p.plataformaintegra.net  · web view2021. 5. 19. · 1. many wildlife habitats will be destroyed...

INSTITUCION EDUCATIVA LA LIBERTAD – BUCARAMANGA Carrera 31 No. 101 – 24 B. La GESTION ACADEMICA GUIA DE CLASE TALLER No. No. 1 DADES ASIGNATURA: INGLÉS DOCENTE: SANDRA JANNETH SANDOVAL OVIEDO. 3103174447 GRADO : 11A -B FECHA: MAYO 12 / 2021 MAS CONDICIONALES – LECTURA – ESCRITURA-VOCABULARIO eja las formas Condicionales 1, 2 y 3 a través de diversos de lectura y escritura. : ase en las instrucciones dadas por la docente a través de encuentro al, toma de apuntes y video de vímeo, desarrolle los ejercicios. DIANTE: Karen Lizeth rín GRADO Y GRUPO: 11A -B Complete the blanks with the verbs in brackets: 1. Many wildlife habitats will be destroyed if man KEEPS (keep) polluting the environment. 2. If we dump all sorts of chemicals into rivers, we _won’t able to_ (not be able to) swim in them in the future. 3. If we _don’t stop_ (not stop) cutting down so many trees, we _will endanger_ (endanger) our oxygen supply. 4. Soon the Earth’s resources will be exhausted if the human population _continues_ (continue) to grow. 5. If everybody continues to use aerosols and CFCs, the hole in the ozone layer _will get_ (get) bigger. 6. If the sun radiation can’t escape into space, Earth’s temperature _will increase_ (increase) steadily. 7. If the global temperature _rises_ (rise), sea levels _will rise_ (rise) too. 8. We’ll threaten our own existence if we _don’t cut down_ (not cut down) on waste rapidly. Complete the blanks with the verbs in brackets: 1. If people WEREN’T (not be) so careless, Earth wouldn’t be in danger. 2. The amount of waste _would decrease_ (decrease) if people

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Page 1: p.plataformaintegra.net  · Web view2021. 5. 19. · 1. Many wildlife habitats will be destroyed if man KEEPS (keep) polluting the environment. 2. If we dump all sorts of chemicals


Carrera 31 No. 101 – 24 B. La Libertad



No. No. 1



FECHA: MAYO 12 / 2021

TEMA: FORMAS CONDICIONALES – LECTURA – ESCRITURA-VOCABULARIOLOGRO: Maneja las formas Condicionales 1, 2 y 3 a través de diversos ejercicios de lectura y escritura.

Con base en las instrucciones dadas por la docente a través de encuentro virtual, toma de apuntes y video de vímeo, desarrolle los ejercicios.

NOMBRE ESTUDIANTE: Karen Lizeth Martínez Marín GRADO Y GRUPO: 11A -B

Complete the blanks with the verbs in brackets:

1. Many wildlife habitats will be destroyed if man KEEPS (keep) polluting the environment.2. If we dump all sorts of chemicals into rivers, we _won’t able to_ (not be able to) swim in them in the future.3. If we _don’t stop_ (not stop) cutting down so many trees, we _will endanger_ (endanger) our oxygen supply.4. Soon the Earth’s resources will be exhausted if the human population _continues_ (continue) to grow.

5. If everybody continues to use aerosols and CFCs, the hole in the ozone layer _will get_ (get) bigger.6. If the sun radiation can’t escape into space, Earth’s temperature _will increase_ (increase) steadily.7. If the global temperature _rises_ (rise), sea levels _will rise_ (rise) too.8. We’ll threaten our own existence if we _don’t cut down_ (not cut down) on waste rapidly.

Complete the blanks with the verbs in brackets:

1. If people WEREN’T (not be) so careless, Earth wouldn’t be in danger.2. The amount of waste _would decrease_ (decrease) if people started to buy reusable packages.3. Many fish wouldn’t die if factories _didn’t jump_(not dump) so many chemicals into rivers and oceans.4. If people _bought_ (buy) more recycled paper, there wouldn’t be so much waste.5. _Would you take _ (you take) these bottles to the bottle bank if I asked you to?6. If people really _ didn’t care _ (not care) about the environment, they _wouldn’t try_ (not try) to save it.7. If Paul _would think_ (think) more about the planet, he wouldn’t waste so much water.8. We _would be_ (be) less worried if oil spills _didn’t have_ (not have) such destructive effects.

