physicial symptoms

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  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    AnorexiaAnorexiaThe Palliative ResponseThe Palliative Response

    F. Amos Bailey, M.D.F. Amos Bailey, M.D.

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Anorexia is a SymptomAnorexia is a Symptom

    Anorexia is a common symptomAnorexia is a common symptom

    at Lifes Endat Lifes End

    Decreased intake is nearly universalDecreased intake is nearly universal

    in the last few weeks to days of lifein the last few weeks to days of life

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    The Role of theThe Role of the

    PhysicianPhysician Look for reversible causesLook for reversible causes Consider the use of appetite stimulantsConsider the use of appetite stimulants Provide accurate and helpful informationProvide accurate and helpful information Help family members identify alternativeHelp family members identify alternative

    methods of expressing lovemethods of expressing love

    Ensure that any IV or tube feedings areEnsure that any IV or tube feedings aresafe, effective and consistent with goalssafe, effective and consistent with goalsof careof care

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Dietary ManagementDietary Management

    Involve the patient in menu planningInvolve the patient in menu planning

    Offer small portions of patients favoriteOffer small portions of patients favorite


    Offer easy-to-swallow foodsOffer easy-to-swallow foods

    Try sweetsTry sweets

    Avoid foods with strong smells, flavor orAvoid foods with strong smells, flavor or

    spices, unless patient requestsspices, unless patient requests

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    Responding to FamilyResponding to Family


    Family members and caregivers are oftenFamily members and caregivers are oftenmuch more concerned than the patientmuch more concerned than the patientabout lack of appetite and may harass theabout lack of appetite and may harass thepatient about decreased intakepatient about decreased intake

    Anticipate family concerns and initiateAnticipate family concerns and initiatefamily discussion about decreasedfamily discussion about decreasedappetiteappetite

    Be prepared to discuss and review thisBe prepared to discuss and review thissymptom every time you meet with familysymptom every time you meet with family

    Demonstrate willingness within reason toDemonstrate willingness within reason to

    look for reversible causes and to uselook for reversible causes and to usea etite stimulants

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    Educating Patient andEducating Patient and


    Educate about natural progression ofEducate about natural progression ofthe underlying illness and its effect onthe underlying illness and its effect on


    Anorexia is a symptom of the diseaseAnorexia is a symptom of the disease

    The patient is not starvingThe patient is not starving

    Forced feeding often causes discomfortForced feeding often causes discomfort

    Artificial feeding usually does not prolongArtificial feeding usually does not prolong


    and may shorten itand may shorten it

    Patients are usually not uncomfortablePatients are usually not uncomfortable

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    Reversible Causes ofReversible Causes of


    Differential ConsiderationsDifferential Considerations

    Poorly controlled pain and non-painPoorly controlled pain and non-painsymptomssymptoms

    Nausea and vomitingNausea and vomiting

    GI dysmotility (gastroparesis)GI dysmotility (gastroparesis) Oral infections such as thrush or herpesOral infections such as thrush or herpes


    Xerostomia (dry mouth)Xerostomia (dry mouth)

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    Reversible Causes ofReversible Causes of


    Differential ConsiderationsDifferential Considerations

    Constipation and urinary retentionConstipation and urinary retention Medications such iron supplementsMedications such iron supplements

    Chemotherapy and radiationChemotherapy and radiation

    Depression and anxietyDepression and anxiety Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer DiseaseGastritis and Peptic Ulcer Disease

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    Consider an AppetiteConsider an Appetite


    AlcoholAlcohol Wine, sherry and beer have significantWine, sherry and beer have significant

    calories and are well known appetitecalories and are well known appetite


    Consider using if consistent with cultureConsider using if consistent with culture

    and heritage and if no history of pastand heritage and if no history of pastalcohol abusealcohol abuse

    Many people who had used alcoholMany people who had used alcohol

    routinely before they became ill have theroutinely before they became ill have the

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    Consider an AppetiteConsider an Appetite


    Cyproheptadine (Periactin)Cyproheptadine (Periactin) This antihistamine has the side effect ofThis antihistamine has the side effect of

    weight gainweight gain

    Has been used to treat anorexia nervosaHas been used to treat anorexia nervosa

    Not highly effective and may be moreNot highly effective and may be moreplacebo effect than active drugplacebo effect than active drug

    Is not likely to be helpful at the EOLIs not likely to be helpful at the EOL

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    Consider an AppetiteConsider an Appetite


    Megestrol (Megase)Megestrol (Megase) Approved for the treatment of AIDSApproved for the treatment of AIDS


    Dose for wasting is megestrol suspensionDose for wasting is megestrol suspension

    800mg QD800mg QD

    Expensive - approximately $350/monthExpensive - approximately $350/month

    Major side effects areMajor side effects are

    Pulmonary embolismPulmonary embolism

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    Consider an AppetiteConsider an Appetite


    Megestrol (Megase)Megestrol (Megase)

    In patients with cancer, the use ofIn patients with cancer, the use of

    megestrol was not associated with anymegestrol was not associated with anydocumented improvement in QOL ordocumented improvement in QOL or


    Usually not recommend for anorexia atUsually not recommend for anorexia at


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    Consider an AppetiteConsider an Appetite


    Dexamethasone (Decadron)Dexamethasone (Decadron)Dose 0f 2-4mg at breakfast and lunchDose 0f 2-4mg at breakfast and lunch

    Can tell within a few days to a week ifCan tell within a few days to a week ifeffectiveeffective


    May also have beneficial effects on pain,May also have beneficial effects on pain,asthenia and moodasthenia and mood

    Causes less fluid retention than otherCauses less fluid retention than other


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    Consider an AppetiteConsider an Appetite



    May need to use caution with history ofMay need to use caution with history of


    Usually not concerned in the EOL settingUsually not concerned in the EOL setting

    about long-term complications of steroidsabout long-term complications of steroids

    May be a good choice in COPD patientsMay be a good choice in COPD patients

    who have become steroid dependentwho have become steroid dependent

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    Consider an AppetiteConsider an Appetite


    Dronabinol (Marinol)Dronabinol (Marinol) Usually used in young patients with pastUsually used in young patients with past

    experience with marijuanaexperience with marijuana

    Expensiveup to $500/monthExpensiveup to $500/month

    Requires DEA Schedule IIIRequires DEA Schedule III

    Usually used in HIV or as part ofUsually used in HIV or as part of

    treatment protocol with chemotherapytreatment protocol with chemotherapy

    ifi i l i i ifA ifi i l N i i Lif

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Artificial Nutrition at LifesArtificial Nutrition at Lifes


    Tube FeedingTube Feeding Tube feeding and forced feeding inTube feeding and forced feeding in

    terminally ill patients have not beenterminally ill patients have not been

    shown to prolong lifeshown to prolong life

    Nasogastric and gastrostomy tubeNasogastric and gastrostomy tube

    feedings are associated with:feedings are associated with:

    Aspiration pneumoniaAspiration pneumonia Self extubation and thus use ofSelf extubation and thus use of


    Nausea and diarrheaNausea and diarrhea

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    Artificial Nutrition at LifesArtificial Nutrition at Lifes


    TPNTPNMeta-analysis of 12 randomizedMeta-analysis of 12 randomized


    in cancer patients (1980s)in cancer patients (1980s)

    Decreased survivalDecreased survival

    Decreased response to chemotherapyDecreased response to chemotherapy

    Increased rate of infectionsIncreased rate of infections

    Is Anorexia ever a protectiveIs Anorexia ever a protective

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    Artificial Nutrition at LifesArtificial Nutrition at Lifes


    Consider Potential BurdensConsider Potential Burdens

    Tube feeding and IV hydration oftenTube feeding and IV hydration often

    increase secretions, ascites andincrease secretions, ascites and

    effusions, which require additionaleffusions, which require additional


    Always ask:Always ask:

    Are these kinds of treatmentsAre these kinds of treatments

    in line with the Goals of Care?in line with the Goals of Care?

