part i - information about the school · 1. sman 1 muara bungo( senior high school ) 2. sman 3...

1 PART I - Information About The School 1. School Name : SMAN 2 PELEPAT ILIR ( State High School PELEPAT ILIR) Address : State Senior High School Pelepat Ilir, Duku Street, Lingga Kuamang Village, pelepat Ilir Distric , Bungo Residence , Jambi Province, Indonesia . 2. Brief Information About The School Education Level : Grade 10 to 12 Number of teachers : 22 Number of students : 244 3. Contact Details of The Coordinator School Principal : Mr. Uud Hudaya E Mail : (1). [email protected] (2). [email protected] Coordinator Programme : 1. Mr Pujiadi Khairul Anam ( chairman of Independent Adiwiyata Programme ) 2. Mr As’at ( Chairman Coordinator of Saving Energy Task Force) 3. Mr Aprizal ( Chairman of School committee , internal supervisor ) 4. Mrs Rika Oktavia (Jambi Province Environment Body, supervisor ) 5. Mrs Eka (Bungo Residence Environment Body, supervisor ) 6. Chairman : Andi Setiono (dents Chief Scout Bantara SMAN 2 Pelepat Ilir) 7. Secretary : Taufik Hidayat (Student) 8. Treasurer : Fika Puspita sari (Student) 9. Members : All Management Class ( 20 members) Part II – Information About The School’s Programme 4. Title Of The School Programme School Programme : “ Saving Energy Through Independent Adiwiyata (Adiwiyata Mandiri) As The Education Of Sustainable Development (ESD) Programme” 5. Summary of The Programme Saving energy programme can not be separated from adiwiyata program ( green school ), because one part of adiwiyata effort is saving in electricity, water, and office stasionery. To ensure the effectiveness of saving energy programme that is included in Adiwiyata Program, the Adwiyata Team forms Saving Energy Special Task Force . The Saving Energy task force consists of several teachers, school

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PART I - Information About The School

1. School Name : SMAN 2 PELEPAT ILIR ( State High School PELEPAT ILIR)

Address : State Senior High School Pelepat Ilir, Duku Street, Lingga Kuamang

Village, pelepat Ilir Distric , Bungo Residence , Jambi Province, Indonesia .

2. Brief Information About The School

Education Level : Grade 10 to 12

Number of teachers : 22

Number of students : 244

3. Contact Details of The Coordinator

School Principal : Mr. Uud Hudaya

E Mail : (1). [email protected] (2). [email protected]

Coordinator Programme :

1. Mr Pujiadi Khairul Anam ( chairman of Independent Adiwiyata Programme ) 2. Mr As’at ( Chairman Coordinator of Saving Energy Task Force) 3. Mr Aprizal ( Chairman of School committee , internal supervisor ) 4. Mrs Rika Oktavia (Jambi Province Environment Body, supervisor ) 5. Mrs Eka (Bungo Residence Environment Body, supervisor ) 6. Chairman : Andi Setiono (dents Chief Scout Bantara SMAN 2 Pelepat Ilir) 7. Secretary : Taufik Hidayat (Student) 8. Treasurer : Fika Puspita sari (Student) 9. Members : All Management Class ( 20 members)

Part II – Information About The School’s Programme

4. Title Of The School Programme

School Programme :

“ Saving Energy Through Independent Adiwiyata (Adiwiyata Mandiri) As The Education Of Sustainable Development (ESD) Programme”

5. Summary of The Programme Saving energy programme can not be separated from adiwiyata program ( green school ), because one part of adiwiyata effort is saving in electricity, water, and office stasionery. To ensure the effectiveness of saving energy programme that is included in Adiwiyata Program, the Adwiyata Team forms Saving Energy Special Task Force . The Saving Energy task force consists of several teachers, school


workers, school committee , and the students with special duty to guard the Saving Energy Standard Operating Procedure. Envolving the students in this team aims to get the real responsibility all the students in saving energy program . The saving energy program is also impelemented directly in Physic lesson’s teaching learning activities and indirectly in other lessons. The Saving energy also clearly written in Adiwiyata Yell to internalize the students in saving energy education. This program as a part of adiwiyata program is supervised and evaluated by residence and province environment body ( BLHD ) and also verified by forest and environment ministery officer. By including Saving anergy in adiwiyata program, the saving energy issues can be more spreaded and disseminated through independent adiwiyata program in Adiwiyata Sharing Programme for more than ten other schools. School Saving energy programme can avoide the school from deficit in school budget. The SMAN 2 Pelepat ilir’s Electricity Bill Payment is only 2,4 % from the total of school budget. The saving energy programme that is integrated in adiwiyata programme can be more sustainable as multiyears programme because the adiwiyata programme hold in year to year stage and predicate from residence stage adiwiyata , province stage adiwiyata , national stage adiwiyata , and independent adiwiyata and the programme may be longer till ASEAN Eco School Programme stage.

