palmetto leader (columbia, s.c.). 1925-08-29 [p...

Saturday, August 29, lft2Su . . Locals Aim Miss Annie Belle Roseboro spent the week end in \Vinnsboro with friends. " ' Mrs. C. C. Owens of Jackson, Tenn., formerly Miss Lillian Ma^Bnrns is visiting her mother on Pine street. »- Miss Aline Rountree returned Monday afternoon from Ashevillq, where she very pleasantly spent two weeks as the guest of her sister. Mrs. Ethel Stephenson, after spend-lug two weeks in .Flat Rock, HendersOnville and Asheville, N.,C., returned . home-Sunday night." * The girls from f'airwbld. Industrial . Gehuul delightfully entertained a large audience at Zion Baptist Church, Sunday afternoon, when they rendered a I musical nrntrram. : meouora ^rercivai was in the citS^onday as the guest of Dr. and .Mra; Cooper,.Miss Percival is . from Granville, S. C. and is enroute to CharlottfcjvN.~ : Miss Addie Nelson, one of Columbia's leading dressmakers, has gone to Blackville, S. C., for~a week's rest, Mrs. Elene Nelson, her sister-in-law, is with her.~ .. ~ Mrs. C. N. Jones, President of the Women's Baptist State Convention, and her little son, Humphrey, are spending the week with her daugh.. rer, Mrs. jn. A. Jenkins. - Misses Mattie Lyles and Mabel "^Thompson, of ^2216 E. Washington street, are in Asheville, N. C., for their vacation. We wish for them a plea.sant stayr Miss Henrietta Boozer, bookkeeper and cashier at I. S. Leevy's Depart- ment store, left Thursday morning for * Manhatten-Beach» Jaeksortville^-Fla^ Miss Boozer will be away until Lijabor day. *r If . ^ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Patterson have returned from Plat Rock, N. C., where they were honey-mooning. -' Mrs. Patterson, prior to -h?r marriage on -the 12th-was~Miss Helen McIver. MrsrCi X. Brunson left last Sunday^ A no- f tir 1- : a rv n * .f\uK. co, lur w asniiigion, u, Kj., to attend the National Grand Lodge of the I. D. 0. of G. of S. and.D. of Sr Mrs, Brunson is the -State MatronJo£ South Carolina,.We.wish for her a pleasaAt trip. .r.Mrs. E. O. Downer of 822 Pulaski street," left for "an extended" trip to Caledonia, New York and other north em points. She^will make stops at Washington and Albany. She goes to visit" friends and her son Daniel-in New - York City. ..Richmond, Va., from Jacksonviller Fla., peeped in on his aunt, Mrs. Sallie Boozer, last Wednesday night.He looks the picture of health and promises to spend several days in the city on hiyreturn. Miss Bertha Hampton left last Prir -day-for Philadelphia,, Where.-she will spend a few weeks with her brother, Mr. John Hampton, Jr. Prom there .she will go to New York City to resume her studies in one of the Business Colleges of that city. NOTICE At Sidney Park C. M. E. Church Sunday night "at t.herft wilL_ha. -a-Sacred Concert. The Epworth League Choral Club will render the music with a chorus of 12 voices. Mrs. Alice Johnson entertained about 56 little guests at her home 726 Laurel street in honor of tihe sixth v !.1L J U lUil/vD D Oirtliuuy Ul ucr iuuc Iic^iion u, r . Calhoun, Jr. The living rpom and dining was decorated in yellow, the r'~ color of the event. The dlhthg room table was adorned with the birthday cake with six yellow candles. Yellow crepe paper was streaming from .the chandelier. Many games were enjoyed by the little folk, in the donkey contest Vivian Taylor won the 1st "prize and George William Etherdige won ' the second. Then the little tots were ushered into the dining room and J ante Myers and Annie may Beachum. The hostess was assisted during the e vening by Mrs. Bessie Moorman. Alma Hall, Susie-Jarvit, Alma Bell. f A IDU/A?n VPW9 p-- *" Last Sunday was quite a red letter day with the Fairwold girls. Their I program rendered at Zion Baptist Church was quite a success. We thank the good people of this church for helping to n&ake it a success. Also many other friends who gave their presence and also their service. The following are the names of kjkT: ~ _ -I".