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms



    The Palliative ResponseThe Palliative Response

    F. Amos Bailey, M.D.F. Amos Bailey, M.D.

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Impact ofImpact of

    Asthenia/FatigueAsthenia/Fatigue Reported by >90% of persons at LifesReported by >90% of persons at Lifes


    Often most distressing symptomOften most distressing symptom

    Even compared to pain or anorexiaEven compared to pain or anorexia

    Limits activityLimits activity

    Increases dependencyIncreases dependency

    -Diminishes sense of control self-

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    Prevalence ofPrevalence of

    Asthenia/FatigueAsthenia/Fatigue Universal with biologic response modifiersUniversal with biologic response modifiers

    >96% with chemotherapy or radiation>96% with chemotherapy or radiation

    >90% with persistent or progressive>90% with persistent or progressive


    Common with many other illnesses withCommon with many other illnesses with

    end organ failureend organ failure

    (Congestive Heart Failure, Chronic Pulmonary(Congestive Heart Failure, Chronic Pulmonary

    Disease, Chronic Renal Failure, General Debility)Disease, Chronic Renal Failure, General Debility)

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    Characteristics ofCharacteristics of

    Asthenia/FatigueAsthenia/Fatigue SubjectiveSubjective


    DistressDistressTime LineTime Line

    MultidimensionalMultidimensional Weakness and or lack of energyWeakness and or lack of energy


    Difficulty concentratingDifficulty concentrating

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    Patient ExperiencePatient Experience

    Physical SymptomsPhysical Symptoms Generalized weaknessGeneralized weakness

    Limb heavinessLimb heaviness

    Sleep disturbancesSleep disturbances

    InsomniaInsomnia HypersomniaHypersomnia

    Un-refreshing/non-restorative sleepUn-refreshing/non-restorative sleep

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    Patient ExperiencePatient Experience

    Cognitive SymptomsCognitive Symptoms

    Short-term memory lossShort-term memory loss

    Diminished concentrationDiminished concentration

    Diminished attentionDiminished attention

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    Patient ExperiencePatient Experience

    Emotional SymptomsEmotional Symptoms

    Marked emotional reactivity toMarked emotional reactivity to


    Decreased motivation/interest inDecreased motivation/interest in

    usual activitiesusual activities

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    Patient ExperiencePatient Experience


    Difficulty completing daily tasksDifficulty completing daily tasks

    Struggle to overcome inactivityStruggle to overcome inactivity

    Post-exertional malaise lastingPost-exertional malaise lastingseveral hoursseveral hours

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    Differential DiagnosisDifferential Diagnosis

    inin Cancer PatientsCancer PatientsPotential Mechanisms of AstheniaPotential Mechanisms of Asthenia

    Associated with CancerAssociated with Cancer

    Progressive diseaseProgressive disease CytokinesCytokines

    Decreased metabolic substratesDecreased metabolic substrates Change in energy metabolismChange in energy metabolismTreatmentsTreatments

    Chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and biologicsChemotherapy, radiation, surgery and biologics

    Effects are cumulative and can last for monthsEffects are cumulative and can last for months

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    Differential DiagnosisDifferential DiagnosisIntercurrent SystemicIntercurrent Systemic





    Dehydration and electrolyte imbalanceDehydration and electrolyte imbalance

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    Differential DiagnosesDifferential Diagnoses

    Sleep disordersSleep disorders

    De-conditioning and immobilityDe-conditioning and immobility

    Central-acting drugsCentral-acting drugs

    Chronic pain/other poorly controlledChronic pain/other poorly controlled

    symptomssymptoms DepressionDepression


  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms



    Do you have fatigue?Do you have fatigue?

    How severe is your fatigue? (Use analogHow severe is your fatigue? (Use analogscale)scale)

    Does fatigue interfere with activities?Does fatigue interfere with activities?

    Are you worried about the fatigue?Are you worried about the fatigue?

    Does fatigue impact your quality of life?Does fatigue impact your quality of life?


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    Goals of CareGoals of Care

    Fatigue usually remains a concernFatigue usually remains a concern

    throughout stages of illness at Lifesthroughout stages of illness at Lifes

    EndEnd(although may respond in part to treatment)(although may respond in part to treatment)

    Modify Goals of Care by Stage ofModify Goals of Care by Stage ofIllnessIllness

    Prolongation of life or cure of diseaseProlongation of life or cure of disease

    Improving functionImproving function

    Eff t F tiEffect on Fatigue

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    Effect on FatigueEffect on FatigueDisease-ModifyingDisease-Modifying

    TherapiesTherapies Some therapies maySome therapies may worsenworsen


    Chemotherapy or radiation for cancerChemotherapy or radiation for cancer

    Others mayOthers may improveimprove fatiguefatigue

    Dialysis for renal failureDialysis for renal failure

    ACE for Congestive Heart FailureACE for Congestive Heart Failure

    Oxygen for hypoxiaOxygen for hypoxia

    Opioids for pain managementOpioids for pain management

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    Benefits of ErythropoetinBenefits of Erythropoetin

    (EPO)(EPO)Placebo Controlled TrialPlacebo Controlled Trial

    Subjects randomized to EPOSubjects randomized to EPO

    Hemoglobin 8-10g/dlHemoglobin 8-10g/dl

    Increased hemoglobinIncreased hemoglobin

    Decreased use of transfusionDecreased use of transfusion Increased Quality of LifeIncreased Quality of Life

    Effects independent of tumor responseEffects independent of tumor response

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    Anemia in CancerAnemia in Cancer

    PatientsPatients Burdens of EPOBurdens of EPO

    Requires injectionsRequires injections

    (EPO 10,000 units subcutaneous 3 times a(EPO 10,000 units subcutaneous 3 times a


    Expensive and insurance may notExpensive and insurance may notcovercover($400-$500/mo)($400-$500/mo)

    Variable EffectivenessVariable Effectiveness

    Takes weeks to be effectiveTakes weeks to be effective

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    Management ofManagement of

    FatigueFatigue Stop all non-essential medicationsStop all non-essential medications

    Look for easily correctableLook for easily correctablemetabolic disordersmetabolic disorders (e.g., decreased(e.g., decreasedpotassium or magnesium levels)potassium or magnesium levels)

    Hydration and food supplementsHydration and food supplements

    may be helpfulmay be helpful (usually try to avoid(usually try to avoidinvasive enteral and parenteral routes)invasive enteral and parenteral routes)

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    Management of FatigueManagement of Fatigue

    Associated with DepressionAssociated with Depression Symptoms of Major DepressionSymptoms of Major Depression

    Depressed moodDepressed mood AnxietyAnxiety IrritabilityIrritability


    (Choice depends on life expectancy)(Choice depends on life expectancy) SSRIsSSRIs CounselingCounseling Psycho-stimulantsPsycho-stimulants

    Supportive managementSupportive management

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    Management of FatigueManagement of Fatigue

    DexamethasoneDexamethasone May be helpful in late stages of illnessMay be helpful in late stages of illness

    Effect may last for 2-3 monthsEffect may last for 2-3 months

    A preferred steroid in this settingA preferred steroid in this setting

    Less mineral-corticoid effectLess mineral-corticoid effect

    Prednisone results in more edemaPrednisone results in more edema

    Dexamethasone 4mg po ~ Prednisone 15mgDexamethasone 4mg po ~ Prednisone 15mg


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    Use of DecadronUse of Decadron

    DosageDosage Dexamethasone 4-8mg q amDexamethasone 4-8mg q am

    May increase to 16mg qdMay increase to 16mg qd

    (equivalent to Prednisone 60mg)(equivalent to Prednisone 60mg) Usually no advantage to higher dosesUsually no advantage to higher doses Avoid nighttime dosing because ofAvoid nighttime dosing because of

    insomniainsomnia Side EffectsSide Effects

    Watch for side effects, but usually wellWatch for side effects, but usually well


    Lon -term com lications usuall not aLon -term com lications usuall not a

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Management of FatigueManagement of FatigueSleep HygieneSleep Hygiene

    Use Trazedone (Use Trazedone (25-100mg q hs)25-100mg q hs) for insomniafor insomnia

    instead of benzodiazepineinstead of benzodiazepine

    Avoid nappingAvoid napping

    Avoid stimulants in the eveningAvoid stimulants in the evening

    Avoid alcohol before bedAvoid alcohol before bed

    Exercise during the dayExercise during the day(even sitting up in(even sitting up in


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    Management of FatigueManagement of Fatigue

    Education/CounselingEducation/Counseling Goal SettingGoal Setting

    Assist patient to set realistic goalsAssist patient to set realistic goals

    Energy ConservationEnergy Conservation

    Counsel saving energy for mostCounsel saving energy for most

    important activitiesimportant activities

    Assistance with Activities of Daily LivingAssistance with Activities of Daily Living

    Enlist the assistance of family/otherEnlist the assistance of family/other


    Home Health Aide and HomemakerHome Health Aide and Homemaker

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    Management of FatigueManagement of Fatigue


    Physical Therapy (PT)Physical Therapy (PT)

    Evaluate appropriateness of PT toEvaluate appropriateness of PT to

    improve quality, and perhaps evenimprove quality, and perhaps evenquantity, of life for patients with betterquantity, of life for patients with better


    Up Out of BedUp Out of Bed

    Can significantly impact QOL forCan significantly impact QOL for

    patients at Lifes Endpatients at Lifes End

    Range of motion to maintain flexibilityRange of motion to maintain flexibility

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    Asthenia at Lifes EndAsthenia at Lifes End

    Fatigue, weakness, and lack of staminaFatigue, weakness, and lack of stamina

    cause sufferingcause suffering

    in >90% of persons at Lifes Endin >90% of persons at Lifes End

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    ConstipationConstipationThe Palliative ResponseThe Palliative Response

    F. Amos Bailey, M.D.F. Amos Bailey, M.D.

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Overview ofOverview of

    ConstipationConstipation DefinitionDefinition

    The infrequent passage of small hardThe infrequent passage of small hardfecesfeces

    Prevalence at Lifes EndPrevalence at Lifes End

    Over half of palliative care patientsOver half of palliative care patients

    report constipation as a troublingreport constipation as a troublingsymptomsymptom


    >80% of patients at Lifes End need>80% of patients at Lifes End need

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    Assess Constipation inAssess Constipation in

    All Palliative PatientsAll Palliative Patients Bowel HabitsBowel Habits

    Frequency and consistencyFrequency and consistency

    Previous bowel habitsPrevious bowel habits

    Other SymptomsOther Symptoms


    Abdominal pain, distention, anorexiaAbdominal pain, distention, anorexia


    What has been tried and what helps?What has been tried and what helps?

