(pneumonia pedia) edjec gordons ongoing thursday 9-4 to 9-5

Nursing History Demographic Information Name of student nurse: Pis-an, Carmela Mae S. Name of Patient: Edjec, Jhon Dave R. Civil status: Single Sex: Male Nationality: Filipino Address: Tandayag, Amlan Negros Oriental Religion: Roman Catholic Date & Time of admission: 09/01/2014 11:32 PM Room and Bed number: Room # 8 Doctor(s) in charge: Dr. Alicia G. Gutierrez Age: 3 years and 9 months old History of Present illness: Started 3 days prior to admission as intermittent high fever associated with cough. General Impression: Received patient sitting in bed with IVF D5NaCl @ right metacarpal vein flowing at 10 gtts/mins; no pain, tenderness and swelling noted in the insertion site. Skin is intact, light brown in color.

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Post on 28-Sep-2015




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Nursing History

Nursing History

Demographic Information

Name of student nurse: Pis-an, Carmela Mae S.

Name of Patient: Edjec, Jhon Dave R.

Civil status: Single

Sex: Male

Nationality: Filipino

Address: Tandayag, Amlan Negros Oriental

Religion: Roman Catholic

Date & Time of admission: 09/01/2014 11:32 PM

Room and Bed number: Room # 8

Doctor(s) in charge: Dr. Alicia G. Gutierrez

Age: 3 years and 9 months oldHistory of Present illness:

Started 3 days prior to admission as intermittent high fever associated with cough.General Impression:

Received patient sitting in bed with IVF D5NaCl @ right metacarpal vein flowing at 10 gtts/mins; no pain, tenderness and swelling noted in the insertion site. Skin is intact, light brown in color.Functional health patterns

Usual Functional PatternsInitial Appraisal

(9/03/2014)On going

(09/04/2014)On Going

I. Health perception Health Management pattern

- The mother verbalizes that the patient easily acquires diseases such cough and fever.

- The patient has complete immunization.

- The patient was hospitalized last December 2013 due to pneumonia.

- The patient has no allergy to foods and drugs.

- The patient is taking vitamins such as tiki-tiki and celin.

- The patient has no problem in taking medications, her mother verbalize that she dont have a hard time letting the patient drink his medications.

- The mother verbalize that every time his son has cough he lets him drinks ambroxol and if he has fever he lets him drink paracetamol.

- The Mother verbalize that every time the patient has cough/fever they bring the child to "mangjihilot" and if he dont feel better he lets him take medications and sometime they visit the barangay health center for check-up.

- The mother had a prenatal care since she knew that she was pregnant in the center in amlan.

- The mother remembers taking vitamins in her pregnancy with the patient.

- The mother verbalize that she had UTI during her pregnancy with the patient, aside from UTI there are no other complications.

II. Nutritional Metabolic Pattern

- The patient has a good appetite, he eats whatever is served. Most of the time he eats rice, fish and vegetables.

- The mother verbalized that he was breastfeeding the patient before for 1 year.

- The patient begun eating when he was 6 months old, his first food was cerelac.

- The patient favorite foods are chicken and noodles.

- The patient seldom go to "fast-food" and restaurants.

- The mother said that they let their kids eat first before the adults eats.

III. Elimination Pattern

A. Bowel

- The patient has no problem in defecating.

- The client defecates mostly 2 times a day, with form feces, with a little odor.

- The patient is toilet trained; he tells his parents/guardians if he has a urge to defecate.

- Most of the time her mother wash him right after he defecate.

B. Bladder

- The child has no problem in urinating

- During daytime the patient signals/tells her parents/guardians if he has the urge to urinate.

- In night time he urinates before going to bed but her mother said that sometimes he bed wets.

C. Skin

- The mother said that she dont have any problem with the patients skin, it's just that he has little scars in his extremities because he keeps on playing.

- The patient skin is intact.

IV. Activity Exercise Pattern

- The patient started rolling when he was 4-5 months old, the mother recalls.

- The mother verbalized that the patient started to walk at the age of 10 months.

-The mother said that the patient loves to with his siblings.

- The mother said that the patient was very playful and cheerful.