^ X 1 Personals " | .... , those .who gave $1.00 or more: Mr. Peterson $2.00; Dr. Goodwin $1.00; Dr. Johnson $1.00; Mr. Cartel $1.00, Mr. John Suber $1.00; Mr. Thos. Pinclcney $1.0Q. We also wish to than)c Mrs. Zenobia Jeffers for her unselfish service. MR. AND MRS. EUGENE MEANS & SON . \Vish to thank you for your kind expression of. sympathy in the sad loss-of their daughter and ~ sister, darling CHARLOTTE GREEWOOD GfcEANI^GS Rv7RCWP11^ ~t~' ' A large representation from Mt. Pisgah A. M. E. Church at. .tended the restrict.W. II. arid F pnnvontmn in M i nnf.r Oil- . . w*« y vit vivil <ii kJAA, Principal W. H. Hilvard of Rrewer was also a visitor. Miss EditKLlTtTejohmof Alexandria, Va., is visiting Miss Ethel Lee Evans cm Gjlliam Street. Mrs. Lucy L. Dorrah and her niece Miss* Janie Diekerson of 'Jacksonville, Fla., are spending a while as guests of Rev. and Mrs ^h~M. Walker. _r The Misses Jones of Newberry spent a few very pleasant hours in Greenwood at the home of Mro. LrW. Nance, who gave a ! breakfast party for them. , On the second Sunday in September President D. H. Sims of 'Allen University will preach at Mt. Pisgah -At M^E^Cliurchr^:William Latimer, Miss Helen Latimer, Miss Mary Thompson j-Green,. Miss Janie Ward of Georgetown and Mr. Joseph Bak,er motored over from Abbeville land while in the city they called at the A. M. K- parsonage to see Rev. and Mrs. George A. Singlet j- LOI1. i On Ja^I^nday- ^moi^iinff Miv Pringle C. .Wells, representative jofthe National Benefit Life Iiisurance (Jo., connected himself -with Mt.__Bisgah. A. M. E. Church. ; On lust Twwday^RevTtjeorge3 A. Singleton andPresrding7±]l-; der J. W. Douglas and MrlThaddeus Kellv and Mr PnngiP r. Wells motored-to-Columbia to! the Presiding Elders'' Council Avith-Biahep-W.-Wr-Beckett. On j&ur way _ back we stopped in Newberry at the handsomely appointed-drug store of Dr. George Singleton. On Wednesday MrTTaTmadge. P.liQnnollo Mv MOOOA PUviotio ill! JLUOC^V; \JIii iOUC and Miss Georgia Myrtle Lead motored over from Abbeville to see Rev. and Mrsv George Singleton. Mrs. S. J. G. Burgess, Mrs. Winton E. Willia'ms and Mrs. Daisy? B. Holmair~attended the conference of the Missionary people which met in Belton, on Wednesday, Ayg. 26. Miss Edith Bradley of Bradley S. C. is visiting hpr C""*'", Gladys Bradley on Mlnerell St. Rev. 0. A. Parker of Cokesbury was in the city last Monday sonage. ~ Newberry a recent graduate of Mr. Henry M. McMorris of Morehouse College is visiting his aunt, Mrs. O. K. Hargrove, on Magnolia Street. JlJt, C. H. S. Henderson is in Chicago attending the medical association. " Mrs. Mattie Mobre and Mrs. TJ. All* l l ,i /*- ma Alien leu on aacurciay lor Atlanta where they will spend two weeks visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Mamie McDaritel PerrTn and Mr. Edwin Perrin and their little daughter Annie motored from.Washington, D. C..Tfrey are stopping with Mrs. Katie D. McDaniel, Mrs. Perrins' mother. We hope to have them all the winter. Sunday was a great day for Mt. Pisgah A. M. E. church. nnu~ : ...»