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    Assess for ImpactionAssess for Impaction

    General RuleGeneral Rule Evaluate for constipation andEvaluate for constipation and

    impaction after 48 hours with noimpaction after 48 hours with nobowel movementbowel movement

    ObstipationObstipation Functional bowel obstruction fromFunctional bowel obstruction from

    severe constipation and impactionsevere constipation and impaction

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    As ContributorsAs Contributors Disruption of normal gastrocolicDisruption of normal gastrocolic

    reflexreflex Gastrocolic reflex produces urge to defecateGastrocolic reflex produces urge to defecate

    usually within an hour of breakfast and lunchusually within an hour of breakfast and lunch Urge will resolve in 10-15 minutes ifUrge will resolve in 10-15 minutes if

    suppressedsuppressed Reflex may disappear if suppressed for severalReflex may disappear if suppressed for several


    Limited activityLimited activity Frequently cannot walk to the bathroomFrequently cannot walk to the bathroom

    Limited privacyLimited privacy

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    Support Bowel RoutineSupport Bowel Routine

    Assist patient with being upAssist patient with being up Hot beverage if known to beHot beverage if known to be

    helpfulhelpful Assist patient to toilet when urgeAssist patient to toilet when urge

    occursoccurs Assure as much privacy as possibleAssure as much privacy as possible

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    Rectal Digital ExamRectal Digital Exam


    ConstipationConstipation ImpactionImpaction Local fissuresLocal fissures

    HemorrhoidsHemorrhoids UlcersUlcers

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    Abdominal ExamAbdominal Exam

    Bladder distentionBladder distention

    Urinary retentionUrinary retention

    ObstructionObstruction HerniasHernias MassesMasses

    TumorTumor Impacted stoolImpacted stool

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Additional EvaluationAdditional Evaluation

    Neurological ExamNeurological Exam Impending cord compressionImpending cord compression

    Consider Flat Plate and Upright X-Consider Flat Plate and Upright X-RaysRays High impactionHigh impaction

    Bowel obstructionBowel obstruction

    Gastric outlet obstructionGastric outlet obstruction

    Lab EvaluationLab Evaluation HypercalcemiaHypercalcemia

    H okalemiaH okalemia

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Differential DiagnosisDifferential Diagnosis

    Medication ReviewMedication Review OpioidsOpioids

    Medications with anticholinergic effectsMedications with anticholinergic effects



    Anticonvulsants and anti-hypertensivesAnticonvulsants and anti-hypertensives

    Vincristine and platinolsVincristine and platinols

    Antacids with calcium and aluminumAntacids with calcium and aluminum


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    Continuation ofContinuation of


    Treat constipation rather thanTreat constipation rather than

    withdrawing opioidswithdrawing opioids

    Never stop opioids as response toNever stop opioids as response to

    constipation if patient requiresconstipation if patient requires

    opioids for relief of pain or otheropioids for relief of pain or otherdistressing symptomsdistressing symptoms

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    Differential DiagnosisDifferential DiagnosisConcurrent DiseasesConcurrent Diseases


    HypothyroidismHypothyroidism HyperparathyroidiHyperparathyroidi


    Hypokalemia andHypokalemia andhypomagnesemiahypomagnesemia



    Anal fissures andAnal fissures and



  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Differential DiagnosisDifferential Diagnosis

    Environmental FactorsEnvironmental Factors Decreased food intakeDecreased food intake

    DehydrationDehydration Weakness and inactivityWeakness and inactivity


    DepressionDepression Structural barriers to bathroom orStructural barriers to bathroom or


  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Laxative TreatmentsLaxative Treatments


    Surfactants like docusate (Colase)Surfactants like docusate (Colase)

    OsmoticOsmotic LactuloseLactulose


    Bulking agentsBulking agents

    Metamucil (usually not appropriate at EOL)Metamucil (usually not appropriate at EOL)

    Saline laxativeSaline laxative

    Magnesium citrates or Milk of MagnesiaMagnesium citrates or Milk of Magnesia


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    Large Bowel StimulantLarge Bowel Stimulant

    Constipation must be managedConstipation must be managed

    in the palliative care settingin the palliative care setting

    Bisacodyl (Dulcolax) 1-4 tablets aBisacodyl (Dulcolax) 1-4 tablets a


    Senna 2-8 tablets a daySenna 2-8 tablets a day

    Can be much more expensive thanCan be much more expensive than


  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Algorithm forAlgorithm for


    Rectal Exam Soft Feces


    Consider Oil Retention Enema

    to soften feces



    of Impaction

    Manual Dis-impaction

    Consider Sedation

    with Lorazepam

    Go to Soft Feces

    Algorithm forAlgorithm for

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Algorithm forAlgorithm for


    Base Choice of Treatment

    at this point on

    * Patient Preference

    * Urgency for Bowel Movement

    Oral Biscodylor

    Magnesium Citrate

    Enema* Fleets

    * Biscodyl Suppository

    Rectal Vault Empty

    Soft Feces

    Al ith fAl ith f

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Algorithm forAlgorithm for


    Biscodyl 2-4 QD

    May add MOM 30 cc QD


    Bowel Movement

    at least every48 hours

    Address Environmental Factors* Privacy

    * Take advantage of Gastrocolec Reflex

    * Access to toilet* Assistance with feeding and hydration

    * Maximize activity

    Rectal Vault Empty

    Increased Risk of Impaction

    if interval between bowel movements >48 hours


  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    DyspneaDyspneaThe Palliative ResponseThe Palliative Response

    F. Amos Bailey, M.D.F. Amos Bailey, M.D.

    Th E i fTh E i f

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    The Experience ofThe Experience of


    Shortness of breathShortness of breath


    Smothering feelingSmothering feeling


    Present at restPresent at rest

    Worsened by activityWorsened by activity

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Diagnosing DyspneaDiagnosing Dyspnea

    Self-report is the keySelf-report is the keyTo detecting dyspneaTo detecting dyspnea

    To appreciating the severity ofTo appreciating the severity ofdyspneadyspnea

    Use analog scaleUse analog scale to help peopleto help people

    self-report severity of shortness ofself-report severity of shortness ofbreathbreath Now?Now? At the worst?At the worst?

    At the best?At the best?

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    Diagnosing DyspneaDiagnosing Dyspnea

    Prevalence may be greater in patientsPrevalence may be greater in patients

    with life-threatening illnesswith life-threatening illness



    Lung cancerLung cancer

    Blood gas, oxygen saturation andBlood gas, oxygen saturation and

    respiratory rate do not substitute forrespiratory rate do not substitute for

    patients self assessment and report ofpatients self assessment and report of



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    Fix ItFix It VersusVersusTreat ItTreat It


    Look for reversible causesLook for reversible causes

    Help patients, families and colleaguesHelp patients, families and colleagues

    consider the burden of treatmentconsider the burden of treatment

    of the underlying causeof the underlying cause versusversus thethe


    Fi ItFix It VV T t ItTreat It

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Fix ItFix It VersusVersusTreat ItTreat It


    Treat dyspnea as a symptom whileTreat dyspnea as a symptom whilelooking for a reversible causelooking for a reversible cause

    The cause of the dyspnea may take someThe cause of the dyspnea may take sometime to improvetime to improve

    Much dyspnea does not have a reversibleMuch dyspnea does not have a reversiblecause, yet patients do not have to suffercause, yet patients do not have to sufferunrelieved dyspnea for the remainder ofunrelieved dyspnea for the remainder oflifelife

    P t ti ll R iblP t ti ll R ibl

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Potentially ReversiblePotentially Reversible

    Causes of DyspneaCauses of Dyspnea

    Pneumonia and bronchitisPneumonia and bronchitis

    Pulmonary edemaPulmonary edema

    Tumor and pleural effusionsTumor and pleural effusions BronchospasmBronchospasm

    Airway obstructionAirway obstruction

    COPDCOPD AsthmaAsthma

    Thick secretionsThick secretions

    P t ti ll R iblP t ti ll R ibl

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Potentially ReversiblePotentially Reversible

