peace · 2nd lt garrett and tiffanie...

Dates to Remember Jan 1—New Year’s Day Jan 3—Second Sunday after Christmas; BCE; You(th) Holiday Party Jan 10—Baptism of Christ/ Communion; Council Jan 17—Second Sunday after Epiphany / Annual Congregational Meeting Jan 18—February Messenger Deadline Jan 19—Food Pantry Jan 24—Third Sunday after Epiphany Jan 29—You(th) Lock-In Jan 31—Fourth Sunday after Epiphany; 5th Sunday Carry-in Inside this issue: Military Addresses; Thank You; Annual Meeting 2 Poinsettia Memorials 3 January Calendar; Financial Update 4 Homebound/Nursing; You(th) Calendar; Volunteer Schedule; January Birthdays 5 Regular & Recurring Meetings 6 PEACE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST JANUARY 2016 VOLUME 122, ISSUE 1 Peace Messenger January is the month of resolutions, new beginnings, and countless reviews of the year just past. This half year I have shared with you all, the good people of Peace UCC, has been one of challenges, much grace, and a renewed sense of God's call in my life. For that I give much thanks to God and to you. After much thought and prayer, the Council and I have come to an agreement to continue at Peace as your contractual Interim minister. I will expand my hours to 75 percent of full-time ministry. Many of those additional hours will be spent in developing and teaching a confirmation program from January-May 2016. Additional time will be spent in meetings and in some pastoral care, particularly those who are severely ill or hospitalized. The Care committee and I will work together to meet the pastoral care needs of those who are homebound or in care facilities. Although I do not anticipate keeping regular office hours at this time, I am available by appointment to anyone who would like to meet with me. I look forward to our time together in 2016. We will continue the good work and ministry of Peace UCC, support the work of the Search Committee, and also prepare ourselves to welcome a new pastor who will lead you into the future. With love, appreciation and anticipation, Rev. Collette From Collette From Your Council After church on December 13 the council met with the search committee, Rev. Collette Jones and Rev. Dale Parson. Rev. Parson commended the search committee on the job they did on our church profile (resume). He also informed us it should be on the UCC website by December 15 for viewing by pastors. In addition, the council discussed and voted in favor of a contract hiring Rev. Jones as our interim pastor. Her responsibilities will increase, one of which will be starting a confirmation class in January for our middle school age children. Having her in this position will bring more stability dur- ing our time of transition and will help us as we move forward in the months ahead in our search for a called pastor. Please continue to include Collette and the search committee in your prayers. Brad Council President

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Dates to Remember

Jan 1—New Year’s Day

Jan 3—Second Sunday af ter

Christmas; BCE; You(th)

Hol iday Party

Jan 10—Bapt ism of Christ /

Co mmunion; Counci l

Jan 17—Second Sunday

a f ter Epiphany / Annual

Congregat ional M eet ing

Jan 18—February M essenger

Deadl ine

Jan 19—Food Pantry

Jan 24—Third Sunday af ter


Jan 29—You(th) Lock-In

Jan 31—Fourth Sunday af ter

Epiphany; 5 th Sunday

Carry - in

Inside this issue:

Military Addresses;

Thank You; Annual



Poinsettia Memorials 3

January Calendar;

Financial Update



You(th) Calendar;

Volunteer Schedule;

January Birthdays


Regular & Recurring





Peace Messenger

January is the month of resolutions, new beginnings, and countless reviews of

the year just past. This half year I have shared with you all, the good people of

Peace UCC, has been one of challenges, much grace, and a renewed sense of

God's call in my life. For that I give much thanks to God and to you.

After much thought and prayer, the Council and I have come to an

agreement to continue at Peace as your contractual Interim minister. I will

expand my hours to 75 percent of full-time ministry. Many of those additional

hours will be spent in developing and teaching a confirmation program from

January-May 2016. Additional time will be spent in meetings and in some

pastoral care, particularly those who are severely ill or hospitalized. The Care

committee and I will work together to meet the pastoral care needs of those who

are homebound or in care facilities. Although I do not anticipate keeping regular

office hours at this time, I am available by appointment to anyone who would

like to meet with me.