^ ]..» xne illuming aervice wtts cunuui;ted by the pastor. He gave a strong and convincing talk, takw r. " " *. .... t THJELJ^ALMEl ling his text from Prov. and I am" sure that every one who sat and listened to him "came away with a.different feel^ ling.; Rev. Singleton is a pastor* Afflicted as he is Mt. Pisgah will have a hard time finding some lone to fill his piace. Af three o'clock we had with us the Rev- \V. P. Williams of Morris Chap el Baptist Church. Rev. Wil'liams is like all other peerless 1 ministers; wherever you call him or whenever yea eaii he is j always ready. a lartf"! |crowd at Mt. Pisgah on Sunday] 'afternoon, taking Ms text from! rMatt 20:28 and I am sure that |the members and friends of Mt. Pisgah shall always carry the impression made by him. Mrs. Nancy McConnell of Winriehnm ' vriciif innr Ro\r ftnrl » »V/ 10 > ivmuf, AVV > . UllVi Mrs. W. P. Willams at 529 Bap^ tist Street. We wish for her a plonggnf cfgy _I ._ Rev. Reeder of Newberry was in the city Sunday last visiting relatives and.frtemTsT "He attended the morning service at. Mor ris Chapel Baptist Church. el met at the parsonage: on Fri-! day evening August 31, at 4 o'-1 programme rendered, .after which '.Mrs.-W.' P. Williams] served ice cream and cake to the delight of the club. | Miss Viola Andrews spent the relatives:, and friends. She-will leave soon for Greenville where jshe""^fritl spend- two weeks visit- ; ing tier friend Mrs. \V. A. Fisher Mrs. Sarah Ann Kemp of Mc- ucau, vjci., ouvciai way wilo Miss- Savannah Andrews, :lier sister "on Hackett St. She left on Monday for Edgefield where she will visit relatives and .friends. i There was a Million Dollar lAVeddin^given- at-Weston^Chapet_ A-M. E. Church on Friday even- | Tng by the Christian Endeavor Eeague.Tho girlsjwRfiring heau-: ! tifirl costumes pf Various colors | were very- attractive. There were twoprizpsg^ TTUMTMilT"- 1 iT W"-'' ^ B RpaH Ar Z Science an£ Invention hs usiness and Pleasure. Kut on Blow-Quts and Puncture! Tho Airlox Pueturp»Pro<H id Punctures impossible. 600 Punctures but no lo: Jir. They save Casings ai ire Trouble. MOTORING Headquarters for 1*00011 arkley St., Greenville, S. C "once and order Witt be fill prices re ...s Come and examine Tul 501-C. W. MARKLEfY ST., p jr'-- S "~ HAVE you HE j| "THE SIMPKIN'S j'Si Now .Playing Private and Pi Anywhere in th< I § Music Studio FREDERICK fgh~ _'- Phone j-g.:.W. L. Simpkins, Mgr., Ben Garrisc fi: Address all mail to W. L. Simpk o^oo;o.o^;oooo;ooooaoo;c>cto;o:ojctoj^ i OFFICERS: I j 'r JTC. McGlfAWTPrr.r $ t X H. H. SMITH, V.TW ?. ( X DR. J. J. CREAGH, Treat.' | | T. C. WILLIAMS, See.-Mgr. f Own ! t PR- H. C. SCARLETT, i v- % E. E. MOORE. X | You Are 2 - 2 BURYING US, I UN I Why Not | I BUY FROM US. | j. c ,?4> 7TO LEADER jMozeJl Steward received a prize for being the most beautiful.Mis: ,Ester Allen of Munis Chapi' Baptist Church received a prize for selling the highest amuunl of tickets. Miss Aurelia Childs nnmn|m by Mrs. Lula Coleman and Mrs - ..".i A * . ENROLL FOR SCHOOL- Bogiunim Monday Aug.' 31 the principals of tin colored public schools will be in theii offices at the school buildings for the purpose of enrolling new nunils. Vatcination certificates must be held bj nil who apply. ScTiboIT>i«'n.s Monday September 11 No pupils will be enrolled on that daj umil aner two o'clock, l'arents are urged to enroll their children before live opening day. Book lists are ream and may be secured lrom the pnnci pals* offices beginning Monday Aug dl.. It ia unriiwtjy-.roqtturtod thai books be secured before the first day of school