parent newsletter january 2016

FROM THE PRINCIPAL: Ms. Rosemary Distaso-Libbon, Principal BISHOP MONTGOMERY HIGH SCHOOL JANUARY 2016 PARENT NEWSLETTER 5430 Torrance Boulevard Torrance, California 90503 (310) 540 - 2021 Dear Parents, Happy New Year! How exciting to begin a new year! It hardly seems possible that we’re beginning 2016 and are well on our way to the Class of 2016’s graduation day. I know that you will pray for our seniors and their parents as they continue with the college application process and await acceptance decisions. You may have noticed the lights on the trees outside of my office in the front of the school. They were lit on Christmas Eve, December 24 th and will remain lit until the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus, January 12 th , which is the Church’s celebration of the Christmas season. Each of these lights represents a donor who contributed to the Queen of Angels Tuition Assistance Fund. The lights signify our community’s thanks and our prayers for each of the donors and their intentions. I ask that when you see these lights you say a prayer for these generous donors. This celebration of these many generous gifts to the students of Bishop Montgomery through the Queen of Angels Fund has become a Christmas tradition. “To believe in God is to know that there are wonderful surprises…..” There have been so many wonderful surprises. Your generosity and the generosity of our alumni and past parents is overwhelming. Thank You. As we begin this new year of 2016 and make our resolutions, it is good to remember that in spite of our own resolutions, God has a plan for each of us. I always have to remember that my plan is not always God’s plan and it is my constant challenge to be open to His plan for me through prayer. God’s love for us is unconditional and so we trust in His promise to care for us no matter our challenges. I share this prayer because it reminds me that Christmas is a time to “feast on the refreshing waters, the rich food of the spirit,” to gather “strength to continue the pilgrimage” long after Christmas is over. I hope that this prayer speaks to you as much as it speaks to me. “Once they saw a star that pointed to a promised land, to a land of peace: peacemakers set out to follow that star, both a joyful and an arduous journey. Sometimes the start shines brightly, the promise seems certain, and the pilgrims can sing, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring God’s peace.” Often the star disappears, is clouded over, hidden from view, and the pilgrims grope blindly, grow discouraged, get weary, give thought to settling down, to forgetting the promise of peace. One thing is certain: All pilgrims need nourishment to sustain their journey. An occasional oasis for the spirit is essential, a time to feast on the refreshing waters, the rich food of the spirit, in order to get the strength to continue the pilgrimage through darkness, star-shine or not.” --Mary Lou Kownacki, OSB, of Pax Christi On behalf of the Bishop Montgomery Administration, Faculty, Staff, and Students, I wish you a Happy New Year filled with the many gifts that God’s blessings bring. You are, as always, in my prayers. Rosemary Libbon Principal

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Bishop Montgomery High School Parent Newsletter January 2016


Page 1: Parent Newsletter January 2016

From the PrinciPal: Ms. Rosemary Distaso-Libbon, Principal


BishoP montgomery high school

January 2016Parent newsletter

5430 Torrance Boulevard Torrance, California 90503(310) 540 - 2021

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year! How exciting to begin a new year! It hardly seems possible that we’re beginning 2016 and are well on our way to the Class of 2016’s graduation day. I know that you will pray for our seniors and their parents as they continue with the college application process and await acceptance decisions.

You may have noticed the lights on the trees outside of my office in the front of the school. They were lit on Christmas Eve, December 24th and will remain lit until the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus, January 12th, which is the Church’s celebration of the Christmas season. Each of these lights represents a donor who contributed to the Queen of Angels Tuition Assistance Fund. The lights signify our community’s thanks and our prayers for each of the donors and their intentions. I ask that when you see these lights you say a prayer for these generous donors. This celebration of these many generous gifts to the students of Bishop Montgomery through the Queen of Angels Fund has become a Christmas tradition. “To believe in God is to know that there are wonderful surprises…..” There have been so many wonderful surprises. Your generosity and the generosity of our alumni and past parents is overwhelming. Thank You.

As we begin this new year of 2016 and make our resolutions, it is good to remember that in spite of our own resolutions, God has a plan for each of us. I always have to remember that my plan is not always God’s plan and it is my constant challenge to be open to His plan for me through prayer. God’s love for us is unconditional and so we trust in His promise to care for us no matter our challenges. I share this prayer because it reminds me that Christmas is a time to “feast on the refreshing waters, the rich food of the spirit,” to gather “strength to continue the pilgrimage” long after Christmas is over. I hope that this prayer speaks to you as much as it speaks to me.