    Causes of DyspneaCauses of Dyspnea


    Pulmonary embolismPulmonary embolism


    Metabolic disturbanceMetabolic disturbance


    Family and practical issuesFamily and practical issues

    Environmental problemsEnvironmental problems

    B fitB fit B dB d

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    BenefitBenefit VersusVersus BurdenBurden

    of Treatmentof Treatment

    It is always important toIt is always important to considerconsider

    causescauses of dyspneaof dyspnea

    However, before deciding the extent ofHowever, before deciding the extent of

    evaluation beyond history and physical,evaluation beyond history and physical,

    begin tobegin to

    Weigh BenefitWeigh Benefit versusversus BurdenBurden

    of disease-modifying treatmentof disease-modifying treatment

    S t tiS t ti

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    SymptomaticSymptomaticManagement OxygenManagement Oxygen

    Oxygen is a potent symbol of medicalOxygen is a potent symbol of medical


    Try to avoid maskTry to avoid mask

    Causes discomfort from sense ofCauses discomfort from sense of

    smotheringsmothering Involves unpleasant accumulation ofInvolves unpleasant accumulation of

    mucus and moisturemucus and moisture

    Interferes withInterferes withcommunication and oralcommunication and oral

    S t tiS t ti

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    SymptomaticSymptomaticManagement OxygenManagement Oxygen

    Use humidifier if use nasal prongUse humidifier if use nasal prong Most people will not tolerate more than 2Most people will not tolerate more than 2

    l/ml/m Be guided by patient comfort, not byBe guided by patient comfort, not by

    oxygen saturationoxygen saturation Home oxygen is provided byHome oxygen is provided by

    concentrator and cannot provide moreconcentrator and cannot provide morethan 5 l/mthan 5 l/m

    A fan or air conditioner many provide theA fan or air conditioner many provide thesame level of comfortsame level of comfort

    S t tiS mptomatic

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    ManagementManagement OpioidsOpioids

    Opioids are the most effective treatmentOpioids are the most effective treatmentfor unrelieved dyspneafor unrelieved dyspnea

    Central and peripheral effectsCentral and peripheral effects

    Begin with small doses of short-actingBegin with small doses of short-actingopioidsopioids

    MS 5mg or Oxycodone 5mg orally q4 hoursMS 5mg or Oxycodone 5mg orally q4 hoursOffer/May RefuseOffer/May Refuse is often a good startingis often a good startingpointpoint

    Use analog scale as in pain managementUse analog scale as in pain management

    S t tiS mptomatic

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    ManagementManagement OpioidsOpioids

    Physicians are afraid people will stopPhysicians are afraid people will stop


    It may reassure wary colleagues of theIt may reassure wary colleagues of the

    safety of this approach to ordersafety of this approach to order Give ifGive if

    respiratory rate of greater than 20/mrespiratory rate of greater than 20/m,,

    since relief of dyspnea may not besince relief of dyspnea may not berelated to decrease in raterelated to decrease in rate


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    ManagementManagement Non-Non-

    pharmacologicalpharmacological FanFan

    Keep environment cool, but avoid chillingKeep environment cool, but avoid chilling

    patientpatient Consider cool foodsConsider cool foods

    Reposition patient; allow to sit up in bed orReposition patient; allow to sit up in bed or


    Avoid environmental irritantsAvoid environmental irritants

    Avoid claustrophobic settingsAvoid claustrophobic settings

    Have a plan for the next episode ofHave a plan for the next episode of

    d s nea to ive atient and famil sensed s nea to ive atient and famil sense


  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Symptomaticy p


    AnxiolyticsAnxiolytics Anxiety may be a component forAnxiety may be a component for

    patients suffering with dyspneapatients suffering with dyspnea

    Lorazepam(Ativan) is safe to combineLorazepam(Ativan) is safe to combinewith opioids for dyspneawith opioids for dyspnea

    0.5-1mg prn q2 hours may be helpful0.5-1mg prn q2 hours may be helpful

    Some patients may benefit fromSome patients may benefit fromscheduled dosesscheduled doses

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    Dyspnea ReviewDyspnea Review

    Dyspnea is common in patientsDyspnea is common in patientsreferred to Palliative Carereferred to Palliative Care

    Dyspnea is also common in the generalDyspnea is also common in the generalpatient populationpatient population

    Dyspnea can be effectively controlledDyspnea can be effectively controlledin most patients whether or notin most patients whether or not

    referred to Palliative Carereferred to Palliative Care

    Visual analog scale is the best tool forVisual analog scale is the best tool forassessing dyspnea and monitoringassessing dyspnea and monitoring

    effectiveness of its treatmenteffectiveness of its treatment


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    The Palliative ResponseThe Palliative Response

    F. Amos Bailey, M.D.F. Amos Bailey, M.D.

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    What is Insomnia?What is Insomnia?


    Non-refreshing sleepNon-refreshing sleep

    Difficulty falling asleepDifficulty falling asleep Early morning awakeningEarly morning awakening

    Difficulty maintaining sleepDifficulty maintaining sleep


    Daytime sleepinessDaytime sleepiness

    Daytime lack of concentrationDaytime lack of concentration

    P l fP l f

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Prevalence ofPrevalence of

    InsomniaInsomnia Common in the populationCommon in the population

    Increases with age or illnessIncreases with age or illness

    Advanced cancerAdvanced cancer

    ~ 50% of patients report insomnia~ 50% of patients report insomnia

    Palliative care patientsPalliative care patients

    ~75% of patients admitted to a~75% of patients admitted to a

    palliative care unit require a hypnoticpalliative care unit require a hypnotic


  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Cycle of InsomniaCycle of Insomnia

    EtiologyEtiology Pain and other symptoms lead toPain and other symptoms lead to


    SequelaeSequelae Insomnia exacerbates otherInsomnia exacerbates other


    and makes them harder to bearand makes them harder to bear

    EffectsEffects Diminishes coping capacityDiminishes coping capacity

    Lowers reported QOLLowers reported QOL

    iff i l i i

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Differential DiagnosisDifferential Diagnosis

    Treatment Side EffectsTreatment Side Effects

    Diarrhea, nausea, instrumentationDiarrhea, nausea, instrumentation

    Chemotherapy induced mucositis, painChemotherapy induced mucositis, pain

    Poor Sleep EnvironmentPoor Sleep Environment

    Uncomfortable bed, lights, noise, odorsUncomfortable bed, lights, noise, odors Awakened for vital signs, blood draws,Awakened for vital signs, blood draws,


    Blood transfusionBlood transfusion

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    Differential DiagnosisDifferential Diagnosis

    Mental DisordersMental Disorders Depression, delirium, anxietyDepression, delirium, anxiety

    SubstancesSubstances Coffee, tobacco, caffeineCoffee, tobacco, caffeine

    Withdrawal from SubstancesWithdrawal from Substances

    Alcohol, benzodiazepines, other drugsAlcohol, benzodiazepines, other drugs

    MedicationsMedications Steroids, albuterol, theophyline,Steroids, albuterol, theophyline,


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    Differential DiagnosisDifferential Diagnosis

    Primary Sleep DisorderPrimary Sleep Disorder

    Sleep apneaSleep apnea

    Restless legs syndromeRestless legs syndrome

    Physical SymptomsPhysical Symptoms Pain, dyspnea, coughPain, dyspnea, cough

    Diarrhea, nausea, pruritisDiarrhea, nausea, pruritis

    Assessment ofAssessment of

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    Assessment ofAssessment of


    Do you experience insomnia?Do you experience insomnia?

    Chronic problem or new with this illness?Chronic problem or new with this illness?

    What do you think makes it hard to sleep?What do you think makes it hard to sleep?

    What works and doesnt work to help?What works and doesnt work to help?

    Depression or anxiety causing problems?Depression or anxiety causing problems?

    Stimulants, like coffee or alcohol, beforeStimulants, like coffee or alcohol, beforesleep?sleep?

