philosophy behind reiki

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Our aim is to help you discover the wonders of Reiki for yourself, and also to give you the tiniest glimpse into your metaphysical world.

We want to help you see, maybe for the first time, the glorious you that you truly are - Strong, powerful, beautiful, unstoppable and, most importantly, divine.

You are about to embark on a journey of discovery.

A journey of self-discovery, to be more precise, which can lead you to a place of contentment, meaning, fulfilment, happiness and joy.

Notice we have said a journey of discovery - not a journey of learning.

There is nothing in life that you have to learn. Let us repeat that for more emphasis.

There is nothing in life you have to learn.

For you already know all that there is to know - you only seek the experience.

This book has been written to gently remind you of this knowledge and help bring it more fully into your waking consciousness.

It is, therefore, a process of rediscovering that which you already know to be true.

It's about remembering who you are and why you are here.

You see, you are an incredibly powerful spiritual being; only you have chosen to forget all about it.

You have chosen to experience temporary spiritual amnesia.

We are going to act as the catalyst to help you restore your memory and return you to your senses.

Through interacting with this website it is our wish that you become more fully aware of the incredible power you hold within yourself.

Gurus or Master's?

We are most certainly not about becoming your Guru or your Master and taking away your power.

You are your own master and we seek only to help empower you to the point where you understand this quite clearly yourself.

We do not hold with all these different societies and associations that are constantly springing up to encircle and restrict not only the development of Reiki but the development of you as a person as well.

It is not our intention to form any sort of elitist club of which membership is compulsory.


Independence, on the other hand, certainly is what we are about.

We are of the opinion that powerful, knowledgeable, independent Reiki Masters are a must and a veritable boon to the world and, indeed, the planet itself.

A true Guru, Master or leader is merely a signpost pointing the way.

They will encourage you to look in the direction they are pointing, not to look at their finger. In other words listen to what they have to say, and if it sounds and feels right, and works for you, then assimilate what they are saying into your life.

They are not looking for followers, they are not asking you to just sit at their feet revering them, thinking how wonderful they are.

These people know you can be, and want you to become, the same as they are. They seek only to empower you.

Even Christianity and the Bible implies a similar thing when Jesus, if he existed at all, said something along the lines of...

All that I have done, you can do and more.

We do not want you to become a follower of anyone or, indeed, anything.

You are the power.

Our aim is to encourage and empower you towards that realisation.

Some people give away their power to a technique or a ritual. They think it is the technique, ceremony or ritual etc which will give them the power or ability to do whatever it is that they are wanting to do.

This is a total misunderstanding and we want you to see through it right away.

Being attuned to Reiki

Up until now, the only way you could have been attuned to Reiki was if you had attended classes run by an existing Reiki Master.

Now this was fine, as far as it went. Indeed, we taught Reiki in this way ourselves for many years.

But the problem was this... precluded everyone who:

Couldn't afford the fairly hefty fees involved

Found it difficult to travel

Didn't feel comfortable in a group setting

Couldn't find a Reiki Master at all

Which was very unfortunate. For it is our belief that the world is crying out for the kind of help which people attuned to Reiki can give.

And this help needs to be given right NOW.

We cannot afford to wait a moment longer.

The more people able to attune themselves to the energy of Reiki, the better off we all will be.

How so? Well...

There is little doubting that our wonderful planet is presently facing some rather dire problems. And it is no great secret that these problems are beginning to threaten the very survival of humanity itself.

It is also no great secret that it is humanity itself who are creating these problems.


If more people were to become attuned to Reiki it would begin to raise the consciousness, awareness and understanding of more and more individuals.


As the only way to change the outer world is to first change the inner world of each individual person - it follows that the more internal worlds changed by Reiki, the more quickly the outer world will change too.

This is why we decided to share, our extremely powerful self-initiation process, which will correctly attune anyone to the wonderful energy of Reiki.

And we make no apologies for doing so.

We are acutely aware that the Reiki purists will throw up their arms in horror. They will claim that this should never have been done - it's not right - it's not proper etc.

But that's okay; in time they will come to appreciate the necessity for it.

The survival of our world needs everyone to have Reiki now, not at some distant time in the future. Reiki is a living, growing, ever expanding art - it cannot be left in the hands of just the few.

Welcome to the Reiki Revolution.

This Private Members only website exists with the express intention of both changing your life and the direction of our world forever. We want you to feel...

Wow, I can do this - I have to do this.

Our aim is to inspire you to discover Reiki for yourself and to encourage you to begin walking your own Reiki path. Notice we say your own Reiki path because Reiki, as far as we are concerned, is all about freedom.

Freedom to become who you want to become and to live your life the way you want to live it.

The way that life is supposed to be lived!

In other words Reiki will help guide you towards living the kind of life you may only have dreamed of living. And this membership, we hope, will help guide you towards your own Reiki.

A Word of Warning

However before you go any further we feel compelled to issue you with the following warning...

...Please do not expect a solemn, dusty old website, which tells you exactly what to do and exactly how to do it.

We will never do that.

You see that would just disempower you - and we have no wish to do that.

We want to fill you with a true sense of your own magnificence and, most importantly, a grand understanding of your own absolute, inviolate, impeccable sovereignty.

Oh yes, one other thing, before we move on.

This membership may challenge your present way of thinking, so we would just like you to consider this...

Your mind is like an umbrella in the rain - if it's open it works, if it's closed...

Our intention

Our goal then, is to provide a solid platform of understanding from which you can go on to build and develop your own dynamic belief system.

And this is a very important point.

We do not want to enforce our belief systems on anyone.

What works well for us might not necessarily work as well for you. Truth, as you will discover, is not absolute. What is true for you today might not be true for you tomorrow.

We like the idea of providing roots and wings.

Roots to keep you grounded in reality - wings to help you fly, through dreaming glorious dreams.

You see, this is one of the major problems with life today. People don't have dreams anymore.

Depression is at epidemic proportions because of this. People either don't have dreams or, if they do, don't believe they can come true.

People have to have dreams - it is imperative.

And Reiki can help you both create and achieve them.

Holdfast to dreams - for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.Author UnknownThis Private Members only website exists with the express intention of both changing your life and the direction of our world forever. We want you to feel...

Wow, I can do this - I have to do this.

Our aim is to inspire you to discover Reiki for yourself and to encourage you to begin walking your own Reiki path. Notice we say your own Reiki path because Reiki, as far as we are concerned, is all about freedom.

Freedom to become who you want to become and to live your life the way you want to live it.

The way that life is supposed to be lived!

In other words Reiki will help guide you towards living the kind of life you may only have dreamed of living. And this membership, we hope, will help guide you towards your own Reiki.

A Word of Warning

However before you go any further we feel compelled to issue you with the following warning...

...Please do not expect a solemn, dusty old website, which tells you exactly what to do and exactly how to do it.

We will never do that.

You see that would just disempower you - and we have no wish to do that.

We want to fill you with a true sense of your own magnificence and, most importantly, a grand understanding of your own absolute, inviolate, impeccable sovereignty.

Oh yes, one other thing, before we move on.

This membership may challenge your present way of thinking, so we would just like you to consider this...

Your mind is like an umbrella in the rain - if it's open it works, if it's closed...

Our intention

Our goal then, is to provide a solid platform of understanding from which you can go on to build and develop your own dynamic belief system.

And this is a very important point.

We do not want to enforce our belief systems on anyone.

What works well for us might not necessarily work as well for you. Truth, as you will discover, is not absolute. What is true for you today might not be true for you tomorrow.

We like the idea of providing roots and wings.

Roots to keep you grounded in reality - wings to help you fly, through dreaming glorious dreams.

You see, this is one of the major problems with life today. People don't have dreams anymore.

Depression is at epidemic proportions because of this. People either don't have dreams or, if they do, don't believe they can come true.

People have to have dreams - it is imperative.

And Reiki can help you both create and achieve them.

Holdfast to dreams - for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.Author UnknownCandle magic

In candle magic you are told to buy candles of a certain colour for the various different ceremonies you wish to perform...