“Once they saw a star that pointed to a promised land, to a land of peace: peacemakers set out to follow that star, both a joyful and an arduous journey. Sometimes the start shines brightly, the promise seems certain, and the pilgrims can sing, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring God’s peace.” Often the star disappears, is clouded over, hidden from view, and the pilgrims grope blindly, grow discouraged, get weary, give thought to settling down, to forgetting the promise of peace.

One thing is certain: All pilgrims need nourishment to sustain their journey. An occasional oasis for the spirit is essential, a time to feast on the refreshing waters, the rich food of the spirit, in order to get the strength to continue the pilgrimage through darkness, star-shine or not.” --Mary Lou Kownacki, OSB, of Pax Christi

On behalf of the Bishop Montgomery Administration, Faculty, Staff, and Students, I wish you a Happy New Year filled with the many gifts that God’s blessings bring.

You are, as always, in my prayers.

Rosemary LibbonPrincipal

Page 2: Parent Newsletter January 2016

guidance & curriculum: Ms. Yvette Vigón-Morffi - Vice Principal - ext. 231 Mrs. Casey Dunn - Guidance/Studies Coordinator - ext. 226


College News:The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is required for students who wish to receive financial aid from a given college or university. The online applications may be accessed at Similar to the college application process, the electronic application is the preferred method of submission. Before starting the FAFSA, both you and your child will need to apply for the FSA ID, which consists of a user-created username and password. The FSA ID replaced the PIN effective May, 2015. It allows users to electronically access personal information on Federal Student Aid Web sites as well as electronically sign a FAFSA. The FSA ID may be accessed at We will host a financial aid workshop in January for all parents who are interested.

Work Permits:Is your student looking for work? Work permit applications are found in the Academics, Guidance section of the BMHS website. If you need a work permit you must first download and complete the form before making an appointment to see your counselor.

Important dates: As we begin the new year, please be aware of the following calendar dates:

Wednesday, January 6, 2016 Classes resume 8:45am startWednesday, January 27, 2016 Financial Aid presentation in Retreat Center (Seniors only)Monday, January 18, 2015 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

We hope that the holiday season will bring together your family and loved ones. Please accept our wishes for a happy and healthy new year.


Casey DunnGuidance/Studies Coordinator

Page 3: Parent Newsletter January 2016


disciPline: Ms. Betty Behen - Dean of Women - ext. 234 Mr. Lee Flores - Dean of Men - ext. 232

From the Discipline Office...

Attendance: Be sure to call in your student’s absence or tardy directly to the Attendance Office at 540-2021, ext. 233, or 540-3070 in the morning. We have 24-hour voice mail for your convenience. Also, a phone call does not necessarily excuse an absence or tardy. It merely lets us know that the parent/guardian was aware of the absence or tardy. The nature of the absence or tardy (excused or unexcused) will be determined by the Deans and Attendance Office. Failure to call the Attendance Office the day of your student’s absence will be unexcused. Refer to your Parent-Student Handbook (pages 12-13) for what constitutes an “excused” absence or tardy.

Detentions: Detentions are to be served on or before the date indicated on the violation or referral slip. It is the responsibility of the student to make alternate arrangements for transportation if a detention is to be served. Disregard for assigned detentions may result in probation. Please note that detentions take precedence over sports practices and school activities (Parent-Student Handbook, page 15).

No Messages. The Attendance Office and the Front Office staff do not deliver messages during the day. It is time consuming and disruptive to classes.

Prom Time. Prom is just around the corner. As a reminder, “the school does not permit the renting of hotel rooms or other facilities for students’ use for activities before or after Bishop Montgomery dances... The school does not assume responsibility or liability for damages, loss of property, or injury caused when such rental agreements are incurred by students or their parents.” (Parent-Student Handbook, page. 22)

Prom Dress Attire. The dance is formal.

Dress Code for Prom

Please adhere to the following dress code for Homecoming, and do not assume any liberties with these guidelines when you, or an invited guest, purchase dress attire for the event. All BMHS and non-BMHS guests are required to conform to these guidelines. Anyone not adhering to the guidelines WILL NOT be permitted to enter the dance, and will be sent home. If you are asked to leave Homecoming, the bid money will not be refunded, and may result in disciplinary action from the Deans. BMHS reserves the right to refuse admittance to any person not properly attired.

Gentlemen-Required to wear tuxes or suits.Ties are required unless dress shirts with a mandarin collar are worn. Dress shoes are required.MAY NOT WEAR earrings, sunglasses, hats, gloves, nor may they carry canes.