6. Back ground Information :

A. As adiwiyata school, SMAN 2 Pelepat Ilir should promote and implement saving electricity, water, dan office stationary since the adiwiyata program impelemented in early of 2014 based on the Forest and Invirenment Ministery regulation on the Adiwiyata Guidance ;

B. Education of Sustainable Development in saving energy is not only in champagne effort by making stiker printing at all classes/office for saving energy but it has been tought in adiwiyata program through integrasioan of Invironment Education in teaching learning in minimum for 7 lessons and expecially in physic subject lesson.

C. Cost for Electricity bill is expensive but the allocation cost for that is limited. So, the school has rasionalize the useage of electricity in scale priority and replace the waste energy electric devices with the more saving energy devices. This energy saving effort is more urgent for the school after the shool deficit budget during 2014-2015 school years.

D. As State High School, SMAN 2 Pelepat Ilir should follows and implements The Ministery of Energy and natural resources regulation number 13/2012 in saving energy .


7. Objectives /Gouls Of The Programme

The objective of Saving Energy Programme as part of Independent Adiwiyata

Programme are :

a. to follow Energy and Mineral Resources Ministery Regulation on Saving Energy;

b. to follow environment and forestry ministery regulation on Adiwiyata program

that one of the adiwiyata program is an attempt for saving electricity, water and

office stationery

c. to Change the mindset of teachers and students for energy saving and

environmental friendly

d. to make an efficiency of energy useage, so that the school can be avoided from

deficit in school budget.

e. to disseminate and making multiply benefits effects of the program through

the sharing adiwiyata program including energy saving program for more than

10-15other schools.

8. Period Of Implementation :

Adiwiyata Program has been held from 2014 till 2016, as multiyears or sustaibale program in adiwiyat programme.

The Adiwiyata can be called sustainable program because the are many stages of

adiwiyata predicates through year to year phases. At The first, the school enters the

pioneering residence adiwiyata, then as residence adiwiyata sertificate ,and then as

pioneering province adiwiyata, and be as adiwiyata province school with governor’s

adiwiyata sertificate , and the enters as national adiwiyata school with ministery

sertificate that is signed by two ministeries: educatian –culture and environment –

forest ministeries, and the last stage as independent adiwiyata ( adiwiyata mandiri)

with the sertificate signed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia. That

procces of implementing adiwiyata program is year to year . The programme can be

promoted I ASEAN stage in ASEAN Eco School.

So, the adiwiyata program is sustainable program in saving energy as education of


sustainable development ( ESD) programme.

9. Activities

The Brocures on Adiwiyata Strategy including saving energy programme

Steps of Saving Energy Programme that is Itegrated in Adiwiyata Programme are :

1. Making Environment analysis and Plan Action on the school gerbage , air, lighting, emission, energy, health canteen, green school problem, global issues , mind set of environment friendly , weakness, upportunity and treathen in adiwiyata or saving energy effort.

2. Establishing Adiwiyata Program and Adiwiyata Team . 3. Socializing Adiwiyata Program to School stake holder , all the teachers and students. 4. The Adiwiyata Team make planning action with more details activities including its

budget and then implementing the programme. 5. The headmaster supervise the program and hold regular evaluation meeting. 6. Special for energy saving program, the head master establishing Saving Energy Task

Force with special task to guard the Saving Energy School . The Team Program consists of several teacher, school workers, school comitee and students from all the school classes ( see Atacment, annex B)

7. The head master and the stake holder make Standard Operationg Procedure ( SOP) on Energy Saving. ( see Attacment, annex A)

8. Socializing The Saving Energy SOP to the students and teachers and other school stake holders.

9. Do the importance steps in saving energy for examples by adding electric devices that more saving energy, and easier to be controlled for saving energy , adding saving energy stikers and champagne posters, ect.

10. Holding monthly meeting with Saving Energy Task Force to Evaluate the progress of saving energy of programme .

Saving energy is clearly written In yell-yell Adiwiyata . Yell Adiwiyata is a special song

Adiwiyata to internalize the saving energy programme and environment education

Through song and music approach medium that can be easier to be remembered by

The students .


Here is a part of the yell adiwiyata lyric :

Hemat energy / saving energy

Kurangi emisi/reducing emission

Produk 3 R dikreasi/ 3R products are created

Hijaukan bumi /greening the earth

Cintai Kehati/ loving the biodiversity

Mari selamatkan bumi/lets save the earth

( for more info of the song , please see in

11. Teaching And Learning Aproaches That The Teacher Applies For Teaching Saving Energi

Teaching and learning Approaces on Saving energy is implemented in teaching and

learning Classes. In Physic Lesson for Ten Classes, Semester 2 there is a chapter

named ‘ dynamic electricity’. Mr As’at as Physics teacher and also as The Chief

Coordinator of School Saving Energy Task Force , implementing the saving energy

issues in teaching and learning procces included in lesson plan, teaching

realization in classes and in its assestmen .

(see the attactments in Annex C, F and H ).

