palmetto leader (columbia, s.c.). 1925-01-17 [p...

~ ^ ^--^r m wwm4 ; ^ - -( / Great Gathering Qf .( A ^ LI ^ ,rvi l i jpr - 7 I : i. I.. ^ __ By J. B. LEWIH Supreme Chancellor, _S. jW, Green Lj requested all of the Grand Chancellors / to meet at the Pyt-hian Buth House, Hot'Springs; Ark., on Dec.i&th, 1924. This meeting was attended by most of the Grand Chancellors jnd. among ~r them was eur Grand Chaicellor, Sir Julius A. Brown, ofTQJiarifctflifc C. Sir -~S;W;.Green, als^rfcqu esfgfl .. that a representative of (the Lewie | Printing and Supply Co., be present | ." as at that meeting cpntrajts- for the ( \ handling of supplies- WTQtrerdinate , lodges in the several Jrisdictions.' _ f ^his matter wan nut .OeiiiUjly yg['r / tied at this gathering and same will \ -4^ & be handled through the tfic£--of.the * J $ Supreme1 Lh&hd61l6l\," ) ~"1 / P ~7 f Our party,arrived at IICR. » i jm - r~ jT* > H f on the afterneen tiaiii_£_ tliu aftrH j}/~ T and stopped at the Pythi^i' Sanatoriy t->.. htm. ^Thc majority^ \of Che Grand r Chancellors arrived on Sfrday 28th. sion in the Pythian Saitorium at JJ 9:30 a. m. on the 29th-by ^e Supreme fx Chancellor. The Supreii Officers [fl were present including DrE. E. Un tj 4erwood)"S. K. of/R. & Q. Tid|| V rixigton, Supfbine'Vicefchancellor; fcnd- S. A. T. WatklnsrS^reine At~fj ~~tornev. ;/ . \ Among *th$ Grand Chant !lors were: II,' ~A. Blqunty'Alabama; Hiry Avant, JL Arkansas; W, W. Andre r, Florida; I;. " "W\ T. Reid, Georgia; E. r. Tid.ringr r \ toi^, Indiana; Rew J. ~M. I indy^jSenty .. tuqky; S.- W. Green, Ltisiana; E. j! B. Barco, lflafodetosetts; ^ee Craw* l. - ford, New York-^rT Cllti Br Wick|\ - ham, Oklahojna; Julius i. Brown, jl h South Carofida; J^r. J. Crawford, M - Tennessee; W^Js. Willis,bexas; W. " m. item, Virginia; I. G.flatter, W. rm *f | fa|L Afte? the Opening meetfe that usually c^arag^4rize_such-mEings't the Supreme Chancellor read fports and other1 important papers tojirnish the necessary information fo) business SI legislation of the body, arte of the .tfanigak discussed- tmtfr deled upon, Swere: 4 hey agreed to putin a membership campaign and thalall Grand Chancellors issu^dispensations at the same time; 'd. at-the close of the campaign, t y are to report the results to th| Supreme Chancellor, in order that ^ success may be known. Sill III K1 For the past seve rears rected the art airs of T KnigJ : Thi»is one of thesftoi IW V| tally and financially. j and ( B^C favorably known. He aJiati 1- % all Grand 'Chancellors wenllowed I 1, to stipulate the aJTttilssit fee to Jnp these-dispensatlons. They a agreed to got up a calendar wit! ut5=o! Ka nnS Rftfh H » uritk [Mr'. JtT Scenes of its environments have - th4m distributed throughout vaML_~. ri4U8 domains, A full rep-was - -m^fde regarding the cost \ also indebtedness of the Pythian nator~ ium and Bath House also ore ofK flee building now gnder cor j£tion ^.: . .;.rII ti l ; .^5a5BS3v%c-a Sifnna^K * .i Zxrand Chanrellors ot Springs. Arkansas. in Chicago, 111. Several of the Grand : irhB~Sr"Kl pf~KT ^ S. wai lnntructcd .to have copies' made of the above re.jg(>rt and to furnish each Grand Chancellor1 with a copy. There were three sessions of thisgathering, .one 'in the morning and afternoon of the 29th _and also one 'I'noc^ov.n. ix. amvouuj II1UI lim^ Hie OVtll. At was luily brought out and diseussed that the Pythians were not giving the ex- pCeted patronage and cooperation to the vBatfi^fouse as was expected. We expressed our. slackness on the grounds that the Pythians and frt&n3s* S.uuth'Carolina'did not knowtt what they really had at.Hot Spring?" f-but we'did pledge 'dOT h66rty suppprt to advertise it among our people. The' Bath House and Sanatorium we're erected at a iusl uf $420,000 and is. .one of the fihcot and best furhishgroup. . _^±: I ^ TfteyThave all the necessary conveniences to make one's stay there happy .and pleasant. The rates and other information will be \ given in this-paper ft-om^time to