page 14 – monday, april 1, 2019 public notice cavalier ... · 01/04/2019  · page 14 – monday,...

Page 14 – Monday, April 1, 2019 Cavalier County Republican PUBLIC NOTICE Check out our E-Editions at LANGDON AREA SCHOOL BOARD MINUTES February 19, 2019 Present: Cindy Stremick, Dawn Kruk, Chris Olson, Dave Hart, Nicole Koons, Tiffany Hetletved, Steve Olson, Daren Christianson (Supt.), Stephanie Hochhalter (MS/ HS Principal), Todd Hetler (Elem Principal) and Shauna Schneider (Bus. Mgr.). Visitors: Melissa Anderson and Shanda Christianson. Cindy Stremick called the Febru- ary 19, 2019 Board meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. Approval of Minutes: Dave Hart motioned to approve the January 21, 2019 minutes with no correc- tions. Tiffany Hetletved seconded the motion. Motion was carried. Financial Report/Approval of Bills: Shauna Schneider reviewed her report with the Board. January bills and financials were reviewed by the Board. Nicole Koons mo- tioned to approve the financial re- port and bills. Dave Hart seconded the motion. Motion was carried. Advanced Business Methods, Feb- ruary 2019 Copier/Printer Con- tracts ___________________ 2,964.81 Askvig, Ethen, Mileage to Devils Lake reimbursement _______ 80.04 Askvig, Jayla, CPR Cell Phone Re- pair - M. Darling __________ 100.00 Bata, Jacy, February 2019 Purchases _________________________ 263.21 Baymont Inn & Suites Mandan, Midwinter Principal Conference T.H. _____________________ 338.40 Bread Pan, The, February 2019 Pur- chases ____________________ 24.00 Cahill, Krista, Praxis Tests (#5017&5622) ____________ 731.50 CarQuest of Langdon, Rear Wiper Blades _____________________ 9.79 Cavalier County Memorial Hospi- tal, Rich Olson DOT ________ 23.10 Cavalier Rural Electric Coopera- tive, Inc., February 2019 Fluorescent Bulbs____________________ 231.74 Christianson, Daren, State GBB Travel 02/28-3/02/2019 ___ 410.64 City of Langdon, Utilities Billing February 2019 ____________ 664.37 Cole Papers, Inc., February 2019 Purchases ________________ 222.88 Compliance Assistance Inc., 2019 ND State/Fed Labor Laws Poster _ __________________________ 54.86 Country Media, Inc., February 2019 Publishing/Ads __________ 360.60 D & B Motors, February 2019 Bus Maintenance _____________ 109.10 ECOLAB Pest Elimination Division, Ant Program/Pest Prevention ____ _________________________ 126.30 EduTech Education Technology Services, Live Knee Replacement Via Video Conf. __________ 174.00 Far From Normal Enterprizes, Tech Ed Classroom Supplies ____ 121.30 Farmers Union Oil Co., February 2019 Fuel Charges ________ 557.30 Hart, David, Reimb.State Board Conv. and Neg. Seminar ___ 596.25 Hartley's School Buses, February 2019 Bus Transportation Bills _____ _______________________ 35,198.42 Hennings, Ashley, Gas for Bus #14 __________________________ 30.11 Hodgins, Gwen, Competitor Meals/Star Events _________ 60.00 Hoffarth, Carl, Snow Removal x 3 _ __________________________ 75.00 Johnson Controls, Inc., For Period Mar-2019 - Aug 2019 _____ 6,421.00 Johnson Controls, Inc., MS Heat Re- pair _____________________ 679.00 Kram, Amy, CTE Travel Reimb/Feb 2019______________________ 85.00 Langdon Activity Center, February 2019 BB Practice __________ 600.00 Langdon Building Center, Treated Pine _______________________ 8.94 Langdon Hardware and Rental, February 2019 Purchases___ 120.58 Leevers Foods, February 2019 Food Purchases ________________ 151.01 Montana-Dakota Utilities, Feb 2019 Natural Gas Bill _________ 2,391.10 ND Bureau of Criminal Investiga- tion, Jolena Lowery Background Check ____________________ 82.50 ND Family, Career & Community Leaders of America, 2019 State FC- CLA Leadership Meeting Reg. ____ _________________________ 205.00 Network Services Company, Febru- ary 2019 Purchases ________ 565.19 Northern Edge Electric LTD, Fix Backboard Light/Labor ____ 60.00 Ottertail Power Company, February 2019 Electric Bill ________ 21,857.25 Park River High School, Academic Olympic Competition Reg Fees ___ __________________________ 50.00 Phillips, Kari, Reimburse Finger- printing Supplies __________ 45.28 Premium Waters, Inc., Water/Water Jugs _____________________ 194.18 Ramkota Hotel & Conferences Cen- ter, School Board Negotiation Meet- ing Hotel ________________ 297.00 Samson Electric, Ltd., Splice wire for outlet on camera pole __ 173.55 Science Olympiad, NE Regional, NE Regional Science Olympiad En- try Fee __________________ 130.00 Superpumper #9, Pizza for Cardi- nal Ticket Winners _________ 54.95 Symons, Carla, Adult Education CTE Reimbursement _____ 1,062.50 United Communications, February Billing 2019 ______________ 693.75 US Foods, Study Buddy Supplies _ __________________________ 14.43 VISA - Cardmember Service, Febru- ary Credit Card Bills _____2,658.79 Ward's Science, Science Olympiad Battery Buggy Kit __________ 93.24 Visitors were welcomed. Communications: Steve Olson cited the Oath of Office and signed