personal - form 2014...personal...

Reception 2B Perth Street [email protected] Buccleuch Tel: 011 656 6179 Sandton, 2090 Fax: 086 758 3071 Page 1 of 12 Initial: 1.______________ 2.______________ PERSONAL DETAILS Child’s Information Full names of child Known name Gender Date of Birth Identity number Language preference Position of child in the family Previous crèche / preschool attended Primary School you intend sending your child to Date of enrolment at the Primary School State of health Allergies (food / medication / other) Action to be taken in the event of an allergic reaction If parents do not live together, who does child live with? What is the child’s religious affiliation? Is there any other information we should know about? Who may collect the child from school? 1.Name: Number: 2.Name: Tel Number: Emergency Details Doctor Phone number Doctor’s Address Name of Medical Aid Medical Aid number Scheme on Medical Aid 1. Name of emergency contact (not being a parent) e.g. family / friend. Indicate relationship. 1. Telephone number of emergency contact 2. Name of emergency contact (not being a parent) e.g. family / friend. Indicate relationship. 2. Telephone number of emergency contact Care Required Full Day Half Day

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Page 1: PERSONAL - Form 2014...PERSONAL DETAILS Child’s Information Full names of child Known name Gender Date of Birth Identity

Reception 2B Perth Street [email protected] Buccleuch Tel: 011 656 6179 Sandton, 2090 Fax: 086 758 3071

Page 1 of 12 Initial: 1.______________ 2.______________


Child’s Information

Full names of child

Known name


Date of Birth

Identity number

Language preference

Position of child in the family

Previous crèche / preschool attended

Primary School you intend sending your child


Date of enrolment at the Primary School

State of health

Allergies (food / medication / other)

Action to be taken in the event of an allergic


If parents do not live together, who does

child live with?

What is the child’s religious affiliation?

Is there any other information we should

know about?

Who may collect the child from school?

1.Name: Number: 2.Name: Tel Number:

Emergency Details


Phone number

Doctor’s Address

Name of Medical Aid

Medical Aid number

Scheme on Medical Aid

1. Name of emergency contact (not being a

parent) e.g. family / friend. Indicate


1. Telephone number of emergency contact

2. Name of emergency contact (not being a parent) e.g. family / friend. Indicate relationship.

2. Telephone number of emergency contact

Care Required Full Day Half Day

Page 2: PERSONAL - Form 2014...PERSONAL DETAILS Child’s Information Full names of child Known name Gender Date of Birth Identity

Reception 2B Perth Street [email protected] Buccleuch Tel: 011 656 6179 Sandton, 2090 Fax: 086 758 3071

Page 2 of 12 Initial: 1.______________ 2.______________

Mother’s Information

Full names

Identity number

Home Address

Postal Address

Home telephone

Work telephone


Fax number



Name of Employer

Marital status

Father’s Information

Full names

Identity number

Home Address

Postal Address

Home telephone

Work telephone


Fax number



Name of Employer

Marital status


* Please ensure that

both parents sign this

form, including in the

event of divorce or


I consent to my child’s admission to the School, on the Terms of Enrolment and

Policies of the school attached.

------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Mother Signed Date Place

------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Father Signed Date Place

Contact address to which invoices and communications are to be sent:

Page 3: PERSONAL - Form 2014...PERSONAL DETAILS Child’s Information Full names of child Known name Gender Date of Birth Identity

Reception 2B Perth Street [email protected] Buccleuch Tel: 011 656 6179 Sandton, 2090 Fax: 086 758 3071

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Has your child been to any other pre-school/crèche/day

mother? If yes, state name of school

How well did your child settle at the previous pre-

school/crèche/day mother? Describe any problems


Has your child ever / is your child currently attending

any form of therapy? If so, what is the reason?

Marital status of parents?

Custody/visiting arrangements? (if applicable)

If child is adopted, state age at adoption

Is child aware of adoption? (if applicable)

List any siblings and their age. Name








Are there other people living with the child in the

household? If so list name, age and relationship.

Do you have any concerns about any aspect of your

child’s development?

Was the pregnancy and birth normal?

Approximately what age did your child (as applicable):

sit alone




sleep through the night

become toilet trained

Social Behaviour

Describe your child’s interaction with other children

Does your child prefer to play with: younger children /

similar aged children / older children?

Does your child play well alone?