because class work begin: that day. The officesj^Nvill be open from 1) a, ;m. to t' p. m.. . Exceltrlo Barber Shop and Pressing Club Sharp Razors and Clean Toweh ' All Work Guaranteed, -dot-hes Cleaned and Pressed or Short Notice. Peter Hemingway, Prop, 13 Main St., -" " Conway, "S. C. PHONE^frl87~~ L. A. Hawkins' Real Estate Agency "Homes on Easy Terms" COLUMBIA, S. C. SALE. " .I "wish to dispose of- the following articles at Private Sale for cash at 911 Hampton Strtiet: On<j Piano; Two Cabinet Organs; One BedtRoom Suit; One Parlor Suit, and several Apply to --s W. H. THOMAS^ 1129 Washington St'. notice. 7"^ Htimnlirioc ATAJL JL A Vt It * tt I IVKJ DRESSMAKING" AND REPAIR _ SHOP __jL... SEN CLOTHES REPA1R££ HIRt MAKING A SPECIALTY 716 ASSEMBLY STREET .THONE 7593. ~ IT I O NN a a a n lunecqr ive given the Automobile for the Auto had its drawbacks Through Science and Invens are^o winrp. ssof Air. Tire Troubles are I id last 20,000 mites-without NOW A JOY Lire-Proof Tubes at 501-C W. . Wire, Write or Phone size ed in 8 days. Phone 2257-J. yASONAiU'R 3es. On Sale Now By : >HNSON GREENVILLE, S. C. I ..^ ARI) THEM? r ^ § ENTERTAINERS ublic Engagements. Will go £ j Two Carolinas. BLDG., COLUMBIA, S. C. £ s 9173 -S .R: E. Simpkins, Asst. Mgr., £ >n, Director. ins, Mgr., 1432 Lincoln St. f n goo opp DO BOO P.; WAYCROSS basket Company | ied, Operated and Controlled { BY NEGROES Manufacturers of J High Grade Caskets -j And D*al«rs in . bERTAKERS SUPPLIES j Tnshart St., and 608 Ewing St. YCROSS - Georgia ;| ^WILLIAMS, Sec.-Manager j 1 .HMH HB^sajgaiivaBWi KKV. J. J.H.VKKIKO THJE UNITED EONS OF £ is an organization -which D doing a { infirm people of roiith Cm-linn.J 11 arrison, Si ate Inasicr. .,i I). V. McOno, State Tr<?t>-fiivr. T. ' alive and gives lo The beneficiary pays from-fifty to-one duin'roxj dol -from $25.0<Cf<> £100.(mj hi < -household goods. It pays- from ?T.f ness and up to £10.00 on Doctor's bi Think of it; and for any 'in Tor RftV 11 HARRISON. S. "\or Prof. J. A. KIRK, S. Se f' i 11. H. FTN UM>Ki:*f \ki:i; a.n of South Carolina -TPinckncy's Safrita BEST EOLHintED IN THE ( FOR VOLE -J- Office Rhone 5707 . | lOOfi WASHINGTON ST.. ;jto^wox^«^oao.o;o^o.o.o.c'ocfo;o.oox>:o^ t_L OWEN S | Merchant fl / ;We carry a co [J . of Domestic ai f|: " '-Woolens.Come i| before-purchasir c| f\ IT Washini Phone 691 §bgD^«^^:>o6ooooo^c.o^"o'otf6cto-g > >1 IMPERIAL DR >-«J« ... I . Prescnption I | t I 05 Washington S i : : ^ i_ Eveiytiung TSme^ in aFi | PRESCRIPTIONS Ol I We call foT aTicl delixfi [|| , . YOURS FOR SI If IMPERIAL DR u i f 1 v _______.... . p.- -.=*.4 -.-. -.'.J - . ..r .t! SKVKW I ; ' ;; v , ^i" Master IBRA HAM &D. of J. K1 ' <'i; work for t^i.e poor ancl CTS St its lA<Mlev. J. J." tr-ivh.K, IVitto ^et:rotary and rvpayy: £o its members \vhile jsonietWIng after death; It TOrS j'oi~'l)6sj;r(al 'benefits and ofaHo. s' I .r fire orTTouse and jl' l.° -§l} !M) I)ur wefck' for sick-:" mat-ion write " e . ' k'cnianct St.. Columbia, S. C. eM Bennettsviile, S. C. r i . r. CKNEY%;= 'D EMUALiMER |: and Georgia. | eapest Undertaker, I - . the City.-- -. | -WITH }'" | 1 mplete Motor Outfit. i _t" to NONE in the~STaTe.~~ " J i T ry " ITY. COME AND SEE ISELF. Kesidence Fhone 7765 roMr-vimy s t= = Brn» a n i 1 rr Tailors t =: mplete stock % I id imported .-1 ; and see Us \ lg your next j: ;ton Street .: S3 .0:0:0000 oo o 000 000 ooocoxcoaaod oo t t o T/^n r" I ULa O 1 WJt\IL i Druggists :: t. Phone 7226 * .. < R SPECIALTY. !l. \ £r Prescriptions. j . ERVICE.: > ': I UG STORE | :'ff / '

