personality type report


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Report for Nompumelelo Myeko

The w word Enneagram

comes from the Greek w

words ennea (nine) and gram (what is w

written or draw n). It refers to the nine different

Enneagram styles, identified

as numbers 1-9. Each number represents a worldview and archetype that resonates w with your core motivations. This impacts on personality as w ell as thinking,

feeling and actions.

The Enneagram is a useful guide on your journey towards self-development, relationship building, conflict resolution and the improvement of team dynamics. It is

however not aimed at "boxing", limiting or categorising you. As an individual you are

more complex, unique and distinct than your Enneagram style reflects.

While your Enneagram style remains the same throughout your life, the characteristics of your style may either soften or become more pronounced as y o u

g r o w a n d d e v e lo p .

The Enneagram is an archetypal map. It is powerful, practical and rich in the content and insight it offers. You may find that at different times, different aspects of this report will resonate with you and that certain aspects of your style may be more prominent at certain times in your life, or in particular


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Centre of Expression

The Centre of Expression is at the core of how individuals show up in the w world. Some people are predominantly present and connected to their emotions, w whereas others are more

connected to their thoughts or their bodies.

The Head - Heart - Hands analogy is another w way of thinking about the centres. Your dominant centre of expression shapes your w ay of interacting w with others and what you project into the interpersonal sphere. This may differ from the structural placement of your Enneagram type w which denotes the challenges of your type that need to be resolved w within a

cent r e .

You are a Feeling Centred individual

As a Feeling Centred Individual you are likely to:

Be connected to and aw are of your inner life and emotions Reach out to others through your awareness of feelings and emotions Strongly connect to memories, dreams and images Focus on the self and your identity

Feeling Centre Dominance Drawbacks

May struggle to translate emotions into practical action

May act on feelings w without planning ahead or thinking things through May over-identify w with own n internal w world and the

past May get overshadowed by people w with strong Thinking and Action Centres Can be temporal, shifting quickly as the situation changes. May be seen as temperamental and changeable

Centre of Intelligence

To be w whole, integrated and centred requires our being able to

access all three centres or intelligences. We need to be able to

use all three in present, mindful and integrated w ways. Y you can develop greater balance between your centres by:

Focusing on the development of your Action and Thinking Centres

Feeling Energy is W ARM. It is about caring and

commitment. It corresponds w with the limbic

system or emotional centre of the brain and relates to the range of emotions and feelings we experience.

Being more conscious of the impact of your Feeling Orientation on others and your own n activities

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Your Centre-Specific Styles Even though your dominant Centre of Expression is FEELING, you also have a specific style that comes to the fore w hen connecting to your actions, feelings or thoughts. This is related to the

w ay in w which the different Enneagram Types show up in your profile. There is therefore a particular w ay in w which you engage w with feelings, actions and thoughts w which is flavoured by your Enneagram Profile. You may be most aw are of this when you are confused or when you're aw are that your gut says one thing, your head another and your heart something else.

Examining how you use, have access to and misuse the different centres in your own n life, can be very beneficial to your development and growth. It is therefore important to pay

attention not only to what your dominant style is in each centre, but to also reflect on how much access you have to the centre by reflecting on the extent to w which action, feeling and thinking show s up in your profile as set out

by the Centre of Expression.

Action Style Internal

Your action style is focused on your internal w world and a need for order and structure. You will therefore move to action swiftly due to a strong belief that you are right. This enables you to commit deeply to your

plans. You will use your commitment to push yourself to perform and will hold yourself accountable to high standards in the process. You also tend to put your best foot forward in most situations. You may be know n to exhibit suppressed anger that comes to the fore as moments of resentment or sarcasm. You will

assert control over your environment by being very self-controlled and structured.

Feeling Style External

Your feeling style is focused on the needs and wishes of others. You will therefore connect empathically to the people around you, tuning into their emotions and desires. You will use your compassion and understanding to support others. You find your identity in relation to others and your ability to help and support them. Your desire to give and care comes to the fore strongly. You will therefore create an image of

being thoughtful, likeable and reliable.