Red for achieving one type of magic spell, green for another black for something else etc.

You have to prepare an altar in a part of your house and treat the area with great reverence.

The particular ceremony you wish to carry out for whatever it is you wish to achieve, has to be performed on a certain day or night at a certain time.

You have to cleanse your body in a certain way and dress in a certain colour and sometimes at certain times, maybe, even have to be naked.

The particular candle or candles, which you are going to use, have to be cleansed and purified in a certain way and are then written on with a needle or similar device. You write on them whatever it is you wish to achieve, usually three times, ie. more money, return of a lost love, more success etc.

You then place these candles on your altar.

At the appropriate time you have to go to your altar and taking your candle or candles, whatever is appropriate, you intone the particular incantation, place the candle in the correct position on the altar and light it.

All of the above is carried out in secrecy and total reverence.

If the ceremony has been performed correctly, you are told, you will be successful.

Doesn't that sound great? It might even be worth having a go ourselves, eh!

What do you think?

No, no - stop it...

We're only joking; don't go out buying any candles.

Just be aware that these ceremonies can and very often do accomplish what they set out to accomplish. The important thing is to understand how and why they work.

It's not the ceremony that makes the spell work - it's YOU.

It's all about you

Everything about the ritual is designed to focus you on what you want to accomplish.

All the various tasks you have to perform - work to affirm and reaffirm your singular intention.

They engender within you a deep belief in the outcome. You intend that the spell will work and so it does.

It is purely your intention.

You are the magic.

The ritual and ceremony themselves are really just the window dressing - they set the scene.

They are not important.

It is not important, either, which colour candles you have or whether you have any candles at all. It doesn't really matter what time of the day, day of the month, what you are - or, conversely, are not - wearing or even whether you are choosing to use an altar.

All of these things are quite unimportant. All of these things can be taken out of the equation and the spell will still work.

The only thing that cannot be taken out of the equation is YOU.

YOU and your belief are the important thing, indeed the only thing, and anything that causes you to believe is helpful, in fact - it is crucial.

The Message

So, are you getting the message loud and clear? YOU are the power in your life. YOU - just - YOU.

There is no thing and no one more powerful than you. We seek to bring this realisation more fully into your waking consciousness and we have chosen the vehicle of Reiki to carry the message.

Okay, now before we move on to the Reiki itself, which we will do soon enough - honest, we think it would be advantageous to have a little delve beneath the surface of some...

More esoteric matters

So how about starting the ball rolling with a nice, easy to get your head around subject like...

Where do we come from and why have we come???

Could be good for a few sentences don't you think?

The Message

So, are you getting the message loud and clear? YOU are the power in your life. YOU - just - YOU.

There is no thing and no one more powerful than you. We seek to bring this realisation more fully into your waking consciousness and we have chosen the vehicle of Reiki to carry the message.

Okay, now before we move on to the Reiki itself, which we will do soon enough - honest, we think it would be advantageous to have a little delve beneath the surface of some...

More esoteric matters

So how about starting the ball rolling with a nice, easy to get your head around subject like...

Where do we come from and why have we come???

Could be good for a few sentences don't you think?

Long, long ago in a time before time, there existed an extraordinarily powerful energy source which began speculating about who and what it was.

It began to wonder about...

Sounds like the beginning of a science fiction novel doesn't it?

But is it too far from the truth?

In the beginning

If you were to try imagining back to what it must have been like in the beginning.

Right back to the very, very beginning of time, yes even before television. What would you come up with?

What do you think, what do you feel would have been taking place?

Just for the next couple of minutes, close your eyes and give it a try...

What, back so soon? Have you given it a go?

Come on now, you can be honest with us. Did you, really? Or are you just happy to read on and let us give you some of our thoughts on the matter?

It's quite okay. We realise that some of you will have given it a go, but probably most of you didn't.

And that's fine. It's just the way it should be.

Drifting back in time

Okay, so let's go together. Let's get ourselves comfortable, and drift slowly back in time using our imaginations.

Back, back, slowly back.

Let all of recorded history, the personal history you remember and the cosmic history you don't, just rewind in your head. Where do you imagine we would be?

What can you see? Are we still standing on a planet? If so, we haven't gone back far enough yet. We've got to go back before the existence of matter. We've got to go way, way back to before the universe began.

Now, what do you imagine there would be, back before the universe began?

Are we still in our bodies? Got to go back further. Is there still a we? Got to go back even further.

Now, is there just a you? Are you still in a body? If so, go back a tiny bit more.

Is there just the purity of you there now?

Just your consciousness, your energy? Are you still there?

Is there anything else?

Okay hold on to this thought, this feeling, for a moment.

If you have really got into this last piece of dialogue, and we mean really got into it, you might have noticed something or felt something, quite profound.

If you have, excellent, if not just bear with us a little bit longer whilst we tell you a story that might just help.

A personal story

The story just happens to be about Chris one of the writers of this book.

When I was growing up my family weren't particularly religious in any noticeable way. We didn't go to church or Sunday school and I don't remember seeing any religious icons in the house.

However, when I was about nine or ten I asked my mother what would happen to me when I died.

Her reply shocked me to my core.

She said to me, There won't be a you any more, when you're dead, you're dead.

I thought she was just having a joke with me and so I waited for her to laugh, but she didn't. She was quite serious. This was her belief, and she had no trouble in passing it on to me.

For me it was one of those moments, you know the type I mean, one of those real key moments in life that rocks your very foundations. For my mother it was nothing, she just whisked away and got on with her day.

I was left devastated.

The statement gnawed at me all through the rest of the day, and going to bed that night was, well... a nightmare. I didn't dare go to sleep in case I died, and there would be nothing else.

It was dreadful, and I didn't know what to do.

Trying to imagine being dead

This went on for weeks and weeks.

At night I'd lie in bed for ages trying to keep myself awake. For some reason I only seemed to think I would die if I went to sleep.

Every night I would lie there trying to imagine what it would like to be dead.

Trying to imagine what it would be like if there was no more me. No more me! Nothing.

Nothing at all but blackness - for all eternity.

It must have begun to take its toll on me physically, but no one appeared to notice. I don't remember anyone taking me to one side and asking me if everything was all right, and I didn't dare discuss it with anyone else in the family.

My mother was always right.

Everything changed

Then, one night, whilst I was going through the awful imaginings of total blackness and total nothingness for all eternity, a little light of understanding came on in my head.

Perhaps it was a satori, a fleeting moment of enlightened thought, because nothing ever seemed so dark and black afterwards.

I suddenly realised that in all the nights of horror that I had gone through, trying to imagine total nothingness - there was always a part of me observing it all.

A part of me that could not be extinguished no matter how hard I tried.

I suddenly knew, with absolute certainty that a part of me would not, indeed could not, ever die!

It was a moment of total exhilaration.

All the dark horrors were forced away. There now seemed to be a light shining within my head, and it was wonderful.

I could never, ever die. I was immortal - the realisation was almost overwhelming.

I wanted to shout it out loud, to tell everyone, but I couldn't. The sad fact was I didn't have anyone to share it with; I had no one who I could tell.

In fact I have only ever shared this with just a tiny handful of people, and now I've shared it with you.

Back to the script

So, back to that thought we were holding from several paragraphs back. The profound thought or feeling you may have had is the very same one I had all those years ago.

There is a part of you that cannot be extinguished, a part of you that is always observing.

You can travel right back in time in your imagination, as we have just done, or you can do it the way I did it as a child, by trying to imagine yourself dead. It doesn't really matter which way you try.

What you will find is the same. You cannot disassociate yourself from existence.

You cannot - not be! An exercise for you to try

When you've got a spare minute then, perhaps tonight in bed, really do have a proper go at this exercise.

Take yourself back to the beginning of the universe again and try to feel what it was like. We say feel rather than think, because trying to use your head to figure all this out, makes it very difficult indeed. Logic is not going to be of much help to you on this journey.