Revised as of 9/9/15Ladies-May wear two pairs of earrings in the lower lobe, but may not wear sunglasses.The length of the dress should be in accordance with the stated uniform dress code guidelines for skirts and shorts, as stated on page 32 of the BMHS Student Handbook. The dress material must be solid material throughout. Fitted dresses may not be excessively tight. Dresses should be comfortable for dancing and sitting. Neither backless nor strapless dresses are permitted. The back of the dress may not fall below mid-back. Dresses may not show a bare midriff or contain cutouts, which expose the torso (front or back). Ladies are reminded that the display of excessive cleavage is inappropriate and unbecoming.

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Just a reminder that the hotel requires that shoes remain on at all times while on the premises. Students attire should be appropriate, modest, and in good taste. All grades are welcome to attend Homecoming.


Drop-off Procedures Parents driving west on Torrance Blvd.

1. Parents driving west on Torrance Blvd., who are making a left turn, can come into the campus.2. Parents may not make a left turn into the East Parking Lot.3. Parents must drive onto the campus and continue driving until they have arrived to the designated drop-off

point located in the East Parking Lot.4. Drop-offs are prohibited in front of the school. Parents must drop-off students in the designated passenger drop-

off points located in the East Parking lot adjacent to the school. Parents will enter the East Parking Lot through the northeast entrance by the marquee.

5. The Security staff will be available to control traffic

Parents driving east on Torrance Blvd.1. Parents driving east on Torrance Blvd. cannot enter the campus. All parents driving east on Torrance Blvd.

must proceed to enter the East Parking Lot in order to drop-off their students in the designated drop-off points. Students may not be dropped-off on Torrance Blvd.

Please note that U-turns are not permitted. The only legal place to make a U-turn is on Prospect.

Exiting the East Parking Lot1. All drivers exiting the East Parking Lot must make a right turn only. Cars may not proceed onto the street until

they have stopped at the stop sign.2. Please do not merge to make a left on Henrietta, as attempting to do so will cause a delay for the other parents who are attempting to exit.

Picking-up and Dropping-off Off-Campus:All parents should pick-up and drop-off their students on-campus. To avoid the last minute rush, we encourage you to arrive before 7:30AM. The traffic flow on Torrance Blvd. is heavier after this time and may affect how quickly you are able to exit the campus. If you decide to pick-up or drop-off your students anywhere else, please refrain from picking up or dropping off your students at our neighboring businesses or residential driveways as this creates an inconvenience for our neighbors. Please respect the property of our neighbors by refraining from moving trashcans, taking property, littering, or parking or pulling into our neighbors’ driveways. Also, please make sure to drop-off your students in areas that are safe and legal. We have received many reports that there have been BMHS parents or carpools driving recklessly on Palos Verdes Boulevard and students are being dropped-off by their parents/carpool drivers illegally by the red curb zones, in front of fire hydrants or in the middle of the street. In the interest of the safety of all pedestrians and drivers and as a courtesy to our neighbors, students should be dropped-off on campus. Students whose parents fail to comply with the pick-up and drop-off procedures will be dealt with on campus. The Torrance Police Department has also been contacted and they have informed us that they will be citing drivers along Torrance Boulevard, Henrietta and Palos Verdes Boulevard. It is essential to give our neighbors the same respect and courtesy that we expect from each other on campus.

Lastly, in the interest of our students’ safety, we also would like for you to remind your children to obey all traffic and pedestrian laws. Many students are crossing the street when the signal light is yellow or red and are not using the appropriate crosswalks. We have received phone calls from parents, faculty, and residents concerned over our students’ safety. Please remind them to follow all traffic and pedestrian laws and to most of all pay attention to their surroundings.

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activities: Mrs. Milana McDermott - Dean of Student Life - ext. 273

Happy New Year from the Activities Department! I hope that you have had a blessed and joyful holiday season and wish you a very prosperous 2016.

Here are some important dates for this month:

BMHS HOBY State Leadership RepresentativesThe Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Program (HOBY) is designed to empower high school sophomores to recognize their leadership talents and apply them to become effective, ethical leaders in their home, school, and community. Students attend a three day seminar to participate in hands-on leadership activities, and explore their personal leadership skills, while learning how to lead others and make a positive impact in the community.

Congratulations to the following students who will represent Bishop Montgomery High School at the HOBY Los Angeles seminar in June:

1. Nick Fraley2. Angela Li3. Diego Lidzbarski4. Maggie Mao5. Nicole Marafino6. Kevin O’Donnell7. Markus Raad8. Carolyn Vaimoso

SHORT FLAGSJanuary starts competition season for our talented Short Flag Team. Their competition daes will be announced during morning announcements. We invite you to come support them as they represent Bishop Montgomery.

JUNIOR RINGSJosten’s will be outside of the Activities Office in January to collect ring balances and distribute rings. Please note the date and remind your student that they should not miss this opportunity to pay their balance and pick up their ring, so they have them for the Mass and Junior Ring Blessing on January 28th.