time. I- While there we met Bishop Joshua "j:H. Jones, of the A. M. E. Church, also.hie nen; Dr. Qilbeil 1'L Jones, President of Wilberforce University, -| his" daughter' and grand-daughter. ijTlipy wonr-ntgpplng 4t,tTle Sanalor^ imu. Bishopry-Jone3 \Vas more than pleased to meet the folks from his native state, South Carolina. He was doubly glad to-see-me as we are from the same county-of Lexington, S. C. * There we^e, several -other visitors at this meeting, including, Mr. Joseph L. J oneB-rrJTrr-gregident of the Cenlralkegalia Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. ^ Supreme Chancellor Green is a remarkabKT'character, plenty of wit, forethought and very positive in his - ramnrkc, Ho wao able at all timcsto command the.-utmost respect and appreciation-Trom the entire bodyr After returning to South Carolina, several persons have expressed themselves in regrad to the "Bath House" and Sanatorium and they intend to rvisit Jt during this year. We hope for it a very successful season... _ Mrs. Mjayme Gandy/ McLeod mother-in-law sptent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs* W. D. JjChappollc. BBBB 5 .. S A. BROWN ' its of Pythias fo Sm*tl\ Carolina. imJictions in-the country, numert2hance)lor Brown fa widely and Woman Sheriff Real* ;-*-. **Sht»Qim" Official ""'j' J!lL_ Kansas City, Mo.Missouri's only woman shriff can handle her six-shooter like a trooper. - She is Mrs. Helicca Akers, who was appointed sheriff of Shanfa ma "rr a :, v_ a , .' T '* C 5 ^ "Lir~ : COT J-tmrta, $n5; DR. R. S. IMPROVES. ~~~ ~Tri In a rooont, communication fromPresident Wilkinson, of the State Col- lege, he states that he is much im- , proved..Dr-^-Wilkmsei^ 01 ^-htewOfork "recuperating febm" r-eeent £1 illness. For the past two months, §1 President Wilkinson has not been in tc the best of health and it was thought j, best that he leave his post of- duty j- for awhile. His improvement~pr6ves the__wisdom. of the move:.His many~~^ friends throughout the state as weH-'-tl a^tho^r elsewhere will rejoice to ^ know that he is on the road to'complete recovery. *ej -- ^ ai ji,on county by _Gov. Hyde when m Jher husband -died leaving- the r office vacant. * \ th 2j^$he has bobbed bTond ljalr^^E wears kniqfrei's ai'id carries a';sc vanity^caae Ailed*" with" powder and rouge along with ammunition for her six-shooter. » N Demonstrating her gameness she has escorted, -five__convieted zz criminals to the state penitentiary at Jefferson,City and hasj°j tirade the usual routine arrests of a small town, ohcriff._7~ j-6. As a sideline, she is an auo,^ than lOO^soles since becoming/ sheriff, whjch swelled the Akers family coffer more than $3,500. j tie r-. := B Silence^otjGolden. Isi bl ' v.- 1- tl _Ag£d^Negrn Refuses fo Toll ;»1 White Man Where Money ".Was Hid. Shoj^Head. -'» **< ,bi .Lonzo^,e^<ejfer#g d Negroy-3 almost paid for his life by refus-! -ing to tell where his money ;e] was concealed, according to the S1 report received by Orticer C. B.j g, ..Dheher,-when-he went. e^i ly jies-1 %v ; terday morning to the house of p ^Kennedy on-JVayne street. Ip A white mUh. had come to his p house, the Negro said, and de-jr: --mandetTof the Negro Some rfiorP"^ * supposd tot>e concealed^abotttt^ the place. When Kennedy re-'t] fused to tell thr hiding pinery y the white man fired, accordrlig,!^ to the? Negro, the bullet .Lj.t» c gro's head. Kennedy's screams c drove the Invader away I" "**" / . 4mu.m -Is' r * ~~ " J , 4 Mr. Qeorge P. Reese. r:"7; - ': -;r -'i h - i 'y Mr. Geurgei F: Roese,a -re- tj tired barber and well known citi- ^ " zen ot Columbia dipd hnffiaFr .1312 Park Street, last week, a£4^ ter a week's illness. -fie was born in Columbia 77 years ago. 'S) He was a membpr of Wesley M. jtl E. Church and a member of the Mutuals for 36 years. He is t< Reeste, -one*sieter Mrs. Jeantte-JD Reesi-Jones of Ithaca, N. two. Bertha-Reeae-^Vlacon of Columbia ;< Mrs. a "b sonsWuuggne V. Reese,. Oeo. ^ P. Rees^Jr., of New York Gity; d< Willie, Jerom$ and Ffank Reese! s1 of Columbia; four grand-sons;.js< Masters_Qeorge P. Reese., Jos- fgj eph C. Reese., Andrew J. / WU-jS: diams.