planning commission staff report - millcreek

3330 South 1300 East Millcreek, UT 84106 801-214-2700 Planning Commission Staff Report Meeting Date: 21 August 2019 Applicant: Mark Snow Property Address: 4277 S 500 E Parcel ID: 2206228006 Request: Preliminary Plat approval of the 2-Lot Subdivision in the R-1-5 zone. The goal of this subdivision is to build two single-family dwellings that can be owner occupied. Zone: R-1-5 Community Council: Millcreek Community Council Prepared By: Erin O’Kelley, Planner SYNOPSIS AND SCOPE OF DECISION Mark Snow is seeking preliminary plat approval for a 2-lot subdivision located at 4277 South 500 E. The applicant has already completed a rezone from R-2-10 to R-1-5 so that the preliminary plat meets City requirements of Title 18 and Title 19 of the Millcreek Code and Ordinances. The Planning Commission shall be the land use authority for subdivisions as per Chapter 18.08 of the Millcreek Code. The applicant is not asking for any for any exceptions with this application and proposal. The parcel for the proposed 2-lot subdivision is zoned R-1-5, as a result of a recent rezone, and is 12,632 sq ft in area. When the applicant approached the City with their proposal there was a single-family house on the South end of the lot which has since been partially demoed and re-built. These alterations were mostly done to the interior of the house. The R-1-5 zone has minimum lot area requirements of 5,000 sq. ft per lot, with a 20-foot front yard setback, 5 foot side yard setback, and 15 foot rear yard setback (if the garage is attached, 20 feet if it is not). There is no road dedication required along 500 E. Staff has reviewed the preliminary plat proposal and recommends that the preliminary plat be approved, followed by an administrative technical review as required by ordinance. File # SD-19-010

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Page 1: Planning Commission Staff Report - Millcreek

3330 South 1300 East Millcreek, UT 84106


Planning Commission Staff Report

Meeting Date: 21 August 2019 Applicant: Mark Snow Property Address: 4277 S 500 E Parcel ID: 2206228006 Request: Preliminary Plat approval of the 2-Lot Subdivision in the R-1-5 zone. The goal of this

subdivision is to build two single-family dwellings that can be owner occupied. Zone: R-1-5 Community Council: Millcreek Community Council Prepared By: Erin O’Kelley, Planner


Mark Snow is seeking preliminary plat approval for a 2-lot subdivision located at 4277 South 500 E. The applicant has already completed a rezone from R-2-10 to R-1-5 so that the preliminary plat meets City requirements of Title 18 and Title 19 of the Millcreek Code and Ordinances. The Planning Commission shall be the land use authority for subdivisions as per Chapter 18.08 of the Millcreek Code. The applicant is not asking for any for any exceptions with this application and proposal. The parcel for the proposed 2-lot subdivision is zoned R-1-5, as a result of a recent rezone, and is 12,632 sq ft in area. When the applicant approached the City with their proposal there was a single-family house on the South end of the lot which has since been partially demoed and re-built. These alterations were mostly done to the interior of the house. The R-1-5 zone has minimum lot area requirements of 5,000 sq. ft per lot, with a 20-foot front yard setback, 5 foot side yard setback, and 15 foot rear yard setback (if the garage is attached, 20 feet if it is not). There is no road dedication required along 500 E. Staff has reviewed the preliminary plat proposal and recommends that the preliminary plat be approved, followed by an administrative technical review as required by ordinance.

File # SD-19-010

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Zoning Map, Aerial Imagery, Street Views, Proposed Plat

Zoning Map

The overall zoning for adjacent properties is R-2-10. Under the R-2-10 zone lots are required to be 65 feet wide along street frontage which the applicant could not meet with the proposed plat. Under the R-1-5 zone the applicants plat meets all requirements to create new lots.

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Aerial Imagery

Google View

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Proposed Plat


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Zone Main Use Area Width Side Setbacks Rear Setback Front Setback

Zone Requirement R-1-5 Single-

Family 5,000 sq ft 25 ft 5 Feet 20 Feet 20 Feet

Proposed R-1-5 Single-

Family 6,908 (Lot 1) 7,229 (Lot 2)

50 (Lot 1) 53 (Lot 2)

5 & 12 (Lot 1) 10 & 10 (Lot 2)

20 (Lot 1) 57 (Lot 2)

20 (Lot 1) 40 (Lot 2)

• Each lot complies with the minimum area and width requirements of the R-1-5 Zone

• Each lot lies in the Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District

• Each lot lies in the Mount Olympus Improvement District

• The proposed subdivision is not located in a designated floodplain area as illustrated in the NFIP Flood Rate Maps

• The proposed subdivision plat has completed a site plan identifying all easements.

• The proposed subdivision plat has completed preliminary requirements that consist of a site

plan, utility plan, and a grading and drainage plan that illustrates storm water runoff and retention.

• Each lot will consist of a single-family dwelling.


A. The preliminary plat, prepared on paper twenty-one inches by thirty inches, shall contain the information specified in this section and comply with the following requirements:

1. Description and Delineation. In a title block located in the lower right-hand corner the following shall appear:

a. The proposed name of the subdivision, which name must be approved by the planning and development services division on behalf of the city;

b. The location of the subdivision, including: 1. Address, 2. Section, township and range;

c. The names and addresses of the owner, the subdivider, if different than the owner, and of the designer of the subdivision;

d. The date of preparation, scale (no less than one inch to equal one hundred feet) and the north point.