Thursday, January 28th - Jostens will collect payments and distributing rings before school and during lunch

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY“The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character.”

Current 10th, 11th, and 12th graders who meet the initial requirement of a minimum weighted, cumulative GPA of 3.75 may apply for membership in the National Honor Society. More information about Bishop Montgomery’s Chapter - organization, qualifications, and requirements - can be found under the “academics” tab on the school website

Candidate forms are due in the Activities Office by January 12, 2016. Please see Mrs. McDermott or Mrs. Reano if you have any questions.

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CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK/WINTER SPIRIT WEEKBishop Montgomery will celebrate Winter Spirit Week during Catholic Schools Week February 1st – 5th. This week will promote our Catholic identity, school spirit, recognize our winter athletic teams, and enjoy some fun activities. Everyone is looking forward to the 7th Annual Student vs. Faculty Volleyball Match on Friday, February 5th! Come out and support your favorite team! GO KNIGHTS!

AP EXAMSAll AP exam payments MUST be submitted to the student store by Friday, Feb. 19. An exam will not be ordered if the payment is not submitted.

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athletics: Mr. Eric Wood - Athletic Director - ext. 269 Mr. Ed Hodgkiss - Assistant Athletic Director - ext. 260 Mr. Arnold Ale - Assistant Athletic Director - ext. 262

The Fall Season brought more titles to BMHS. Football, Girls Tennis and Girls Volleyball all captured league championships.The Bishop Montgomery football team beat Verbum Dei 51-14 to capture the 2015 South Catholic League title. The Knights finished the regular season 9-1 overall and 3-0 in league to win their 2nd outright league title in the last six years (The Knights were tri-league champions last season). They have won at least a share of three league titles in the six years under head coach Ed Hodgkiss. The Lady Knights’ tennis team not only swept through the Del Rey League undefeated, but they wrapped up the program’s tenth consecutive league title. Three players qualified for individual CIF competition as well: Nnena Nadozie, Adela Henry and Jiu Jung.The Lady Knights’ Volleyball team completed an outstanding regular season and captured the Del Rey League Championship. This is the 24th League Title for Girls Volleyball.The Fall sports banquets were well attended with over 90% of participating athletes present.Fall Sports Distinguished athletes were: Brendan Marafino-Football – Boys recipient Jessica Seto-Girls Volleyball- Girls RecipientThe entire athletic department would also like to congratulate the 80 athletes who managed to also complete their season of sport with a 4.0 or above GPA….Their names are listed in this newsletter along with the other team award winners.Winter sports, Basketball and Soccer will begin league play in January. Congratulations to the Boys Varsity Basketball team on winning the Westchester Trevor Ariza Tip-Off Classic tournament. Ethan Thompson was named MVP of tournament. Schedule for games can be found in the back of this newsletter. Be sure to come out and support your Knights.

Go Knights!

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2015 Fall Sports Awards

Girls Tennis – VarsityMost Valuable Player - Nnena NadozieSpirit Award - Adela HenryMost Improved Player - Caroline KimJV:Most Valuable Player - Bronte BrewerMost Improved Player - An Nguyen

Girls & Boys Cross Country Varsity BoysMost Valuable Runner- David Aguilar Most Valuable Runner- Angelo Pasco Most improved-Michael Rodriguez JV Boys Future Star-Matthew CraigFuture Star -Eddie Valdovinos Girls Varsity Most Valuable Runner-Muriel Clapp Most Valuable Runner -Olivia PopeMost inspirational -Lauren Mitchell JV Girls FUTURE STARS-Alyssa Taylor FUTURE STARS -Liliana LinanGirls Volleyball – Varsity: MVP- Jessica SetoMost Improved- Courtney HallMost Inspirational- Rebecca Tapanes JV:MVP- Katherine SuttonMost Improved- Allie AmbrizFrosh:MVP- Anna QuastMost Improved- Kaila Hines Football – JV FootballKevin O’Donnell-Coaches Award Bobby Eubanks-Coaches Award

Varsity FootballOutstanding Player of the Year - Brendan Marafino Most Valuable Player of the Year - Patrick Smith Most Dynamic Player of the Year - Bryce Matthews

Male Distinguished Athlete of FallBrendan Marafino Female Distinguised Athlete of FallJessica Seto

