pointe'. first newspaper -...

a D With Cold PHONE VA 2-1162 Police Look Fo, "Mumbles" Find Cook J. Watkins I Thl' Farms Adnlllllstratlon, BUbo I Ject to contlllued controversy duro. I lIlg the past year, appears to have a senous fIght on It s handb U1 I the commg sprmg electlOn. James K Watkms who Will be I seekmg hiS Sixth one-year term 1 as preSldl'nt WIll be oppo!sed by Jack R. Sutton, Jr, former Farmll Trostel'S and Pollce and Fire CommiSSioner. °Ex-Trustee I :OuttoOust a i M-O-R-E LOCAL AOVERT!S! NC LOCAL CIRCULATION LOCAL NEWSMATTER S('r\,c" Irrl'l<Ulantle. !.Ial ~ RemMIt'd by Calling The Re,,,ew - \. A 2-1162 or YA. 2-4558 THAXK YOt; L. ~v~l'-= L CAT O\, 0'" ~Cv' a:c~ BY CARRIER 100 A MONTH MEET POINTE'S PETER RABBIT Grolle Pointe'. FIRST Newspaper CIRCULATION PAID MONTHLY GROSSE POINTE 30, MICHIGAN - THURSDAY, JANUARY 29 1948 OMPlETE the REVIEW GiVeI AUU 1 ge of ALL Homes Pointe & Gratiot Twp,,- I~f. TE X-Ray Unit The Time, The Place, flParkReportf ,*JIGRAPHSA ;:;""II.-n:,,:~~'7J" B"k. t Trombley For Your Chest X-Ray I Finds "47" ...... ::took fifth prIZe of $1 0 n Fb1 0 In the lI11lhlgan Vita I e ° GROSSE POINTE PARK I B Y rontesl spon50red bv I February 10, 11 -Trombley School 1 00 mea r "ers and shippers of I l.rosse Pomte S extensive fight 820 Beaconsfil'ld 1-5 and 6.8 dO pm. Bean CouncIl. I agamst tubprLuloslS II III bp aelel- February 12, 13 -Mumclpal Bulldmg 1-5 and 6.8 30 pm. I miscellaneous bean praled Tuesday, Feb 10, v.hen February 14 -15115 E Jefferson 9-12 and 1-5 00 pm. "All Park mumclpal depart- ected flOm thousands the X.ray Mobile UllIt arnves at February 16, 17, 18-Defer School I ments haw. operated wlthm theIr ved from aU sec. Trombley School for a t"o-da)' 111425Kercheval 1.5 and 6-8 30 pm. 1947 bUdget allotments and WIll cel stay. February 19, 20 -St Clare SchOOl 1-5 and 6.8'30 pm, contmue to do so, unless some Igan. It marks the bf'gmnmg of a five. Mack &: WhlthH 1.5 and 6.8.30 pm. unforseen emergency arlsps" \\ eek period In "hlch free X-ray GROSSE POIN'TE CITY Thp statem~nt was tlle out- Bowkr Andy Vari- I service IIIII be made available to February 24, 25 -Mulllclpal BUlldmg : standmg remark made by Village w hiS trick shot ex- all Gro,!,se POinte commUnities The 17150 Maumee 1.5 and 6.8 30 pm. ,Manager Everitt B Lane III hl~ the Grosse Pomte I length of the Unit's stay m each February 26, 27 -l"elghborhood Club Iannual report to the Park CounCil on Sunday February commulllty was determmed by 17145 Waterloo 1-5 and 6-8.30 pm. i Monday evening Hp Will also partlcl- popUlatIOn. February 28 -Jacobson's I He said that the calpndar vear bltton match games FIRST FOE "',. I KEEPS ROLLIXG St. Clalr&Kercheval 9-12 and 1-500 pm. of 1947 closed WIth a total bUdget I ' Sutton's bid tor office marlal . lis bit to help the Dr T. S DaVies, health com- GROSSE POINTE FARMS balance of $194463. : the tlrst time Watkins' h&8 had .. DImes" campaign ml miSSioner of Grosse Pointe Town- March 2, 3 -Richard School )IORE Bl'ILDIl"G any OPPOSition Since he took at. Gluo IS Robert Fox son l,shlP announced that tile Unit 1"111 176 :M:cKlIliey 1-;) tlollU 6-0 30 1".... "We have received $10,393 In I flCe 111 1943, Clare~ce L Fox or 67 remam 111Grosse POinte Park for March 4, -MUniCipal BUlldlllg 1-5 and 6-8 30 pm. excess revenues over our bUdget II 1 The poSSlblhty of a third party , ten days The survey \\ III then March 5 -Pumplllg Station tIOIod He IS one of ~wo move to Grosse Pomte City on Chalfonte Ir: Kerby 1 5 and 6-8 30 pm. estlmate &8 of January 1, and at' entering tlle race appeared when II@lIIiIllefl'esentJn~ D;,Ill~on till-I February 25 for a penod of five March 6 9.12 and 1-5 00 pm. I the close of the Fiscal )-ear on I Sutton declared he 1s not afflli~ .,. .. Gransvill e March of I days. On March 2 tlle mobile GROSSE POINTE SHORES I March 31 we hope to recelvt" from ated With any of the pol1ticl,) ". drlYe. I tr~ller Will be located In Grosse March 9 -Mulllcipal Building state.shared taxes approxlm&tely groups that have been cnbcwnc Pomte Farms. also for five days 795 Lake Shore 1-5 and 6.8 30 pm. 1$45000" I the present adnullIstration. lit Rickert of 1540 Holly- ,movlIlg to Grosse POinte Shores GROSSE POlXTE \\ooDS I He also notl'd thl' accelerated Peter Rabblt, exclusive member of Pointe's ammals set It IS likely tilat these bodlllll II roIIId, has abandoned asplra- 'for a one-day VISit and concludmg March 10, ll-Mason School 1-5 and 6.8.30 pm. ilncrease~ III bUlldmg actIvity dur- is h llttl "f f " th hi te Dee D I ft may announce a candidate M. II _ becomJn~ a dlsc-Jockev. i III Grossp POinte Woods Where Mar ..h 12 -Kal~pr-Frazer Show Room Img 1947 when tlle vlll~e issued avmg a e un are W1 s mas r yer, e , fore Saturday, Jan. 31, deadhrMt priaelpal endeavor now IS be-! It 1\III remain for four days be- 20139 Mack 1-5 and 6 8 30 ,106 permIts, valuaLion at il,123,- whtie Paul Motshall, center, and Dee's brother Charley lor ilhng-. "'Girl Friday" to pUblicist I' gmnmg March 10 March 13 -VIllage Hall - pm. 1655• compared to 37 permits, valu- ,look on. Sutton, who 11 an in$UJ'&Jlee t CaIman, of WXYZ The complete schedule, WIth 10- Mack at AnIta atlon at $267,685 III 1946. I ••• execuhve. lll!rved as Trustee fmlll _ 9-12 and 1-5,00 p,m. 193' cation, dates, and hours, appears L- ...J Lane stated that tlle mcrease '" until he retired in 194,5. IDOD&' the soldiers III traming below hpre llwas due to the removal of ngldlPRIDE OF NEIGHBORHOOD Dunng this penod he also aetecl become aVIation engmers at "Any adult Hi years of age and I F P I governmental controls last July. &II Pollce and P'tre Commull!llonei,. ::lI'rancl-. Wyommg IS Donald over. may partiCipate m thiS free I arms 0 .e ce to Ret.ere An lIlcrease III tlle Police De-I T 1. .1 R ' n R bb. He had no comment to make keulich, lIOn of Mr and Mrs chest.X-ray survey which IS being partment'll actiVIties was also Uncle emus .r'eter a It regarding his bid for president rp W' ...... 144.7 Ileacu:;:; brnnght hprp hy 011,. own Health recorded With tlle department other than that his friends urged L Department III cooperation Witil L. t W -II- MR. handling more felolllous com- h 0 L 1 u bim to return to publlc oftlce. t'l*e Nnt~ High School'S ~~~~~~~~ltllH~~~y~~~~ .eu. • .am . Ice ~:=~S~IO~:::eanors and ord1- Has Not lng n oca nare Su~to:~=e ~ :~=~o~~ IkJUr boy is none other than ment:' Dr Dallies adVIsed. Lane said that III 1947 more ar- 1930 He lives on 175 1>{errl. lUebert. He was voted the ThiS local survey IS part of the Afte: more than a quarter of a the appointment of Cluef \Valter rests were made and conVictions Believe It or not folks, but in I some day 1f they see Dee and weather road with lull wif anlS )r' by" semors ,'ear.round mass X.ray case flnd- centur~ of service. Lieutenant I R Hovt on October 21, 1946, Lleu- I Grosse POinte llves a real live I Chuck leave for school With Peter t children. e _____________ ~ng program \\ hl~h IS conducted I William M Rice Will retire from tenant Rice was promoted to IDS and ca~E'S werl' cleared than In Peter Rabbit that" ould make old carrymg their books. WO by Ute \\ayne Lounty Health ve_ltte F ..rn,.s T'u!,c", un March 1. Ipre>enL rdJlk II any prE'vlous ) ear. Il:!'cle ReIDW! !!h.nri 111" And take I And Peter belliit' of Grosse I PRIMARV T.nnr.T,y ~ partment and the TB and Health The Farms CounCil approved I Among the many excIting The report, which recPIYE'd the I notice. IPOinte vllltage rates high among I Village Clerk Bar Furt Jtw b ~ SocIety In tile past four months the veteran officer s request for event.! m Ius hfe on the Force unammous approval of the coun-\ "".1' have IIeference to the snow- the best dressed In the animal set d th t f ry th on aztoo m tr! over 30 000 adults In Highland retirement at a meetmg Monday I a few are standmg out In hiS cil. indIcated that durmg the past v. hlte bundle of playful antics that I Particularly becomIng to Iu.m are no~c; t : 1 more f:: t:;:: Park, Garden CIty, Nakm Town- nIght. memones There was the time year four sewer projects w~re IS the bosom-buddy of Dee and the "new look" styles. HlI fash- :n:una es !tor;ny one 0 ce - __ ~~~!!!!!!!!li!!!!~!!!!!!!=414~ ship Plymoutil Melt mdale and His successor Will emerge out of, in 1922 when he led a number of fmlshed With two more neann g , Charley Dyers of 1324, Bedford Ilonable wardrobe mcludes a. Ilpark- P &rJ e k on wtlI be held OD It 'FE AlIe~ Park hQv~ taken adv~tage a competatlve exallllnatlOn among I officers to a barn m St ClaIr completion. at a total cost to date road. I1ng red turtle-neck sweater that Feb. 9. it' not the f'mal electlo!s ~ ARS AGO of thiS free service, sergeants and police officers who II Shores Where they tracked down of $201,013. Tame as a httle girl's kitten creates a mild sensation \\-hen wl11 be held on March 8. .. old standbl. pitcher, have been on the force for ten a thief tilat they had been looking . but &8 mischievous as Penrod and lever he ll! seen weanng It III the According to Furton all present t1Ie GIaae Pomte Villagers to nlPORTAXT DRI\ E I SAFE S\\ DOlr.\lG Sam Peter RabbIt keeps tile VIllage shoppmg dultnct He IS the incumbent have filed for re-e1ee- to 1 ..-... G P t " vears or more. I for tor some time and arrested Th" II M td ' . ........ ry oyer rosse om 1'1 This IS one of tlle most Import- I' ,I age anager repor e youngsters mterestedly engaged envy of all the pets III the nelgh- tion: They are George L. Schlaep. It. Iant steps 1'\ pr takpn for tlle con- Lt. R~ce Jomed tile force of I !Urn. In a hay loft_ that plans are now bemg pre-I looking after him. horhoad fer, Richard L. Maxon and Neal ad C'Namer Donella Stubbs, trol of tuberculOSIS III Grosse I GroSSE' - Olnte Farms on January I LleutenBJIt Rice lives on Maple- pared for summer actiVitIes at tlle I Peter thmks nothmg of chev,'mg Recently Peter placed the peace- F. McEaclun, Trostel"; Furton,. netta Da\'ls Grace Andorson Pomte" said Dr Da\les 21, 1,:21, as a furlough rl'llpf of- ton road With Mrs Rice They Park. Includmg the installation of IDee s new shirt, climbing up five- ful neIghborhood In a turmoil by Clerk; Alonzo. J. O'Connor. peted for honors m th(' distrIct "At the present 78 tuberculOSIS I flcer and took up tlle duties of ! have two daughters. one son, and a chlonnatlng S) stem for safe ~'ear-old Charley s shoulder or gOing on a \ escapade that \lIould Treasurer; Rus.sell A. Labad1e, A&o liRg 1Iee Ileld at Defpr School cases are known to the Grosse rl'gular Patrolman on June 15" SlX ~andch;ldren_ HIS son served sWimming In the pool. a new com- teasmg the neighbor S bull dog have me.de hiS story book coun- sesser. Pomtp health autllontles It IS 1 1 1921 This makes hIm the oldest In \'\ arId \\ ar II and nflW holds fort station in thp gro\'e and other I The latter he does only when Wltll terpart appear u a rank amateur The only one fa.cing oPpoSltloD 16 n -\RS AGO ~natural to assume that there are mpmber of the Department from the rank of Lieutenant In the necessary park Improvl"ments m tlle protectIOn of hiS httle den~ adventurer. in the aforesaid group to-date 1.1 Dl. Fred ~! AIgi'r, Grosse many unknoll n ca.~es The only Ia sen-Ice l'lpwpomt I Arm~ Air Corp~ Reserve I He saId that skatmg nnks at i The rabbit was given to Dee b)' Peter s disappearance II as re- 0 Connor He Will be opposed for lte eapitahst and pohtlcal IIay to tind thesp unknOlI n cases I On June 21. 1937, he was ap- I At 66 Lieutenant Rice IS look- the Park, Three ~llle DrIVe and hiS parl'nts on hiS seventh blrth- ported to the pohce NeIghbors treasurer by FranCIS J. Hock.. ler, had to undergo an opPra.- IS to X-ray apparently healthy I pomted sergeant, whl'n on ~Iay lIlg forward to a well-earned rest 1CharlevOIX Defer and Trombley day. Chnstmas Day 1946 Since Jomed "Ith la", enforcement bod- TlHrIday m which he lost hiS people" 20 1946. tile then Actmg ChIef He and Mrs Rice, who has not Schools have been and v.,11 be then Peter has sqUIrmed hiS way Ile5 In a township-wide search for 1e( 1IeloY." the knee "We hope tllat even. adult m Eugene A. Bolo retIred, Lleute. I heen well for some tIme. arl' I m a I n tal n I' d for neIghborhood Imto the hearts of ,,,rtualIy all tlle I the four-!o'gged wanderer. ~ ~1l.:' Vllla~s of <;:rosse, ~e c?mmu~:ty II III I\ant to par- nant Rice assumed that POSition I planmng to move to the country group dunng the Innter neighborhood Peter s lhng ended after a three- I ne __ I.>ro~se rUlnl.. !"" n- CIUPdlt' Ul CHI" program LO con- Howpver, ne was lOOKing Iorwara where tlley hope to enJoy many Lane s report also reveal~d that t He constantly pals l\ltil the chll-I day sojourn about tlle Pomte when j ~IIllw 1teen allotted $70000 !or l l trol tuberculo'l1s; Dr DaVIes said to an earl~ rctlrement L'Ic~, an11 'Y'ore happy years togeth~r The desp,tl' 1947 bpmg a rEcord ,ear rlrpn and while they are away at he was picked up by Park Pohce " OWA .program About /00 1 ------- I he did not WIsh to accept further I best \\'lshes of aU their fnends 0/ travel traffic aCCidents In' thE' IDefer School, he pushes tile clock I and held for questlOmng Though lt~ed for work The proJ- , f I responSibilities. At the tIme of Will follow them there. Vllla"e decreased Last ) ear 68 I around until they return Xelgh- Peter did not have any comments ~ II estarted on Monday. New 0 fl"ce s ------------------------------1 . d th f bors 1\111 not be too-surpnsed to make, he made such an Irnpres- .~ I r persons Ilere Injure WI no a-I lslon "-Ith tile pohce that they "'~ft:N '\'EARS 4..GO I i\.T IT.:11 B~ d tahtlPs as compared W1th 1946 v.anted to adopt hun &8 o1flclal JlltlChell presldpnt of Im- PI W d 1 Jeurollc L7.00UIUms ame \\hen 86 l\ere Injured and 4 killed P k police mascot. "CIIaners at Mack and Xot. an 00 s . I (ContmuPd on Palre 2) ar rlmary Ho\\ever\~hentileylearnedtllatl When ~115S Vlrgtma neVO)', of ks 1u~t returnpd from fi. - 1 Peter 1\as the pnze possessIOn of 512 \Vashlngton road called her Cleaners and Dvers i or r:'., .. DCO at Countrll,\! 11It'\! II K b BliP k I Off F" h IDee and Charley he v;as returned horne last week, she was some- , whIch was recentl) Development r~, ~J ./ LJw../ er Y a ar ntsc In Ito hiS Bedford den what startled to hear a strange ~"I I I Placed On Sale' I And tllus thIS story of Peter mumbling \,Olce answer tlle phon". made a stud\" of the 1 I.' A P °d I RabbIt ends I>ltll Ppter back With II Her arutletv and suspicion ,,&II I :'0: ell h ('Iectl'd offlc~rs of Gro<S(' Farm~ Police are seekmg" tlle After plhng up book. and paper The Farms ball park at KerbI' t th D bo th t f d h' th most modern methods' . I S re SI en I e )'er )-s III I' pursul 0 IIlcrease w en e person was 1 h I Pomtl' \\ ood~ Plannlllg' Commls- culprlt~ who attempted to set fire and setting fire to tllem tilp\, road and Chalfont" IS for sa e h d t d bl t d tf h If d c othe. t at hiS \'ast I G D I Th C I d VI appmess a ven ure an an OC- una eo: en I y Imse an , .-... SlCn Inll prrsld(' at the ne",t mel't- to ro~~e Pomte Countrv ay Ifled LuckIly hOI\ever, both fires I p ounCI approw' the 1- IcaslOnal carr t 1&1 t hth was d -t -="'th,te kClientIle might be d - In!!: schedulpd for ~Ionda\. F"b 9 Schoo! Gros~e Pomte Blvd, near I died bpfore anI' senous damage Ila!:"e's Zomnlr Commllt('e ~ rE'com- Grosse Pomte Park ",11 not', 0 :1 e~-p tiI n ciu~ wad I' omg .:::: Tre 'nol\l('dg-l' acqUlrp 1 Th(' oftlc('r~ are ',"aid H l"lsher Road. at the hrlght of the Iwas done. ImendatlOn that thl' tIme IS ap- ha .. e a Drlmary electlOn tll.s year "'0 T'''I "'0 ORDI"'lc .... ('E aM I' De\.oy reSl l1 edncCe. t . PI _ padl"p\l of Gro<se I -, .~ .... -~ ••~.~.~ I. ISS I' OV ca I" I" 0 Ice de ... o!'rn a omt"d cha c 1r. ~lcKmght nrr'\ldent 822 Haw. snol' storm lale Saturda\' nIght 1 Sgt LabadlP hehe .. p~ that a nropnatl' to tahe bIds for the One l'lectlOn WIll bp held Marc'h 8 "lth no taxi cab compan .. l'l who found that the m\:stenous 1 ., «l.oP('raL~~ for sopho-, thornp Chalrlllan :'olax Luc(' "ICP- Jame~ '"' alp~. school caretaker, group of neurotIc hoodlums are lsalp of th,o prop" rt I. to bUildprs to pll'ct a preSident and thr!!e eXistence 'n the Farm.," the VOICPbelonged to tlle fam"lly cook. 't'l cia.- at L" of ",1 1cha rman and R A St John sec- reportpd to poh ..e that on Slmda\ responSiblE' for the attempted fIre Thl' ("1uncll announc('d that a commISSioners counCIl droopE'd the matter of a 'Suffenng from a bad cold. he 1 r('-tary ~... AU',., \.. ~~ .... ,..1 .... "' ..... 1..... ~ ........ ,..., th ... :"""'.0'-"" Q:',..},n"t u"h'l""h 1C Qlt .. '11i""'''''' ih~nH"'I1"'I.... ~nrf ~ 1ArP'PT rf"('r~A- A~ E:'XC'1UC::IVt"Ho r~porr..{ld In thll? ~ .... 0.:... V&\,4Uul.u\.,.e .Vl. WIt. \ ... ~ IlUldoVJC ~tJ ~t"Cc..A A~"'C; ~ '\ F,-\R'" ACoO I Th" commlO.lOn m('l'ts I'IE'n' paper pllpd up mto "tacks In t\\O tended by hundreds of Grosse Lon -It. \\,11 b.' rpadl for u~e b.. Rp\,,,\\ thrl'e I\el'ks a!t'0 Com- bemg \\hISDl'r tra. F.5. "'\, IIson 1136 Beacons .. .c;e('ond ~n\l ["UI u. :..tolll..:a, Hf tt;'" t, ,..1Q~C "",",r.n"'~ B ..... t'h ct~,....l.rc \l (>"'f' "Pl"'l1nf,:lo ~rh 11('xt SOrln2' lC'f'.Rtpd 0'1 Kt'rb"\ mlSc;tnnf'r H(1m~r C Fnt~ch \\,11 ~ .... &sh~d Park Poll( e to month III thl' n1ull\c,pal b'l ld''li' 'hlt-rl'd wlth partll burnt naper Hl' f('el. that the ~roup I~ the road b"t\1 epn Chalfnntp and )'lack ~ucceed HOI\ ard P. Parshall as p watdl around the 'ICtOn A member of tht> commls~lon I and ashe, c;ame one that pulled the fIre hose 1-----------.------ I11ll4:"" pr.'s,dl'nt % liens l1li Harcourt road bl'clluSE' announc('d that th"v mt"nd to I'n- I In rpcountmg- thp attl'mpted ar. out of an l'mergencv box near I IN'" ROS E MAR IE" I HI' IS thl' onl~ candidate for tile .1 Y C' B , uanta at'l' dl'~lro~mlr her to.1courRKe m ('I.('r~ ~-al' the b\l\ld- "On, Dt Sgt Elmer I...abadll' Of; Grosse POll1te HlghS~hOOl on the offiCI' 111 the ~Iarch l'lpctlOn \\hlch our arrler oy s .<>es, aDd .hl' on("n t I,kl' a bIt mg" ur of "Iach A\enul' m accord- 1Farnls Pohcp .tated that the pN- samp ml'(ht and spra",led It along marh- ~fr Par.hall s ret\reml'nt our girls )I\'mg In Grosse 1an ..1' \\ lth thl' ordl'1ancp. of th(' I~ons re~ponslble entl'rpd thl' ~ChOOIIthll street. I from pUblic offIce ': Nell . f h nte were "'-oM In last II.('('k. 1,lIagr to thl' I'nd that th(' g'rO\\ th hI' brpakmg ll. wmdow near the Thl' pollee are contmulng their , lnt"rrst ho\\ PI rr \nll bp hli:"h : 0 woe ctin g 0 rte members of thp Wavl'o The of th" hll'\T1e." .('ctlOn "hall b(' mllm entrance ImvestigatlOn. I 1 for thp thrl'p PO~ltIOI''1 0pl'n on IS, all lehool ,hum' at" Gro<sl' both ord. rl\ and mt"llll'(pnl "0 t thp cOllncll \~hlCh SIX candidate. M h f J nte HIgh \\ ,11 Ipalc for Hunt('r thAt through thl' I('Ar. the 1~l1age T TOE 'T" k arl' .eekJn~ 0 n t 0 an u a ry lege next mnllth h\loml"~ n .tn, t "hall ~mw 111 U uZ'Jue utry.l. a es Honors Thn arl' COn11\,,'. "',er' Peter OXf: ,. \R \c.o both n ~rl'" Ilprl 'l"e'lll~',_ l R ° , P l C .T Kt.hoP'~.f:IlInB,d~ ",rlJ()~n f Blond - C-~ .::e D- ".' 1'\: '" '/ :'::'j ",' 0:'.:: ::-.:;.0, C~J:- He .alr! that th. ,. a'l ll1 I, e n evzew s uz.'~e onte.'''t \\or ",Ar ,Y<"l'( ar" om'pc '~~ - - -~ ~ -~ v- he 1.000 pnt 0' olnnrl nnn"tl'n l\lth the or,",.,t \ llail" Zomll'( If. '" Parh p-eo,rle'1t J "'liard ,ar- 1,,-.~~ . e I:: \0 ,-,".ai, c"'a-;;e ~cr Tn 5 u.e Red ,'rn". Rlnorl Ra h .~ Ornmanrl' \\ h ,h or<" "j,,< thal ppn~"r Erl\\ ard A Kelly and F. ~: - '-" -. ..' f":: " :::- 'lIU'Y Wa- £I\e', h\ 'frc Harr) \11 cnmPler, ,'I ane! hu. n,,~o '" cro.o \Iord 1'117.7.1" lI... rllrlltE'I\' ~!I-'" 8.nd fnn to do a~,<1 b•• \dl'~ v; L, ",..,l,a. _..... f Pl0~. I rl ~ He ",,0 011" 1(11 Rr('''p' Boo" ..-.. 0 '0. ,an an blllld n"" ft~-' o'rllr!llre" In nlc- r,)mplett>d and clHerl\" placed IOU mal.. v;,n onp of the cash, I ~I,he ,,"olan Jr, al!OO had & .. Rab f G P t ,.. ..... '.11 , Hr ",11 (]"" lJf)Jl "tj(l'l1rd rrrr'l)f ant 0 roO~1' om r I tnct B ~h!lll have thl' rxt"nor of' \\ llhm a colorful St Valentlll" S I pnZl':I. I IIp!'tltlOn Ollt bllt hl' fR,lt>d to file I January Re('flp" arc prill/I'd on Grr"" Paper. l tIIIDI part m R dIS{,\~.~lon thf' street l'1t'va~,on of ~nch bUIld. IDa\" card took top honors III thiS Pprsons reCl'II'IT1~ honorable -------- .... radiO statlon \\CAU I. k G P t R II fl.... k I I 1 ,-------------------------- ... ............. 'a HI' WIll bl' h"ard I ml'~ or ~tnlcturl'. I'rl'cted or ..on- \\l ep S l TOt .... '<E' om I' eVlew puz. Imen ons or ..... wel' S puzz 1'1 C k J. I ~.OTE TO OL R SU8SC~ 1BER.S ,, ~ ~truct, ,I of Barlv Aml'nran or 7" ..on p' aT(' roo s to 0 __ oth"r Vlllano\1I ("011",1:1' ('olomlll ,l, OIl:"n and of mat,'nal- The umqup f'ntn bnn~. th(' I !.fr. Gfrllld KII-'ll' 21" !.f..:'olll- In Pll'a c e do not a"h I 01lr Carrll'r to retnrn <orne othpc lIeftt& ria\ \\ hl'n h" rome" to ('olll' ..t ~lo<1 nf O\1r carrlH. rnno\olJn2" n' bn'l.. a.,n (>r 0'0111' flrot pn7" a\\~rd 0' $10 to Ian O"naln ,nll'l 271\ KeT1\\()od hSlI.- larjt., rOII'e< and l' h' • for,el 10 return an \\1lh or \\,lh'1\1' \\0<><1 lrlm The \I"thol\ ); KBtahrck of 641 Ct "I,. na\ln .... m '110 \farlhnl".' f"R~X(,};'" PECX Farms Poll"ce ,,,Ira tUll" to ",P" I \t 11 arc a (;r,A' j al of .-"\-a nO'l:"n n' SIll 01.,h "'rll.' 1I0' .... all l.ahp\\Ood \{r' RB Foroel' 11 ~Q "A\ 1)11r.,. ,,'rh for hd11 P" a" ,,,nf\eratc \llth h.m b~ pa~lrg Toets Available ho <'1hm .'ori In 'he \ "".I:' I'IOr. T\\() .,c'-r' .h"rl' th ... I"rond "\fro R \{ Br .1mel, r 1228 H~-. .l,.",on2 ''10 oh"oo!\ ani 'aJ"~~"ti p-oml tll h(' ,I appr,-c a:." It For ""All Baba" n n>; ('o11ml "''''1 '''r "nr-'\ll! "'17" nf 1;~ Th-\ Ill" ~fa.~ llnri \lIrd "!~c Gr~(l' RC>.i-' 8"f I:" -\. In 'ho rhnr1\' .r R"e P,.,.,\ 1 -2" h SIr r~"" ~11 'h o L... J 'he W"nr t ~ nll"-!"\. Tht'~~l'" (; J,;pi' " Ii~ f'f 1.01 Krrh\ R~A:('nll~f'('lrl \'r~ (" l./'n '1 \((1"(' "hi' 'r.:::' 0" .'-'C' [')1"' ... .....,,, ('c",,,c:.,.r\ ("~"l ,~t '"'., \ 1 h~r" T .... .:: s ... \...... :2: c - ... -::.:,; .......... e:." ducUGIl 01 \1, Rah/\ SInd 'h" \\no .. '" (1\1( Tt\(.'t Thri "''I 1" Ith I'r7e" ~2 1<1'1, Fl°l"\nni I'r \Ir< \\ H I \ I ...h' fl" ". ""q<;, .. :" (-"n .... '" ..... ",,-n , 1"', ~ \\,Uh, pr+{'oc;;;ntr-0011 TOOI'(' ..... 'P\Rh. (',qh \\,.n'"('1 (lr .... c;.llhrl11'.('ri(;r~h~m 21q;QH~mt'(")T' \Ire: \ ta")1':O\\l'b Fr~ ('~p~(r. ~() 1r-t'~1.)~ ••• l"'lf''1thf\\~\Aih'~ ..~ .... of th, allriltorl\lnJ "f A (10,11<0\01 ro 1~1l\1' t') GrMO~ h\ AmI l\.lHI \\11Ilam John~o \ .l,.llard 217 R d~('mont Rd T L of ll7~ B"~,,, <f" ,e! A lI:raoua', f,'. tl'rl b\ Jlc r~tlCt'mellt of L~ _ '-nll' HIl<h ~..hool on Sat- Pomtc \\ oonc LAk('front Park TlOO B('acon~f,('ld and ~11s... Hl'nnon 242 Kl'rh.. Tom SdlArs of Gro"(' Po'nlc H,>;h :'oIL". P('ck \\ m Rlc • .,." 31 at 1030 a. m, 11 WIll bE' heard wh"n th(' 1'1l1a~('s ElinorE' Schra"e. 1800 Hampton. 11816 Hampton Pat Mo.laull.kas, I~ a product of Elame Arndt s Crook" had !l ~ood Udlrd of Do, ... ~t 1 10 I' m (''\'" Jp11'11e ml'd~ 1'hllrcrlav,1 The ('on<olat,on pnzr or $1 w&81 1161 B('acon'lfll'ld \lr. C M Dance 8tllrllO Th,. v"ar rnRrh~ mil" vl'ar~ of ~erV1Cl' a..' Il FArm~ 'lc:lc*f(.r a\l p,rformllna. \\1111"ph!; At <1, pm at ,,,h~r\ 1.11 Ilwardl'<i to \{r. Arthur Van 8tamp('r 161 Oak 8t M.. ~ J ..an- her thIrd oell$"r \\\th th .. l,,~ht o()!,re offlc ..r \\h"n h" Te"lt:"!'eti .ft8II\l" At thr <!()nr 'h,rson l'hllrch \f ...(h at l...al\\a', Hm\(' 117 "\lar1, Ion ne SmIth 1"2~ Sr\ern \fro L Ol'(',a H". \l~l' np'" II. I'll" 'I,n h. fath ~ "h'l' 1'" .... pft)<lllrl,on ,_ 'pol1~orl'ti bl' t'r Th,. ,I('ph a'1olh"r 1'117711' aT' 8E'nnol\ 101'0 fk~, on.f,Pld :'olrs \1.', k c .' 210: n a' lh' "ta Th Dune I! approlcd hiS a~plt- QI.-c l'omLe Girl ScouLs. I The pUbll" 1$ m\ td IPe&rI on our wn,es,l'age. 114 ,Cont.m\led on P~e 8) l:;or~c T~;uaJ:" or. ~1.J::,jJ,~, l"tb 2 caf,on. .' ~ H , .