I look forward to our time together in 2016. We will continue the good

work and ministry of Peace UCC, support the work of the Search Committee,

and also prepare ourselves to welcome a new pastor who will lead you into the


With love, appreciation and anticipation,

Rev. Collette

From Collette

From Your Council

After church on December 13 the council met with the search committee,

Rev. Collette Jones and Rev. Dale Parson. Rev. Parson commended the

search committee on the job they did on our church profile (resume). He also

informed us it should be on the UCC website by December 15 for viewing by

pastors. In addition, the council discussed and voted in favor of a contract

hiring Rev. Jones as our interim pastor. Her responsibilities will increase, one

of which will be starting a confirmation class in January for our middle

school age children. Having her in this position will bring more stability dur-

ing our time of transition and will help us as we move forward in the months

ahead in our search for a called pastor. Please continue to include Collette and

the search committee in your prayers.


Council President



The Annual Meeting of the Congregation

The Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 17, 2016.

If you are the chairperson of a committee or group and haven’t

already turned in your report, please give your year-end report to

Caroline asap. The report will be available to the congregation

on Sunday, January 10. Thanks everyone!

Thank You…

Thank you to the Raitts for

the beautiful Christmas

Tree and greenery!

Here are the addresses that we have been

provided. Please contact church office if you

have someone to add. Thank you!


USS Ronald Reagan CVN 76

EM3 Collier, Rachel (Leigh Huesgen’s niece)


FPO AP 96616

Captain Sam Fullmer (Mary Henley’s nephew)

1-7 FA

Camp Buehring

Kuwait APO AE 09330

Cpl Andrew Henson (2007 SOBOCO grad)

H&S co. Scoutsniperplt. 1stBat5thMar

Unit 10205

4th line-FPO-ap 96610-0205

1st LT Austin and Abby Ritzman (2008

SOBOCO grad)

4026 Shoshone St. W

Tacoma, WA 98466

(Austin deploys 12/8 to Afghanistan and will

send his address, they are newlyweds)


1st LT Ross and Whitney Bullard (2008

SOBOCO grad)

PO Box 594

Green Mountain Falls, CO 80819

A1c Kyle Lacy and Sarah (Lacys’ grandson)

309 Altus Circle

Whiteman AFB, MO 65305

PVT Madelynn Perry (Cousin of Lee Ann


1787 Nebraska Ave, Unit 04T (Ruff Riders)

Ft Leonard Wood, MO. 65473

2nd LT Garrett and Tiffanie Ritzman (2009

SOBOCO grad)

1534 Antietam Dr Apt #634

Columbus, GA 31907

Jeffrey Sanderson (Nancy Holland’s nephew)

P.O. Box 672058

Chugiak, AK 99567

Captain Justin and Camille Schultz (Camille

grew up in the church)

5395 Brilliance Circle

Cocoa, FL 32926

Specialist Kelby Wheeler (2011 SOBOCO grad)

234 Tiverton Street

Fayetteville, NC 28314

Military Addresses


VOPoinsettia Memorials In Memory Of Given By

Herman & Mary Ackman Lewis & Marlene Selby

Kim, Zack & Haylee Ancell

Coonie & Margie Barner, Dwayne & Tate Barner, Bobby

& Wes Lammers, Tate & Alma Barner,

Harry & Irene Ackman, Martin & Lillian Ackman, Lau-

retta & Les Hilgedick

The Barner Family

The Henry Becker & Fritz Nieman Families Mary Ann & George March

Terry Bennett Twyla, Todd & Tara

John & Eunice Bradshaw Rose Walker & Family

“Ant” Ann Brune The Brune Family

Linda Brune The Brune Family

Paul Brune The Brune Family

Donald Cunningham,

Jesse & Esther Drake Ganelle Cunningham & Family

C.L. & Helen Griffin The Hackmann Kids

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hackman, Sr. The Hackman Family

