ozt the creator pdf


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Post on 08-May-2015




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If you’re instincts are telling you one thing and your mind is fighting back with doubts and fear, this page could very well assist you with the breakthrough that you’re looking for. Either way, the Osho Zen Terot always finds a way to inspire and uplift.


Page 1: Ozt the creator pdf

Osho Zen Terot: The Creator by Michael Leedy | on March 13, 2013

What the card means per the book: There are two types of creators… The one who creates ‘things’ and the one who creates ‘himself and his own being’. The book is written in the ‘himself’ format, so to keep things easy, please note that when I say “himself”… what I really mean is “him or herself” [It’ll be far less wordy if I state this upfront and call it a day]

In a nutshell: The creator who is ‘creating himself’ knows that everyone on the planet is perfect just as they are, including himself. He knows that if he focuses on the gifts that he was provided with at birth, that he can create the abundance that he deserve.

[Everyone WAS BORN with at least A GIFT, regardless of if they acknowledge it or not] The above being stated, many people then ask… …“How? If it was that easy, wouldn’t everyone be doing it?”

My Response: The first step is to recognize and accept what your gifts ARE. After that… all you have to do is get out of your own way! Meaning stop running ‘fear’ and feeling the need to get from point A to point G how everyone else tells you too get there. Recognize that, for one person, “A – b – c – d – e – f – G”, may be the best rout to be taken… but since they’re not YOU, you need to figure out your own path, which is JUST AS RIGHT… even if it looks like A – f – b – c – e – d – G.

It’s all about trusting yourself… which, thankfully, I DO!!! Let me put it this way: If I listened to everyone else… [Many of whom I trust and respect] …I’d still be in a ‘great job’ working from 7am to 8pm +on call, 5 days a week (sometimes more). Instead: I left the ‘great job’, traveled for 6 weeks and upon my return, BAMN, a product that is training me how to market on line (click here to check out a free video if you’re curious)falls into my lap and allows me to focus on and make money doing what I do best…

…BEING ME!!! As a matter of fact, yesterday (a Tuesday), while everybody else was sitting at their desks working their ‘great jobs.’ I was having fun shopping with a friend, who is designing his newly renovated apartment!

Don’t get me wrong… I wrote a few emails and spoke to my PR guy, which took about 2.5 hours, but after that I was free for the rest of the day!!

Long Story Short – TO ME – This card acknowledges that I AM, in fact, doing the right thing by outsourcing my SEO & PR to others who already know how to and enjoy such activities. This allows them to do WHAT THEY LOVE to do… for me …which gets me results quicker with less stress… …and so on!!! Can you see the snowball effect with this way of thinking???? For the skeptics out there saying, “But I’m not you… you’re special, Michael Leedy”

My response is, “EXACTLY… And YOU are special TOO!!!! So put out the fear out with yesterdays trash, deal with the fact that you are perfect exactly as you’ve been created andopen yourself up to new opportunities that truly make you happy… so that your life can be filled with abundance too!!! I, Michael Leedy, am my own creator and YOU (insert your name)can be your own creator too. All you need to do is be open to your heart, trust your instincts (not the monkey chatter in your brain)…and NEVER listen to naysayer’s who try to project their personal fear onto you. With these people: you thank them, tell them you love them and that they’ll understand later on. To be continued…

I’m Michael Leedy