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Page 1: Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1925-08-29 [p SEVEN]\uK.A no-co, flur tirwasniiigion,1-: a rvu, nKj., *to attend

Saturday, August 29, lft2Su


. Locals AimMiss Annie Belle Roseboro spentthe week end in \Vinnsboro withfriends. " '

Mrs. C. C. Owens of Jackson, Tenn.,formerly Miss Lillian Ma^Bnrns isvisiting her mother on Pine street.

»-Miss Aline Rountree returned Mondayafternoon from Ashevillq, whereshe very pleasantly spent two weeksas the guest of her sister.

Mrs. Ethel Stephenson, after spend-lugtwo weeks in .Flat Rock, HendersOnvilleand Asheville, N.,C., returned. home-Sunday night." *

The girls from f'airwbld. Industrial. Gehuul delightfully entertained a large

audience at Zion Baptist Church, Sundayafternoon, when they rendered a

I musical nrntrram. :

meouora ^rercivai was in the

citS^onday as the guest of Dr. and.Mra; Cooper,.Miss Percival is

. from Granville, S. C. and is enrouteto CharlottfcjvN.~ :

Miss Addie Nelson, one of Columbia'sleading dressmakers, has goneto Blackville, S. C., for~a week's rest,Mrs. Elene Nelson, her sister-in-law,is with her.~

. .


Mrs. C. N. Jones, President of theWomen's Baptist State Convention,and her little son, Humphrey, are

spending the week with her daugh..rer, Mrs. jn. A. Jenkins.

- Misses Mattie Lyles and Mabel"^Thompson, of ^2216 E. Washington

street, are in Asheville, N. C., for theirvacation. We wish for them a plea.santstayr

Miss Henrietta Boozer, bookkeeperand cashier at I. S. Leevy's Depart-ment store, left Thursday morning for

* Manhatten-Beach» Jaeksortville^-Fla^Miss Boozer will be away until Lijaborday. *r

If . ^

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pattersonhave returned from Plat Rock, N. C.,where they were honey-mooning. -'

Mrs. Patterson, prior to -h?r marriageon -the 12th-was~Miss Helen McIver.MrsrCi X. Brunson left last Sunday^

A no- f tir 1- : a rv n *

.f\uK. co, lur w asniiigion, u, Kj., to

attend the National Grand Lodge ofthe I. D. 0. of G. of S. and.D. of SrMrs, Brunson is the -State MatronJo£South Carolina,.We.wish for her a

pleasaAt trip.

.r.Mrs. E. O. Downer of 822 Pulaskistreet," left for "an extended" trip toCaledonia, New York and other northem points. She^will make stops atWashington and Albany. She goes tovisit" friends and her son Daniel-inNew -York City.

..Richmond, Va., from Jacksonviller Fla.,peeped in on his aunt, Mrs. SallieBoozer, last Wednesday night.Helooks the picture of health and promisesto spend several days in the cityon hiyreturn.

Miss Bertha Hampton left last Prir-day-for Philadelphia,, Where.-she willspend a few weeks with her brother,Mr. John Hampton, Jr. Prom there

.she will go to New York City to resumeher studies in one of the BusinessColleges of that city.

NOTICEAt Sidney Park C. M. E. Church

Sunday night "at t.herft wilL_ha.-a-Sacred Concert. The Epworth LeagueChoral Club will render the musicwith a chorus of 12 voices.

Mrs. Alice Johnson entertained about56 little guests at her home 726Laurel street in honor of tihe sixthv !.1L J U lUil/vD DOirtliuuy Ul ucr iuuc Iic^iion u, r .