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Page 1: Pointe'. FIRST Newspaper - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/48/1948-0… · the commg sprmg electlOn. I James K Watkms who Will be seekmg



With Cold

PHONE VA 2-1162

Police Look Fo,"Mumbles" FindCook

J. WatkinsI Thl' Farms Adnlllllstratlon, BUboI Ject to contlllued controversy duro.

IlIlg the past year, appears to havea senous fIght on It s handb U1I the commg sprmg electlOn.

James K Watkms who Will beI seekmg hiS Sixth one-year term1 as preSldl'nt WIll be oppo!sed byJack R. Sutton, Jr, former FarmllTrostel'S and Pollce and FireCommiSSioner.





S('r\,c" Irrl'l<Ulantle. !.Ial ~ RemMIt'd by Calling

The Re,,,ew - \. A 2-1162 or YA. 2-4558THAXK YOt;

L. ~v~l'-=L CAT O\, 0'" ~Cv' a:c~





AUU 1ge of ALL HomesPointe & GratiotTwp,,-

I~f.T E X-Ray Unit The Time, The Place, flParkReportf,*JIGRAPHSA;:;""II.-n:,,:~~'7J"B"k. t Trombley For Your Chest X-Ray I Finds "47"...... ::took fifth prIZe of $1 0 n F b 10

In the lI11lhlgan Vita I e ° GROSSE POINTE PARK I B Yrontesl spon50red bv I February 10, 11 -Trombley School 1 00mea r"ers and shippers of I l.rosse Pomte S extensive fight 820 Beaconsfil'ld 1-5 and 6.8 dO pm.Bean CouncIl. Iagamst tubprLuloslS II III bp aelel- February 12, 13 -Mumclpal Bulldmg 1-5 and 6.8 30 pm. Imiscellaneous bean praled Tuesday, Feb 10, v.hen February 14 -15115 E Jefferson 9-12 and 1-5 00 pm. "All Park mumclpal depart-

ected flOm thousands the X.ray Mobile UllIt arnves at February 16, 17, 18-Defer School I ments haw. operated wlthm theIrved from aU sec. Trombley School for a t"o-da)' 111425Kercheval 1.5 and 6-8 30 pm. 1947 bUdget allotments and WIll

cel stay. February 19, 20 -St Clare SchOOl 1-5 and 6.8'30 pm, contmue to do so, unless someIgan. It marks the bf'gmnmg of a five. Mack &: WhlthH 1.5 and 6.8.30 pm. unforseen emergency arlsps"

• \\ eek period In "hlch free X-ray GROSSE POIN'TE CITY Thp statem~nt was tlle out-Bowkr Andy Vari-I service II III be made available to February 24, 25 -Mulllclpal BUlldmg : standmg remark made by Village

w hiS trick shot ex- all Gro,!,se POinte commUnities The 17150 Maumee 1.5 and 6.8 30 pm. ,Manager Everitt B Lane III hl~the Grosse Pomte Ilength of the Unit's stay m each February 26, 27 -l"elghborhood Club Iannual report to the Park CounCil

on Sunday February commulllty was determmed by 17145 Waterloo 1-5 and 6-8.30 pm. i Monday eveningHp Will also partlcl- popUlatIOn. February 28 -Jacobson's I He said that the calpndar vear

bltton match games FIRST FOE"',. I KEEPS ROLLIXG St. Clalr&Kercheval 9-12 and 1-500 pm. of 1947 closed WIth a total bUdget I' Sutton's bid tor office marlal. lis bit to help the Dr T. S DaVies, health com- GROSSE POINTE FARMS balance of $194463. : the tlrst time Watkins' h&8 had.. DImes" campaign ml miSSioner of Grosse Pointe Town- March 2, 3 -Richard School )IORE Bl'ILDIl"G any OPPOSition Since he took at.