How much television does your child watch each day?

How do you discipline your child?

How does your child respond to discipline?


Is your child generally happy and content?

Does your child continually whine or cry?

Is your child aggressive?

Page 4: PERSONAL - Form 2014...PERSONAL DETAILS Child’s Information Full names of child Known name Gender Date of Birth Identity

Reception 2B Perth Street [email protected] Buccleuch Tel: 011 656 6179 Sandton, 2090 Fax: 086 758 3071

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Does your child appear to be over-dependent / over-


Does your child have any unusual fears?

Does your child have frequent temper tantrums?

Does your child appear to be stubborn or disobedient?

Does your child appear to be nervous or over-excitable?


Does your child engage in: thumb sucking / nail biting /

head or body rocking / any other habits?


Does your child have any allergies to food?

Does your child have a healthy appetite?

Are there any food or drinks that your child should not



Does your child sleep soundly? How long?

Does your child sleep during the day?

What time does your child go to bed at night?

Does your child appear to become easily fatigued?

Does your child suffer from nightmares?

Does your child suffer from bed wetting?

Toilet Training

Is your child able to go to the toilet independently? If not

describe the level of assistance needed.

Does your child tend to have “accidents” during the day?

Speech and Hearing

Is your child’s speech clear? Is s/he able to make

him/herself understood by others?

Does your child have any speech or hearing difficulties?

Has your child’s speech / hearing been assessed? If yes,

what was the outcome?

Does your child have / has your child had grommets or

continuous ear infections? If so, at what age?

Health Record

Does your child have any physical disabilities?

Does your child have any allergies?

Does your child have frequent: colds / earache / sore

throat / headaches / constipation / vomiting / tummy


Does your child take any regular medication?

Does your child suffer from: diabetes / asthma /

epilepsy / cardiac problems?

What childhood illnesses has your child had?

Page 5: PERSONAL - Form 2014...PERSONAL DETAILS Child’s Information Full names of child Known name Gender Date of Birth Identity

Reception 2B Perth Street [email protected] Buccleuch Tel: 011 656 6179 Sandton, 2090 Fax: 086 758 3071

Page 5 of 12 Initial: 1.______________ 2.______________

Health Record

Has your child undergone any operations? Describe.

Does your child have problems with his/her sight? If so,

does s/he wear glasses?

Is there any relevant family history we should know


Are there any special medical, physical or emotional

needs that the school should be aware of?

In the event of illness, what provisions have been made

for the care of your child during working hours?

Any other information that might be of value in

understanding your child? e.g. death / divorce /

separation / adoption etc.

Please note that all of the above information remains strictly confidential.

Terms of Enrolment I/we, the parent / guardian of the child agree that:

1. Admission and Fees

My/our child will attend the School, subject to the School’ acceptance of him/her, in the School’s discretion. I/we agree to pay and remain jointly and severally liable for all fees and disbursements as notified to me/us by the School, and at the School’s prevailing rates, which rates are subject to change from time to time, and in particular are subject to annual increase. The School’s prevailing schedule of fees has been made available to me/us, and is also available from the School on request. I/we agree to pay the annual stationery fee with the November school fees in advance which is subject to increase annually of which I/we will be notified.

2. Monthly Fees, Annual Fees and Annual Re-Admission/Admission I/we undertake to pay all monthly amounts due to the School on or before the 1st day of each month. Fees are due regardless of my/our child’s attendance at or absence from the School, and irrespective of any public holidays. I/we agree to pay the monthly fees per electronic funds transfer into the School’s bank account (using the child’s name as a reference), or per cheque, stop order or cash. I/we will be liable for a penalty charge should my cheque be returned or dishonoured, in which event the balance of all the fees for the year will become immediately due and payable. I/We understand that fees are calculated and charged over a twelve month period, and that the monthly fee is due every month, including in respect of December and January. The School is closed on weekends and public holidays, and may be closed for a number of weeks over the December / January period. The School will notify me/us of the dates that they are closed.

I/we agree that the school fees structure is as follows:

To give parents relief in December and January, a time when many families would like to spend on holidays and gifts.

The school experiences a financial crisis as many parents default on December and January fees. This makes it very difficult for the school to meet its financial obligations. Therefore I/we agree that admission/re-admission for your child to attend Little Hearts Professional Educare centre will be made on an annual basis. Forms will be issued on an annual basis. Forms will be issued in October and must be returned promptly with payment as stipulated in the next paragraph.