form. Elise Ramberg and Hai- ley Thorlakson gave a “Sources of Strength” presentation to the Board. They attended a student led work- shop at St. Alphonsus School and are working to implement what they’ve learned into the middle and high school. Administrators’ Reports: Superintendent’s Report- Daren Christianson reviewed his report with the Board adding a snow days report and discussion on current bills that are being introduced in legislature. MS/HS Principal Report: Steph- anie Hochhalter reviewed her re- port with the Board. Topics of discussion included Concluded Events, Upcoming Events, College and Career Ready, Professional De- velopment and District Emergency Procedure. Stephanie Hochhalter added that the reading data has been analyzed since the last meet- ing and the students in the inter- vention group have improved four times faster than the other students. Elementary Principal Report: Todd Hetler reviewed his report with the Board. Topics of discussion included 3rd Quarter Mid-Quarter Reports, Professional Development, MTTS, Reading Month and March 21st Presentation. Todd Hetler re- ported on the sensory room at the Elementary which was made pos- sible by donations from Farmers and Merchants Bank. Todd Hetler stated that the new custodian and kitchen hires are doing very well. He added that the new cameras are working great. Old Business: Dawn Kruk reported that the Curriculum Committee is looking at Lab Learner for Science in the Elementary. This curriculum was researched last year with Alison Podhradsky observing. New Business: File retention spreadsheet was reviewed with the Board. There was discussion on what was being requested to shred or send to the ND State Archives. Nicole Koons made a motion to approve the re- tention schedule presented to the Board. Dawn Kruk seconded the motion. Motion was carried. District policies were reviewed by the Board. Chris Olson made a motion to rescind the Langdon Area School District #23 policies School Medication Program, Medi- cal Marijuana, Sexual Offenders on School Property, Violent & Threat- ening Behavior, Hazing, Whistle- blower Protection, School Board Ethics, Board Conflict of Interest, School Board Committees, Method of Filling a Board Vacancy, Jury & Witness Duty, Teacher Grievance Procedure and Reduction in Force. Nicole Koons seconded the motion. Motion was carried. Dawn Kruk made a motion to waive the second reading and to approve and adopt the Langdon Area School District #23 ACBD - School Medication Program, ACBF - Medical Mari- juana, ACCA - Sexual Offenders on School Property, ACE - Violent & Threatening Behavior, ACEB – Hazing, ACF - Whistleblower Pro- tection , BA - School Board Ethics, BAB - Board Conflict of Interest, BBBB - School Board Committees, BBC - Method of Filling a Board Vacancy, DDEA - Jury & Witness Duty, DGAA - Teacher Grievance Procedure and DKA - Reduction in Force. Tiffany Hetletved seconded the motion. Motion unanimously passed. School Board election date discussed. Dave Hart made a mo- tion to set the 2019 election date as June 11th to be held at the Elemen- tary lunch room. Tiffany Hetletved seconded the motion. Motion was carried. Board laptop repair or re- placement quotes were reviewed and discussed. This was tabled until the May 2019 Board meeting. There was discussion on having a different table set up for the Board meetings. Daren Christianson will have something in place by the next Board meeting. Daren Christianson discussed reconfiguring instruc- tional days with early releases and late starts to create time for profes- sional development days. Nicole Koons made a motion to approve the 2019-2020 reconfiguration of instructional days. Dawn Kruk sec- onded the motion. Motion was car- ried. Teacher annual spending was discussed. The Board is request- ing that the Principals approve the teacher requests and the Superin- tendent review and sign off on all bills. The Superintendent evalu- ation was completed by the Board using the NDSBA evaluation form. All sections of the evaluation calcu- lated out to be satisfactory. Cindy Stremick stated she is looking for a motion for a satisfactory Super- intendent evaluation. Chris Olson made a motion to approve a satis- factory Superintendent evaluation. Tiffany Hetletved seconded the mo- tion. Motion was carried. Dawn Kruk is working on a different eval- uation to use in the future. Next Board meeting will be March 18, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the School Board Meeting Room. Steve Olson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Nicole Koons seconded the motion. Motion was carried. Meeting Adjourned. Board President Business Manager DISCLAIMER: These are unoffi- cial minutes as they have yet to be approved by the Board. A1 _______________________________ Langdon Area School Board Minutes Langdon City Commission Regular Meeting Monday, March 25, 2019 - 6:00 p.m. Members