Feelings are the name of the game here.

Really reach out with your feelings. Ask yourself what would there be at the beginning of time and wait for your feelings - your intuition - that still small voice inside of you, to answer.

Or ask yourself what it would be like to be dead for all eternity, and again wait for your feelings or intuition to answer.

If nothing comes up for you, in terms of answers, don't worry. It's the knowing that some part of you is always there that's the important bit. The understanding that you cannot - not be.

The knowing that no matter what happens you, as a consciousness, are immortal.

An extraordinary thought

Really play with this thought, this idea that you have always been here. That there has never been a time - when you were not here.

Indeed, dare to think the thought, dare to feel the feeling that...

Long, long ago in a time before time, there existed an extraordinarily powerful energy source which began speculating about who and what it was.

And that extraordinarily powerful energy source was, YOU.Wow, how does that make you feel?

It somehow feels right, doesn't it? You maybe can't put your finger on it at this moment, but somewhere deep, deep inside, it just feels right.

Now we hope you've brought your umbrella with you because yes, that's correct.

We are suggesting that...

YOU are God!!Right oh then.

Please take a break now and consider what has been said. Go and do the exercise we have just suggested, then come back and we'll continue.

Go on now - off you go.

You're not going to miss anything. We won't go any further until you come back - we promise. We'll just wait right here.

Did you do it?

Did you? Only you know the answer to that one. But we'll give you the benefit of the doubt, should we? And accept that you really, really did or really, really meant to, or really, really will or would have, if only you had had the time, the energy, the patience, the...

....................... (You can fill in the blank with your very own really, real excuse).

If you did do the exercise, great, if you didn't that's okay too. Just remember, though, that the more you put into this course the more you will get out of it.

Anyway let's carry on regardless.

We left you with the thought, the feeling, that the extraordinarily powerful energy source - God - could actually be you.

Now some of you may have had a little trouble with that, and some may be having trouble in believing in the concept of there being a God, any God, at all.

So let's delve a little more deeply into this subject right now.

This is, of course, only for those people who cannot yet accept that THEY are God.

Belief in God

Belief in God has had some real bad press just recently, so it's understandable if people seem a little reluctant to accept His reality.

(Throughout this course, by the way, we are going to refer to God as being He, so please don't be offended by this. We do realise that God has no gender, or to be more precise is every gender, it's just easier to make reference in the masculine form whilst writing. It gets very tedious having to write Him/Her, He/She etc all the time. We know you will understand because, after all, you are God).

People, quite rightly, question the existence of a God who can let all the atrocities that occur in the world, take place. Why, they say, if there is a God would He let all these things happen?

How could a being so immensely powerful, who is supposed to be so compassionate and loving, allow people to starve to death? Why would He allow all these wars to take place? Why would He permit anything bad to happen to anyone?

Surely if there is a God, He must be powerful enough to fix all these things at a stroke, mustn't He?

So, you reason, if there is a God and He is powerful enough to fix all these things, as He should be if He is a God, and He does not, it can only mean one of two things...

Two choices

1. There is a God but He doesn't really care enough about us to help.


2. There is no God.

Now if statement number 1 is true, we have a couple of ways in which we can proceed. We can try to figure out a way to get Him to like and love us or we can say - Why should we take any notice of a God who doesn't love us and won't take care of us?

And just ignore the whole subject altogether.

The path of ignorance

Many, many people have chosen this latter path. The path of ignore-ance.

But how can this prevailing attitude be changed?

How can anyone be encouraged to choose the possibility of God, over the comfort of ignorance? By raising the consciousness of people to another level.

And how do we do this?

Yes, you guessed it, through Reiki, of course. But before we get onto that subject, let's examine what happens to the people who want to figure out how to get God to love and care for them.

People wanting to discover the way to this kind of reality usually follow the directions given in some kind of organised religion.

It doesn't really matter which particular one is followed, and quite often their family has already chosen it for them anyway.

All religions are attempting to lead their followers in a similar direction.

And all are useful - until they are not, and that's when the trouble starts.

The Laws of God?

Religions require strict adherence to the rules and regulations as set out by the founder of their particular religion. Most purporting to having received these rules directly from God or some other Supreme Being.

The implication from all being - you won't receive the love and care of God unless you abide by our rules, which they have now imperiously called The Laws of God.

Now what people seem to forget when they are being guided by these religions is that these religions are often many hundreds of years old. The rules and regulations, sorry Laws of God, were made in times when the people weren't quite as sophisticated as they are today.

They were in abject fear and awe of their religious leaders.

But that is no longer the case in some countries today. Some of these people are beginning to ask questions of their religion.

Do not question the wisdom of God

True Believers would say, we must not question the wisdom of God, because God works in mysterious ways.

But for some people - people in hardship and pain - people suffering from the most horrendous atrocities - people watching their children die because of religious wars or for the want of a little food and some clean water.

To these people, this answer doesn't come anywhere near to being enough.

So the True Believers change tack a little.

They then tell us that the suffering we are experiencing will make us better people. They say it is like making a better quality of steel.

The more heat and the more hammering it takes, the stronger and purer, it will be.

And this, they say, is what is actually happening and that we should bear with it.

If this still does not pacify us, True Believers tell us that because of our massive suffering we must be special people and will get tremendous rewards in heaven.

People begin to doubt their religion

Now with all of this going on, is it not surprising that people begin to doubt their religion?

Well, fortunately, they do but, unfortunately, they also begin to doubt in God.

When things are at their darkest and you cry out to God for help.

When you have taken so much - and you can't take anymore!

You know that God has been watching. You know He has seen your suffering. Seen this hardship and pain that you have endured... You know that He knows this is more than any one person should ever be allowed to bear.

Trusting in God

You desperately want to trust in God. You want to believe that He will only allow so much suffering to happen to you, and then mercifully, make it stop.

You know that this is how it is supposed to work.

But the pain and the suffering continue.

God does not answer your prayers. You cry and beseech. You pray harder and implore. You make threats and then beg for forgiveness. You promise you'll be good from now on. You try to make bargains you know you'll never keep.

You try everything you can, until finally, you get so angry and disillusioned that...

...You stop believing altogether

It is much easier to say you don't believe. You find out that there are thousands, indeed, millions of people who don't believe.

In fact it is quite cool not to believe.

You wonder at how you could have been so foolish to have been taken in by all this nonsense in the first place. A God that looks after us - how ridiculous. It somehow makes you feel better, now that you've seen through the hoax.

Things might not actually be any better, but at least you've found out the truth.

This is a scenario that takes place on a daily basis around the world, and has done so for many, many years. It will probably carry on for many, many more years too.

The True Believers would have it that everything has just been a test of your faith. And the fact that you have lost this faith is proof that you are not worthy - are somehow inferior because you weakened.

This is a favourite ploy.

Making you feel unworthy and inferior makes them feel worthy and superior.

At this late stage, however, it cuts no ice, and you continue to say you disbelieve. Except, against all the odds, a part of you, maybe a very small part of you, has still not given up completely.

It won't be denied; it somehow knows better.

Out of touch religions

This is the experience of too many people.

Too many people have been let down. And the clichs and platitudes that trip easily from the tongues of these out of touch religious leaders do not help.

People do not want to hear that they will get their rewards in heaven. They do not want to hear that life is supposed to be a school full of hardship and pain.

A place where you come solely to learn how to bear suffering because it will somehow make you a better person.

To the people of today these things no longer make any sense.

And to these people who have had this kind of experience with their religion, we offer the following words of hope.

All religions are entirely man made.

They do not represent the word of God in any way shape or form. The rules and regulations that they adhere to are simply that - rules and regulations - they are not Laws of God - they were just made up by man.

If you are still involved with a religion and it works for you, then that's great. We have no problem with that. As we have already said, all religions are useful until they are not, and what we mean by that is this...

...Religions are okay when first starting out

Religions offer a well-trodden path that you can follow. They are perfect for when you are just starting out and you need to know what to do, when to do it and who to turn to for advice if it is needed.

