phe advertiser. local. iii, easnj cure disease in unioau · phe advertiser. i local. j...

pHE ADVERTISER. I local. j joWNVILLE.-AUG- . 16., 1SGQ. ' ; if paid ! advance, - $5,00 svrney,7J', attbeeadcf mouths, a.M " " " "" I " "lt if or more will bt furniabed at $1,60 per VaU tbe cash' accompanies the nrder, not t v . .-et circulation of suit EaDer in -- DCaW1 TTrv1-.- 1 art m in Rt Ternwri ... . St. Joseph, Cincinnati and other East-Lcv- o. t WDere KebreaXa merchant' pur- - 01 find no better advertiaing medium (1 VTetterngg'Q.j.i- - .! oo hand, printed ln superior etyle, e4 for I VEwforcaah, a fresh aopply of i'Sin'y Deed, Morteeje Deeds, I shriff and Comtable Blanks. . Blank Preemrtion Pare", Township Plata. Bills leading. Drafts, Notes, etc, etc.. etc i .inu-ii- i attfntion of those In need. K?ntiMof any every description executed to ;r"" tn none. troduced lnany Part of a r wt eiCTpt oo office in the Tt, or offer specimens of cor work as evidence. 'th uTo- -b. . oo, authorised HABDINO & CO.. Nrw- - and LUerry De- - ft Ki k!S5. City, oar ectborued Agent. ,uthth. 4srfrfufraBdrTHiey. mv rnr, &, CO. Yri nr.ALERS IN li-- c 5 nr. PrintiM Material of all Kinds. "U Tribone Building, XewTork, end Brown's Iron ' BwKKn-- s, Philadelphia. fwjvr are authorised Agents for the Farmer and Advertiser. PmATIICU & ABBOTT, SUCCESSORS TO HGILT, "cite- - States and Foreign Newspaper f Advertising Agency, 333, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Mtborired aeenta for tbe "KIBBAStA ADVXR 11" end "KEB&ASCA JA.BJCE&." Pclinc:.! Republicans. Tli Republicans of Jsemaha County are request j te bold tbelr precinct Elections on Saturday, fitrwtJ5ll, for the purpose of electing Ablegates n bt County Convention, to be held in Brownville a iki Its of September, next, to nominate eandi .iia for tbe following offices: one Councilman, an Rrnresentatrres. one fJeanty Commissioner and i Coroner, to be elected next October. Let every -- rioet be. represented in the conrention. Eyorferof tbe Republican Central Committee. C.W. WHEELER, Cbm'n. Th SspubCoans of Johnson county are urgently Mted toienS delegates to tneet the Republicans if ynk County, ia their Conrention at Brown-'li- oa tbe 8th of September, to nominate a Candi ttt tot CouDcilman. .The Conrention is cobecom--m- i of Ddfjaie; and taking tbe census returns ii tbuii Johnson Couaty is entitled to seren del-nU- t. ". C.W. W. A CARD. ill. Editor: Allow me thrpugh the Advertiser, to txntl a mistake" which appeared in the I, Proceedings of. tbe Republican,- " as published, both in the Jldvertis- - yand Herald. A motion was made that ie IVecincts be requested to meet and Select Delegates to the County Conven-S'.io- a, on Saturday, the first of Septemb- er. Some person suggested that the 'precincts hold their meetings at anytime ii best fuited their eonrenience. Con-- . sJeraLle discussion occurred on thisques-jtioD- j. and I was under the impression jirben I wrote out the proceedings that it fjajsed the Contention in the form as f published ; but I hare since been infonn-jtdb- y rarious persons who were present jiit the motion as passed, called tbe pre- set meetings on the 1st of September. To prerent confusion, and to have the p'ecinct raeetirgs held on the same day, jie Central Committee have decided to a'l the-precin- meetings on the 25th of AarusL T. R. Fisher. j Still Ccralng frora the 3IIncs. Chwls R. Srartra, who went from i'iis place to the mines last Spring, more -- or the purpose of seeing than mining, I returned this week. He thinks there jre. too many people out there to work k niigeously. j Dr. Noel and his family, J. W. Cole-jMn- d others are on their way in, and I y be looked for daily. j They hare a terrible set of despera-jteio- ut about the mines, which, is, how- - Lothing unusual. Erery paper from j Dearer brings iLtelligence of more or ltsPrscns beiog killed by drunken row-Th- e editor of the News, W. N. r, Esq., was recently attacked by eruSans aad came near loosing his He, however, escaped, and the af-resul- in the death of one, and the Abluent nf another of the assailants. Jtlth fif nnn .T C ITffrhPll. jW-Jair- s C. Mitchell, died at his jence ia Floreuce, on ronday, Aug. j Mr. M. was one of the oldest, and ! prominent citizens' of this Territo- - Hiiloss will be severely felt. ':rfis and Tcn-Pln- S. Lovers these ;v6-- 1 Marble-To- p tables, and splendid 7at WoRTKiHt,'! City Sabon. ; S. The Judge waits uJon the "bred-a- d looks after telegraph watters. u'n cp Miller." Melons.ToMr. E. P. Stout j"4 MverlUer office is indebted for a i jr-- c.Qehcjout. water .melons.- - Any fW r..v Perfectly in order." e t change has come over the wea 'the past week, During some days , tu ciouimg wa quite comfortable, &. ''a?ir.g fires very desirable. lth neg. week to return thanks to the mv4ng!riessecger"of the U.S. - vmpany for valuable files of St, ' : st- - Louis paptrs.' ' AYe now double "thinVet" Wanted. We want on subscription or other, indebtedness, Jiungarjan grass ha, cats, corn, wheat, potatoes.hingles, When it is inconvenient to pay in the above named "circulating medium," we we will take cash rather than be consid- ered unaccommodating. Wood and hay, however, we are very anxious to procure. Gone for Goods. ... Theodohe Hill has gone East to pur chase a new stock of poods.. Look out for a staving stock on his return. We presume there are in heaven persons that committed theft; some that were guilty of profane swearing, some that got drunk, some that wore mustaches and some that would vote for Breckin- ridge and Lane, but we guess there is nobody there that uidn t pay for his pa per. Joe Lane an elderly gentleman men 9 m tioned, a lew weeks ago, in connection with the Vice Presidency, is now in Bal timore. Joe is coining home from North Carolina. ' The artesian well at Columbus, Ohio has reached a depth of 2.518 feet, with out any signs of water. The ausrer is now passing through a hard, grayish, sandstone. The census-taker- s report that the pop ulation of Baltimore will be .230,000, which is an increase of 61,000 over the census of 1S50. The Pacific Telegraph line was exten ded, Saturday, July 21st, as far west as Fort Smith, Arkansas. It is in good working order. Joseph Gales, princicipal proprietor of the National Intelligencer, died at Wash- ington, July 21st, aged seventyfive years. It is thought the census just taken of New York city will show the population to be about 900,000. There were thirteen cases of sun-strok- e in St. Louis, July 20th, all resulting in death. A Good Tiling. A pill free from all mineral dreparations, composed solely of extracts and balsams taken from roots and herbs. X Llrer Pill, wbioh $1,009 reward is offered to any chemist to detect one grain of mercury In them. Jl Pill wbich has no equal for tbe cure of Llrer Complaint Indirestlon, Head-ach- e, CostlTeness, fcc. A pill for family use. A pill for a gentle and mild cathartic. A pill that wll Toot produce disease by salivation, which Is a thousand times worae than lhat which it cured. Xow, ready, do you need a food pill If so, be sura and try Hardy's Liver Pills, for It is no lets than the good things we allude to above. For Ssle by, J. H. MAUN & CO., Brownville, N. T. July, 6, Sin Hloncy To Loan. Persons wishing to borrow money, enn ho accom- modated by applying to tbe undersigned. Reliable security required. II. ii. AKINSOX. We Will Purchase Wheat As money is scarce, we will pay in goods for wheat 65 cents per bushel ; and for flour $2,75 per hundred pounds. We will furnish sacks for wheat and re- ceive it, either at our Store in Browikille or at Melrin's Mills. D. J. MARTIN & CO. Brownville, Oct. 20, 1859. otP-- 5 SUM CADE HILLS EVAPORATOR S I HAVE made arranjements with DOUGLAS BROTHERS, ZMjecvllle, Ohio, the only establishment In the United State, engaged exclusively In the manu- facture of Sorgho 8ugar Mills, Evaporators, fcc, by which I can furnish the farmers in this region with those much needed articles. The Douglas Sugar Mill and Ap-para- tos were awarded the First Premium at the Ohio State Fair ; and the highest honor at tbe United States Agricultural Society, a silver medal. I am confident Farmers of Nebraska, Kansas, Northern Missouri and Southern Iowa can find no other to suit them better either in price or otherwise. Capacity and Price of Mills. Tnrce Iron Rollers in Strong Iron Frame. Ko 0 One Horse Vertical Mill presses from iS to 30 gallons or juice per hour ; price $ M do 1 One horse Vertical presses from 26 to 40 gallons of juce per hour ; price SO Same as No 1 ; extra heavy, tt do 2 Two horse Vertical presses frem 35 to 60 (ra lions of juica per hour; light drift 8C do 1 Twohorse Vertical (double geared) press- - . es from 35 to 50 gallons juice per hour, heavy draft 80 do 4 Two horse Vertical (single geared) press- es from 60 to T5 gallons of juice per hour ; heavy draft 100 do 6 Four horse Vertical (single geared) capa- city from 100 to 125 gallons per hour 140 do 6 To horse norliontsJ (b. k geared) suits-- " kle to attach to Threshing Machine or other power, presses from 40 to 60 gallons of Juice per hour 100 do 7 Two borsa Horlxontai, with vertical shaft to apply lever to. workd by horses same as Vertical, presses 40 to 60 gallons per hour 100 to lit do 8 Four horse noriaontal (back geared) suit- able to attach to Threshing Machine or other power, preeses 78 to 100 gallons per hours I5C do I Six horse Horizontal (back geared) calcu- lated for water or steam power, reariy for tbe belt, and with capacity to work off a crop of from 15 to 80 seres of Cane, 15V It. W. FUUXAS, Ap'l. Administrator's Sale. By orefsr vf t. Prolat &urt of A'emaha County, Sebrntla Territory. Oa Saturday, the 8th day of gept, A. D 1850, at one o'clock. V M, of said