present: Jerry Nowatz- ki, Marty Tetrault, Lawrence Henry, and Jim Rademacher. Also present Jason Busse, Judy Lill, Jeff Hiller, Tom Beauchamp, Quentin Wenzel, Cavin Berube – Moore Engineer- ing, Gordy Johnson – NRWD, Jer- emy Schuler – NRWD, Lance Schill, Darol Hoffamn, Kyle Moen, Melissa Anderson- CCR, Shanda Christian- son – KNDK, and Frankie Stremick. J. Nowatzki called the meeting to order and led everyone into the Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of Minutes: L. Henry made the motion to approve the minutes from regular meeting on March 11th, 2019 and Special meet- ing on March 5, 2019; M. Tetrault seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. Additions to Agenda: Correspondence: Department Reports: Street – M. Tetrault stated the dump truck went down and needs to be replaced. Water – J. Busse reported they have had a few frozen sewer lines and water leaks. Sanitation – T. Beauchamp re- ported no changes. Activity Center – J. Lill presented the board with a quote for the new key fob software, this has been ta- bled. Fire – No report. Police – No report. Auditor Report – F. Stremick re- ported that Roxanne is working on the Renaissance Zone Developmen- tal plan. Her and Cody are in Bis- marck for March Madness with the NDLC. Unfinished Business: Down’s Resolution – Public hear- ing will be April 22, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. Moore Engineering- Water Supply Improvements – Pump House & Connection to Rural Water – RD Project Water Supply portion: • Review of the requests from Rural Water indicate that the Lang- don share of the project came in just below estimate Lime Sludge Pond Project up- date/status: • No update Phase 1 - Sewer, Water, Storm Water Improvements – RD Project • No update Phase 2 - Sewer, Water, Storm Water Improvements – RD Project • Bid Opening held 3/20/2019, 3 bids received. Low bidder is Spruce Valley with base bid of $3,905,200.00, funding budget would allow for award of low bid, but not the alternates • Looking for a motion to award the Base Bid to Spruce Valley upon approval of Rural Development. J. Rademacher made the motion to accept Spruce Valley as the low bid, seconded by L. Henry. All members voted in favor. Sidewalk Replacement Project – CDBG Project • No update Kakela Resolution – Q. Wenzel stated that the notification for reso- lution of annexation will be pub- lished in the paper. Public hearing will be May 13, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. M. Tetrault made the motion to ap- prove resolution of annexation for property known as Kakela First Addition; L. Henry seconded the motion. Roll call of officers, Jerry Nowatzki - yea, James Rademach- er- yea, Lawrence Henry-yea, Marty Tetrault-yea. All members voted in favor. New Business: Northeast Regional Water – G. Johnson and J. Schuler presented the board with water rate reports, after much discussion this was ta- bled for further discussion. Building and Fire Codes- The commission and D. Hoffman was present, it was discussed that ac- cording to building code a sprinkler system needs to be installed in S. Regner construction building. Building Permit – #4908 Antho- ny Salvaggio, #4909 Moen Proper- ties, #4910 Marilyn Hiltner, #4911 Lance Schill, #4913 Sean Feil L. Henry made the motion to approve the building permits, seconded by J. Rademacher. All members voted in favor. SPORTS & SHIRTS ________ 588.00 CAVALIER COUNTY _____ 196.80 LANGDON FIRE DEPT. ___ 10.99 THE RETROFIT COMPANIES ___ _________________________ 541.00 NEWMAN SIGNS ________ 382.88 ND RURAL WATER SYSTEMS ___ _________________________ 240.00 DAN'S TRUCK & CARWASH ___ _________________________ 116.46 OTTERTAIL_____________6,093.33 RICARD PLUMBING _____ 562.50 D&B MOTORS _________ 34,025.00 NORTHEAST REGIONAL WATER _______________________ 10,200.59 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL _____ _________________________ 686.76 MDU___________________ 1,752.50 BUD'S ___________________ 30.00 QUALITY SPECIALTY PRODUCTS & PRINTING _____________ 35.99 Review and Approval of Bills: L. Henry made the motion to approve all bills; M. Tetrault seconded the motion. J. Rademacher abstained from the vote. All other members voted in favor. Adjourn: With no other business M. Tetrault moved to adjourn the meeting. Jerry Nowatzki, President Frankie Stremick, Deputy Auditor A1 _______________________________ Langdon City Commission Proceedings NOTICE BEFORE FORECLOSURE 1. TO: Russell Schmeling 12247 County Road 55 Walhalla, ND 58282 Russell W Schmeling, Jr. 12247 County Road 55 Walhalla, ND 58282 Janelle Schmeling 12247 County Road 55 Walhalla, ND 58282 the title owners of the following de- scribed real property: All that Part of the W1/2 SE1/4, Section 1, Township 161N, Range 58W, 5th P.M. Cavalier County, North Dakota, Further Described as Follows: Commencing on the Northwest Corner of the S1/2 of Said Section 1; Thence East Along