- The mother verbalized that the patient can reach things by himself, knows how to grasp and transfer objects from one hand to another.

- The patient can walk, run and jump the mother said.

- The mother still feeds the patient

(II requires assistance or supervision from another person)

- The mother verbalized that she still wash the son every after defecating and that she still bath the patient.

(II requires assistance or supervision from another person)

- The patient brushes his teeth 2 times or sometimes 3 times a day with the help of her mother.

- The patient dont go to school yet, after he wakes up he eats his breakfast then watch television and sometimes plays alone or with their neighbor, then most of the time at 2 in the afternoon he takes a nap until 3-4 then play again or watch television then sleeps at 8 or 9 in the evening her mother said.

- The mother said that the patient watches television most of the time while playing, he loves to watch cartoon network and nickelodeon.

V. Sleep Rest Pattern

- At night the patient sleeps 8 or 9 PM.

- The patient usually takes a nap, he usually sleeps at 2 in the afternoon until 3 or 4 PM.

- The mother said that there is no problem with the patient in terms of sleeping; he just had nightmares every time he over played but it is so seldom the mother said.

- The patient share room with his parents and 2 siblings, they sleep together in the floor with foam.

VI. Cognitive Perceptual pattern

- The patient doesn't have any sensory perception deficit.

- The patient doesn't go to school yet.

- The Patient knows how talk.

- The Patient still dont know the ABC and counting numbers.

VII. Self Perception Self concept Pattern

- The mother said that the patient is so playful, friendly and not that talkative.

- The patient still have tantrums every time he dont get what he wants, the mother said that sometimes they just give him what he wants but most of the time they ignore him or divert his attention to other things.

- The mother said that she can leave the patient to his inlaws every time she goes to San Jose to sell some goods.

-The mother verbalized "gagoul k okay kani akong anak dali ra kaayu matakdan ug naay magsakit sa amoa".

VIII. Role relationship Pattern

- The patient is usually called dave/dodong.

- The main language in their house is visaya.

- The mother verbalized that his son can talk a whole sentence but mostly in visaya.

- The mother also said that the children dont know yet the ABC and how to count but the child can identify some colors.

- The mother also said that his son talks a lot and so playful.

- The patient's playmates are his siblings and the children in their community.

- the mother verbalizes that the patient dont have any imaginary playmates.

- The patient's mother sells dry goods in San Jose and incomes 1000-2000 pesos a month.

- The patient's father was a parking boy somewhere near the lee plaza and he incomes 2000 3000 a month

- If the mother goes to San Jose the Inlaws take good care of the patient and his siblings.

- Patients Mother side biographical data -

*she still have her mother (53) and father (54)

* her parents dont have any illness

* She has 13 siblings and she is the 5th child.

- Patients Father side

* he still have his mother (79) and his father (79)

*his father is hypertensive

* They lived together with his parents in Amlan.

* he has 6 siblings and he is the youngest (38)

* he dont have any illness

- the patient has 3 siblings and he is in the middle, their eldest is named Renso 8 years old and is in grade 2, then him the patient (Dave) 3 years old not yet studying, and lastly their youngest the only girl named mara is 1 years old.

IX. Sexuality sexual functioning pattern

- The patient plays with kids with the same gender and kids with other gender.

- The patient knows that the boy will stand up when urinating.

- The patient is more attach to his mother than his father.

- The patient is still 3 years old, a toddler.

X. Coping stress management pattern

- The patient is still very dependent in his parents.

- The patient can't still make decisions by himself.

- The patient's parents decide on everything for him.

XI. Value Belief Pattern

- The patient is Roman Catholic

- His mother verbalized that they dont go to church every Sunday, but they always pray and that they believe in God.

I. Health perception Health Management pattern

- The mother verbalized that they decided to bring the patient to the hospital because of productive cough and fever.

- Prior to admission patient has intermittent fever with cough for 3 days already.

- The mother verbalized patient has difficulty in breathing most specially when he cough

- The patient uses accessory muscles when he breaths and press his stomach when he coughs, the mother said.

- The father has coughed then the patient's elder brother was infected then the patient said the mother.