-of New York, and Thomas' Edward of Columbia. L The funeral was held at his residence Monday afternoon at W 3 o'clock. The fuperal, jyas.. largely attended by old citizens G and acquaintances. i -*- 1 ..-. PJAN. 17, m ~ r ~-- Thn Sntfjrty nf fioocl r* Thinkers, j Hear ye, and heed-ye, the Edi- j Tlai: stafT -of.the Palrnettcr: jader and the Business Man-1 ?er, hereby give birth' and ing into being aT most^disin[ri^hed order, with-a^member-lip of -afrthinkers. From time > time the noble members of; tis Society, also the readers of he Palmetto Leader apprecP| le above paper irave ^sent int their subscriptions or caused; ieir friends to send 'em, there-j J rilC T"il Qin'ri n . £ 1 J1 f uijj a ucitLt Ui gUl(l| id a. willing spirit. The jenly^ prerequisites-Tor embership with the Society of ood Thinkers is to look welT.7 link well and-'subscribe to__The almetto Leader, or get subTibers. _ ----ANNOUNCEMENT Xards~~are out announcing the lening of Dr. W. Swan Rhodes'' lice, Jan. 15, 1925, for,$he pra&= ce of Medicine. At 1323 V2 ssembly St., Columbia, S^Jy{l Miss Sarah B. White The community and the entire^ ty was shocked on Jan. 3rd,/to arn of the death of^Miss S^rah . White. .. = r Miss White's illness was of iort duration, so-mueh-so,_that sfore the neighbors were aware lat she was sick, her gentle! had hppii wnftnd intn flint eaven of Eternal rest. j Her funeral -was held at Ladin.i-Presfeyterian -Chirrch"- of hich she was a faithful mem.rr/v r-i o'ciock./ The many and beautiful flowrs and the crowded church' iinlcp in wnrHa, nf t ho. high-* steem in which the "YWpasrid as held. The pastor, Rev. ID. 'avis officiated assisted by. Rev. | !. A. Adams, Rev. Moore, Rev. arMer, Rev*. Dillarcl and? Rev.; Loiig. of Cher a w, Rev, ioiig spuku 111 touching.'wrt; f Miss White as" a teacher in lie Pee Dee Spntinn mina few' ears ago and off her efficiency s «.teacher and A consistant hristiair. He also brought ords of -sympathy from that ommunity, in which she had nee lived and spreaded her weet personality. Prof. Johnson from Booker Washingtoir^lligh School also poke of Miss White as a teachr and of her splehclid work durlg the ten ypars that *he hart: ipght at that school. \ After hich Miss Florence Benson ead resolutions coming from le teachers of Booker Washing-' m Itigti School."- The choir mg beautifully the while', and ie solo, Fdce to Face by Miss aisy. Reach. was sweet and 3uchihgy;;' The Pall bearers >r' T. E. Watts Mr Henry Allow nd Mr. Bowling. Miss-White leave* a- inulliei. sister- and w host of relatives rrdTrfcnds to mourn her. frho* ody was laid to rest in Ranalph Cemetery under a bank of j iveeL_nowers, then to await, the bund of the trumpet that-willj ill her from her long sleep. j leep oir dear one, Sleep on andj take thy- rest, * ~~-j ay down , thy head upon thy: Savior's breast, re loved thee well biit Jesus. .loved the bef% - * ood night, Good night, Good right. ^~~7---- . j iMnMiiifeiiiiiiiiKi it: i' ~ * *. Liberty "Life trisuranc "/ w-V-- - 1,. \ I ijtllespie's Com jva n y - Now Employing J 600 Workers in Four =J , 1' VStates " \ BY (~fn:~tfre New York Worltd.)' -- Although the Negro migrant duiy iug pi'UL'eijlj hi-assimilation o'ften pe. casiQnff temporary embarrassment to n'is race who have enjoyed long yommu-,' nities, it is nevertheless true the tiduS-kaa-bee n el« f}y:^^prrnTdble -frrr the development of a stranger race -consciousness, resulting in the or-., ganization and expansion of Negro -business -enterprises in.tbe^-North. The LlWrty Life Insurance Company ef- Chieagar h, illu.jli'uthu uf what has been made possible since many thousands of field-hands havtf settled in large industrial centres above the Vinson and Dixon Line. ...Up to-a- few years ago- the dozen 01 iiiurc Negri) insurance companies" were in the South. Notable among thpm warn fV»« V««AL