personality presentation for success day - sctcc


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Post on 10-Aug-2015




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Ever feel like this?

Who am I?

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The dreaded question…

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Well, just pick one…

Not that easy?!

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Fine… I’ll make it easy for you!

Answer these 8 simple questions!

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Goldfish Wrangler!?

Popcorn Scientist!?

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So, how DO people decide what they want to be when they grow


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As quick as you can!Don’t over-think these!

Answer these 40 simple questions!

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“Personality is to a man what perfume

is to a flower.” ~Charles M. Schwab

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Don’t worry… we all have a personality!

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This mini-assessment does NOT measure…

Stress Emotions Maturity

Intelligence Psychiatric Disturbance

Career Potential Level of Skill

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This mini-assessment DOES tell you about…

Your PREFERRED way of thinking and behaving

Understanding your preferences can help you…

Be more successful Deal with other people better Contribute more to a team Reduce stress Enjoy work more Get more out of your life

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This is not about ability or “being” something or not…

This is about PREFERENCES!

Let’s try this to illustrate my point: Give me your autograph!

It doesn’t mean you can’t, it just means you prefer…

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The farther to one side or the other (E or I, S or N, etc.) the more strongly you identify with that letter. It also indicates that it is harder for you to identify with the opposite letter.

What if you fall in the middle? This means you are equally divided between the two and they are of equal strength for you; the advantage of equal scores is that you can relate well to both sides, the disadvantage is that it may cause confusion at times.

We tend to be attracted to our opposites. We also tend to least understand our opposites – this is our biggest challenge!

If we begin to understand what makes us act, feel, and make decisions as we do, it possible to know our strengths and weaknesses.

If we can understand ourselves – then we can begin to understand, predict, and appreciate how someone else may behave and make decisions.

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So...what is your type???

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16 Possible Types

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E = Extraverted (Expressive) I = Introverted (Reserved)

Where does a person prefer to focus their attention and draw their energy from?

S = Sensory (Observant) N = Intuitive (Introspective)

How does a person prefer to gather information? How do you become aware?

T = Thinking (Tough-minded or objective) F = Feeling (Friendly or sympathetic)

How does a person prefer to make decisions?

J = Judging (Make and keep schedules) P = Perceiving (Probing for alternative, options)

What way does a person prefer to position themselves to the external world? How do you relate to the outer world?

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Facets of our Personalities

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75% of population Attention focused on

outer world Energized by people and

outer world Sociable – lonely when

not with people More involved in

external activities Friends to many Need to experience

world in order to understand it

Tend to like action Society tends to reward

E-type behavior

25% of population Attention focused on

inner world Energized by inner

world and solitude Desire privacy Selective in external

activities Limited relationships Need to understand

world before experiencing it

Often think about what they are doing before acting

Society tends to label I-type as being too shy and withdrawn

E - Extraversion I - Introversion

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75% of population Information is acquired

through 5 senses Realistic and practical Accept and work with

what is “given” in here and now

Wants, trusts, and remembers facts

Believe in experience and trusts history

Good at remembering and working with number of facts

Feel firmly on ground Could you intuition

more but doesn’t trust it much

25% of population Information is acquired

through intuition Imaginative and

inspirational Look at big picture and

try to grasp essential patterns

Futuristic in thinking and trusts hunches

Look at potential growth, not necessarily present situations

Expert at seeing new possibilities

Complex ideas come as a package

Considers facts but may go beyond

S - Sensing N - Intuition

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50% of population Make decisions through

thinking Tend to keep emotions

private Decide objectively by

standard of truth Analyze and weigh

evidence Not swayed by emotions Principles are important Believe in policies, laws,

etc. Gender biases – 60%

male Schools tend to teach to

& value T-Types, makes it difficult to develop F

Actual feelings and emotions are no stronger/weaker than F’s

50% of population Make decisions through

feeling Tend to show emotions

openly Decide subjectively on

basis of person-centered values

Don’t require logic Motivated by emotion Values are important Believe in extenuating

circumstances Gender biased – 60%

female School gives opportunity

to develop T – aspect Can think as much as


T - Thinking F - Feeling

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50 % of population Orientation toward outer

world –taking action Like to make decisions Tend to live in planned,

orderly way – like control Establish deadlines and take

them seriously Like to get work done – then

play Structured and organized Outcome oriented Decisions are decisive Plan ahead Feels sense of urgency until

decisions are made “Let’s get the show on the

road” Can help make sure

decisions are made

50% of population Orientation toward inner

world – reserve action Like to gather data Like to keep options open Tend to live in a flexible,

spontaneous way Like work to be play Seek to understand life

rather than control it Process oriented Decisions are tentative Adapt to the moment Resist making decisions “Let’s wait and see” Can help make sure

decisions don’t get made too quickly

J - Judgement P - Perception

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You might be a “J” if…

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Which type are you?

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Exploring Majors

First and last letters of personality

type may indicate preferred style of exploring majors

EJ Types may declare majors early EP Types like to experience

everything first IJ Types research majors before

deciding IP Types delays decision while

considering all options

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Each preference and each type has its own gifts and strengths

It is up to you to decide whether the results are accurate

Type should be used to understand yourself, not as an excuse for doing or not doing something

This indicates your preferences, not your abilities


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Keep things in perspective…

Please remember to write down (I have to be able to read it!) your email address and type so I can email you more info!

And fill out the evaluation!

Keynote and Pizza happening next!