parish profile of all saints, biddenden and st. michael

Parish Profile of All Saints, Biddenden and St. Michael, the Archangel, Smarden

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Page 1: Parish Profile of All Saints, Biddenden and St. Michael

Parish Profile of All Saints, Biddenden


St. Michael, the Archangel, Smarden

Page 2: Parish Profile of All Saints, Biddenden and St. Michael



Introducing ourselves 2

Our Villages 4

Biddenden 5

Smarden 8

Who are we looking for? 12

What we are looking for: 15

What we can offer 16

Appendices 17

Finances for the last five years 17

Attendance figures 18

- Weddings

- Baptisms

- Funerals

Page 3: Parish Profile of All Saints, Biddenden and St. Michael


Introducing ourselves

Within the benefice of Biddenden and Smarden are two individual churches,

each with their own churchwardens, PCCs, treasurers and fundraising groups.

We are lucky to have a parish administrator who looks after both our churches,

supporting the incumbent, churchwardens and the lay team. We have a

dedicated ‘cabin’ that is used as our parish office and is a space for the

incumbent to talk to people and have small meetings; this is conveniently

situated within the rectory gardens.

Both churches also have active ‘Friends groups’ that work to provide much

needed funds for the fabric of the churches, which helps to ensure that our

historical buildings are maintained, we hope, for many generations to come.

There are parish magazines in each of the parishes and these are a good source

of communication both within the church and for the wider community. The

Biddenden magazine is distributed to every house within the parish four times

a year, at no cost!

Educationally, there is a primary school in each village: John Mayne Church of

England Primary School in Biddenden and Smarden Primary School. Both of

them have good links with the churches and use the church for services

throughout the year. Biddenden school has had assemblies taken by members

of the church, and we hope that this will restart when we are allowed to enter

the school again. There is an opportunity to strengthen and expand the links

we have with the schools in both villages, as we believe that the church needs

to engage with young families.

During the last year of change due to Covid, we have drawn together in a more

cohesive and improved way, and, with the interregnum, we have worked to

keep our churches alive, using Zoom for Sunday services, coffee call ins, daily

prayer sessions and church meetings. Moving forward, we are keen to learn

from this, explore different forms of worship and see how we might ensure

that people still feel connected to the church even if they are unable to attend

in person.

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We are also part of a group of churches with the benefice of Bethersden, High

Halden and Woodchurch. We supported them during their recent

interregnum, creating new friendships and fellowship links. A daily online

Morning Prayer group started in early April 2019 continues. More recently

their new incumbent has reciprocated that support of the church group by

leading services where needed.

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Our Villages

The benefice lies to the west of Ashford, east of Tunbridge Wells, south of

Maidstone and north of Hastings, and is about an hour south-west of

Canterbury. The ancient coastal town of Rye, bordering the south of the

Romney Marsh, is just 16 miles away. There are good transport connections:

Ashford International Station, with fast connections to Europe and London is

13 miles away, and our local Headcorn Station runs half-hourly trains to

London and Canterbury. The nearest large airport is Gatwick and London City is

also easily accessible.

Both churches are lucky enough to have a brilliant local organist, a choir, a

church welcome team, active bell ringing cohorts and a Friends of Biddenden

Church (FAB) and Friends of Smarden Church (FOSC).

Biddenden Rectory, built in the 1950s, nestles at the corner of the High Street,

a stone’s throw from the church through the lychgate. It is a 5-bedroomed

property with a generous garden. On the left of the driveway is a wooden

cabin which houses the benefice office, in which the parish administrator


On a day of reflection a few years ago the benefice adopted the shared vision

to be a “church without walls” and both churches reach out to their

communities in various ways in support of that objective.

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The village of Biddenden - once just a den or small clearing in the Saxon

Andredsweald - has a popular church primary school in the High Street, named

after local benefactor John Mayne, and is in the catchment area of two

comprehensive schools and Cranbrook Grammar School, with several private

schools in the locality. As well as a friendly well-stocked corner shop in the

village, there is a good choice of larger supermarkets a short drive away. An

hourly bus service connects the village from Maidstone to nearby Tenterden,

and there is a village-based taxi service.