Page 6: PERSONAL - Form 2014...PERSONAL DETAILS Child’s Information Full names of child Known name Gender Date of Birth Identity

Reception 2B Perth Street [email protected] Buccleuch Tel: 011 656 6179 Sandton, 2090 Fax: 086 758 3071

Page 6 of 12 Initial: 1.______________ 2.______________

I/we agree a non-refundable deposit of two months per child will be required no later than 30 November 2013 to secure your child’s acceptance for the follow year with the re-admission form. This amount will be deducted from the school fees due for December and January. The payment structure will therefore be as follows:

Deposit of two months fees due 30th November 2013 for covering December and January.

10 equal installments thereafter due on the 1st of every month from the 1st February to 1st November. In addition the following levies will be required and payable no later than: 30th November for the annual Stationery Pack. 1st February for the annual Life Skills Levy. Additional Items I/we agree that from time to time the school will arrange ad-hoc outings or events which will incur additional costs for me/we. These events will be kept to the minimum and I/we will be notified in advance by the school. Bakers day I/we agree that Bakers day and Baking day is held every Friday. I/we will have a turn for my child to be the baker in his/her class and acknowledge to send treats for that day.

3. Overdue and Non Payment of Fees

I/We agree that the billing system will automatically charge a R200 on late payments for all payments received after midnight on the 1st of each month. Should I/we not pay fees by the 6th of each month i/we will receive a call to notify my/our little ones suspension and will have to stay at home until the fees are paid. I/we agree that if the fees are not paid for a further 7days thereafter, my/our suspension will lead to my/our contract terminating. Should my/our account with the School be in arrears, the account will be handed over to debt collectors or an attorney, at the School’s discretion. All expenses incurred, including attorney and client fees, collection fees, and tracing charges, will be for my/our account. The School reserves the right, at the School’s discretion, to cancel this contract where my/our account with the School is in arrears, or in the event that I/we or my/our child does not adhere to these terms or to any School policy. I/we understand that late payment of fees and overdue accounts and fees in arrears will also lead to my/our child being suspended from school and his place being lost.

4. Absence from School I/we agree that the school will be informed of any absence of my/our child for whatsoever by verbal communication to the school. I/we further acknowledge that should my/our child be absent without notice for more than 5 days it deem that this contract will be terminated and my/our child’s place at the school be forfeited.

5. Drop off and Collection I/we are aware of the School’s opening and closing hours, and undertake to drop off and collect my/our child timeously. I/we agree to drop off and collect my/our child in the class room with the responsible child care worker or teacher. Early drop off or late collection, including collection later than the closing hours for the daily attendance for which my/our child is registered, will incur a penalty fee. I/we will notify the School in the event of late drop off or early collection, or in the event that my/our child will be missing school, but understand that this could cause disruption in the child’s following of the school program.

Page 7: PERSONAL - Form 2014...PERSONAL DETAILS Child’s Information Full names of child Known name Gender Date of Birth Identity

Reception 2B Perth Street [email protected] Buccleuch Tel: 011 656 6179 Sandton, 2090 Fax: 086 758 3071

Page 7 of 12 Initial: 1.______________ 2.______________

6. Additional Requirements From time to time, the School may require money or goods to be sent to School for ad hoc situations such as a donation to an outreach programme, fund-raising, entertainment or other circumstances. I/we agree to send such money or goods as requested. I/we will be liable for the costs of any special outings, visits, functions, shows or other extra items.

7. Attendance I/we will attend Parents’ Evenings, the details of which will be notified by the School, and understand that these evenings form an important component of communicating with the School and monitoring my/our child’s progress. Progress reports will be provided by the School during the year, and I/we will liaise with the School if I/we have any concerns arising from these reports.

8. Personal and Family Issues I/we will inform the School of any out-of-the-ordinary circumstances, including a death in the family, an accident, divorce and any medical related issue, and understand that it is in my/our child’s interests for the School to be aware of such circumstances in order to care for the child accordingly. I/we understand that all such information will be treated by the School in the strictest confidence.

9. Outsourced Services The School will notify me/us in the event of any eye, hearing or other assessments or tests that may be administered at the School. If I /we do not object to such tests / assessments, I/we will be deemed to have consented to it, and will be liable for any charges incurred.