Gluo IS Robert Fox son l,shlP announced that tile Unit 1"111 176 :M:cKlIliey 1-;) tlollU 6-0 30 1".... "We have received $10,393 In I flCe 111 1943,Clare~ce L Fox or 67 remam 111Grosse POinte Park for March 4, -MUniCipal BUlldlllg 1-5 and 6-8 30 pm. excess revenues over our bUdget II 1 The poSSlblhty of a third party

, ten days The survey \\ III then March 5 -Pumplllg StationtIOIod He IS one of ~wo move to Grosse Pomte City on Chalfonte Ir: Kerby 1 5 and 6-8 30 pm. estlmate &8 of January 1, and at' entering tlle race appeared when

II@lIIiIllefl'esentJn~ D;,Ill~on till-I February 25 for a penod of five March 6 9.12 and 1-5 00 pm. I the close of the Fiscal )-ear on I Sutton declared he 1s not afflli~.,. .. Gransvill e March of Idays. On March 2 tlle mobile GROSSE POINTE SHORES IMarch 31 we hope to recelvt" from ated With any of the pol1ticl,)". drlYe. I tr~ller Will be located In Grosse March 9 -Mulllcipal Building state.shared taxes approxlm&tely groups that have been cnbcwnc

• Pomte Farms. also for five days 795 Lake Shore 1-5 and 6.8 30 pm. 1$45000" I the present adnullIstration.lit Rickert of 1540 Holly- ,movlIlg to Grosse POinte Shores GROSSE POlXTE \\ooDS I He also notl'd thl' accelerated Peter Rabblt, exclusive member of Pointe's ammals set It IS likely tilat these bodlllllII roIIId, has abandoned asplra- 'for a one-day VISit and concludmg March 10, ll-Mason School 1-5 and 6.8.30 pm. ilncrease~ III bUlldmg actIvity dur- is h llttl "f f " th hi te Dee D I ft may announce a candidate M.II _ becomJn~ a dlsc-Jockev. i III Grossp POinte Woods Where Mar ..h 12 -Kal~pr-Frazer Show Room Img 1947 when tlle vlll~e issued avmg a e un are W1 s mas r yer, e , fore Saturday, Jan. 31, deadhrMtpriaelpal endeavor now IS be-! It 1\III remain for four days be- 20139 Mack 1-5 and 6 8 30 ,106 permIts, valuaLion at il,123,- whtie Paul Motshall, center, and Dee's brother Charley lor ilhng-."'Girl Friday" to pUblicist I' gmnmg March 10 March 13 -VIllage Hall - pm. 1655• compared to 37 permits, valu- ,look on. Sutton, who 11 an in$UJ'&Jlee

t CaIman, of WXYZ The complete schedule, WIth 10- Mack at AnIta atlon at $267,685 III 1946. I ••• execuhve. lll!rved as Trustee fmlll_ 9-12 and 1-5,00 p,m. 193'• cation, dates, and hours, appears L- ...J Lane stated that tlle mcrease '" until he retired in 194,5.IDOD&' the soldiers III traming below hpre llwas due to the removal of ngldlPRIDE OF NEIGHBORHOOD Dunng this penod he also aeteclbecome aVIation engmers at "Any adult Hi years of age and I F P I governmental controls last July. &II Pollce and P'tre Commull!llonei,.::lI'rancl-. Wyommg IS Donald over. may partiCipate m thiS free I arms 0 .eceto Ret.ere An lIlcrease III tlle Police De-I T 1. .1 R ' n R bb. He had no comment to makekeulich, lIOn of Mr and Mrs chest.X-ray survey which IS being partment'll actiVIties was also Uncle emus .r'eter a It regarding his bid for presidentrp W'...... u£ 144.7 Ileacu:;:; brnnght hprp hy 011,. own Health recorded With tlle department other than that his friends urgedL Department III cooperation Witil L. t W -II- MR. handling more felolllous com- h · 0 L 1u bim to return to publlc oftlce.

t'l*e Nnt~ High School'S ~~~~~~~~ltllH~~~y~~~~ .eu. • .am . Ice ~:=~S~IO~:::eanors and ord1- Has Not lng n oca nare Su~to:~=e ~ :~=~o~~IkJUr boy is none other than ment:' Dr Dallies adVIsed. Lane said that III 1947 more ar- 1930 He lives on 175 1>{errl.lUebert. He was voted the ThiS local survey IS part of the Afte: more than a quarter of a the appointment of Cluef \Valter rests were made and conVictions Believe It or not folks, but in I some day 1f they see Dee and weather road with lull wif anlS

)r' by" semors ,'ear.round mass X.ray case flnd- centur~ of service. Lieutenant IR Hovt on October 21, 1946, Lleu- I Grosse POinte llves a real live IChuck leave for school With Peter t children. e_____________ ~ng program \\ hl~h IS conducted IWilliam M Rice Will retire from tenant Rice was promoted to IDS and ca~E'S werl' cleared than In Peter Rabbit that" ould make old carrymg their books. WO

by Ute \\ayne Lounty Health ve_ltte F ..rn,.s T'u!,c", un March 1. Ipre>enL rdJlk II any prE'vlous ) ear. Il:!'cle ReIDW! !!h.nri 111" And take I And Peter belliit' of Grosse I PRIMARV T.nnr.T,y


partment and the TB and Health The Farms CounCil approved I Among the many excIting The report, which recPIYE'd the I notice. IPOinte vllltage rates high among I Village Clerk Bar Furt

Jtw b ~ SocIety In tile past four months the veteran officer s request for event.! m Ius hfe on the Force unammous approval of the coun-\ "".1' have IIeference to the snow- the best dressed In the animal set d th t f ry th on aztoom tr! over 30 000 adults In Highland retirement at a meetmg Monday I a few are standmg out In hiS cil. indIcated that durmg the past v. hlte bundle of playful antics that IParticularly becomIng to Iu.m are no~c; t : 1 more f:: t:;::Park, Garden CIty, Nakm Town- nIght. memones There was the time year four sewer projects w~re IS the bosom-buddy of Dee and the "new look" styles. HlI fash- :n:una es !tor ;ny one 0 ce •

- __ ~~~!!!!!!!!li!!!!~!!!!!!!=414~ ship Plymoutil Melt mdale and His successor Will emerge out of, in 1922 when he led a number of fmlshed With two more neanng, Charley Dyers of 1324, Bedford Ilonable wardrobe mcludes a. Ilpark- P &rJ e k on wtlI be held ODIt 'FE AlIe~ Park hQv~ taken adv~tage a competatlve exallllnatlOn among I officers to a barn m St ClaIr completion. at a total cost to date road. I1ng red turtle-neck sweater that Feb. 9. it' not the f'mal electlo!s

~ ARS AGO of thiS free service, sergeants and police officers who II Shores Where they tracked down of $201,013. Tame as a httle girl's kitten creates a mild sensation \\-hen wl11 be held on March 8... old standbl. pitcher, have been on the force for ten a thief tilat they had been looking . but &8 mischievous as Penrod and lever he ll! seen weanng It III the According to Furton all presentt1Ie GIaae Pomte Villagers to nlPORTAXT DRI\ E I SAFE S\\ DOlr.\lG Sam Peter RabbIt keeps tile VIllage shoppmg dultnct He IS the incumbent have filed for re-e1ee-to 1..-... G P t " vears or more. I for tor some time and arrested Th" II M t d ' ......... ry oyer rosse om 1'1 This IS one of tlle most Import- I' ,I age anager repor e youngsters mterestedly engaged envy of all the pets III the nelgh- tion: They are George L. Schlaep.It. Iant steps 1'\ pr takpn for tlle con- Lt. R~ce Jomed tile force of I !Urn. In a hay loft_ that plans are now bemg pre-I looking after him. horhoad fer, Richard L. Maxon and Nealad C'Namer Donella Stubbs, trol of tuberculOSIS III Grosse I GroSSE' - Olnte Farms on January I LleutenBJIt Rice lives on Maple- pared for summer actiVitIes at tlle I Peter thmks nothmg of chev,'mg Recently Peter placed the peace- F. McEaclun, Trostel"; Furton,.netta Da\'ls Grace Andorson Pomte" said Dr Da\les 21, 1,:21, as a furlough rl'llpf of- ton road With Mrs Rice They Park. Includmg the installation of IDee s new shirt, climbing up five- ful neIghborhood In a turmoil by Clerk; Alonzo. J. O'Connor.peted for honors m th(' distrIct "At the present 78 tuberculOSIS I flcer and took up tlle duties of ! have two daughters. one son, and a chlonnatlng S) stem for safe ~'ear-old Charley s shoulder or gOing on a \ escapade that \lIould Treasurer; Rus.sell A. Labad1e, A&oliRg 1Iee Ileld at Defpr School cases are known to the Grosse rl'gular Patrolman on June 15" SlX ~andch;ldren_ HIS son served sWimming In the pool. a new com- teasmg the neighbor S bull dog have me.de hiS story book coun- sesser.

Pomtp health autllontles It IS 11

1921 This makes hIm the oldest In \'\ arId \\ ar II and nflW holds fort station in thp gro\'e and other I The latter he does only when Wltll terpart appear u a rank amateur The only one fa.cing oPpoSltloD16n -\RS AGO ~natural to assume that there are mpmber of the Department from the rank of Lieutenant In the necessary park Improvl"ments m tlle protectIOn of hiS httle den~ adventurer. in the aforesaid group to-date 1.1

Dl. Fred ~! AIgi'r, Grosse many unknoll n ca.~es The only Ia sen-Ice l'lpwpomt I Arm~ Air Corp~ Reserve I He saId that skatmg nnks at i The rabbit was given to Dee b)' Peter s disappearance IIas re- 0 Connor He Will be opposed forlte eapitahst and pohtlcal II ay to tind thesp unknOlI n cases I On June 21. 1937, he was ap- I At 66 Lieutenant Rice IS look- the Park, Three ~llle DrIVe and hiS parl'nts on hiS seventh blrth- ported to the pohce NeIghbors treasurer by FranCIS J. Hock..ler, had to undergo an opPra.- IS to X-ray apparently healthy Ipomted sergeant, whl'n on ~Iay lIlg forward to a well-earned rest 1CharlevOIX Defer and Trombley day. Chnstmas Day 1946 Since Jomed "Ith la", enforcement bod-

TlHrIday m which he lost hiS people" 20 1946. tile then Actmg ChIef He and Mrs Rice, who has not Schools have been and v.,11 be then Peter has sqUIrmed hiS way Ile5 In a township-wide search for1e( 1IeloY." the knee "We hope tllat even. adult m Eugene A. Bolo retIred, Lleute. I heen well for some tIme. arl' I m a I n tal n I' d for neIghborhood Imto the hearts of ,,,rtualIy all tlle Ithe four-!o'gged wanderer.~ ~1l.:' Vllla~s of <;:rosse, ~e c?mmu~:ty II III I\ant to par- nant Rice assumed that POSition I planmng to move to the country group dunng the Innter neighborhood Peter s lhng ended after a three- Ine __ I.>ro~se rUlnl.. !"" n- CIUPdlt' Ul CHI" program LO con- Howpver, ne was lOOKing Iorwara where tlley hope to enJoy many Lane s report also reveal~d that t He constantly pals l\ltil the chll-I day sojourn about tlle Pomte when j~IIllw 1teen allotted $70000 !or

ll trol tuberculo'l1s; Dr DaVIes said to an earl~ rctlrement L'Ic~, an11 'Y'ore happy years togeth~r The desp,tl' 1947 bpmg a rEcord ,ear rlrpn and while they are away at he was picked up by Park Pohce

" OWA .program About /001

------- Ihe did not WIsh to accept further I best \\'lshes of aU their fnends 0/ travel traffic aCCidents In' thE' IDefer School, he pushes tile clock Iand held for questlOmng Thoughlt~ed for work The proJ- , f I responSibilities. At the tIme of Will follow them there. Vllla"e decreased Last ) ear 68 I around until they return Xelgh- Peter did not have any comments~ II estarted on Monday. New 0 fl"ce s ------------------------------1 . d th f bors 1\111 not be too-surpnsed to make, he made such an Irnpres-.~ I r persons Ilere Injure WI no a-I lslon "-Ith tile pohce that they"'~ft:N '\'EARS 4..GO I i\.T • IT.:11 B~ d tahtlPs as compared W1th 1946 v.anted to adopt hun &8 o1flclal

JlltlChell presldpnt of Im- PI W d 1Jeurollc L7.00UIUms ame \\hen 86 l\ere Injured and 4 killed P k P · police mascot."CIIaners at Mack and Xot. an 00 s . I (ContmuPd on Palre 2) ar rlmary Ho\\ever\~hentileylearnedtllatl When ~115S Vlrgtma neVO)', of

ks 1u~t returnpd from fi. - 1 • Peter 1\as the pnze possessIOn of 512 \Vashlngton road called herCleaners and Dvers i or r:'., ..DCO at Countrll,\! 11It'\! II K b BliP k I Off F" h IDee and Charley he v;as returned horne last week, she was some-

, whIch was recentl) Development r~,~J ./ LJw../ er Y a ar ntsc In Ito hiS Bedford den what startled to hear a strange~"I I I Placed On Sale' I And tllus thIS story of Peter mumbling \,Olce answer tlle phon".

made a stud\" of the • 1 I.' A P °d I RabbIt ends I>ltll Ppter back With II Her arutletv and suspicion ,,&II• I :'0: ell h ('Iectl'd offlc~rs of Gro<S(' Farm~ Police are seekmg" tlle After plhng up book. and paper The Farms ball park at KerbI' t th D bo th t f d h' thmost modern methods' . I S re S I en I e )'er )-s III I' pursul 0 IIlcrease w en e person was1 h

IPomtl' \\ ood~ Plannlllg' Commls- culprlt~ who attempted to set fire and setting fire to tllem tilp\, road and Chalfont" IS for sa e h d t d bl t d t f h If dc othe. t at hiS \'ast I G D I • Th C I d V I appmess a ven ure an an OC- una eo: en I y Imse an

, .-... SlCn Inll prrsld(' at the ne",t mel't- to ro~~e Pomte Countrv ay Ifled LuckIly hOI\ever, both fires I p ounCI approw' the 1 - IcaslOnal carr t 1&1 t h t h was d-t -="'th,te kClientIle might be

d- In!!: schedulpd for ~Ionda\. F"b 9 Schoo! Gros~e Pomte Blvd, near I died bpfore anI' senous damage Ila!:"e's Zomnlr Commllt('e ~ rE'com- Grosse Pomte Park ",11 not', 0 :1 e~-ptiI n ciu~ wad I' omg

.:::: Tre 'nol\l('dg-l' acqUlrp 1 Th(' oftlc('r~ are ',"aid H l"lsher Road. at the hrlght of the Iwas done. • ImendatlOn that thl' tIme IS ap- ha .. e a Drlmary electlOn tll.s year "'0 T'''I "'0 ORDI"'lc .... ('E a M I' De\.oy reSll1edncCe.t. PI_ padl"p\l of Gro<se I -, .~ .... -~ ••~.~.~ I. ISS I' OV ca I" I" 0 Icede ... o!'rn a omt"d chac1r. ~lcKmght nrr'\ldent 822 Haw. snol' storm lale Saturda\' nIght 1 Sgt LabadlP hehe ..p~ that a nropnatl' to tahe bIds for the One l'lectlOn WIll bp held Marc'h 8 "lth no taxi cab compan .. l'l who found that the m\:stenous1 ., «l.oP('raL~~ for sopho-, thornp Chalrlllan :'olax Luc(' "ICP- Jame~ '"' alp~. school caretaker, group of neurotIc hoodlums are lsalp of th,o prop" rt I. to bUildprs to pll'ct a preSident and thr!!e eXistence 'n the Farm.," the VOICPbelonged to tlle fam"lly cook.'t'l cia.- at L" of ",1 1cha rman and R A St John sec- reportpd to poh ..e that on Slmda\ responSiblE' for the attempted fIre Thl' ("1uncll announc('d that a commISSioners • counCIl droopE'd the matter of a 'Suffenng from a bad cold. he

1 r('-tary ~... AU',., \.. ~~ .... ,..1 .... "' ..... 1..... ~ ........ ,..., th ... :"""'.0'-"" Q:',..},n"t u"h'l""h 1C Qlt .. '11i""'''''' ih~nH"'I1"'I.... ~nrf ~ 1ArP'PT rf"('r~A- A~ E:'XC'1UC::IVt"Ho r~porr..{ld In thll? ~ •.... 0.:... V&\,4Uul.u\.,.e .Vl. WIt. \ ... ~ IlUldoVJC ~tJ ~t"Cc..A A~"'C; •

~ '\ F,-\R'" ACoO I Th" commlO.lOn m('l'ts I'IE'n' paper pllpd up mto "tacks In t\\O tended by hundreds of Grosse Lon -It. \\,11 b.' rpadl for u~e b.. Rp\,,,\\ thrl'e I\el'ks a!t'0 Com- bemg \\hISDl'rtra. F.5. "'\, IIson 1136 Beacons .. .c;e('ond ~n\l ["UI u. :..tolll..:a, Hf tt;'" t, ,..1Q~C "",",r.n"'~ B .....t'h ct~,....l.rc \l (>"'f' "Pl"'l1nf,:lo ~rh 11('xt SOrln2' lC'f'.Rtpd 0'1 Kt'rb"\ mlSc;tnnf'r H(1m~r C Fnt~ch \\,11~.... &sh~d Park Poll( e to month III thl' n1ull\c,pal b'l ld''li' 'hlt-rl'd wlth partll burnt naper Hl' f('el. that the ~roup I~ the road b"t\1 epn Chalfnntp and )'lack ~ucceed HOI\ ard P. Parshall asp watdl around the 'ICtOn A member of tht> commls~lon I and ashe, c;ame one that pulled the fIre hose 1-----------.------ I11ll4:"" pr.'s,dl'nt %liens l1li Harcourt road bl'clluSE' announc('d that th"v mt"nd to I'n- I In rpcountmg- thp attl'mpted ar. out of an l'mergencv box near I IN'" ROS E MAR IE" I HI' IS thl' onl~ candidate for tile .1 Y C' B ,uanta at'l' dl'~lro~mlr her to.1courRKe m ('I.('r~ ~-al' the b\l\ld- "On, Dt Sgt Elmer I...abadll' Of; Grosse POll1te HlghS~hOOl on the offiCI' 111 the ~Iarch l'lpctlOn \\hlch our arrler oy s.<>es,aDd .hl' on("n t I,kl' a bIt mg" ur of "Iach A\enul' m accord- 1Farnls Pohcp .tated that the pN- samp ml'(ht and spra",led It along marh- ~fr Par.hall s ret\reml'ntour girls )I\'mg In Grosse 1an ..1' \\ lth thl' ordl'1ancp. of th(' I~ons re~ponslble entl'rpd thl' ~ChOOIIthll street. I from pUblic offIce ': Nell . f hnte were "'-oM In last II.('('k. 1,lIagr to thl' I'nd that th(' g'rO\\ th hI' brpakmg ll. wmdow near the Thl' pollee are contmulng their , lnt"rrst ho\\ PI rr \nll bp hli:"h : 0woe cting 0r t emembers of thp Wavl'o The of th" hll'\T1e." .('ctlOn "hall b(' mllm entrance ImvestigatlOn. I 1 for thp thrl'p PO~ltIOI''1 0pl'n onIS, all lehool ,hum' at" Gro<sl' both ord. rl\ and mt"llll'(pnl "0 t thp cOllncll \~hlCh SIX candidate. M h f Jnte HIgh \\ ,11 Ipalc for Hunt('r thAt through thl' I('Ar. the 1~l1age T TOE 'T" k arl' .eekJn~ 0n t 0 an u a rylege next mnllth h\loml"~ n .tn, t "hall ~mw 111 U uZ'Jue utry.l. a es Honors Thn arl' COn11\,,'. "',er' Peter