    Management ofManagement of

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Management ofManagement of


    Improve control of pain or otherImprove control of pain or other


    Identify and treat depressionIdentify and treat depression

    Identify and treat deliriumIdentify and treat delirium Common at Lifes EndCommon at Lifes End

    May be mistaken for insomniaMay be mistaken for insomnia

    Worsened by some insomniaWorsened by some insomnia

    Management ofManagement of

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    Management ofManagement of


    Support treatment for knownSupport treatment for known

    primary sleep disorderprimary sleep disorder

    E.g., CPAP for sleep apneaE.g., CPAP for sleep apnea

    Review medicationsReview medications

    Stop unneeded medicinesStop unneeded medicines

    Administer steroids/stimulants inAdminister steroids/stimulants in


    Counsel about caffeine, alcohol,Counsel about caffeine, alcohol,

    Management ofManagement of

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms



    Sleeping EnvironmentSleeping Environment Comfortable bed and positionComfortable bed and position

    Appropriate lighting and noise levelAppropriate lighting and noise level(some people need white noise)(some people need white noise)

    Reduce interruptions such as vitalReduce interruptions such as vital

    signs, medicine, blood draws,signs, medicine, blood draws,transfusionstransfusions

    Reduce instrumentation andReduce instrumentation and

    monitors with alarmsmonitors with alarms

    Management ofManagement of

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms



    Sleep HygieneSleep Hygiene Exercise earlier in dayExercise earlier in day

    Establish bedtime ritualEstablish bedtime ritual Employ relaxation techniquesEmploy relaxation techniques

    Restrict use of bedRestrict use of bed

    Bed is for sleepingBed is for sleeping If unable to sleep, get out of bedIf unable to sleep, get out of bed

    Medications for SleepMedications for Sleep

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    Medications for SleepMedications for SleepTrazedoneTrazedone

    Lack of good evidence about mostLack of good evidence about most

    effective medication for insomniaeffective medication for insomnia

    Trazedone 25-100mg q hsTrazedone 25-100mg q hs

    Has become a common regimenHas become a common regimen

    Problems with other medicationsProblems with other medications Positive anecdotal experience ofPositive anecdotal experience of

    hospice programshospice programs

    Medications for SleepMedications for Sleep

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    Medications for SleepMedications for SleepBenzodiazepine HypnoticBenzodiazepine Hypnotic

    Meant for short-term use (2 weeks orMeant for short-term use (2 weeks or


    Tolerance develops rapidlyTolerance develops rapidly

    May contribute to deliriumMay contribute to delirium

    Problems of withdrawalProblems of withdrawal Short-acting formswake up in nightShort-acting formswake up in night

    Long-acting formsdaytimeLong-acting formsdaytime


    Medications for SleepMedications for Sleep

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    Medications for SleepMedications for SleepGABA/BZD AgentsGABA/BZD Agents


    Zalepion (Sonata)Zalepion (Sonata)

    Zolpidem (Ambien)Zolpidem (Ambien)

    Comparison with benzodiazepineComparison with benzodiazepine

    Act at same siteAct at same site Same problems and precautionsSame problems and precautions

    Cost significantly more without clearCost significantly more without clear


    Medications for SleepMedications for Sleep

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    Medications for SleepMedications for SleepAntidepressantsAntidepressants

    Good choice if someone is depressedGood choice if someone is depressed


    Has become antidepressant of choiceHas become antidepressant of choice

    Fewer side effectsFewer side effects

    Doxipen and ImipramineDoxipen and Imipramine More sedatingMore sedating

    Side EffectsSide Effects ConstipationConstipation

    Dry mouthDry mouth


    Medications for SleepMedications for Sleep

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    Medications for SleepMedications for SleepAntihistaminesAntihistamines

    Usually not drug of choiceUsually not drug of choice Effect short-termEffect short-term

    Numerous interactions with otherNumerous interactions with othermedicationsmedications

    May contribute to deliriumMay contribute to delirium

    Benadryl is in many over-the-counterBenadryl is in many over-the-countersleep aidssleep aids

    Herbal or natural remedies untestedHerbal or natural remedies untested

    R i f I iR i f I i

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Review of InsomniaReview of Insomnia

    AssessmentAssessment Often multi-factorialOften multi-factorial

    Reassess frequentlyReassess frequently

    TreatmentTreatment Treat underlying causes if possibleTreat underlying causes if possible

    Use hypnotic medications if neededUse hypnotic medications if needed

    Goals of CareGoals of Care Restful sleepRestful sleep

    Improved QOL and daytime functioningImproved QOL and daytime functioning

    anag ng ausea anuVomitingVomiting

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    The Palliative ResponseThe Palliative Response

    F. Amos Bailey, M.D.F. Amos Bailey, M.D.

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms



    The unpleasant feeling that there is aThe unpleasant feeling that there is a

    need to vomitneed to vomit

    A source of distress even if vomitingA source of distress even if vomiting

    does not occurdoes not occur

    Accompanied by tachycardia,Accompanied by tachycardia,increased salivation, pallor andincreased salivation, pallor and


  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Retching and VomitingRetching and Vomiting


    Spasmodic contractions of theSpasmodic contractions of the

    diaphragm and abdominal musclediaphragm and abdominal muscle

    May lead to vomitingMay lead to vomiting

    May persist after the stomach hasMay persist after the stomach has



    Expulsion of the gastric contentExpulsion of the gastric content

    throu h the mouththrou h the mouth

    h i i

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    The Vomiting CenterThe Vomiting Center

    Tractus solitarus,reticular formationin the medulla

    Parasympatheticmotor efferents Contraction of


    Reduction of loweresophogeal sphincter(LES)

    Contraction ofstomach


    InputInputh i i

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Into the VomitingInto the Vomiting

    CenterCenter Fear and Anxiety May cause

    anticipatory nausea

    Increased Intra-cranial Pressure Metastatic tumor

    Primary tumor Intra-cerebralbleed/trauma




    Cerebral CortexGABA//5HT


  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms



    Fear and Anxiety


    1mg q6-8hours

    Counseling Increased Intra-

    cranial Pressure


    4-10mg q6

    Mannitol Infusion

    (short term bridgeto definitivetreatment)

    Radiation Therapy


    Cerebral CortexGABA//5HT

    uInto the VomitingInto the Vomiting

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Into the VomitingInto the Vomiting

    CenterCenter Vestibular


    Causes Inner ear infection Sinus congestion Primary vertigo Hyponatremia

    1st Line Treatment Antihistamines


    2nd Line Treatment Anticholinergic




    Cerebral CortexGABA//5HT

    Vestibular Nuclei

    InputInputInto the VomitingInto the Vomiting

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Into the VomitingInto the Vomiting

    CenterCenter ChemoreceptorTriggerZone

    Drugs Opioids



    Cytotoxics Anti-






    Cerebral Cortex


    Vestibular NucleiAchm/H1


    Trigger Zone5HT3/D2

    InputInputI h V i iI t th V iti

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Into the VomitingInto the Vomiting

    CenterCenter Chemoreceptor

    Trigger Zone

    1st LineTreatment





    2nd LineTreatment



    Cerebral Cortex


    Vestibular NucleiAchm/H1


    Trigger Zone5HT3/D2

    InputInputInto the VomitingInto the Vomiting

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Into the VomitingInto the Vomiting

    CenterCenter GI Disorders Constipation

    GI obstruction

    Gastroparesis Gastritis



    disease Hepatomegal





    Cerebral CortexGABA//5HT

    Vestibular NucleiAchm/H1


    Trigger Zone5HT3/D2




  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms



    GI DisordersGI Disorders Relieve

    constipation Relieve

    obstruction Review

    medications H2 blockers or


    1st line Metoclopramide




    Cerebral CortexGABA//5HT

    Vestibular NucleiAchm/H1


    Trigger Zone





  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms



    Into the Vomiting CenterInto the Vomiting Center



    Cerebral CortexGABA//5HT

    Vestibular NucleiAchm/H1

    Chemo-ReceptorTrigger Zone




    T t t PlT t t Pl

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Treatment PlanTreatment Plan

    Relaxing and non-stressful environmentRelaxing and non-stressful environment

    Medication after meals, except for anti-Medication after meals, except for anti-


    Mouth care and topical anti-fungal prnMouth care and topical anti-fungal prn

    Remove sources of offensive odorsRemove sources of offensive odors

    Small portions, frequent mealsSmall portions, frequent meals

    Monitor for constipation or bladderMonitor for constipation or bladder

    T t t PlT t t Pl

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Treatment PlanTreatment Plan

    Dexamethasone as a non-specific anti-Dexamethasone as a non-specific anti-inflammatoryinflammatory

    Cannabinoids (Marijuana or Marinol)Cannabinoids (Marijuana or Marinol)

    Some new atypical anti-depressantsSome new atypical anti-depressants(Rimeron)(Rimeron)

    When all else fails, go back to beginningWhen all else fails, go back to beginning

    If mechanical obstruction, may benefitIf mechanical obstruction, may benefitfrom octratide (see plan of care for GIfrom octratide (see plan of care for GI


    Feeding by Mouth at LifesFeeding by Mouth at LifesEndEnd

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms



    A Palliative ResponseA Palliative Response

    F. Amos Bailey, M.D.F. Amos Bailey, M.D.

    Th S ttiTh S tti

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    The SettingThe Setting

    EnvironmentEnvironment - Calm and unhurried- Calm and unhurried

    PosturePosture - Upright - Chair is preferable- Upright - Chair is preferable Edge of bed preferable to in bed, butEdge of bed preferable to in bed, but


    Assistance from family or nursingAssistance from family or nursingstaffstaff

    Free nursing time by eliminatingFree nursing time by eliminatingactivities unnecessary at Lifes Endactivities unnecessary at Lifes End ((e.g.,e.g.,frequent vital signs)frequent vital signs)