Calhoun, Jr. The living rpom anddining was decorated in yellow, the

r'~ color of the event. The dlhthg roomtable was adorned with the birthdaycake with six yellow candles. Yellowcrepe paper was streaming from .thechandelier. Many games were enjoyedby the little folk, in the donkey contestVivian Taylor won the 1st "prizeand George William Etherdige won

' the second. Then the little tots were

ushered into the dining room and

J ante Myers and Annie may Beachum.The hostess was assisted during the e

vening by Mrs. Bessie Moorman. AlmaHall, Susie-Jarvit, Alma Bell.f A IDU/A?n VPW9

p--*" Last Sunday was quite a red letterday with the Fairwold girls. Their

I program rendered at Zion BaptistChurch was quite a success. Wethank the good people of this churchfor helping to n&ake it a success. Alsomany other friends who gave theirpresence and also their service.The following are the names of

kjkT: ~

_ -I".^

X1 Personals " |.... ,

those .who gave $1.00 or more: Mr.Peterson $2.00; Dr. Goodwin $1.00; Dr.Johnson $1.00; Mr. Cartel $1.00, Mr.John Suber $1.00; Mr. Thos. Pinclcney$1.0Q. We also wish to than)c Mrs.Zenobia Jeffers for her unselfish service.MR. AND MRS. EUGENE MEANS &


\Vish to thank you for your kind expressionof. sympathy in the sadloss-of their daughter and~ sister, darling



Rv7RCWP11^ ~t~'' A large representation from

Mt. Pisgah A. M. E. Church at..tended the restrict.W. II. aridF pnnvontmn in Mi nnf.r Oil-. . w*« y vit vivil <ii kJAA,

Principal W. H. Hilvard of Rrewerwas also a visitor.Miss EditKLlTtTejohmof Alexandria,Va., is visiting Miss EthelLee Evans cm Gjlliam Street.Mrs. Lucy L. Dorrah and her

niece Miss* Janie Diekerson of'Jacksonville, Fla., are spendinga while as guests of Rev. and Mrs^h~M. Walker. _rThe Misses Jones of Newberry

spent a few very pleasant hoursin Greenwood at the home ofMro. LrW. Nance, who gave a

! breakfast party for them. ,

On the second Sunday in SeptemberPresident D. H. Sims of'Allen University will preach atMt. Pisgah-At M^E^Cliurchr^:William

Latimer, Miss HelenLatimer, Miss Mary Thompsonj-Green,. Miss Janie Ward ofGeorgetown and Mr. Joseph Bak,ermotored over from Abbevilleland while in the city they calledat the A. M. K- parsonage to seeRev. and Mrs. George A. Singletj-LOI1.

i On Ja^I^nday- ^moi^iinff MivPringle C. .Wells, representativejofthe National Benefit Life Iiisurance(Jo., connected himself-with Mt.__Bisgah. A. M. E.Church. ;On lust Twwday^RevTtjeorge3

A. Singleton andPresrding7±]l-;der J. W. Douglas and MrlThaddeusKellv and Mr PnngiP r.

Wells motored-to-Columbia to!the Presiding Elders'' CouncilAvith-Biahep-W.-Wr-Beckett. Onj&ur way _ back we stopped inNewberry at the handsomely appointed-drugstore of Dr. GeorgeSingleton.On Wednesday MrTTaTmadge.

P.liQnnollo Mv MOOOA PUviotioill! JLUOC^V; \JIii iOUC

and Miss Georgia Myrtle Leadmotored over from Abbeville tosee Rev. and Mrsv GeorgeSingleton.

Mrs. S. J. G. Burgess, Mrs.Winton E. Willia'ms and Mrs.Daisy? B. Holmair~attended theconference of the Missionarypeople which met in Belton, on

Wednesday, Ayg. 26.Miss Edith Bradley of Bradley

S. C. is visiting hpr C""*'",Gladys Bradley on Mlnerell St.

Rev. 0. A. Parker of Cokesburywas in the city last Monday

sonage. ~

Newberry a recent graduate ofMr. Henry M. McMorris of

Morehouse College is visitinghis aunt, Mrs. O. K. Hargrove,on Magnolia Street.

JlJt, C. H. S. Henderson isin Chicago attending the medicalassociation." Mrs. Mattie Mobre and Mrs.TJ. All* l l ,i /*-ma Alien leu on aacurciay lor

Atlanta where they will spendtwo weeks visiting relatives andfriends.

Mrs. Mamie McDaritel PerrTnand Mr. Edwin Perrin and theirlittle daughter Annie motoredfrom.Washington, D. C..Tfreyare stopping with Mrs. Katie D.McDaniel, Mrs. Perrins' mother.We hope to have them all thewinter.Sunday was a great day for

Mt. Pisgah A. M. E. church.nnu~ : ...»^ ]..»xne illuming aervice wtts cunuui;tedby the pastor. He gave a

strong and convincing talk, takwr."