Academic Awards

4.0 gpa for athletes Fall grades

Student Name Grade GTGPA Sport Team Totals

Abraham, Micaela 12 4.00 Tennis Tennis-11

Hong, Rachel 11 4.33 Tennis Golf-4

Jung, Jiu 12 4.00 Tennis VB-19

Nguyen, An 10 4.50 Tennis FB-14

Nguyen, Mary 10 4.17 Tennis XC-32

Brewer, Bronte 11 4.17 Tennis

Kim, Caroline 11 4.50 Tennis

Henry, Adela 11 4.33 Tennis

Choi, Ji Yun (Jenny) 11 4.67 Tennis

Galullo, Natalie 9 4.50 Tennis

Elming, Ann 9 4.00 Tennis

Fabbri, Mateo 12 4.17 Football

Garcia, Alexander 11 4.67 Football

Henry, Quinn 9 4.33 Football

Cicchini, Anthony 10 4.33 Football

Kutler, Kane 12 4.00 Football

Atienza, Leonel Victor 12 4.33 Football

O’Donnell, Kevin 10 4.67 Football

Olsen, Christian 9 4.33 Football

Vicelja, Anthony 12 4.33 Football

Some, Alexandre 9 4.33 Football

Nguyen, Eric 10 4.17 Football

Amofa, Bernard 11 4.67 Football

Carnahan, Sean 11 4.33 Football

Chavez, Frank 10 4.33 Football

LeVine, Cristina 9 4.00 Volleyball

Starkey, Brenna 10 4.33 Volleyball

Sutton, Katherine 10 4.67 Volleyball

Tapanes, Rebecca 11 4.17 Volleyball

Tassone, Kristen 9 4.50 Volleyball

Turner, Lauren 9 4.50 Volleyball

Twombley, Piper 9 4.00 Volleyball

Page 9: Parent Newsletter January 2016

Pasco, Angelo 11 4.67 XC

Peabody, Jake 9 4.00 XC

Pilon, Isabella 10 4.67 XC

Pope, Olivia 10 4.50 XC

Norambuena, Matthew9 4.67 XC

Mata, Herbert 12 4.00 XC

Mendoza, Alexis 11 4.50 XC

Mitchell, Lauren 12 4.17 XC

Lopez, Victoria 9 4.00 XC

Arce, Christopher 11 4.33 XC

Bazan, Jonathan 12 4.00 XC

Blood, Shannon 10 4.67 XC

Buenabad, Brianna 11 4.50 XC

Buenabad, Danielle 9 4.33 XC

Cabillon, Mason 9 4.33 XC

Higa, Skye 9 4.33 XC

Kall, Brennan 10 4.00 XC

Clapp, Muriel 11 4.17 XC

Craig, Matthew 9 4.50 XC

Escoto, Jolean 9 4.00 XC

Aki, Lucy Ma 9 4.17 Golf

Leoncio, Anna 12 4.17 Golf

Bali, Kaitlyn 9 4.50 Golf

Behm, Carolina 11 4.00 Golf

Quast, Anna 10 4.57 Volleyball

Reynolds, Madison 11 4.67 Volleyball

Seto, Jessica 12 4.33 Volleyball

Mansilla, Andrea 10 4.50 Volleyball

Miyamoto, Katie 9 4.50 Volleyball

Belandres, Eloise 9 4.33 Volleyball

Checchi, Nicole 9 4.17 Volleyball

Garunkstis, Julija 10 4.67 Volleyball

Hall, Courtney 11 4.00 Volleyball

Hall, Madison 9 4.33 Volleyball

Hishinuma, Natsuki 11 4.50 Volleyball

Costa, Joselle 9 4.17 Volleyball

Abad, Marykate 9 4.33 XC

Valdovinos, Michael 9 4.17 XC

Verduzco, Ariana 11 4.33 XC

Vicelja, Allison 10 4.67 XC

Taylor, Alyssa 10 4.33 XC

Tiedemann, Hannah 9 4.50 XC

Smet, Catherine 11 4.33 XC

Smet, Michael 11 4.40 XC

Smit, Isabella 11 4.00 XC

Rodriguez, Michael 10 4.00 XC

Rupp, Alec 11 4.17 XC

Rupp, Annaliese 9 4.50 XC

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develoPment: Mr. Andy Marafino - Director of Development and Alumni - ext. 246 Mrs. Amy Traxler - Assistant to the Director of Development and Public Relations - ext. 249

Queen of Angels Tuition Assistance FundBy now, all of you should have received Ms. Libbon’s letter regarding The Queen of Angels Tuition Assistance Fund. We are touched by the support and generosity many of you have shown so far this year. If you have not already done so, we ask that you consider making a gift of $100 to this fund. However, any gift that you are comfortable making is a blessing and will make an impact in the lives of our students.

You can return your gift in the blue envelope provided in Ms. Libbon’s letter or you can make a secure gift online at by clicking the “Give Now” button on the right side of the home page.