day, before the door of the Port ofSoe. in the City of Peru, in Nemaha Coun- ty, N. T will be sold to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, as the property of Jacob Meliclc, deceased, to-wi- t: the west half of the orth-ea- st quarter of section no twenty-eigh- t, town- ship no six, range fifteen, east of the sixth principal meridian, containing eighty teres, appraised at four hundred dollars. Terms cf in hand. JQIIN W. SWAX Administrator cf the estate of Jacob Melick, de- ceased. Brownville, July 26 1SG0-- S5. . SUMMER GOODS AT LESS THAN COST! ! We will sell onr stock of Ladles' Summer Dress Goods, Gentlemen's Summer Goodst Bonnets, Straw Hats, &c., liooa tTuvn, Coat In exchange for cash, Wheat, Flour, Shelled Corn and Bacon. I) J. MAUTLN A Co. V. B. Come and see us as we are determined to Sell the shore goods at some prioe in preference to keeping them over until next spring. D. J. MARTIN, & Co. AUGUSTUS SCHOEHHEIT, (Formerly from Seneca County, Ohio,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, FALLS', CITY.,, rLioIuirdsou Oo., July 28, 1S60. - - T. M. TALBOTT, DENTAL SURGEON, Having located himself in ErownTille, N. T., tea dsrs his profesf tonal services to tbeeommastty. AH jsbt warranted. - 1 0f4 JTJBT PUBLISHED BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES .. or THE. ' r Signers of tHo Declaration - . . -- . . i . - or - JZ. TJ2L uniOAU INDEPENDENCE. "With historical remarks upon tbe Declaration, and a ketch of the leading events, connected with the J adoption of the articles of Confederation, and of the Federal Constitution, by , . BENSON J. LC5SING, .aufAcr cf "1TT6," "Uvti of Prttidtntt" etc., etc. Illustrated with Fifty Portraits of the Bign era, and numerora other cngraTings. One volume, 12mo., clot a. . rnce 91.00. And upon receintof the price, with 21 cents additional. fr Fust- - age, a copy of the Book together with a handsome pres ent, worth from BOcts to a 100, win be seni to any ad. dress in the United States. From the Herald. "There are lessons cf deep, abiding Interest, and of Inestimable value, to be learned in studying the lives of the men who periled tfceir an to seeuie tne blessed inheritance of free Institutions which we now enjoy. We do not learn merely the dignity and sacredness of pure patriotism, ty following them in their career amid the storms of tbe Revolution, but all the virtues whkh adorn humanity are presented in such bold relief. In the private and public actions 01 mai veueraDie company, that when we rise from a perusal of a narrative of thexr lives we feel as If all the noble qualities of our com mon manhood had been passing before us In icview, and challenging our profound reverence. The biography of a great man Is an history of his own times ; and when we have peruned the record of the ac- tions of the men of our Revolution we have Imbibed a general knowledge of the great events of that strcggla for Freedom. If this propoaltion ia true, then we feel that this volume has a claim to the public regard, for the author has endeavored to comprise within as small a compass as a perspicuous view of the subject would allow, the chief events in the lives of the men who stood sponsors at the baptism in blood of our Infant Re- public. The memoirs are llustrated by copiou? notes explana tory of events alnded to In the course of the biographi cal narrative, and these will be round a fclgaiy nserui feature of the work." Copies of either of the above books, with a handsome Gift, worth frora 60 cents to $100, will be sent to any person in the enlted states upon receipt or tne price, and 31 cents to pay postage, by addressing the publisher who is desirous of call your attention to nis liberal method of transacting business, vis : With EACH BOOK that it boujhl at thit Eitabluh-- A PRESESTU given worth from FIFTY CENTS to OS'E HUNDRED DOLLARS. The Presents ara of good Quality and of the best Manufacture, and comprise a la'ge assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, 8ilver Plated Ware, silk Dress Patterns, Jewelry, and useful articles, too numerous to mention. Send for a Complete Classified Catalogue of Books, which will be mailed to yott, free of expense, and one trial wll assured you that the best place in the county to buy books. Is at the gift book establishment of George u. uvans, PubliMhtr and Originator of the Gift Book EnterprUt And Pronrietorof the largest GIFT BOCK ESTAB LISHED la the Country, permanently located at Jto. 431 lAttrnar street, PHILADELPHIA. HEW BOOKS!--ME- BOOKS I! GEO. G.EVANS, ' Publisher, and Originator of the GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE, . v M ri.. t ' PHILADELPHIA. JUST PUBLISHED!!! ome Book of gealtl) A Family Doctor, EMBRACING The Laws and Means of Physical cul ture, adapted topracucai use, laws 01 uigesuon. Breathing, Tenttlatlon, uses of the Lungs, Circulation and Bonovatlon, laws and diseases of the Skin, Bath- - ing. Clothing. Temperature, Food and Cooking, Pol-so- n, Exercise and Rest, etc., etc. now to Prevent Consumption, With general opinions and directions conducive to a long and healthy Ufa, and remarks relative to the right nse of physicians, by W. A. ALCOTT, M. D. With thirty-on- e illustrations. One volume, 12mo., 600 pp., handsomely bound in cloth. Price ai.OO. And upon receptor tbe price ana zi cents aaauionai ror Postage, a copy of the book, together with handsome present, worth from 80 cents to $100, will be sent to any address in the United Statos. JFYom fAe Amerxcan Prttoyttnan, Philaaetpto. "This is a valuable treatise on the preservation and culture of health. It contains fhe substance of a course of popular lectures, prepared by W. A. Alcott. It is measurably free from all hobbies and extravagancies. It teaches us how we may avoid the too constant use of medicines and nostrums, and when it may be proper to consult and employ a physician. It contains very many valuable and practical suggestions on the various sub jects spoken of in tbe title page, and may prove a very useful book in all families, not so much to teacn bow to cure disease, as to prevent their occurrence. The laws snd means of physical culture, adapted to practical use, are laid down In a manner within the comprehension of all. Technicalities have been avoided, and the rules and observations of all the lawa are simply exemplifleO. A work of this character is so essential to families, particularly to young mothers, that few should b'j with- out it. Tbe great number of deaths among infants has al ready created an alarm in families, and reflections have been made upon the fall urea of physicians ia their at- tempt to cure. The philosophy of diet Is one of the features of the book and tho causes of consumption, a most important one. This ia treated by the doctor In a most striking and original manner, and bis means of how to prevent It are laid down in plain and unmistakeable language. This portion of the volume so Important to the 100;000 persons who are even now dying with consumption for nearly that number die annually will be read with an interest wbich will eventually have a most desirable effect " GEO. O. EVANS. Publisher, So 439 Cbestnnt Street, Philadelki. LEGAL NOTICE. R. W Frame, Pl'ff") Nemaha County District rs Court 2d Judicial district,Ne- - Joshua G. Abbe,dYtJ braska Territory. In Equity. To Fall Term, A. D. 1850. Joshua,G. Abbe, the above nnmed defendant, will take notice that the above named plaintiff, R, W. Frame, did, on to-w- it, tho 30th day cf March, x D 1860, tie his petition in the above named, district Court within and for Nemaha County Nebraska Ter- ritory, against the said Joshua O. Abbe, setting forth, that on, to-w- it, the 27th dayof December, a 1858, the said defendant did make, execute and de- liver unto the said plaintiff a certain mortgage, on the following described property, Tig : lots 4 and 5 in block 57, lots 6 and 7 in block 85, lots five and six in block one hundred and thirty-nin- e, lots 9, 10, 3, and 4 in block fjfty-nin- o, lots 10, and 11, in block fifty-si- x, lot twelve in block one hundred and eight, lots one, two, seven and eight, in block fifty-eigh- t, lots five and six, in block one hundred and forty, lots one and two in block fifty-seve- n, lots three, four fire and sixin block sixty four, lata seven and eight in block one hundred and seven, lot nine in block one husdrod and thirteen, lot t weir 3 in block one hundred and seventeen, lot one ia block one hun- dred and seven, and block one, as numbered and -- ll in the published plpt of the town of Peru, in Nemaha county SoDrasK Territory, 10 amo iu payment of five hundred dollars, according to a cer- tain bond referred to in said mortgage, and praying that said Joshua O. Abbe rn:iy pay the said sum now cUimed to be due, or that the said premises may be sold to pay the same, and the said Joshua 0. Abbo is notified that be is required to answer, tbe said petition on or before the 17th day of September, a D 1800, or the petition will be taken as true and tho prayer of him the said plaintifT will be granted by the said Court. JOHNSON A BEDFORD, ' Attorney's for Plaintiff. Attest . ALLEN BLACKER, Dist, Clerk, ' By T W BznroRD Deputy. Ordered that the foregoing bo pnbli&bed for four consecutive weeks, ia the Nebraska Advertiser ALLEN BLACKER, Clerk, By T .W. Dedford, D'y. Brownville, Aug. 5th,18o0. 