r* i? .aa"""*" tut i>uiui Carolina ->lutuallat Durham, which celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary -this year, and Standard.Life. Insurance Company of Atlanta, Ga. The company of any consequence farthest North was the' Naliumth~i?enefit Association-with. home offices in Washington: The Liberty T-ifo Tn-viir-tnnrt r*nm.. pany has come into existence since tho Chicago riot in 11)19. At Hie time Frank L. Gillespiey.its.founder and President >yaa .associated "wltl} a white insurance company both as a superintendent-and a member of the Board of.Dtreef« > » « T*r'+t> v. -9o- "\vu tuc. n c^jru population of Chicago and environs rapidly growing, Gillespie conceived the idea of qrgqni7.i"ff ?i lnrgrirettifline. legal reserve company owned and operated exrlnsivt'l-y Ly_ "Negroesr;; The state M Illinois requires a deposit of S'lOO.OOO for the protection ipf i future policyholders. Gillgsjpie sdt about lo raise this: sum, /lading the -task a difficult one Those' yh» iriv&Ltiil thuleinonoy wore-smne- wliat skupiliial of the venture, and. ;>a . - . .1. fr/wv - \ v WM ~ U'Mf TRQF. I. M Prof. I. M." Myers is a sol -State.. He is the principal of- H Prof. Myers is an active- worke? ^nphf^of-our grmrpr ttM having for a number of years' retary of the Endowment Depi f Q rxr A f TVin * - Ci.i. m. mi; wi a iic oiau: i Ci wanjrToi^e^ doubted his, ability lo carry to fl flppf^sfnl TsgiuT tWfira* project of its kind ever attempted by: Within tqro yean; Gillespie'raised the- $100,000, .and the liberty Life Insurance Company was organised and began writing insurance in* ust, 1921. To-day the concern has a paid-in capital of . $200,000, more than $150,000 invested in first molt- .| ^ A COPY! :e Company Result Of Migration. .- -* /-'' .A < ;.- ft gages on property owned by Negroes; ."has more, than i>0,Q00ft)00~of life in*..V-* surance in force and resources of j more than $300,000. The company gives employment to" ~ ' mrmn i Un*i . j .uuiv. umii \j\jyj men ana women iin the four states in which it oper-' jates and owns its own home- office ["building: The now anex building at.. -the-Lihert-y-LifQ Insurance Company ; 1 Grand Boulevard and^ 35th Street,. nStatuiax^Dec.. 15. j \ FranGillespie was borti in : Osceola, ArTc7fcand passed->the early J-yodrs of his life in Memphis. Later Ibis Yaniilj ntut'ml-lU SC'LbUis, where ^ " ho atteiided high school? After' re- . j'coivipg training both lh anT~out.of " 'classrfroms/Gillespie selected Chicago t_l. -as .i? w^hOWg ^oiiJiisLadQption. Pr'&'r force of the Royal Life Insurance Company; he was engaged in the -teal estate business and~~~Othetavenues of endeavor^ . ~L Last August at the annual meet- - TS,»v ing of the NationaLJMegEo Insurance Association in Chicago a compliment Lwaa- paid Mr. Gillespie-in the North by electing*him President. :.-.s '" .-".J" '11 "* FRATERNAL NEWS Queen Esther Chapter No. 1, O. E. S. was royaly entertained at their-first meeting inthe New .. fyear, Jan. 5ih, at the home of Mrs. C. D. Saxpn, 1127 Page St. [Installation of officers for the en- suing time was one of the'TFwfet. .important factors of the meetting. Rev. Jas-. Johjison, Royal Patron officiated. _Ihe business ^being concluded the meeting was*- [closed_to-meet with Mrs. C. S. -Simons 1407-Richland Street_fhe 'first IN I o nday in February, - .-! A delicious fruit salad course and, hot cocoa way hnnntifuly served. - 4 * . £evr ^as; Johnson, Royal Patron Mrs. E. 13. Lewie, Royal Matron Miss Helen Rediek,- Secretary. . ML -d |yHU "" : A. MYERS " loolman well known all over the "oward Sqhorrt" of C'loumbia, S7 C. -in all movements looking to the «nl>"er of the Knighta of Pvthhmr beert^the efficient Assistant Secart ni en t. He is also the Secrete he^s. Association*.. i^nlWh fBTnH TIP tiBiiu. |z C' 1 v X> AAA/11 XXX. T - ~^g St alloc! for the enduing year for . upper RichlandT6t5tmtyr.zg'j Pride of NCohlmbia No. *55, at Columbia, Mrs. R. A. Henry, W. -C.-» Mrs. Bertha Foggie, Keg. of ^