Norlan Hackman Jo, Marlon, & Holly

Arthur & Violet Hackmann Hackmann Children

Fred Hilgedick Jeanette Crawford

Wanda Hilgedick The Families of Rick & Terry Hilgedick

Wayne Hilgedick The Families of Rick & Terry Hilgedick

Anna Jestis The Jestis Family

Riley Michelle Hudson Jim & Tara Hudson, Tina Cunningham, Leslie Tur-

pin & Blain Borgmann, & Jack Pettigrew

Orval Lenger June Lenger

Marylou Mayse Don Mayse & Family

Julius & Lavonia Meyer, Guy & Evelyn Bullard, Boyd &

Mildred Vaughn, Fred & Rachel Hesse Orval Lenger

Joel and Janet Bullard

Dale and Nancy Lenger

LeRoy Miller Don & Janine Lacy

Zach Monaghan The Brune Family

Becky Nichols &

Rev. Herschel Hughes Carmen Hughes

Gilbert & Lodell Nistendirk,

William & Fredericka Nistendirk Carolyn Selby

Leonard Norris Hazel Norris & Girls

Sonja Raitt-Ogden The Daryll Raitt Family

Paul & Ruth, Lei, Esther, Tyler Henley & Trittler Families

Cy Trock & Violet Hilgedick Bishop The Families of Rick & Terry Hilgedick

Roland Walker,

Dorsey & Hilda Walker Rose Walker & Family

Paul Wilson, Mike Wilson,

Lindell & Kathleen McCartney Patrick & Diana McCartney & Family

Gene & Margie Zumalt Zumalt/Brune Family



Financial Update YtD Income (as of 12/13) = $115,624.36 YtD Budget (as of 12/13) = $131,730.77

January 2016

Peace Messenger is printed monthly. If you would like to start receiving the Messenger by email advise send an

email to Caroline at [email protected]. The deadline for submitting an item to be included in the

next issue is the 3rd Monday of each month. Please direct any corrections or items for inclusion to the church

office by email at: [email protected], by postal service at P.O. Box 19, Hartsburg, MO 65039

or drop by the church office at 121 N. First Street, Hartsburg, MO. Web site:

On Facebook—Peace UCC Hartsburg.

We pray for those who are homebound or in nursing homes:

We pray for those who have lost loved ones: The family and friends of Don Mayse ,

Phoebe Begemann & Jerry Foriester



Leta Batie Hazel Norris

Erna Beckmeyer Shirley Reeder

Bill Carlos Pat Salter

Agnes Curry Joyce Sapp

Al & Doris Judy Helen Smith

Dorothy Lairmore Louise Wilson

Tom Mericle Donald Wyatt

Violet Nichols

January Volunteers

Jan 3

Ushers: Sharon Bullard & Kathie Sheridan

Lay Reader: Glen Beckmeyer

Sound System: Ben

Acolyte: Ethan Hilgedick

Jan 10

Ushers: Janine & Don Lacy

Lay Reader: Kit Salter

Sound System: Jack

Acolyte: Dustin

Jan 17

Ushers: Timothy & Cindy Bullard

Lay Reader: Nancy Holland

Sound System: Amanda

Acolyte: Dalton

Jan 24

Ushers: NEEDED

Lay Reader: Sharon Bullard

Sound System: Wyatt

Acolyte: Amanda

Jan 31

Ushers: NEEDED

Lay Reader: Joel Bullard

Sound System: Justin

Acolyte: Jack

You(th) Calendar: Meet at 7 pm on the 1st and 3rd

Wed. of each month. Holiday Party Jan 3

Lock-In Jan 29



Blaine, Jan 2 Jada, Jan 4 Ava, Jan 7

Tristen, Jan 10 Avery, Jan 12 Alden, Jan 13 Allison, Jan 13 Tyler, Jan 13

Autumn, Jan 21 Blake, Jan 22 Bailey, Jan 28

Richard, Jan 31

Please let us know if we have inadvertently left any children off the birthday list.

Regular and Recurr ing Meet ings

Address Service requested


P.O. Box 19

121 N. First Street

Hartsburg, MO 65039

[email protected]

Non-Profit Org


Hartsburg, MO 65039

Permit No. 2



Church of


Vera Jean Nichols, Music Director Caroline Hilgedick, Church Secretary

Worship is each Sunday at 10 am in the Sanctuary.

Sunday School meets each Sunday at 9 am at the church, during the school year.

LeAnn Bullard (657-4359)

Church Council meets the third Sunday of each month at 11:00 am in the parlor.

Chancel Choir rehearses each Tuesday at 8:00 PM (7:30 PM during winter months).

Vera Jean Nichols (657-2813)

Women’s Circle meets each Thursday from 9 am to 4 pm to quilt and on the second

Thursday of each month at lunchtime for their business meeting. Sharon Bullard (657-


Peace Youth Fellowship meets on the 1at and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at

7 pm during the school year. Kathy Belew (657-0552)

Caring Group meets monthly at the church. Janine Lacy (657-2392) or Rose Walker