4w-$- 12 50 LEGAL NOTICE . John MoPhsrson Ia the District Court of Ne-- ts Vmaha County, Nebraska Tor- - William Dewit J ritory. William Dewit of the State of Missouri will take notice that the raid J bn McPherson did on the 8th dayof August 18C0, file his petition in said Court against the said defendant wbereia he claims dam- age to the amount of fire hundred dollars, as having accrued to said plaintiff; in consequence of tho by said defendant of an agreement 'and obligation made Jane 7th, 1860, wherein said de- fendant agreed on or before July 10th, 1S69, to de- liver to snid. plaintiff good and sufficient deed to the N. West quarter of section J3 in township five range 15 east of the 0th Principal meridian, and to pay to said plaintiff one thousand dollar?, and al- so to give hlJ obligation for the further sum of five hundred doLara, la consideration that the plaintiff should convey to said defendant the East half of lots 7 and 10 and the whole of lots 8 and 9 in block 3 in BroTrnville, together with the Hotel building ther-o- n, situated And said defendant wiU take notice that the necessary aSvhwit haviag I sea filed by the said plaintiff an order of attachment has been been fseeed against hispropertyaedthe land above described has boeo attached, said defendaat is fur-b- er notified that he u required to appear and an-w- cr said petition on or before tbe third Monday af- ter tho 3Cth day cf A e gust I860. EW TITOMAS, Al'y for Pl'ff . BrswBTillAor.ttk,. ' T:?3f r;PflOHI3IBiS. IBEEilDTILl iii, NO. 17, miS STREET, 1 ! BROWNVILLE, N.T. 1 ; - THEODORE HILL Which is the oldest, most extensive and reliable Merchantile House ia the Upper Country ? THEODORE HILL. Where are the best bajgains to be bad in the par - ehsjeof ail kinds of goods! . : ' v . Who sails goods at the lewest figure 7 THEODORE HILL Who outfits Pike's Peakers with any and every- thing they want at prices equal at least, with Saint iioais ana st. Joseph r THEODORE HIL L . Who keeps the ehoieest quality cf goods ? ' THEODORE HILL. Where ara the latest styles and finest qaalltlsi cf 1 ancy uoodi to be round T AT HILLS Who pays the highest market price for all kinds of country produce. THEODORE HILL. Who does the exclusive Commission Business in the City cf Brownville? THEODORE HILL. Who wholesales goods to the back country on the most advantageous terms 7 THE ODOEE HILL Who purchases and ships more country product than any ono else in the upper country I THEODORE HILL Who keeps constantly on hand and forsale the larg est and best adsottinent of Uardware. 7 THEO' MULL. Where do the Ladle fina the best assortment ef the latest style LI oops? Where do people go to find a complete stock of Boots, Shoes, Eats and Caps 7 1 1 til Hi U d 11 klaHIsa Where will you - find alt kinds of Cand Fraits, Oysters, Bottled Liquora of tho choicest brands, etc ? AT THE. MILL'S, Where will those going to the Gold Mines find a sup- ply of Picks, A xes, Shovels, Sluice forks. Ox Yokes, Bows, Chains, Bacon, Beans, Sugar, Gunpowder, Rockers, Coffee, and everything they w ant 7 AT THEODORE HILL'S Where will Farmers go to purchase Plows, or sell Wheat. Corn, Oats Rye, Barley, Potatos, Beans But- ter, Eggs, fc. TO HI L 'S . If Farmers wish to ship-- tbr produce themselves, where do they go?' " 1 ETT3 If too wish to deal with accommodating and polite Clerks. GO TO THEODORE HILL'S In short : For anything to eat, drink cr wear. BROWNVILLE, N. BrotTnie, F. T:.iprin?, le?9. ly I tt o o CO .1 'if JOHH A. PONN, 1 ". Ha3 Removed : Frcm hiii Old Stand on tie Lores to ' ' VTHITNEY'S NEW ELOCH, MAIN STREET, : BRQWXVILE N. T. .... Where he has opened ap a ; FBESIHIOTOCIS. Oon gl cttlxxg STAPLE A5D FA-SC- Y DRY GOODS, ALSO - ..... A Large Stock of Choice Family Flour, Cofiee, Tea, coxiunxa or J Haxn, Bacon Stdt, Snsar, Cheeso, ZJ0lS2338, Candlss, etc, etc., And a fine assortment of . LIGHT GROCERIES ,.. - Such as Spice, . ' Peppers, Soda, ' . . , Salaratos, - -- Ginger, Allspice, - etc., etc. alio, A well selected Stock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. QUE ENSWARE, Boots and Shoes. xnowledie of the trade wants of the people of Boownvllle ani vicinity, enables him to make judici- ous purchases expressly for market. Ee aska an examination of his Stock, assured he will he able to satisfy in quality, style prices. DDfP'T EflRGBT THE fJBW WHITNEY'S .BLOCK tt 0 e" '5 of feeling as m 15 c 12 --- i 2 - JO &5 o - 5 a-- 13 r"i S G S - S o - 2 s 3 W C - 3?- - Hi. ITrS and tbla and "S 5 r: s ZCa a 8 Z 8 c m r o ? e 0 Z - 82 c 9 o i ' ' ' : t - : i; n i 9 7 - 5 : i zc !u 5 u ' - "3 5 . r 3 1 3 Ji & A A - 2 Z " a ' . m q f a ' t 2 E c 0 s B a u a a a z S 5 tv. n sw - a a IIS 2S .2 ?-- M 5, or a m a ; i ' ; ewC ewe0 "So C5J' BSmJ "3 s" w u. m i 2 25 - - ft - 5 J3 S - - S aw 5-- 3C -J- O BJ aw 5 5 r J O a i w a. - " a i c 3 "2 5 2 5 -- i m raw S f JO 3 - ft HS-- C u r"7S w a S Ii I-- -"!? 2 a rs It o Q B a 5 5"- - frr 22 m sr O 3 c -- J p! -- 2 5 w OAK e - o" ; 3 6 - a - O b " T 8 n -- 5 a J o t;o S ? . s; 2 j: s 3 3s2 ai i - m " . - o w o Z a 5 EE SIS "5 5 MS 111: J o c - esc .3 a J A . - w w TS JS 3 Z m e. J3 3 c R k V WW e w 5- - K - J3 J 55 - w - S i3 S a Probate Notice.. notice is hereby fives te all parsons interested that Eather Beisbl'ne has beea appointe administratrix of the estate of John Belshlina, lata ai Pawnee County, X. T-- , deceased. AH persons having claims ajainst the said ette are not; nei to present them to the frobate Court of aaid County, on or before the 14th day rf May, 1560, or they will be forever barred from recovering ach claim in any action whatever. H- - i. Luhk, l'JwnoS2F$7 rrooaie Juajre. Legal Notice. Samuel Callcn. ) In the Pistrlet Court of Nemaha vs. County, Nebraska Territory. Fielding n. Jokn . ) Tbe said defendjnt Fielding H. John of the State ol Jf issonri will take notice that the said plaintiff, Samuel Callenof Xeraaha County, Nebraska Territory, did, on the Uth day of July, 1SGO file his petition in the aaid court against tbe said defendant seUMig forth that the said deferdu ie indebted to the said plaintiff in the sum of $2S5, for work and ibor ene ao for mon- ey expended for sail defendant by said plaintiff also that said defendant is indebted to said plaintiff in the additional srrraof $250 or a portion of the machinery of a steam boat, the property of said plaintiff and by him delivered to said df endaut. Plaintiff asks judgment for said amonbts. aad has caused an order ef attachment to issue against the property f aaid defendant. And saM defendant is farther notified that be is required to ap- pear and ansa petition on or before Monday tee 27th day of August next. E. V. TSOY1S. At'y fr Plff. ?rt-s-i!- !, JiTr 1W I V i What Eve fyVody' Wihls; THKFMV11LY DOCTOR1 t COJTTAIKIKO j Slmpls ncir.ctllf 3, Easnj" Obtain-- : j lor the Cure of Disease In i , ,all forms PROE filENRvCs? TAYLOR, D. ! IT TELLS TOC How to attend upon the sick, and ho v U f cook 1t them how prepare driaka Poultices &c, and alto how to fusrJ , . arainit the iafedion from contagia&a Diseibcs- - . . ; . IT TILLS TOC Of the varioua diseases of Children, and gives the besi and simplest mode of J. treatuaut durtug Uethisc, convol- -' lions. Vaccination, Whooping-coug- h, Measles, Ate. IT TILLS TOC The symptoms of Creup, Cholera lafaa- - tum, tholic. Diarrhea, VTormsacallam nead, O:ickeo-ro- x, 4c, aud gives yoa the ket remedies far their cure. IT TELLX. ACC The synvptotrrs o Fever and Ague, an ' - Bilious. Teliow, T.T).fcus, Scarlet an4 other Fevers, ahd Hive you the best simplest remedies f..r their sure. ITTELUS TOTT The symptoms of laf cctna. Consiap-tlo- n Dyspepsia, Asthma, Dropsey, the Goat, Kbeumatism, Lumbago,' Xry- - l'" ' sipeiat, fcc and gives you the best Betnedies for tbdlr cure. ITTBLIJTOC The spraptums of Cholera Morbus. Ka . llgnant cholera, Siuail-Po- x Dysentery Cramp, Diseiues of the Bla.lder, a ad - of the kidneys and Liver, and the best ! remedies for their cure. IT TELLS TQU The srtartoms of .the Mumps. Keural- - '. , Ria, Apoplexy, Pi ralysis, iha vartoaa ; " - Diseases of the throat, teeth, ear and - eye, a 3d tbe tt rttndies fur their cure. 1 IT TILLS TOC The symptoms of RpUepsy Jansdlce the Piles Rupture Diseases of the fleart, Hemorrhajre, Venereal Diseases and r Hydrophobia, and gives the best rem d edies for their cure. IT TELLS TOC The best and simplest treatment tot wounds, broken bones and dieiocatlooa i.:,., spraina lockjaw. Faver Sores, White aweinngs, ticers, wbitiows. Bolls, I Scnrvy, burns, and Scrofula. XT TILLS TOC Or the various Diseases peculiar to the emale Sex, and gsves the best and aim ... plest remedies for their enre, together with many valuable hints for tho pres ervation or teaitn. The work is written in plain lanruai e. free from ined leal terms, so as to be easily understood, while Its sim- ple receipes may soon save yo many times the coat of me dook. it is priutea in a clear and open type; u 11 lustrated with appropriate enirsviuss. and will be for warded to your address, neatly beutd and postage paid. ouui receipt or 91,00. - - - - 81,000 A YEAR Caa be made by eaterDHsina- - men avarvwber. fa .l ling the above work, as our Inducements to all scci are very iioeral. ... For single eeplee of the Book, or for terms to stents wun cm or imormauon, apply to or address JQnX . POTTER, Publisher, . , Ko C17 Sansom Street Philadelphia, Pa. , Fifty .Thousand Copies Already Sold. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER, AKD COUXSEXilsOU IS DrSIXESS, BY FRANK CROSBY. -- OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAR. IT TILLS TOO How to daw up Partnership Papers and gives general forms for ments of all kinds, Bills of Sale, and t,eases ana Petitions. TT TKLLS T0t7 How to draw up Bonds and Mortrages, . .. AOdavits, Powers of Attorney, Notes - and Bills of Exchauge, Xeceipts and - Jteieases. IT TILLS TOTJ The laws for the collection of debts with , the aututes of Limitation and amount . ' and kins of property exempt from execution in every state. XT TILLS TOU How to make an assignment propetly, wun forms for Composition with cred : . . Itors, and tie insolvent laws of every - - state: IT TELLS TOU The let al relation exiitlcr batwaen ' Curlian and Ward, Master ao4 AP prentice, Landlord and Tenant. IT TILLS TOU What constitutes Libel and Slander, and v - v . ... the Jaw as to tuarriate Dower, the Wiff 's right in pro werty, Divorce and Alimony. It TILLS TOU The Law for Mechanics' Liens In every State, and the Naturalization Laws of this country, and how to comply with the same. tT TILLS TOU The Law Coeeernlng Pensions and bow t .. to ottaia one, and. the pre-empti- on ljvs 10 ruouc jLanas. IT TELLS TOU The Law for Patents, with mode of pro cedure Ln obtaining one, with inter . . ferecce, AssignmeoU and Table of ' ' 1 fees. IT TILLS TOU now to make your will, and how to ad minister on an Estate, with the law and tbe requirements thereof In every state. IT TILLS TOU The meaning of Law terms ln general very use, and explains to you the Legisla tive Executive and Judicial Powers of both the General and State Govern IT TILLS TOU How to keep out of Law, by show-le- g now to do your business legally, thus savinlng a vast amount of property, and vexatious litigaiion by ita time ly Single copies will be sent by mall, postaee paid to ev ery farmer, every Mechanic, every Man of Business. and everybody in every state, on receipt of 81,00 or in aw siyie or Dinama at ai.zs. 1,000 Dollars a Tear. Can be made by enterprising men everywhere, in sel ling the above work, as our Inducements to all such are liberal. ments. For si ogle copies of the Book, or for terms to sisats. with ether Information, apply to or address. JOUN X. POOTTEB, Publisher, No 617 Saasom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 1 p'-f&i- n m iiWii i 'irtiiaYTri a!f asperlent and Stomschic of TBON purified of Oxypen and Carbon by combustion In Hydro gen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities, both In Europe and the United States, and prescribed in their practice. The experience of thousands dally proves that no preparation of Iron can be compared with it. IinpHsl-tlea- of the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexion Indicate Its necessity ln almost every conceivable case. Innoxious in all maladies in which it has been tried. has proved absolutely curative in each of the following complaints, viz: consultation, preparation In Debility, ferrous Affections, Emaciation, Dyspepsia, Consti- pation, Scrofulus Tuberculosis. Salt Ilheum, Jlismenstruation, Whites, Chlorosis, Liver Com- plaints, Rheumatism, Chronic Headaches, Intermittent Fevers, Pimples on the Face, &c. In cases of GENERAL DEBILITY, whether tberesult of acute disease, or of continue! diminution of nervous and muscular energy from chrumccompUints, cue trial Wnl&a .8riFiiA0fAt"!Barai;re-itatio- "Vfittl render credible. Inv alids so long bed-ridd- as to have become forgotten in tbeir own neigbborhoois, have sad den It in he world if jast returned from protracted, travel lnaUstnt land. Some very signal instances of ibis kind are attested of female su(7t-re- r, emaciated victims of apparent marasmus, sanguineous exaaastin. critical chaogei. and that nervoas aid dypepiic aversion to air and exercise for wbich ihe physician has no name. In NERVOUS AFFECTIONS cf all kind, and tor reasons familiar ttiutdiui eiei, tbe operation of this preparations Iron muss necessarily be salutary, fur, unlike the eid cxidsn,-f- t Is vigorously tonic, without heing exdtlng and overheating; and gently, regularly aperient, even in the moat obstinate case oX coalmen ea without ever eeiag a gastric porgative, or itiicaug a disagrteahla senatloa. - It is this latter property, among others, which mates it so remarkably effaciMl e perwanent a remedy for Pilet, upon which H also appears to exert adsiinct and spedflc action, by dispersiug the local tendency which forms them. . . - . ' In DYSPEPSIA, inaumera as are HscaTTsee, astr.c!e box of these Chalybeate Pills haa bf ten sufficed for the fcost habitual cases. Including taeattendaat Coitivnutt In unchecked DlAKRnCEA, even wbeo advancsd to DTSENTAET, confirmed, emadatiag, and apparently Hisiiimint. the efftfets have been equally decisive aod astonishing. Ia the local plns, lr? of fleh and ttretisth, rfehilll-tatiageotr- an remittent be-tJ- e, wni.a generally in- dicate 1NCIPUNT COX SUMPTION, thia remedy has allayed tbe alarm f friend and phyciciaotf, in veral very gratifyine au l Interesting iiWaiicer, . . - In SCROFl LOCS TTBF.riCTLOSIS. this ra.Vited Iron has had far r.i re tban the :;oods effects f t!ie most cautiously balanced rrsiratiBS of t(dire, wiihoat any of their well known Utilities. The attentioti of female vnnrt be too rnfJ.ienCy In- vited to tbtorcmtdj ;n.i retirztitt, ia lac carej affecting them. w In RHEUMATISM, both chr'TiicandinlauimatorTjrj tbe latter, however, moredeci'iv'lly it baa IWen ir.'vari-tl- y well reporte.1, tothae a!eiatirg pin and rcaucing tie swellings an I ftiff nes rf the joints and rancs. In INTERMITTENT J- - EVERS it nit eccessaTily bo a great remedy and oncotic rcWratit;, im jt pro- gress in the new settlements of theWet, will pp-tal- be one of high rgvn ani u'.nee. . - No remedy has ever te discovered in the whole his tory of mediiin., eserts such proapt. happv, sud fnlly.restorstive effects G-x- arnetitc complete ilipc-tio- n. fapW acqhrsitlon of sti er-etl- with an unusual dis- position for active and cheerful cxerciss.. Put up in flat metal boxes containing 53 pi Us, price 50 cants per box; for sale ty drraists aad dealers. nil be sent free to anv dJress ou receipt cf the price. AU letters, orders. e;c. should ie aildresse- - to R. K. I.OCKT: t CO., n Ki'vOWNVILLEE ! J. 22. SHAWN 3 jast rtcetvad TKG HOT SEtrCTIHJ lad, perhaps, the LARGEST STOCK OF DRUGS Ever brought abovo St. Jcrrph, TThlch he la opeaisf aat la the Splendid New Building, tcrncr of Main acd First Streets. His stock consists of the following articles, waU a--e will sell cheap for cash : Pure White Lead, French Zinck, China Zinck, Red Lead, Venitian RetT, CtstorOit. Cod Livr OH, Sfftfe; Oil, Putty, Raw and b't umber, Firi, Spanish vrhitin g, 1 Turpentine, Chalk. Linseed Oil, ; Cough Candy, Tanner's Oil, Copal Varnish Costile Soap, Fancy Soap, Toilet Scap, j Tooth brushes, Liiherage, Patent medicines, Let.papfr White Varnirh, Ink, Hiair brushes, Tooth brushes, . Paint brushei Steel Pent, " Gold Pens, Pencil, . Hair oil, &., - Stationery Candiei, , a Splendid Assortment of Lyon's Xatharlos, Cologne, Pommade, genuine ex marrow, bear trees, and otla. aask aai escences of all kinds, and of the Caaat enailtf. STATIONERY. Pool scap paper, fancy letter paper, glltedgsd sctea, and envelopes, plain, fancy, and emoossed, pens pencils acd pen-holde- ra, inks of all kinds, Ick.tauds, wafara and asalmg-wt- x. PURE LIQUORS. Holland Oie, Irish IThlsky, Bourbon Whisky, Ginger Brandy. Cordial, Port Wine, iiadalra, Wine, While wise and Malaga Wine. fr. Vaun being an practical PrrrjUt, his patrons mey rest assured that all medicines procure! from him are genuine without fear of mistakes. 23"Pbysic!an's attended to at all hear both by day and night. CASH-INVARIA- BLY Vay S4, lS6&-I- y. OREGON NURSERY. E. IT. BLRnTES & CO., PKOPKIKTOIJS. Oregon, Holt Co., IIo. of tho want ef a Erst class ia the West, where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &C, Can be adaptotl to oar climate and soil. In view of these facts, we Lave one at this plaee. and Lave now in successful which we of fer for sale at IVhohsale or Retail, Nuts. Raiaint, Also, Comprising experienced Prescriptions Brownville, Nursery established cultivaton. Tbe ectain season, a large and well selected (tock suited to this climate, of Apple?, standard and dwarf; Pea rs, standard and dwarf; Cherms, standard and dwarf: Peaches, Plums, Apricots, !feetar!ne, Quince, Grape. Cumnf . OosWrWrie I Lasj. berried, Strawborrles aad Blackberries, Ererirccns, Ornamental Trees, aad Shrebs, Greenhouse and Uedding Plants, PKiS, JJaLllas, Ac,Ae.,Ae. To whicb we would bejr Icare to eall the ejttentSoa of tbe people of Western Missouri, Nebraska, Kan sa3 and Iowa. r30ur teras will be fts loir as 9v? rV.'alle ftst ern Nursery. Uy jiurvhhsinj of ns thoexpeawor traafyertatica from the cat caa be sitvcl. All trees and plants ar srwfaTIy labeled and ta'fAe'j; ft? Vitjnv&TE&r mjn t will hi mud 3. So charge w ill be mode for the deli- very rf packs JJ on board stflKabo s. ' ' All comiaRDioations addressed to the T.3d4rsg3ed will reoeire prompt aitsntion. e . n. rrrr.cnfs i co. Agricultural Implements J u-- t rvelved, per ateiaw L'nulie. cf HAND RAKES, PLOWS. IIARROWSr-CULTIVATO- RS, HOES, SPADES, SHOVELS. PITCH FORKS, PATENT CHURNS, &C..&C, THE0D0EE HILIS i?rownTU!e. April, 23. ISoa. .. An Improved Farm A very r.luable and detrab!e iaproved farm sltcafe 4 1- -2 miles from Brownville and 2 3 from Nemaha Citv, can b had on very favorable terais. It consists of 1st acres; it acres under cultivation; tt acres In tim her; good well; stock water, and good fraine bouse. The stock i yoke of exes, ? cows, ami tyvucg cattle, the farm implements, snd household furniture will be sold with it if desired, a rare opportunity is here pre- sented. Enquire of R. VT. farads, at ae Advertiser cfiJce, Brownville, S. T. Xov. n,'5D nlS A Good Fana for Sale. The subscriber will sell at s crest bargain a very choice quarter cf section of land In Johnson coenfy, N e- braska. There are forty acres of fine tisaher lacd. 60 acres antler caitlvatWa, a goud log house aad other. Improvements. It Is two aod a hair ruils treat Tscuai- - ..w ....- - , . . a tit PD( CltT. - Any person wishing to purchase a good tratt of land on. Irrr.,n.hl. tr wll 1 SL pit I Cyros Wriest at- - ', or Jobh L. Car5o, Bicker, ia Browurllle, I or toGeo. W. ShxoaXetrCUT. I JleiJing at in'9JA I anu- -j 1?, 1W a -