- The mother verbalize that the patient was hospitalized last December 2013 with same diagnosis (pneumonia)

- Patient is taking vitamins (tiki-tiki)

- Mother verbalized that every time the patient or any of the family has fever or cough she brings them to a "manghihilot" or in the barangay health center. She also said that she gave OTC drugs to patient he have fever or cough such as ambroxol and paracetamol.



>please admit to respi ward

1:30 AM

> TPR q 4H

> Temperature: 36.6 C

>PR: 139 bpm

>HR: 135 bpm

>RR: 34 bpm

> WT = 13 kg

> Stat CBC of APC, Chest x-ray, AP test today; U/A

> Diet for Age

> Start intravenous fluid with D5NaCl 500ml x 16H

> Cefuroxime 450mg IVTT q 8H ANST

> Hydrocortisone 65mg IVTT immediately the q 6H

> Please nebulize 1 nebule salbutamol q 6H

> Omeprazole 20mg IVTT OD

> Paracetamol 250mg syrup 4ml q 4H prn to T= 38C po



> Hydrocotisone 65mg IVTT immediately the q 6H

> Salbutamol Neb q6H

> Paracetamol 250mg (syrup) 4ml q4H prn T=38C po

> Omeprazole 20mg IVTT OD

> Cefuroxime 450mg IVTT q8H (-) ANST

> buclesonid 1 neb q8H

- IVF D5NaCl

- Vital Signs:

Temperature: 36.6 C

PR: 139 bpm

HR: 135 bpm

RR: 34 bpm

Laboratory result:


WBC = 13.2

NEU = 79.7

LYM = 13.5

RBC = 3.88

HGB = 10.6

HCT = 32.5


Chest PA: haziness on lung bases due to pneumonia


Bilateral Pneumonia

- The doctor ordered CBC, Chest X-ray, U/A, Fecalysis but only CBC and Chest x-ray result are in the chart.

- In our two days stays here in the hospital, the patient is getting better the mother said.

II. Nutritional Metabolic Pattern


WBC = 13.2

NEU = 79.7

LYM = 13.5

- The patient has a good appetite, while I was making an assessment the patient was eating his dinner; he ate rice and vegetables (string beans and potato) and fish.

- The patient was spoon feed by his mother, with the patient very cooperative.

- The mother verbalized that his son eat whatever food she gave even there in the hospital, the patients appetite is still good.

- It takes almost 30 minutes that the mother spoon feed the patient.

- The patient's diet is "DIET FOR AGE".

- The patient is drinking formula milk which is nido 3+; he consumed 5 oz 2-3 times a day.

- Upon assessment the patient has intact, dry and light brown in color skin. No cracks noted on lips but dry in appearance, no dental caries in both upper and lower teeth noted.

- The mother verbalizes no history of allergic reactions to foods and drugs.

III. Elimination Pattern

A. Bowel

- The patient defecated once

- Stool was formed and not so many said the mother

B. Bladder

- The patient has no problem urinating

- He urinates 4-5 times with moderate amount in the CR.

- The mother said that the patient bed wet when he sleeps there in the hospital but when they are in their house the patient seldom bed wet.

C. Skin

- The patient skin intact, warm to touch and good skin turgor.

- Upon assessment the patient has intact, dry and light brown in color skin. Lips are symmetrical, cherry red in color, pale and dry, teeth are clean with no decay, appear white and shiny enamel with smooth surfaces and edges. The tongue is pink color and moist.

- Wound/scar noted at right ankle approximately 25 centavo in size, and a little scar/wound in the left leg about 4-5 inches below the knees.

- WT = 13kg

- The doctor ordered U/A examination but there are no results in the chart.

- No electrolyte test ordered.

IV. Activity Exercise Pattern


Chest PA: haziness on lung bases due to pneumonia

- The patient was playing with his watch; he holds it in his one hand and transfer to another hand during my assessment.

- The patient lies down and sits down by himself without assistance.

- The patient was spoon feed by his mother for about 30 minutes.

(II requires assistance or supervision from another person)

- The patient actions were limited because he was still observing.

- The mother brushes the teeth of his son and washes him after defecating.