Thinking Style Conflicted

Your thinking style is conflicted w which leads you to face the future w with apprehension. Your thoughts

are therefore centred on your uncertainties and fears and you tend to be very alert to risk. Your thoughts

and plans will focus on minimising surprises. You will therefore tend to plan for the w worst rather than the

best. You tend to be cautious in your approach to new information, preferring to stick w with what you know.

You may find yourself constantly scanning your environment. You may apply your thinking to create rules

and procedures that are aimed at creating stability and safety.

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Detailed Enneagram Description

Nompumelelo, you resonate with the Enneagram type 1 w which

Action: is also know n as the Strict Perfectionist

Others are likely to experience you as responsible,

organised, quality-oriented and critical. Self-control is very important to you. The Ennea 1 sits in the Action Centre of the Enneagram, but the control and action is mostly directed internally,

manifesting as self-control. You are likely to be adept at organising and planning. You prefer to w work in a structured and systematic w ay enabling you to analyse

information w ell. You are likely to be very hardworking and



Worldview You have a very strong sense of "right" and "w wrong" and believe that it is not w worth doing if it isn't done correctly. You therefore set very high standards for yourself and will

hold yourself and others accountable to these standards.

Your inner self-critic is likely to be w ell developed and you may find your inner-voice constantly engaged in a conversation about w whether things are right, have been

done w ell enough and how you can improve on what is already there. Your internal dialogue may include a lot of "I

should", "I must" and "I ought to". As an Ennea 1 your desire to live according to the rules

may have led you to develop an internal scorecard that you measure up against. This list of what you "should" be or

"should not" be doing may lead you to either constrict or expand your life. For example, if you believe you "should" be expressing yourself creatively, you are likely to pursue an artistic activity to fulfil this obligation or picture of what a "good" person should do. It may also lead you to seek out certain groups that allow you to express some inherent needs because of their inherent

"rules", thereby creating a trapdoor into an activity that you

w would otherwise not be able to justify to others.

The w world is imperfect and you

can work towards improving it

and improving yourself. Focus of Attention

You focus attention on distinguishing between right a n d wrong, goo d a n d

b ad, correct and incorrect. Core Fear

That there is something intrinsically wrong w with you; being defective and "not good

e no ugh". Self-Talk

I must be perfect, I must avoid


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Even though you may experience a lot of anger, you will rarely express this outwardly. Your anger is much more likely to be expressed as moments of irritation and resentment. You will however w work hard to keep these emotions under control. Your feelings of irritation and resentment are likely to be centred on others and the extent to w which they are irresponsible, unconcerned w with quality or

unethical. Even though you are highly self-critical, you do not respond w ell to criticism from others. Being critical of yourself and others is therefore a kind of defence mechanism. Even though you strive for

perfection, you intensely dislike it when others point out your imperfections. When your anger builds, you will tend to become physically rigid and extremely polite. When you do choose to express your anger, it will be w ell thought-through and you will be able to justify your anger w with a list of grievances and details about past experiences and disappointments. Your anger will often be triggered when you consider how things "should be". In this process you may find it

difficult to stay connected to the w way things are at the moment.

Blind Spots

You may appear critical or impatient even when you're trying to be constructive. You may be unaware of how irritation, anger and resentment show up in body language despite

your efforts towards controlling and repressing these emotions. When you feel righteous about an issue, your normally critical nature is silenced and you may struggle to move and be moved from this position to accepting that others may also have a valid perspective / response

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The Ennea 1 has the following strengths and positive qualities

The Ennea 1 strives to lead a life

of example and to behave in an

exemplary manner. This can set the tone for others in terms of quality, responsibility and ethics. Your ability to monitor and regulate your own n behaviour is probably w ell developed. In

monitoring how you act and express yourself enables you to

distinguish yourself as controlled

and particular. Your need for perfection may even manifest as an immaculate appearance (clothes, hair etc.) or a particular interest in maintaining your fitness and

physique. This drive towards self-improvement may serve you

in some aspects of your life. Your meticulous approach makes it easy for you to justify and explain your decisions to others.