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Page 1: pHE ADVERTISER. local. iii, Easnj Cure Disease In uniOAU · pHE ADVERTISER. I local. j joWNVILLE.-AUG- . 16., 1SGQ. ' ; if paid ! advance, - $5,00 svrney,7J', attbeeadcf mouths, a.M

pHE ADVERTISER.I local.j joWNVILLE.-AUG- . 16., 1SGQ.

' ; if paid ! advance, - $5,00svrney,7J', attbeeadcf mouths, a.M" " " " " I ""lt if or more will bt furniabed at $1,60 per

VaU tbe cash' accompanies the nrder, not


v . .-et circulation of suit EaDer in-- DCaW1 TTrv1-.- 1 art m in Rt

Ternwri ....St. Joseph, Cincinnati and other East-Lcv- o.

t WDere KebreaXa merchant' pur- -01

find no better advertiaing medium(1 VTetterngg'Q.j.i- -

.! oo hand, printed ln superior etyle, e4 forI VEwforcaah, a fresh aopply ofi'Sin'y Deed, Morteeje Deeds,

I shriff and Comtable Blanks.. Blank Preemrtion Pare",

Township Plata. Bills leading.Drafts, Notes, etc, etc.. etc

i .inu-ii- i attfntion of those In need.K?ntiMof any every description executed to

;r"" tn none. troduced lnany Part ofa r

wt eiCTpt oo office in the Tt, oroffer specimens of cor work as evidence.

'th uTo- -b. . oo, authorised

HABDINO & CO.. Nrw- - and LUerry De--

ft Ki k!S5. City, oar ectborued Agent.

,uthth. 4srfrfufraBdrTHiey.

mv rnr, &, CO.

Yri nr.ALERS INli--

c 5 nr. PrintiM Material of all Kinds."U Tribone Building, XewTork, end Brown's Iron

' BwKKn-- s, Philadelphia.fwjvr are authorised Agents for the

Farmer and Advertiser.


"cite- - States and Foreign Newspaper

f Advertising Agency,333, BROADWAY, NEW YORK.

Mtborired aeenta for tbe "KIBBAStA ADVXR

11" end "KEB&ASCA JA.BJCE&."

Pclinc:.! Republicans.Tli Republicans of Jsemaha County are request

j te bold tbelr precinct Elections on Saturday,fitrwtJ5ll, for the purpose of electing Ablegates

n bt County Convention, to be held in Brownville

a iki Its of September, next, to nominate eandi

.iia for tbe following offices: one Councilman, an

Rrnresentatrres. one fJeanty Commissioner and

i Coroner, to be elected next October. Let every

--rioet be. represented in the conrention.Eyorferof tbe Republican Central Committee.

C.W. WHEELER, Cbm'n.

Th SspubCoans of Johnson county are urgentlyMted toienS delegates to tneet the Republicans

if ynk County, ia their Conrention at Brown-'li- oa

tbe 8th of September, to nominate a Candi

ttt tot CouDcilman. .The Conrention is cobecom--m- iof Ddfjaie; and taking tbe census returns

ii tbuii Johnson Couaty is entitled to seren del-nU- t.

". C.W. W.

A CARD.ill. Editor:

Allow me thrpugh the Advertiser, to

txntl a mistake" which appeared in the


Proceedings of. tbe Republican,- "

as published, both in the Jldvertis- -

yand Herald. A motion was made thatie IVecincts be requested to meet and

Select Delegates to the County Conven-S'.io- a,

on Saturday, the first of Septemb-

er. Some person suggested that the'precincts hold their meetings at anytimeii best fuited their eonrenience. Con-- .sJeraLle discussion occurred on thisques-jtioD- j.

and I was under the impression

jirben I wrote out the proceedings that itfjajsed the Contention in the form asf published ; but I hare since been infonn-jtdb- y

rarious persons who were presentjiit the motion as passed, called tbe pre-set meetings on the 1st of September.

To prerent confusion, and to have thep'ecinct raeetirgs held on the same day,

jie Central Committee have decided toa'l the-precin- meetings on the 25th ofAarusL T. R. Fisher.

j Still Ccralng frora the 3IIncs.Chwls R. Srartra, who went from

i'iis place to the mines last Spring, more-- or the purpose of seeing than mining,Ireturned this week. He thinks there

jre. too many people out there to workk niigeously.j Dr. Noel and his family, J. W. Cole-jMn- d

others are on their way in, and


y be looked for daily.j They hare a terrible set of despera-jteio- ut

about the mines, which, is, how- -Lothing unusual. Erery paper from

j Dearer brings iLtelligence of more orltsPrscns beiog killed by drunken row-Th- e

editor of the News, W. N.r, Esq., was recently attacked byeruSans aad came near loosing his

He, however, escaped, and the af-resul-

in the death of one, and theAbluent nf another of the assailants.

Jtlth fif nnn .T C ITffrhPll.jW-Jair- s C. Mitchell, died at his

jence ia Floreuce, on ronday, Aug.j Mr. M. was one of the oldest, and! prominent citizens' of this Territo- -

Hiiloss will be severely felt.

':rfis and Tcn-Pln- S. Loversthese

;v6--1 Marble-To- p tables, and splendid7at WoRTKiHt,'! City Sabon.; S. The Judge waits uJon the "bred-a- d

looks after telegraph watters.u'n cp Miller."

Melons.ToMr. E. P. Stoutj"4 MverlUer office is indebted for ai jr-- c.Qehcjout. water .melons.- - AnyfW r..v

Perfectly in order."

e t change has come over the wea'the past week, During some days

, tu ciouimg wa quite comfortable, &.

''a?ir.g fires very desirable.

lth neg.week to return thanks to the

mv4ng!riessecger"of the U.S.- vmpany for valuable files of St,' : st-- Louis paptrs.' '

AYe nowdouble "thinVet"

Wanted. We want on subscription

or other, indebtedness, Jiungarjan grass

ha, cats, corn, wheat, potatoes.hingles,When it is inconvenient to pay in theabove named "circulating medium," we

we will take cash rather than be consid-

ered unaccommodating. Wood and hay,however, we are very anxious to procure.

Gone for Goods. ...Theodohe Hill has gone East to pur

chase a new stock of poods.. Look outfor a staving stock on his return.

We presume there are in heavenpersons that committed theft; some thatwere guilty of profane swearing, somethat got drunk, some that wore mustachesand some that would vote for Breckin-ridge and Lane, but we guess there isnobody there that uidn t pay for his paper.

Joe Lane an elderly gentleman men9 m

tioned, a lew weeks ago, in connectionwith the Vice Presidency, is now in Baltimore. Joe is coining home from NorthCarolina.' The artesian well at Columbus, Ohio

has reached a depth of 2.518 feet, without any signs of water. The ausrer isnow passing through a hard, grayish,sandstone.

The census-taker- s report that the population of Baltimore will be .230,000,which is an increase of 61,000 over thecensus of 1S50.

The Pacific Telegraph line was extended, Saturday, July 21st, as far west asFort Smith, Arkansas. It is in goodworking order.

Joseph Gales, princicipal proprietor ofthe National Intelligencer, died at Wash-

ington, July 21st, aged seventyfiveyears.

It is thought the census just taken ofNew York city will show the populationto be about 900,000.

There were thirteen cases of sun-strok- e

in St. Louis, July 20th, all resulting indeath.