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2. Existing Conditions. The plat shall show: a. The location of and dimensions to the nearest bench mark or monument; b. The boundary lines of the proposed subdivision indicated by a solid heavy line and the total

approximate acreage encompassed thereby; c. All property under the control of the subdivider, even though only a portion is being

subdivided. Where the plat submitted covers only a part of the subdivider's tract, a sketch of the prospective street system of the unplatted parts of the subdivider's land shall be submitted, and the street system of the part submitted shall be considered in the light of existing general street plans, other planning commission studies and the County Transportation Improvement Plan;

d. The location, width and names of all existing streets within two hundred feet of the subdivision and of all prior platted streets or other public ways, railroad and utility rights-of-way, parks and other public open spaces, permanent buildings and structures, houses or permanent easements and section and corporation lines, within and adjacent to the tract;

e. The location of all wells, proposed, active and abandoned, and of all reservoirs within the tract and to a distance of at least one hundred feet beyond the tract boundaries;

f. Existing sewers, water mains, culverts or other underground facilities within the tract and to a distance of at least one hundred feet beyond the tract boundaries, indicating pipe sizes, grades, manholes and exact location;

g. Existing ditches, canals, natural drainage channels, and open waterways and proposed realignments;

h. Boundary lines of adjacent tracts of unsubdivided land, showing ownership where possible; i. Contour at vertical intervals of not more than two feet. Highwater levels of all watercourses,

if any, shall be indicated in the same datum for contour elevations; j. Nearest installed fire hydrants on or within five hundred feet of the proposed subdivision.

3. Properties Located in the Foothills and Canyons Overlay Zone. In addition to the preceding, the preliminary plat for subdivision of a property located in the foothills and canyons overlay zone shall show:

a. A graphic depiction of existing slope characteristics of the property, illustrating the following:

1. Areas with slopes less than thirty percent, 2. Areas with slopes thirty to forty percent, 3. Areas with slopes forty to fifty percent, and 4. Areas with slopes greater than fifty percent;

b. Identified natural hazards, including but not limited to, areas potentially subject to avalanche, liquefaction, and/or surface fault rupture;

c. Water courses, natural drainage channels, storm water runoff channels, gullies, stream beds, wetlands, etc.

4. Proposed Subdivision Plan. The subdivision plan shall show: a. The layout of streets, showing location, widths and other dimensions of (designated by

actual or proposed names and numbers) proposed streets, crosswalks, alleys and easements; b. The layout, numbers and typical dimensions of lots, and in areas subject to foothills and

canyons overlay zone provisions, designation of buildable areas on individual lots. c. Parcels of land intended to be dedicated or temporarily reserved for public use or set aside

for use of property owners in the subdivision;

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d. Building setback lines, including showing dimensions where required by the planning commission;

e. Easements for water, sewers, drainage, utility lines and other purposes, if required by the planning commission;

f. Typical street cross sections and grade sheets where required by the planning commission or other interested county divisions on behalf of the city;

g. A tentative plan or method by which the subdivider proposes to handle stormwater drainage for the subdivision.

Staff as found that the “The Heaps Cottages Subdivision” has met all the requirements of Chapter 18.12.010 of Title 18 (Subdivision Requirements) for preliminary plat approval only. Staff finds that the proposed subdivision amendment is in harmony with the Millcreek Township General Plan and character of the surrounding neighborhood. Furthermore, staff finds that the proposed subdivision creates an otherwise vacant area of land and will now become a functioning parcel of land.


While staff finds that the subdivision amendment meet preliminary plat requirements and is in compliance with the City’s development standards, final plat approval will subject to the standards and regulations under Title 18 of the Millcreek Code.


Notice was sent out on August 9th. Staff has not received any inquiries about the subdivision application. During the rezone process the applicant received no complaints from adjacent neighbors and the City Council and Planning Commission both thought the proposed project was compatible with the neighborhood.


As per Chapter 2.56.100 Community Councils; Planning and Zoning, subdivision plats and amendments are not required to be submitted for Community Council recommendation.


Compliance with current building, construction, engineering, fire, health, landscape and safety standards will be verified prior to final approval. All technical review requirements associated with final approval must be met including any public improvements required by Millcreek Engineering.

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Staff as found that the applicants preliminary plat has met all the requirements of Chapter 18.12.010 of Title 18 for preliminary plat approval only.


Staff recommends approval, in the following motions:

A. Preliminary Plat Approval. The Planning Commission grants preliminary plat approval of the 2 lot Subdivision, located at 4277 S 500 E, File Number SD-19-010, subject to the following conditions:

1. The design of the site and building shall comply with all applicable development standards and any site

development standards required by the City Engineer and Fire Marshal.

2. Prior to receiving final plat approval, the applicant shall certify that existing utility services have the capacity to accommodate additional demand induced by the development, or that the services will be upgraded to meet the additional demand.

3. Accessory structures will require separate building permits and staff review for zoning/land use compliance.

4. Any modifications to these approved plans must be approved by the Planning Department, in writing, prior to the changes being implemented in the field.

5. The applicant will comply with all requirements established through the technical review process prior to receiving final plat approval including all necessary bonding and addressing.

6. All applicable zoning, building, health, fire and safety requirements must be met prior to receiving final approval of a building permit.

7. All items of the staff report.


1. Application, Affidavit 2. Preliminary Plat 3. Civil Plans

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