You are very conscientious and

w h e n you u s a y ye s t o a t a s k

o r take responsibility for something,

you see it through to the end. Even though you find it difficult to delegate, when you do so you will be precise and detailed in

your instructions; you provide

clear goals and guidelines for

o t he rs . Even though you are very critical,

you will respond positively when

you find others who are able to

meet your exacting standards. This positive assessment w ill enable you to trust the person in question w with tasks and responsibility that may seem slightly unlike you to people who

don't understand your criteria of

measurement. You are likely to be adept at

controlling your emotions.

You probably enjoy and excel

when given the opportunity to

structure and organise work. Being given disorder and chaos with the opportunity to create practical order and structure are

therefore stimulating to you. You are likely to be known as someone w with a highly discerning mind. Your alert and observant ability should enable you to zoom in on mistakes, inaccuracies and quality

problems. You desire integrity and w ill uphold ethics and policy in

decision making. You may resonate with the need to find

an ethical platform on which to

construct your life. Your focus on methodology enables you to emphasise the action aspects of tasks and put emotions aside when necessary. This also facilitates consistency

and quality. When you show your emotions openly, you will be able to justify and explain your reasons for these feelings in a lot of details.

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The Ennea 1 has the following weaknesses and challenges

Taking on a huge w workload may

be one w way of keeping busy

and disconnecting from your

feelings. Because you prefer self-control to anger and w ant to act in a manner that is beyond reproach, you may struggle to read the

cues of anger effectively. This self-denial may lead to your

anger "sneaking up" on you, leading to reactive behaviours. By constantly monitoring your expression and action, you may end up struggling w with spontaneity and may end up worrying excessively about details and aspects of yourself that others don't notice and

appreciate. Your need to avoid mistakes and get things right can lead to "Analysis Paralysis" and procrastination. In an attempt to perfect things, you may miss deadlines or opportunities to act. It can lead to things taking you

longer to complete w which in

turn may lead to long working

hours and work encroaching on

other responsibilities.

You may struggle to delegate

and pass responsibility on to others as you believe that they will rarely do it right or as well as

you d o. Relaxing when there is w work to

be done may be very difficult, if

not impossible, for you to do. This inability to relax impacts on you as w ell as the people around you. It can lead to you being over-serious as well as to compulsive behaviour such as

compulsive cleaning, ordering,

sorting and planning. Despite generally being critical, you will very rarely be able to

access this if you believe that

you are doing the right thing. This may make it difficult for others to discuss a problem with

you that you don't see; and can lead to a 'moral high ground’

which others fear to tread. Your sense of responsibility and desire not to disappoint others is so deeply entrenched that it

leads to you pushing through tasks and commitments you don't

want to follow through on, merely

because you said "yes" in the past and refuse to go back on your commitment. This can lead to resentment and may act as an undercurrent in tone to significant relationships but will

most likely not be expressed.

Your need to get it right may also lead to very slow decision making or an avoidance of decisions, in case it turns out to

be the "wrong" decision. Others can experience your need to get it right as rigid and moralistic. This critical stance in

relation to others often impacts on the extent to which people

are willing to be proactive and

show initiative. Critical energy quickly extinguishes the creative spark in others and does the same thing to your own

creativity. Ennea 1's may have a subconscious belief that love should be earned and that you can only earn love by not making

mistakes and being "perfect". This may lead to you also holding your significant others to very high standards which may lead

to them feeling judged by you. The Ennea 1 suppresses and denies "bad" emotions. Despite working hard at controlling irritation, resentment and anger

in particular, it may be show ing

up in your body language more than you are aw are of. Your sense of self-control may therefore be unrealistic as others are likely to pick up on these emotions anyway. It will

therefore still impact on group dynamics, despite your efforts to

control these emotions.

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Wing Sub-Type You are a Type 1 with wing 2, that of the Considerate Helper. This

flavours your main type with Advocacy.