OXf: ,. \R \c.o both n ~rl'" Ilprl 'l"e'lll~',_ l R ° , P l C .T Kt.hoP'~.f:IlInB,d~ ",rlJ()~n fBlond

- C-~ .::e D- ".' 1'\: '" '/ :'::'j ",' 0:'.:: ::-.:;.0, C~J:-He .alr! that th. ,. a'l ll1 I, e n evzew s uz.'~e onte.'''t \\or ",Ar ,Y<"l'( ar" om'pc '~~ - - -~ ~ - ~ v -

he 1.000 pnt 0' olnnrl nnn"tl'n l\lth the or,",.,t \ llail" Zomll'( If. '" Parh p-eo,rle'1t J "'liard ,ar- 1,,-.~~ . e I:: \0 ,-,".ai, c"'a-;;e ~cr Tn 5u.e Red ,'rn". Rlnorl Ra h .~ Ornmanrl' \\ h ,h or<" "j,,< thal ppn~"r Erl\\ ard A Kelly and F. ~: - '-" -. ..' f":: " :::-'lIU'Y Wa- £I\e', h\ 'frc Harr) \11 cnmPler, ,'I ane! hu. n,,~o '" cro.o \Iord 1'117.7.1" lI. .. rllrlltE'I\' ~!I-'" 8.nd fnn to do a~,<1 b•• \dl'~ v; L, ", ..,l,a. •_..... f Pl0~. I rl ~ He ",,0 011" 1(11 Rr('''p' Boo"..-.. 0 '0. ,an an blllld n"" ft~-' o'rllr!llre" In nlc- r,)mplett>d and clHerl\" placed IOU mal.. v;,n onp of the cash, I ~I,he ,,"olan Jr, al!OO had &.. Rab f G P t ,.. .....'.11 , Hr ",11 (]"" lJf)Jl "tj(l'l1rd rrrr'l)f

ant 0 roO~1' om r I tnct B ~h!lll have thl' rxt"nor of' \\ llhm a colorful St Valentlll" S IpnZl':I. I IIp!'tltlOn Ollt bllt hl' fR,lt>d to file I • January Re('flp" arc prill/I'd on Grr"" Paper.l tIIIDI part m R dIS{,\~.~lon thf' street l'1t'va~,on of ~nch bUIld. IDa\" card took top honors III thiS Pprsons reCl'II'IT1~ honorable --------.... radiO statlon \\CAU I . k G P t R II fl.... k I I 1 ,-------------------------- ................ 'a HI' WIll bl' h"ard Iml'~ or ~tnlcturl'. I'rl'cted or ..on- \\lep S l TOt....'<E' om I' eVlew puz. Imen ons or ..... wel' S puzz 1'1 C k J. I ~.OTE TO OL R SU8SC~ 1BER.S,,~ ~truct, ,I of Barlv Aml'nran or 7" ..on p' aT(' roo s to 0__ oth"r Vlllano\1I ("011",1:1'('olomlll ,l, OIl:"n and of mat,'nal- The umqup f'ntn bnn~. th(' I !.fr. Gfrllld KII-'ll' 21" !.f..:'olll- In Pll'a

ce do not a"h I 01lr Carrll'r to retnrn <orne othpclIeftt& ria\ \\ hl'n h" rome" to ('olll' ..t ~lo<1 nf O\1r carrlH.

rnno\olJn2" n' bn'l.. a.,n (>r 0'0111' flrot pn7" a\\~rd 0' $10 to Ian O"naln ,nll'l 271\ KeT1\\()od hSlI.- larjt., rOII'e< and l' h' • for,el 10 return an\\1lh or \\,lh'1\1' \\0<><1 lrlm The \I"thol\ ); KBtahrck of 641 Ct "I,. na\ln ....m '110 \farlhnl".' f"R~X(,};'" PECX Farms Poll"ce ,,,Ira tUll" to ",P" I \t 11 arc a (;r,A' j al of .-"\-anO'l:"n n' SIll 01.,h "'rll.' 1I0' ....all l.ahp\\Ood \{r' R B Foroel' 11~Q "A\ 1)11r.,. ,,'rh for hd11 P" a" ,,,nf\eratc \llth h.m b~ pa~lrg

Toets Available ho <'1hm .'ori In 'he \ "".I:' I'IOr. T\\() .,c'-r' .h"rl' th ... I"rond "\fro R \{ Br .1mel, r 1228 H~-. .l,.",on2 ''10 oh"oo!\ ani 'aJ"~~"ti p-oml tll h(' ,I appr,-c a:." ItFor ""All Baba" n n>; ('o11ml "''''1 '''r "nr-'\ll! "'17" nf 1;~ Th-\ Ill" ~fa.~ llnri \lIrd "!~c Gr~(l' RC>.i-' 8"f I:" -\. In 'ho rhnr1\' .r R"e P,.,.,\ 1 -2" h SIr r~"" ~11 'ho L... J'he W"nr t ~ nll"-!"\. Tht'~~l'" (; J,;pi' " Ii~ f'f 1.01 Krrh\ R~A:('nll~f'('lrl \'r~ (" l./'n '1 \((1"(' "hi' 'r.:::' 0" .'-'C' [')1"' ... .....,,, ('c",,,c:.,.r\ ("~"l ,~t '"'., \ 1 h~r" T .... .:: s ... \...... :2: c - ...-::.:,;..........e:."ducUGIl 01 \1, Rah/\ SInd 'h" \\no .. '" (1\1( Tt\(.'t Thri "''I 1" Ith I'r7e" ~2 1<1'1, Fl°l"\nni I'r \Ir< \\ H I \ I ...h' fl" ". ""q<;, .. :" (-"n .... '" ..... ",,-n , 1"',~ \\,Uh, pr+{'oc;;;ntr-0011 TOOI'(' .....'P\Rh. (',qh \\,.n'"('1 (lr .... c;.llhrl11'.('ri(;r~h~m 21q;QH~mt'(")T' \Ire: \ ta")1':O\\l'b Fr~ ('~p~(r. ~() 1r-t'~1.)~ ••• l"'lf''1thf\\~\Aih'~ ..~

.... of th, allriltorl\lnJ "f A (10,11<0\01 ro 1~1l\1' t') GrMO~ h\ AmI l\.lHI \\11Ilam John~o \ .l,.llard 217 R d~('mont Rd T L of ll7~ B"~,,, <f" ,e! A lI:raoua', f,'. tl'rl b\ Jlc r~tlCt'mellt of L~_ '-nll' HIl<h ~..hool on Sat- Pomtc \\ oonc LAk('front Park TlOO B('acon~f,('ld and ~11s... Hl'nnon 242 Kl'rh.. Tom SdlArs of Gro"(' Po'nlc H,>;h :'oIL". P('ck \\ m Rlc •.,." 31 at 1030 a. m, 11 WIll bE' heard wh"n th(' 1'1l1a~('s ElinorE' Schra"e. 1800 Hampton. 11816 Hampton Pat Mo.laull.kas, I~ a product of Elame Arndt s Crook" had !l ~ood Udlrd ofDo, ... ~t 1 10 I' m (''\'" Jp11'11e ml'd~ 1'hllrcrlav,1 The ('on<olat,on pnzr or $1 w&81 1161 B('acon'lfll'ld \lr. C M Dance 8tllrllO Th,. v"ar rnRrh~ mil" vl'ar~ of ~erV1Cl' a..' Il FArm~'lc:lc*f(.r a\l p,rformllna. \\1111"ph!; At <1, pm at ,,,h~r\ 1.11 Ilwardl'<i to \{r. Arthur Van 8tamp('r 161 Oak 8t M.. ~ J ..an- her thIrd oell$"r \\\th th .. l,,~ht o()!,re offlc ..r \\h"n h" Te"lt:"!'eti.ft8II\l" At thr <!()nr 'h,rson l'hllrch \f ...(h at l...al\\a', Hm\(' 117 "\lar1, Ion ne SmIth 1"2~ Sr\ern \fro L Ol'(',a H". \l~l' np'" II. I'll" 'I,n h. fath ~ "h'l' 1'".... pft)<lllrl,on ,_ 'pol1~orl'ti bl' t'r Th,. ,I('ph a'1olh"r 1'117711' aT' 8E'nnol\ 101'0 fk~, on.f,Pld :'olrs \1.', k c .' 210: n a' lh' "ta Th Dune I! approlcd hiS a~plt-QI.-c l'omLe Girl ScouLs. • I The pUbll" 1$ m\ td IPe&rI on our wn,es,l'age. 114 ,Cont.m\led on P~e 8) l:;or~c T~;uaJ:" or. ~1.J::,jJ,~, l"tb 2 caf,on. .' ~ H , .

Page 2: Pointe'. FIRST Newspaper - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/48/1948-0… · the commg sprmg electlOn. I James K Watkms who Will be seekmg



APPLIANCES ~,.- .-HUCE SAYINCS'l'lll....on

FLOOR SAMPl~ •ut,.

NEW STORE BOLRSMon., Wed.. ThUB,. fn.








20916 MACK M ~

We're Makmg Room r,1948 Models and R!'Space.

Take Advantage of Th.!Ings offered on p~floor models.

Shop Convenlentl} ill:Neighborhood


January was severe on 1111

ears - February and Marchwin be just as tough. Preven-tive service now will keep-your car in good conditionfor the rest of the winter-and save yOU money. toG.

We are prepared to give

your car immediate atten-tion. There Ire two road

service ears, the most modemfacilities, ample stocks of re-

pair parts, and" staff of me-chanical experts all ready to

give your car immediate serv-

icing. There is no waiting atTom Boyd's.


'l'hUl'lC1ay, January 29

IHealthCou.nci1fr ~'~,ozon,

~f~a!~~:~;~~~"ilnuar~teal'hl'r to Gro ...~e Polllle pUblic C Ischools, addrf'6aed the Mothers' ear anilHealth Council Tuesday e.t Oil, "home of Mrs L O. Rat.chfte, 1080N, Oxford road.

Speaking Informally about thevlsltml teacher'l place In theschool system, Mill KempellJltrelllled the need ot a better un.derstandmg of her profcllIlon

She wanted it understood tbatit IS not the mentally Ul child whosee the Visiting teacher but UJe Ione who II baVlng some dltfi-~ultv,

"It may bl' his schoo! work, he Imay be lucking hiS thunlb, bitinghIS nalls, steallll11', bwlylllg, flght-mg or he may be the withdrawn(hlld Ilho II not happy," teacher IIS reported to have Said. "WI tryto help him by underllt&ndmg hispro !llem first.

ellas.~rllevden~ Inc..L

16500 Mad. Ave at Out ... Drive

and there's much more thanjust a beautiful building

Tber~ ar~ m&llY tradition~ here at Verheyden " • • ,,ome of them. a, old a, the eJtabli,hment itself• • • traclitioJU that ha"e meant .0 much to '0 many"

people, for in its 59 ~-u.r.V ~rhey"Jen'. hu gro......to.. r,.,. ..... 111be olle 01 the largut and beJt bowu utablUhment. In

America. It serves both Graue Pointe anJ Detroit

IDasua 6000

::::tJl-luil41t' (jus., pt1i"le J""I-ta! ::bitul"ts

TJJDing Hi car scnicing is just as important as it isto me JDeIl • the llying trapeze - &i1ure to meet

de1iTcry promiIcs • not tolerated in our servia:depanmcat. You may be very sure your car will beready fOr yoa aaaly 00 time-every ~. On rare

oa:asioos, the aced for additional work is revealed

011 the job in progress. Wbea this happens you are

prompdy aotificd. This is a fixed serna: policy..-bich Boyd CUltClCDen appreciate.

p- --._. Ip!I

I:rvery limeOn nme ...

lMOI ... J8k I.


to the



1465 East JeffersonCA. 6777


E"ctllent CuisineSuperb Liqueurs

One leseon is lJI1l'e to give Ide&8for and greater confIdence inmaking those enviable vanety oftea-time debcBdes. Substantialmain luncheon dillbes and some-tlung new In desserls to springon the family are other hints ofwhat is to be inclUded.

Hilderard Hey Welnhardt, in.structor for the course, received



Something New Has Been Addedto Adult Education Program

handv And or &. her B S degrN' from the depart.How to be a h 'I d ment of hOIlll' l'COnOllllCS at ?lllch-

Dandy Sandy about t~e ed ou~e ~~ I,an state Colll'ge, She has taughtkitchen will ~er~~t~yn the Adult foods and nutrition to high schoolIlI'W COUrle8 0 d I It elasSl'S atEducaUon D.partml'nt of Grosse an adu t ,roupB an M \..

Wayne University. rs. .etn.Pointe, hardt lava "The ye&r8 of plain

One II a new type Macb.me and fanc' cookln, expenence InShop course which will be offered I my own y kitchen 1 value moston Wednesday .venin,s by Allan .. 'KraY1ts, who I. a specialist In IhIghly.miniature model makin,. This Is a Iplendld opportullltv

M nrolling in his class v,'111 for brides and brides.to.be, 1Ilb • ~~ ~o make man)' interesting fact to all housewlVes who are tn-~da U:l'ful articles in sddlt10n to teree~ in new Ideu and sug.leanng how to operate the many gestlons pertrnent to the cuh.dlfferl'nt kinds of metal working nary art.machinl'll Thll clUB Will be limit- You may make reservations fored to 15 these both classes by calling the

The second cOUt.. , is a refrellb. Grosse Pointe Board of EducatIon,er rn "What's COoking?" or call NIagara 2000, ExtenSion 25.It what you Will-but regardlessIOmethmg specIal m foods will beon m thiS new class startingTuesday, Feb. 3, 7'30 pm.




_ • •• _ 91rreeaom- 5 lnilit

on all)Ier~handise


~ampI .. SO MA.CK .t WA.RREN Phone--In •••


Open: Mon .. TilE'S. Wed 9 to 6Thurs .. Fn , Sat.. 9 to 9

1101' SCOUT WEEK-FEBRr "'BY 6th to 12tll A..'iDIlItl BIRTHDAY A...~Nn'ERSARY

The Boy Scouts of Amenca, Incorporated February 8, 1910, andchartered by COngreas June Ui, 1916. are celebratmg theIr 38th Birth-d!y .o\n..!'lv!!ru.ry clnl"ing Boy RI'Qut week from February 6th to 12thIn the past 38 yeal'l more than thirteen and a half MIllion presentor former members have rendered notable service to our Communityand our Nation, during Peace or War.

The Blul!s and experiences acqlllred through Scoutrng IncludeIIOme of the greatest lII1Iuences for bUIldIng jOUllg Americans Intolelf-rellant men and partlclpatmg cltlzens





PRETTY FOXY ••is thf' name ~1\en smart people••• ~ou "ill bf. Pl'P~' foX} if:rou tum ~nnr mo,in~ and ~t(lr-~ .. prohl ..m~ O\f~r tn U'I!Rt:\lF:~Rt H"TIlE Rt:~T (lWTIo. ~O \lORE,"

• ~~~~.~T1O~

Office at 16121 Kercheval bet1feen Maryland and LUepointe""The Only Weekly Newspaper Covel'Ull All the Bome!

in Grosse Pointe and Gratiot TownabiJll"L B. OLDHAM ..•••••••••••••••••••. PubllJherCH.ARLES .MANOS •••••••••••••••••••... .EditorPAUL J. BLACKBURN .•••. Advertiling ManqerROBERT P. OLDHAM AdvertWna

SuQIcr1pUOD Rates: By Mall, P.OO per ,.e&r; 5c per ClOPJ.By camer. 10 centa a Month.

Publiahed Every Thursday by The Grosse Pointe Printinr Co.VAlley 2-1162 - 2-1163


FOR'S BIRTHDAYThe bU'thday of Franklin D. RooleVe1t, thirty.leCond

President of the Umted States, which OCCUl'l on January30th, IS the occasIOn for a nationwide effort to rai8e fundato fight agamat infantile paralyaia.

Slice 1933 the blrthdav of the war leader haa beencelebrated by b111.bday balls' throughout the nation. Theproceeds go to the fight agamat the diJleue from which UUagreat American suffered. . .

The occasion also serves the purpose of pernuttingAiRencans to reflect upon the life &nd works of the onlyilan to be elected PreBldent of the United States on moreOwl two occasions. Mr. Roosevelt, during his terma of<Jffice fseed .!IOmeof the greatest emergencies which have- 'ever threatened this country.: ~ It is too much to expect that every American, regard-ht of partisan affiliatioDll. will be able to praiae h.ia ac.Gomplishments in the field of domeatic legialation. It shouldte possible, however, for all of WI tu ft:\.vg--uize the tr~.-tent .ervice that he rendered this country in his war leader.imp..



1> ~I I III J II1HARRY HAAS LAST THREE DAYSF TAV ,." .. ~u!-.,..&u"!"

1'1..0'!SSIONAL T.lX 111.."lel I IIIJat1llafY tl~IIc~~ fOa.



HOliU '00 A JL TO , II' JL IGE:-'"ERAL TAX at Bl'SINESS SERV1CE,INC. C\.~~ Sale14Ml KI:ll.CH£\ AI. AVENUE ornolT l5. NlCHIGAlf

"f'AIJ.IY "7111

Page 3: Pointe'. FIRST Newspaper - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/48/1948-0… · the commg sprmg electlOn. I James K Watkms who Will be seekmg

Page Three;-





2 No.2 Tins 29°TOMATOES



Hefe'. your .ppottunlty t. .. • MIIII dol ......actual ca.h. Tan "'oll.and dollor bill., 0 tfIallIGIMlIclollor bill., hllndrad clolIClrbill., sliver clollan and, ..coune, tho .. ctenomlnotlCln. with which we',. all all.,eCllcin, tarm., dim•• , quarto,. and .Wft ,,"n1...

H.". vou ,v.r woncltrad what It woulcl look Uka-• million dollara all tOllOfharIn c.ol, crl.p .,.... ... cleland coin?