the North Line of the Said S1/2 3739.00 Feet; Thence S02° 27` 46”W 450.02 Feet to the Point of Begin- ning; Thence S02° 27` 46”W 300.28 Feet; Thence East an Approximate Distance of 245 Feet to the East Line of the W1/2 of Said SE1/4; Thence Northerly Along Said East Line 300.00 Feet; Thence West an Ap- proximate Distance of 232 Feet to the Point of Beginning. The Basis of all Bearings Being the North Line of the S1/2 of Said Section 1 as an Assigned Bearing of East and West. Parcel Contains 1.6 Acres, More or Less. 2. Notice is hereby given that cer- tain mortgage upon the above-de- scribed property, Russell W. Schmel- ing Jr. and Janelle M. Schmeling, mortgagor/s, executed and deliv- ered to Homeowners Loan Corpo- ration, Mortgagee, dated February 26, 2002, and filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Cavalier and State of North Da- kota, April 8, 2002 as Document 219294. The mortgage has been or will be assigned to the Plaintiff prior to the commencement of a foreclosure action. Said mortgage was given to secure the payment of $30,450.00, and interest according to the conditions of a certain promis- sory note, is in default. NOTICE 3. Pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that unless you dispute the validity of the foregoing debt or any portion thereof within thirty days after re- ceipt of this letter, we will assume the debt to be valid. On the other hand, if the debt or any portion thereof is disputed, we will obtain verification of the debt and will mail you a copy of such verification. You are also advised that upon your request within the thirty day pe- riod, we will provide you with the name and address of your original creditor, if different from the credi- tor referred to in this Notice. We are attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. 4. At this time, no attorney with this firm has personally reviewed the particular circumstances of your account. However, if you fail to contact our office, our client may consider additional remedies to re- cover the balance due. 5. Select Portfolio Servicing Inc. may have previously sent you a let- ter advising you of possible alterna- tives to foreclosure, along with the documents for you to complete and return to Select Portfolio Servicing Inc. to be evaluated for these alter- natives. If you did not receive or no longer have the documents, or have not returned all of the documents, please contact Select Portfolio Ser- vicing Inc. at: (801) 594-6134. Even if you have previously indicated that you are not interested in saving your home you can still be evalu- ated for alternatives to foreclosure. 6. The following is a statement of the sum due for principal, inter- est, taxes, insurance, maintenance, etc., as of March 1st, 2019: Unpaid Principal Balance $16,226.91 Unpaid Accrued Interest Good Through March 1st, 2019 $4,546.41 Uncollected Late Charges $35.76 Property Inspections/Preservation $221.63 Escrow Advance $1,500.87 Other Costs $25.00 Suspense Balance $-21.63 Grand Total $22,534.95 all of which must be paid BY CERTIFIED FUNDS, MADE PAY- ABLE TO Select Portfolio Servic- ing Inc. and mailed to the under- signed attorney to cure the default, plus any accrued interest, subse- quent payments or late charges which become due and any further expenses for preservation of the property which may be advanced. PLEASE CONTACT THE UN- DERSIGNED FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT DUE THROUGH A CERTAIN DATE. 7. You have the right, in accor- dance with the terms of the mort- gage, to cure the default specified above. You also have the right to as- sert in the foreclosure action that no default exists or any other defense you may have to said action. 8. Notice is further given that if the total sums in default, together with interest accrued thereon at the time of such payment, accrued pay- ments then due and expenses ad- vanced, are not paid within thirty (30) days from the date of mailing or service of this Notice, the Mortgag- ee will deem the whole sum secured by the mortgage to be due and pay- able in full without further notice. Furthermore, proceedings will be commenced to foreclose such mort- gage, and in the event of Sheriff’s sale as provided by the laws of the State of North Dakota, the time for redemption shall be as provided by law, but not less than sixty (60) days after the Sheriff’s Sale. Dated February 20, 2019 MACKOFF KELLOGG LAW FIRM Attorneys for the Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address: 38 Second Avenue East Dickinson, North Dakota 58601 Tel: (701) 227-1841 Fax: (701) 225-6878 By: David C. Piper, Attorney ND Bar #06723 If you have previously received a discharge in a Chapter 7 bankrupt- cy, this is not an attempt to collect a debt against you personally, but only an attempt to determine your intention concerning retaining this property. M18,25,A1 _______________________________ Notice before Foreclosure

