pbi-construction business coaching sessions

1 | Page “Announcing…The Complete A to Z Plan for Successfully Starting, Growing and Running Your Own Construction Business” From the Desk of Michael Kissinger How to Become a Highly Paid Construction Contractor! Discover How to Break Free from the Demands of Your Everyday Business and Transform it into a Predictable, Profitable, Turnkey Operation Spend three fantastic FREE coaching sessions with Michael On the Phone or at PBI Headquarters and get ready to: Achieve the Results in Your Construction Business You Only Dream About Finally Get Focused, Organized and Systematized Start Reaching Your Goals in Life and Business Live the Life You’ve Always Imagined Learn how to Create a Proven Plan, Resulting in a Turnkey Business What is Difference between Successful Business Owners and Those that Aren’t? “Having the Four Essential Power Programs All Construction Companies Need to Maximize Business Success!” Discover how you can catapult your business success to new, more profitable levels while avoiding all the mistakes, pitfalls and failures most entrepreneurs suffer through… 1 | Page If You've Ever Considered Starting Your Own Construction Business, or if You Already Own or Manage a Business, this Information is for You!

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: PBI-Construction Business Coaching Sessions

1 | P a g e “Announcing…The Complete A to Z Plan for Successfully Starting, Growing and Running Your Own Construction Business”

From the Desk of Michael Kissinger

How to Become a Highly Paid Construction Contractor!

Discover How to Break Free from the Demands of Your Everyday Business and Transform it into a Predictable,

Profitable, Turnkey Operation

Spend three fantastic FREE coaching sessions with MichaelOn the Phone or at PBI Headquarters and get ready to:

Achieve the Results in Your Construction Business You Only Dream About

Finally Get Focused, Organized and Systematized

Start Reaching Your Goals in Life and Business

Live the Life You’ve Always Imagined

Learn how to Create a Proven Plan, Resulting in a Turnkey Business

What is Difference between Successful Business Owners and Those that Aren’t?

“Having the Four Essential Power Programs All Construction Companies Need to Maximize Business Success!”

Discover how you can catapult your business success to new, more profitable levels while avoiding all the mistakes, pitfalls and failures most entrepreneurs suffer through…

Dear Contractor,

Recent research by Dun & Bradstreet show business failures are at all time high. In the last two years alone business failures have been compared to the Great Depression of the 1920’s.

Credit reporting agency Equifax released statistics revealing the number of firms failing in the last two quarters were nearly 30% higher than the same period in 2007.

Global recession, American depression as it’s been called, is a reality today. The sub-prime meltdown has kicked many business owners below the belt. Tight-fisted money policies have stifled the hopes and dreams of many business owners.

1 | P a g e If You've Ever Considered Starting Your Own Construction Business, or if You Already Own or Manage a Business, this Information is for You!

Page 2: PBI-Construction Business Coaching Sessions

2 | P a g e “Announcing…The Complete A to Z Plan for Successfully Starting, Growing and Running Your Own Construction Business”

You or someone you know may have been a recessionary casualty. With this in mind, why would any sane person want to start or stay in business?

Here's why…

There's Never Been a Better Time to Start or Grow Your Business

There are 3 main reasons which account for over 95% of business failures.

Here's why most businesses fail:

1. Lack of money—you don't have enough to get started and grow2. Lack of knowledge—you don't know what you're doing3. Lack of support—you're not able to get the support of other people and sell them on your ideas

As one business falters, another springs to life. Economic adversity offers limitless opportunity for those who know the secrets to business success.

Many of the business disasters you see today did not occur overnight. In fact, they were the cause of mismanagement, overspending and just plain arrogance and stupidity.

But it doesn’t have to be that way for you.

If you listen to all the doom and gloom preached by the news media talking heads, you’ll fail before you even get started.If you believe any of it you might as well bury your head in the sand and wait for the gloomy end to come.

Listen up. The media types get paid big bucks to rant about other people’s distress.

Unfortunately, they never extol the virtues of all those hard working entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs like you who are silently toiling away at building successful businesses every day.

Here’s the thing. If you follow in the path of the Doom-Sayers and fallen business blunders, your failure is guaranteed.But if you believe in yourself and follow in the footsteps of really successful business visionaries you will rise above the crowd to conquer your business challenges.

It's been said, “Success leaves clues.”

Savvy business people like you would do well to heed those words. Your very success or failure depends on it.

It's no mystery.

Successful Business Owners Follow the Leader

Once you discover the simple secrets to business management success you will become a leader yourself.Most business owners and managers run their businesses by the seat of their pants. This is the same business tactic that got us into trouble in the first place.