Other lessons that are indirectly impelementing saving energy are Geography ,

Biology, And Chemistry. For adiwiyata programme , the school should implement

Environments Education in more than seven lessons.

Academic School policy :Saving energy as a part of adiwiyata programme should be

written in the school based curriculum document as the highest regulation in academic

and non academic school regulation.


Saving Energy Chapter In Physic Lesson for 10 stage Classes. Special Saving Energy Task Force Meeting

12. Participation With The Community And Sharing Of The School Practices To the


Pelepat Ilir State High School As adiwiyata school should share the adiwiyata

program including the saving energy effort to more than 10-15 other schools. The

First step is making Momorandum of Understanding ( Mo U) between two school

and will be followed with the adiwiyata or saving energy socialization in front of the

teachers of the shared/guided school partner or guiding, couching the other school in

saving energy effort or adiwiyata aspects.

The easy steps guidance is how to make a little changes in school policy, curriculum

policy , promoting 3R product ( re use-reduce-recycle) in the handycraft lesson or

local contents lesson or the integration of the relevan lesson as science. The curtain

classes, the flowes vast, and table clothes will be produced from the 3R product

(school garbage , the plastic cover of drinking water , candy, coffe, ect ) so that

chieper, easier, and more energy saving concerned.

Pelepat Ilir State High Scholl as the adiwiyata school also should acts invironment


action for more than six times in the out side of school communities. The

Environment action can be planting trees in ‘one million trees programme’ through

students scout weekly programs, or giving for adiwiyata team traning and couching

for accelerating adiwiyata achievements.

Environment action in a village near the school. Bag made of School garbage from Coffe cover

12. Engagement od Patrners

List of the partners and their roles in the programme:

The following is a list of members who participated in the preparation and implemention

Of saving energy programme as part of independent adiwiyata programme as the

education of sustainable development:

a. Mrs Eka and Mrs Yuni from BLHD Bungo Residence; b. Mrs. Rika Otavia from BLHD Jambi Province; c. Mr Aprizal as Chairman of School committee d. The Headmaster and Teachers from fifteen school as guided schools that are

involved in adiwiyata mandiri sharing programme; e. Mr. Rahmat Derita and Hasrizal from Bungo Residence and province Education

Beareu. f. All Teachers, students, admin and school clerk/workers and the owner of canteen


And Here are the guided Schools by SMAN 2 Pelepat Ilir Adiwiyata Teams :

1. SMAN 1 Muara Bungo( Senior High School ) 2. SMAN 3 Muara Bungo; ( Senior High School ) 3. SMAN 1 Rantau Pandan( Senior High School ) 4. SMKN 1 Muara Bungo; ( Senior Vocational High School ) 5. SMK Setih Setyo Muara Bungo( Senior Vocational High School ) 6. SD 165 / II Lingga Kuamang; ( Elementary School ) 7. SD 207 / II Tirta Mulya ( Elementary School )


8. SD 138 /II Daya Murni ( Elementary School ) 9. SD 167 / II Maju Jaya ( Elementary School ) 10. SD 216/II Maju Jaya ( Elementary School ) 11. SD 178/II Purwasari ( Elementary School ) 12. SMPN 4 Pelepat Ilir ( Junior High School ) 13. SMPN 2 Pelepat ( Junior High School ) 14. SMPN 4 Tanah Sepenggal ( Junior High School ) 15. SD 135/II Lembah Kuamang ( Elementary School )

( See Atachment Annex I )

13. Resources used for the implementation of the programme

The following resources are mobilized from the government aswell as from the local

community :

a. Human Resources : Teachers, school workers, students, head master , head masters of guided schools, officers from BLHD residence , officers from BLHD Province, Officers from Education Resident and Province Office, school committee, Parents of the students The Owners of School canteen , The Village Goverments, and from the industries corporations.

b. Finacial resources : BOS-School Operational Fund, from committee,from the residence –province goverment , and from industrial support.

c. Technical resources : Facebook, What apps application’komunitas adiwiyata bungo’ , ministery regulation in saving energy and guiding book of adiwiayata, school website, face book of adiwiyata sman2 pelepat ilir, group face book named ‘komunitas adiwiyata Bungo’, internet searce for relevan information.

d. Infra structure resources : school buildings, school environment, school assets, laptop, gadget, ect.

e. Regulation resources : Forest and Environment Ministry regulation on Adiwiyata, Energy and Mineral Resource Ministery Regulation on Saving Energi for State/Government Institutions.

14. Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and result

Monitoring carried out almost every month through visiting from BLHD Bungo residence

or BLHD Jambi officers, and from other senior school in adiwiyata programme. The

monitoring also using Information Technology ( IT) through social networks

Facebook, Group Face Book 'Community of Adiwiyata Bungo', Pages Face Book

'Adiwiyata SMAN 2 Pelepat Ilir, and What Apps applicatioan "Community of

Adiwiyata Bungo". Target of menitoring includes the gains of independent Adiwiyata


requirements including the sharing programme in adiwiyata and saving energy for

10-15 other school for more than a years sharing activities.