They're kind of like a paint-by-numbers picture.

If you stay within the marked lines they allow you to create a passable painting, whilst not being too demanding. And you also get to practice some of the more elementary techniques in a very safe environment.

The problem is, of course, you can only end up with the picture that they have carefully outlined for you. You cannot use your own free will to be wonderfully and spontaneously creative.

Now if you are quite happy to be a paint-by-numbers artist this approach is absolutely fine.

If you want to be a great artist in your own right, however, you might find it a bit limiting. And this, you will discover, holds true for all religions as well.

Moving beyond religion

Once you have reached this point, the point when you begin to realise that there must be something more.

Wouldn't it be nice if the religion, and the religious leaders themselves, said to you...

...Well done. You have come as far as we can take you.

It is now time to walk your own path for we do not wish to limit your growth. The guidance you require for your next steps will come from within you.

You must now learn to meditate and follow your own counsel. And don't worry, we'll always be here to help if you need us.

Wouldn't that be nice?

Wouldn't it be nice for a religion to be honest enough with you to say these things?

To actively promote and support your individual emergence as a powerful spiritual being in your own right.

But they don't, and they won't.

Why? Because religion is very big business.

The machinery behind these religions is vast and very expensive.

The people earning their livings from these religions is vast. The power, prestige and social standing awarded to these people is vast.

And they're not about to give any of this up without a fight.

Without you, they are out of business.

The religious myths continue

So the myths that have been set up by these religious bodies continue on unabated. Sure, they are modifying some of their dogma, but this is because they are having to.

They are losing punters, their life-blood, in droves. It would be nice to think that religion is changing, growing and developing out of some kind of spiritual enlightenment, but unfortunately it is purely economic.

It is not, therefore, in their interests for you to leave their religion.

It never has been.

They will threaten you with all kinds of punishments that will be meted out by a harsh and unforgiving God. For God, it seems, will only play ball with you, if you play ball with Him.

He will only be a loving, caring and understanding God if you do as He says. He will not be best pleased if you try to do things your own way and He will punish you mightily.

Let's look at that more closely

Now come on.

First of all the religion tells you that you will only be looked after by God if you adhere to the doctrines as put forward by their religion. The only One True Religion, of course - but then they all tell you that don't they?

Then they say that this wonderful, loving, compassionate all powerful God of theirs, - The Only One True God of course, but then they all tell you that as well, don't they? - will punish you for all eternity if you don't comply.

Does this really make any sense?

Does this almighty being not appear to be acting suspiciously like...

The Devil? The absolute antithesis of everything God is supposed to represent.

Well we don't know about you, but it sure does sound like ol' Nick to us. You see, to us, God represents love, life, freedom and joy.

Pure love - eternal life - absolute freedom-unlimited joy. Anything else is a lie made up by man.

So let's be clear. The long and the short of it is this...

The present understanding of God's Will and God's Laws etc. comes from one source - Religion. These religions claim to have got their information directly from God Himself, but usually through human intermediaries.

In other words we are supposed to believe in what other people said happened to them, hundreds of years ago.

We are supposed to believe that these few special individuals were the only ones capable of communicating with God. And accept without question that no one else was, is or ever will be capable of doing the same - ever again.

Well, excuse us for saying so. But does that make any sense at all?

Is that really acceptable to you? Religions are at fault

We're sorry but to us it is quite clear.

It is the religions that are at fault here, not God. The religions do not represent the word of God, they only say that they do, and they have hoodwinked too many people for quite long enough!

Religion is one of the foremost institutions for removing, suppressing and controlling every single drop of you and your divine power.

If you are at all religious, please understand that we are not having a go at your particular religion. No, we are having a go at all the organised religions, each and every one of them.

There is probably not one single religion on the face of this planet, which seeks to empower you to the point of Godhead. They all seek to control you and keep you in fear and bondage.

Most religions spring from the same root. In other words almost every religion that people are following today developed from, or has derived elements from, another religion that came before it.

There are no truly unique religions and they are all man made as we have said earlier.

Yes, we would have to agree that as everyone is a part of God then every religion would have to have been divinely inspired. But they have all been corrupted by mans desire to dominate and control.

Even the ones, which began with noble intentions, have succumbed to the distortions of their later leaders. And another interesting fact is that most of them are derived originally from a worship of the sun, yes, even Christianity.

What is required is clarity.

An understanding of who and what God is, that comes from within each and every individual. You have not, do not and never will have the need for an intermediary to communicate with God, because...

God is inside of you right now.Because,God is you and you are God. God does not create all the atrocities occurring in our world today, we do. We have chosen to experience these things and God/We have given ourselves the freedom to have these experiences.

It cannot happen any other way. God will never over-rule us, because He cannot. Our will is His will.

Now let this really sink in...

Our will is God's will because God's will is our will.Back to the beginning again

Now let's just go back again to the beginning of time. To that place we are becoming more familiar with.

If you have really tried the exercise we asked you to try, you will know that it is not possible to imagine that there has ever been a time when you were not. There has never been a time of complete nothingness.

Okay, so stretch with this a little, and bring your umbrellas if you need to...

If you can accept that there must have been a beginning. A somewhere, a sometime when it all began.

You can do this can't you? Yes? Good.

What, or who, do you think was there at that moment? Yes, we know this can conjure up images of chickens and eggs, but lay that aside for a minute. (Apologies for the awful pun).

Is it easier to imagine that there was some kind of other energy there, along with you, rather than some kind of inanimate object? Is it easier to imagine that this energy had some kind of intelligence or consciousness rather than being inert?

We know that this is not easy, but what we're trying to do is get you to a place where you can allow the possibility.

For most people who have given this subject some serious consideration, and many people have, their conclusions, albeit probably not conclusive, are usually along the lines of - it must have started somewhere.

If you really can't accept that there was a beginning, and that there must have been some sort of energy there. What else is there that you can accept?

Most scientists put forward the theory of the Big Bang as being the beginning of the universe. In fact this theory is becoming the generally accepted reality. Others don't agree at all. But the thing is, they all agree on one thing - there must have been a beginning.

As we've said, it's very chicken and egg, but we think that it all boils down (not a pun!) to just the one question...

Did the beginning have structure and intelligence behind it, or was it just a totally random, chance event?

Our belief system

We have gone back to this point, and meditated on it many, many times. Our understanding, drawn from these experiences, is that it all started with the energy of consciousness.

This consciousness had great intelligence, wisdom and compassion.

This energy was all that there was, and it knew that it was all that there was.

Because we are unable to imagine a time when we were not - and are also unable to imagine a time when we will not ever be ? we know that we were, and are, part of this consciousness.

For you reading this page, that knowing may not yet be.

But we hope to change that.

Our own journey to this realisation also originally started out in hope.

We hoped that what we were feeling and understanding was true. After a while this hope changed into a tentative belief that it was true. This belief eventually, after much trial and error, became a knowing.

We now hope to engender within you this same kind of knowing.

Back to the beginning, once more

So, back to this conscious energy source at the beginning of time once again. (We hope you will forgive us for all these happy returns but it was, after all, your birthday).

As we have said, you existed as a part of this energy and everything was incredibly marvellous. You were all there was and you were magnificent.

Now being all there was and being incredibly marvellous was all very well and good, but it was also just a bit too conceptual?

...A tad too much on the theoretical side for your liking.

It was bordering on the all talk no action way of life - you know, like trying to learn to ride a bike just by reading a book about it.

Not very practical because it leaves you thinking you know how to do it until you get on the bike, then whoops, you?re instantly upside down in a heap.

You wanted to experience what it was like to be magnificent. You wanted to ride that bike, you wanted to feel that wind, feel what it was like to be upside down.

You wanted to get down and boogie a little.

So how do you do it? How do you get out there and start experiencing things?

Now remember, you are all there is and, out there doesn?t exist - yet. There is nothing at all that exists that is not a part of you. You are the everything of everything, the whole kit and caboodle.