Smart business people realize there are laws of business success. It’s simple, just follow the rules and win. But the rules always change.

What doesn’t change is the most important quality you need to succeed. Your attitude!

Business is state of mind. Aside from all the fundamentals, your mind will carry you to your ultimate business goals. Your subconscious mind gives power to your desires.

2 | P a g e If You've Ever Considered Starting Your Own Construction Business, or if You Already Own or Manage a Business, this Information is for You!

Page 3: PBI-Construction Business Coaching Sessions

3 | P a g e “Announcing…The Complete A to Z Plan for Successfully Starting, Growing and Running Your Own Construction Business”

Next is your belief system. You must believe in yourself and in what you are doing. The strength of your convictions will give you the confidence and patience you’ll need to reap the rewards of a profitable business.

Don’t try to go at it alone. Follow the clues left by those who have gone before.

Imagine you’re trying to cross a raging river. On your side the banks are muddy and the shore is awash in garbage.The other side holds more promise. You can clearly see the good fortune waiting for you. The banks are lined with Benjamin’s. Yours for the taking if you can figure a way across.

You quickly devise a plan to follow a path of stepping stones you discovered while strolling the bank to plan your crossing. In fact you just saw another entrepreneur make their way across.

Now you know it can be done, because someone has done it before you. In other words you can do anything any other human has done. And if you’re really smart you can ride on their coattails rather than re-inventing the wheel.Your first step is a little shaky but you continue; one stone at a time and before you know it you’re on your way to the much greener pastures of success.

Business success is no different.

If you follow the clues left by those who have traveled your path before you will find your way across the muck and mire of business BS.

The good news is you don’t have to do it alone.

We Take You by the Hand and Leads You to Success

Every once in a while a business leader appears just when you need them most.Well my friend your business friend has appeared.

We have agreed to share our wealth building strategies and winning construction business management techniques with a few lucky people like you who request one of our Free Intro Coaching Sessions.

With our coaching you’ll travel the across the murky business waters with a clear vision of where you are going and how you will get there.

Not only that but you’ll get there faster and stay dry in the process.

Imagine learning the best kept secrets of the business masters who have gone before you.

No BS. Just solid, proven techniques and strategies to get you to your goals faster than you ever thought.

I have walked in your shoes. After speaking to 1000’s of business owners over the last 3 decades, you could say I know a thing or two about running a successful construction business.

Here’s the thing. I've run, not one, but several businesses. And now I'm making my business building experience available to you for just pennies on the dollar.

With this in mind here’s what I can do for you.

How You Can Start, Build, Manage Or

3 | P a g e If You've Ever Considered Starting Your Own Construction Business, or if You Already Own or Manage a Business, this Information is for You!

Page 4: PBI-Construction Business Coaching Sessions

4 | P a g e “Announcing…The Complete A to Z Plan for Successfully Starting, Growing and Running Your Own Construction Business”

Turn Around Any Construction Business…Guaranteed!

You might not think it, but five of the ten fastest growing industries for small business are involved in construction and contracting.

It seems that the slowdown we saw last year has ended, with building firms performing well this year – so despite the wave of tech startups there is still money to be made in construction.

Under the right circumstances, they’re profitable companies, but it’s important to remember that although a lot of traditional business advice is still useful to a construction business, you’ll also need to take into account a few other considerations.

Get a FREE Introductory Phone Coaching Session and Discover the Difference between Successful Construction Business Owners and Those that Aren’t!

4 Essentials for Every Construction Company Needs for Fun & Profit

1. Marketing, Selling & Productivity Systems for Greater Ease and Profit2. Better Contracts for Greater Profit and Less Disputes3. Getting Paid for ALL Your Work Done4. Business and Project Funding for Starting & Completing Projects

Every business needs these 4 Essentials, regardless of the service or product they’re offering. You’ll hear stories from some entrepreneurs who started out without them. They and ended up doing fine, but those successes are few and far between. Having these 4 Essential for forecasting your profits and outlining your budgets is crucial for a construction business. Remember, all construction work is dependent on these 4 Essential.

4 | P a g e If You've Ever Considered Starting Your Own Construction Business, or if You Already Own or Manage a Business, this Information is for You!

Page 5: PBI-Construction Business Coaching Sessions

5 | P a g e “Announcing…The Complete A to Z Plan for Successfully Starting, Growing and Running Your Own Construction Business”

Starting a construction company is challenging due to often volatile demand in the market, and you might find you’ll go for periods of time without work – and then periods where you’re simply too busy to take on new jobs! That said, by taking the time to plan ahead instead of jumping into a project your construction business is much more likely to succeed and grow if you always use these 4 Essentials.

