of growth. Share your accomplishments and your failures.

2. PostGo online to Dialogue Church at and click on The Skinny. Share your thoughts on this week’s conversation in the comments.

3. open MicUse creativity and share your story! Make a few notes about things you could share at the next Open Mic.

What happened as you began to live God’s Word? How has your life changed? What are you doing to make the world a better place?

Open Mic follows every teaching series usually on the last day. Keep a lookout for specifics.

How can we use what we’ve learned to bring hope to this broken world?create

8 THE SKINNY SErIES guIdE | dIaloguE cHurcH

connectMain Scripture or Verse:


Are You stuck? Here are some questions to get you thinking:How is God speaking through this message? What is He trying to teach you? What truth or aspect of beauty is God saying here? How did you feel when you heard the message?


Message Title

week one

9THE SKINNY SErIES guIdE | dIaloguE cHurcH

centerPray» what are some things you’d like to pray for this week?

Imagine» How will you use today’s message as you center on love in your...





createWrite what you shared with a friend, The Skinny Online, or something to share at Open Mic.

10 THE SKINNY SErIES guIdE | dIaloguE cHurcH

connectMain Scripture or Verse:


Are You stuck? Here are some questions to get you thinking:How is God speaking through this message? What is He trying to teach you? What truth or aspect of beauty is God saying here? How did you feel when you heard the message?


Message Title

week two

11THE SKINNY SErIES guIdE | dIaloguE cHurcH

centerPray» what are some things you’d like to pray for this week?

Imagine» How will you use today’s message as you center on love in your...





createWrite what you shared with a friend, The Skinny Online, or something to share at Open Mic.

12 THE SKINNY SErIES guIdE | dIaloguE cHurcH

connectMain Scripture or Verse:


Are You stuck? Here are some questions to get you thinking:How is God speaking through this message? What is He trying to teach you? What truth or aspect of beauty is God saying here? How did you feel when you heard the message?


Message Title

week three

13THE SKINNY SErIES guIdE | dIaloguE cHurcH

centerPray» what are some things you’d like to pray for this week?

Imagine» How will you use today’s message as you center on love in your...





createWrite what you shared with a friend, The Skinny Online, or something to share at Open Mic.

14 THE SKINNY SErIES guIdE | dIaloguE cHurcH

connectMain Scripture or Verse:


Are You stuck? Here are some questions to get you thinking:How is God speaking through this message? What is He trying to teach you? What truth or aspect of beauty is God saying here? How did you feel when you heard the message?


Message Title

week four

15THE SKINNY SErIES guIdE | dIaloguE cHurcH

centerPray» what are some things you’d like to pray for this week?

Imagine» How will you use today’s message as you center on love in your...





createWrite what you shared with a friend, The Skinny Online, or something to share at Open Mic.

The only way someone will know your story is if you share it.

My Story »

Something I learned about myself »

Something I learned about God »

Helpful scriptures or verses »

open mic Be a part of the family.