p1 lucyd

facebook Chairman Mao today the U.S president Richard Nixon came to visit! It was so exciting. 1972 Wall Photos Flair Boxes Chairman Mao Logout View photos of Mao Send Mao a message Poke message Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share Information Birthday: December, 26,1893 Political Affiliation: communist Hometown: Shaoshan Friends Liu Deng Jiang Qing Chairman Mao today the U.S president Richard Nixon came to visit! It was so exciting. 1972 Chairman Mao today I have launched the “Great Leap Forward” which is a five year economic plan. This is going to be great! 1958 Chairman Mao China intervenes with the Korean war and now Tibet is part of the peoples republic of China. 1950 Chairman Mao finally the peoples republic of china was established. I have been waiting for a long, long time. October,1949 Chairman Mao today was the seventh party’s congress and I have become the chairman of the group. 1945 Chairman Mao I just joined the CCP (Chinese communist party) and I have become one of the CCP founders. July, 21, 1921

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Chairman Mao today the U.S president Richard Nixon came to visit! It was so exciting.


Wall Photos Flair Boxes Chairman Mao Logout

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Birthday: December, 26,1893

Political Affiliation: communist

Hometown: Shaoshan


Liu Deng Jiang Qing

Chairman Mao today the U.S president Richard Nixon came to visit! It was so exciting.1972

Chairman Mao today I have launched the “Great Leap Forward” which is a five year economic plan. This is going to be great! 1958

Chairman Mao China intervenes with the Korean war and now Tibet is part of the peoples republic of China.1950

Chairman Mao finally the peoples republic of china was established. I have been waiting for a long, long time. October,1949

Chairman Mao today was the seventh party’s congress and I have become the chairman of the group.1945

Chairman Mao I just joined the CCP (Chinese communist party) and I have become one of the CCP founders.July, 21, 1921

Page 2: P1 lucyd


Chairman Mao today the U.S president Richard Nixon came to visit! It was so exciting.


Wall Photos Flair Boxes Chairman Mao Logout

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Du-Hai to Chairman Mao the U.S president sounds really cool since he is not from our country, I wish I could have seen him. 1972

Ji-Li Jiang to Chairman Mao the “Great Leap Forward” sounds really, well, great. 1958

Page 3: P1 lucyd

Personal Information


Chairman Mao today the U.S president Richard Nixon came to visit! It was so exciting.1972

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Basic Information


Birthday: December,26,1893

Political: Communist


Birthday: December, 26, 1893Hometown: ShaoshanPolitical Views: communist

Profession: Chairman

Interests/Influences: calligraphy and poetry/ Marx, Lenin, Stalin.

Enemies: United States

Favorite Quote: “women hold up half the sky”

Favorite Quote from Friends: “Let one hundred flowers bloom”

Contact Information

Address: 210 China Rd, Beijing, 24561 www.Redguardsuccessor.com

Phone Number: 565-423-8889

Email: [email protected]

Page 4: P1 lucyd

facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Chairman Mao Logout

Wall Info Photos Boxes

Photos of Mao 4-6 Photos

Me at Beijing’s Tiananmen Square

Me with the Communist party

This is my home

Chairman Mao today the U.S president Richard Nixon came to visit! It was so exciting.1972

Me with red Guards holding up my red book