    Role of Occupational TherapyRole of Occupational Therapy

    Special aidsSpecial aids (sipper cups/wide-grip utensils)(sipper cups/wide-grip utensils)

    Asthenia or NeuromuscularAsthenia or Neuromuscular

    Di dDi d

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms



    Preparation for EatingPreparation for EatingPosturePosture

    Upright positionUpright position

    Stabilize the headStabilize the head

    MealMeal Small frequent mealsSmall frequent meals

    Bite-sized pieces or soft pureed foodBite-sized pieces or soft pureed food

    Moisten food with gravy or saucesMoisten food with gravy or sauces

    Patients often prefer soft and cool foodsPatients often prefer soft and cool foods

    Supplements such as Ensure may beSupplements such as Ensure may be

    helpful, especially for elderly who preferhelpful, especially for elderly who prefer

    Asthenia or NeuromuscularAsthenia or Neuromuscular


  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms



    Safety PrecautionsSafety Precautions


    Encourage small sips to clear mouthEncourage small sips to clear mouth

    Remind patients to chew thoroughlyRemind patients to chew thoroughly Meal may take 30-45 minutesMeal may take 30-45 minutes

    Post-Meal PrecautionPost-Meal Precaution Reduce risk of reflux by encouragingReduce risk of reflux by encouraging

    upright position for 15-30 minutesupright position for 15-30 minutes

    after eatingafter eating

    D tDentures

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms




    Assist patient with cleaning and useAssist patient with cleaning and use

    Proper FitProper Fit May need adhesiveMay need adhesive May need to be refitted or replacedMay need to be refitted or replaced

    Personal PreferencePersonal Preference

    Some patients prefer to wear denturesSome patients prefer to wear dentures

    Others may choose to stop using themOthers may choose to stop using them

    Oral HygieneOral Hygiene

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    Oral HygieneOral Hygiene


    Encourage and assist with brushing andEncourage and assist with brushing and

    flossing 2-3 times dayflossing 2-3 times day

    Preventing InfectionPreventing Infection

    Antibiotics for periodontal diseaseAntibiotics for periodontal disease

    Dental InterventionDental Intervention

    Dental work or extraction if indicatedDental work or extraction if indicated

    Fluoride treatment as needed in specialFluoride treatment as needed in special

    Taste DisordersTaste Disorders

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    Taste DisordersTaste Disorders

    Treat Underlying DisorderTreat Underlying Disorder

    Sinusitis or other infectionsSinusitis or other infections

    Gastric refluxGastric reflux Excessive sputumExcessive sputum

    Treat Symptom of Bad TasteTreat Symptom of Bad Taste

    Supplements, especially zinc, may provideSupplements, especially zinc, may providereliefrelief

    Review medications that may taste badReview medications that may taste bad

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    Dry MouthDry Mouth

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms



    from Medicationfrom Medication

    Seek to avoid side effect of drySeek to avoid side effect of dry


    Substitute drug if possibleSubstitute drug if possible

    Trazedone instead of amitriptyline forTrazedone instead of amitriptyline for


    Reduce dosage if possibleReduce dosage if possible

    Dry MouthDry Mouth

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms



    in Last Hours of Lifein Last Hours of Life

    Increase liquids by mouthIncrease liquids by mouth

    Ice chipsIce chips PopsiclesPopsicles Flavored icesFlavored ices

    Mouth Care may be more effectiveMouth Care may be more effective

    and can involve family in careand can involve family in care

    Assisted sipsAssisted sips Moistened sponge stickMoistened sponge stick Lip balmLip balm

    Anti-fungal creams for celosisAnti-fungal creams for celosis

    Oral CandidiasisOral Candidiasis

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms




    Always suspect this infection as cause ofAlways suspect this infection as cause of

    problems with eatingproblems with eating


    Nystatin Suspension Swish and SwallowNystatin Suspension Swish and Swallow Fluconazole (Diflucan)Fluconazole (Diflucan)

    100mg daily for 10-14 days100mg daily for 10-14 days

    More expensiveMore expensive

    Easier and more quickly effectiveEasier and more quickly effective

    Viral Infections andViral Infections and

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Cold SoresCold Sores


    Usually caused by herpetic infectionUsually caused by herpetic infection


    Consider Acylovir (Zovirax)Consider Acylovir (Zovirax) Consider other anti-viral treatmentConsider other anti-viral treatment

    in cases of resistance and otherin cases of resistance and other

    special factorsspecial factors

    Reflux EsophagitisReflux Esophagitis

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Reflux EsophagitisReflux Esophagitis

    Practical ConsiderationsPractical Considerations

    Small mealsSmall meals

    Keep patient upright after mealsKeep patient upright after meals

    Medical ManagementMedical Management

    May need prokinetic such asMay need prokinetic such asmetoclopromidemetoclopromide

    Manage constipationManage constipation H2 blockersH2 blockers

    MucositisMucositisO l L ith S dO l L ith S d

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Oral Lavage with SodaOral Lavage with Soda


    Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)

    15 grams to a liter of water15 grams to a liter of water Swish and spitSwish and spit

    Keep at bedside for patient to use asKeep at bedside for patient to use as



    Helps cleanse mouth of dead tissue andHelps cleanse mouth of dead tissue and



  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms



    MouthwashMouthwash Consult pharmacy aboutConsult pharmacy about


    Combination of medicationsCombination of medications May contain diphenhydramine, viscousMay contain diphenhydramine, viscous

    xylocaine, Maalox, nystatin, tetracylinexylocaine, Maalox, nystatin, tetracyline

    Order bottle to bedside for useOrder bottle to bedside for useby patient as neededby patient as needed

    Alternate with soda-wash rinseAlternate with soda-wash rinse


  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Viscous XylocaineViscous Xylocaine


    2% 5ml every 4 hours as needed2% 5ml every 4 hours as needed

    PreparationPreparation Flavor or dilute to lessen its bad tasteFlavor or dilute to lessen its bad taste


    Sometimes used before mealsSometimes used before meals May make it harder to swallow -May make it harder to swallow -

    changes sensation in mouthchanges sensation in mouth


  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms



    A somatic type of painA somatic type of pain

    Opioid TherapyOpioid Therapy

    Patients can usually benefit andPatients can usually benefit andrespondrespond

    May need to give opioid parentrally inMay need to give opioid parentrally insevere casessevere cases

    Indications for Thalidomide 200mgIndications for Thalidomide 200mg


    Severe mucosal damageSevere mucosal damage

    Review ofReview of

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Difficulty with EatingDifficulty with Eating

    PrevalencePrevalence Common in patientsCommon in patients


    Causes significant distressCauses significant distress

    EtiologyEtiology Often multi-factorialOften multi-factorial

    HopeHope In majority of patients, careful andIn majority of patients, careful and

    thoughtful evaluation can relievethoughtful evaluation can relieve

    suffering improve quality of life increasesuffering improve quality of life increase


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    The Palliative ResponseThe Palliative Response

    F. Amos Bailey, M.D.F. Amos Bailey, M.D.

    Goals of HydrationGoals of Hydration

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Goals of HydrationGoals of Hydration

    Help maintain functionHelp maintain function

    Improve Quality of Life (QOL)Improve Quality of Life (QOL)

    May improve deliriumMay improve delirium Help satisfy subjective sensation ofHelp satisfy subjective sensation of

    thirst and hungerthirst and hunger

    Engage family and friends in careEngage family and friends in care

    Appetite and OralAppetite and OralIntakeIntake

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    at Lifes Endat Lifes End StatusStatus Declines in most patientsDeclines in most patients

    People may take only few sips or bitesPeople may take only few sips or bitesin last days of lifein last days of life

    Typical Clinical ResponseTypical Clinical Response Most hospital and nursing homeMost hospital and nursing homepatients have feeding tubes and/orpatients have feeding tubes and/or

    IVs at time of deathIVs at time of death

    Indications forIndications for

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms



    Reversible ProcessReversible Process

    (e.g., constipation)(e.g., constipation)

    Treatable InfectionTreatable Infection

    (e.g., thrush)(e.g., thrush)

    Temporary InsultTemporary Insult

    Burdens ofBurdens ofEnteral and PerenteralEnteral and Perenteral

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Enteral and PerenteralEnteral and Perenteral


    Invasive procedureInvasive procedure

    Pain and distressPain and distress

    Edema and pulmonary congestionEdema and pulmonary congestion

    Provides little comfortProvides little comfort

    Burden adds to sufferingBurden adds to suffering

    Burden often outweighs benefitBurden often outweighs benefit

    Diagnostic andDiagnostic andTreatmentTreatment

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    ConsiderationsConsiderationsDiagnosisDiagnosis Signs and symptoms more important thanSigns and symptoms more important than

    lab testslab tests

    Skin tentingSkin tenting Concentrated urine with decline inConcentrated urine with decline inoutputoutput

