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© Oxford University Press Stay Cool 2

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Post on 03-Nov-2018




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© Oxford University Press Stay Cool 2

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© Oxford University Press Stay Cool 2


CD1 12 Story card 1

Rosie: Where’sMum?

Who’sthis? (Rosie / Jack)

Aretheyintheparkorinthehouse? (In the house)

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© Oxford University Press Stay Cool 2

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© Oxford University Press Stay Cool 2

666666666666666666666 Favourite thingsFavourite thingsFavourite thingsFavourite thingsFavourite thingsFavourite things

CD2 33 Story card 6

Zipadee: Mykite!Goodbye,children!

Rosie and Jack: Goodbye,Zipadee!

What’sZipadee’sfavouritething?His… (kite)


Ask three pupils to come to the front of the class. Give each pupil one of the following flashcards: a bike, paints, a kite. Ask one of the pupils ‘What’s your favourite thing?’ and ask them to say the name of the object they have on their flashcard (e.g. paints). Ask pupils to say which character from the story they are (e.g. Rosie). Repeat with the other flashcards and then listen to the story again to check.

See also Activity Book page 37.

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