Latticed windowed Flemish weavers’ cottages stretch the full length of the

High Street, and on the village green, near the local pub and some of our many

eateries, stands an attractive sign depicting the legendary Biddenden Maids.

Biddenden benefits from a number of active small businesses and the award

winning Biddenden Vineyards is on our doorstep. Biddenden is a lively village

and has a wide range of clubs and classes and community events which take

place in one of our two village halls. There is an active parish council which has

hosted extra support meetings during the pandemic, a social and

entertainment committee, a footpath group and a Neighbourhood Watch

scheme. There are excellent sports facilities at the Gordon Jones Playing Fields,

including children’s recreation area, squash, tennis, football and bowls.

Bordering this is the Millennium Field which is a popular place for walking. A

strong sense of community awareness is reflected in a well-orchestrated

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Facebook page which is a testimony to Biddenden’s beating heart, good

humour and concern for the welfare of others. An alternative paper voice is

the monthly Biddenden Parish Magazine which publishes a wide range of local

news and reports. The church of All Saints dominates the skyline as you

approach Biddenden on the A262 from Sissinghurst and stands at the heart of

the village. This 700-year-old place of worship, with many ancient features, is

peppered with a dynamic history of religious upheaval, extravagant

philanthropy, martyrdom and legendary personalities.

In our outreach to the community via coffee meetings, Lent Charity soup, a

‘Christmas Cheer’ project and annual fund-raising events, we embrace that

“church without walls” vision. We host an extremely successful Flower Festival

and Plant Stall in the spring, a village fête in July and the ‘Big Breakfast’ in early

November raises funds for the church whilst bringing the church and

community together over eggs, bacon and beans!

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Another ‘den’, the earliest known date for Smarden is 1205, when Adam de

Essex became the Rector of the parish. A vibrant woollen industry developed

over the following centuries, and this was recognised by the granting of a Royal

Charter, permitting a weekly market and an annual fair. A copy of the Charter

hangs in the parish church, and the spirit of the Charter lives on today.

Smarden today is certainly a vibrant, caring community with lots to offer, and

with a strong community spirit, recognised in 2008 as the South East of

England ‘Village of the Year’. It is set in a delightful landscape, with the River

Beult, Dering Woods, and numerous footpaths and open spaces.

The village has a Primary School, a Pre-school, and a Toddlers Group. While not

a Church of England school, the church has close links with the school, taking

assemblies as well as holding key annual services in the church.

Like Biddenden, there are all the large supermarkets in easy reach, as well as

other shopping in Tenterden, Ashford, including the Outlet Centre and

Canterbury. With a butcher, a new and hugely successful Community Shop and

Post Office, the popular West End Gallery and local family-run garage, there is

no real need to leave the village for most daily needs. Smarden also boasts

three great pubs.

The church is one of the many active organisations in the village. A monthly

Parish Magazine, produced by the church, keeps everyone up to date with

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what is going on and, in normal times, is full of activities throughout the year.

This includes the bi-annual Christmas Tree Festival in the church which is

supported by many local organisations and families and draws people from far

and wide. The church also has close links with Zion Chapel in the village. Along

with the Smarden Branch of the Royal British Legion, Zion Chapel supports the

Remembrance Sunday service at the church and they also contribute to our

Carol Service. Major commemorative events, such as Jubilees, have also seen

the church and Zion working together on services that are usually held in the

larger Smarden church.

The church itself sits at the end of ‘The Street’, framed by a myriad of old

houses and cottages and can be seen from the many footpaths that provide

walks in the surrounding countryside and along the River Beult, which flows

past the village. Known as the ‘Barn of Kent’, due to its large unsupported

nave, there is a fine oak scissor beam roof and the lack of pillars makes it an

adaptable space with plenty of opportunity. The church was rewired in 2016

and new lighting installed that is in keeping with the history of the church

while also utilising modern technology.