We know why you're here. We've been there before. Many times, over a lot of years...

You're buried in paperwork. You feel like you're losing control of your day to day operations. You're not sure when you’re making or losing money, or why. You're tired of stressful relationships with your clients. You feel like you're working more and enjoying life less.

Reason Why!

Research has proven that on average 58% of all construction companies fail by the 4 th year and over 65% fail by year 10.


Construction Business Coaching-Consulting That Works!

COACHING-CONSULTING PROGRAM [1]: Marketing & Selling Your Business for Greater Fun and Profit

Successful business owners IMPLEMENT the things that will take their business to the next level rather than continuing to be a slave working "in" the business. They have a compelling vision that drives them.

Section 1: Contractors Business Success System: These Powerful coaching sessions will reveal exactly where your business is right now, so you can take it where you want it to be.

Section 2: Contractors Marketing System- 3 Ways to Grow Your Construction Business System

Do you have an effective marketing plan? Are you generating quality referrals? Are you bringing in the quality of clients you want? You will also learn a simple technique that many of our members have used to DOUBLE their sales in less than 12 months

Section 3: Contractors Sales System

Learn The Contractors Sales System Learn strategies that can literally DOUBLE your PROFIT overnight! Find out what we call "the most profitable sale ever made!" Most small construction business owners fail to implement this strategy consistently and it is COSTING them a LOT of

money (and doing their customers an injustice)!

Section 4: Contractors Operations System

Learn the secrets of legendary customer service during this session. Do you know the PLV (Potential Lifetime Value) of one of your clients? Do you have systems in place that guarantee the most phenomenal service experience every time?

Section 5: Contractors Administration and Leadership System

5 | P a g e If You've Ever Considered Starting Your Own Construction Business, or if You Already Own or Manage a Business, this Information is for You!

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6 | P a g e “Announcing…The Complete A to Z Plan for Successfully Starting, Growing and Running Your Own Construction Business”

Administration is tracking your results. Do you know your cost of doing business? Are you tracking your sales and profits carefully?

Leadership is moving your team from where they are to where you want them to be.If you have employees, they can be your biggest nightmare or your greatest asset. That depends on your leadership skill.

The toughest person to lead is always ourselves, so pick up some proven leadership strategies from some of the top experts in the world.

Location: On the Phone or in Person 6000 Mission Street, Daily City, California 94014Cost: Free Introductory Phone Session that can add from $25,000 to $50,000 to your bottom line.Coach: Michael Kissinger- Call to Set an Appointment! Appointments are limited to first 50 contractors!

What's The Benefit?

Get organized. Get efficient. Present a professional image. Win more bids. Improve your customer relationships. Increase your profitability. Get done by 5:00 and enjoy life again.


“AVOIDING THE TRAPS OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS – THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW TO SURVIVE IN CONSTRUCTION TODAY”In an industry where emotions run high and possibilities for misunderstandings and miscommunication thrive, nothing can be more essential to protecting your business than professionally-authored construction coaching and consulting. Utilize the comprehensive construction coaching to take control of your projects and ensure clear communication with subcontractors, suppliers, and customers.

This Program It Covers: What To Include in (and Keep Out of) Contracts. Many construction disputes can be avoided by learning to identify the potential problems that can arise on various construction projects. Areas covered in this coaching sessions cover such things as:

Contractors' license law Contracts: “what to include and what to keep out” Scope of Work Clause Change Order Clause Different Site Condition Clause Indemnity Clause Payment Clause Mechanics' liens, stop notices, and payment bonds Schedule and Delay Clause Insurance Clause Default and Termination Clause Construction Defects Clause Attorney Fees and Expert fees Clause Claims of subcontractors and suppliers Arbitration vs. Litigation Clause Design Responsibility Clause Miscellaneous rules

Location: On the Phone or in Person 6000 Mission Street, Daily City, California 94014

6 | P a g e If You've Ever Considered Starting Your Own Construction Business, or if You Already Own or Manage a Business, this Information is for You!

Page 7: PBI-Construction Business Coaching Sessions

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Free Introductory Phone Session that can add from $25,000 to $50,000 to your bottom line.Coach: Michael Kissinger-- Call to Set an Appointment! Appointments are limited to first 50 contractors!

Benefits for Participating: The difference between profit and loss on a construction project is more often due the problematic terms and conditions than it is due to bad estimation. The same problematic terms and conditions come up time and again as the source of disputes. Before you issue or sign the next contract you can improve your ability to spot these problematic clauses, understand what they mean and learn how to address the issues they create.

COACHING-CONSULTING PROGRAM [3]: Construction Payment Remedies and Alternatives

Making Sure You Always Get Paid for Your Work!