It might also be worth mentioning at this point, that you are also the everything of that which is not, as well.

How can you experience magnificence?

How can you experience magnificence when magnificence is all there is?

How can you experience beauty, when beauty is all there is?

How can you experience up when up is all there is or down when down is all there is? It?s just not possible. And you knew this.

You knew that to have the experiences that you desired it was going to be necessary to change everything.

So that is what you did!

The opposite has to exist

You knew that to have the experience of anything, the opposite of what you are wanting to experience would have to exist too. But at this point there was only you, there was in effect, no not you.

So you decided to do the only thing you could do to accomplish what you desired, you decided to divide yourself.

Not too difficult a task for the only and most powerful force in existence.

But wait?

Could dividing into just two parts provide all the experiences you wished to experience?

Sure, it would now be possible for one part of you to look back at the other part, but what would that part see?

Well, one part of magnificence would be able to see the other part of magnificence looking back, which would be good, wouldn?t it?

After all that is exactly what you wanted.

Well, yes, but only partly. It would only be possible for one part of magnificence to see the other part of magnificence from the perspective of, err? well? magnificence. Do you understand this concept?

We hope so, but if it hasn?t quite clicked into place try considering it like this.

Imagine yourself as being one half of an apple looking back at the other half of yourself. You can only see the other part from the perspective, and understanding that you already have - which is that gained from being an apple.

Because an apple is all you are.

You are not and never have been, say, an orange.

And cannot, therefore, consider the apple from the understanding, the perspective, of an orange.

Got it?

No? Well try this.

If you were completely brown and you lived in a brown world where everything was absolutely brown.

Yes everything, and the same shade of brown too. Your clothes, furniture, house, dr, car, the road, grass, trees, sky, sun, sea etc. etc.

Have you got the picture?

There is no other colour in your world except brown. Would you be able to understand, to perceive, what it would be like to live in our own multi-coloured world?

Now please don?t say, ?Yeah, that makes it as clear as mud, real brown mud.?

If you?re still not quite sure, re-read the paragraphs above a few more times, and we know you?ll finally get it.

It was necessary to divide

Okay then, so it was necessary to divide and into more than two parts, but these parts had to be ? different parts, as well. Now the fundamental problem with this is, how do you get a consciousness, which is one thing to become a consciousness, which is something else? If you are, say, Mary Smith, how do you become Sarah Jones? Yes it would be possible to emulate an actress and pretend to become Sarah Jones. But are you then really Sarah Jones?

Not really.

You would just be Mary Smith pretending to be Sarah Jones but still using the general perspectives, the general understandings, of Mary Smith. Everything that you did would be influenced by that major part of you which was really Mary Smith.

Memory Loss

But hold on a minute, what if you had amnesia? What if you absolutely, totally and utterly forgot who you were?

Yes, now that would work wouldn?t it?

If people lose their memories they can become, not just act like, but actually become, a changed person. Their perspectives, their outlook, on life can become quite different.

Ah-ha, this was a good plan, and it was a plan that would work.

And so it was decided that a portion of this extraordinarily powerful energy would split itself into an infinite number of particles.

Every particle containing within it the essence of the whole, rather like the pieces of a broken hologram, but carrying no conscious memory of this fact.

(It has been found that when a picture in holographic form of, say a vase, is shattered, every individual piece of the broken hologram carries within it a complete picture of the whole vase.)

This provided the potential for each individual particle to become totally different, and appear to be totally separate from every other particle as well.

Now it would be possible to experience your magnificence in the very practical way you desired.

The energetic universe begins

In an explosion of incredible magnitude the ONE instantly became the many. The universe, the one-verse, was born. Suddenly there was, for the first time, a here and a there. There was an up and a down, a now and a then, a near and a far?

...everything your heart desired.

Well, perhaps not quite your heart, for that little part of you was yet to come - but you know what we mean.

All these centillions of little particles of consciousness - these little chips off the old block - became us. They became all there is and all there isn?t.

All the matter and all the anti-matter.

WOW!This, as you can see, aligns itself quite nicely with the widely accepted theory that the universe began with the Big Bang. And for us it answers all the questions on creation it is necessary to ask.

But you are quite welcome to go on questioning, if what we have said does not ?sit right? within you.

You might still have your own theories of God and the universe, and we honour those beliefs. If you are still not sure, we would suggest you meditate on it, and remember it your own way.

In other words re-member - put the pieces back together - in a way that fits your own internal pattern.

Because, at the end of the day - for each individual - it really has got to come down to just one thing...


Yes, that?s right, just belief or more precisely, BEING LIEF.

You see the word lief means: gladly, willingly, happily, readily. And it is no accident how this word evolved.

It is asking you to BE lief. So gladly, willingly, happily, readily accept the possibility of being God.

Just ? Be, just BE - lief.

The thought of creation

So, we, as individuals, originated from a thought, which God had had about who God was. Because God is always unfolding too. We evolved as a concept during the thought processes of God.

God wondered.

God imagined what it would be like to experience being God. And in doing so created us. We were created in God?s imagination.

In God?s IMAGE-ination.

And the notion of us being created in God?s image was born also, along with us.

Now what did we, as little bright sparks of the creator, have to do in order to experience being God?

Well, as always, the answer was in the question.

We didn?t have to DO anything.

We wanted to experience BEING God.

So we became human BEINGS not human doings. We became Beings of energy, Beings of light, Beings of thought, Beings of God.

And we created a whole universe of energy, of light, of thought, of sound, of God in which to play whilst experiencing our Being-ness.

The physical universe begins

With the creation of this energetic universe there also came two choices of experience for us.

We could experience a physical or a non-physical reality.

Choosing a physical reality meant slowing down the energy around us until it took on a denser form. A bit like taking steam and slowing it down until it becomes water and then slowing it down some more until it becomes ice.

Many of us made the choice to experience physical realities. So we slowed the energy until it coalesced into the manifestation of the physical universe we inhabit today. We did this through the power of thought.

Every particle in the universe responds to our thoughts, but more of this anon.

As it was necessary for us to interact with this physical reality we also had to create the means for this to happen. We created for ourselves physical bodies.

These physical bodies we created for our-selves also required the slowing down of our divine energy. You see, the energy of God, of which we are, oscillates, vibrates, at incredible speed.

In order for us to have physical experience, this energy has to be stepped down slower and slower and slower until we achieve a physical density.

Or to be more precise what we perceive to be a physical density.

Our various bodies

The slowing of our energy begins at the level of the divine and finishes, for us, at the level of the physical.

In between these levels, like the layers of an onion, are the energy images of several other bodies.

These bodies, or step-down energy images as they can be more accurately called, have been detected by clairvoyants and psychics throughout the ages and have been given many different names.

To better understand these phenomena, think about having seen a wrongly exposed photograph.

It can create a double and sometimes triple image, giving the impression of seeing a body within a body. Impression, actually, is a very good description of what is occurring.

For at every point of the energy step-down procedure, an impression is left as it interacts with the surrounding energy field.

This is because the universe is going through the very same step-down procedures, thereby creating many other separate realities where we can also have experiences.

The planes of existence

As already mentioned, the names given to these energy-body impressions and planes of existence can vary in number, type and name according to which source the information comes from. But in general terms, consist of the following:








These seven planes of existence, each have seven sub-divisions which each have seven sub-divisions, which each have seven sub-divisions, which each have?

?and so on, and so on until you reach the seventh sub division of the seventh sub-division.

Quite a lot then, isn?t there?

And did you notice something about the number seven? It appeared quite a few times - huh? It?s very popular with occultists and the like.

Seven is known as the number of spirituality, sensitivity and mystery.

For all practical purposes, and we are all about being practical, these various other bodies and planes of existence have very limited impact on life in the physical realm.

They do exist, as do all the other realities, such as past lives, future lives, parallel lives etc; but just knowing and recognising that they are there is quite enough.

They do not really impact our normal day-to-day lives in any concrete way so they are, consequently, and just for the moment, fairly unimportant.