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Page 1: Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1925-01-17 [p ] nnS Rftfh H » uritk [Mr'.JtT Scenes of its environments have-ri4U8th4m

~^ ^--^rmwwm4; ^ - -(

/ Great Gathering Qf .(A ^ LI^ ,rvi l i

jpr - 7 I : i.

I..^ __ By J. B. LEWIH

Supreme Chancellor, _S. jW, GreenLj requested all of the Grand Chancellors/ to meet at the Pyt-hian Buth House,

Hot'Springs; Ark., on Dec.i&th, 1924.This meeting was attended by most

of the Grand Chancellors jnd. among~r them was eur Grand Chaicellor, Sir

Julius A. Brown, ofTQJiarifctflifc C.Sir -~S;W;.Green, als^rfcquesfgfl

.. that a representative of (the Lewie| Printing and Supply Co., be present| ." as at that meeting cpntrajts- for the( \ handling of supplies- WTQtrerdinate

, lodges in the several Jrisdictions.'_ f ^his matter wan nut .OeiiiUjly yg['r

/ tied at this gathering and same will\ -4^ & be handled through the tfic£--of.the* J $ Supreme1 Lh&hd61l6l\," ) ~"1 /P ~7 f Our party,arrived at IICR.» i jm - r~ jT* f» >

H f on the afterneen tiaiii_£_ tliu aftrH

j}/~ T and stopped at the Pythi^i' Sanatoriyt->.. htm.^Thc majority^ \of Che Grandr Chancellors arrived on Sfrday 28th.

sion in the Pythian Saitorium at

JJ 9:30 a. m. on the 29th-by ^e SupremefxChancellor. The Supreii Officers[fl were present including DrE. E. Un

tj 4erwood)"S. K. of/R. & Q.Tid||V rixigton, Supfbine'Vicefchancellor;fcnd- S. A. T. WatklnsrS^reine At~fj~~tornev. ;/


\ Among *th$ Grand Chant !lors were:

II,' ~A. Blqunty'Alabama; Hiry Avant,JL Arkansas; W, W. Andre r, Florida;I;. " "W\ T. Reid, Georgia; E. r. Tid.ringrr \ toi^, Indiana; Rew J. ~M. I indy^jSenty ..tuqky; S.- W. Green, Ltisiana; E.j! B. Barco, lflafodetosetts; ^ee Craw*l. - ford, New York-^rT Cllti Br Wick|\- ham, Oklahojna; Julius i. Brown,jl h South Carofida; J^r. J. Crawford,M - Tennessee; W^Js. Willis,bexas; W.

" m. item, Virginia; I. G.flatter, W.rm *f |fa|L Afte? the Opening meetfe that usuallyc^arag^4rize_such-mEings't the

Supreme Chancellor read fports andother1 important papers tojirnish thenecessary information fo) business

SI legislation of the body, arte of the.tfanigak discussed- tmtfr deled upon,Swere: 4 hey agreed to putin a membershipcampaign and thalall Grand

Chancellors issu^dispensationsat the same time; 'd. at-theclose of the campaign, t y are toreport the results to th| SupremeChancellor, in order that ^ successmay be known.

Sill IIIK1 For the past seve rears

rected the art airs of T KnigJ: Thi»is one of thesftoi

IW V| tally and financially. j and (B^C favorably known. He aJiati

1- % all Grand 'Chancellors wenllowedI 1, to stipulate the aJTttilssit fee to

Jnp these-dispensatlons. They a agreedto got up a calendar wit! ut5=o!

Ka nnS Rftfh H » uritk

[Mr'. JtT Scenes of its environments have- th4m distributed throughout vaML_~.ri4U8 domains, A full rep-was

- -m^fde regarding the cost \ alsoindebtedness of the Pythian nator~ium and Bath House also ore ofKflee building now gnder cor j£tion

^.: . .;.rIIti l ; .^5a5BS3v%c-a Sifnna^K



Zxrand Chanrellors

ot Springs. Arkansas.

in Chicago, 111. Several of the Grand

: irhB~Sr"Kl pf~KT ^ S. wai have copies' made of the above re.jg(>rtand to furnish each Grand Chancellor1with a copy.

There were three sessions of thisgathering,.one 'in the morning andafternoon of the 29th _and also one'I'noc^ov.n.ix.amvouuj II1UI lim^ Hie OVtll. At was

luily brought out and diseussed thatthe Pythians were not giving the ex-pCeted patronage and cooperation tothe vBatfi^fouse as was expected.We expressed our. slackness on thegrounds that the Pythians and frt&n3s*

S.uuth'Carolina'did not knowttwhat they really had at.Hot Spring?"

f-but we'did pledge 'dOT h66rty suppprtto advertise it among our people.

The' Bath House and Sanatoriumwe're erected at a iusl uf $420,000 andis. .one of the fihcot and best furhishgroup.