    Postural symptomsPostural symptoms

    Dry mouthDry mouthTreatmentTreatment

    Look for reversible causes of declineLook for reversible causes of decline Easier to manage early than lateEasier to manage early than late

    Complication ofComplication ofEnteral and PerenteralEnteral and Perenteral

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Enteral and PerenteralEnteral and Perenteral

    FluidsFluids Edema (third-spacing of fluids)Edema (third-spacing of fluids)

    Indicates intravascular fluid depletionIndicates intravascular fluid depletion

    rather than pure dehydrationrather than pure dehydration Often worsened by E/P fluidsOften worsened by E/P fluids

    Often worsens pulmonaryOften worsens pulmonary


    Often leads to dyspnea withoutOften leads to dyspnea without

    other benefitsother benefits

    Typical Concerns ofTypical Concerns ofPatients andPatients and

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Patients andPatients and

    CaregiversCaregivers Dependence on others to be fedDependence on others to be fed

    Loss of appetiteLoss of appetite

    Weight lossWeight loss

    Loss of food as symbol of loveLoss of food as symbol of love

    Fostering PatientFostering Patient

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    Some persons refuse food or fluidSome persons refuse food or fluidas way of having controlas way of having control

    The Palliative ResponseThe Palliative Response

    Foster control and good decisions byFoster control and good decisions by

    providing accurate informationproviding accurate information Provide patient-directed dietProvide patient-directed diet

    Feature foods easily swallowed/digestedFeature foods easily swallowed/digested

    DehydrationDehydrationThe PalliativeThe Palliative

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    The PalliativeThe Palliative

    ResponseResponse Items for dry mouth and sense of thirstItems for dry mouth and sense of thirst Ice chipsIce chips Ice cream, puddingsIce cream, puddings

    Frozen popsiclesFrozen popsicles

    Drinking aidsDrinking aids Sipper cups, wide gripsSipper cups, wide grips

    Thick-it for fluids assists withThick-it for fluids assists withswallowingswallowing

    Companionship and assistance atCompanionship and assistance atmealsmeals

    Ideas for OralIdeas for Orald i

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    HydrationHydration Replete electrolytesReplete electrolytes

    Sports drinksSports drinksTomato-based juices for sodiumTomato-based juices for sodium

    Hydrate with sipsHydrate with sipsTwo tablespoons of fluid four times inTwo tablespoons of fluid four times in

    an hour equals 120ml of fluidan hour equals 120ml of fluid

    Encourage families to offer sips withEncourage families to offer sips witheach TV commercialeach TV commercial

    An IV at rate of 75cc/hr takes 5 hoursAn IV at rate of 75cc/hr takes 5 hoursto infuse fluids equivalent to a cannedto infuse fluids equivalent to a canneddrink (355ml)drink (355ml)

    Oral HydrationOral HydrationB fi R i

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    Benefit ReviewBenefit Review

    Low technologyLow technology

    Minimal riskMinimal risk

    Effectively administered at homeEffectively administered at home

    Encourages human contactEncourages human contact

    Can be pleasurable for patientCan be pleasurable for patient

    Less risk of causing fluid overloadLess risk of causing fluid overload

    Enteral (NG/PEG) Tube-Enteral (NG/PEG) Tube-FeedingFeeding

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    at Lifes Endat Lifes End

    No evidence of benefitNo evidence of benefit Causes patient discomfortCauses patient discomfort

    Increases use of restraintsIncreases use of restraints

    Sometimes goals of care dictate aSometimes goals of care dictate a trialtrial

    (e.g., Patient with esophageal cancer and(e.g., Patient with esophageal cancer and

    PEG tube undergoing palliative radiationPEG tube undergoing palliative radiation

    to resolve esophageal obstruction)to resolve esophageal obstruction)


    Is tube-feeding a bridge to resuming oralIs tube-feeding a bridge to resuming oral

    Enteral FeedingsEnteral Feedings

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    Enteral FeedingsEnteral Feedings


    Increased mentalIncreased mental


    Reduce familyReduce family


    Potentially prolongPotentially prolonglife for special eventlife for special event


    Risk of aspirationRisk of aspiration Potential forPotential for


    Diarrhea andDiarrhea and

    distentiondistention NauseaNausea

    Invasive proceduresInvasive procedures


    HypodermoclysisHypodermoclysis(Subcutaneous Fluids)(Subcutaneous Fluids)

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    (Subcutaneous Fluids)(Subcutaneous Fluids)

    (30-50cc/hr of D5 1/2 Normal Saline)(30-50cc/hr of D5 1/2 Normal Saline)

    AdvantagesAdvantages Simple technology for home useSimple technology for home use

    DisadvantagesDisadvantages Hospitals/nursing homes often notHospitals/nursing homes often not

    preparedprepared Needle may still come dislodgedNeedle may still come dislodged Pain and swelling at sitePain and swelling at site Some risk of fluid overloadSome risk of fluid overload May still need restraintsMay still need restraints Cost of treatmentCost of treatment

    Perenteral (Intravenous)Perenteral (Intravenous)


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    Can be difficult and painful to insert IVCan be difficult and painful to insert IV

    Risk of infectionsRisk of infections

    Use of restraintsUse of restraints

    Risk of fluid overloadRisk of fluid overload

    Sometimes seen as barrier to home careSometimes seen as barrier to home care

    Parenteral IntravenousParenteral Intravenous


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    ConsiderationsConsiderations Goals of CareGoals of Care Is this a bridge resuming oral intake?Is this a bridge resuming oral intake?

    Consider time trial (2 liters over 8 hours)Consider time trial (2 liters over 8 hours) Stop IV fluids if not helpfulStop IV fluids if not helpful

    Parenteral fluids may blunt thirst andParenteral fluids may blunt thirst and


    Some patients resume oral intake whenSome patients resume oral intake when

    fluids discontinuedfluids discontinued

    Avoid KVO (Keep Vein Open) fluidsAvoid KVO (Keep Vein Open) fluids

    HydrationHydrationThe PalliativeThe Palliative

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    The PalliativeThe Palliative

    ResponseResponse Try the oral routeTry the oral route Seek reversible cause of decrease oralSeek reversible cause of decrease oral


    Balance burden against benefit ofBalance burden against benefit ofperenteral and enteral hydrationperenteral and enteral hydration

    Consider Goals of CareConsider Goals of Care

    If using a more invasive routeIf using a more invasive route Consider a time trialConsider a time trial Observe carefully to maintain safetyObserve carefully to maintain safety


    Intestinal ObstructionIntestinal Obstruction

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    The Palliative ResponseThe Palliative Response

    F. Amos Bailey, M.D.F. Amos Bailey, M.D.

    DiagnosticDiagnosticid i

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    ConsiderationsConsiderations EtiologyEtiology

    Ovarian cancer late manifestationOvarian cancer late manifestation

    Colorectal cancers late manifestationColorectal cancers late manifestation

    Abdominal tumorsAbdominal tumors Pelvic primary tumorsPelvic primary tumors


    PartialPartial versusversus completecomplete IntermittentIntermittent versusversus persistentpersistent

    SingleSingle versusversus multiple sitesmultiple sites

    SmallSmall versusversus large bowellarge bowel


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    Best palliative treatment if possibleBest palliative treatment if possible

    Not possible in some patientsNot possible in some patients


    Co-morbid illness may makeCo-morbid illness may makepreferablepreferable

    Progression of disease may makeProgression of disease may make


    Good PrognosticGood Prognostic

    F t F SF t F S

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    Factors For SurgeryFactors For Surgery

    Large bowel obstruction treated withLarge bowel obstruction treated with

    diverting colostomydiverting colostomy

    Single site of obstructionSingle site of obstruction

    Absence of ascitesAbsence of ascites

    Good preoperative performance statusGood preoperative performance status

    Poor PrognosticPoor Prognostic

    F t F SFactors For S rger

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    Factors For SurgeryFactors For Surgery

    Proximal gastric obstruction or SBOProximal gastric obstruction or SBO


    Multiple sites of obstructionMultiple sites of obstruction Diffuse peritoneal carcinomatosisDiffuse peritoneal carcinomatosis

    Previous surgery and radiationPrevious surgery and radiation

    treatmenttreatment Poor performance and nutritionalPoor performance and nutritional


    Significant distant metastatic diseaseSignificant distant metastatic disease

    PlacingPlacing Stents byStents byE dE d

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms



    Esophageal obstructionEsophageal obstruction

    Rectal obstructionRectal obstruction

    Less effective in other sitesLess effective in other sites

    Sometimes well tolerated but can lead toSometimes well tolerated but can lead to

    perforation, obstruction and painperforation, obstruction and pain

    Usually only a temporary solutionUsually only a temporary solution

    NG or VentingNG or Venting


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    Most helpful in more proximalMost helpful in more proximalobstructionobstruction