10. Dress Code and Snacks I/we will ensure my/our child attends school in appropriate clothing, clearly marked with my/our child’s name, being clothing that takes into account the weather and season, can be easily put on and removed by the child, and is suitable for child’s play and activities, and will also ensure my child does not bring jewellery, beaded hair clips, toys or valuables to school. I/we will ensure that my/our child does not take any fizzy cool drinks, chocolates, sweets, crisps or other “unhealthy” snacks to School.

11. Illness and Medication I/we will not send my/our child to School if s/he is sick, including the first 2 (two) days of antibiotic treatment. Should my/our child need medication to be administered whilst at school, I/we will give the medication, together with written dosage instructions, to a responsible person at the School. Under no circumstances will I/we put the medication in the child’s school bag. I/we will make immediate and urgent arrangements for the collection of my/our child should the School advise me/us that the child is sick.

12. Consent for Excursions The School will notify me/us of any school excursions that may be arranged from time to time outside the school grounds, and in the absence of my/our written refusal, I/we will be deemed to have consented to my/our child/s participation in the excursion.

13. Termination I/we may terminate my/our child’s attendance at the School on three months written notice. I/we may elect to pay fees for three months in lieu of notice. Failure to furnish such notice will render me/us liable to the school for payment of three months fees. In the event of the School cancelling this contract, as envisaged above, I/we will remain liable for fees for the month following such termination.

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Reception 2B Perth Street [email protected] Buccleuch Tel: 011 656 6179 Sandton, 2090 Fax: 086 758 3071

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14. Responsibility and indemnity I/we will be responsible for any damages suffered by the School due to my/our child’s actions, including loss of toys or books taken home. I/we understand and accept that my/our child’s attendance at the School is at my/our own risk. The School and its employees and/or contractors accept no responsibility for theft, loss, or damage to any property, or for any injury arising of whatsoever nature, regardless of the cause of such damage or injury. I/we hereby indemnify, hold harmless and absolve the School and its employees and/or contractors from all and any claims of whatever nature that may arise for whatsoever reason as a direct or indirect result of my/our child’s attendance at the School. I/we understand that any extramural activities that my/our child takes part in whilst at School are offered at my/our risk, and are offered independently of the School by private contractors. The School cannot be held liable for any damage or injury suffered whilst my/our child is involved in extramural activities. My/our authority as parent / guardian is hereby delegated to the School, or such other person as the School in their discretion appoints, for the duration of my/our child’s attendance at the School. Should, for whatever reason, my/our child be in need of emergency medical treatment, I/we hereby consent to such treatment being administered to him/her. I/we acknowledge that the School acts in loco parentis, including consent to medical treatment, operations, blood transfusions and anesthesia. All decisions taken by the School under this clause will be in the School’s discretion, and upon consultation with me/us where this is possible or appropriate under the circumstances. I/we will be responsible for any medical costs or charges incurred as a result of any decisions taken by the School in terms of this clause.

15. General I/we will keep the School updated on any changes in my/our personal details. Any failure by the School to enforce its rights in terms of these terms, does not constitute a waiver of its rights. Any change to these terms must be in writing. Any policy document provided by the School, as amended, will form part of these terms.


OUR PURPOSE In partnership with parents, the School is dedicated to developing each child’s full potential by providing outstanding early childhood care and education. OUR PHILOSOPHY Formative years are vitally important in each child’s development. Pre-school is a preparation for life itself and a critical stage where the foundation of the child’s future is laid. We are committed to selecting and supporting dedicated staff who show genuine warmth, enjoyment and affection while expanding the child’s capabilities and understanding of the world. Research shows that children learn best through play, and are constantly learning. We take a holistic view of education. Care and education are inseparable for this age group – you can’t have one without the other. We design our learning programs age appropriately, providing for the special interests, abilities and needs of the children in our care. Each child is special – no one is overlooked. Through continual observations and friendly interactions, teachers come to know and understand each child well. This knowledge is used in providing the best opportunities to develop each child’s full potential. There are 3 different aspects of the development of children: Social /emotional development: Involves development of feeling and emotion, and social skills Cognitive development: Involves development of the mind and thinking skills Physical development: Involves development of the body, and motor skills. These aspects are equally important and are holistically integrated into our program.