Page 2: p.plataformaintegra.net  · Web view2021. 5. 19. · 1. Many wildlife habitats will be destroyed if man KEEPS (keep) polluting the environment. 2. If we dump all sorts of chemicals

A. Complete the blanks with the verbs in brackets:1. It would have been better if you HAD WAITED (wait) for me.2. I _wouldn’t have been _ (not be) late if I hadn’t overslept.3. If I _hadn’t been_ (not be) so tired, I _ wouldn’t have made _ (not make) such mistake.4. He would have understood it if you _had explained_ (explain) it to him.5. _Would you have married_ (you marry) him if you had known he was poor?

B. Match the conditions … with the consequences…

1._D_ 2. _A_ 3. _F_ 4. _B_ 5. _C_ 6. _E_

READING TIMERead carefully the text, translate it and underline all the conditional forms identifying them as 1, 2 or 3.

The Mysterious Case of the Red Truck

By Sally Nicholls, a local reporter

It all happened on the night of 6th July. A large truck bumped into a building in the Maryland Street. The strange thing was the truck had no drivers at all. The police started investigating the case immediately. The locals ask a simple question: “Where is the driver?” If the police want to solve this mystery, they will need the video recordings of the street. One of the locals claimed that the truck had never been seen in the neighborhood before. He said: “We’re deeply worried about that truck. We want to know what‘s happening in our town. If we’d seen that truck before, we’d have solved this mystery.” The police have asked eleven people in the town till now. No one has uttered a significant word about that night. The chief officer Amanda Slippers says that: “This looks like a tough case. The truck plate belongs to this town, but nobody has seen it here. The owner of the truck moved from the town years ago. And no one knows where he moved. If we found the owner, we would probably solve this mystery. “A witness on the crime scene reported more interesting details about the event: “There was a loud noise coming from the truck while it was going towards the building and its speed.... I couldn’t believe its speed. If it had been slower, I would have seen the driver seat. But all I saw was a red truck going inside the bakery as fast as it could. If a truck moves, then it has driver. Well, maybe we should change this fact with mysterious red truck.

Decide if the statements are true or false according to the text

1. The locals knew that the red truck had an old driver. _False_ 2. The police have investigated all the people in the town. _False_ 3. The video recordings of the street will help the police. _True_ 4. The locals haven’t seen the truck in the town before. _True_ 5. The truck bumped into the building very slowly. _False_


Page 3: p.plataformaintegra.net  · Web view2021. 5. 19. · 1. Many wildlife habitats will be destroyed if man KEEPS (keep) polluting the environment. 2. If we dump all sorts of chemicals

Read this story and then make as many sentences as you can, using the third conditional (there are at least five!)

It was just one of those days!

Yesterday I got up later than usual. Why? Well, because I had forgotten to set my alarm clock!

I ran into the bathroom to have a quick shower, but the water was cold. Why?

Because I had forgotten to turn the boiler on!

After the cold shower, I went into the kitchen, opened the fridge and …. guess what?

I had run out of milk. Why? Well…. I had forgotten to do the shopping.

I ran to the bus stop but the bus had already gone. No surprise. I was half an hour late!So I went back home, took the car and drove into town.

I parked the car in front of the office and rushed inside.

I can’t say that my boss welcomed me…. in fact, he gave me a reproachful look.

When I left the office eight hours later, I found a parking ticket on my windscreen….

Why? ……. Well, have a guess!What a terrible day!!!!


If he had set his alarm clock, he wouldn´t have arrived late to work

1._He would have bread to the breakfast if he had bought last night _

2._If he had done the shopping he would have had a great breakfast _

3._ If he hadn't forgotten to set the alarm, he wouldn't have gotten up late _

4._ If he had turned on the boiler, he would not have bathed with cold water_

5._If he had turned on the boiler, he wouldn’t have taken a cold shower_


What can you use

water for?