A Good Tiling.A pill free from all mineral dreparations, composed

solely of extracts and balsams taken from roots andherbs. X Llrer Pill, wbioh $1,009 reward is offered toany chemist to detect one grain of mercury In them. JlPill wbich has no equal for tbe cure of Llrer ComplaintIndirestlon, Head-ach- e, CostlTeness, fcc. A pill forfamily use. A pill for a gentle and mild cathartic. Apill that wll Toot produce disease by salivation, whichIs a thousand times worae than lhat which it cured.

Xow, ready, do you need a food pill If so, be suraand try Hardy's Liver Pills, for It is no lets than thegood things we allude to above.

For Ssle by,J. H. MAUN & CO.,

Brownville, N. T.July, 6, Sin

Hloncy To Loan.Persons wishing to borrow money, enn ho accom-

modated by applying to tbe undersigned. Reliablesecurity required. II. ii. AKINSOX.

We Will Purchase WheatAs money is scarce, we will pay in goods for wheat

65 cents per bushel ; and for flour $2,75 per hundredpounds. We will furnish sacks for wheat and re-

ceive it, either at our Store in Browikille or atMelrin's Mills. D. J. MARTIN & CO.

Brownville, Oct. 20, 1859. otP--5


EVAPORATOR SI HAVE made arranjements with DOUGLAS

BROTHERS, ZMjecvllle, Ohio, the only establishmentIn the United State, engaged exclusively In the manu-facture of Sorgho 8ugar Mills, Evaporators, fcc, bywhich I can furnish the farmers in this region with thosemuch needed articles. The Douglas Sugar Mill and Ap-para- tos

were awarded the First Premium at the OhioState Fair ; and the highest honor at tbe United StatesAgricultural Society, a silver medal. I am confidentFarmers of Nebraska, Kansas, Northern Missouri andSouthern Iowa can find no other to suit them bettereither in price or otherwise.

Capacity and Price of Mills.Tnrce Iron Rollers in Strong Iron Frame.Ko 0 One Horse Vertical Mill presses from iS

to 30 gallons or juice per hour ; price $ Mdo 1 One horse Vertical presses from 26 to 40

gallons of juce per hour ; price SOSame as No 1 ; extra heavy, tt

do 2 Two horse Vertical presses frem 35 to 60(ra lions of juica per hour; light drift 8C

do 1 Twohorse Vertical (double geared) press- - .

es from 35 to 50 gallons juice per hour, heavydraft 80

do 4 Two horse Vertical (single geared) press-es from 60 to T5 gallons of juice per hour ;heavy draft 100

do 6 Four horse Vertical (single geared) capa-city from 100 to 125 gallons per hour 140

do 6 To horse norliontsJ (b. k geared) suits--"kle to attach to Threshing Machine or otherpower, presses from 40 to 60 gallons ofJuice per hour 100

do 7 Two borsa Horlxontai, with vertical shaftto apply lever to. workd by horses same asVertical, presses 40 to 60 gallons per hour 100

to litdo 8 Four horse noriaontal (back geared) suit-

able to attach to Threshing Machine or otherpower, preeses 78 to 100 gallons per hours I5C

do I Six horse Horizontal (back geared) calcu-lated for water or steam power, reariy fortbe belt, and with capacity to work off a cropof from 15 to 80 seres of Cane, 15V

It. W. FUUXAS, Ap'l.Administrator's Sale.

By orefsr vf t. Prolat &urt of A'emaha County,Sebrntla Territory.

Oa Saturday, the 8th day of gept, A. D 1850,at one o'clock. V M, of said day, before the door ofthe Port ofSoe. in the City of Peru, in Nemaha Coun-

ty, N. T will be sold to the highest bidder, thefollowing described real estate, as the property ofJacob Meliclc, deceased, to-wi- t: the west half of the

orth-ea- st quarter of section no twenty-eigh- t, town-

ship no six, range fifteen, east of the sixth principalmeridian, containing eighty teres, appraised at fourhundred dollars. Terms cf in hand.

JQIIN W. SWAXAdministrator cf the estate of Jacob Melick, de-

ceased.Brownville, July 26 1SG0-- S5.


We will sell onr stock of

Ladles' Summer Dress Goods,Gentlemen's Summer Goodst

Bonnets, Straw Hats, &c.,liooa tTuvn, CoatIn exchange for cash, Wheat, Flour, Shelled Corn

and Bacon. I) J. MAUTLN A Co.

V. B. Come and see us as we are determined toSell the shore goods at some prioe in preference tokeeping them over until next spring.

D. J. MARTIN, & Co.

AUGUSTUS SCHOEHHEIT,(Formerly from Seneca County, Ohio,)


rLioIuirdsou Oo.,July 28, 1S60. - -


DENTAL SURGEON,Having located himself in ErownTille, N. T., tea

dsrs his profesf tonal services to tbeeommastty.AH jsbt warranted.

- 1 0f4


.. or THE. 'r

Signers of tHo Declaration- . . --

. .i . - or -JZ. TJ2L uniOAUINDEPENDENCE.

"With historical remarks upon tbe Declaration, and aketch of the leading events, connected with the J

adoption of the articles of Confederation,and of the Federal Constitution, by , .

BENSON J. LC5SING,.aufAcr cf "1TT6," "Uvti of Prttidtntt" etc., etc.

Illustrated with Fifty Portraits of the Bignera, and numerora other cngraTings.

One volume, 12mo., clot a. . rnce 91.00. And uponreceintof the price, with 21 cents additional. fr Fust--age, a copy of the Book together with a handsome present, worth from BOcts to a 100, win be seni to any ad.dress in the United States.

From the Herald."There are lessons cf deep, abiding Interest, and of

Inestimable value, to be learned in studying the livesof the men who periled tfceir an to seeuie tne blessedinheritance of free Institutions which we now enjoy.We do not learn merely the dignity and sacredness ofpure patriotism, ty following them in their career amidthe storms of tbe Revolution, but all the virtues whkhadorn humanity are presented in such bold relief. In theprivate and public actions 01 mai veueraDie company,that when we rise from a perusal of a narrative of thexrlives we feel as If all the noble qualities of our common manhood had been passing before us In icview, andchallenging our profound reverence.

The biography of a great man Is an history of his owntimes ; and when we have peruned the record of the ac-

tions of the men of our Revolution we have Imbibed ageneral knowledge of the great events of that strcgglafor Freedom. If this propoaltion ia true, then we feelthat this volume has a claim to the public regard, forthe author has endeavored to comprise within as smalla compass as a perspicuous view of the subject wouldallow, the chief events in the lives of the men whostood sponsors at the baptism in blood of our Infant Re-

public.The memoirs are llustrated by copiou? notes explana

tory of events alnded to In the course of the biographical narrative, and these will be round a fclgaiy nseruifeature of the work."

Copies of either of the above books, with a handsomeGift, worth frora 60 cents to $100, will be sent to anyperson in the enlted states upon receipt or tne price,and 31 cents to pay postage, by addressing the publisherwho is desirous of call your attention to nis liberalmethod of transacting business, vis :

With EACH BOOK that it boujhl at thit Eitabluh-- A


DOLLARS.The Presents ara of good Quality and of the best

Manufacture, and comprise a la'ge assortment of Goldand Silver Watches, 8ilver Plated Ware, silk DressPatterns, Jewelry, and useful articles, too numerous tomention.

Send for a Complete Classified Catalogue of Books,which will be mailed to yott, free of expense, and onetrial wll assured you that the best place in the county tobuy books. Is at the gift book establishment of

George u. uvans,PubliMhtr and Originator of the Gift Book EnterprUt

And Pronrietorof the largest GIFT BOCK ESTABLISHED la the Country, permanently located at

Jto. 431 lAttrnar street,PHILADELPHIA.



Publisher, and Originator of the



JUST PUBLISHED!!!ome Book of gealtl)

A Family Doctor,EMBRACING The Laws and Means of Physical cul

ture, adapted topracucai use, laws 01 uigesuon.Breathing, Tenttlatlon, uses of the Lungs,

Circulation and Bonovatlon, lawsand diseases of the Skin, Bath--

ing. Clothing. Temperature,Food and Cooking, Pol-so- n,

Exercise andRest, etc., etc.

now to Prevent Consumption,With general

opinions and directionsconducive to a long and healthy

Ufa, and remarks relative to the rightnse of physicians, by

W. A. ALCOTT, M. D.With thirty-on- e illustrations. One volume, 12mo., 600pp., handsomely bound in cloth. Price ai.OO. Andupon receptor tbe price ana zi cents aaauionai rorPostage, a copy of the book, together with handsomepresent, worth from 80 cents to $100, will be sent toany address in the United Statos.

JFYom fAe Amerxcan Prttoyttnan, Philaaetpto."This is a valuable treatise on the preservation and

culture of health. It contains fhe substance of a courseof popular lectures, prepared by W. A. Alcott. It ismeasurably free from all hobbies and extravagancies.It teaches us how we may avoid the too constant use ofmedicines and nostrums, and when it may be proper toconsult and employ a physician. It contains very manyvaluable and practical suggestions on the various subjects spoken of in tbe title page, and may prove a veryuseful book in all families, not so much to teacn bow tocure disease, as to prevent their occurrence. The lawssnd means of physical culture, adapted to practical use,are laid down In a manner within the comprehension ofall.

Technicalities have been avoided, and the rules andobservations of all the lawa are simply exemplifleO.

A work of this character is so essential to families,particularly to young mothers, that few should b'j with-out it.

Tbe great number of deaths among infants has already created an alarm in families, and reflections havebeen made upon the fall urea of physicians ia their at-

tempt to cure.The philosophy of diet Is one of the features of the

book and tho causes of consumption, a most importantone. This ia treated by the doctor In a most striking andoriginal manner, and bis means of how to prevent It arelaid down in plain and unmistakeable language.

This portion of the volume so Important to the 100;000persons who are even now dying with consumption fornearly that number die annually will be read with aninterest wbich will eventually have a most desirableeffect "

GEO. O. EVANS. Publisher,So 439 Cbestnnt Street,

Philadelki.LEGAL NOTICE.