Page 9: PERSONAL - Form 2014...PERSONAL DETAILS Child’s Information Full names of child Known name Gender Date of Birth Identity

Reception 2B Perth Street [email protected] Buccleuch Tel: 011 656 6179 Sandton, 2090 Fax: 086 758 3071

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OUR EDUCARE CENTRE Very young children learn through seeing, hearing, touching, feeling and moving. Social skills, along with physical and language abilities are enhanced by the guidance of skilled and caring teachers and assistants. The toddlers are able to make discoveries on which to base further understanding of the world around them. The value of communication becomes more apparent, and art, music and movement are a regular part of the day. PRE-SCHOOLERS Building on existing knowledge and skills, children flourish as they learn to successfully resolve conflicts, gain a heightened recognition of their surroundings, and learn to recognize their name. Curiosity is encouraged, learning is made fun, and numeracy, literacy and creativity are extended. Outdoor playtime is designed to provide choice and challenge as children enjoy friendships with each other, and stretch their physical skills. COMMUNICATION Our partnership with parents recognizes the critical role parents play as the primary caregiver. Enquiries, requests, suggestions and concerns are encouraged. Whether it is a casual conversation, a quick call on the telephone, a note in the child’s bag or through making an appointment, these communications are important to the School and help to form bridges between home and the School. Regular communication with us helps parents to keep in touch with their child’s day at our School. SETTLING-IN PROCESS Parents and staff need to work together in order for the child to settle as quickly as possible. It is important for parents to come in with their child in the morning and never to leave without saying goodbye. Remember to remain positive and cheerful without drawing out good-byes unnecessarily. We find that the more drawn out the good-bye is, the more upset the child will get. The School will phone if the child is not settled after a certain period of time, but the child normally stops crying as soon as the caregiver has left.


ACCIDENTS / INCIDENTS / ILLNESS Parents will be advised of any accident, incident or illness that occurs while the child is at School, except minor or trivial incidences. All staff at the School are trained in basic first aid and CPR, and an equipped first aid box is available on the School’s premises. SAFETY RULES School staff and parents are required to note the following, and where applicable to educate the children on the following safety rules: Children may not climb up the slide – they are to use the steps No dressing up clothes are allowed whilst climbing No children may play with sticks or sharp objects No children may climb on the gates to open latches or ring the bell Children must be held by the hand when traversing the car park Parents are required to drive slowly when entering and leaving the car park Older siblings may not fetch younger children Keep your child’s fingernails short to minimize injury should there be a scratching incident All security gates are to be closed at all times Parents must advise the School if their child is to go home with another person Parents must advise the School if a staff member having authority to collect the child is no longer employed

Page 10: PERSONAL - Form 2014...PERSONAL DETAILS Child’s Information Full names of child Known name Gender Date of Birth Identity

Reception 2B Perth Street [email protected] Buccleuch Tel: 011 656 6179 Sandton, 2090 Fax: 086 758 3071

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POLICY FOR INCIDENTS INVOLVING “PRIVATE PARTS” From time to time, as children become curious about their own and other children’s bodies, there may be incidences of investigation or exploration that are deemed unacceptable. The School’s policy is: To distract the children and watch for further incidents To inform the parents of the incident To give an age-appropriate “private parts” talk To be extra vigilant of any children involved in incidents and quickly distract or discuss the incident with them if

need be. SICKNESS AT SCHOOL The School requires that children who are sick stay at home (in the best interests of the sick child as well as children at the School who may be susceptible to acquiring illnesses). If a child at School complains of illness or a staff member notices any signs of illness the parents will be contacted, and if necessary permission to administer medication will be obtained. Where the School feels it necessary, Parents are required to make immediate arrangements to collect a sick child from the School. A child should not be sent to school in the following circumstances: for the first 48 hours that the child is on antibiotics, after which s/he may return as long as s/he does not have a

fever if the child was running a temperature during the night before if the child had been vomiting or had diarrhea during the night before if the child’s nose is thick with mucous and / or has a cough with lots of phlegm if the child has nits or lice, in which event a clearance certificate from a doctor or clinic is necessary before the

