piano lessons book 2

ai Leonard Student Piano Ubrary - """'""""' - - ....... _._ -2. Instrumental Accompaniments

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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Piano lessons book 2

ai Leonard Student Piano Ubrary

-"""'""""' ~fui·~ --....... ~ _._ -2.

Instrumental Accompaniments

on:h~traledby f'hillip~

Page 2: Piano lessons book 2

The Hal Leonard Student Piano Library Instrumental Accompaniments

Compact Disc

n..cmaf*:ldisc~Wesdir=lyropieccsinf'laooLessonsandadi>itiesinl'lanol~ C--.A.llndaumbrrsforusc"ilhtheoompactdisc:ueclcarlyindicatcdbc!;idelhecirciciaJooo.

• "Tl>t firsr 1t11Ck number is 1ht inscrumem:il ac<:Omp;mimcnl ,.·ith thc piano50ID

-GIIJ ~~ 1rack1•ur1~risthc in<trumc:nral accompanimem "ithoul thepiJ.o

... .m< f<ymmg rtr rnmw• djsç-

~10lheappropria1euvk0>11hccompactdi.lc. lfyou•C011laycrha;1rc1?101t -llll)ealefthevack numberd1ga:.lly.

? ~ pb). Ali xoompamments indude a two-mcasuro coum-offto cstablirJi tempo n...........,,.maruogsmtbeles50!1bookoortc;Spoode..actlywi1htheCD.

] los_,. uumlpt lhe music ac any time by prcssini; ··!"'use:· Prcs! ··pau~~ again md mr CD•ill~play10,

.C :.~~= •>fim>htd. ~ ~~op." °""""''isc. thc CD w11lautomaticall~ ad,..,...

To pb) IW ~ ag.lin. ach-aocc 10 lhe awropnmc !rnc;k lf)OUrCD pbyer d.aio• not b. 1 ~)'Ullml)fmditrnorc~n!IOJlf"'s"paus<c" 1tim~·1DCf'10pla)lhep;.c.. ...

õk tw r-nl Scuden1 Plano Ubrary· audio oompx! di>Cs mnuducc a dynamic •"a~ ...... aodpb.ym~moaio;.EJ.plottandcxpenment"·ichthcllt"W llal l.eonardStudnicn...


Page 3: Piano lessons book 2

Uai Leonard Student Piano Library

Piano Solos

Page 4: Piano lessons book 2

Hal Leonard Student Piano Library

Piano Solos

- H AL• L EONAROº (.~ç<>~ ~ .,, ... .. Q ..

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Page 5: Piano lessons book 2

Piano Solos Book 2 CONTENTS

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_ n..s.r. ... - ~Aod8ounds . .

_ T.-r Diok>p<


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Page 6: Piano lessons book 2

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Magnet March

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Page 7: Piano lessons book 2

Song OfThe Orca

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Aooomi-ni-1 (S....SC11<pl•)'1tWOocu•esh1ghC'l"tbanwnuen.) ~ lfl SinJ!nt.wilhmySlet)'{•"!25)

7 . e~ ·> 2 Q ui§ e· -·n

Page 8: Piano lessons book 2
Page 9: Piano lessons book 2

The Macaroni Cha-Cha

Page 10: Piano lessons book 2


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Page 11: Piano lessons book 2


1i' qj ']': 1 Zfh

Page 12: Piano lessons book 2
Page 13: Piano lessons book 2
Page 14: Piano lessons book 2

Tender Dialogue "~ ,_,_

le:d::ª !~s 1:: ~ ~ l~t=~~

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Page 15: Piano lessons book 2

Dance OfThe Court Jester Bollllo).i

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Page 16: Piano lessons book 2

I=, r lt rE::: f. i : J 1 :-::::e:r!j

Page 17: Piano lessons book 2


Page 18: Piano lessons book 2

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Page 19: Piano lessons book 2

The Accompaniment

1:m 1, mrs: , ·;-1~' 1. · r 1:'?td ·"~befo.1<anooeluu(0<M!)(lft0meuu"'.

1:#' 1, +r: i::2!1?1 :~

Page 20: Piano lessons book 2
Page 21: Piano lessons book 2

Take It Slow

Att0mponhntol (S1 odtrnplays ooeocta•·•hiRl><rlh:>n1u11ton_)~ IJ!I

~!S@---= !!Z'.!4 ··-ç±L' RTW FP::z:;::+ pb '"

Page 22: Piano lessons book 2
Page 23: Piano lessons book 2

.. ;~~: . . :L. º:«;,. : : . .) ·. . .. • . . ;;lU. °) · · Ç\ · .. .. ". : : . Viva La Rhumba! • • ~· ; •

1@:3:;?-a:=~ é:::·i:a:i i=::t:::1~ A«Cllnpaaimnl (Sllldontpb~<.,...,oct.ovehiifiuthM"·nnrn.) ~ h't

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Page 24: Piano lessons book 2


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Page 25: Piano lessons book 2


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Page 26: Piano lessons book 2

~ biZIE i====-1 j,~~~~ êL1a?ea

Page 27: Piano lessons book 2

Those Creepy Crawly Things On The Cellar Floor

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Page 28: Piano lessons book 2
Page 29: Piano lessons book 2

On Fourth Avenue

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Page 30: Piano lessons book 2

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Page 31: Piano lessons book 2

Goofy Gadget

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Page 32: Piano lessons book 2

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Page 33: Piano lessons book 2

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Page 34: Piano lessons book 2
Page 35: Piano lessons book 2

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~.~=-=;ª'~~~ ~HAL•LEONARD'

Page 36: Piano lessons book 2

Hal Leonard Student Piano Library

Piano Lessons



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Instrumental Accompaniments

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s-E·­M)Ooo<ioof<loC ~BCP ... e-.. "'"°"' ~1 ... n..GoW

Page 37: Piano lessons book 2

Hal Leonard Student Piano Library A 1>lano merhod wllh mu,lc 10> 1•lea>" ~ludenl>, leadter> and '"'"'""!

11M: lh•l lcun 11T11Sludent PlanuLlbraryhclear, conci"'a"dao"'fullygrd<kd fortt>cbt-ginnlng••u1kn1. l'erfoct forpri•·ateandgroup in~truction.

l'ianol.eson> Piaool>r.octk<Games ~<'<><><ctpt> int'°""«J Th«><y. t«hnlq...,and

witb"l'P"•linf; m""" :0~,:.,1v1~,:'"'..:.=:

Page 38: Piano lessons book 2

Hal Leonard Student Piano Library A piano melhod with mu1i< to pk""" .iudcnu, i.ach<:rs and p;onmb!

Tbellal~monlStudentPiano Llbruyl•d~~r. conci<eand<:arrlullygl'i>dl"d

forthebcginnini;5tudcn1. l'<'rfoct fot pri,,.at~ and group lnslruction . ........ .----,