Many ?New Age? people, of course, will totally disagree.

They will say that developing these bodies along with the different abilities available within them is most important.

They will say that to neglect these parts of yourself and not to try and explore these other realms is to limit your true potential.

And we have no problem with this way of thinking, if it is what you truly believe. But we would just ask you to consider this?

Be physical in this physical universe

We have chosen to be physical in a physical universe. The important words here are chosen and physical. We had the choice to be non-physical but we decided against it, we wanted to experience being God through physical means.

Why therefore, having made this choice, should we then be trying to develop and experience these non-physical parts of ourselves? To us it just seems to be an unnecessary waste of energy to be focusing on something we have chosen, in the first place, not to be.

The same could be said of these people who spend their whole lives in continual meditation in some cave up a mountain in Tibet or somewhere.

Why are they doing it?

It would seem, to us, that these people - far from displaying profound spiritual understanding ? are missing the point completely.

You have come to a physical universe to be physical, so BE physical.

Don?t worry about all these other bodies and other planes of existence for now. They are there, and they are already a part of you. It can be no other way.

They will not disappear and your ?spirituality? will not suffer, even if you don?t give them any energy at all. Far better, we think, to concentrate instead, on understanding physical life from a physical perspective.

It is, after all, the reason you came.

You see, there are too many people going around trying to be something they are not, out of a profound misunderstanding of who they are and why they are here.

They think that spiritual ?growth? has to be about withdrawing from life and that only by dedicating oneself purely to meditation, chanting, ritual, and prayer will it be possible for spiritual understanding and enlightenment to manifest itself.

Just know that none of this is necessary.

What is the point of struggling and striving to be what you already are. You already are fully enlightened for you are God. You just don?t remember this fact yet, that?s all.

Okay then. We hope that by now you are beginning to realise (to make real) just how powerful you really are - and that this power within you really is the divine power of God.

Well, we think it?s about time we covered a little more about the subject of Reiki.

All the areas we have just spoken about will become clear, in the fullness of time, particularly when your own vibratory level begins to be raised back up again through your Reiki attunements.

So what better place to start our visit back to Reiki than with...

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Understanding illness

Now before we leave this section on Reiki healing and, in fact, all healing in general, we think it is extremely important to understand the function of illness and disease more fully.

You see diseases are not something that you actually ?catch?. And illnesses are not something that just ?happen? to you without your consent.

To think that an illness or disease is something that can creep up on you and take you by surprise is to overlook the fact that you create your own reality.

That you make what happens happen.

Everything that occurs in your life occurs because you want it to.


And, of course, this very much includes illness, disease and bodily harm too.

As already spoken about earlier we, as God, decided to experience what it was to be God by creating ?life? in physical form.

We decided that it would be essential to interact with many other parts of ourselves to bring greater understanding from this experience.

And we also decided that if these ?experiences? were to have any impact at all?

?it was imperative for us to ?forget? all about the fact that we were God and that it was us who were creating them.

To experience everything we wanted to experience, even being God in adversity, we decided to allow our bodies to become ill, diseased and damaged.

Yes, we could have created for ourselves the bodies of super people, who were impervious to harm of any kind.

But we decided that this would not have brought us all the experiences we sought.

So, as with everything else we were creating for ourselves, we decided that for illness, disease and bodily harm to have any meaning at all we had to ensure that we created the illusion that it came from outside ourselves.

We had to forget that it was we ourselves who were creating it.

Now, are you following this?

We decided to allow illness, disease and bodily harm (from now on we?re just going to write illness but it means ? illness, disease and bodily harm, okay), to manifest itself in our ?physical realm? - so that we could have these broader experiences of ?life?.

It is not something that is inflicted upon us by chance, it is something that we have decided to experience, and we do have full control over it.

Every illness then is brought to you, by you. You don?t ?catch? anything at all, for there is nothing to ?catch? unless you have agreed to ?catch? it.

We know our doctors and scientists have discovered, and continue to discover, all these pathogens - germs, viruses and bacteria etc - which are, they say, ?responsible? for our illnesses.

But they only exist because our scientists needed, and still need, to discover external reasons for our illnesses.

If our doctors weren?t looking for reasons, these things wouldn?t have to exist.

Do you follow that?

If we were quite happy that illness just came to us for our own experience and that it was perfectly okay - viruses etc. wouldn?t have to exist.

But because our memory loss was initially total and not just partial we have ?forgotten? that we want these experiences and, consequently, resent and fear them coming to us.

(We have always had among us, though, people whose memory loss was not total, and these people have always been there to help others remember who they are, whenever anyone wanted to).

Because (another interesting word, be-cause) we fear and resent these illnesses we have allowed doctors and scientists to become a reality.

And these doctors and scientists have to justify their existence by finding ?cures? for our illnesses. To find ?cures? they have had to discover why we get ill.

And here is where it has become very interesting indeed.

Many of these scientists and doctors chose to look outside of themselves to find the reasons for illness, and a very few chose to look within.

Now the ones looking to the outside went looking with the notion that illness had to be something that came to us from other external sources. For them the idea was to find the external source and destroy it.

Now without going into the complete history of allopathic medicine, we can just accept the fact that they did indeed begin to find external organisms responsible for our ill health.

And did begin to devise ways of destroying them.

What is interesting, however, is this...

These organisms did not have to exist until our doctors and scientists went looking for them.

You see, if they had not been able to find anything on the outside, they might have been forced to go looking on the inside, and then the game would have been up.

We would have been forced to remember that it was actually us who were creating these illnesses.

Was this just fortunate or was it the way that we decided it would be?

Yes, of course?

?it was the way we decided it would be.

So now we have millions of scientists and doctors who, quite rightly, strictly adhere to their doctrine of seek and destroy medicine.

And those of us who are slightly more enlightened should applaud this fact, because they are carrying out the wishes of the majority and maintaining the illusion for us all.

But small cracks are beginning to develop in this facade.

With the advent of quantum mechanics a few more of our scientists are beginning to look within.

And some are discovering that our physical universe is built on the foundation of thought.

Fortunately, though, most still maintain that this is ridiculous. Why do we say fortunate? Because that is exactly the way in which we all want it to be.

There are very many millions of us who are not yet ready to wake up to this ?other? reality.

We, who are becoming more aware, owe them their ignorance for as long as they require it. It is just as ?wrong? to force these people to accept this ?other? reality as it is for them to force others to accept their version.

You see, to maintain the illusion of us not creating our own illnesses through our thoughts, we had to invent the concept of ?germs? to be responsible for all our ill health and diseases.

Incidentally, most of our doctors and scientists still cling to this germ theory even though it was shown to be in error many years ago.

We desired to experience illness and so we created and continue to create them. How else would we be able to experience illness?

Yes, of course they appear real, and that?s because they are supposed to.

If they didn?t, the illusion wouldn?t work, would it?

That?s the ?game? we are playing.

Everything was/is created through our thoughts.

The thoughts we had when we first created our reality and all the thoughts we have had since.

There are no accidents; everything is following the pattern it was designed to follow...

...The pattern that was designed by us. All illness is created by us. Have you got that? There are no but?s or however?s here; all illness is created by us. We decided that we would like to experience illness and so that is what happens.

Nothing, absolutely nothing in the way of illness comes to us without our consent.

You don?t get ill without a reason. Your reason.

The reasons can be quite simple as in you want to know what it feels like to be incapacitated or, maybe you want to prevent yourself from having to do something you would rather not do.

Having a bad back can get you out of doing many things you have no intention of doing.

And then we come on to somewhat more complex reasoning...

Why disease and illness will never be eradicated

If there weren?t any people wanting to experience being ill, how could others experience being carers?

Now don?t pass over this too lightly, for in other words it means?

?if there can be no illness there can be no doctors!

If there was to be no illness there could not be any health industry and this industry is very, very large.

So just give that some thought.

If there are so many people on earth wanting to experience illness - there has to be an appropriate number of people wanting to make these people better, and vice versa.