Monitoring aspects included improving measures of the programme , to maintain the

performance achievements Adiwiyata, the physical condition of the school, the agenda

and program of sharing to other school programme in saving energy with all the tips.

The final size of the energy saving effort is Electricity Bill payments for every month,

and monitoring of the internalization of the mind set of school community in energy

saving efforts. The BLHD officer give the expert recommendation to improve the

programme. In each half-year, along with the School Team Committee and Parents of

students, perform up meeting to evaluate the adiwiyata programme, including up dating

the budgeting (budgeting) of the proggrame . Funding is intended for programs that are

still little effort and face serious obstacles including in energy-saving efforts.

Monthly evaluations conducted by a team of school through Saving Energy task force

Team to see the progress of activities, program evaluation, and inventory constraints and

the solution .

Some time the BLHD province invites a school adiwiyata team for socialization

Adiwiyata in the office of BLHD Province for further guidances.

( see Atacment annex G )

15 . Achievement From The Saving Energy Effort

The Achievements from The School Saving Energy Effort are :

a. School Financial aspect .The school free from deficit school budget. SMAN 2 Pelepat Ilir

b. payment for electricity bill per mont is about Rp. 600,000, and the it’s the chiepest electricity school payment in Bungo distric or Jambi province, while the other school electricity payments is averaged about 2,000,000 per month. The State High School of Pelepat ilir pay only 2,4 % from monthly totally school budget.

c. Building the awareness about sustainable energy for better future among the students.

d. Reducing the School Rubbish .All classes Curtain are made of reuse-recyce-reduce

product as follow the school saving energy standard operation procedure.


c. More Greening School that will contribute more fresh air and reducing the hot climate.

d. Building students responsibility for saving energy by involving them in saving energy task force.

f. School Environment achievement in higher Adiwiyata Predicate

16. Benefits/impacs of the programme to teachers, students, and communities

The benefits included follows :

a. The School is free from deficit budgets due to excessive use of energy that is used carelessly;

b. The School hasi electrical equipments that are more durable because the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of electricity and other electronic equipments.

c. The School becomes a pleasant environment for student learning, so that students learn from morning till afternoon for intra and extra-curricular activities.

d. The Teachers love to teach in school both at intra-hour or when members of the extracurricular training

e. School Achievements are increased as a gains in points (b) and (c). f. School environment is more green, less quantity of garbage, and more cool. g. School gets Adiwiyata predicate as district adiwiyata in 2014, Adiwiyata province in 2014, and national Adiwiyata in 2015, and Insha Allah will will be Adiwiyata independent school in middle of 2017. (See attachment annex E ) h. The Guided Schools receive coaching, training, and promotion to be Adiwiyata Residence through the report to the BLHD residence / province or other relevant parties, by filling the application Adiwiyata achievement with attachments photos of activities and others documents evidences. i. Local leaders can get trophies and awards of adipura kencara, as the

highest achievementin invironments predicate regent / mayor / governor, because one of the requirements to get it is the existaces of independent Adiwiyata schools in their area.

17. Plan for Sustainability and plan for the future

Adiwiyata program is a sustainable programme because: 1. Implemented over the years, beginning with the first year as residences

Adiwiyata school , then province adiwiyata school , then as national adiwiyata school and finally as independent adiwiyata school , and the programme can be further for Asean Eco School;

2. Adiwiyata is integrated into the vision of the school, the school's mission and objectives of the school as well as integrated on the subjects that will last long because it is already part of the system and the structure of the school that can not be changed. Even the change of the principal could not change the vision, mission


and objectives of the school without consultation of teachers, students, school committees and parents.

3. The energy saving program on Adiwiyata are disseminated to other schools for 10-15 other school through sharing /guiding programme for more than a years guiding contract in adiwiyata programme.

18. Attachments

Annex A : Standard Operating Presedur Of Energy Saving

Annex B : School Saving Energy programme Commetee

Annex C : Lesson Material on Saving Energy ( Class X, Physics)

Annex D : School Saving Energy Activities

Annex E : adiwiyata’s shool achievements : Distric, province, and national adiwiyata sertificates


Annex G : Adiwiyata programme Monitoring and supervising (Monev) From BLHD Residence , BLHD Province ,Other Senior Adiwiyata School, and from Forest and Environment ministery officer

Annex H : Design Of Students Worksheet

Annex I : Memorandum of understanding ( Mo U) in Saving Energy Through Adiwiyata Mandiri Programme For 15 school.


Annex A : Standard Operating Presedur Of Energy Saving

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) ENERGY SAVING SMAN 2 PELEPAT ILIR

1. Procedure:

a) For effectiveness of Energy Saving School’s effort , School establishes the Energy Efficient Forms Task Force that is consisting of the principal, teachers, employees, students, and the School Committee, as an integral part of Team Adiwiyata Mandiri SMAN 2 Pelepat Ilir;

b) The activities consist of Programme Planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation based on SOP of Saving Energy.

c) required the integration of energy saving education in the relevant subject in the classroom teaching learning processes that includes planning, implementation, and

d) required the integration of saving energy education in extra curriculum that the activities as a matter of character education environment

e) required the integration of saving energy education in school habituation

f) Keep media internalization via yells Adiwiyata load 'energy saving' on all students, especially the new students on new admissions.