(II requires assistance or supervision from another person)

- Upon my assessment the patient breaths without using his accessory muscle, no difficulty breathing and no nasal congestions. Upon auscultation crackles noted at the left posterior lower lobe.

V. Sleep Rest Pattern

- The patient's sleep pattern in the hospital is different, the patient sleep 9-10 PM.

- The mother said that the patient still takes a nap in the afternoon but a little bit shorter than the nap he used to in their house.

- The patient and his mother sleep together in the patient's hospital bed.

- There are 3 patients in the ward including my patient.

- The mother verbalizes that they are still comfortable sleeping there in their ward.

VI. Cognitive Perceptual pattern

- The patient's head and all major organs of the head are in a normal condition and without significant abnormalities. No lesions, scaling, tenderness, and masses noted in the scalp. There is no edema noted in the face.

- No webbing, no extra fold skin noted on each side of the neck.

- The patient can move freely in any directions without any pain.

- Patient have no problem with his hearing manifested by listening to his mother and follow instruction.

- Patient have no problem in his vision manifested by looking/playing with his watch and holding it at one hand then transfer it to another hand, and if the watch falls he picks it up by himself.

- The patient utter the words "mama"

- The mother said that the patient knows how to talk and communicate but during my assessment he was not responding because he was still observing.

- The patient is in the Pre-operative stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development; this theory starts when the child begins to learn to speak at age two and lasts up until the age of seven. During the Pre-operational Stage of cognitive development, Piaget noted that children do not yet understand concrete logic and cannot mentally manipulate information. Childrens increase in playing and pretending takes place in this stage. However, the child still has trouble seeing things from different points of view.

- The patient's cognitive development was met, the patient knows to talked but understand concrete idea yet.

VII. Self Perception Self concept Pattern

- The patient growth and development is early childhood (preschool).

- The patient was playful

- The patient is very observant, he dont talk nor respond to my questions because the mother said the patient was shy.

- The patient cry without tears during my assessment in the respiratory area.

- The patient was so dependent to his mother and dont want his mother to leave him.

- The patient met what is expected of him in his age.

VIII. Role relationship Pattern

- The patient is in Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt in Erikson's stages of psychosocial development; At this stage children develop their first interests. As they gain increased muscular coordination and mobility, toddlers become capable of satisfying some of their own needs. They begin to feed themselves, wash and dress themselves, and use the bathroom.

- The patient met what is expected of him according to Erikson's stage of psychosocial development because the patient was toilet trained, he knows how to walk and run and the things expected to him in his age.- The patient when called doesn't respond because he was still observing. (child in this age is very observant, they are not really talkative but this will change when he already know/feels comfortable with the person)

- The patient's speech is clear and it can be understand by others.

- The patient is restricted to play that much in the hospital because of his IV line so the patient can't run, play hide and seek and balay2 instead he was just playing with his watch, the Avon brochure and his mother's cell phone.

- His mother and his father is the one taking care of him in the hospital.

IX. Sexuality sexual functioning pattern

- The patient is in Phallic Stage in Freuds Stages of Psychosexual Development; Freud believed that during this stage boy develop unconscious sexual desires for their mother. Because of this, he becomes rivals with his father and sees him as competition for the mothers affection. During this time, boys also develop a fear that their father will punish them for these feelings, such as by castrating them.

- The patient's sexuality stage which is the phallic stage by Freud is met; the patient is more attached to his mother than his father.

X. Coping stress management pattern

- Patient is in Level 1 (Pre-Conventional) of lawrence kohlberg's stages of moral development

- The patient is in this stage because the patient already knows that if he do bad things his parents will punish him.

- I can see that the patient is still dependent in his parents; of course he is still a toddler.

- The hospitalization decision and everything is manage/decided by his parents.

XI. Value Belief Pattern

- The patient is in Stage 1 which is "Intuitive-Projective"faith of Fowler's stages of faith.

- The patient is unconscious that every time his parent brings him to church or teach him how to pray he develops that practice within himself.

- The mother said that she just gives up everything to the lord and she is praying for the recovery of his son. She also said that the hospitalization of his son cause them some money but they just pray to the Lord that they can pay the bills, buy some medications and entrust everything to the Lord.