11 Steps to Take to Become a High Paid Contractor

1. Get Educated2. Pick a Niche3. Get Experience4. Create a Lead Magnet System5. Generate Contracting Calls6. Do the Work7. Get Paid8. Document Proof9. Systemize Business and Processes10. Hire Others11. Expand Your Business

This coaching will provide you with a detailed on the ins and outs that ensure you get paid. This coaching covers the remedies that are available for contractors, subcontractors, material suppliers, and other entities on private construction projects. You will learn all the steps that must be taken to get paid. The defense that owners may assert will also be discussed.

Topics covered in this coaching include:

Types of Remedies Available-Mechanic’s Liens, Stop Payment Notices, and Payment Bond Claims Key Contractual Terms and Conditions Overview of Recent Changes to the Lien Law Procedural requirements for Mechanics’ Liens & Stop Payment Notices Possible claimants for Mechanic’s Liens and Stop Payment Notices Statutory time limits for Mechanic’s Liens, Stop Payment Notices and Payment Bonds Procedural requirements for payment and performance bond claims Priorities for recovery of Mechanic’s Liens and Stop Payment Notices Lien releases

Benefits for Participating: When you perform work, it is only right that you get paid! This coaching will help you understand how to use mechanic’s liens, stop notices, and bonds to protect your rights and make sure you get paid. This coaching identifies the proper documents to use, the timelines in which to use them, and to whom the documents must be provided. You will also be given tips on how to increase your chance for success in the foreclosure and litigation of mechanic’s liens, stop notices and payment bonds.

Location: On the Phone or in Person 6000 Mission Street, Daily City, California 94014Cost: Free Introductory SessionCoach: Michael Kissinger -- Call to Set an Appointment! Appointments are limited to first 50 contractors!

7 | P a g e If You've Ever Considered Starting Your Own Construction Business, or if You Already Own or Manage a Business, this Information is for You!

Page 8: PBI-Construction Business Coaching Sessions

8 | P a g e “Announcing…The Complete A to Z Plan for Successfully Starting, Growing and Running Your Own Construction Business”

The difference between profit and loss on a construction project is more often due the problematic terms and conditions than it is due to bad estimation or contracts. The same problematic issues come up time and again as the source of payment disputes. Before you issue or sign the next contract you can improve your ability to spot these problematic clauses, understand what they mean and learn how to address the issues they create.

COACHING-CONSULTING PROGRAM [4]: Construction Funding that Meet the Needs of Your Business Up to $20 million

PBI unsecured contractor micro loans can take care of the financial needs many contractors are looking for when investing in their company. We provide micro loans for contractors and subcontractors so that you can source the necessary finance that will enable you to have a huge impact on the success of your business when you need it. Unlike traditional banks our loans are based on the health of your company and cash flow, NOT on credit scores. Funding may used for the following: Business Start-up costs, Working capital, Inventory, Franchise fees, Business expansion, Lines of Credit, Non-passive business real estate; new construction and renovations. Apply for Contractor Finance today…

We Understand Your Pain: PBI Coaching Services Include:

1 On 1 EXECUTIVE COACHINGOngoing & Annual Programs Include:

Face To Face BIZ-Coaching Programs Coaching Sessions - Meet 1 to 3 Times Per MonthOne On One Phone Coaching - 1 to 2 Sessions Per MonthPersonalized BIZ-Coach Action & Accountability PlansUnlimited Emails & Important Phone Calls (Within Reason!)BIZ-Club Tele-Conference Coaching - Monthly Group Calls

Phone Coaching Programs Phone Coaching Sessions - 1 to 4 Sessions Per MonthCoaching Action & Accountability PlanUnlimited Emails & Important Phone Calls (Within Reason!)BIZ-Club Tele-Conference Coaching - Monthly Group Calls

PROFIT BUILDERS GROUP COACHING Executive Roundtable Peer GroupsProfit-Builder Circles AcademyBIZ-Building Group Coaching WorkshopsBIZ-Building WebinarsBIZ-Club Tele-Conference CoachingBreakfast BIZ-ClubMillion Dollar WeekendManager & Supervisor Training

Full Day Bi-Monthly Meetings Plus 1 On 1 Phone Coaching2 Day Business-Building Boot Camps For Business OwnersAnnual Seminar Program Meets Quarterly For Full DayRegular Online Training Seminars To SubscribersMonthly Group Telephone Conference Call To SubscribersNetworking, Training & Coaching Breakfast MeetingsAnnual Profit-Builders RetreatCustomized Workshops & Ongoing Training Programs

Additional PBI Business Coaching Services[1]: Strategic Planning [2]: Business Effectiveness Evaluations [3]: Financial Performance & Ratio Benchmark Analysis [4]: Individual Personality Profile Testing [5]: Facilitator For Leadership Retreats To Develop Business Plans

Why You Need This!