Your wing type describes the flavour or unique aspects that colour your main

Enneagram type. This is indicated through one of the two adjacent types to your main type. Most individuals have a dominant wing type of the two

adjacent types, although for some individuals who are more mature or have done a lot of psychological and spiritual development work, you may have both wings coming to the fore in some w ay. The latter is the exception

rather than the rule. Your wing complements your main type. To understand

the proportion or intensity to which this complementary effect is present in your profile, you need to consider the score of your wing type relative to your main type. If

1 2

both are almost equally high, your wing type will flavour your main type in a marked w ay, whereas a much lower score on the wing type, will generally show a more negligible impact on how your type presents itself

in your life and behaviour. One of the main pathways to development, lies through your wing.

* Please note that your wing type is not necessarily your second highest score. It is measured as a separate construct in the Integrative Enneagram test. Depending on the strain you may be experiencing and your level of integration, your wing's influence on your

type will vary.

At a high level of integration, your wing will:

Balance your task-orientation with a greater degree of people-orientation, thereby tempering your standards with concern for people Enable you to be more consistently generous, giving and kind by focusing your sense of justice and fairness on other people as much as on what is right or wrong for you Make it easier for you to display warmth and affection towards other people by engaging them in social conversation Allow you to be aw are of other people's needs and wishes in relation to what you are busy with Make it easier for you to forgive people when they don't measure up to your standards and performance criteria;

At a moderate level of integration, your wing will:

At times lead to others experiencing you as somewhat hypocritical due to your tendency to claim the moral high ground Make you more sensitive to criticism than someone with a wing 9 Enable you to hold an awareness of standards and quality while also being sensitive to the implications of this on people

At a low level of integration, your wing will:

Potentially lead to dependency and jealousy in intimate relationships Lead to self-punishment and increasing expectations that you are unable to measure up to Create an impression with others that you are self-righteous Can lead to very defensive or aggressive behaviour when you get feedback that you've disappointed others or made a mistake

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Instinct Sub-Type Your instinctive subtype gives you insight into the predominant preoccupation you have in your impulses and more gut-type reaction. This layer of information is particularly valuable when you consider relationship issues. Generally people have all three the instinctive types available to them, but one of these will be more easily accessible and more frequently used than the others, thereby merging with your main Enneagram type to create a subtype. A generic descriptor of the instinct is provided. However, the implication of your instinct is mostly expressed in relation to your main Enneagram type. You may then w ant to consider the possible implications of your instinct given your main

E nnea type .

Nompumelelo, you are an Ennea 1 with an SO instinct.

SO - The Group / Social or "We" Instinct The primary concerns for the SO instinct are on interactions and relationships w with other people in a broad sense and the personal value or self-esteem that you gain from collective group activities. This flavours your profile with a push towards community and shared purpose. It however also leads to a heightened

sense of social responsiveness as you are aw are of group norms and standards and what others expect of

you. The relative status and approval you perceive in primary group contexts, will therefore be part of your

focus of energy.

The SO instinct provides contextual intelligence as you tune into the groups you belong to (family, friends, subculture, community, nation, ethnic identity, spiritual community etc). It focuses your attention on

security of "place" and belonging in relation to other people.

When you are struggling to fit in, adjust and be accepted by others, or when you feel unappreciated or isolated, your strain profile is likely to be affected negatively. This may not only be within society at large, but

could be within a specific subculture or group that you identify with.

At an unhealthy level, your instinct may manifest as antisocial behaviour or a very reactive and resentful w

ay of interacting with society.

Given your main Ennea type, this instinct is likely to:

Enhance your awareness of standards and group norms in your pursuit to get things right Intensify your need to take in the right "position" in relation to issues and people Lead to inflexibility and stubbornness in relation to group standards and quality as you stand for doing things the right w ay Make you very sensitive to what is wrong with your own team / group / community as w ell as attuned to what is wrong with other groups Connect

you more with your righteous anger Allow you to claim the moral high ground Enhance black/white thinking through a strong connection to what is wrong or right

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