There are, therefore, many, many people whose way of life has become dependent on illness.

Now we don?t all carry conscious memories of why we are here. It has become an almost self-perpetuating vicious circle.

Remember - For one thing to exist the opposite has to exist also. To experience wellness ? illness has to exist too.

So the top and the bottom of it is this?

Whilst there are people wanting to experience what it is like to be ill there will always have to be illness and disease.

No amount of drugs, surgery, chemotherapy, alternative medicine or even Reiki will ever change this.

When one miracle drug is discovered to halt the progress of one disease, another, more drug resistant, disease will have to spring up to replace it.

It can be no other way until we, as humanity, decide we have experienced all there is to experience from illness and disease and no longer require it.

There used to be a popular saying ?doing the rounds? a while ago which was: ?You are what you eat? .

Everyone became familiar with it and some people continue to use it to this day.

Over the years, however, it has evolved into the much more accurate, saying of: ?You are what you are capable of absorbing? .

And you are probably equally familiar with this new phrase yourself.

But we think this newer saying has far more depth and meaning than just the food thing, and that it would benefit enormously from being looked at in a more complete way...

You are what you are capable of absorbing

Look at the saying again: ?You are what you are capable of absorbing.? What does it say to you?

Sure, yes, it applies very much indeed, as it should, to food and your physical body.

And in this regard it simply means - it doesn?t matter what you put into your mouth and swallow?

?if your body is not able to break this food down properly and then, equally, not able to absorb the nutrients released, it won?t be of any use to you at all.

For instance some people don?t produce enough hydrochloric acid in their stomachs so have difficulty in breaking down proteins.

The real you is a three part being

But it can also be taken as applying, very much, to those other two very important parts of yourself - your mind and soul, too.

For you are not just your physical body, you are also your mind and your soul or spirit as well.

The phrase can be taken as meaning, therefore, that ? YOU, the real three part you - are what you are capable of absorbing.

In other words YOU, the synergistic amalgamation of your body, mind and spirit, are what you are - consciously - because of what you have absorbed or ?taken in? so far.

And also, much more importantly, you are actually becoming what you are capable of absorbing or taking in right now.

So, be very careful what you allow into yourself.

Consider everything most cautiously. And by this we really do mean everything.

From the food and drink you put in your mouth to the information you put in your head. Consider everything very carefully indeed. And do so from the combined perspective of your body, mind and spirit as well.

Don?t just ask yourself what you think about it, ask yourself what you feel about it too.

When you are putting something in - be it food for your body or food for your mind and spirit - ask the different parts of yourself for feedback.

They will give it.

Listen very carefully

But you may have to listen very carefully, in the beginning. Most of your parts will not resort to shouting.

They may not be loud but they will be undeniably trying to communicate with you.

So respect these parts of yourself and listen for their response.

Does that piece of information sound right intellectually, does it feel right? Does it sit right within you, in your body, or does it make you feel uncomfortable? Does the information feel wholesome? Is it uniting all the parts of yourself?

Are you feeling at one with it?

Some people would say to you that if it feels right, just do it. And this little phrase has received a lot of popularity.

They will tell you not to think about it.

But we would say to you that this is not going to give you the whole picture.

You also have a mind.

You must ask yourself how you think about whatever it is as well.

Think with your mind feel with your soul. Think with your head feel with your heart.

Allow your mind to flow and your intuitive side to blossom.

Don?t just use logic

Some people, indeed most people, will just try using logic, and deny what it is they are feeling. But again this will only provide part of the solution?

Logic is very linear.

They will spend hours and hours, sometimes days, weeks and even months racking their brains, agonising over a decision; tying themselves up in intellectual knots.

Getting nowhere!

But in their heads they will consider that they are doing the right thing to sort out their problems.

But why?

Why do people do this?

An over reliance on intellect

Well, our societies have encouraged an over reliance on intellect and external education.

It has been the consensus belief that our brains are the most important tools we have.

So we have developed an abundance of schools, colleges and universities of every description, designed solely for pumping facts and figures into these brains of ours.

The expansion of our brains, intellects and minds has become of paramount importance.

Our societies adore intellectual accomplishments.

People with massive intellects are put up on pedestals and worshipped.

It is actively encouraged.

Intuition and feelings are kept firmly in the background and totally ignored.

How about intuition?

How many people do you know who are admired because they have massive feelings? How many people do you know who are admired for their enormous intuition? Very few - if any at all - we would hazard the guess.

It is quite sad, isn?t it?

Not least because most, if not all, of our highly revered inventors and scientists - the ones accredited with the massive intellects - have usually come upon their most important findings during moments when quietly doing something else.

Some whilst asleep or even in the bath ? eureka! Why just intellect?

But why do we say this is sad?

Because it is not the moment of inspiration that is highly noted and prized, it is the size of the individual?s intellect.

It is all the ?brain work? they have done before which is so highly regarded.

The sudden flash of intuition, usually the major contributor to the accomplishment, is just put down as being a stroke of genius.

And the saddest thing of all is that people don?t even ask where that stroke of genius came from.

Allowing genius in on the act

For us genius comes, as does the word itself, from another little word ? genie - the genie that resides, mostly unbidden, deep within us all.

It?s that magical, intuitive part of ourselves which is there for all of us to access.

The part of ourselves that can solve all our problems and - grant us all our wishes.

We think, and feel, that if more schools actively encouraged the development of the intuitive side of children?s make-up in equal measure alongside the intellectual and logical part - the world would be a much happier and contented place in which to live.

Use the whole of you

So, get into the habit of using your mind and your soul in equal partnership, and when you are comfortable with this try introducing your body into the equation too, because your body is always talking to you as well.

How do you listen to your body? By becoming aware of its language of course.

No, this is not the same as the body language being popularised by psychologists. Your body speaks to you, and you alone.

It uses the whispering language of discomfort in the first instance, and then pain if you can?t be encouraged to listen to the whispers.

Why do you have that feeling of unease deep in the pit of your stomach? Why have you suddenly developed an aching back? Why is it you keep stubbing you toe or hurting your fingers?

Is your throat sore because you are not speaking your truth?

Are your eyes giving you trouble because you are refusing to see what?s so clearly in front of your face?

Body talk

Your body talks to you all the time, just listen.

Why are you having trouble with your wrists or ankles? Could it be because you are not recognising or dealing with an issue of guilt or pleasure? Are your knees hurting because that is where you are continually stuffing gobbets of unexpressed anger - or maybe because you just won?t give in. You won?t go down on bended knees?

Any resistance or tension felt in a particular part of your body can also be interpreted as a resistance to something occurring in your life.

For instance, if you really want to say no to a person or situation then your body, somewhere, will indicate this to you in the form of tension or resistance.

To check this out, ask yourself blunt direct questions.

Use direct questions, and then listen

For example if you want to know if the man in your life is really the one for you ask yourself this question.

Do you want to sleep with this man, every night, for the next forty years and clean the toilet after him?

Then silently listen to the sensations that fill your body. It may be just a feeling of nothingness or emptiness inside you, or it may be that your jaw becomes a little tense, either way your body is saying something to you.

The next thing to do is tell yourself very positively he?s not the one for you and then silently listen again to what your body says.

It may be an overwhelming feeling of fear that sweeps around your stomach.

Fear of being alone.

Fear of better the devil you know than the one you don?t. It may be a sense of loss or grief, of losing part of yourself.

Whatever it is listen, your body never lies, especially to you.

All parts of your body have messages of significance to contribute to your overall understanding of any given issue, and it is a fascinating subject.

One that has inspired numerous people to put pen to paper.

Louise Hay is one of the better-known authors on this topic. Her book, ?You Can Heal Your Life?, would make an excellent starting point from which to explore these matters in more detail.

Nothing is written in stone

As good as this particular book is however, along with all the others on the subject, don?t forget this?

The meanings of any illnesses, diseases, or disorders etc. as expressed in any of the books, are purely the interpretations drawn by the authors.