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Page 1: Page 14 – Monday, April 1, 2019 Public Notice Cavalier ... · 01/04/2019  · Page 14 – Monday, April 1, 2019 Public Notice Cavalier County Republican Check out our E-Editions

Page 14 – Monday, April 1, 2019 Cavalier County RepublicanPublic NoticeCheck out our E-Editions at


February 19, 2019Present: Cindy Stremick, Dawn

Kruk, Chris Olson, Dave Hart, Nicole Koons, Tiffany Hetletved, Steve Olson, Daren Christianson (Supt.), Stephanie Hochhalter (MS/HS Principal), Todd Hetler (Elem Principal) and Shauna Schneider (Bus. Mgr.).

Visitors: Melissa Anderson and Shanda Christianson.

Cindy Stremick called the Febru-ary 19, 2019 Board meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.

Approval of Minutes: Dave Hart motioned to approve the January 21, 2019 minutes with no correc-tions. Tiffany Hetletved seconded the motion. Motion was carried.

Financial Report/Approval of Bills: Shauna Schneider reviewed her report with the Board. January bills and financials were reviewed by the Board. Nicole Koons mo-tioned to approve the financial re-port and bills. Dave Hart seconded the motion. Motion was carried. Advanced Business Methods, Feb-ruary 2019 Copier/Printer Con-tracts ___________________2,964.81Askvig, Ethen, Mileage to Devils Lake reimbursement _______ 80.04Askvig, Jayla, CPR Cell Phone Re-pair - M. Darling __________ 100.00Bata, Jacy, February 2019 Purchases_________________________ 263.21Baymont Inn & Suites Mandan, Midwinter Principal Conference T.H. _____________________ 338.40Bread Pan, The, February 2019 Pur-chases ____________________ 24.00Cahill, Krista, Praxis Tests (#5017&5622) ____________ 731.50CarQuest of Langdon, Rear Wiper Blades _____________________ 9.79Cavalier County Memorial Hospi-tal, Rich Olson DOT ________ 23.10Cavalier Rural Electric Coopera-tive, Inc., February 2019 Fluorescent Bulbs ____________________ 231.74Christianson, Daren, State GBB Travel 02/28-3/02/2019 ___ 410.64City of Langdon, Utilities Billing February 2019 ____________ 664.37Cole Papers, Inc., February 2019 Purchases ________________ 222.88Compliance Assistance Inc., 2019

ND State/Fed Labor Laws Poster ___________________________ 54.86Country Media, Inc., February 2019 Publishing/Ads __________ 360.60D & B Motors, February 2019 Bus Maintenance _____________ 109.10ECOLAB Pest Elimination Division, Ant Program/Pest Prevention ____ _________________________ 126.30EduTech Education Technology Services, Live Knee Replacement Via Video Conf. __________ 174.00Far From Normal Enterprizes, Tech Ed Classroom Supplies ____ 121.30Farmers Union Oil Co., February 2019 Fuel Charges ________ 557.30Hart, David, Reimb.State Board Conv. and Neg. Seminar ___ 596.25Hartley's School Buses, February 2019 Bus Transportation Bills ____________________________35,198.42Hennings, Ashley, Gas for Bus #14 __________________________ 30.11Hodgins, Gwen, Competitor Meals/Star Events _________ 60.00Hoffarth, Carl, Snow Removal x 3 _ __________________________ 75.00Johnson Controls, Inc., For Period Mar-2019 - Aug 2019 _____6,421.00Johnson Controls, Inc., MS Heat Re-pair _____________________ 679.00Kram, Amy, CTE Travel Reimb/Feb 2019______________________ 85.00Langdon Activity Center, February 2019 BB Practice __________ 600.00Langdon Building Center, Treated Pine _______________________ 8.94Langdon Hardware and Rental, February 2019 Purchases ___ 120.58Leevers Foods, February 2019 Food Purchases ________________ 151.01Montana-Dakota Utilities, Feb 2019 Natural Gas Bill _________2,391.10ND Bureau of Criminal Investiga-tion, Jolena Lowery Background Check ____________________ 82.50ND Family, Career & Community Leaders of America, 2019 State FC-CLA Leadership Meeting Reg. ____ _________________________ 205.00Network Services Company, Febru-ary 2019 Purchases ________ 565.19Northern Edge Electric LTD, Fix Backboard Light/Labor ____ 60.00Ottertail Power Company, February 2019 Electric Bill ________21,857.25Park River High School, Academic Olympic Competition Reg Fees ___ __________________________ 50.00

