pinar akkaya - a tale of getting connected

a tale of getting connected* pinar akkaya social media summit, istanbul may 26th, 2011

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a tale of getting connected*

pinar akkayasocial media summit, istanbul

may 26th, 2011

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*a tale of getting connected

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My Social Media Personas

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My Social Media Personas

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How about you?Twitter?


LinkedIn Groups?





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and your companies?

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from the past to the future >

change is there!

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a turbulent change!

from the past to the future

but a great one!!

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where is HR among all these?

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once upon a time HR…

Hire / Train / Pay / Deploy / Respond

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now HR…Understand the business and the economy

Be proactive

Value people and show them

Be competent, make people competent and keep these competent people

Develop people’s horizon and career

Help them increase their creativity

Read the critical factors of the competition

Make sure to reach the competitive advantage thru your people

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HR functions wheel

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let’s put the strategic dimension on that

HR strategy

Company Strategy

HR practices

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in a sentence

Understand very well the strategy of your

company, put in place HR practices

which will ensure your company strategy is achieved

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ok, so far, all clear..


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how can social media help us?

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a snapshot of social media today

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looks pretty crowded, doesn’t it?

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a snapshot of social media today

Networking, professional/private

Photo, Podcast, Audio, Video

Microblogging, mobile blogging, lifestreaming

Blogging, RSS feed

Social bookmarking, social content, reputation


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now let’s go back

to our

HR functions wheel

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how to use the social media to leverage these HR functions to support our strategy ?

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which areas of the wheel can be maximized thru social media?

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come to an exploration dive with me…

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what is one common point of HR people in this room?

Talentwe are all looking for…

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talent >How’s your brand?

And how about your candidate pool?

In Turkey, the unemployment is high, a lot of candidates: But, is this the workforce you run after?

Do you need specific skills or experience?

Do you need stars?

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talent >

Good news: Now reaching the talent is a lot easier.

You need to be there!But >>>

Bad news: Talent is scarce.

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but what are those numbers?





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why do these people follow these companies?

is there a better way to be informed instantly about a company?

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social media is a great sourceto enrich your candidate poolcandidates with more suitable specsreach better profilesget in touch with passive candidatesopen new channels

to have a more active networkinga stronger candidate networkcandidates specifically targeting your company benefit from referralsstay in touch with your existing employees and ex-employees

to optimize the power of your own employeesask them to extend your search to their own network

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> increase your online presence!

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we are all trying to increase…


a second common point of us?

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retention >

Let’s be clear:

I don’t want my good employees to leave!

> I keep my talent and corporate know-how> I have a committed bunch of people, thus better results> I do less recruitment, thus save energy and costs

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retention >

At the end, everyone wants to work for

a GOOD company!

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Social media is one of the fastest ways

to build an employer brand!

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For those inside and for those outside!

A good employer brand works both ways:

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but you are not alone!

create your employer brand in social media

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have you heard about “side wiki”?

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nothing is a secret and it takes less than a minute to reach the information

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watch this


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meaning:better work “together” to build

an employer brand in social media

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Encourage your employees to be in the social media : Not only with their personal identities but also with their professional identities.

// : trust

Let them be the ambassadors of your company

This will increase their engagement, their responsibility and their willingness to reflect a better company image.

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Define the rules of the game

// : communicate

Help them use the social media cleverly and efficiently

Show them ways to create employee communities

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Added bonus:

You will feel the pulse of your company instantly

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what else?

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// : training and development share as much as you can online > this is the fastest

way to share information

Use social bookmarking tools to collect links of sites and articles that are relevant to your hiring practices, share these

Develop micro-training programs

Get people blogging internally about their learning experiences

Start a YouTube channel and allow your employees to post videos of their experience

Deliver orientations via Facebook using the Udutu Teach Facebook application

Source: Jennifer McClure > 51 ways to use social media

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Create a feedback culture thru social media

Create an open 360 degree feedback tool that allows the employees in the company to rate and provide feedback on others

Watch the blogs to follow the discussions: this can be a source for ideas and a way of detecting talents

// : performance managementbe transparent and increase the number of voices in

your performance appraisal systems

Source: Jennifer McClure > 51 ways to use social media

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of HR strategy with the company’s overall strategy


finally, a point worth to consider!

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Your HR voice should echo your company’s voice in social media

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people act as a “community”

• of citizens• of professionals• of employees• of women• …..

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this community…

Creates profiles, joins groups, writes blogs

Shares feedback and experience, influences each other’s decisions

Discusses opinions, provides presentations, tools and know-how


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back to the wheel…

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back to the wheel…

Referrals, background checks, job postings, competitor watch, an

interactive website

Blogs, employee communities, reputation management,, monitor


Bookmark articles, train online

Open 360 evaluation tools, create an online

feedback culture Blogs, employee

communities, collect feedback on company


Encourage sharing of information, train

employees on social media

Give info on your C&B approach, underline your

competitive advantage

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back to the wheel…

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social media is a living environment full of opportunities

DARE to be in!

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*a tale of getting connected

remember the asterisk?

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get connected!

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get connected!

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get connected!

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get connected!



E-mail: [email protected]

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thank you!