pet expo slides 2013

Agenda: Friday 18th Oct 10:30 to 11:30 Customer Experience Mapping 12:30 to 1:30 Personna Profiling 5:00 to 5:55 How to use Customer Reviews Saturday19th Oct 10:35 to 11:35 Customer Experience Mapping 12:30 to 1:25 Personna Profiling 2:30 to 3:25 How to use Customer Reviews 50

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Friday 18th Oct10:30 to 11:30 Customer Experience Mapping12:30 to 1:30 Personna Profiling5:00 to 5:55 How to use Customer Reviews

Saturday19th Oct10:35 to 11:35 Customer Experience Mapping12:30 to 1:25 Personna Profiling2:30 to 3:25 How to use Customer Reviews


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My background


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Customer Experience Mapping

Presenter Danielle MacInnis

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Agenda: Customer Experience Mapping


How does it help?

How to do it?

How to use it

We don’t by products or services. We buy promises. Make promises you can keep. It is now a reflection of ourselves the brands we associate with. How you will make me care?

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What's in it for you?

1. How to do it and create a better brand

2. Leverage it

3. Develop more services and products

Tip: See something you want to know more about? Jot it down on the feedback form and we will make sure we get back to you with the good oil.

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Customer Experience Mapping

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What makes a good customer experience map

It has a start, middle and endIt has to be true

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What is a customer experience map?

Customer experience journey maps are a tool to help to bring the outside world in. They are a tool that can help you bring your customer stories to life. An entire story. Not just the piece.

As we map the customer’s story our own story becomes visible and often reveals a incomplete or fractured story.

What is your customers response to your experience

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Step into your customers’ shoes: Its not about you.

What is their problem, issue or challenge? Set your mindsetto think "What is in if for me FM?

Tip: set up online survey, and ask customers about your service, how they found you etc

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It takes 12 positive experiences to make up for

an unresolved negative experience!

Understanding Customers, Ruby Newell-Legner!

Why invest?

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Why invest?

“Customers are sharing their experiences in

real time. Business with poor service have no where to hide.”

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Why invest?

What are they saying, sharing, and how are they choosing?


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Wow Moments

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Distance between expectations

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How customer centric is your service?

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What system to use?

Touchpoint mapping

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Mapping your clients journey


•Choosing - Trigger

•Finding - Researching

•Booking - Online/ Telephone

•Dropping off

•Treatment time

•Pick Up

•After Care

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Mapping your clients journey

•Choosing -


•Finding -


•Booking -



•Dropping off

•Treatment time

•Pick Up

•After Care

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Mapping to Personna’s

Before Scenario! After Scenario!




Pain Points!


* inspired by Todd Warfel's task analysis grid!

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Putting it together

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Putting it together

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Things to keep in mind

ActionsWhat people are doing

EmotionsFeelings and Perceptions

NeedsWhat people are trying to satisfy

PeopleWho is involved

ContentPlace and EnvironmentProducts and Services

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Your turn



Research( Try( Buy( Evaluate(

Buying a TV Booking a Holiday Trying a restaurant



Questions or Needs



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Want help...?



•  Customer Service Aptitude

•  Test your customer Centricity

•  Humanize online Asssessment

•  Customer Culture tools

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Personna Profiling

Presenter Danielle MacInnis

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My background


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What is a persona?Why profile?How to profile?How to use it?

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What's in it for you?

1. Templates to follow

2. Resources

3. Lots of examples

4. Short cuts

Tip: See something you want to know more about? Jot it down on the feedback form and we will make sure we get back to you with the good oil.

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What your prospect is thinking1. Do you work with people like me?

2. Do you understand my problems, issues and challenges?

3. Do you have solutions and results that actually work for people like me?

4. Do you have some free information that can help me immediately? I don’t

want to pay for anything yet!

Tip: Look at your web and ask yourself how well do we answer these questions for our customers?

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GoalThe goal of a buyer persona is to gain deeper insights into your target audience. With that understanding, you can create marketing messages that reach potential customers on a more personal level.

Prioritise Customer Needs !  In marketing, what is important

to one customer might be irrelevant to another.

! Buyer personas help you create content that speaks directly to the needs of specific audience sectors.