. _^±:I ^ TfteyThave all the necessary conveniencesto make one's stay therehappy .and pleasant. The rates andother information will be \ given inthis-paper ft-om^time to time.

I- While there we met Bishop Joshua"j:H. Jones, of the A. M. E. Church,also.hie nen; Dr. Qilbeil 1'L Jones,President of Wilberforce University,-| his" daughter' and grand-daughter.

ijTlipy wonr-ntgpplng 4t,tTle Sanalor^imu. Bishopry-Jone3 \Vas more thanpleased to meet the folks from hisnative state, South Carolina. He was

doubly glad to-see-me as we are fromthe same county-of Lexington, S. C.


There we^e, several -other visitors atthis meeting, including, Mr. Joseph L.J oneB-rrJTrr-gregident of the CenlralkegaliaCo., Cincinnati, Ohio.^ Supreme Chancellor Green is a

remarkabKT'character, plenty of wit,forethought and very positive in his

- ramnrkc, Ho wao able at all timcstocommand the.-utmost respect andappreciation-Trom the entire bodyr

After returning to South Carolina,several persons have expressed themselvesin regrad to the "Bath House"and Sanatorium and they intend torvisit Jt during this year. We hopefor it a very successful season...

_ Mrs. Mjayme Gandy/ McLeodmother-in-law sptent the weekendwith Dr. and Mrs* W. D.






its of Pythias fo Sm*tl\ Carolina.imJictions in-the country, numert2hance)lorBrown fa widely and

Woman Sheriff Real*;-*-. **Sht»Qim" Official

""'j' J!lL_Kansas City, Mo.Missouri's

only woman shriff can handleher six-shooter like a trooper.- She is Mrs. Helicca Akers, whowas appointed sheriff of Shanfama "rr

a :, v_

a , .' T '*

C 5

^ "Lir~ : COT J-tmrta, $n5;DR. R. S.


~TriIn a rooont, communication fromPresidentWilkinson, of the State Col-

lege, he states that he is much im- ,

proved..Dr-^-Wilkmsei^ 01

^-htewOfork "recuperating febm" r-eeent £1illness. For the past two months, §1President Wilkinson has not been in tcthe best of health and it was thought j,best that he leave his post of- duty j-for awhile. His improvement~pr6vesthe__wisdom. of the move:.His many~~^friends throughout the state as weH-'-tla^tho^relsewhere will rejoice to ^know that he is on the road to'completerecovery. *ej --


ji,on county by _Gov. Hyde when mJher husband -died leaving- the r

office vacant.* \th

2j^$he has bobbed bTond ljalr^^Ewears kniqfrei's ai'id carries a';scvanity^caae Ailed*" with" powderand rouge along with ammunitionfor her six-shooter. »

N Demonstrating her gamenessshe has escorted, -five__convieted zzcriminals to the state penitentiaryat Jefferson,City and hasj°jtirade the usual routine arrestsof a small town, ohcriff._7~ j-6.As a sideline, she is an auo,^than lOO^soles since becoming/sheriff, whjch swelled the Akersfamily coffer more than $3,500. j

tier-. := B

Silence^otjGolden. Isibl


v.- 1- tl_Ag£d^Negrn Refuses fo Toll ;»1

White Man Where Money".Was Hid. Shoj^Head.

-'» **< ,bi.Lonzo^,e^<ejfer#g d Negroy-3almost paid for his life by refus-!-ing to tell where his money ;e]

was concealed, according to the S1report received by Orticer C. B.j g,..Dheher,-when-he went. e^i ly jies-1 %v

; terday morning to the house of p^Kennedy on-JVayne street. IpA white mUh. had come to his phouse, the Negro said, and de-jr:--mandetTof the Negro Some rfiorP"^*

supposd tot>e concealed^abotttt^the place. When Kennedy re-'t]fused to tell thr hiding pinery ythe white man fired, accordrlig,!^to the? Negro, the bullet .Lj.t» c

gro's head. Kennedy's screams cdrove the Invader away I" "**"

/.4mu.m -Is'


~~ " J ,4 Mr. Qeorge P. Reese.r:"7; - ': -;r-'i

h- i 'y

Mr. Geurgei F: Roese,a -re- tjtired barber and well known citi- ^


zen ot Columbia dipd hnffiaFr.1312 Park Street, last week, a£4^ter a week's illness. -fie wasborn in Columbia 77 years ago. 'S)

He was a membpr of Wesley M. jtlE. Church and a member of theMutuals for 36 years. He is t<

Reeste, -one*sieter Mrs. Jeantte-JDReesi-Jones of Ithaca, N.two.Bertha-Reeae-^Vlacon of Columbia ;< Mrs. a

"b sonsWuuggne V. Reese,. Oeo. ^P. Rees^Jr., of New York Gity; d<Willie, Jerom$ and Ffank Reese! s1of Columbia; four grand-sons;.js<Masters_Qeorge P. Reese., Jos- fgjeph C. Reese., Andrew J. / WU-jS:diams.-of New York, and Thomas'

Edwardof Columbia. LThe funeral was held at his

residence Monday afternoon at W3 o'clock. The fuperal, jyas..largely attended by old citizens Gand acquaintances. i

-*-1 ..-.