Tha .xhlblt will be In our new mCllnoffIca-Griswokiand Mlchi,Cln

ALL J1ttX!WEEKMonday, Tu.sday, Thursday Clnd Friday, 9 a.m. to :Ip.m'l W.clnasctay Clnd 5crtllrdCly,9 a.m. to 12 Noon.





lOW PROPERLYAIm" r''- ENJOY~ DelititJI/s Stet1/r



A T T £ N T ION ~- HOMEBy an the latest • FREEZERscarce this S - l'eporf8, ~ CJl!8Iity USERS-AU gradedP~.- Buy. Side OJ' ~eat Is KOfng to heThe BEST! A£_ 01' Choice and of Prize 4-8 Steen



Cotlill Cheese2 Lbs.3SC

Fresh Pork Tenderloin Lb.89c Jelke's Oleomargarine

Liberal Trade-In AllowanceOn Any Radio-Regardless of Condition

lorle 80me ApPUODCeS341 FISHER RD. TU. 1.2313

Opposite Grosse Pointe Bi&'h School



Phila. Cream Cheese2 Pkgs. 31C

Orders To Take Outon Fancy SandWiches.

Hors-D'oeu vres

Drietl Fruit Specillls! •HILL'S BRO



1 APRICOTS FANCY lb. Apple Juice TIN


RIPE lbs. TEXSUN ti-OZ. 21cGrapefruit Juice TIN

~al_'FORN'A fiGS u. 45~ ROCKWOOD'S " ""efRESH DATES2 ftp. 35' I ChocolateBits~Pkg"\J "



ORANGES38c 38c


Aged Cheddar u. Sge


Comed Beef

Heavy Plymouth FRESH

C"hi~k~;s42t. CHICKEN 39t.LIVERS



Smoked 49t. Sld.less 49~.PICIIOS FRIllS



VA. 2-88310r TU. 2-0819VERA HALEY

Catering lorAll Occaaiona


\. SUN" mon RATING WORTHY FILMCouncil ays 0 1 I 1947 th G Pit Hlgb Dr. MIIlvoJ SimIch, DC. Pre-.' T G B 'Id' n e rosse 0 n e sl'ntpd a sound film on Infantile"I 0 arage UI IRg School Band received supe_r1~rr~t. Paralyslll to tbe Gros,e POinte

lings In QlstrlCt ana BULLe ",,, .. V ... ,,,, I sd JHarry Huavere, of 1011 Mary- Bot h instrumental and v 0 c a I Optlmillt Club on Tue ay. an-

A ~ IIa.nd' cannot build two-flve-car groups gave many outstandmg per- uary 27, at the Alger Post Hallgarages on bls property at Mary- formances during the year. An open diScussIon followed theland and St Pa.ul. His Ill'cond showmg of the fIlm.appeal before the Park CouncLlwas turned down Monday.

Keep bumelll e1ean forgreater effic1ency.

Shut off rooms not m.edKeep bedroom doorsclosed. Use small rug:; toprevent under-door drafts.


Plan and eook entiremeals 1n Gas oven orbrOiler at the same time.Turn off all burners 1m.me<l1ately when cookingis completed.

set thermostat lower tha.nnormal. We a r heavierclothl.ng 1ndoors for com-fort.

There'. enough CAS for essential home useeren In the COI.D£STweather. • • " youwill help sare CAS IN THESE WAYS:

is.sued a warningemployed by the

age Constructionuce their rate of

the viUqe area. Am th h .. ted' und b kinong ose W 0 partlclpa In gro rea g ce-a;e ~g used to remonies marking additionals to the Sewage Pumping Plantc:::"alto ea:70:: at Chalfonte and Kerby were from left to right: MurraySmith, Farms Engineer; J. K. Watkins, president; and W.K. Chase. of Cause and Westphal, contractors. The proj-ect which will cost '140,000 is expected to be completed byJune. The additions will be in complete harmony with thepresent building design. Other Farms officials present in-cluu~ Ti-ust~b Richard Maxon, 2"~eilS. McEachin and ClerkHarry A. Furton.


Collectors Club Meets DavidE=s:~fs~r. and'l'he Groll8e Pointe Collectors Mrs. Victor Fairless, 539 Flsher,

Club will meet Frida.y, Jan. 30 at has ben elected treasurer of Sigmathe bome of Mr. James Curts, 912 Chi national social fraternity atRivard. The meetmg is scbeduled D~lson UniverSIty, Granv1l1e, O.to be called to order at 8 pm. He Is a junior.

• January 29, 1948

Councilto Get'helter


PIMe utensils on burnerJl!dore turnIng on Gas. UsewUerleas cooldng meth.... whenever J)OQ1ble.

Keep windows shutCBUminate d r a It s andlied loss around windowsb.f caulking.) Where pas.I!b!e keep w!.ndow shadesdown.,


please •••


.... , Policek Drivers


gers may have a 75.on Jefferson at Bar-If plans of the Parl( ,

IUccclIsfully completed.

call on from the Lake-pany, Indicated that

comply with a Parkve the aforesaId areaseeM ot hundreds of

boardmll and lellVlnll

~ thiS actIon the coun-=dCd to Everitt Lane,....... 1', to contact company..... discuss the possibIlity... tile shelter.

I--a agreed that the costI"...n.

... NIce reported that Mr.• -*ved the injury wben• MeIliId by a horse at the• JilaIatII Hunt ClUb.

"f'it~ to t,foe Smit.~. News C'<'tmmentator, WXYZ. 6:15 P.~ Monday thnm(tt FridaT

.'II{"JIHi.\\" CO:'\SOl.I1l.\TED (J.\S CO~lPAXY



S;.'1RE'S BirDUnl(ham Store-Phone 3818



~nKt ..s DetroIt Store-880 W. McNlcho~ Rd.-VN. 1-67De


Florida JUICE ORANGESBe sparlng in your use of hot water.W3Stmg hot water wastes G2.s. Wast-lr-'l5 hot water I." d~pnvirlj:( your neigh-bors of their r1ghtful share of Gas.

DoIltt leave door of Gas refrigeratoropen. Let foods cool to room tempera..Wre before puttLng away Don't over.crowd shelve.'J.


Page 4: Pointe'. FIRST Newspaper - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/48/1948-0… · the commg sprmg electlOn. I James K Watkms who Will be seekmg

/r •• at1\ I :01


KnIttIng I"IIl'1<~J1

FREE~WIth P~rcil-~



Y!\~\\oi ..

Imported and fl'~

•tlCarmen .5


It's Free~

Bring your titre in soon and l1us be of service to you You1welcome, no matter what }'Idrive.


iust put

IYARNCRAFTI j.t YCInI olld Tweed Shop •

343 F,Sy:qtl

that chore of getting those 1~license plates we're thinking of. Mar

you don't like putting down all those n~'bers. Maybe it's those rusted bolts you kn~won't come off. Maybe you just haven't!the time.

IWhen you're around Jefferson Avenue a1Alter Road, why don't you give us the tItle ~your car-let us get the plates and when \Icome back let us install them. We like to.;those things.

Custom TailoredTwuJ






We've got the time, the equipment, and the~EW bolts. We've got connections to get thoselicense plates. We know how to do it because:::;- !i':Oiii;a" ~itJ(e service IS a standard yearly fea-ture.



Or did

We're not trying to sell a thing. Of course you can't helpbut see ~ur modem service facilities and equipment. Thentoo, you II know where Ray Whyte Chevrolet Company islocated. Be assured of one thing-THERE ARE NO STRINGSAIT ACH ED to this service.



•Rematntnr In omce an Mrs.Lyn MeNaughto~, Mra. CameronWaterman, Mrs. Longyear Palmer,all vlce.prealdents; Mra George ItFink, recording lecretary; Mra.Joseph B. Schletman, correspond,Ing lIecretary.

Newly elected members to theBoard of Tnatee Include Mra.John N. Lord, :Mra. William Joy,and Mrs. Alexander Wisner.

•The Corporation of CottageHoapltal of Grosse Pomte in.eludes hundreds of interested rest.dents of the community Who helpmaintain the hospital through an.nual contributions to the organ!.zatioll.

301158Carolyn Wicks, Director ofCottage Hospital, revealed In herreport that adml.ss1onaat the hos-pital dunng 1947 topped all pre.vtOUI recorda. 719 babies wereborn there during the year.

Thursday, Janl1a:)

WO){~'S CLUB 1IlIJ:ETS, , 'United Nation. ApI B r;r, .1 Th Southeutem W 0 m. • n I droen ot the w0rld !~Mrs. • .ror" Club e"111meet ModlUlY, Feb. 2 at tomorrow. GIve ,,:;:'1Elected President ,1 30 pm. at SI.. Mark', Church. now. _~

0/ Coi. Hospital' .1" At the annual election meeting NOW 0 PE~.~ of Cot!.age HOlIpltal Corporation,

held Wednesday at the hospital,'. M Beurdette Ford wu eleeted

~r:ldenl She succeeds Mrs. carlB. Grawn. M

Other new ottlcerl include • n: Low. B. Hyde treuurer; Mri.

George Black, Jr, ualstant. Mrs• James McMlUan, uIlstant record.

Ing Itcretary.






Spef'Jial on PermanentsFor the Month of FebrulrY





~allzerine Xainmer:1%M55 MACK .t FLEETWOOD TU.l.33oo I


YOURPIr:Cr:NT "AD.......... ,-n" •••

~\\ I / #//

I~ ,......,.--1-

,...,.with anALL-NEW

,OLDSMOBILE ENGINE:I 'Better than 8 UIed earl Tbat'l what motorist:s say lboot this new 01dl-mobile encme. Precisioo-built with new materiab throughout-indudulccylinder block, cranbhaft, t=::a ~ Patoaa aDd I'lXb-1t carries 8

factory 1UU'8Dtee. ADd it COItI leas than 8 major overhaul. Easy budgetteona are availabJe--1lo caD today for lID early iDsWlation IJIP01ntmcnt.


OLDSMOBILE COMPANY,15218 I. Jeff.-VA. 1.5000

Tunney Skin ClinicSkin Specialists

Acne. Psoriasis, Eczema, FootInfections. SCalp Condltlons.Sc1ent1tlc Methods-PosJ.tlve


Many Years of Experiencein the Treatment of AllTypes of Skin Infections



l"tnt Blocl< South ot E. Jejf'nIOn

Daughter Is 80mMr. and Mrs. Fe1Jclen Van Den

Branden ot 1030 Balfour Road I

announce the birth ot a daughter, 1Manlyn Patricia on Monday, Jan-uary 19th.

The proud grandparents are Mrand Mra Howard F. CoLlm! ot 338Moran Road.

rnu/gk g;~h;"_COMPLETE REPAIR SERmE~YCOMPETENT SILVERSMITHS •••eIllVlU.,TMlItO_O,d4Id •• , ,1... _ • ., MIni .....

-' ... Pobllal... a....a..... CutIop .. 1IaIop.LocqoOn,.. • _ ...,. a-" 00Ir,• "LVI•• "" '''''IIINO-... 1"*7. ra.. ..COMluaB'." SOlduIDI..... • ...... JOItI-,AI xa.k."OOUCTIOH PLAT!NG. O=:' ~p:-.:'gpUiI01 ~ ,....", prod.aoo .. 10k! .... on- ,...,

W. an e:qs.p,..s co J1" 1011 _ 'ant 1& Gold ... -Iol-. Pro" Bum pII"., 01 cIoan<&J <oe.apans. Each. JI 11"- lo4.l....w-J care ..................... - pIo&

Done WhileAway

Page Four


\ \ ,,-::=;'--;;;;E;lJ~rat _--=-{l - -.......... .,'-- _17008 KercheVal, Grosse Pointe

~,=o. !:a;:!'!l!Ef;!~~, r.o


A Pl r tor, outhfulneat and (&Jety prev&Jll!dat the St. paul~~thp.Lak; SE'\IC)R PROM on Friday evening. The Lochmoorwas tilled Wllh merry.makera s~nl1mg a llI"Onderfulthree ~ours ~orema.lw'g thr rou,,1s ot partles IU'd o~n houses a!ten ...ar s.

The huge t1rl'p!ace, a part ot the homey setU'lg, made a pe~~t

~:; f~~n~pos~~ h~;;~~~:~d 11~~t ~u~:eeUt:a~~~:tut~~ enUr;evening

.. *' t BIU Mathera and theSWIrl '1g around to the 10.. mu...c 0 F !AnsUl.cals were Spr'or Class Otfleer_Paul DuRocher and dra;;;!~Ardltto Joa!\re Krehnbnnk and Paul Meldrum, Tom Gellt .:Krlly, James Furtan and Joan Whyte, Tom De1t1 and Stm&r)'

"robl- _ ..~ __ • __ .., Other. aLUred in their prettiest I

(ormals graced With frarrant cor'I lages .....ere Nancy Roclnvood, Betty

Shendan, Nancy Schumacher, Peg. Igy Wortlev and Donna DuBuU'

jTheir escort.s were John Grates, AlMOlr, Al Campenhout, John Fuah',man, Chuck W)'Ule.

• Slttlng before the tireplace were'Pat T1ubodeau and Bob Byington.Jeanne Kulka and Howie Meathe,Mary Lou T1ubodeau and PIUI Van Do'l Tho:DA5PhotoHollebeke, Joan Beaupre and Jerry RIS lE."-Y!\'E BROOKS lO."-~STIVASO:SMoons, Dan O'Connor and Lola Lt. DO. • • b 'd It' 1 this w k. They are Dorisberty Marlon deSuter and Bud Two more Grosse Pointe girls JOm the n e-e ec ClI'e e ee

~~, Alda Mane Crowe &lid Doug Jeanne daughter of Mrs. Henry Coleman Brooks. of 1323 Nottingham and the ~te Mr.Sutherland, Joan Lemieux and Marc B ks'. d J a Stivason daughter of the J. Stivasons of Lochmoor ~lvd. Miss ~le-DeHlte, Alice Fauser and Parker roo .' aben 0 ned t G 'd Lewis Hassig son of Mrs. Walter Hassig of DetroIt on

. Munger Mary Ann Hillebrand and man will marn 0 or on , f u_ d Mrs. Albert of HuntBud Baker, RIta La.nipn and Rob. Feb. 21. Mtss Stivason's fiance is William Beeve~, son ~ .ll.U. an

Club Drive. No date has been announced for thell' wedding.

CWhere~uality is :EaramountEMERGENCY SEBVlCE


IMPEBIAL CLEANEBS &. DYERSSOcce8.flOnIto ~gal III At the Old Faml1iar Comer

Kercbe"ar Ave. - .rust W. of Maryland tvbck Avenue, comer NottinghamTWO DILIYERY TRUCKS TO SIItYI YOU

VA. 2.7055 -For Prompt P,ck.Up and Deli ...ery- TU. 2.3000


t.-.r .':',~j';f~"?m....... ~..J' .

ra.lJL4. ert Herman.

O&Ilee cha1nnen included Naney Schumacher, publicity. Jeanne Mr.'l". Smal't~~~~ ~~~:;;;;::hestra, JOaJUleKrehnbnnk, cbaperoll4, Trot h Ann 0 Unee men ts oJ, I,• • •

The senior Prom prompted everyone to do their bit of entertain. A June wec1dL'lgIs being Plan-'jboUlevard. and the late Mr. Elected B1J Conleys In Florida." ao the party boun ot J&lIuary 23 were 4llec1WlUl one t.blng afw llee! by Jane GrundInahn a.nd Melcher. ,/ •

• eo~~cld.aID" were Itrved with hors d'oevre. to the group that ::~:ve~; ~~~!eG~~~: Dr. and Mrs~ Joseph Emmet lIT , CII h Plan Plane To RICO: iat.Ilered at the home of SUE BURKE. She W&.seaeorted by Babe parents Mr. and Mra. C. H. Malcomson, of Washington, D. C., rromen s IU MI" IUId Mrll. .Tack Conley ~f• Earsons IGnmd.~ann of Wasnourn avenue. Ia.na formerly of Urosse .l;'Olnte,! IRoslyn, will J.nterrnpt their Flon.,: DisPoSing of the dellclous food and converalng among theJ:n.selveS/Mr Cha.rv~t Is the son of Mr.' announce the engagement of At a Women's RepUblican Club da vacatIon this month for a plane• 'Were Tom GeLrt atld E1lJn Kelly, Dan O'Connor and Lois LIberty. Joe and :Mra. Loul! F. Charvat, of their daughter, Jean Frances, to of Grosse POinte meet1ng at the I trip to Puerto Rico to repay a I. Marmlno and Marg Kelly. Jim Furton and. Joan Whyte. Joanne Krehn. Yorklb1re avenue. I Richard :Merritt Welr, IOn of :Mrs. Il.!tt!e ClUb last Vle"'Jt, attended by .-..sIt of friends.

Itink and Paul Meldrum. • ~Iarguerite Mayne. of B1rnung. 124 membera, Mrs. Lewis Smart The ConleY8 plan to return to. . • • • Dr IUId Mrs. Terrell D. Lewis, ham. WIU elected preSident. their Grosse Pointe home In: : The KREHNBRINK home WIU the Kene ot another '.'before the of Rivard boulevard, announce the The brlde-eleet attended Ferry Other officers are: Mrs. James February.

dlUlee" party. when JOANNE entertained a ff!Wof her fnenda, WlUl engagement ot their daughter, Hall and L!l now stud)'lJlg at Mlelt. McEvoy, Jr., 1st ~ce.president;• • d1nIIer. Gwen, to Roland B. Mayne, IlOlJ Igan State College, wbere she is Mr s Lener Moll, 2nd vice.presi-: • P1cturel, to be tucked away1n memory boola, were III&Pped of of the Walter P. Maynes, of Be. affiliated Wlth Kappa Kappa dent; Mrs. Douglas Crane, record •. tile «nests Includ1Jlg Joanne's date Paul Meldrum, Nancy ~kwood n....l!,. C_llf' Mis! L<:!wi..s alte!''':!!! Gamy!!a !arcrlty. Eel' ftow,cc wa:; mg lIecretary; Mrs . .James AtIo.n •. =d .rohn G.-.t€i, J1m F-u.rton aud Juan Why~. and Joan J:StaUpreI'th'; University of Colorado, Where graduated from MSC. He was a son, assistant; :Mrs. Wm. Joy, cor-• ad. Jerry Koou. me 11 aftlhated With Chi Omega. member of Psi HBBJ10n fraternity. responding secretary; Mrs. Henry

• • • • Tau Delta and Delta Phj Delta They wW be married 1n the fall Clemens, Mrs. George Bakel', ...• • Still more proIIl.'goers enjo,.ed themae1Ye8 at the "c:oketaiJ" party McteUe.. Bel' tlance was gradu. alatants.