2. Rules of the Air:

a) Each classes management officer are required to open windows and doors every day to the coolness


b) Do not use a fan if hot classroom but not yet open windows and doors;

c) Do not block the vents with any materials that interfere with air circulation class / space;

d) It is not justified the burning of garbage which indirectly leads to global warming;

3. Lighting;

a) Do not use a class curtain that interrupted access of outside light into the classroom / space;

b) the curtain and table clothes materials made of Product Reuse-Reduce-Recycle (3R) as an alternative to class curtain / space directly over member access to outdoor light and indirectly reduce the effects of global warming by reducing the smoke from the exhaust fumes industry activity;

c) Not Using Lamp Bulb / GLS, however menggunalkan CFL or LED light bulbs are manifold times more 'energy saving' up to 90%.


d) In each lamp is held on-off pitting drag, to direct efforts to simultaneously control when the lights on when not needed without having to linger locate the socket in the classroom / office;

e) Use of classroom lights do when the weather is dark and no light barrier as a result of the use of classroom curtains that block access of light;

f) The classes management cleans Window Glass classes regularly to ensure translucency of the glass in order to access external light that is not interupted by dirt window.

g) Each class is given sticker reminders 'saving electricity, use electricity when strictly necessary'

h) Staining recommended grade paint bright but cool to optimalsisasi light intensity class.

i) Management Class / task force is required to report if any violations as in points a-h happens to saving energy task force Pembina school.

j) a use of electricity at Night only for the security interests of the school;

4. Asset/ Means:

a) gradually the school replacing waste electrical appliances to energy-saving electronic means;

b) Not Using Air Conditioning (AC) but fans using that more energy-efficient;

c) Use of fans do when air felt hot and the windows and doors are already open;

d) Do not use the office carpet backing to avoid Vacuum Cleaner useage that is wasteful use of energy;

e) Water System, using water tower, so that water distribution is assisted by the potential energy of the water source to the point of requiring water.

f) An attempt repairs slang, broken cisterns to avoid waste water directly wasteful power consumption;

g) Do use tarps leakproof in pools of storage of waste water in order to avoid leakage of groundwater recharge lirtrik wasteful use of water pumps;

h)the waste raining water is saved in the school pond / biophore hole for watering flowers and agricultural local contes lessons for saving electricity consumption of electric water pump;

i) In each toilet and tap water sources are given stickers water-saving campaign;

j) Do not use for the tool dispenses to heating water to a use of consumer education but use LPG gas stove cooker that is more energy saving.

k) running ‘go green schools ‘ and classes to give fresh effect because the trees supply 0xigent for two people per day, and can contribute to climate cooling.

l) School garbage produst goods are made through the 3R's products that are indirectly avoid the effects of global warming (global warming) ozone destruction caused smoke industry activity due to excessive production.


m) Using infuse energy-efficient printer to reduce waste and garbage cartrigt printer;

n) Use of the model typing duplex / back and forth for saving energy and office stasionary and indirectly reduce the effects of global warming;

o) Gradually replacing the tools directly using litrik PLN through AC-DC tool CONVENTER more energy-efficient;

p) Replacement source of fuel for LPG Gas Genset with a more efficient and minimize emissions.

q) Use of Genset do in time of need;

r) Turn off electronic devices when not needed;

5. Development:

a) Task Force in coordination with the Energy Saving Team Olympic Adiwiyata Team develop research on energy conversion for environmental innovation that is more energy-efficient and friendly environment.

b) All development cost are facilitated from school funding and communicated through

media or school and competed for achievement


Uud Hudaya, S.Pd

NIP. 196910081992011001


Annex B : School Saving Energy programme Commetee



No. ......... / 1960 / SMA.2 / 2016



LESSON YEAR 2016/2017


Considering: A. Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) number 13 of 2012 on Electric Energy Consumption Saving clearly states that all government office buildings at both central and local levels should implement programs Energy Saving Power on system air conditioning (Air Conditioning system), Lighting system and other ancillary equipment.

B. That as government schools, SMA 2 Pelepat Ilir must follow the provisions of the EMR candy, by forming Task Force (Task Force) Energy saving (Energy Saving) school which is an integral part by Tim Adiwiyata Mandiri is one of the efforts is to do the saving electricity, water and Stationery Office (ATK).


Observing: 1. Law No. 32 of 2009 on the Protection and Management of the Environment (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2009 Number 140, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5059);

2. Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 16 of 2010 as amended by the Regulation of the Minister of Environment Number 18 Year 2012 concerning Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 16 of 2010 on the Organization and Administration of the Ministry of the Environment (Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2012 No. 1067)

3. Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) number 13 of 2012 on Saving Energy Consumption Power.