PJAN. 17,m ~

r ~--

ThnSntfjrty nf fioocl

r*Thinkers, j

Hear ye, and heed-ye, the Edi- jTlai: stafT -of.the Palrnettcr:jader and the Business Man-1?er, hereby give birth' anding into being aT most^disin[ri^hedorder, with-a^member-lipof -afrthinkers. From time

> time the noble members of;tis Society, also the readers ofhe Palmetto Leader apprecP|le above paper irave ^sent inttheir subscriptions or caused;ieir friends to send 'em, there-jJ rilC T"il Qin'ri n» n . £1J1f uijj a ucitLt Ui gUl(l|id a. willing spirit.The jenly^ prerequisites-Tor

embership with the Society ofood Thinkers is to look welT.7link well and-'subscribe to__Thealmetto Leader, or get subTibers.

_ ----ANNOUNCEMENTXards~~are out announcing thelening of Dr. W. Swan Rhodes''lice, Jan. 15, 1925, for,$he pra&=ce of Medicine. At 1323 V2ssembly St., Columbia, S^Jy{lMiss Sarah B. WhiteThe community and the entire^ty was shocked on Jan. 3rd,/toarn of the death of^Miss S^rah. White. .. = rMiss White's illness was ofiort duration, so-mueh-so,_thatsfore the neighbors were awarelat she was sick, her gentle!

had hppii wnftnd intn flinteaven of Eternal rest. jHer funeral -was held atLadin.i-Presfeyterian -Chirrch"- ofhich she was a faithful mem.rr/v


The many and beautiful flowrsand the crowded church'iinlcp in wnrHa, nf t ho. high-*steem in which the "YWpasridas held. The pastor, Rev. ID.'avis officiated assisted by. Rev. |!. A. Adams, Rev. Moore, Rev.arMer, Rev*. Dillarcl and? Rev.;

Loiig. of Chera w, Rev,ioiig spuku 111 touching.'wrt;f Miss White as" a teacher inlie Pee Dee Spntinn mina few'ears ago and off her efficiencys «.teacher and A consistanthristiair. He also broughtords of -sympathy from thatommunity, in which she hadnee lived and spreaded herweet personality.Prof. Johnson from Booker

Washingtoir^lligh School alsopoke of Miss White as a teachrand of her splehclid work durlgthe ten ypars that *he hart:ipght at that school. \ Afterhich Miss Florence Bensonead resolutions coming fromle teachers of Booker Washing-'m Itigti School."- The choirmg beautifully the while', andie solo, Fdce to Face by Missaisy. Reach. was sweet and3uchihgy;;' The Pall bearers

>r' T. E. Watts Mr Henry Allownd Mr. Bowling.Miss-White leave* a- inulliei.sister- and w host of relativesrrdTrfcnds to mourn her. frho*ody was laid to rest in RanalphCemetery under a bank of jiveeL_nowers, then to await, thebund of the trumpet that-willjill her from her long sleep. jleep oir dear one, Sleep on andjtake thy- rest, * ~~-jay down , thy head upon thy:Savior's breast,re loved thee well biit Jesus..loved the bef% - *

ood night, Good night, Goodright. ^~~7---- .j

iMnMiiifeiiiiiiiiKi it: i' ~

* *.

Liberty "Life trisuranc

"/ w-V-- - 1,. \ I

ijtllespie's Com jva n y- Now EmployingJ 600 Workers in Four

=J , 1'VStates" \


(~fn:~tfre New York Worltd.)'-- Although the Negro migrant duiyiug pi'UL'eijlj hi-assimilation o'ften pe.casiQnff temporary embarrassment to

n'is race who have enjoyedlong yommu-,'nities, it is nevertheless true thetiduS-kaa-been el« f}y:^^prrnTdble -frrrthe development of a stranger race-consciousness, resulting in the or-.,ganization and expansion of Negro-business -enterprises in.tbe^-North.The LlWrty Life Insurance Companyef- Chieagar h, illu.jli'uthu ufwhat has been made possible sincemany thousands of field-hands havtfsettled in large industrial centresabove the Vinson and Dixon Line....Up to-a- few years ago- the dozen01 iiiurc Negri) insurance companies"were in the South. Notable amongthpm warn fV»« V««AL r* i?