• ~ by DONA DUBEAU before the dance. atee! from Colorado &lid Is a memo BAmIEUJ BETUIL'If Mrs Theodore Oslull was elected: • • • bel' of Phi Delta Theta and Phi The Robert S. Hammel and treasurer. She mil be aSSlSted by: • AtUr the prom, KATHLEEN SCHNEIDER opened wide the doors Gamma Mu fraternities. A sum. their da.ughter Dolores have reo MI'!. L. R. Lilley and MrSo Roy• of her home on StaUer Road in Grolllle Pointe Shoru tor a Senior mer wedding is planned. turned to their home on Sunmng- Margenau. I. Party. Jurt about every lIenior was lIeen at thiJI gatheril1r .tome tim. dale Drive after a eojourn to Mia-I A board ot directors of 31 memo. ~ the evening and • ~ tJm: waa ~ by alL Xl'. and Xrs~ Charles Getler, mi Beach. bers was also chosen.• • l;'A TT • t of Whittier boulpvard told of thp, KART LOU 11M P.t,T THIBOD l'!'ere other: r..o 1IJd OU I t t th II' daughter; tfle "treleome mat" to thelr ma.ny fnenlla. PhU Van HoUebeke and =:m: J:'l W~bury 1>Iel~• Bob Byington e8eorted the tWIJJa. cher, of Los Angelu, eon of Mre.

Dainty IandWiehea, cake chips an~ hors d'oevrea made up theIr AUItln G, :Melelter, of Boston ~nfrealunent 11.t. Dancing a1.Io Iu-llted Uua get. together wiUl coup1e.s XwaltzlJlg &I'OUZI4 UI the recorded music. S_1. I B II Ring

Partaldng of the tun were Betty Huetteman and Tom Baal, Joan mOO e sBeaupre and Jerry MooIUl, Parker Munger and Allee Fauser. John F M dD dI'ushman &Il4 Peg Wortley, George Heldt and Carol StaUb, Tom or om an aDeitz and Roaemary Wruble, Ph1l McGUey &lidBernice Van T1em, AI J 29 st.JIo1r &lid Betty Sheridan. On Thursday, a.nuary ,

VALET1!:f Paul mgh Wl1l hold open hOWletor the parents. After many yean

FLOR IDA WEDDJ NG ablleIlce the parente Wl1l again at.tend achaol to observe wiUlt youn&,

The Groan Pointe Yacht Club FOR POINTE GIRL BWy and Suzy do In schoolannounced that due to circum. Mra. Robert T Barnell left for The cluses of the seeond,lltance.s beyond the control of the Fort Pierce FI.. : early th1B week fourth, and sixth perloW! will holdentertainment OOmmittee, the DI- to attend 'the ~ec1dmg of her sellSlon from 7.00 to 9 30. TherehCUlrs Ball haJJ been postponed to daughter L1lllan, to Charlea Bru.s!J, will also be an S S.T S. meet1ngSaturday, February 14. The orlg- of New York. at which the students mll haveJuJ da~ was Saturday. J&!l. 2.. Mra Barnes W1U accompanled an open forum on The Commun.

---- by her daughter. GeraIc1tne who Wm 8cq,re.U YDu're !lOt I&tLsfIed with the will be mald of honor at the wed- Alter c1a.slles d1smlSll the par-

_rid, are you l&tL!ltiedwith what ding which will take place on ente will be J.nvlted to me~t theJOU are doing about It? saturday. t&culty and d1scUSIJany problems------------------ they might have.

I .I l•

Page 5: Pointe'. FIRST Newspaper - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/48/1948-0… · the commg sprmg electlOn. I James K Watkms who Will be seekmg





, •• ease in bed.making witb onl} tm~ cover••• savings in storage space with only owcover, a cover moths WOO't touch.

Visit your nearest Detroit Edison office or yourneighborhood appliance dealer who stocksautomatic electriC comforters and blankets.You'll hnd a variety of color .. to choose from.


and Entertainm~n'


The Three MoodsDir~ct from New York

For Table Reservations ••• Phone NI. 9693


-J--1--Featuring The



of The Finer andMore Beautiful


DINNERSserved from

4 P, M.to

10 P. M.A La Carte-

10 to 12 P. M.We CatnTo Ptrrti~s


Honestly! It., just too reluing for words toclimb into a bed already warmed by an auto-matic comforter. Y011'11 drift off to sleep beforeyou know it. \Vby, even the sheep you'vealways counted can't stay awake.

Of course, you elm count the added pleasureselectric comforters hrln~. There' .. the dch~ht.ful l'oeight-free warmth of qUIlted non- ..kldsatin ••• pride in owning a thing of beauty


" H' I" ~t~f t~.~r.' 'J", I ,

WITH AN ~'''4f "~.". ~ >

AutomatiG Eleario Gomforfer

~&~.al_ IIluLalUIIl "I D

16352 E. WARRENNL 9693



WhiteI$erore tJle altar at l:St. \,;lare or J. l"Oley. to a JWle~ iltolWlOU <-.p, .....1 :."u" plunle. 1:lnec&l'neci& pmit oouqueL

Montetalco Church In G r 0 I • e The brides gown wu ot brocaded 100m In the family. The bride car. Followmg a wedding breaktutPointe Park banked with pallnS satin. fUhloned with a buque ned a bouquet of gardenias, roses at Dearborn Inn, t.1le couple willand all white ~wers, Janet Mar- bodice, pointed In front, which wu and sweet peas. leave for a honeymoon in thIgaret Smeader. daughter of the trimmed with tiny buttons and Muriel DePyster, cousin of the South.Harry Raymond Smeaders of Blah. loop. to the Deck line. The dress bride, was the m&Jdof honor. She For travehnll' the bridp wore aop Road was united In marriage had a lha1Iow bramley collar and wore a two-piece gown or Ameri. green suit and winter willte topto Mr. Gerald Leonard Goodin of long tight sleeves with pointe over can beauty velvet, made with a full coat and hat. Her acceuoriel wereOxford Road IOn of the late Mr. the hand. It halt a voluminous skirt and perky peplumed Jacket green alllgalM Her corsage wu

d .... J ' h "'__.0 _. • of brown orchids.an _1'1. osep uuvuln e cere. skirt, ending In a cathed.lU train. Her hat waa of the American U their tum Mr and M,a.mony was performed by lI'a.thel'!of. Her veil of UllLllon waa attached Beauty velvet with a pink ostrich eoXn

nwtl1ll ...~on StOt!PelAvenue.

1 i1 I


; II

! 1

1 I, I



Order Your Choice By PhODe

MI. 7.40


20916 MACK AVE,We Deliver

NEW STORE HOURS:MOIL, ""'ed., ThUl'll., FrL. 9-.

Tuesday, :saturday, 11-0

CanneD • • .. .... " '1'.11Rise StevellS

Schuberts SymphonyNo. 9 in C . '1.35

Arturo T05C&DiDi

ConeetioDS of Early Records(A Collectors Item)

Bing Crosby $U5~eamIand Special •... &51

Vaughn Monroe,Carle Comes calling ..... 3.15

Frankie Carle

Photo by Jl[ojlett StudioMRS. GEBALD L GOODIN


HeleD Herna1steeDin the Woods for 10 Years210:: ~;a(,~ TV. 1..~2

Grosse Pointe Woods

__-- ........-.-."'~............-r~SPECIAL"

Push-Up Wave'10 Wave ¥.a Price

$S IIncluding Creme Shampoo Iand Personality Hall' Style i

------- ...-I~

Helen's -Permanent Wave


350 Pierce StudentsAttend PTA Party

Three-hundred PIerce Schoolstudents attended the party spon-sored by the Pierce PTA lastFriday.-i Dunng the party which Incuded

Igames and dancing, Barbara EyreE won a prize for suggestion. ''Teen-~ Hi Round Up" as future PTAI parties.I The next party wtll be held oni Friday, Feb. 2.! -------------~I

iI•...~, ..-,


"Tal" ,


TU. 1-2100


16726 East Warren ~f'::.~"::~~

For Absolute Accuncy

11~ aercnevai, Grosse Pointe

P"on~ UJ for an Appointmmt wit" ourDecorator in Your Home

All Watches Checked on the

16726 E. Warren-3 Blocks East of Outer Drive


the nll'htl Tollll'bt is the climax of twelve yeara ofratton for a job or for college. Tonight Is graduation.momentou.s occasion w.. the mow party, the senior

and informal usemblle •• and now .•. commence-Speaking tonlrht on "LiVing Together" are ROBERT

.." chosen "ClVic Relponslbllltles" as his subject, NAN.~ will dlacuu "PerIOD&! Relationships," and MARY

who will .peak on "International Co-operation." Inhappens to any of the lpe&ke1'l, LORNE NORTON

• • • on Clock Repair ReservationsWe have misplaced our clock record book.

Please call and advise us aa to yourGrandfather Clock needs ••••• Nt. 7788

:J.,uality gewelry fRepairing

v c, 11188 LEADERS.. ~ to mI5I you senlon around the High, especIally

..... Jell their ciaaa • • • TOM WILLSON, class presIdent,

........ vice-pte.l1dent, FLORll:NClI: ERRINGER, secretary,"lACK WILSON, treuurer. Alao to be mlsae<l will be the .th-• wIlIt -" be participatInr In the football, bUketball, baseball,S &.- JIIIIlleI, track meetl, IWimmlng meets, and on the crew ... ... OIl football fteld will be Ken Christianson, John Jervi ..,. ...." 1M Barlow, Randy Zeeb, ~rwIn Ciske, and John Flaugh.

Io1Id ....... baaeb&il fteld will be Ken Christianson, Joe Hlpfel,• ~ llatt Patter80n, and John Brink. To be missed in theat, __ 1Iuketball, are Tom Willson and Erwin C1ske. Not to_ "'2.' In the pool anymore are Bob Essert and Richieill. :- ~bo won't particIpate on the crew are Dave BullIS..... and the fellows that you won't see at the tennis_ LI Bob Treel and Tom WIl1aon.

_ 'have been kept bUSy with the parties that have• this last week. Saturday mght NANCY HODGES.. Y u Inglea1de near Mt. Clemens. The kids who

and have donuts and co1fee were Tom Willsone, Sh1rley Davi.l ,n Lome Norton, Martha Falrle.u

Nancy Bonel 'n Ken ChrllIt1an.Ion, Nancy Weed ,n <

"'y Wicklng 'n Jack McCrea, Jo Ann Broom 'n BobElliott ,n Ricky Smith, MarIlyn H1rt 'n Bill Siebert, !

;.- W'&I J>.ADDY BAAS, tN.&NcrtI PABTI' t

_d gold da!fodila decorated the Women's City Club at L.n NANCY BOLLJllS gave Tuesday afternoon. The

.. .mor class who were present were Sue Rogers, Nancy~ ~ .. ...e?e!"...!o!'!.Sh!r!~)' Davie .. 1!J ...._n" B..,.Nlm. Nsm,.." Rt\dr4tofl~~r, Barb Barnea, Nancy Gotschall, Martlyn Hut, Mary ~I b C'l~ 'T'. U..... Loaalne Summe1'l, cecUy Wade, Janet EckJleld, PefJe lY.J.aCOm navter.L 0 neart....-.ott, Minnie Hewitt, BU1ry Wlcklng, DoDo Guimond, :c .,.:t::::::: :=;~.orne of his friends Saturday Educators At Newberr1JtL '1'IIllI-. laving a gay time were Stu Ward 'n Sally Hoyt, Lois -',. .. Belt Coleman, Glo,ria James 'n Jerry Webster, Bob Shaw'n Members of Gen. Alexander Ma. Mrs. Harold :M. Hasting!, pro-.UMIe. IIar7 Gratzer n Dick Nlght.1ngale. comb ~pter, U. S. Daughters of 19ram chairman, will Introduce

BANQUET BELD 1812, Wlll meet Wednesday, Febru- M'-- Fl r 1.. An" d .......ary 4: .at N'~Ulht:Io"''''\1 HnUAP nn lr'AJ:l:t u:aa 0 a U.erson an ~YlJ,lJ,Di

,~T ~~ hostess for ~ seml.annual Pointe Playen Je1fe~so~-AV~~;;:----, -- --- Thehna G. James, educators, who I____ e."......g. which hOllO."", the new officer.. renewed~ with the old alumni, and bid "adieu" to the memben Mrs. Charles H. Mooney, chair- ~J1l c~nduct a panel WscusslOnon110are It'Idaattllg. It wu • pot luck afl'alr and those who brought ~an of hostesses for the 12'00 What s Wrong With Our SChool• food. .... Barb Gregory, Sharon Gates. Dale Steevnson, Nan 0 clock luncheon precedmg the System 1"lbert7, nza loImatone, Loll Hohz, Martie Watkins, Alice Bichler, ~ee~g, ~~ be ass~~ted ~y IMr.;, Donations of books are re-• OraIvt1,Ie.n Smith, Jan Walker. Carroll Grylls, Donna Daven- "'~~chaved ; •.equDe, thrs.Chanardl . quested for the American Mer-... .....~_ __ Bob H' Gall W . ....... an ..uS! oro y erI.... Y" ....... 00. &1'Olson. nght, John Weed, Bill . chant Marme L1brary AssoclatloncBride., A.Dea Bryant, Corky Schwam, Bill Kerr, Victor Hughes, Mrs. C. Clayton Lanier, presl'lei JUlD' --. The alumni there were Ginny Gregory, Herbie dent, Wll1conduct a board meetUlgNeD. Daft "-animan, Sally Slocum, Le. Yeager, Betty Townsend, at eleven o'clock and a businessIII ~ am Brown, Dotty Geyer, and Lola Mehring. session at one o'clock, at which

Id~!~lrA.tPlland alternates will beWell, ... - DOW. elected to the Forty-nmth State_________________ Council, to take place In Lansing

m March.ointe V.th Sings With Culver ChoirFori:)t-iiarw caQeUi at Culver denomInational Sun day chapelIl1tU7 .A.-lIImy have been lie- Hl'YiceL The choir 11 directed byW!d ...... chapel choir. The J. V. MIracle.IOIWI lIIIIt. ee of the outstand- Richard Joseph Laux, 1M LIn-r ...... eqanlzationa at CuI- coIn Road, has been selected as a1', 11M• ~ part in the non- member of Chapel Choir,

Page 6: Pointe'. FIRST Newspaper - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/48/1948-0… · the commg sprmg electlOn. I James K Watkms who Will be seekmg



: II:r',101. I1Itl. IU






Dayand ..!!NIght Service-





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Electric Sewer CleaningLO. 7.5610



Men Who Know



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DOETSCH BROS., IIC., 8sl. 1900(z Yr Guarantee

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M.D', ... d Ladiea' Saita Tailored to OrderAlt .... tiona. Relioio., ca..DUa. ud Preaa,njl

14931 E. JEFFERSON, at City f.imitFred M. Scbll..... Eat. 1925 0 .... E..... Till 7:00 lE.)-E.. CALLING VOWNE~~


: PARTS ACCESSORIESI~2 ~'f," ---- (,+~= ".,~ Open Till Mid-Nite -~(lo~1-< * or,. •.0 ---- ,


"Only Sat18j\ed Customen Keep 17.t1. BU81ne8,s" ~

8etween Philip and Mallisfjqoe



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BalaDc:ed wheels dOll't~ panmeac. They lift• ~ tick, aTe tires8admaayorhumoviDgpuo

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ROY O'BRIENMOTORS, INC.Y".n l.oce1 f'on DuJa

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'7.p1ate Batteries$1&.&0 P:~GE


The Aboye Priees During JanlUlry Only


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Boase Calls Made

ROBERT'SRadio ServiceTV. 2-4550

16369 E. WarreD


'I'E.Ul 200Royal "10"

lad. 200DeSchynck - Belding

Team ThreeJanet's LunchRoyal "10"

bd. '1'hree

Restaurant and Sea FoodRoase

Been - Willes - Uqaon

Wasum's:I GOOd Food Yon'll Remember

1564 Broadwayat Grand Circus Park

~GRY YOlJNGS'I'ERSI 230,000,000 chlldren may starve,I thiS Wlnter-W1thout your help. II Give to the Umted Nations Appeal I

Ifor Children campaign, February I15 to March 1. _ I

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SWEAT SHIRTSWhite and Grey

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24 Ho.rService-MostWrinren

We pil'k up and denver, oryou un bring the work toOtIr ~"~p:l!ld you ea:: savetime and money.

Trade-h. YOlllr Old Washer OftNew Bendix a"d Other Makes.libera' Allowance Oft Tracle-Ins. by Payrnefth.

Service on Mayt.g, Thcw,Apex, Norge and other



WA LTO N 'S Closed TuesdaysI Open All Ot".! Day. 'bl 1 a.m. I

ISund.y, and Hol.d.,. Open

from '-00 pm-HUll E .TF.:FFF:R5;ON iat Ch .. lmen VA 2.:;!l:i5-2.~56 I

CLlforol 2228 CA.di!1ac 2230- I~ j •••••••••••••••••••••••• ;

14336 Kercheval_ CWm_

Specializing in Home-MadePIES. CAKES ... 01 HODl .. Cook. FOC>d.

o.-oJ ucI ()pentecl to, ..... aDd. Mn. CharI .. StackmuForm.,., owner 01 the B & C Soden. On Flther Road

HOURS: Moo. to fn. - 6 A.M. to 12 P.M.Set. - 6 A.M. to 3 A.M. - Oc.ed Sunday

ImmediateDelivery on


. ~.. ,-.. - .1iI' ••• row f J

.. ..,<'j; .,.... .J- . - - - ~-


SandwichesSodas, Sundaes

lAke MlcllIgall FresllFlith Dinners

Open 7 a.m. to 2 a.m.Closed Tuesdays

22425 Harper Ave.Beyond 8 Mlle Road



CompleteLine ofwy;p ramfo .. AnMikel

.-::!IIRIt:White Wrinter RoRsr.All Make "uben


Woods Senior House jlOverflow Crowd Apaches, Hanson Rotary Teams' Blue Devils SetBowling League r'l ~. PI'''''' 1J I'006." !UI"\ T .. ,..,,4 r"T(1,"~'" n 1IlII' I.. T T!_.. n_'k C"T(1,"~t'TEA'lST"~DIXGS I""'""'""" u". aM". " .LJC-UU vuO'-'" I'la tor op .£'vr .I.-ul uO'-'''1

1 Bushers Service 46 30 902 F'_1J T 5t Ch e'l b LW L A\ •. I ill 0 • as. tU eauues L H The GroMe Pointe varsIty bas.2 G P Woods Rec 45 31 8991 B ,JOIIS HL"TTON 0 OOp onors ketball squad, after laving off a3 Greater DetroIt Altho:gh the 8t paui Flyers In a Neighborhood Club minor week between semesters ~ III :e- I

Landscane H 32 :;~ I held the powerful St Charles qUIn' league game Thurs, Jan. 21, St. There will be several thrillers ~me ftiv~tl:~~e~~;I~nd ;~:: I4 Manor Cafe 42 ~~ 851 tet to Its lowest score of the sea-jl'aUI "as upset by St. Chur No. Fnday night at the Wooda Rec- ~ p~y ~evils Wlll be Without I

~ ~~~~:~d~~IPS~; 38 861 son. the Flyl'rs lost 26 to 17 at 2 by the score of 2~ to211. Mh°tsb I reatlon. All eyes Will be centered the s:rvl~e: of theIr first-stringers, I1 Lochmoor Hdwe 38 38 858 i St. Paul on Jan. 20 Ichall of St. Chur 1'\o'th l~U It Ion alleys 5 and 8, when Houston Tom Willson and LeRoy Guare-8 Calore Coal 31 39 816 A capacity crowd which tilled' man of the gan~ ~I f seo:ul Bros. Inc, take on Holzbaugh Mo, simo Willson Will be sorely missed I9 Henri s ~{ark ..t 34 42 844 the tiny g}'II\ and overt1owed Into IBoc~lann \\a.s Ig or a I tors. HoustA>n, taken the league lLS & forward on the ba.sketball

n3 A3 83" I the halls was thrilled by St. Paul s IWith • p,0lnts. J 2Ath... lead from Holzbaugh back Ul No. ""uad -* well _. the varslt~. tenms II,10 Glenn s Br ,).. • tI d f in h h Saturuay, anu&ry .. , ....e I .._- ".ad." -, - - J

11 Carl Schwelka.rt 30 46 8-l1 rst perlo per or.nance W IC 'League leading Apaches defeated vember. have never """"n..., ~ sqUAd. He has been a veteran of I112 J Kerns Bar 30 46 844 they took a 6 to 3 lead on baskets I wlshe 54 to 17. Su enol' sineI'. Although never having a two years experience in both.I HJ ...h Three Ind. Iby Jim Law, Paul DuRocher and t~e S I ~ th d ... ft! tac.1 commandmg lead, Houston hu al- Graduation wtll take hun from.. ,. ,. n. . team p av "a.s I' ecl....... . r...~ .. It U I

A Martens 682 ~••_~ , ~ ~ .. , ~" ~ tor. The Apaches were out IlIj ways Deen aule Ii " compe - lIChool this week.e ZWlmer 674 IDragons, their bItterest riVals to Iiront all the way. Connell was tlon when threatened. Both teamJ LeRoy Guaremmo. lirst strmgHAppel 6431 Just three foul shot points high man With 20 points Although Iare evenly matcbed and a good guard. hu completed eIght se.