I. Health perception Health Management pattern

- At 07:15 received patient in bed awake and coherent with IVF soluset D50.33NaCl @ 350 ml level flowing @ 10 gtts / min @ right metacarpal vein, no swelling and tenderness noted in insertion site.

- Vital signs taken 07:15 AM

T- 36.4CRR- 24 cpmHR- 94 bpm- Vital signs taken at 12:00 NN

T 36.6 CRR 26 cpmHR- 114 bpm- At 7:15 AM 350 ml level of D50.33NaCl running at 10 gtts/min (KVO)

- Infusing well, no tenderness and swelling noted at insertion site.

- The father verbalize that his son is feeling better already.

- The patient is not coughing that much already.

- The patient is not in mood and keeps on crying the whole morning.

- The patient was able to ambulate.

- The patient and his father roam around the hallway, the child was walking together with his father.

- The patient is not using accessory muscle in breathing.

- The patient was crying the whole time during the nebulization.

- Play therapy was introduced but the patient had tantrums.


> Hydrocotisone 65mg IVTT immediately the q 6H

> Salbutamol Neb q6H

> Paracetamol 250mg (syrup) 4ml q4H prn T=38C po

> Omeprazole 20mg IVTT OD

> Cefuroxime 450mg IVTT q8H (-) ANST

> buclesonid 1 neb q8H

> IVF D50.33NaCl

- No other medication ordered.

- No other laboratory exams ordered.

II. Nutritional Metabolic Pattern

- Diet for age

- The patient did not eat that much today because he wanted his mother to feed him.

- He consumed 1 magic flakes.

- He consumed of his share for lunch.

- He ate biscuits and drink water for breakfast.

- He ate fish with soup for lunch and drinks water.

- Father verbalize that the patient consumed almost 3 glasses of water.

- The patient did not drink milk or any other liquid aside from water

- The patient still have intact skin and light brown in color.

- lips are dry in appearance, no dental caries noted.

- No other laboratory ordered.

III. Elimination Pattern


- Mother verbalized that the patient dont have any problems defecating.

- The patient hasn't defecated yet from 7AM 12NN

B. Bladder

- The patient doesn't have any problem in urinating.

- The patient urinates twice from 7 AM 12NN

- The father verbalize that the patient urinates almost 2 glass of water.

- The patient did not bed wet.

C. Skin

- The patient still have intact skin and light brown in color.

- Lips are symmetrical, pale red in color and not so dry in appearance, no dental caries noted. The tongue is pink in color.

- No U/A ordered

- No electrolyte test ordered

IV. Activity Exercise Pattern

- The patient wakes up early at around 6 the father verbalized.

- The patient was crying/not in mood the whole time of my duty, he keeps on looking to his mother.

- The patient ambulate, he walks, sits and lie down today.

- The patient was spoon feed by his father

(II requires assistance or supervision from another person)

- The patient was irritated and have tantrums today.

- There is no difficulty in breathing, no nasal congestions and the patient breath without using accessory muscle upon assessment.

- The patient did not brush his teeth yet from 7AM-12NN

- Upon assessment patient is not using his accessory muscles in breathing, the patient rarely coughs, no nasal congestion, a little crackles noted in left posterior lobe upon auscultation.

V. Sleep Rest Pattern

- The patient sleep at around 9 PM

- He woke up at around 6 AM

- From 7AM 12NN the patient did not sleep, he was so busy roaming around.

- The patient sleeps with his mother.

- The patient had a straight sleep verbalized by the father.

- There are 3 patients in the ward including the patient.

- The father verbalized that the patient sleep well.VI. Cognitive Perceptual pattern

- There is no edema noted in the face

- There is no tenderness or swelling noted in the head.

- No webbing, no extra fold skin noted on each side of the neck

- The patient can move freely in any directions without any pain- There is no lesions, masses, scaling and tenderness noted in the scalp.

- There is no pain when moving as manifested by no facial grimace.

- Patient have no problem in his vision manifested by playing with his small car and holding it at one hand then transfer it to another hand and by walking properly and identifying his mother.- I introduce play therapy to the patient but the patient did not cooperate because he had tantrums.