As always, all gifts to Bishop Montgomery are tax-deductible as we are a 501 (c)(3) organization.

ALUMNI PARENTSYou may not be receiving our magazine, Veritas. If you do not receive Veritas or know of fellow alumni who does not, please contact the Development Office so that we may update our database. Please call 540-2021 ext. 246 or e-mail: [email protected].

TARGETDo you have their REDcard? Support BMHS by simply shopping at Target or and use your REDcard. Visit and register your card and support BMHS. The Bishop Montgomery High School code is 2783. Through their Take Charge of Education program, Target will donate 1% of every purchase back to the school!

AMAZON SMILEWho doesn’t love Now you can support Bishop Montgomery each time you shop at Amazon. Go to and login with your Amazon account information. Type in “Bishop Montgomery High School” when prompted to select a charitable organization. On the next page, click “select” and you are ready to shop and support BMHS. Amazon will donate .5% of every purchase back to BMHS!

OFFICIAL BISHOP MONTGOMERY APPARELAre you looking for some cool Bishop Montgomery gear for you or your kids? The official Bishop Montgomery online store has many great items and styles available for adults and kids. Visit and click on the link in the bottom right-hand corner of any page to purchase t-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, shorts and more! 20% or every purchase comes back to BMHS.

SUPPORT OUR CORPORATE SPONSORSBMHS is proud to be associated with businesses, corporations, and community members who support our school in so many ways. Information on our corporate sponsors and how to become a corporate sponsor is available at by clicking on “Support BMHS” in the upper right corner of the website.

We would like to specifically thank Rob McGarry (Class of 1991) of Sotheby’s International Realty for his support of BMHS. Visit his website, for more information.

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PerForming arts: Mr. Eric Hankey - Instrumental and Vocal Music Director

Bishop Montgomery High School “Knight” Music Departmentincluding Knight Band and Guard, Jazz Band, Drumline, Music Ministry, Music Production, and Video Production

BMHS Knight Band & Guard in OneLife LA Rally The Knight Band & Guard will again be joining the Los Angeles Catholic Schools Band in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ second annual “OneLife LA” rally in downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, January 23, 2016 at noon – watch for them on TV!

Congratulations to 2016 Knight Band Leaders!Upper Winds Section Leader - Kenneth DixonTrumpet Section Leader - Margarita Herrera

Lower Winds Section Leader - Jordan BellFront Ensemble & Rhythm Section Leader - Christopher Leeds

Drumline Captain - Jeremiah DeomanoSnare Section Leader - Ryanna Ginger

Tenor Section Leader - Joshua EbelBass Section Leader - Sebastien FernandezJazz Combo Leader - Jeremiah Deomano

Band Manager - Cameron RiversDrum Majors & Conductors - Rebecca Martin and Kalina Poprac

“Road To Rome” Fundraising for the Spring 2016 Music Tour to Italy Thank you all for your very generous support of all of the Music Booster Club’s fundraising efforts, especially for the huge outpouring of support at the Knight Of A Thousand Talents on Saturday, November 7th! To date, over $10,000 has been raised toward the cost of the student performers’ trips, and we couldn’t have done it without you. Grazie!

Winter / Spring EnsemblesWind Ensemble, Jazz Band, Jazz Combo, Indoor Drumline, and Winter Guard are

all in full swing now – watch for more information on upcoming performances.

“Knight Music” Booster Club The “Knight Music” Booster Club represents the Band, Jazz Band, Drumline, Music Production, Video Production, and Music Ministry. Their meetings are usually on the same Monday nights as Athletic Booster Club and Mother’s Club, at 6:00 pm in room 318 – additional meetings are scheduled as needed. Please join them to help keep the many projects they organize rolling.

We’re always practicing, planning, and organizing, including school concerts, local performances, competitions, parades, tours, and lots of other important things – come on in any day before or after school, 6:30 am - 3:30pm (although we’re often there earlier and later.) To get in touch with Mr. Hankey, please call the school, or email at [email protected].

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technology: John Hong - Technology Committee Chair - ext. 276 Brian Adams - Technology Curriculum Integration Specialist - ext. 272

Bishop Montgomery High School received a donation from All Life Charities in the amount of $60,000. Diane Baaden (Dieter)‘88 and Mike Baaden ‘82, made the donation on behalf of their late parents, Frank and Kathy Dieter. Kathy was a long time employee at Bishop Montgomery and worked in our bookstore. Frank was a deacon at St. Lawrence Mar-tyr parish in Redondo Beach and also helped organize the annual Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas adopt-a-family donations at Bishop Montgomery. This donation will go towards renovating our school’s library. We thank All Life Chari-ties and the Dieter family for their continued support to Bishop Montgomery High School.