.aa"""*" tut i>uiui Carolina ->lutuallatDurham, which celebrated itstwenty-fifth anniversary -this year,and Standard.Life. InsuranceCompany of Atlanta, Ga. The companyof any consequence farthestNorth was the' Naliumth~i?enefit Association-with.home offices in Washington:The Liberty T-ifo Tn-viir-tnnrt r*nm..

pany has come into existence sincetho Chicago riot in 11)19. At Hie timeFrank L. Gillespiey.its.founder andPresident >yaa .associated "wltl} awhite insurance company both as asuperintendent-and a member of theBoard of.Dtreef « > » « T*r'+t> v.-9o- -» "\vu tuc. n c^jrupopulation of Chicago and environsrapidly growing, Gillespie conceivedthe idea of qrgqni7.i"ff ?i reserve company tor.beowned and operated exrlnsivt'l-y Ly_"Negroesr;; The state M Illinois requiresa deposit of S'lOO.OOO for theprotection ipf i future policyholders.Gillgsjpie sdt about lo raise this: sum,/lading the -task a difficult one Those'yh» iriv&Ltiil thuleinonoy wore-smne-

wliatskupiliial of the venture, and.;>a .

-. .1. fr/wv - \


~ U'Mf

TRQF. I. MProf. I. M." Myers is a sol

-State.. He is the principal of- HProf. Myers is an active- worke?^nphf^of-our grmrpr ttMhaving for a number of years'retary of the Endowment Depif Q rxr A f TVin * - Ci.i. m.mi; wi a iic oiau: i Ci

wanjrToi^e^ doubted his, ability locarry to fl flppf^sfnl TsgiuT tWfira*project of its kind ever attempted by:

Within tqro yean; Gillespie'raisedthe- $100,000, .and the liberty LifeInsurance Company was organisedand began writing insurance in*ust, 1921. To-day the concern has a

paid-in capital of . $200,000, morethan $150,000 invested in first molt-


A COPY!:e CompanyResult Of Migration..- -* /-'' .A

< ;.- ft

gages on property owned by Negroes;."has more, than i>0,Q00ft)00~of life in*..V-*surance in force and resources of

j more than $300,000.The company gives employment to" ~ '

mrmn i Un*i . j.uuiv. umii \j\jyj men ana womeniin the four states in which it oper-'jates and owns its own home- office["building: The now anex building at..-the-Lihert-y-LifQ Insurance Company ;1 Grand Boulevard and^ 35th Street,.

nStatuiax^Dec.. 15.j \ FranGillespie was borti in: Osceola, ArTc7fcand passed->the earlyJ-yodrs of his life in Memphis. LaterIbis Yaniilj ntut'ml-lU SC'LbUis, where ^"ho atteiided high school? After' re- .

j'coivipg training both lh anT~out.of "

'classrfroms/Gillespie selected Chicago t_l.-as .i?w^hOWg ^oiiJiisLadQption. Pr'&'r

force of the Royal Life InsuranceCompany; he was engaged in the-teal estate business and~~~Othetavenuesof endeavor^ . ~L

Last August at the annual meet- - TS,»ving of the NationaLJMegEo InsuranceAssociation in Chicago a complimentLwaa- paid Mr. Gillespie-in the Northby electing*him President.


.-".J" '11 "*


Queen Esther Chapter No. 1,O. E. S. was royaly entertainedat their-first meeting inthe New ..

fyear, Jan. 5ih, at the home ofMrs. C. D. Saxpn, 1127 Page St.[Installation of officers for the en-

suing time was one of the'TFwfet..important factors of the meetting.Rev. Jas-. Johjison, RoyalPatron officiated. _Ihe business^being concluded the meeting was*-

[closed_to-meet with Mrs. C. S.-Simons 1407-Richland Street_fhe'first IN Ionday in February, - .-!A delicious fruit salad course

and, hot cocoa way hnnntifulyserved. -

4 *.

£evr ^as; Johnson, Royal PatronMrs. E. 13. Lewie, Royal MatronMiss Helen Rediek,- Secretary. .

ML -d

|yHU ""


loolman well known all over the"oward Sqhorrt" of C'loumbia, S7 C.-in all movements looking to the«nl>"er of the Knighta of Pvthhmrbeert^the efficient Assistant Secartnien t. He is also the Secretehe^s. Association*..

i^nlWh fBTnH TIP tiBiiu.|z C'1 v X> AAA/11 XXX. T - ~^g

St alloc! for the enduing year for .

upper RichlandT6t5tmtyr.zg'jPride of NCohlmbia No. *55, at

Columbia, Mrs. R. A. Henry, W.-C.-» Mrs. Bertha Foggie, Keg. of ^