The lighting project was one of the many things funded by the Friends of

Smarden Church, who support the fabric of the building. They are equally keen

and willing to support small and large projects as they are to help with day-to-

day repairs and maintenance. They hold popular village events including the

annual Pancake Party, a croquet afternoon and bi-annual open gardens. The

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church also has its own events, the most memorable in recent times being a

‘Wine Call my Bluff’, and plays host to concerts at various points in the year.

Smarden Charter Hall, opened in 2007, is our very busy community centre,

used by most village organisations and activities.

There is also a great new sports pavilion, which helps maintain and develop

sports clubs and facilities in the village. This includes adult and junior football,

adult and junior cricket, tennis, and a skate park.

For those wanting to know more about the village and its history, the Smarden

Heritage Centre, housed in the Charter Hall, has activities and archive

collections available for anyone with an interest in Smarden's rich past. The

archive consists of original and digital historical material relating to Smarden's

history, its society and architecture.

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This is our version of Messy Church. It falls somewhere between Family Worship, Sunday School, and the modern Messy Church. Held on the third Sunday of the month at 10.30am, it is a gathering of younger children and families. Revolving around one bible story, we start with 3 or 4 activities connected to the story. These may include activities such as painting, cutting out fish or locating places on a map. Then we come together to share in a story, songs, and prayer.

It is held in the more suitable Smarden Church and is a benefice venture

supported by families from both churches.

This is not just an important first Christian contact for young children but, in some instances, it can be the first contact parents have had in some time and provide a valuable re-introduction. We have a good core of welcoming and inclusive families that have kept Active Church going on Zoom through the pandemic and on through the interregnum and, with two primary schools and many families in the area, there is tremendous scope to grow and expand this offering. This part of our church is simply bursting with potential and we look forward to supporting our new priest in trying new or innovative ways to connect with those who may not have been to church before and fostering a culture of inclusiveness across all forms of worship.

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Who are we looking for?

We are looking for a person who has heard God’s call to work with us. We are

looking for a person to lead, grow and encourage our parishes now and in the

future on our spiritual pathways with compassion, understanding and


There are many qualities necessary in a parish priest but when we asked our

PCC members for the qualities and characteristics they would welcome in our

new priest the following word cloud captures what they said.

Our mission plan is to be open and accessible to all and we are looking to

develop this with our new priest, linking in with the diocesan strategy of

Changed Lives → Changing Lives (click here for more information). This is

important for the use of our buildings but, far more importantly, our

worshipping community: a plan that can change and grow with the ever-

changing challenges of our parishes.

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Our usual Sunday attendance is regular but not, at present, growing. However,

we have wide and diverse ways of worshipping including prayer groups, bible

discussion groups, and church choir, bell ringers in both churches, a small but

strong lay worship team and fundraising groups. For younger families we have

a small but faithful group that meets monthly for Active Church. We also have

two PCCs that work hard for the spiritual and practical needs of their

respective churches. We are willing and keen to try new ideas and forms of

worship, while at the same time maintaining respect for the strong and

continuing desire for more traditional worship. Our new priest would be

supported in exploring and developing this further.

With significant numbers of new houses going up in both villages, we would

love to find ways of welcoming the newcomers into the life of the church,

growing our congregations and presence within the communities.

The churches are a very important part of their respective communities and we

would welcome someone who would also want to join in with village life; as

we have highlighted, there is lots to see and do within both villages.

Even though we are a benefice with a long history of separate services, we

have proved during the recent pandemic that there is room for more joined up

working and worshipping. This new cooperation of working together is

something that we would like to continue and grow within the benefice as well

as across the group.

We have beautiful church buildings that we and everyone who visits

appreciates, but we are reminded that the upkeep and care of these buildings

is a responsibility that has increased costs and time. We need to ensure that,

as per the deanery report, we do not put these issues at the forefront of the

church and that ‘we seek to create a culture of mission, teaching and social

outreach within the deanery’. This is sometimes a difficult task but we look to

have a priest who can show us how to focus on the spirituality of faith through

their own leadership, pastoral care and prayer.