Yearbook:Don’t forget to pre-order your yearbook! You can pre-order the yearbook until the February tuition deadline. After Feb-ruary, the yearbook price increases and you aren’t guaranteed a book!

Yearbook senior ads have been extended to January 29th. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to congratulate your se-nior. Senior Ad packets are on our school’s website. Please follow the directions in the packet. You can also create and pay for an ad online. Follow the directions on the flyer on the next page.

If you have any questions or concerns please email the Yearbook Advisor, Mr. Hong, at [email protected].

PRICES/SIZES: BLACK & WHITE Black and white ads are available in the following sizes for the prices shown:LATE PRICINGDue: FRI, JAN 29¼ page: $250 ½ page: $300full page: $400

PRICES/SIZES: COLOR ADSColor ads are available in the following sizes for the prices shown:LATE PRICING Due: FRI, JAN 29¼ page: $300½ page: $400full page: $500

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Important information about yearbook ads• Our school reserves the right to edit ads per our guidelines.

• We retain the right to remove any explicit text, graphic photos or copyright-protected imagery or photos.

• For the ad to appear in the yearbook, your ad must be purchased by the order deadline.

• Color photographs uploaded for black-and-white ads will appear in black and white.

• We will make every effort to use your layout and text as indicated. A proof will not be provided and no changes can be made after purchase.

It’s easy! Create your ad online

1. Choose your ad size and layout.2. Enter your text.3. Upload your photos.

Ad Pricing:

Celebrate your student’s milestone.

Frequently asked questionsHow are the ad prices determined and what is the money used for?Ad prices are determined by our school. The revenue from Recognition Ads helps support our yearbook and keep it affordable for everyone.

How is the ad deadline determined?The ad deadline is set by our school based on the production schedule for the yearbook.

What should I say in my ad?The most effective ads reflect a balance between words and pictures. Ad text can consist of personal messages, inspiring quotations and/or passages from poetry. If you would like to see samples of the messages used in other ads, visit our website

Can I send my materials to the school?No, please do not send your materials to our school. Our school has selected Jostens to assist with our ad program. Please call our customer service number (800-358-0800) if you have questions or need assistance in creating your ad.

More questions? Call Jostens at (800) 358-0800.

Order your Yearbook Ad today!Bishop Montgomery High School

Deadline: 1/29/2016

Dear Parent or Student,Yearbook recognition ads are a great way for parents, families and friends to commemorate student achievements andimportant milestones. In addition, revenues from recognition ads help our school to create a better yearbook. To purchaseyour ad online, follow the instructions on the form below. Jostens is managing your school's yearbook ad sales so pleasedo not contact or send materials to the school. Please take into account our school's ad content guidelines on the bottomof this form during the creation of your ad online. All ad orders must be placed online by 1/29/2016.Sincerely,Yearbook Staff

Ad Size Black & White Color1/4 Page $250.00 $300.001/2 Page $300.00 $400.00Full Page $400.00 $500.00

Your school has issued the following guidelines surrounding recognition ad content:Our school reserves the right to edit ads per our guidelines. Please make sure all submitted materials areappropriate for school publication.

Page 14: Parent Newsletter January 2016


PAST DUE ACCOUNTSTuition accounts must be current by December 30, 2015 in order for your student to return to school 2nd semester. Please contact the Tuition office at 310.540.2021 ext. 225 if you have any questions. The Tuition office will be open from 9-2 during the Christmas Holidays.

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR 2016-2017The deadline for BMHS financial assistance is Thursday, January 14, 2016. Please refer to the BMHS website for Additional information or call the tuition office at 310-540-2021 X225

YEARBOOKSYearbooks are available to pre-purchase until the end of February 2016.


Graduation for the Class of 2016 will be held on Friday, May 27 in Knight Stadium. Admission to the ceremony will be by ticket only, and each graduating senior will receive seven tickets. These tickets will be distributed at graduation practice in May. Questions? Please email Dione Dierks at [email protected].

Gardena Bus students taking line 3….The City of Gardena’s GTrans will be going through a service change taking effect on January 3, 2016. This service change will change the time BMHS students currently take the GTrans Line 3 school trippers in the morning to attend school; the buses will be leaving their origin points 7-9 minutes earlier in order to better accommodate students arriving to school on time. We plan to distribute service change announcements on the school trippers at the end of next week. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your time,Jordan A. Miles Administrative Analyst II City of Gardena’s GTrans [email protected]

Page 15: Parent Newsletter January 2016


Refreshments provided by the Freshman Moms!