- The patient utters words mama papa where mama i want to eatVII. Self Perception Self concept Pattern

- The patient was not in the mood today.

- He kept on crying the whole duty time, he keeps on asking where his mother.

- The patient was bored in the room, keeps on roaming around.

- The patient dependent to his mother

- The father verbalized that every time he is the one watching/taking care of the patient he finds his mother but every time his mother is watching/taking care of him he finds his father.

VIII. Role relationship Pattern

- The patient dont talked that much but instead he cries a lot.

- The patient was so attach to her mother; he keeps on looking for her.

- The patient's grandmother visits and still he keeps on crying because he wants his mother.

- He cries every time the nurse or I go to his ward.

- His father verbalized that he is scared of the injection.

- The patient when called by his father/grandmother he response.

- The patient dont to other people other than his father during my duty.- The patient is also attached to his father and grandmother but the father said that the patient is more attach to his mother.

- The patient was coloring the drawing that i gave and was happy for a minute or two then he cries again and finds his mother.

IX. Sexuality sexual functioning pattern

- The patient was so close to his mother.

- The patient's father was the one who take care of him but the child cry and want his mother to be with him.

- Indeed the patient was in phallic stage, he likes to be with his mother than to be with his father.

X. Coping stress management pattern

- The patient did not participate in the play therapy today but every time Im out of the ward the patient color the coloring book.

- Patient had tantrums, no matter what we gave him or divert his attention he still cries and find his mother

XI. Value Belief Pattern

- The grandmother verbalizes that she keep on praying that his grandson will be okay and can go home because the patient has 1 year old children so the parents have to manage their time.

- The father verbalized that they are a roman catholic and they believe in God but not every Sunday they go to the church.

I. Health perception Health Management pattern

- At 07:20 received patient in bed sitting awake and coherent with IVF soluset d50.33NaCl @ 30 ml level flowing @ 10 gtts/min @ right metacarpal veins, no swelling and tenderness noted in insertion site.

- Vital signs taken 07:20

T - 35.7 C

RR- 23 cpm

HR - 105 bpm

- Vital signs taken 11:45 AM

T - 35.9

RR - 25 cpm

HR - 107 bpm

- The mother verbalized that the patient is feeling better and that maybe they can go home today.

- The patient rarely coughs and no nasal congestion noted,

- The patient is playing and interacting with his mother.

- He still have his tantrums every time a nurse or I go to his ward and check on him.

- The patient was able to ambulate, he walks inside the ward or outside in the lobby.

- The patient is not using his accessory muscles when breathing.

- Play therapy was introduced to him, he participated in just a span of 2 minutes then he started crying again and dont want to participate anymore.


> Hydrocotisone 65mg IVTT immediately the q 6H

> Salbutamol Neb q6H

> Paracetamol 250mg (syrup) 4ml q4H prn T=38C po

> Omeprazole 20mg IVTT OD

> Cefuroxime 450mg IVTT q8H (-) ANST

> buclesonid 1 neb q8H

> IVF D50.33NaCl

- Due nebulation (salbutamol) was given at 12NN

- No new medications ordered

- No new laboratory exams ordered.

II. Nutritional Metabolic Pattern

- Diet for age

- Patient ate biscuits and drinks water.

- Patient ate rice and fish for breakfast and drinks water.

- Patient ate rice and fish with soup for lunch and drinks water.

- Mother verbalized that the patient drinks water approximately 4-5 glasses.

- The patient drink 5oz of milk the mother verbalized.

- The patient still have intact skin and light brown in color.

- The patients lips is not that dry anymore, no dental carries noted.

- No new laboratory exams ordered.

III. Elimination Pattern


- Mother verbalized that the patient dont have any problems defecating.

- The patient did not defecate from 7AM - 12 NN

- The mother verbalized that the patient defecated 09/04 (Thursday) afternoon at around 3 PM

B. Bladder

- The patient doesnt have any problem in urinating.

- Patient drinks approximately 3-4 glasses of water today the mother verbalized.

- The patient urinated 3-4 times with approximately 180 ml mother verbalized.

C. Skin

- The patient still have intact skin and light brown in color.