! Tailored messages are more effective than content that tries to reach everyone at once.

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1.  Map out your buying process

!  How are your products purchased?

!  Who is involved in the purchasing process?

!  What are their roles in the organisation?

Humanise your top personas

What is their educational and professional background and skill set?

How old are they?

Are they married?

Do they have any relevant hobbies?

How do they seek new information?


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!  BACKGROUND: •  Basic details about persona’s role •  Key information about the persona’s

company •  Relevant background info, like

education or hobbies

!  DEMOGRAPHICS: •  Gender •  Age Range •  HH Income (Consider a spouse’s

income, if relevant) •  Urbanicity (Is your persona urban,

suburban, or rural?) !  IDENTIFIERS: •  Buzz words •  Mannerisms

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!  GOALS: •  Persona’s primary goal •  Persona’s secondary goal

!  CHALLENGES: •  Primary challenge to

persona’s success •  Secondary challenge to

persona’s success

!  HOW WE HELP: •  How you solve your

persona’s challenges •  How you help your persona

achieve goals

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What do they

HEAR? boss

colleagues influencers


What do they

SEE? environment

friends colleagues

what work offers

What do they

THINK & FEEL & FEAR? what really counts

major preoccupations worries & aspirations

What do they

SAY & DO? attitude in public

appearance behavior towards others

PAIN fears | frustrations | obstacles

Source: XPLANE and Business Model Generation by Alexander Osterwalder

GAIN wants/needs | measures of success | obstacles

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Ordering Personna’s

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Does this service really work?Solution / Outcome - Trust

Word  of  MouthTes.monials

Case  Studies

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Mapping to Personna’s - Your Turn

Before Scenario! After Scenario!




Pain Points!


* inspired by Todd Warfel's task analysis grid!

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Want help...?



Touchpoint Mapping

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Thank you

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How to use Customer Reviews

Presenter Danielle MacInnis

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My background



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Agenda: Why reviews have more relevancyWhere your customers are lookingHow to be foundHow to respondHow to ask for reviews

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Why invest? What are they saying, sharing, and how are they choosing?


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Mouth Marketing - Now online

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“Well, if people are asking questions on Facebook and Twitter about how to redeem Membership Rewards points, shouldn’t we be there answering them? Wouldn’t that help our marketing efforts?” When you start to see things come together like this, that’s when the light bulb goes on. It is all about creating a cohesive outcome for the customer base.

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True Local

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Product Review Australia

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Review sitesDog food adviser

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You Tube

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Talkable. sharable.

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Reviews - Ask for them

!  Secondly, test your internally created profiles, by reaching out to your existing customers and even prospective customers - if you can gain access to them. Win/Loss interviews with prospects who did not become customers are extremely enlightening.

!  For those not in your current customer base, you may need to get creative in your recruitment process using survey tools like SurveyMonkey and social networks LinkedIn to seek out connections.

!  If you don’t have a relationship established with the interviewee, incentives are especially important. Make it clear that you’re not doing a sales pitch, and be as flexible as possible to accommodate their schedule and preferred interviewing situation.

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Respond to them

When you understand that this is a group of people who really feel a sense of belonging—that this brand matters to them—you start to build your marketing plans around the sense of joining a community. So if we find, based on your purchasing profile, that you love wine or you love dining out or you love golf, we can further engage you in the things you’ve already made clear are important to you as a person. It is about doing appropriate things to understand what interests you and then serving you better. (amazon) It is how we listen. It is learning how to respond.

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When to ask for them

1. Right after service - with an


2. Long term loyal customers

3. When someone doesn’t

come back

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What you can discover

1. What is wrong with your current


2. New services

3. Testimonials for your website

4. Referrals

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Do you feel like this?


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Want help...?


Marketing Strategy

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The 7 Steps to Customer Centric Service Marketing �

1. Understand what your customers want and what you deliver ) �����$���"����$(� ��( %"�#�"&������ � %"��"�����#�( %"�$ %��! ��$#��� ���"���(�� ������ %#$ ��"����$"���!� !����"��( %"��"��$�#$��##�$��� ��"&���#��#�$���"���$� �#��!��� ���!���#$�������

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Thank you