___________ • Despite the low score at the end Allen dldn t lICore man)', hlB !loor, senes ill expected. mt'-'ters of eligibility and won't beo. the perIod the Flyers played "ork wu very good. Droder Wall seen any longer on the Grossewith greater skIll than at any high ior the losers Wlth 6 POints Moving on to ,the nest pair of Pomte court. Guareslffio wa.s alsopreVlous tIme thiS season Their Monday, January 26th, the Huns alle~'s. Ed Taube s Fanna Karket a member ot the varsity baseballfiashv ball handling kept the Dra- and SwlAhers met. Tlu.s turned I tackles Martm Outboard Moton, squad 1&st seuon.gons on the defenSive and the ex. out to be the dOlest game played w!uch should produce & lot ot ere- Grosse Pomte's game with High-Cited spectators reahzed that the)' tIus year. The lead changed works. It John Potter's Wolverine land Park 1JI the second game of

I might see St Paul score a major hands all through the game wtth Chlps should lose to Middle AU. a home-and-home serlt'-' The in-

ilupset over the title contending Edsel breaking away "Ith 16 sec. Transp. Co, the Farmers could Itlal contest la.st month saw theVlsltors. onds to score the "mmng basket. shp IntA>the first diVISIon, ahould DeV1Ls lose. 43-38.

De~{ulemelster took top scoring Von Ant wa.s !Ugh for the Huns they win. ------I honors With 12 pomts, followed by "Ith 12 pomts. Thayer was !ugh Last week's result. found the CI viiihIS team mate, DerlUers Wlth 8. man for the S\\'1Sbera WIth 12 top two teams on the abort end arence eDuRocher led 8t. Paul with ~ POlllts. of V1ctorles produced by PepUn-~:nts Fmal Score - 41-40. ski's G. P. Review (3). Houston T ed b DUS

BES~R\"ES O~"TCLo\SSED STANDINGS Bros, Ine. (1). Pepllnskl having rounc yThe Reserves were completely Team G P. W L 226. In 668 and Capt. Bamberg's

HOCKEY STICKS oute!a.ssed by a tall St Charles Apaches 4 4 0 Ho1zbaugh Five (3) to Middle At!. B1 BILL HAMILTONtlve 27 tA>8 Fellas of St. Charles St. Paul 4 2 21 Transp. Co. (1), Mondry Cleaners Lut Friday night, the D. tJ. S.

$1.50 to $4.00 Ibroke hiS ankle dunng the second Huns 4 2 2 subdued Motor City Tires, 3.1. cagers battled the boys of Clar.

I IIquarter of the reserve game. S1. Clair 11:'0. 1 2 1 1, Brtlce Allor's 540, tor the Em Cus enceville to a 46.30 victory on the

COFF DOG FOOD I The Flyers return to Grosse St. Cl&.1r No. 2 2 1 11 being topped by BlUy Mertz.s 549, local court. It wa.s the seventhI CHARGE Co\!to"DY POinte HIgh's court to tangle Wlth S\\Ulhers 4 1 4 !)r the Fisher Road Cleaners. game of the season for the Red


F S1. Rose on Friday, Jan. 30. St. XA.JOB LEAGUE and Blue and the fourth WIll. Mer-or Dogs Rose Is tied wtth St Charles and Fnday. January 23rd. Defer Carl Thompson. for Wolvertne ntt Jones paced Ius teammates

Good for Cats, Too! Annunciation tor second plaee In Cagers defeated 81. Chur eyO Po~toe ChIps, waa the only bowler WIth 10 points closely followed by

Ithe East SIde Sl!cond Dlvls'on. 146-38. Half tlnle score wa.s 18-121 to Improve hiS average as his team Tony Stever who had 9, eight of

ROLAND GRAY'S On Wed., Feb. 4 the FI)'ers 1m favor of Defer. The lead spilt wlLlt Ed Taube's Fa.rm.s Mar- w!uch he got I.ll the few remam-I &acq""... Spo.... Sbop, ~ f:l:::: St. :e:::,:,.::..'"d ~t Sc:.:th:::l:;t::rr. t'hang-pel hSU\ds In el,ffprf-nt sta..,.p" keto 2.2. mil' minutes of the l1.'ame.

I IHIgh. j of the game. Doug SeJgfried ;a.s I Martin Outboards had • lIC&1'el Paul McCIueklm racked up 141106 ~~~ev:~lbte ~ 1-5262 I Center Harry Hammond suffer- lugh man for Deter with 151 thrown into them when they points for Clarenceville.

ed 8 broken nose in practice on POints, H1ggma had 13 pomta for barely eked out a 2-2 dcelsion with The D. tJ. S. basketball squad.------------- '\\.ed., Jan. 21. IT. i5 not expected Defer.. Kadd.sh ut St. Cl&1.rVr8.S theu- weaker foeJ Ha..~....-on Ce....-pets.\\.as schedu1€:d to meet Cranbrook

r-J:~HUMV!AY'~.---.Ihowever that tills will hamper his !Ugh man of the game Wlth 17 Piche Barbe 8h 'Ut Bob on Wednesday. Jan. 28. for & re-eltectlveness. POints. Cross clipping ~ n~f'M~ ttled turn contest Ul the afternoon. D

______ Monday, January 26th, st. Paul for two with th Punch ,.tlieJ d U. S. lost the 1irst game by a score

P . 5 and Am Vets enJoyed the most e u y of 46.18. Thla IB the only game


rmters weep excltUlg game of the year. The Cocktail Lounge, c:>vesen and Wil- scheduled for this week.Ch game was not deelded until the son checking 1ft WIth 1520and ~10, The Cranbrook game waa orig-

& me W' o,ce In- to 1-st PI-ace iUl&i 8e<:ond of me game WIth I respectfully. for P a: J. lnaUy scheduled for Tuesday, Jan.Foods Liquors st. Paul "'inning 36-35. STANDINGS 27, but was po.stponed by .school*. * The Grosse Printers, came from or STANDINGS W L offu:la1B.

behind in the last two frames in H eam G P. W L 1. Hounon Brol~. Ine. M 26 ------their fmal game with TIny's Cafe G~ 3 3 0 2. Mld. AU. Transp. CO. 151 29 Empty stomach! open minds to

Now Appecnng last Wednesday to win the game Ama ,R. 3 2 1 3. G. P. Review 48 32 unpa1&table 1deu. i'O~~~~~~~,"OOOOi~IIOlIlOl***~~;;~ ..!BENE SCHROEDER and LILLIAN BILL and the series Vets 3 2 1 4. Martin Outbd, Mtrs..7 33 ------------ "., -

Wet!. Throarh Sun. Weekly The V1ctOry ~nabled the Prtters ~~ 3 1 2 5. Holzbaugh Motora U 36 STEWA.T.WARNE. ~ IMasic and Entertainment You'll Love to move mto first place in the DeFer ~ ~ ~ 16. Wolverine Pot. C1hpll 39 ~12"'~ ~ '-\ ~ '-\ " It ~ ,. ~J~~ ,t

Complete DlnnerService 5:00 P.M. to 1 A.M. Dally Grosse POinte BuSiness Men's St Clair 7. Farms Market 38 .. ""ELf~TRO I 7'- O«Jlers••

1149;~:T:;f::':a~:::2t:~:~;289IILe~:~~~;~;~~~VedlSwnDUN'GCOACH3SPE~ 21

:: ~:~~~'~U:P:::~ -~. II.C~I~Caai'la~. O«Ders!t', ' from Bruce Warren, league secre. rot. , 'Or'" 10. Mondry Cleaners 3. ~6 f L L L. L If I. L.' \ \.. 't."", .."I ..:J. ~b.le

Itary. it marks the f1rst time in 20 I ,:,~ar:e5 ... .:"ar!ree, Jr., hUStlln'lll. Motor City Tire. at) 50 7'7 7 7 I 7f "1 r,\ l>"\", ~. I~~\ OlusPl-'" -nee-AUthOriZed \

I. years of league competition that ~mlng coach at Mlclugan State 12. Harrison Carpets 23 67 W HEEL ~ 1 and se." ieS. No JobI I the Printer reign as leaders. I. Uege, Wlll be guest speaker duro ------ ,,"I AuthoriZ~ _~~ ....~ Trained ~e:~~a Chee'ltU'P

Get Set For A Treat! TnI' vlctory was highlighted by Lng the .A_ft.n::::l Du-.ne. ],'Ceetillg lOt 6UGAB nGiI'liS BELL BALAI CI I G I~'~...~ana. ""'~~-. your "'~ .-- "a'O'\T\cean explOSIon of stnkes by Art the Detroit Area Council's Life Ray (Sugar) RobinlOD, world's ~~5mall. Bring in ~ete 'Bt'Soke


Lowers and Herb Heger. SaV1ng Co~s No. ~. at the Rack- welterweight champion, 'Will meet TOO ObUP.Uon. C()Il)IP \\00TEA.'I' STANDINGS !lam :Memorial Building, Woodward O'Neil of Detroit in a 10 l"OW1d _NO rts - Free ~

IG. P. Pnntlng 11 821 ~d Farnswo

3Lrth, Saturdayevemng. bout at the Olympia, ll'rid&y. Feb. llYilfaDl&tic '£slI8

Turner BUIck 9 815 I anuary 6.I Boutin's Service 9 814IRegal Cleaners 9 769Rustle CabinS 8 7431],{a,ck • Nottmgham 7 785Bruce WIgle 7 736Royal "10" 6 817 ICramer Electric 6 176Belding Cleaners 6 7711Tom Boyd, Inc • 753Kennelly Catermg 4 727 I

IOak Cleaners 3 7111'G. P. Curtain 3 763Janet's Lunch 2 752Tilly's Cafe 2 739


Bruce WIgleOak Cleaners

• !nil. SiDgleJ LendzionWarren


. ,


Page 7: Pointe'. FIRST Newspaper - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/48/1948-0… · the commg sprmg electlOn. I James K Watkms who Will be seekmg









- ..


"- ......................

,t ' :


• WE REPAIRANYTHIN •• "rta, R.,.if

,Specialists• R_dlo R .... lrf ••

OIlOMIl l'OINTS llN.T .........CHt.C."e.e,_ a' al ... re 81...Bel',. MernU tillS »at.el, ••• 11....SUNDAY MORNlr«.l aUVICE8

10 3D-Church SrhooL11 OO-Church fl.. vlr~ Sermon: "n.

BIrth or Our Fallh"CHURCH SCHOOL-All department.

me.t at III 'lIl All rhlldren "'alcome •YOl'NG PEOPLE-Th~ Polntel'l wlU

meet for a ...... Iner rc.ut' In th. r_allan room of the chureh. followed bymldlc

MONDAY. FEBRUARY 2Thp lpeaker at th~ Men'. Club at

• 00 PM, will be Judge Thomas C.Murphy The 8ubjert. Stala Ho.pl~tflr th~ Mentally Detecthe" All meawelcome

TUESDAY. FEBRUART aMeeting of the Alilanu oBare!.


~ ..' ..........

, .•







(f..oIUMjl5 rA&T15 PUAKTMUiT)






There Will Be No Primary

Election on February 9• .1948

WILLIAM G. STAM~AN,Vll!age Clerk

, , ' I ..Q •

......I.". hi.....flit....WI U.IOOF OLD HOUS&

PiaDtt8l--' all SUItJI@I4708 EASTLAWN VAney 2-8548

POlITE APPLIANCE SHOP15318 a. JIFnRSON-Opp. hqulre The.treNew Mall.qaDeDt A Better Deal

• I.........Ro>~ nf J;'n.mM .....- ---~ ii:IftoIi---AL80

IIIrnIa .... .. 0IdII'-Ioe&ded GlaaB BepaIft - .........Visit Our ShowroonI Displ.y

(;1',. Glass CODlp""11800 KercheY'. A,enue VAe 2-4000




~ ~UP 1lil\[):\.1 .. JJlY Window Shades

Servi,.. Your 'NJgiabor.For Tlairty Yean

Standard Window Shade Company15915 E. W,,,,, It '-iIaI'- TU J.5440

ST. RAUL EV. LflTU .... NCHvae."ask... lie..... Aa4ltella..

llIarlborolt.rh alld WaYerlll' A' •••!'>enloe., "anda)', Febraarr lit

11 00 am - Murnln .. Worship Ser-..lr ~ Mu.le b)' the Senior Chr,lr.

11 00 am Chlldren'8 Churrh Thl.R~rvlce I. cun(\uetod by u'e Cff,I!le RollM,.thsrs for children a to • 7eare of.. e

9 30 .. m - Sunday School. Allho} sand g>r18 In the communIty areheartily Invited to atilnd our cw ...

ROO .. m - German Senlc. RevPhillIp SchmIdt will deliver the IISr.man.

St Paul bid. ~r,u a mMt cordial.. elcomp to .tteed lla lMnlcae

~ocal ehurches

SUNDAY SEBVlOBS10 30 &.Ill. BIld 5 00 p.m.

80lt It


R<'lllPon and scIence mustt.ra\ e~ hand m.hand forthe bru ('fit of humaniTy

l.tt;ortslurc .!~t frtt

Oft Tcqll68t

1't •.M I ...I£.W IU 1£.oiV ~ I'w'>ocI feroil cleputmato 0If tile ~ School

10:45 to 12:30 ~ -1'!e7p...... lDr R"'-7 """1 • po_ChUne

REY. HUGH Co WHITI, ,.,.2lMt VAIl AIfTW~ Illl .IL 1011.

BuDdiqSlteoa M_ ~~aad~

GroMe PolateUnitaI'iaD ChurchEaat Jeffenon A.....and Blnnl BmL

&.mday Berv1ee: 11:00 A. M.Church SChool: 10:30 A. IlL

Minister:Rev. Merrill o. 8&_

orA Man'" Faith ~ 1Chot h.,liUN by. ROt 1Chat 1HI ,fGJt'he believe&"


SERVICES10:45 11""'-- W-*ip ........



oIeffel'l008 A1'eaae E. a' ... rlb ...... bBey. SId .. ,.» Er •• D.O • .wJrtn

Ilpaday. Febr8&r)' IIII 00 am - Mornlnl!: Worship ller.

mon tllere. "The Cburch'. Reaponal.blllty In DetrOit •

10 lJO.l:1 00 noon - Churcll Rehooltor the children

11 15-12 00 noon - Churcb SChoolciauea for young people and adults

7 00 pm. - youth FelJo .. shlp meet..ng....... y:

~ 00 p m - Weale} an ServIce GuUdmeting PlaCe to be announced." "duesda)' ,

7 45 P m - JrleetJlI6 of the OfficIalBoardThnrsda) :

10 00 am - Red Cro .. sewn,g12 30 noon-Woman I 80ciety lunch'

eon follo ...ed by bU.lness meeting andprogram

7 lJO.1000 p m - Recreation for teenage youth of the cbllrch and com.munlh

1 46 pm Choir rehearul,

MESSIAH. LllTHEB ...N1kI.'1I ... , toner .t Kewera1 .. ll

Lakewood .&nnaeTelepkoae V.&1Ie, Z.ZUlA. H. A. Loeber, Paal.r

M. L MArtI.. .....I.ta.t 1'_lorAnother lermon on 'The Chrlella.n'1l

Philosoph) • ....111 be added nest Sun.da, Two iici"TIC~; wlH be he!d. t!l!tlrst at 8 00 A M tlle second at 10 3111A yo These t .. o servlcMl will beIdent.cal e:rcept for the fact that theeh'J:r "ft'!!l tunct!Qn m t~~ late MI"VlCP IIonly.