R. W Frame, Pl'ff") Nemaha County Districtrs Court 2d Judicial district,Ne- -

Joshua G. Abbe,dYtJ braska Territory.In Equity. To Fall Term, A. D. 1850.

Joshua,G. Abbe, the above nnmed defendant, willtake notice that the above named plaintiff, R, W.Frame, did, on to-w- it, tho 30th day cf March, x D

1860, tie his petition in the above named, districtCourt within and for Nemaha County Nebraska Ter-ritory, against the said Joshua O. Abbe, settingforth, that on, to-w- it, the 27th dayof December, a1858, the said defendant did make, execute and de-

liver unto the said plaintiff a certain mortgage, onthe following described property, Tig : lots 4 and 5 inblock 57, lots 6 and 7 in block 85, lots five and sixin block one hundred and thirty-nin- e, lots 9, 10, 3,and 4 in block fjfty-nin- o, lots 10, and 11, in blockfifty-si- x, lot twelve in block one hundred and eight,lots one, two, seven and eight, in block fifty-eigh- t,

lots five and six, in block one hundred and forty,lots one and two in block fifty-seve- n, lots three, fourfire and sixin block sixty four, lata seven and eightin block one hundred and seven, lot nine in blockone husdrod and thirteen, lot tweir 3 in block onehundred and seventeen, lot one ia block one hun-dred and seven, and block one, as numbered and

-- ll in the published plpt of the town of Peru,in Nemaha county SoDrasK Territory, 10 amo iupayment of five hundred dollars, according to a cer-

tain bond referred to in said mortgage, and prayingthat said Joshua O. Abbe rn:iy pay the said sum nowcUimed to be due, or that the said premises may besold to pay the same, and the said Joshua 0. Abbois notified that be is required to answer, tbe saidpetition on or before the 17th day of September, aD 1800, or the petition will be taken as true and thoprayer of him the said plaintifT will be granted bythe said Court.

JOHNSON A BEDFORD, 'Attorney's for Plaintiff.

Attest . ALLEN BLACKER, Dist, Clerk, 'By T W BznroRD Deputy.Ordered that the foregoing bo pnbli&bed for four

consecutive weeks, ia the Nebraska AdvertiserALLEN BLACKER, Clerk,

By T .W. Dedford, D'y.Brownville, Aug. 5th,18o0. 4w-$- 12 50


John MoPhsrson Ia the District Court of Ne-- ts

Vmaha County, Nebraska Tor- -

William Dewit J ritory.William Dewit of the State of Missouri will take

notice that the raid J bn McPherson did on the 8thdayof August 18C0, file his petition in said Courtagainst the said defendant wbereia he claims dam-age to the amount of fire hundred dollars, as havingaccrued to said plaintiff; in consequence of tho

by said defendant of an agreement 'andobligation made Jane 7th, 1860, wherein said de-

fendant agreed on or before July 10th, 1S69, to de-

liver to snid. plaintiff good and sufficient deed tothe N. West quarter of section J3 in township fiverange 15 east of the 0th Principal meridian, andto pay to said plaintiff one thousand dollar?, and al-

so to give hlJ obligation for the further sum of fivehundred doLara, la consideration that the plaintiffshould convey to said defendant the East half of lots7 and 10 and the whole of lots 8 and 9 in block 3 inBroTrnville, together with the Hotel building ther-o- n,

situated And said defendant wiU take noticethat the necessary aSvhwit haviag I sea filed by thesaid plaintiff an order of attachment has beenbeen fseeed against hispropertyaedthe land abovedescribed has boeo attached, said defendaat is fur-b- er

notified that he u required to appear and an-w- cr

said petition on or before tbe third Monday af-

ter tho 3Cth day cf A e gust I860.E W TITOMAS, Al'y for Pl'ff

. BrswBTillAor.ttk,. ' T:?3f


IBEEilDTILl iii,NO. 17, miS STREET,

1 !


; -


Which is the oldest, most extensive and reliableMerchantile House ia the Upper Country ?


Where are the best bajgains to be bad in the par- ehsjeof ail kinds of goods! .

: ' v .

Who sails goods at the lewest figure 7


Who outfits Pike's Peakers with any and every-thing they want at prices equal at least, with Saintiioais ana st. Joseph r


Who keeps the ehoieest quality cf goods ? '


Where ara the latest styles and finest qaalltlsi cf1 ancy uoodi to be round T


Who pays the highest market price for all kinds ofcountry produce.


Who does the exclusive Commission Business in theCity cf Brownville?


Who wholesales goods to the back country on themost advantageous terms 7


Who purchases and ships more country product thanany ono else in the upper country I


Who keeps constantly on hand and forsale the largest and best adsottinent of Uardware. 7


Where do the Ladle fina the best assortment ef thelatest style LIoops?

Where do people go to find a complete stock ofBoots, Shoes, Eats and Caps 7

1 1 til HiU d 11 klaHIsa

Where will you - find alt kinds of Cand Fraits,Oysters, Bottled Liquora of tho choicest brands, etc ?


Where will those going to the Gold Mines find a sup-

ply of Picks, A xes, Shovels, Sluice forks. Ox Yokes,Bows, Chains, Bacon, Beans, Sugar, Gunpowder,Rockers, Coffee, and everything they w ant 7


Where will Farmers go to purchase Plows, or sell

Wheat. Corn, Oats Rye, Barley, Potatos, Beans But-

ter, Eggs, fc.

TO HI L 'S .

If Farmers wish to ship-- tbr produce themselves,where do they go?' " 1


If too wish to deal with accommodating and politeClerks.


In short : For anything to eat, drink cr wear.

BROWNVILLE, N.BrotTnie, F. T:.iprin?, le?9. ly I







". Ha3 Removed :

Frcm hiii Old Stand on tie Lores to ' '




Where he has opened ap a ;




- .....A Large Stock of Choice Family



coxiunxa or J







And a fine assortment of .

LIGHT GROCERIES,.. - Such asSpice, . '

Peppers,Soda, ' . . ,

Salaratos,- -- Ginger,

Allspice,- etc., etc.


A well selected Stock of



Boots and Shoes.

xnowledie of the trade wants of the peopleof Boownvllle ani vicinity, enables him to make judici-ous purchases expressly for market. Ee aska anexamination of his Stock, assured he will heable to satisfy in quality, style prices.













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Probate Notice..notice is hereby fives te all parsons interested that

Eather Beisbl'ne has beea appointe administratrix ofthe estate of John Belshlina, lata ai Pawnee County,X. T-- , deceased. AH persons having claims ajainst thesaid ette are not; nei to present them to the frobateCourt of aaid County, on or before the 14th day rf May,1560, or they will be forever barred from recoveringach claim in any action whatever. H- - i. Luhk,l'JwnoS2F$7 rrooaie Juajre.

Legal Notice.Samuel Callcn. ) In the Pistrlet Court of Nemaha

vs. County, Nebraska Territory.Fielding n. Jokn . )

Tbe said defendjnt Fielding H. John of the State olJf issonri will take notice that the said plaintiff, SamuelCallenof Xeraaha County, Nebraska Territory, did, on

the Uth day of July, 1SGO file his petition in the aaidcourt against tbe said defendant seUMig forth that thesaid deferdu ie indebted to the said plaintiff in the sumof $2S5, for work and ibor ene ao for mon-

ey expended for sail defendant by said plaintiff alsothat said defendant is indebted to said plaintiff in theadditional srrraof $250 or a portion of the machinery ofa steam boat, the property of said plaintiff and by himdelivered to said df endaut. Plaintiff asks judgment forsaid amonbts. aad has caused an order ef attachment toissue against the property f aaid defendant. And saMdefendant is farther notified that be is required to ap-

pear and ansa petition on or before Monday tee27th day of August next.

E. V. TSOY1S. At'y fr Plff.?rt-s-i!- !, JiTr 1W I V

i What Eve fyVody' Wihls;


Slmpls ncir.ctllf 3, Easnj" Obtain-- :j lor the Cure of Disease Ini , ,all formsPROE filENRvCs? TAYLOR, D. !

IT TELLS TOC How to attend upon the sick, and ho v Uf cook 1t them how prepare driaka

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Diseibcs- - . . ; .IT TILLS TOC Of the varioua diseases of Children, and

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lions. Vaccination, Whooping-coug- h,

Measles, Ate.IT TILLS TOC The symptoms of Creup, Cholera lafaa--

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IT TELLX. ACC The synvptotrrs o Fever and Ague, an' - Bilious. Teliow, T.T).fcus, Scarlet an4

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ITTELUS TOTT The symptoms of laf cctna. Consiap-tlo- nDyspepsia, Asthma, Dropsey, the

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Betnedies for tbdlr cure.ITTBLIJTOC The spraptums of Cholera Morbus. Ka

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emale Sex, and gsves the best and aim... plest remedies for their enre, togetherwith many valuable hints for tho preservation or teaitn.

The work is written in plain lanruaie. free from inedleal terms, so as to be easily understood, while Its sim-ple receipes may soon save yo many times the coat ofme dook. it is priutea in a clear and open type; u 11

lustrated with appropriate enirsviuss. and will be forwarded to your address, neatly beutd and postage paid.ouui receipt or 91,00. - - - -

81,000 A YEARCaa be made by eaterDHsina-- men avarvwber. fa .lling the above work, as our Inducements to all scci arevery iioeral. ...For single eeplee of the Book, or for terms to stents

wun cm or imormauon, apply to or addressJQnX . POTTER, Publisher,

. , Ko C17 Sansom Street Philadelphia, Pa.

, Fifty .Thousand Copies Already Sold.



OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAR.IT TILLS TOO How to daw up Partnership Papers

and gives general forms forments of all kinds, Bills of Sale, andt,eases ana Petitions.