Michael Kissinger certified and professional business coach and consultant offers FREE introductory coaching and consulting sessions to finalized these 4 Essential in your business-marketing-operational plan and for you to determine if construction business coaching-consulting can help you and your company.

He helps construction business owners, entrepreneurs and executives take their companies to the next level, develop business-marketing-operational plans to achieve the results they want, improve their cash-flow, make more profit, implement winning marketing and sales plans, develop strong management teams, grow their business, win more customers, work smarter, manage better, improve their balance sheets, build wealth, take more time off, make better decisions and provides funding to qualified

8 | P a g e If You've Ever Considered Starting Your Own Construction Business, or if You Already Own or Manage a Business, this Information is for You!

Page 9: PBI-Construction Business Coaching Sessions

9 | P a g e “Announcing…The Complete A to Z Plan for Successfully Starting, Growing and Running Your Own Construction Business”

contractors, subcontractors, architects and engineers. Michael Kissinger is a business owner, consultant and coach and has worked with companies that have generated over $500 million+ annually. He worked as a business senior manager, business analyst and consultant with International Profit Associates. He has worked on over $1 billion of construction projects from apprentice to superintendent.

He is a University Adjunct Professor at 3 California Universities where he taught construction management for over 16 years. He is the author of over 850 Business Articles and Speaking Professional has helped 1,000's of business owners, entrepreneurs and corporations achieve their goals.

Call or Email Michael to setup your personal business phone coaching session. Send him your name, company information, website address, what issues you are facing and a few time slots when you are available to talk.

No Legal Advice Intended: Michael Kissinger does not seek, and this coaching is not intended to solicit, legal employment that would constitute the unauthorized practice of law. This message and coaching sessions includes information about legal issues and legal developments. Such materials are for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal developments. These informational materials are not intended, and should not be taken, as legal advice on any particular set of facts or circumstances. You should contact an attorney for advice on specific legal problems.

No Guarantee of Results: These statements in these coaching sessions are not intended as a guarantee that the same or similar results can be obtained in every matter undertaken by our coaches and consultants; and you should not assume that a similar result can be obtained in a coaching-consulting matter of interest to you. The outcome of a particular matter can depend on a variety of factors—including the specific factual circumstances, the ability of prospects of clients, and, often, unexpected developments beyond the control of any coach or consultant.

Okay Michael, I'm In—I Want to Succeed!What's next?

Request A FREE Introductory Coaching Session with Michael that Can Turn Your Business Around?

Phone 415-678-9965 -- Email Michael at [email protected]

The Choice is Yours

To succeed or not to succeed, the choice is yours. Since you’ve read this far you are obviously interested in building and growing you construction business. I want to make it brain-dead simple for you to get your hands on one of these valuable coaching sessions before they disappear for good. Others have paid over $700+ for similar information. I have no intention of asking you to pay anything close to that amount for this valuable coaching.

But I'm not through yet.

Okay let’s run through it quickly again to make sure you’ve got it. You’ll get No BS, just straight to the point tried and proven techniques, strategies and wisdom; garnered from over 30 years in the trenches on How You Can Start, Build, Manage or Turn Around Any Construction Business. It starts with a FREE coaching session that can from $25,000 to $50,000. Well what are you waiting for? And I want to hear your success stories.

To your business success,

Michael Kissinger

9 | P a g e If You've Ever Considered Starting Your Own Construction Business, or if You Already Own or Manage a Business, this Information is for You!

Page 10: PBI-Construction Business Coaching Sessions

10 | P a g e “Announcing…The Complete A to Z Plan for Successfully Starting, Growing and Running Your Own Construction Business”

P.S. I’ve tried to make this as fair as possible. You can get this coaching over the phone, your computer in person. Your choice! In fact I really don’t see how I could make it any fairer for you. Unless I gave it to you totally free of course. But what kind of business lesson would that be?

You’re getting a ton of proven money-making advice and information for less than you spend on gas for your car every month.

P.P.S. Remember, everything is backed by a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. You heard right. All the risk is on me. Road test what I teach, apply and implement all the secrets you’re about to discover.

Yes, if you don’t think it’s worth at least 10 times what you invested, then I’ll cheerfully give you back every red cent of your purchase.

10 | P a g e If You've Ever Considered Starting Your Own Construction Business, or if You Already Own or Manage a Business, this Information is for You!