They may be solidly based from their own observations and the observations of other eminent ?experts?, but they are only that?

Their observations, they may not be your own.

Nothing is written in stone. If you do not feel and think that the particular interpretation written in a book is the one that applies to you; then it doesn?t apply to you.

The subtle language of your body is uniquely your own.

And this applies equally to anything and everything else occurring in your life too.

If you have a different opinion, a different slant, a different interpretation on anything that has, will or is occurring in it, then that is the one which is true for you.

You are your own expert

If the message you get from your feelings, from your mind, from your body - or from any particular experience - is at variance to what other ?experts? have said that they mean?

Then your own interpretation is the valid one.

For you see, the meaning of everything is the meaning that you give to it.

Read that last sentence again. Don?t let it slip by too lightly.

The meaning that you give to anything that happens in your life is the only meaning that counts. You really are your own expert.

Reading other people?s books and listening to other people?s experiences, on any subject, are just that?

Other people?s experiences - other people?s opinions.

They are merely signposts on your path and should be used as such.

They may be very helpful in guiding you along the general route you wish to take, but they certainly don?t indicate the only direction available to you.

And yes, that applies equally, if not more, to this website as well.

We want you to clearly understand this, and we?ll keep saying it over and over, in as many different ways that we can think of?

YOU are the most powerful energy in existence; you are God. You just have to remember that.

Everything that occurs in your life is a message to you, from you, and you have designed it this way to gently wake yourself up to this understanding of who you really are.

Every Master that you meet, is simply a Master of their own path to ?enlightenment? and, therefore, a Master of themselves.

They are not a Master of you.

Everything that is happening to you is happening because you want it to.

You make what happens happen? absolutely no one and nothing else.

A quick recap

There are three very distinct parts of you?

Body, Mind and Spirit.

Incidentally, the word Spirit is interchangeable with the word Soul, either will do, they both mean the same thing. These parts of you work better in synergy, than they do in isolation.

The amalgamation of these parts working together creates a whole which is much more powerful than the sum of its parts.

In other words allowing your three parts to work together, in harmony, will make you much more than you thought possible.

It?s kinda like finding the answer to a simple adding up sum of 1+1+1 equals 10 instead of 3.

The synergy of the three parts raises your vibration to a significantly higher value than normally expected.

Don?t be one-dimensional

Don?t allow one part of your make-up to dominate your life.

Listening to what goes on in your Head allows your Mind to work; listening to what goes on in your Heart allows your Soul/Spirit to work; listening to what goes on in your Body allows, surprisingly enough, your Body to work.

Listening to them all together allows you to work!

Don?t allow society to bully you into becoming too intellectual. It makes for very one-sided, one-dimensional people.

Don?t allow the people of the ?New-Age? movement to bully you into becoming too intuitive. It makes for very one-sided one-dimensional people.

Don?t allow your Body to dominate; it makes for very one-sided, one-dimensional hypochondriacs!

Become, instead, wholesome - the sum of the whole.

A wholesome, three-dimensional person in a three-dimensional world.

Don?t become too caught up in this Master and Disciple/Student ?thing? either. Recognise that Masters are just Masters of themselves and, maybe, of life.

They are certainly not Masters of you.

You are your own Master

You are your own Master, for thou art God.

If you do come across a Master who is ?on your wavelength? listen to what they have to say. They may possibly have remembered more than you have, and it may be helpful.

But don?t abase yourself in their presence and hang on their every utterance - that?s just giving away your power and, to be honest, is just plain embarrassing.

Remember the fun

And always, always, remember this?

You have come into physical form to have fun.

To enjoy yourself!

There is nothing you have ?come to do?. There is nothing you have ?come to learn?.

Life is not a school where you come to ?learn the lessons of life?.

You already ?know? all there is to ?know? ? for?

?you ARE God?

you just have to remember it.

But only when you?re ready.

Which is why, incidentally, when someone says something to you, or you read something in a book that you just instinctively ?know? to be the truth?

?it is!

You have really just been caused to remember what you already know/knew, if you know what we mean.

Using prayer

If you have a problem that you feel is beyond your ability to work out, pass it to God.

Go into prayer with the intention of asking God for help. But do it in exactly the same way in which you would ask a super computer that knew everything for help.

You wouldn?t prostrate yourself and beg the computer to supply you with the answer (well only if you can?t work the damn thing) you would simply input the data and wait for the response.

And this is exactly how you should pray. Just ask for the help and know it shall be given.

Don?t beg, don?t beseech, don?t cry and get all worked up, just go into a quiet space and ask God for help in the same calm way as you would ask your computer to supply an answer.

Now please don?t go getting yourself all tied up with religious type thinking here.

Don?t go conjuring up any images of a vengeful God punishing you for thinking like this.

Remember God is your friend.

He does not want you on your knees in subservience.

He does not want your worship or prostrations.

He just wants to experience life through the realities of your choosing?

...because God is you and you are God.

Hardship & pain?

Why is it that there are so many people playing out lives of hardship and pain?

Why are so many people coming to Earth to experience so much struggle? Why indeed, it?s quite mysterious isn?t it?

And the answer lies in the fact that, somewhere along the line, people have become totally confused.

They have become utterly perplexed with what it is they originally wished to experience and why it was they had chosen to experience it.

Many, many people hold the belief that coming to the earth plane is like coming to a school type environment where you have been given loads of lessons to learn.

They believe that you have to learn how to be, for example, good.

They have become too caught up in the ?programmes? they are creating.

They hold the unshakeable belief that only by struggling can they overcome any ?bad? traits that they have.

They conveniently forget that they are the ones that have given themselves the experiential programme of ?badness? in the first place.

Life is not about learning

Now try to understand this?

God has not and will not, indeed cannot, give you any lessons to learn - for there is nothing to learn.

You really and truly are already God.

You absolutely and categorically do not need to learn how to be who you already are.

But you see, because you already are God, the God that you imagine that you are not - will not push you to become that who you already are.

The God that you are has no problem with you allowing yourself to delude yourself for as long as you desire the illusion.

Can you understand this?

You are God and also not God for as long as you choose.

This is one of those times where words become slightly inadequate.

Well, actually they become totally inadequate.

But they are capable of generating the feeling of?

?Somewhere along the line I know what you?re trying to say, but I can?t put it into words or explain it?.

And that has to suffice, because that is enough ? for now.

Okay, so maybe that became a little too deep or maybe it wasn?t deep enough. Sometimes things can be so simple that they can be overlooked by the intellect.

Perhaps this is one of those times.

A few misunderstandings

Life, as we have just said, is NOT about learning anything.

It is NOT a school. YOU decide on the experiences you will encounter.

God does NOT command you to do anything.

You are NOT given a list of things that you have ?to do? by anyone else at all.

You do NOT have to have a physical life if you do not want to have one.

You do NOT have to do anything if you do not want to.

Life does NOT work on a points scoring system where all the ?good? things you do are totted up against all the ?bad? things you do ? there is NO such thing as ?good? and ?bad? or ?right? and ?wrong?.

You do NOT have to work through any ?Karma?.

Okay, we probably should talk about Karma for a moment.

Bad Karma

Karma. What does that word conjure up for you?

If you say nothing, that?s just fine. Go straight to the top of the class and stay there. (Just joking, we know it?s not a school).

If it conjures up images of wheels of suffering and having to ?learn? your lessons through constant struggle as you go around on this wheel of life. Then perhaps you are remembering the purpose of life in a somewhat misleading manner...

Cos the only purpose of life is the purpose you give to it.

Still, many, many people have as a - ?law? that has to be obeyed - the Law of Karma. There are quite a few interpretations of this ?law?, so we?ll just consider one version of it.

Okay, so this ?law? states that if you do someone a bad turn in one life, you have to come back in another life to have that bad thing done to you. So if you kill someone in one of your lives you will have to come back to the Earth plane and have someone else kill you.

Some people actually say that the person who you killed has to come back as well to do the actual killing of you. This they call ?Karma?.

You have to work