: Team Meeting Adiwiyata Mandiri SMAN 2 Pelepat Ilir on the establishment

Energy Saving Task Force on Tuesday, October 25, 2016.



First: Task Force (Task Force) Energy Saving SMA Negeri 2 Pelepat Ilir with membership as stated in appendix II of this Decree.

Second: Team As mentioned in the First dictum has functions and duties as guardian of Implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Energy Savings SMAN 2 Pelepat Ilir as which one is attached in Appendix II of this Decree.


THIRD: That the task force team is a part that is not separated by Tim Adiwiyata Mandiri is one of the program are water and electricity saving efforts office stanionay (ATK).

FOURTH: All costs resulting from the work of this team becomes the burden of financing the School Operational Fund (BOS), and or the School Committee fund or other legitimate sources.

FIFTH: The decree comes into force on the date specified, and if in future there are mistakes or errors will be held improvements as appropriate.

Defined in: Lingga Kuamang

In Date: October 26, 2016


Constitution Hudaya, S.Pd

NIP. 196910081992011001

Copies Dear .:

1. Head of the District Education Office. Bunge

2. Head BLHD Kabupate Bunge

3. The head of the Jambi Provincial BLHD

4. an archive ...

Appendix Decision of Chief SMAN 2 Pelepat Ilir

Number: /1960/SMA.2/2016

Date: October 26, 2016


Pelepat Ilir State High School Saving Energy task force

Responsible: Head of SMAN 2 Pelepat Ilir

Coordinator: 1. Drs. ASAT (Vice Principal)

2. Pujiadi K Anam, S.Pd (Adiwiyata Independent Team Leader)

3. Engkos Kosasih (Guard School)

4. Erwan Hendri (Security)

5. Kholik (Officer Rehab)

6. Drs Aprizal, MPd.I (Committee School Chairman)

7. Sunaryo (Administration)

Chair: Andi Setiono (dents Chief Scout Bantara SMAN 2 Pelepat Ilir)

Secretary: Taufik Hidayat (Student)

Treasurer: Fika Puspita sari (Student)

Members: All Management Class



Annex C : Lesson Material on Saving Energy ( Class X, Physics)

Saving Energy Physics Lesson Materials

Class : x

Semester : 2

Chapter : Dynamic Electricity

Sub –Chapter : Electricity in Daily Life

Teacher : Mrs. As’at ( Physics Teacher National Instructor)

Electricity in Daily Life

The amount of energy per unit of time called power. Mathematically electrical power can be written as following.


If W = V.I . t

So the expression above can be written as : P = V.I

According to Ohm Law, it can be written as :

P = .R or

P = /RType equation here.


P: power (W)

W: electrical energy (J)

V: power supply voltage (V)

I: strong electric current (A)

R: electrical resistance (Ω)

Example :


Within 5 minutes, an incandescent lamp uses energy 9,000 J. Calculate the power of the incandescent lamp!

Answer :

Given: a. t = 5 minutes = 300 s, b. W = 9000 J , Asked: P = ...?

P =W/t = 9,000/30 = 30 W

Thus, the electric power of the incandescent lamp is 30 W

Installation of electrical appliance in homes arranged in parallel. Case it is expected that the voltage through the tools of the magnitude same. To calculate the electrical energy used at a home, PLN install a tool called kWh (kilowatt hours) meter

(electric meter). 1 kWh is defined as a power of 1,000 watts used for 1 hour. Thus, the equation can be written as follows.

Energy used (kWh) = power (kW) × time (hours)

While the cost to be paid is as follows. Cost = the amount of energy used × cost per kWh

Typically, in addition to the cost of energy used, the electricity customers must pay the cost burden, stamp duty, and taxes. Unknown Rp100.00 per kWh electricity price. A home wear 5 lamps with a power of 60 watts each, a refrigerator 160 Watts, a television 80 watts, and three lamps with a power of 40 watts. If all electrical devices that light up an average of 12 hours per day, then how much the cost of electricity in a month?

Given: 5 × 60 watt lamp = 300 watts

1 fridge × 160 watts = 160 watts

TV 1 × 80 watts = 80 watts

3 × 40 watt lamp = 120 watts

Total = 660 watts

Asked: the cost per month = ....?


Average usage of 12 hours, then in one month (30 days) use electrical energy is:

W = P × t

= 660 × (12 × 30)

= 660 × 360

= 237,600 watt-hours

= 237.6 kWh.


Thus, the costs are

237.6 × 100 = Rp 23.760,00.

Task :

Observe the electric meter from several houses in your neighborhood (At least 5 power meter)! Please note the use of electrical energy in a period of three months, and ask the owners how much electricity bills he pays in these months!

Investigate, why the cost of electricity bills for each home is different!

Then make an article or articles on the investigation You with advice so that the homeowner can pay the bill electricity cheaper than usual. Include the data and analysis so that your writing more interesting and gather at the teacher's desk!

