personal development for men

Personal Development for Men It may not be politically correct to separate out personal development for men. But that doesn't mean there aren't some subtle or not so subtle differences when it comes to self help. If you've ever been to a personal development seminar in real life, chances are that the balance of people in the room was definitely not split 50/50 male and female.

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Post on 21-Jan-2018



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Personal Development for Men

It may not be politically correct to separate out personal development for men.

But that doesn't mean there aren't some subtle or not so subtle differences when it comes to self help.

If you've ever been to a personal development seminar in real life, chances are that the balance of people in the room was definitely not split 50/50 male and female.

Personal Development for Men

There's something about men – even those who'd claim to be metrosexual – that doesn't always fit comfortably with the idea of personal development.

Maybe we're too proud.

Maybe we're not as in-touch with our feelings as we "should" be.

Whatever the reason (or excuse) I think there are differences.

Personal Development for Men

A lot of things in the personal development world are unisex. But certain things attract more men than they do women or vice versa.

Maybe that's why I like to use binaural beats meditation – it's kind-of the gadget equivalent of self help.

The techie side of me likes that the beats have been tuned to push my brain towards the desired state. That takes the hard work and the guesswork out of meditation.

No practice involved. Just select the track and press play.

Personal Development for Men

And – for me – that's good.

Sure, I could practice meditation for years and eventually get to the same state as I can get to with a few listens of a binaural beats track.

But I'm not aiming to become a monk so I prefer the higher tech route.

But a lot of women that I know prefer to go to a local meditation class or yoga class and practice that way.

Personal Development for Men

Some personal development – maybe all of it – is self-selecting.

So the moral dilemma of whether it's aimed at men or women or both doesn't really matter.

But that doesn't stop it nagging away at us.

Personal Development for Men

I'm going to go out on a limb a bit here.

I think that the biggest gains to be made from personal development are picking a program that works for you.

Rather than trying to work out whether or not it's designed for men.

The trouble still is that our rational mind doesn't totally believe that.

Personal Development for Men

We're so used to things in life being gender based that we expect everything to be that way.

Walk down the personal care aisle of a supermarket and you'll find different products for men and women.

Lots them with more differences in the packaging than there are in the product themselves.

Marketers know that and pander to it because they get more sales.

Personal Development for Men

I think the main secret to doing personal development – regardless of whether you're male or female – is to actually do something.

Ideally, something you enjoy.

I think that's more important than anything else.

If you're doing something – especially in personal development – then it shouldn't be a chore.

Personal Development for Men

So pick an area that you want to improve in your life.

Home in on one or two areas at a time – I like to have a couple of areas "on the go" so that I can pick and choose which one to concentrate on more on any given day.

Don't choose too many areas otherwise it will be like the bucket list that is most people's New Year resolution list.

And you're more likely to feel overwhelm if the list is long.

Personal Development for Men

Far better to pick off one or two areas a month and do them in depth.

Then next month – assuming you've got as far as you want to go in those areas – pick one or two more.

And so on.

In a year, you'll get through a dozen or more things and will be a noticeably better person.

Personal Development for Men

Rather than trying to do everything at once and be a jack of all trades.

That's a really big "secret" in getting your personal development moving forward.

One thing I like to do with personal development (and I do much the same thing in business) is write a list of pros and cons for any new area I'm thinking of using.

Personal Development for Men

If I struggle to come up with a list of more pros than cons, I move on.

Regardless of whether or not other people are trying to tell me something is fantastic and that I'm really missing out if I don't do it.

If I can't come up with a list of pros – even if it's a short list – that's longer than my list of cons, I put that area onto a back burner.

Personal Development for Men

That's my analytical side coming out.

If that works for you, do it.

If it doesn't, don't do it.

It really is that simple!

Unless you've been sent on a course at work, personal development is just that.

It's personal.

Personal Development for Men

So, go on.

Pick an area.

● Law of attraction● Meditation● Hypnosis● Winning friends and influencing people● Anything else that grabs you...

Personal Development for Men

Then – after you've done your first, gut reaction, pros and cons list – drill down.

All those areas are really big.

Far too big to concentrate on.

For me, I've homed in on binaural beats meditation.

Hypnosis, I've trained to become a hypnotist so I can help other people. Especially since I've hooked it in with NLP.

Personal Development for Men

Law of attraction – I practice gratitude regularly.

And I make sure that (as much as possible) I keep my words positive and nip the negatives in the bud.

Because otherwise I'm attracting the wrong kind of things.

Those are the areas I personally get on with best.

Personal Development for Men

Other people I know have homed in on emotional intelligence, EFT (tapping), breathing meditations (really energetic and tiring if you do them in a certain way!), curing people using NLP and lots of other different things.

The field of personal development is massive.

So pick an area or two and go for it.

Personal Development for Men

And if you're still not sure, click this link.

I'll send you lots of things you can trial.

And, since I'm male, there's a good chance they're biased towards personal development for men, even if they're not badged as such.