pic analysis (1)


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Post on 09-Aug-2015




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Who are the people in the photo?

1) These are all women in a kitchen(COOKING).

2) Hitler and other Germans.

3) Civil Rights Protestors and police with dogs.

4) Black person hung from lady liberty.

5) Immigrants looking at lady liberty from a distance.

6) Inspection by officers.

What is the situation of the people in the photograph? Provide evidence from the photo that tells you this.

1) Women making a meal. They’re in a kitchen and they are cooking…

2) Hitler propaganda. He’s trying to recruit future army members by showing staged kindness.

3) Protestors being attacked by police dogs. Dogs are attacking a black activists.

4) Anti-civil rights movement propaganda. The statue stands for freedom, but attached to the arm is a hung

black person.

5) Immigrants viewing the Statue of Liberty. It’s an old picture and the woman is wearing old fashioned

foreign clothes.

6) Army being inspected. The men in the uniforms are guards.

What message do you think the photographer was trying to convey?

1) Women were primarily in the kitchen in the earlier times.

2) That he was a good guy.

3) The men and women in the civil rights movement went through hard times back in the day.

4) Some people didn’t think blacks deserved liberty and freedom.

5) People want to come to America for freedom, which is what lady Liberty represents.

6) Everyone gets inspected for disease and everything.

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Why is this photograph important to history?

1) Shows how far women have come since early days.

2) Most of Germany perceived him as a good guy.

3) It shows the struggle of change.

4) It also shows the struggle of change.

5) It shows that people wanted to and still want to come to the US.

6) Makes sure that the soldiers are healthy.

What questions does this photography raise?

1) What’s with the pants? And is it a man?

2) Was he (Hitler) really like this Germans?

3) Why are they doing this? What’s their motive?

4) Was there really this much hate?

5) Are they coming to the states or leaving?

6) What are the men behind the desk doing?


Write your own caption for the photography.

1) Women preparing a meal.

2) On looking fans of a better Germany.

3) Fighting for Rights

4) Freedom isn’t Free

5) Coming to America

6) Soldiers getting ready for Basic training

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What could you do to find more information about this photograph?

1) Google search women in the kitchen

2) Google search Hitler child propaganda

3) Google search civil rights negativity

4) Google search anti-black propaganda

5) Google search immigration to America

6) Google search soldiers routine medical exams

Based on what you have observedlist3thingsyoumightinferfromthe photograph.

1) Women In kitchen pic

a. Women could cook back in the day

b. Women primarily wore dresses.

c. Women usually stayed in the kitchen/house.

2) Hitler pic

a. He wasn’t viewed as bad to most Germans

b. Trying to recruit future soldiers

c. Helped him stay in power

3) Civil rights pic.

a. There was a lot of cruelty showed to the activists.

b. This occurred during a protest of some sort.

c. Happened around noon or a little after

4) Lady liberty pic

a. There was a lot of hatred towards the idea of equal rights.

b. Attempt to show off dominance.

c. A uncomfortable picture

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5) Immigrants pic

a. The child looks excited to be coming to America.

b. During the evening hours based on their shadows.

c. It’s a family

6) Army inspection pic

a. Preparing to go to basic training b. There’s no air conditioning in the building. They used fans.

c. They were drafted and being checked off the list.