child may return to school DISCIPLINE POLICY

An important part of the School’s role is to build up the self-confidence and self-esteem of the children in our care. We use positive re-enforcement as a way of encouraging acceptable behavior. We do not shout at or ‘label’ the children. If a child constantly disobeys or misbehaves, we will use the “time-out” approach, or possibly use other consequences such as missing out on a fun activity. Children are not born with social skills and these are best learned when relating to others in a group. We aim to teach the children how to verbalise their feelings, how to negotiate, how to resolve conflicts in an acceptable way, and we address these issues in a loving and gentle way. Pre-schoolers tend to seize every opportunity to stretch their capabilities and their limits. It is natural that this time of immense growth will include much trial and testing. Understanding the distinction between childish immaturity and willful disobedience is a pre-requisite, and it is therefore vital for both the School and parents to set and maintain appropriate limits and expectations. The key to successful discipline in the pre-school environment is consistency and communication. The School applies the following steps in the discipline procedure: The teacher makes sure the children know what is expected of them, reviewing the rules and guidelines and

reminding them when they need to follow. A time-out is administered in a respectful way, the rule of thumb applied being one minute per year of the

child’s age, taking the child’s sensitivity level into consideration. The child is not sent out the class or required to sit in an isolated place: the child always remains in the

teacher’s range of vision. The teacher may choose to turn the child’s chair so that the child cannot visually participate in the classroom activities.

After the time-out, the teacher will spend a few minutes reviewing with the child what happened and why. Parents will not necessarily be notified of each time-out.

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Reception 2B Perth Street [email protected] Buccleuch Tel: 011 656 6179 Sandton, 2090 Fax: 086 758 3071

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DISCIPLINE POLICY (continued) A child that continually repeats behaviour that is unacceptable, and has been in time-out a number of times for

the same behaviour, will be sent to the office where his/her behaviour will be discussed, and s/he will be warned that if it happens again, s/he will have to sit in time-out in the office.

If s/he has had to return to the office to do timeout there, and continues to demonstrate the same behaviour, the School will contact the parents to discuss the matter and develop a suitable solution. Some recommendations could include: a physical exam or a psychological assessment; consistent discipline at home; consistent discipline at the School, an arrangement that after certain behaviour, parents will collect their child from the School; or professional counseling.

If the child causes physical harm to himself or other children, causes major disruption, behaves disrespectfully, or is blatantly disobedient, the School will immediately contact the parents to discuss the child’s behaviour.

After a suitable time period, if there has not been a significant change in the child’s behaviour, the School will request a further meeting with the parents. At this stage, The School may either suggest continued discipline, or request that the child be removed from the School.

The discipline procedure is always administered with respect and kindness, and without: intimidation or fear; corporal or physical punishment; anger or raised voice; sarcasm; telling the child that s/he is bad; emotional abuse such as ignoring the child; verbally abusive language; or comparing the child with other children. POSITIVE RE-ENFORCEMENT As part of the School’s discipline goals, we focus on praising and encouraging positive behaviour, using positive re-enforcement as part of the disciplinary approach. Children receive verbal acknowledgement, praise, stickers and small rewards as a way of encouraging good behaviour. We trust your little one will have an exciting, fun and educating time at Little Hearts.

Documentation Required

A copy of the child’s immunisation card A copy of the child’s birth certificate A copy of the child’s latest school report (if applicable) A copy of any therapist’s assessment report (if applicable) A copy of the mother’s identify document A copy of the father’s identify document Copy of salary slip of parents and person responsible for school fees Proof of Residence

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Reception 2B Perth Street [email protected] Buccleuch Tel: 011 656 6179 Sandton, 2090 Fax: 086 758 3071

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2014 Fees

Monthly Fee: Pre School - Full Day (07h00 - 18h00) Pre School – Half Day (07h00 - 14h00) ………………. Grade R - Full Day (07H00 – 18H00) ………………. Grade R- Half Day (07H00 – 14H00) Other fees: Once off Registration Fee Annual Stationary Pack Annual Life Skills Levy

Annual Fees






R350 (Pre School) R700 (Grade R)

R300 (All Classes)

Monthly Fees




R1,800 `

Annual Discount Fee





This value applies to the amount paid before 31st

January 2014

School Hours, Late Collection and Late Fee Penalty

Opening: 07h00 Closing: 18h00 Penalty for late collection: R50 per ½ hour Penalty for late payment of fees after the 1st of the month : R200 Late payment of fees penalty will be automatically assigned to your account.

The School Bank Account

Account holder: Little Hearts Professional Educare Centre cc

Bank and account type: ABSA (Cheque Account)

Branch Code: 632005 Account number: 4075917226