H. Energy Saving Power

Almost every month, officers from PLN come home customers electricity to determine the electrical energy used by kWh meter (power meter). The greater the number recorded in kWh meters, means the greater the electrical energy used, so the costs shall also be paid the greater. How to save energy at home? There are several how to do, among other things, as follows.

1. Using Fluorescent Lamps than Incandescent Lamp

For lighting in the home, you use electric lights. Lamp you normally there are two types of fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps. Incandescent bulbs produce light that is underexposed. Case This is because the electrical energy is converted to incandescent bulbs apart light is also converted into heat energy. Reviewed produced incandescent light bulbs by light elements (wire tungsten / tungsten) incandescent because hot. The temperature can reach 5000 ° C, so that when the incandescent lamp

lit in the room, then the room will feel the heat. So for means of lighting, incandescent lamps waste a lot of electricity in the form of heat. In contrast to incandescent lamps. Fluorescent bulbs can produce light

The bright, even though the lights are low. Almost all electricity the fluorescent light is converted into light and little is converted into heat energy. The resulting light fluorescent light occurs because atomatom neon gas that is loaded in the tube by electric voltage so high that the atoms of neon gas will fluoresce so produce light. Because neon gas inside the tube is isolator, then despite the very high voltage, but current flow is very small, so that electric power is also low. So, lights neon is more efficient than incandescent bulbs.

2. Using Powerful Low Power Tools

Do you ever use power tools simultaneously thus exceeding the limit of maximum power granted PLN at home You? What happened? Naturally electricity in your home will not be strong so that the automatic switch installed on CB will break. When you use power tools are high-powered, then the absorbed energy will also be big, but not all of the electrical energy it can be put to good use. There


are some electrical energy wasted. For example, for lighting rooms do not use incandescent power of 100 watts. You can replace it fluorescent lamps of 10 watts power to obtain information the same one. To dry your hair, you do not need to wear hairdryer 200 watts, but can use the fan wind power of 60 watts. So, using power tools low power you can save electrical energy.

3. Set Use with Good Time

There are some people you can not yet use the energy electricity efficiently. Such as using light, radio, television but instead left to go. It is an act of extravagance. So, use electrical equipment as efficiently as possible. Turn on power tools when really want to use. Because electrical energy saving means save the cost for our spending.


Annex D : School Saving Energy Activities

School Meeting for forming Saving Energy Cometee monthly control and supervise school electricity bill


saving energy champagne stiker in every switch on-off spot water tower school for energy saving: using potencial energy

Using switch on-of fitting tarik, to switch on or off by every one spontaneously without searching switch on-off spot


The Monthly School Electricity Bill


Annex E : adiwiyata’s shool achievements : Residence , province, and national adiwiyata sertificates

Distric, Province, and National Adiwiyata Sertifikate for SMAN 2 Pelepat Ilir


Annex F : Saving Energy Lesson Plan in Physics lesson saving energy integration.




Class / Semester: X (ten) / Semester II

Subject: PHYSICS

Allocation of Time: 2 Hour Lesson

Competency standards

5. Applying the concept of electricity in a variety of problem-solving and technology products.

Basic competencies

5.3. Using electrical measuring instrument.

Indicators of Competence Achievement

1. Using ammeters in the circuit.

2. Using a voltmeter in the circuit.

3. Using an ohmmeter circuit.

A. Learning Objectives

Learners can:

1. Explain the functions ammeters.

2. Explain how to use ammeters.

3. Explain how to measure the current that exceeded the maximum ability ammeters.

4. Determine the electric current flowing in the circuit.

5. Explain voltmeter function.

6. Explain how to use a voltmeter.

7. Explain the functions ohmmeter.

8. Explain how to use ohmmeter

9. Determining resistance in ammeter (ammeters) and voltmeter.


Characters student is expected to:

To be honest, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.

Entrepreneurship / Creative Economy:

Confident, task-oriented and results.

B. Learning Materials

Magnitude Electrical Measurement

C. Learning Methods

1. Model: - Direct Instruction (DI)

- Cooperative Learning

2. Method: - Discussion groups

- Experiment

- Observation

- Lecture

Learning strategies

Face to face Structured Self

• Using an electric measuring devices. • Conduct literature to find information on how to use ammeters and voltmeters • Students can practice using a measuring instrument voltmeter, ammeters, and multimeter in groups.

D. Activity Steps


a. activities Introduction

• Motivation and Recap

• How to measure the current value exceeds the ability ammeters?

• How do I put a voltmeter in a circuit?

• Prerequisite knowledge:

• What is the ammeters?

• What is a voltmeter?