Phillips, Kari, Reimburse Finger-printing Supplies __________ 45.28Premium Waters, Inc., Water/Water Jugs _____________________ 194.18Ramkota Hotel & Conferences Cen-ter, School Board Negotiation Meet-ing Hotel ________________ 297.00Samson Electric, Ltd., Splice wire for outlet on camera pole __ 173.55Science Olympiad, NE Regional, NE Regional Science Olympiad En-try Fee __________________ 130.00Superpumper #9, Pizza for Cardi-nal Ticket Winners _________ 54.95Symons, Carla, Adult Education CTE Reimbursement _____1,062.50United Communications, February Billing 2019 ______________ 693.75US Foods, Study Buddy Supplies _ __________________________ 14.43VISA - Cardmember Service, Febru-ary Credit Card Bills _____2,658.79Ward's Science, Science Olympiad Battery Buggy Kit __________ 93.24

Visitors were welcomed.Communications: Steve Olson

cited the Oath of Office and signed form. Elise Ramberg and Hai-ley Thorlakson gave a “Sources of Strength” presentation to the Board. They attended a student led work-shop at St. Alphonsus School and are working to implement what they’ve learned into the middle and high school.

Administrators’ Reports:Superintendent’s Report- Daren

Christianson reviewed his report with the Board adding a snow days report and discussion on current bills that are being introduced in legislature.

MS/HS Principal Report: Steph-anie Hochhalter reviewed her re-port with the Board. Topics of discussion included Concluded Events, Upcoming Events, College and Career Ready, Professional De-velopment and District Emergency Procedure. Stephanie Hochhalter added that the reading data has been analyzed since the last meet-ing and the students in the inter-vention group have improved four times faster than the other students.

Elementary Principal Report: Todd Hetler reviewed his report with the Board. Topics of discussion included 3rd Quarter Mid-Quarter

Reports, Professional Development, MTTS, Reading Month and March 21st Presentation. Todd Hetler re-ported on the sensory room at the Elementary which was made pos-sible by donations from Farmers and Merchants Bank. Todd Hetler stated that the new custodian and kitchen hires are doing very well. He added that the new cameras are working great.

Old Business: Dawn Kruk reported that the

Curriculum Committee is looking at Lab Learner for Science in the Elementary. This curriculum was researched last year with Alison Podhradsky observing.

New Business: File retention spreadsheet was

reviewed with the Board. There was discussion on what was being requested to shred or send to the ND State Archives. Nicole Koons made a motion to approve the re-tention schedule presented to the Board. Dawn Kruk seconded the motion. Motion was carried.

District policies were reviewed by the Board. Chris Olson made a motion to rescind the Langdon Area School District #23 policies School Medication Program, Medi-cal Marijuana, Sexual Offenders on School Property, Violent & Threat-ening Behavior, Hazing, Whistle-blower Protection, School Board Ethics, Board Conflict of Interest, School Board Committees, Method of Filling a Board Vacancy, Jury & Witness Duty, Teacher Grievance Procedure and Reduction in Force. Nicole Koons seconded the motion. Motion was carried. Dawn Kruk made a motion to waive the second reading and to approve and adopt the Langdon Area School District #23 ACBD - School Medication Program, ACBF - Medical Mari-juana, ACCA - Sexual Offenders on School Property, ACE - Violent & Threatening Behavior, ACEB – Hazing, ACF - Whistleblower Pro-tection , BA - School Board Ethics, BAB - Board Conflict of Interest, BBBB - School Board Committees, BBC - Method of Filling a Board Vacancy, DDEA - Jury & Witness Duty, DGAA - Teacher Grievance

Procedure and DKA - Reduction in Force. Tiffany Hetletved seconded the motion. Motion unanimously passed. School Board election date discussed. Dave Hart made a mo-tion to set the 2019 election date as June 11th to be held at the Elemen-tary lunch room. Tiffany Hetletved seconded the motion. Motion was carried. Board laptop repair or re-placement quotes were reviewed and discussed. This was tabled until the May 2019 Board meeting. There was discussion on having a different table set up for the Board meetings. Daren Christianson will have something in place by the next Board meeting. Daren Christianson discussed reconfiguring instruc-tional days with early releases and late starts to create time for profes-sional development days. Nicole Koons made a motion to approve the 2019-2020 reconfiguration of instructional days. Dawn Kruk sec-onded the motion. Motion was car-ried. Teacher annual spending was discussed. The Board is request-ing that the Principals approve the teacher requests and the Superin-tendent review and sign off on all bills. The Superintendent evalu-ation was completed by the Board using the NDSBA evaluation form. All sections of the evaluation calcu-lated out to be satisfactory. Cindy Stremick stated she is looking for a motion for a satisfactory Super-intendent evaluation. Chris Olson made a motion to approve a satis-factory Superintendent evaluation. Tiffany Hetletved seconded the mo-tion. Motion was carried. Dawn Kruk is working on a different eval-uation to use in the future.

Next Board meeting will be March 18, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the School Board Meeting Room.

Steve Olson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Nicole Koons seconded the motion. Motion was carried. Meeting Adjourned.