    Decompress the stomach but NG tubeDecompress the stomach but NG tubenot tolerated long-termnot tolerated long-term

    Venting gastrostomy may be moreVenting gastrostomy may be moreacceptable for longer termacceptable for longer term

    Rarely used due to generally poorRarely used due to generally poorcondition of patientscondition of patients

    Goals of CareGoals of Care

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    Relief of painRelief of pain

    Relief of nausea and vomitingRelief of nausea and vomiting

    Avoidance of the NG TubeAvoidance of the NG Tube Support of patient and family asSupport of patient and family as


    Emotionally charged situationEmotionally charged situation Inability to eatInability to eat

    Imminent death often within a fewImminent death often within a few

    days to no more than few weeksdays to no more than few weeks

    Route of MedicationRoute of Medication

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    Oral route not reliableOral route not reliable

    Alternatives to Oral RouteAlternatives to Oral Route SubcutaneousSubcutaneous SublingualSublingual




    Pain ManagementPain Management

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    Usually use morphineUsually use morphine

    Sublingual or subcutaneous routeSublingual or subcutaneous route Titrate dose to comfortTitrate dose to comfort

    Usually best to use small, frequentUsually best to use small, frequent

    dosing scheduledosing schedule

    Pumps with both continuous and PCAPumps with both continuous and PCA

    are often best choiceare often best choice


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    40mg IV QD for 4 days40mg IV QD for 4 days

    Consider in most patientsConsider in most patients May result in reduction of edema aroundMay result in reduction of edema around

    the site of obstruction and in temporarythe site of obstruction and in temporary

    relief of obstructionrelief of obstruction

    May enable to resume oral medicationsMay enable to resume oral medications

    including dexamethosoneincluding dexamethosone

    If not effective, can discontinueIf not effective, can discontinue


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    0.1-2mg SQ q8hours0.1-2mg SQ q8hours

    Puts bowel to rest and stops peristalsisPuts bowel to rest and stops peristalsisagainst site of obstructionagainst site of obstruction

    Reduces gastric secretionsReduces gastric secretions

    Increases electrolyte and fluid re-Increases electrolyte and fluid re-


    Often substantially reduces nauseaOften substantially reduces nausea

    and vomitingand vomiting

    Anti-Secretory DrugsAnti-Secretory Drugs

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    Reduce saliva and secretionsReduce saliva and secretions

    Produce up to 2 liters a dayProduce up to 2 liters a day

    If obstructed, patient must vomit back upIf obstructed, patient must vomit back up

    Scopolamine topicallyScopolamine topically

    Glycopyrrolate 0.1-2mg SQ q8hoursGlycopyrrolate 0.1-2mg SQ q8hours

    H2 Blockade or Proton-Pump InhibitorsH2 Blockade or Proton-Pump Inhibitors

    May reduce gastric acid secretionsMay reduce gastric acid secretions


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    Metocholopramide (Reglan)Metocholopramide (Reglan) A pro-kinetic not appropriate if obstructionA pro-kinetic not appropriate if obstruction


    May be helpful in partial obstructionMay be helpful in partial obstruction

    Time trial stop if colic worsensTime trial stop if colic worsens

    Dopamine antagonistDopamine antagonist Haloperidol 1 SQ q6 is less sedatingHaloperidol 1 SQ q6 is less sedating

    Chlopromazine 25mg q6 PR is more sedatingChlopromazine 25mg q6 PR is more sedating(less acceptable)(less acceptable)

    Lorazepam 1-2mg SQ q6Lorazepam 1-2mg SQ q6

    Medical ManagementMedical Management

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    ed ca a age eg

    OutcomeOutcomeThese regimens relieve symptomsThese regimens relieve symptoms

    satisfactorily in most patientssatisfactorily in most patients Patient may still vomit several timesPatient may still vomit several times

    a day but usually prefers this to NGa day but usually prefers this to NGtube placementtube placement

    Oral IntakeOral Intake Offer ice chips, sherbet or juiceOffer ice chips, sherbet or juice Most patients will moderate oralMost patients will moderate oral


    Not necessary or kind to makeNot necessary or kind to make


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    Usually not recommendedUsually not recommended

    May have deleterious effectsMay have deleterious effects

    Problems with infectionsProblems with infections

    Very select patient population mayVery select patient population may



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    Assess BurdenAssess Burden versusversus BenefitBenefit

    Appropriate only for selected patientsAppropriate only for selected patients

    May be difficult to maintain IV siteMay be difficult to maintain IV site

    Problems with fluid overloadProblems with fluid overload


    Hydration via the subcutaneous routeHydration via the subcutaneous route

    May be helpful in selected patientsMay be helpful in selected patients


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    Selection of TreatmentSelection of Treatment

    No comparative studies toNo comparative studies to

    determine best treatment indetermine best treatment in

    management of obstructionmanagement of obstruction

    Assess Benefit and BurdenAssess Benefit and Burden

    DailyDaily Adjust MedicationAdjust Medication

    Maximize control of symptomsMaximize control of symptoms

    Pain and Pain ControlPain and Pain Control

    The Palliative ResponseThe Palliative Response

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    The Palliative ResponseThe Palliative Response

    F. Amos Bailey, M.D.F. Amos Bailey, M.D.

    Discussion ofDiscussion of

    Ms BrewsterMs Brewster

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    Ms. BrewsterMs. Brewster

    Ms. Brewster is takingMs. Brewster is taking

    (2) Percocet every 4 hours for bone pain(2) Percocet every 4 hours for bone pain

    related to osteoporotic spine fracture andrelated to osteoporotic spine fracture and


    Equianalgesic DoseEquianalgesic DoseMorphine-MS ContinMorphine-MS Contin

  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Morphine-MS ContinMorphine-MS Contin

    Ms. Brewster is taking the equivalent ofMs. Brewster is taking the equivalent of

    Morphine 90mg in 24 hoursMorphine 90mg in 24 hours

    Calculate the equianalgesic dose forCalculate the equianalgesic dose for

    A)A) MS ContinMS Contin

    Equianalgesic DoseEquianalgesic DoseMorphine-Oral MSMorphine-Oral MS

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    Morphine-Oral MSMorphine-Oral MS

    Ms. Brewster is taking the equivalent ofMs. Brewster is taking the equivalent of

    Morphine 90mg in 24 hoursMorphine 90mg in 24 hours

    Calculate the equianalgesic dose forCalculate the equianalgesic dose for

    B)B) Oral MS immediate releaseOral MS immediate release

    Equianalgesic DoseEquianalgesic DoseMorphine-Fentanyl PatchMorphine-Fentanyl Patch

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    Morphine-Fentanyl PatchMorphine-Fentanyl Patch

    Ms. Brewster is taking the equivalent ofMs. Brewster is taking the equivalent of

    Morphine 90mg in 24 hoursMorphine 90mg in 24 hours

    Calculate the equianalgesic dose forCalculate the equianalgesic dose for

    C)C) Fentanyl patch (Duragesic)Fentanyl patch (Duragesic)

    Equianalgesic DoseEquianalgesic DoseMorphine-OralMorphine-Oral

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    Ms. Brewster is taking the equivalent ofMs. Brewster is taking the equivalent of

    Morphine 90mg in 24 hoursMorphine 90mg in 24 hours

    Calculate the equianalgesic dose forCalculate the equianalgesic dose for

    D)D) Oral hydromorphoneOral hydromorphone


    Equianalgesic DoseEquianalgesic DoseMorphine-OxycontinMorphine-Oxycontin

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    Morphine-OxycontinMorphine Oxycontin

    Ms. Brewster is taking the equivalent ofMs. Brewster is taking the equivalent of

    Morphine 90mg in 24 hoursMorphine 90mg in 24 hours

    Calculate the equianalgesic dose forCalculate the equianalgesic dose for

    E)E) OxycontinOxycontin

    Equianalgesic DoseEquianalgesic Dose

    Morphine-PCAMorphine-PCA PumpPump

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    Ms. Brewster is taking the equivalent ofMs. Brewster is taking the equivalent of

    Morphine 90mg in 24 hoursMorphine 90mg in 24 hours

    Calculate the equianalgesic dose forCalculate the equianalgesic dose for

    F)F) PCA Morphine pump SQ or IVPCA Morphine pump SQ or IV

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  • 7/28/2019 Physicial Symptoms


    Oxycodone andOxycodone and


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    Ms. Brewster is takingMs. Brewster is taking

    (2) Percocet every 4 hours for bone pain(2) Percocet every 4 hours for bone pain

    related to osteoporotic spine fracture and collapserelated to osteoporotic spine fracture and collapse

    Percocet is oxycodone 5mg/APAP 325mgPercocet is oxycodone 5mg/APAP 325mg

    This is equal to 4 grams ofThis is equal to 4 grams of

    acetaminophenacetaminophenin a 24/hr periodin a 24/hr per