• Pre-experiment:


• Take care when using laboratory equipment.

b. Core activities


In the exploration activities:

1. Teachers guide students in group formation. (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);


In the elaboration of activities,

1 .Learners (supervised by teachers) discuss the functions ammeters. (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);

2.Learners pay attention to the teacher's explanation on how to use ammeters. (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);

3.Learners consider how to measure the current that exceeded the maximum ammeters capabilities delivered by the teacher. (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);

4.Learners pay attention to the example problems determining the electric current flowing in the circuit presented by the teacher. (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);

5. The teacher gives some problems determining the electric current flowing in the circuit to be done by learners. (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);

6. The teacher corrects the students whether the answer is correct or not. If there are students who have not been able to answer correctly, the teacher can immediately provide guidance. (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);

7.Learners (supervised by teachers) discuss the functions of voltmeter and ohmmeter. (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);

8.Learners pay attention to the teacher's explanation on how to use a voltmeter and ohmmeter. (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);

9.Representatives from each group were asked to take two pieces multimeter,


1 variable power supplies, circuit boards, resistors 1 kΩ, 10 kΩ, 100 kΩ,

and 1 MΩ and wires as long as 30 cm. (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);

10.Teachers presented the action steps for determining resistance in ammeter (ammeters) and a voltmeter (11.2 Event pages 148-150). (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);

11. Learners in each group conducted an experiment in accordance with the working steps which have been described by teachers. (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);

12. Master examine experiments conducted by students if it is done correctly or not. If there are students or groups who have not been able to do it right, the teacher can immediately provide guidance. (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);

13.Learners discuss with the group to answer a few questions based on experimental results. (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);

14.Each group was asked to present the results of their discussion in front of the other group. (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);

15.Teachers respond to the results of the discussion groups of learners and provide real information. (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);


In the confirmation activities, Students:

1.Summing up about things that are not yet known (embedded value: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Communicative, Responsibility.);

2.Explain about things unknown. (Values are inculcated: Honest, Tolerant, Independent, Democratic, Communicative, Responsibility.);

c. Closing activities

1.Teachers give awards to groups that have a good performance and cooperation. (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);

2. Learners (guided by the teacher) to discuss and make a summary. (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);


3.Teachers give homework assignment in the form of exercises. (Values are inculcated: Honestly, tolerance, hard work, Independent, Democratic, Curiosity, Communicative, Responsibility.);

E. Learning Resources

a. Physics books SMA and MA Jl.1B (ESIS) pages 143-158

b. Relevant reference books

c. Tools and materials lab

F. Assessment of Learning Outcomes

a. Assessment Techniques:

• Written test

• Test performance

b. Instrument's Shape:

- Test PG

- Tests stuffing

- Test the product work quotes

c. Example of instrument:

- Sample test PG

To measure the potential difference between two points in the circuit directly we use ....

A. ammeters D. galvanometer

B. E. voltmeter ohmmeter

C. micrometer

- Sample tests stuffing

To measure the electric current in a component, ammeters should be installed ....

Lingga Kuamang, July 2016


Head Master , Physics Teacher

Uud Hudaya, S.Pd Drs. As'at


NIP. 196910081992011001 NIP. 196706261994121003


Annex G : Adiwiyata programme Monitoring and supervising (Monev) From BLHD Residence , BLHD Province ,Other Senior Adiwiyata School, and from Forest and Environment ministery officer

Annex H Monitoring from other school, residence and province environment body officers


Annex H : Design Of Students Worksheet

Design Of Students Work Sheet :

Class : X

Lesson : Physics

Teacher : Mr. As’at

Chapter : Dynamic Electricity, Electricity in Daily Life : Calculate Electricity Bill In a Month

Methode : Group Discussion

Design Task Problem :

A home subscription of electricity. The house uses 4 TL lamps each of 10 watt light up 5 hours a day, 1 TV 80 watts lit 10 hours a day, 2 pieces of fan each 25 watt light up 6 hours a day, 1 refrigerator 75 watt lights up 24-day and 1 board pieces 150 watt lights up 2 hours a day. If the price of 1 kWh set by PLN Rp 500 what accounts to be paid during the first month?

Design Answer Through Discussion:

Electricity bills to be paid by the homes that subscribe to electricity is much electrical energy / power tool used for 1 month. Large electric energy tariff is calculated according to each Kwh. Energy calculations performed with the following equation: W = P x t

a. The electrical energy used in one day:

• 4 TL x 10 W x 5 h = 200 wh = 0.2 Kwh

• TV 1 x 80 W x 10 h = 800 wh = 0.8 Kwh

• fan 2 x 25 W x 6 h = 300 wh = 0.3 Kwh

• Refrigerator 1 x 75 W x 24 h = 1.800 wh = 1.8 Kwh

• 1 Strk x 150 W x 2 h = 300 wh = 0.3 Kwh

Total = 3.5 Kwh

b. Electricity bills to be paid during the first month:

• 3.5 Kwh x Rp 500 x 30 days = Rp. 52,500

So electricity bills to pay home electricity for 1 month subscription amount of Rp 52,500 (this does not include the cost of street lighting tax of 9% and the cost abunemen / subscription)


Annex I : Memorandum of understanding ( Mo U) in Saving Energy Through Adiwiyata Mandiri Programme For 15 school.