I use it to bathe

I use it to wash clothes

I use it to take it

to brush my teeth

What can you eat

for dinner?

a hamburger

a pizza a panzerotti A soup

Things that are naturally


the Apple

the blood paprika the cherry

Words that begin with sun-

sunshine sunlight sunderment


Words that begin with sp-

space spa Spacebar Spaceful

Types of transporta


aerial water land underwater

Words that end in –ment





Things with a screen

mobile computer Tv tablet

Words that start with re-

ready Reach Reaccess reaccent

Kinds of trees

Pine tree

Apple tree coconut tree

Palm tree

Pets dog cat fishes parrotThings in

the bathroom



soap towel

Circular things

ball ping pong ball

wheel eye

White things

Polar Bear


eggs sheep

What you can do to your hair

paint it comb it blunt it cut it

Page 4: p.plataformaintegra.net  · Web view2021. 5. 19. · 1. Many wildlife habitats will be destroyed if man KEEPS (keep) polluting the environment. 2. If we dump all sorts of chemicals

Misterio del camion rojo

Se ha confirmado que a última hora de la noche del 6 de julio, un gran camión rojo chocó contra la panadería de la calle Maryland. Después de una investigación inicial por parte de la policía, ahora está claro que el camión no tenía ningún conductor. Los lugareños hacen una pregunta simple: "¿Dónde estaba el conductor?" Si la policía quiere resolver Este misterio, necesitarán las imágenes de CCTV de la calle. Uno de los lugareños dijo: “Todos estamos bastante preocupados por un camión sin conductor. Este camión nunca antes se había visto en el vecindario. Si hubiéramos visto ese camión antes, resolveríamos este misterio ahora ". Muchos lugareños comparten las mismas preocupaciones. Quieren saber qué está pasando en su ciudad. Un testigo en la escena del crimen le dijo a la policía: “Hubo un fuerte ruido proveniente del camión mientras se dirigía hacia el edificio y su velocidad… fue increíble. Si hubiera ido más lento, habría tenido la oportunidad de ver al conductor. Pero todo lo que vi fue el camión entrando a toda velocidad en la panadería lo más rápido que podía. '' La policía ya ha hablado con otros once vecinos, pero nadie conoce más detalles sobre el incidente. La superintendente Amanda Slippers comentó: “Este es un caso difícil. La matrícula del camión es de este pueblo, pero aquí nadie la ha visto. Según los registros de la ciudad, el dueño del camión se mudó de aquí hace años. Nadie sabe adónde.

Si localizamos al propietario, probablemente resolveríamos este misterio''.

Si un camión se mueve, entonces tiene un conductor. Bueno, tal vez deberíamos cambiar esta suposición básica debido a este misterioso camión rojo.

Page 5: p.plataformaintegra.net  · Web view2021. 5. 19. · 1. Many wildlife habitats will be destroyed if man KEEPS (keep) polluting the environment. 2. If we dump all sorts of chemicals

¡Fue solo uno de esos días!

Ayer me levanté más tarde de lo habitual. ¿Por qué? Bueno, ¡porque me había olvidado de poner mi despertador!

Corrí al baño para darme una ducha rápida, pero el agua estaba fría. ¿Por qué?

¡Porque me había olvidado de encender la caldera!

Después de la ducha fría, fui a la cocina, abrí la nevera y…. ¿adivina qué?

Me había quedado sin leche. ¿Por qué? Bien…. Me había olvidado de hacer las compras.

Corrí a la parada del autobús, pero el autobús ya se había ido. No sorpresa. ¡Llegué media hora tarde!

Así que volví a casa, cogí el coche y conduje hasta la ciudad. Aparqué el coche frente a la oficina y entré corriendo.

No puedo decir que mi jefe me haya dado la bienvenida... de hecho, me lanzó una mirada de reproche.

Cuando salí de la oficina ocho horas después, encontré una multa de estacionamiento en mi parabrisas…. ¿Por qué? ……. Bueno, ¡adivina!

¡¡¡¡Que terrible día!!!!



Page 6: p.plataformaintegra.net  · Web view2021. 5. 19. · 1. Many wildlife habitats will be destroyed if man KEEPS (keep) polluting the environment. 2. If we dump all sorts of chemicals

En el puntaje esta los ejercicios realizados.