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It TILLS TOU The Law for Mechanics' Liens In everyState, and the Naturalization Lawsof this country, and how to complywith the same.

tT TILLS TOU The Law Coeeernlng Pensions and bowt .. to ottaia one, and. the pre-empti- on

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minister on an Estate, with the lawand tbe requirements thereof In everystate.

IT TILLS TOU The meaning of Law terms ln general


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IT TILLS TOU How to keep out of Law, by show-le-g

now to do your business legally, thussavinlng a vast amount of property,and vexatious litigaiion by ita timely

Single copies will be sent by mall, postaee paid to every farmer, every Mechanic, every Man of Business.and everybody in every state, on receipt of 81,00 or inaw siyie or Dinama at ai.zs.

1,000 Dollars a Tear.Can be made by enterprising men everywhere, in sel

ling the above work, as our Inducements to all such areliberal.


For si ogle copies of the Book, or for terms to sisats.with ether Information, apply to or address.

JOUN X. POOTTEB, Publisher,No 617 Saasom Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

1 p'-f&i- n

miiWii i 'irtiiaYTri

a!f asperlent and Stomschic of TBONpurified of Oxypen and Carbon by combustion In Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities,both In Europe and the United States, and prescribedin their practice.

The experience of thousands dally proves that nopreparation of Iron can be compared with it. IinpHsl-tlea- of

the blood, depression of vital energy, pale andotherwise sickly complexion Indicate Its necessity lnalmost every conceivable case.

Innoxious in all maladies in which it has been tried.has proved absolutely curative in each of the followingcomplaints, viz:



In Debility, ferrous Affections,Emaciation, Dyspepsia, Consti-pation, Scrofulus Tuberculosis.Salt Ilheum, Jlismenstruation,Whites, Chlorosis, Liver Com-plaints, Rheumatism, ChronicHeadaches, Intermittent Fevers,Pimples on the Face, &c.

In cases of GENERAL DEBILITY, whether tberesultof acute disease, or of continue! diminution of nervousand muscular energy from chrumccompUints, cue trialWnl&a .8riFiiA0fAt"!Barai;re-itatio- "Vfittlrender credible. Inv alids so long bed-ridd- as to havebecome forgotten in tbeir own neigbborhoois, have sadden It in he world if jast returnedfrom protracted, travel lnaUstnt land. Some verysignal instances of ibis kind are attested of femalesu(7t-re- r, emaciated victims of apparent marasmus,sanguineous exaaastin. critical chaogei. and that

nervoas aid dypepiic aversion to air andexercise for wbich ihe physician has no name.

In NERVOUS AFFECTIONS cf all kind, and torreasons familiar ttiutdiui eiei, tbe operation of thispreparations Iron muss necessarily be salutary, fur,unlike the eid cxidsn,-f- t Is vigorously tonic, withoutheing exdtlng and overheating; and gently, regularlyaperient, even in the moat obstinate case oX coalmen eawithout ever eeiag a gastric porgative, or itiicaug adisagrteahla senatloa.


It is this latter property, among others, which matesit so remarkably effaciMl e perwanent a remedy forPilet, upon which H also appears to exert adsiinct andspedflc action, by dispersiug the local tendency whichforms them. . . - .

' In DYSPEPSIA, inaumera as are HscaTTsee, astr.c!ebox of these Chalybeate Pills haa bf ten sufficed for thefcost habitual cases. Including taeattendaat Coitivnutt

In unchecked DlAKRnCEA, even wbeo advancsd toDTSENTAET, confirmed, emadatiag, and apparentlyHisiiimint. the efftfets have been equally decisive aodastonishing.

Ia the local plns, lr? of fleh and ttretisth, rfehilll-tatiageotr-

an remittent be-tJ- e, wni.a generally in-dicate 1NCIPUNT COX SUMPTION, thia remedy hasallayed tbe alarm f friend and phyciciaotf, in veralvery gratifyine au l Interesting iiWaiicer, . . -

In SCROFl LOCS TTBF.riCTLOSIS. this ra.VitedIron has had far r.i re tban the :;oods effects f t!ie mostcautiously balanced rrsiratiBS of t(dire, wiihoat anyof their well known Utilities.

The attentioti of female vnnrt be too rnfJ.ienCy In-

vited to tbtorcmtdj ;n.i retirztitt, ia lac carejaffecting them. w

In RHEUMATISM, both chr'TiicandinlauimatorTjrjtbe latter, however, moredeci'iv'lly it baa IWen ir.'vari-tl- y

well reporte.1, tothae a!eiatirg pin and rcaucingtie swellings an I ftiff nes rf the joints and rancs.

In INTERMITTENT J-- EVERS it nit eccessaTily boa great remedy and oncotic rcWratit;, im jt pro-gress in the new settlements of theWet, will pp-tal-

be one of high rgvn ani u'.nee. . -

No remedy has ever te discovered in the whole history of mediiin., eserts such proapt. happv, sudfnlly.restorstive effects G-x- arnetitc complete ilipc-tio- n.

fapW acqhrsitlon of sti er-etl- with an unusual dis-position for active and cheerful cxerciss..

Put up in flat metal boxes containing 53 pi Us, price 50cants per box; for sale ty drraists aad dealers. nilbe sent free to anv dJress ou receipt cf the price. AUletters, orders. e;c. should ie aildresse- - to

R. K. I.OCKT: t CO.,



J. 22. SHAWN3 jast rtcetvad

TKG HOT SEtrCTIHJlad, perhaps, the


Ever brought abovo St. Jcrrph,TThlch he la opeaisf aat la the

Splendid New Building,

tcrncr of Main acd First Streets.

His stock consists of the following articles, waU a--e

will sell cheap for cash :

Pure White Lead,French Zinck,

China Zinck,Red Lead,

Venitian RetT,

CtstorOit.Cod Livr OH,

Sfftfe; Oil,Putty,

Raw and b't umber, Firi,Spanish vrhitin g,

1 Turpentine,Chalk. Linseed Oil,;

Cough Candy, Tanner's Oil,Copal Varnish Costile Soap,

Fancy Soap, Toilet Scap,j Tooth brushes, Liiherage,

Patent medicines, Let.papfrWhite Varnirh, Ink,

Hiair brushes,Tooth brushes,

. Paint brushei

Steel Pent, "

Gold Pens,Pencil, .

Hair oil,&.,




a Splendid Assortment of

Lyon's Xatharlos, Cologne, Pommade,genuine ex marrow, bear trees, and otla. aask aaiescences of all kinds, and of the Caaat enailtf.

STATIONERY.Pool scap paper, fancy letter paper, glltedgsd sctea,

and envelopes, plain, fancy, and emoossed, pens pencilsacd pen-holde- ra, inks of all kinds, Ick.tauds, wafaraand asalmg-wt- x.

PURE LIQUORS.Holland Oie, Irish IThlsky, Bourbon Whisky, Ginger

Brandy. Cordial, Port Wine, iiadalra, Wine, While wiseand Malaga Wine.

fr. Vaun being an practical PrrrjUt, hispatrons mey rest assured that all medicines procure!from him are genuine without fear of mistakes.

23"Pbysic!an's attended to at all hearboth by day and night.


Vay S4, lS6&-I- y.


PKOPKIKTOIJS.Oregon, Holt Co., IIo.

of tho want ef a Erst class ia the West,whereTREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &C,Can be adaptotl to oar climate and soil. In view ofthese facts, we Lave one at this plaee.and Lave now in successful which we offer for sale at

IVhohsale or Retail,









Tbe ectain season, a large and well selected (tocksuited to this climate, of

Apple?, standard and dwarf;Pea rs, standard and dwarf;

Cherms, standard and dwarf:Peaches,



Grape.Cumnf .

OosWrWrieILasj. berried,

Strawborrles aad Blackberries,Ererirccns, Ornamental Trees, aad Shrebs,

Greenhouse and Uedding Plants, PKiS, JJaLllas,Ac,Ae.,Ae.

To whicb we would bejr Icare to eall the ejttentSoaof tbe people of Western Missouri, Nebraska, Kansa3 and Iowa.

r30ur teras will be fts loir as 9v? rV.'alle ftstern Nursery.

Uy jiurvhhsinj of ns thoexpeawor traafyertaticafrom the cat caa be sitvcl.

All trees and plants ar srwfaTIy labeled andta'fAe'j; ft? Vitjnv&TE&r mjn twill hi mud 3. So charge w ill be mode for the deli-very rf packs JJ on board stflKabo s. ' '

All comiaRDioations addressed to the T.3d4rsg3edwill reoeire prompt aitsntion.

e . n. rrrr.cnfs i co.

Agricultural ImplementsJ u-- t rvelved, per ateiaw L'nulie. cf





THE0D0EE HILISi?rownTU!e. April, 23. ISoa. ..

An Improved FarmA very r.luable and detrab!e iaproved farm sltcafe

4 1- -2 miles from Brownville and 2 3 from NemahaCitv, can b had on very favorable terais. It consistsof 1st acres; it acres under cultivation; tt acres In timher; good well; stock water, and good fraine bouse.The stock i yoke of exes, ? cows, ami tyvucg cattle,the farm implements, snd household furniture will besold with it if desired, a rare opportunity is here pre-

sented. Enquire of R. VT. farads, at ae AdvertisercfiJce, Brownville, S. T.

Xov. n,'5D nlS

A Good Fana for Sale.The subscriber will sell at s crest bargain a very

choice quarter cf section of land In Johnson coenfy, N e-

braska. There are forty acres of fine tisaher lacd.60 acres antler caitlvatWa, a goud log house aad other.Improvements. It Is two aod a hair ruils treat Tscuai- -..w ....- - , . . a tit PD( CltT.- Any person wishing to purchase a good tratt of land on.

Irrr.,n.hl. tr wll 1 SL pit I Cyros Wriest at- -

', or Jobh L. Car5o, Bicker, ia Browurllle,I or toGeo. W. ShxoaXetrCUT.I JleiJing at in'9JAI anu- -j 1?, 1Wa -