We believe that our church should be a ‘church without walls’ both physically

and spiritually – we want to be open and accessible to all people, all ages,

cultures and backgrounds. We want our church to be a welcoming and inviting

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space, for people to visit, pray and use in different ways but we also want to

reach out beyond our buildings.

We have a strong commitment to paying our full parish share and are proud

that we have continued to do so through all the difficult times, especially over

the last year with no fund raising or social events being held. We are now

ready to move into an exciting new phase for our benefice and look forward to

welcoming a new priest to join us on that journey.

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What we are looking for:

Below is a list of characteristics we would like to see in a priest looking to lead

our churches:

Spirituality – to lead, guide and enable us to grow in our faith, be ambitious in

our growth and in our communal prayer life.

Good communicator – to work with us as a Christian community, to guide us

and to help to be the voice of the church within our villages.

Team Player – we already have a good team of people working for the ministry

of our parishes. As that ministry is something for all of us to share in, we need

a priest who is comfortable enabling others and exploring how best we can all

share in the Church’s mission.

Demonstrates good pastoral care – to support us in good times and the more

difficult times, to be a ‘listening’ ear and reach out to all members of our


Worship – to be able to lead us in our worship, work with the lay team and

encourage us to explore new forms of worship.

Families and young people – to explore new ways of inviting families into our

church, whilst working with the small, but dedicated team that already lead

Active Church. To look at how we can engage and encourage young people to

be part of the church, recognizing that we may need to look at different ways

of worship to achieve this and to engage in our village schools.

Technical abilities – is open to building on the virtual way of worship that we

have been engaging with, to be able to move forward in this new way of

communication and join us in our newfound presence in the 21st Century!

Approachability – we recognize that being a parish priest is at times a difficult

and demanding job, but we feel that being a person who is approachable and

has a sense of humour is important and leads to a harmonious and happy


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What we can offer

Welcome and support – we want to support and work with our new parish

priest and ensure that you and your family feel welcome in our communities.

Open minds and willingness – Churchwardens, PCCs, lay worship team and the

congregation are willing and excited at the thought of working with a new

priest, building on our successes and embracing new opportunities as we

develop our collective ministry and mission together. We will support you in

your work both within the benefice and within the wider deanery and diocese.

We are praying that the right person will hear God’s call to come and work

here with us in Biddenden and Smarden. If you feel this is you then we would

love to hear from you, so please do apply.

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Income Expenditure Parish Share Parish Share Paid

Funds drawn down

2016 48,444 54,341 28,270 28,270 5,000

2017 55,409 55,417 28,811 28,811 -

2018 69,807 60,602 29,388 29,388 -

2019 55,763 58,892 30,417 30,417 -

2020 56,401 56,945 30,934 30,934 -

Biddenden Finances

Income Expenditure Parish Share Parish Share Paid

Funds drawn down

2016 65313 67303 37089 37089

2017 67303 66653 37741 37741

2018 85771 81934 38871 38871

2019 74351 75739 40231 40231 5,137

2020 72275 78736 40916 40916

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Attendance Figures

Usual Sunday attendance 2017 2018 2019

Biddenden Adults Children

36 1

33 0

34 0

Smarden Adults Children

28 0

29 0

30 1

Average weekly attendance 2017 2018 2019

Biddenden Adults Children


44 4.3


46.3 2


56.5 1.5 58


Adults Children


32 4.3


52.8 9.3


41.5 7


Christmas 2017 2018 2019

Biddenden 330 293 301

Smarden 368 215 273

Baptisms 2017 2018 2019

Biddenden 8 4 6

Smarden 4 7 7


Biddenden 7 3 3

Smarden 4 6 4


Biddenden 15 9 8

Smarden 4 11 3

Easter 2017 2018 2019

Biddenden 119 75 72

Smarden 95 80 82

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