- Lips are symmetrical, pale red in color and not so dry in appearance, no dental caries noted. The tongue is pink in color.

- No U/A ordered

- No electrolytes test ordered

IV. Activity Exercise Pattern

- The patient woke up at around 6:45 AM the mother verbalized.

- The patient was a little bit calm today.

- The patient only cries every time a nurse or I check on him said the mother.

- The patient was spoon feed by his mother

(II requires assistance or supervision from another person)

- The patient cried when i check his vital signs but was told by his mother to stop he then slowly stops.

- There is no difficulty in breathing, no nasal congestion and the patient breaths without using his accessory muscle upon assessment.

- The mother brushes the teeth of the patient(II requires assistance or supervision from another person)

- The mother verbalized that the patient participated in brushing his teeth.

- The patient rarely coughs and no nasal congestion noted.

V. Sleep Rest Pattern

- The patient sleep at around 5PM and he woke up at around 7PM and sleeps back at around 10 PM

- The patient take a nap at around 10 AM and woke up at around 11 AM.

- I took his vital signs at 11:45AM

- The patients mother sleep with him, they share bed.

- There are already 5 patients in the ward, the mother verbalized that her kid some times woke up and just cry and sleep because the other child in the ward are noisy/crying.

VI. Cognitive Perceptual pattern

- Upon assessment there is no edema noted in the fare, no tenderness and swelling noted in the head, no webbing, no extra fold skin noted in each side of the neck.

- The patient can move freely without any pain as manifested by no facial grimace.

- Patient have no problem in his vision manifested by coloring the mickey mouse coloring book correctly and by identifying/seeing me go near him.

- The patient did not participate in the play therapy which is the blowing of the cotton balls instead he cried and cried but it is okay because crying is also good because the patients lung can expand.

- The patient talks to her mother in bisaya.

- The time I got the patients vital signs the patient utters the word no and stop mama i dont like in bisaya.

VII. Self Perception Self concept Pattern

- The patient was calm today.

- When i enter the ward he was not crying hard just like yesterday because he was with his mother.

- He only cries every time i touch him during assessment or go near him because he was scared that i might inject him. His mother said that every time a nurse check on him he cries because he thought that we might hurt him (like injecting him).

- The patient is more comfortable to with his mother, he dont always cry like what he did yesterday.

VIII. Role relationship Pattern

- The patient is more comfortable that his mother is the one watching/taking care of him today, he dont have that tantrums that he had yesterday.

- The patient dont want his mother to leave even his mother just go to the CR and pee he cried as if his mother is not coming back.

- He cries every time I go near him or others go near him.

- His mother said that the patient is not shy in their community not like what his doing in the hospital, he is scared every time someone go near his bead.

- Upon assessment I can observe that the patient was so attach and more comfortable with his mother in the hospital.

- The patient is playing, walking inside the ward and outside the ward.

- The patient talks bisaya always to his mother and so as his mother to him.

- The mother verbalized that the patient is not crying always today because the patient was scared to her because he scold or spank him every time the patient did not obey, not like his father which is not that strict.

- The mother verbalized that his son was scared to her than her father in their house because she is more strict.

- The patient dont play or talk with the other kids in the ward.

IX. Sexuality sexual functioning pattern

- The patients mother was the one watching the patient today.

- The Patient was more comfortable with his mother.

- The patient has a strong bond with his mother.

- I told the mother that he and his child was inseparable then her mother responded that only in the hospital because in their house he can leave him with the grandparents and will not cry.

- The patient is not thumb sucking

- The patient urinates the way a boy should urinate the mother said.

X. Coping stress management pattern

- The patient participated in the play therapy for just a short time then he cried.

- Every time the patient cries there in the hospital even if his father is the one watching over him he always utter the words mama

- The child is still so dependent on his parents.

- The patient cant express/explain what he feels in words yet, he just cry if his in pain and just smiles or laughs every time his happy.

XI. Value Belief Pattern

- The mother said that even though his son was sick and was hospitalized his beliefs and trust in God was not lessen instead it became strong.

- The mother verbalized that he was thankful to the Lord because she can see that her son was getting better each day.

- The mother said that she hopes and pray that anytime today or tomorrow we can already go home.