Board President Business Manager

DISCLAIMER: These are unoffi-cial minutes as they have yet to be approved by the Board.


Langdon Area School Board Minutes

Langdon City CommissionRegular Meeting

Monday, March 25, 2019 - 6:00 p.m. Members present: Jerry Nowatz-

ki, Marty Tetrault, Lawrence Henry, and Jim Rademacher. Also present Jason Busse, Judy Lill, Jeff Hiller, Tom Beauchamp, Quentin Wenzel, Cavin Berube – Moore Engineer-ing, Gordy Johnson – NRWD, Jer-emy Schuler – NRWD, Lance Schill, Darol Hoffamn, Kyle Moen, Melissa Anderson- CCR, Shanda Christian-son – KNDK, and Frankie Stremick.

J. Nowatzki called the meeting to order and led everyone into the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Minutes: L. Henry made the motion to approve the minutes from regular meeting on March 11th, 2019 and Special meet-ing on March 5, 2019; M. Tetrault seconded the motion. All members voted in favor.

Additions to Agenda: Correspondence: Department Reports:Street – M. Tetrault stated the

dump truck went down and needs to be replaced.

Water – J. Busse reported they

have had a few frozen sewer lines and water leaks.

Sanitation – T. Beauchamp re-ported no changes.

Activity Center – J. Lill presented the board with a quote for the new key fob software, this has been ta-bled.

Fire – No report. Police – No report. Auditor Report – F. Stremick re-

ported that Roxanne is working on the Renaissance Zone Developmen-tal plan. Her and Cody are in Bis-marck for March Madness with the NDLC.

Unfinished Business: Down’s Resolution – Public hear-

ing will be April 22, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. Moore Engineering- Water Supply Improvements –

Pump House & Connection to Rural Water – RD Project

Water Supply portion: • Review of the requests from

Rural Water indicate that the Lang-don share of the project came in just below estimate

Lime Sludge Pond Project up-date/status:

• No update

Phase 1 - Sewer, Water, Storm Water Improvements – RD Project

• No update Phase 2 - Sewer, Water, Storm

Water Improvements – RD Project • Bid Opening held 3/20/2019,

3 bids received. Low bidder is Spruce Valley with base bid of $3,905,200.00, funding budget would allow for award of low bid, but not the alternates

• Looking for a motion to award the Base Bid to Spruce Valley upon approval of Rural Development. J. Rademacher made the motion to accept Spruce Valley as the low bid, seconded by L. Henry. All members voted in favor.

Sidewalk Replacement Project – CDBG Project

• No updateKakela Resolution – Q. Wenzel

stated that the notification for reso-lution of annexation will be pub-lished in the paper. Public hearing will be May 13, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. M. Tetrault made the motion to ap-prove resolution of annexation for property known as Kakela First Addition; L. Henry seconded the motion. Roll call of officers, Jerry

Nowatzki - yea, James Rademach-er- yea, Lawrence Henry-yea, Marty Tetrault-yea. All members voted in favor.

New Business:Northeast Regional Water – G.

Johnson and J. Schuler presented the board with water rate reports, after much discussion this was ta-bled for further discussion.

Building and Fire Codes- The commission and D. Hoffman was present, it was discussed that ac-cording to building code a sprinkler system needs to be installed in S. Regner construction building.

Building Permit – #4908 Antho-ny Salvaggio, #4909 Moen Proper-ties, #4910 Marilyn Hiltner, #4911 Lance Schill, #4913 Sean Feil L. Henry made the motion to approve the building permits, seconded by J. Rademacher. All members voted in favor. SPORTS & SHIRTS ________ 588.00CAVALIER COUNTY _____ 196.80LANGDON FIRE DEPT. ___ 10.99THE RETROFIT COMPANIES ___ _________________________ 541.00NEWMAN SIGNS ________ 382.88ND RURAL WATER SYSTEMS ___

_________________________ 240.00DAN'S TRUCK & CARWASH ___ _________________________ 116.46OTTERTAIL _____________6,093.33RICARD PLUMBING _____ 562.50D&B MOTORS _________34,025.00NORTHEAST REGIONAL WATER _______________________10,200.59JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL _____ _________________________ 686.76MDU ___________________1,752.50BUD'S ___________________ 30.00QUALITY SPECIALTY PRODUCTS & PRINTING _____________ 35.99

Review and Approval of Bills: L. Henry made the motion to approve all bills; M. Tetrault seconded the motion. J. Rademacher abstained from the vote. All other members voted in favor.

Adjourn: With no other business M. Tetrault moved to adjourn the meeting.