*..... t


ling his text from Prov.and I am" sure that every onewho sat and listened to him"came away with a.different feel^ling.; Rev. Singleton is a pastor*Afflicted as he is Mt. Pisgah willhave a hard time finding some

lone to fill his piace. Af threeo'clock we had with us the Rev-\V. P. Williams of Morris Chapel Baptist Church. Rev. Wil'liamsis like all other peerless

1 ministers; wherever you callhim or whenever yea eaii he is

j always ready. a lartf"!|crowd at Mt. Pisgah on Sunday]'afternoon, taking Ms text from!rMatt 20:28 and I am sure that

|the members and friends of Mt.Pisgah shall always carry theimpression made by him.

Mrs. Nancy McConnell ofWinriehnm ' vriciif innr Ro\r ftnrl

» »V/ 10 > ivmuf, AVV > . UllVi

Mrs. W. P. Willams at 529 Bap^tist Street. We wish for her a

plonggnf cfgy _I ._

Rev. Reeder of Newberry wasin the city Sunday last visitingrelatives and.frtemTsT "He attendedthe morning service at.Morris Chapel Baptist Church.

el met at the parsonage:on Fri-!day evening August 31, at 4 o'-1

programme rendered, .afterwhich '.Mrs.-W.' P. Williams]served ice cream and cake to thedelight of the club.

| Miss Viola Andrews spent the

relatives:, and friends. She-willleave soon for Greenville wherejshe""^fritl spend- two weeks visit- ;ing tier friend Mrs. \V. A. Fisher

Mrs. Sarah Ann Kemp of Mc-ucau, vjci., ouvciai waywilo Miss- Savannah Andrews,:lier sister "on Hackett St. Sheleft on Monday for Edgefieldwhere she will visit relatives and.friends. i

There was a Million DollarlAVeddin^given-at-Weston^Chapet_A-M. E. Church on Friday even- |Tng by the Christian EndeavorEeague.Tho girlsjwRfiring heau-:

! tifirl costumes pf Various colors

| were very- attractive. Therewere twoprizpsg^TTUMTMilT"- 1 iTW"-'' ^


RpaH ArZ Science an£ Invention hsusiness and Pleasure. Kut

on Blow-Quts and Puncture!Tho Airlox Pueturp»Pro<H

id Punctures impossible.600 Punctures but no lo:

Jir. They save Casings aiire Trouble.

MOTORINGHeadquarters for 1*00011

arkley St., Greenville, S. C"once and order Witt be fill

prices re

...s Come and examine Tul

501-C. W. MARKLEfY ST.,


S "~ HAVE you HE

j| "THE SIMPKIN'Sj'Si Now .Playing Private and Pi

Anywhere in th<I § Music Studio FREDERICKfgh~ _'- Phonej-g.:.W. L. Simpkins, Mgr.,

Ben Garriscfi: Address all mail to W. L. Simpko^oo;o.o^;oooo;ooooaoo;c>cto;o:ojctoj^

i OFFICERS: Ij 'r JTC. McGlfAWTPrr.r $t X H. H. SMITH, V.TW ?. (X DR. J. J. CREAGH, Treat.' || T. C. WILLIAMS, See.-Mgr. f Own

! t PR- H. C. SCARLETT, i v-% E. E. MOORE. X

| You Are2 - 2BURYING US, I UN

I Why Not |I BUY FROM US. | j. c



jMozeJl Steward received a prizefor being the most beautiful.Mis:,Ester Allen of Munis Chapi'Baptist Church received a prizefor selling the highest amuunlof tickets. Miss Aurelia Childs

nnmn|mby Mrs. Lula Coleman and Mrs

- ..".i A * .

ENROLL FOR SCHOOL- BogiunimMonday Aug.' 31 the principals of tincolored public schools will be in theiioffices at the school buildings for thepurpose of enrolling new nunils. Vatcinationcertificates must be held bjnil who apply.