“Christmas Around the World” ~ Christmas Luncheon & Craft Fair Highlights! See more on FACEBOOK at “BMHS MOTHERS CLUB”

We will begin 2016 with our Student Appriciation Day on February 5, 2016. Let’s start the New Year together and make 2016 a BMHS year to remember.


Page 16: Parent Newsletter January 2016

WELCOME TO THE 2015-2016 BMHS Booster Club. The BMHS Booster Club is designed to provide support for all BMHS athletic programs. This is a great opportunity to consider joining the BMHS Booster Club. Membership is open to all BMHS families, not just those with student-athletes!! Members of the Booster Club volunteer their time at many athletic functions and provide support to the Athletic Director, Coaches, and Student-Athletes. Whether you are a NEW Bishop parent or a returning seasoned BMHS parent please plan on attending our monthly meetings. Please join us for the January meeting on Monday, January 25th and the February meeting on February 22nd. Both meetings @ 6:30 BMHS Library.


-Opportunity to fulfill your Parent StudentInvolvement (PSI) commitment hours byvolunteering through the Booster Club.-Great way to give back to our school andenjoy BMHS sports!

-Great opportunity to meet other families atBMHS.

January 2016

Board Members:President- Scharmel Watanabe Vice President- Susan Farr Treasurer- Marilisa Bernas

Membership- Gay DeRushaMerchandise and 50/50 Coordinators- Jeff /Susie FraleySnack Bar Coordinators- Gina Cicchini/Patty SchiappaBMHS Athletic Director- Eric Wood

Secretary- Susie Fraley

New Booster Athletic Gear and Sport Decals available at the merchandise table at home basketball games. Also available at Student Store.

Join in on the 50/50 raffle. Raffle Tickets sold during home basketball games. Winners are announced at the start of 3rd quarter.

Support the Snack Bar during Home Games.

Membership Application Forms will be available at merchandise table. All Sports Pass Individual or Family Pass will be ready for pick up.

New Booster Merchandise Makes Great Gifts!!

Booster Club Membership Benefits

-Entrance to ALL Home GamesBooster Club supported the following 2015/2016 sports equipment:

Titleist Golf Bags- $ 1,689 Baseball Padded Backstop- $1,608 Baseball Batting Cage Net- $717

Booster Members at Merchandise & 50/50 Table

Page 17: Parent Newsletter January 2016

DRIVER’S EDUCATION - 2016Tuesdays – Wednesdays – Thursdays

(2:15 – 3:35)

START: March 8 (Tuesday)

END: May 12 (Thursday)

24 Total Days

NO CLASS: Wednesday, March 23 (Easter Vacation) Thursday, March 24 (Easter Vacation) Tuesday, March 29 (Easter Vacation) Wednesday, March 30 (Easter Vacation) Thursday, March 31 (Easter Vacation) Tuesday, April 5 (Easter Vacation)

PRICE: $200.00

Textbook: $39.00 plus shipping (Books must be ordered no later than Feb. 13)

REGISTRATION: Begins in the Student Store – February 2, 2016

Page 18: Parent Newsletter January 2016
Page 19: Parent Newsletter January 2016

Sun Mon

Tue Wed

Thu Fri


1 Tuition Due


Year’s D



3 4

5 6 p. 1 #2 8:45am

Classes Resum

e 7 p. 6 8

p. 5 #4 Curriculum

Mtg. 1:00pm



10 11 p. 4 #2 7:45 Fac. M

tg. 8:45 Start

12 p. 3 8:00am

Acad. Rev. Board


S Apps D


13 p. 2 D

enim D

ay 4th pd. Repeat—

“Safe Environm

ent” presentation (G


14 p. 1 N

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9th grade apps due

15 p. 6 #4 M

idyear repts/transcript req. due College tour paym

ent deadline Curriculum

Mtg. 1:00pm


16 Kaplan Practice Test

17 18 M

artin Luther King Jr. D

ay School H


19 p. 5 Sr. V

alentine grams until 2/4

20 p. 4,5,6 #5 8:00am

Curr. Comm

. Mtg.

Improv @


21 p. 1,2,3 #5 8:00am

Dept. M

tg. 22 p. 3 #4 G

rade Updates D

ue to VP

Last day for class changes

23 8:00am



igh School Placement



24 25 p. 2 6:00pm

Band Bst. Mtg.—


. 316 6:30pm

Ath. Bst. M


7:00pm M

others’ Club M

tg.—Fac. Ctr. 26

p. 1

27 p. 6 D

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ay 7:00pm

Financial Aid w

kshp.(sr. only Retreat Ctr.)

28 p. 5 Jostens Jr. ring delivery

29 p. 4 30


January 2016

Inservice—Student H


Lab Days 8:45am


CSF sign-ups

CSF sign-ups










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