palm based oleochemicals: an overview

Palm Based Oleochemicals: An Overview By: Dr. Adel Gabr Abdel-Razek Fats and Oils Dept., National Research Centre Dokki, Cairo, Egypt

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Palm Based Oleochemicals:

An Overview


Dr. Adel Gabr Abdel-Razek Fats and Oils Dept.,

National Research Centre Dokki, Cairo, Egypt

Presentation Outlines: Oleochemicals Definition Ancient History of Oleochemicals A short History of Oleochemicals Raw Materials Resources Basic Oleochemical Transformations Oleochemical Products Conclusion What's the New


Ancient History of Oleochemicals




They are analogous to petrochemicals derived from petroleum.

As the price of crude oil rose in the late 1970s, manufacturers switched from petrochemicals to oleochemicals because plant-based lauric oils processed from palm kernel oil were cheaper.

Since then, palm kernel oil is predominantly used

in the production of laundry detergent and personal care items like toothpaste, soap bars, shower cream and shampoo.

A short History of Oleochemicals

Southeast Asian countries' rapid production growth of palm oil and palm kernel oil in the 1980s spurred the oleochemical industry in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. Many oleochemical plants were built.

Since the Europe outbreak of 'mad cow disease' or (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) in 2000, tallow is replaced for many uses by vegetable oleic fatty acids such as palm kernel and coconut oils.

Raw Materials Resources

What's the New?

Thanks So Much to NRC &


Dr. Adel Gabr Abdel-Razek [email protected]

Fats and Oils Dept., National Research Centre

Dokki, Cairo, Egypt