ScTiboIT>i«'n.s Monday September 11No pupils will be enrolled on that dajumil aner two o'clock, l'arents areurged to enroll their children beforelive opening day. Book lists are reamand may be secured lrom the pnncipals* offices beginning Monday Augdl.. It ia unriiwtjy-.roqtturtod thaibooks be secured before the first dayof school because class work begin:that day.The officesj^Nvill be open from 1) a,

;m. to t' p. m.. .

Exceltrlo Barber Shopand Pressing Club

Sharp Razors and Clean Toweh' All Work Guaranteed,

-dot-hes Cleaned and Pressed orShort Notice.

Peter Hemingway, Prop,13 Main St., -" " Conway, "S. C.

PHONE^frl87~~L. A. Hawkins'

Real Estate Agency"Homes on Easy Terms"



.I "wish to dispose of- the followingarticles at Private Sale for cash at911 Hampton Strtiet: On<j Piano;Two Cabinet Organs; One BedtRoomSuit; One Parlor Suit, and several

Apply to --s

W. H. THOMAS^1129 Washington St'.





.THONE 7593. ~

IT I O NNa a a n

lunecqrive given the Automobile forthe Auto had its drawbacksThrough Science and Invensare^o winrp.

ssof Air. Tire Troubles are Iid last 20,000 mites-without

NOW A JOYLire-Proof Tubes at 501-C W.. Wire, Write or Phone sizeed in 8 days. Phone 2257-J.


3es. On Sale Now By :


ARI) THEM? r ^

§ENTERTAINERSublic Engagements. Will go £j Two Carolinas.BLDG., COLUMBIA, S. C. £

s 9173 -S.R: E. Simpkins, Asst. Mgr., £

>n, Director.ins, Mgr., 1432 Lincoln St.


WAYCROSSbasket Company |ied, Operated and Controlled {

BY NEGROESManufacturers of J

High Grade Caskets -jAnd D*al«rs in .

bERTAKERS SUPPLIES jTnshart St., and 608 Ewing St.YCROSS - Georgia ;|^WILLIAMS, Sec.-Manager j




THJE UNITED EONS OF £is an organization -which D doing a

{ infirm people of roiith Cm-linn.J11arrison, Si ate Inasicr. .,iI). V. McOno, State Tr<?t>-fiivr. T.

' alive and gives lo The beneficiarypays from-fifty to-one duin'roxj dol

-from $25.0<Cf<> £100.(mj hi <-household goods. It pays- from ?T.fness and up to £10.00 on Doctor's bi

Think of it; and for any 'in Tor

RftV 11 HARRISON. S."\or Prof. J. A. KIRK, S. Se

f' i

11. H. FTNUM>Ki:*f \ki:i; a.n

of South Carolina

-TPinckncy's SafritaBEST EOLHintED IN THE (

FOR VOLE-J- Office Rhone 5707 .



t_LOWEN S| Merchant

fl / ;We carry a co

[J . of Domestic ai

f|: " '-Woolens.Comei| before-purchasirc|

f\ IT WashiniPhone 691


>1IMPERIAL DR>-«J« ...

I . Prescnption I

| t I 05 Washington Si

: : ^ i_ Eveiytiung TSme^ in aFi

| PRESCRIPTIONS OlIWe call foT aTicl delixfi

[|| , . YOURS FOR SI

If IMPERIAL DRu if 1 v _______.... .


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^i" Master

IBRAHAM &D. of J.K1 ' <'i; work for t^i.e poor anclCTS St its lA<Mlev. J. J."tr-ivh.K, IVitto ^et:rotary andrvpayy: £o its members \vhilejsonietWIng after death; ItTOrS j'oi~'l)6sj;r(al 'benefits andofaHo. s' I .r fire orTTouse and

jl' l.° -§l} !M) I)ur wefck' for sick-:"mat-ion write



' k'cnianct St.. Columbia, S. C.eM Bennettsviile, S. C.


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CKNEY%;='D EMUALiMER |:and Georgia. |eapest Undertaker, I -


the City.-- -. |-WITH }'" | 1

mplete Motor Outfit.i


to NONE in the~STaTe.~~ "

J i T

ry "


Kesidence Fhone 7765roMr-vimy s t=


Brn» a n i 1rr

Tailors t =:

mplete stock % Iid imported .-1; and see Us \lg your next

j:;ton Street .:




t t o T/^n r" IULa O 1 WJt\IL


Druggists ::

t. Phone 7226*




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/ '