Jerry Nowatzki, PresidentFrankie Stremick, Deputy Auditor


Langdon City Commission Proceedings


1. TO:Russell Schmeling12247 County Road 55Walhalla, ND 58282

Russell W Schmeling, Jr. 12247 County Road 55Walhalla, ND 58282

Janelle Schmeling12247 County Road 55Walhalla, ND 58282

the title owners of the following de-scribed real property:

All that Part of the W1/2 SE1/4, Section 1, Township 161N, Range 58W, 5th P.M. Cavalier County, North Dakota, Further Described as Follows: Commencing on the Northwest Corner of the S1/2 of Said Section 1; Thence East Along the North Line of the Said S1/2 3739.00 Feet; Thence S02° 27` 46”W 450.02 Feet to the Point of Begin-ning; Thence S02° 27` 46”W 300.28 Feet; Thence East an Approximate Distance of 245 Feet to the East Line of the W1/2 of Said SE1/4; Thence Northerly Along Said East Line 300.00 Feet; Thence West an Ap-proximate Distance of 232 Feet to the Point of Beginning. The Basis of all Bearings Being the North Line of the S1/2 of Said Section 1 as an

Assigned Bearing of East and West. Parcel Contains 1.6 Acres, More or Less.

2. Notice is hereby given that cer-tain mortgage upon the above-de-scribed property, Russell W. Schmel-ing Jr. and Janelle M. Schmeling, mortgagor/s, executed and deliv-ered to Homeowners Loan Corpo-ration, Mortgagee, dated February 26, 2002, and filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Cavalier and State of North Da-kota, April 8, 2002 as Document 219294. The mortgage has been or will be assigned to the Plaintiff prior to the commencement of a foreclosure action. Said mortgage was given to secure the payment of $30,450.00, and interest according to the conditions of a certain promis-sory note, is in default.

NOTICE3. Pursuant to the provisions of

the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that unless you dispute the validity of the foregoing debt or any portion thereof within thirty days after re-ceipt of this letter, we will assume the debt to be valid. On the other hand, if the debt or any portion thereof is disputed, we will obtain verification of the debt and will mail you a copy of such verification. You are also advised that upon your request within the thirty day pe-

riod, we will provide you with the name and address of your original creditor, if different from the credi-tor referred to in this Notice. We are attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

4. At this time, no attorney with this firm has personally reviewed the particular circumstances of your account. However, if you fail to contact our office, our client may consider additional remedies to re-cover the balance due.

5. Select Portfolio Servicing Inc. may have previously sent you a let-ter advising you of possible alterna-tives to foreclosure, along with the documents for you to complete and return to Select Portfolio Servicing Inc. to be evaluated for these alter-natives. If you did not receive or no longer have the documents, or have not returned all of the documents, please contact Select Portfolio Ser-vicing Inc. at: (801) 594-6134. Even if you have previously indicated that you are not interested in saving your home you can still be evalu-ated for alternatives to foreclosure.

6. The following is a statement of the sum due for principal, inter-est, taxes, insurance, maintenance, etc., as of March 1st, 2019:Unpaid Principal Balance

$16,226.91Unpaid Accrued Interest

Good Through March 1st, 2019$4,546.41

Uncollected Late Charges$35.76

Property Inspections/Preservation$221.63

Escrow Advance$1,500.87

Other Costs$25.00

Suspense Balance$-21.63

Grand Total$22,534.95

all of which must be paid BY CERTIFIED FUNDS, MADE PAY-ABLE TO Select Portfolio Servic-ing Inc. and mailed to the under-signed attorney to cure the default, plus any accrued interest, subse-quent payments or late charges which become due and any further expenses for preservation of the property which may be advanced. PLEASE CONTACT THE UN-DERSIGNED FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT DUE THROUGH A CERTAIN DATE.

7. You have the right, in accor-dance with the terms of the mort-gage, to cure the default specified above. You also have the right to as-sert in the foreclosure action that no default exists or any other defense you may have to said action.

8. Notice is further given that if

the total sums in default, together with interest accrued thereon at the time of such payment, accrued pay-ments then due and expenses ad-vanced, are not paid within thirty (30) days from the date of mailing or service of this Notice, the Mortgag-ee will deem the whole sum secured by the mortgage to be due and pay-able in full without further notice. Furthermore, proceedings will be commenced to foreclose such mort-gage, and in the event of Sheriff’s sale as provided by the laws of the State of North Dakota, the time for redemption shall be as provided by law, but not less than sixty (60) days after the Sheriff’s Sale.

Dated February 20, 2019MACKOFF KELLOGG LAW FIRM Attorneys for the PlaintiffOffice and Post Office Address:38 Second Avenue EastDickinson, North Dakota 58601Tel: (701) 227-1841Fax: (701) 225-6878

By: David C. Piper, AttorneyND Bar #06723

If you have previously received a discharge in a Chapter 7 bankrupt-cy, this is not an attempt to collect a debt against you personally, but only an attempt to determine your intention concerning retaining this property.


Notice before Foreclosure