The Sunda)" School will be in lIS••~Ion from 9 '15 to 10 15 o'c1ock

In the e>entI g of Sunday. Februarv1. at 7 30 0 clock, another lectureunder the auspices of the YounllPeople's SocIety will laIce pia ... Theapeaker will be Rn. H A. QultmeYlr.. ho la acll ..e La paator In hosplla1land ~!lmliar inl!UtuUons Tlu:" subj&Ct tvbe treated by him .. Ill be: "ne Gotr-pel Among the SICk"

uralllTIAN Ill'lULE CHURCHillLove' wlll he the .ubj ....t ~r th~

1..... Rl!IOn..Sr rmulJ in all ChTh,Uan Srlenrl'>,hurdl~~ thr"ulI:hout the ...orld un Sunday. February I

TI" t.',I'J~n '1 ext C1 John 4 12> IsII we I"," one aMI her Oml dwelleil.In UI, and his love Is ~rfected InWI"

Among the Blbl~ citation. Is thl.p..... gc (I .Toh.. 4 16, And we havpknown and belle,ed thc 10fe thtt GrJ<\hath to us God Is lo,e and he thatdwell"'h III lo\e d",elletll In God andGod In him"

Co, relatlv. pe ..... e8 to be resd ftomthe Chn.lian l!' lence test book, 8c1 •wee and }{~alth ... ,th Key to theStrll,ture.' by Mary Bak~r Eddy, In •tlulj~ thp follo ... lng Ip 2561 Lmethe dh lne PrlDclple. Is the Fatberand. 61<Jtner of tfia unnei'iel mi.ludlrLifn18n ,r

;1 ~rOiit t10intt II,-dbobiit I:burtb

Sauday SChoolF'lrlt sesmon-l0 30 a.m.

Second Sesalon-ll 46 [email protected] ~nlll6 TastlmcmiaJ.

M~t1n&' 8 00 p.m.

Readln~ Room open ....ed: d.,..II ~3g-\~ 6" t'ltp ~ GO ii ;......,::._~..;-IAU'l'OS FOB SALE

Cars and TrucksAJ:J.y Model

Any CondlbOllGet.




ALL CASHRoy O'Bnen Motors

InCoY_r Local Ford Dealer

9 MIle at MackRoseville 4(K8.-(010

rL _...._I_~ r-.\..1 Ie;:V I UICI \-V:

14259 MACK


WANTED: FarmlI, Resorts. city 1mlP"erty. Charles (Bud) Pentecost. re-

presenting J. S. earoll, Rea1 EstateBroker. 2921 Gratiot. Phona n. llI3O.

Cars WantedLate Models

Highest Prices Paid

WANTED USED CABSA PRlV ...TE party "ill ap]ln!Ciate a

clean CIlr from prlftte party. Paycub. VEnIce 9-1431.AUTOMOBILES wanted for reaaIe.

JuJ.y make, model or condition. AUcash. quIck lleJ'Vice. NL 624Il-MU.95..'14.


3 BEDROOM brick hou.e, PII heat,reereatlon room call TU 2--1Ull.

HOW IS )our Sunday reh~on onWednesds}? Box K. Grollft Pointe

Re"ew. 15121 Kercheval






Hlghc,~t prlces pald for men'.sults and shoe". Telephonecall Will brmg Wl to you 1m,.medlately. Phone n.•3626.

REAL Estate salesman for brallch of-fice "here actual \olume warrants an

addition Phone MI' Lander NI. 4011PAUL W ROWE &: CO.

WANTEl5=BOilers. radiators. or any~~t ...n"l !':'r ~ra'p W.. pny mor.

VA 2.11111\\ ANTE[)-{;onl"le or baby gralld pi.

anu Must be 10 1'00<1 (.uuchlwp TV1.07905.DHAWER "alnut Onl.h, chest 01

drawers TU 2-Q9HPOHTABLE EJ~etrit 8e ...ln~ Machine

II. good cundllwn Phvue Tu ~-7'74






FineInterior Decorating

Exterior PaintingVA 4-8004


VA. 2-9108Neat, Clean Decorating

and PaperhangingFInt C1ulI Work GaaranteedEXPERT WALL CLEA.l'UNG





VA. 2-6588Nels Swanson

Paintin&, Paper Hanging andDecorating

5IJ59 LENOX Avenue

ORCHESTRASFor All Occasions

'Music by MITCHELL'PR. 2350


Wa 01 .Ad-=- I~.~..,"~T~~~ ~~ -'--0 .,J• ~ ~ I~';;'';;dilir;n• 'Nt" i781••• ., ... -.• -bnulll' Oul nt Llldwlg cornl.lete Many

.... --...0 ... DECO.. a-O WANTED TO 8UY ,XI",,, Wh1te pparl nnl.b. Like n'".K'"A..I..R.&...,. 1oWa.&.""" .r~\"'lllfJp'A TO tja"',l~C

kUK..'IHttHU: Want~d It you hue &.pn:Cr; uu",.n Pliyfe dl"!,,g rucr".,.ytlilnl In lhe line of bOUlehold eet J<'rencll walr,ut Call Baturday

fllrnlture and ruga call Isaac. Neat- ur we' k day. "tt~r G P M TU 1.&17b"ay B'urnltllr" 1JV30 Karelleval. VA. LAlJII<;tl BUitk Cheeterneld cuat. ch&m'2-2115 ols lined, Mlze 14. like ne .... 11R 00

Tl' 25911BEAl'l'U'UL Lounge 'hair In gray

and ro •• with sray fringe duwn nil.Jug 1n UH:.. l (J(J3J oa( k pI Uow and .t!atale" 10\ t1y DUI,(..an PI1) t< <onsule tableand waU>r tOlor pltture with mirroredfrern' The~e pltc's In very good con.dlUu" Will ..,11 .. II for $70. ur wlll sell.eperately Call NI 24001 PAIR "r."," dlmre. leaded !:lull

.. _ 2 f'.o:: .. 1 E ~ h., .. b:, i:.,., .. t fiI: .. ln ...h_.11U VA 2-2237KENWORTli flab)' carrlaKt like ne ...

lte,er.ible plaid toat wllh hood size18 Girl'. tap ehoel. Ilze 12. wornonc. Call NI 8blUWAUdJT Ber1rourn .ulte. t .. ln bed ••

Vlllllty. dreal!llr aud nl .. bt Itbnd. 1100.TV 2 d677CHILI; S aprlll~ outlll size 1 Girl.

~kallng Jatk.t eloe 12 Ladle.' dre .. 'es Ilzu 12.14 Man ... hlte llannel.2 plPces Engl,.h "'MI, each 8ultablefor mall a 2.pants aUll TV 2-2S06JIlAPLE Be,lr",,01 let. .mgle bed.

chtst. dressH night table alsochild e msple roller top desk, .... h el

SITUATION \VANTED-FEMALE chair. Leatherelte mahogany perIodI chaIr NT 01104

WOMAN "'lll .It ..Ith Intant. or cbll. HIGH Chair $7 folding pia} pen, ft.dren from 7 p m. TV. 2-4326 TeetH-Bahe. $2, 8troller, $2: rock.

EXPERIENCED High 8chool girl .. 111 Ing horse, t3. all good condlU()llo TVcare for children Call TU 2.1084 1-(JI!09

WOMAN wants 2-3 daY8 <leaning or THIU"E.Quarter alze ...hlle upnght.laundry Grosae P()lnte NI 4491 Bald ...JIl PlllUU Plhgret 0986

LAUNDRY Done in home call day" C.MELODY Saxaphune. I:ood condl.NI 7241 tlon Very relL!lonable VAlle) 2.U06

MIDDLE-Aged Scotch lady deSIres up. GIRL S Bro" n .hoe I<e hkatea. IIZe 8slalr. work Heferellces TU 2-3905 Bo)'s or girl s black, size 8 1 pair

YOl.:NG Lady with stock room and hQ('k~y skatel al~e 7. 13l!O per pair.photo coluting. experrence. desires All excellent cOllditlon. TU 2-96Of

part-time work fur the trade. Call VA. 6 FT. KELVINATOR2-6700 SUPER De Luxe model A beautIfulEXPERIENCED Lady wlahes to care box. In perfect condition 418 Fisher

ror chIldren. daY8 References TU Road Grosse Pointe Tl: 2.b5222.8881 ICE SKATES. EI~ttrlc heater, piano.

HELP WANTED-FEMALE antique lamp •• antique cl1Alr•• boy'.clothlllg NI 7181

IWOMAN for part-tIme mendIng and IBABY Crlb uprIght plano, plng.ponc

sewing at hospital. Must he acthe table TUxedo 2-3081and soud seamatress. Phone for ap. LADIES Clothllllf. Slze 16. excellent~c nL",!eant Nt A5M ~ondiU""'l. t()() [ll,hort for wearer. NI.

552:).BRA."l"D NEW Baby s che.t .. Ith 6

drawers $20 Mt: 8667Tt:XEDO. Ilze d5. for sale Private

owner TU 2-6294FUR~ITVRE for sale, al.o many

other househOld lteml. TU. 1-1908NORGE Washlllg machlue, t .. o years

oJ.d. perf~t clJudi.Uon c.soo CoplinG E RadiO. noor model. 111 tube,

reallonable NI 7314~1AGIC Chef gao range. 6 burner, 8

o,en with .. armer; IU excellent con-dition. Korte Horne Appliances, anFisher Road TU 1.231:1HOUSEHOLD Furnishings. mlllCell.ne-

ous $1 00 to $35 00 5028 BaI!ourilEDROOM and dinIng room furnIture

Sto, e Allo girl s coate. Ilze 10-12VA 4-273ll

Greater DetroitLandscape Company


Free EstunatesTUxedo 2-2275

NEW 4 and 5 room deluxe apartrneats.Gr".se Pomte rrcIlllll. from 196 00

and up Rental Agent. NI 8328 orNY 4011WATERWORKS Section Clean fur-

nlsbed room. Garage If desired MU6Ii07YOL'NG WIdow will Ihare beauU!ull}

furnished flat .. Ith all home prlTl-leges with mIddle-aged couple. NochIldren 01' pelJo NI 8218:I CONNECTlr>G front rooms. twin

Lt::ll::!. " "lndv"Ws, p.orch $10 s ..nS'le ~$12 ~O dOuble One or two ladl:::s only'Kitchen prn Ileses A8hland-Kerche,alVA 4-3746.14119 LAKEPOIN"TE. near Mack. 2

sleeping roome Pnvate !antoryGentlemen onh Tt.'l' 1-0113I WANTED TO RENTCOLLEGE GRADUATE, Veteren, wife

and 7 months old !:laby urgent!7n eel! furnlehed 01' unturnlBhed 1I&t orapartment :MU 1696WANTED-Srnall honae for a adults.

near St. Ambrole Parl.h MU. '1lllS2 OR 3 Bedroom house. tlat or apart-

ment ID or neat Gro.ss Pointe Parkfor fa!Illly of adults. Mr W.lllamJohnson Controller GraBBe Pte Parl<VA 2.q200. nemngll TU 1-4362WA.."I,TED - Ruom for middle aged

woman lon vicinitv Maclc-LakepOInteWrlte On phone Bo:r 33 Gro.se FOInteRelle .... 15121 KerchevalYOl:XG Workmg couple desIre flat or

IIlcome Best relerences iunusbed onrequest NI 29l4.EXECUTIVE and wife 25 }eara III

Detroit. no children or petll. de.lre2 bedroom un!uin1.shed apartment, fiator house wlth garage East Side pre. I

~ed. NI 1036 iYOL'NG Insurance man deslfes sma)) I

unlUrnl.hed house or apartment. call"\fr Gas, en'rn 4120 IGARAGE 'Wanted between Charl .. olx

and ChaIrcnte. nClOlty WuhlDgtonRoad Call TL 2-0654EXECuTIYE and wife need bedroom

and prIntP bath. linnII' room If pcs-~lblc Ground floor Grosse Pomte ar,klllit'. Call \Ir Dohn. YA 2-5600

BOOKKEEPING SERVICE "A.,TED Income, house nat orBY 'tHE MOI),TTH apartment In Gro •• e POinte Park lor

Tax and Report Semee In!eroan _ WIfe and bab} Pleue callrederaJ. State and Clln:::1la:l ' A 4-1, S2

N .... - b -'th Seal WA"I,"'1'ED to rent~ or 4 bedroomw_~ ... .Ingle unfurnished. III St Clare P ••HARRY HAAS. Tax Consultant ".h WlJI deliver 1948 OldsmobIle or

14841 KERCHEVAL AVE. Cadillac car !>Ir Katcher. IT. 2-5640Corner .A.lter Road LEnOlt 'JlI12 ATTEXTIO:O;

YOLNG Permanent bookkeeper BIldwife nepd apartment or Income ur.

~enth furnlsbed or un!urnlshed can}I,"! 66.'19

PROMPT rellable watch. clock. BIldj...e1ry repalr1n&'. A. J. Foratter.

Jeweler. 14400 Charlevoix.

Sewing MachIn~end

Vacuum Oea.nersRepaJra and Parte - All Maltea

We PIck Up and DelIverBl.ttonboles - Hemstttch1nl'

Grave's SewingMachine Co.

(FtlrmerAy LlleU)15411 Mack TV. 2-1555

CUSTOlll-XADE alIp conra. Guaran-teM ....orkmanship. l'Ine qualitY ma-

tena!. Free eatunatee. Ezpert upllol-Ilterin&- TU:redo Ulli!!.REFRIGERATOR And motor aernet.

Licel1l!led and bonded KelTlnator.Fr. gldalte, Let>nard, ColdllJlOt. Umv-ersal BIld Others. W111iamlo V.Alle):1-3111.

PAINTIr>G lllld decorating Low rate.for kitchens. bathrooms. hallwaY8.

NI. 3590


Paperhanging . Color eehemesGr~IL' Steam1ng • OlazlDa

KARL ERHARDT13410 Maiden

P!naree 3118

H~ BORMANINTERIOR - EXTERIORPainting and Deeoratl.ns__

l.969 Fleetwood Dr. NL 2836Groue Po1nte WOOds

....1 PAlNTING and DeeoratJnc. sue-man" Spr.yed. Waterproofed. Out.

• Id. Clto caulkln., Skilled coloredworker-. Lifelong experience . .Best elt)'rttw.1l~ 8100 8ylvetlter. XU. 0182 orlV. !~. Crawford.

A. C. BOU.K. decoratlnl:. palntlllg. In- MILLER _ Employment agene,. rLtlrior and exterior, rrallpaper.~ :l6li6. Domestio help, .. omen for

moved, .... hlng IlIld clean1nC ~ laundry IltId cleanIng Part.Ume orLakepolllw. VA. 2.6687 weeltly. Goot! laundress and cleanerl

PAINTING and Decoratln. Special.Wn&' In finl re81dentlal ....ork at

reuonahle prices OLive 9694. W1a1l'eDslaechere 580Ii Frenell Rd.




Niagara 42.55

The Best!

1:' \"ial ;>a .......r ':"a ~I!' 8o~lc.To C){>os. f rum


ALTERATIONS. Cerpenter work bnck'Work. liding. rooting arche. porch-

es, Idtchen modermzatlon. 1ll8ulaUon.Alex MacKay. ~ LakeTlew. VA. .2-4835



C.uLPENTEB WOKERlIlPAIR, lJIleJ10r and eJ<lar1or. ED-

elOM front Dr rear porch. KItchencablneta, recnat10n roonte. attle fOOlIII,rt'1Jlodplin!f Prom"t llPM'lep_ ('.oodworkm&Il!hlp. 8. Il. Barber. 20380Neablt. !II'l. 6784.

Finest WorkmanshipPI,.

O'BRIEN BROS.Window Cleaning

CompanyStorm Sash and 8creeD 8erv1ee

Wall WaahlncPaper and calcImine Cleaned

Exterior Bouse Waab.1n& - Ex-perienced Men for Every Job.

Estimates CheerfullyGl".Alwaya A Good lOb

VA. 2-81802925 Holcomb



NI. 0446

WALL WASHINGWA1..LS and CeIUnga 1l'Uhed and pa-

per clc=cd, H1ch qwill~ 'lfCrk doneby experienced men. VA. 4-18U.

HIGHL'Y ncc>mm_ded waD ...... blD.HrYlce lIy re6a8d white "'..... Call

AR1lnrtoa 4192,

VlNClIlN'l"B waU wuh1na' and up.bolster;y cleanIng. Machine Methods.

IIlxparluced worten.. Insund. Com-mercla1 and ReaidentJaL Free EatJ-mat... Call Venice 9-0710 01' AJL lIll6a

WALL Washing. paper cleaned, .. hlte,guaranteed work. TU. 2-8633

If yon want the

KELLY &; SONElectrical Contractor

LicensedComma-clal • ResidentIal

Base Plugs . P'lztures . 8w1whMHOl18e Wiring

F!uoreacent 1'1Xt~VA. I-&m

HARR'1C A. ZABLOCKJElectrical omtractm

LicensedW1ring and Repa1r1na

Step Savers . Stokers . Thermo-stata Sold and InstalledNO JOB TOO SMALL

P1nIree taM


Furnaces. Vacuum Cleaned andRepaIredIERRY'S



Repairing and ReplacingPick Up and Delivery


EJeetrlc molDn repaired. All worktu.ranlMcl. 441 Mo,,,.. Road. HI.nze

Best of MaterialsWhich ..

Ban Nothlna aut


Real Economy

KNITTING Instructlona. Indl\ ld08I orelal! FREE ...lth yarn purchue.

YARNCRAJ'T. 848 Fieher Road. TUl.o&9~111E You .atl.lied with your reUllon?

Has It brought pcace to lhe world'Box K. Gro.se Pointe Rpvlew. 16121KerchevalI'Oln1l!lR Nuraery teacher hU open-

lnls In da) care center for ) onn ..-eter. aged 8 to 5 HOUri 1 30 A M.to 6 ~ P M PR 74M

GOHL BEAUTY SALON3144 Chalmer. at Mack

PEnMANENT Spedallst E .. t SideBeautician ell,ee 1924 TUltedo 2.2788

Clo.ed Mandl) a Cold ...ale. 17 50 com.plete



)EADLINEp.ni Tuesday

.~ ~tI,Po;'" R.vi~

~\l ~e~~h~~!and

~y~2-1l62" "Ch.r.e Itl"

DDI~lTll\lr• "11 .... I II 't '-J

RATEac.. adI will be"'r th. calephOil"

chI rile rate a.worde. four cent. for

" word. PaymentI~=by ca.h, eheclc or

Oessified)lSPlAY RATES

Upon Request

osse POinte Ptg Co

RATEcur.e for .....

S00 for 15 worda.for .. cb aclditioaal


15121 Kercheval


en R. A. & Col. F. M.r\lger ,Past 995 V.F.W.I ...... and Fourth :MOD.11Mb Month at 17145 st.A...-. Groue Pointe 3D,

1IaL AD VFW and PoteD.Ii...•

..,.MI,KlNG_ __ BIld fitter. Altera-~ .... ..te, c1re:l8... Flneat....... ... u;pert. Furs, alter-I ..... ~ Neckpleces made

titun Hi. :1367.Dreasm II' BIld

-.mabIe. n~.ll.1bble,

en women'• and chil-~.... AlJlo curtain. and_ aim• iIii 'klng. ladlell BIld chll-• dIGiI& Specializing In Vogue.. ~oba experUy done.....~.~ With IOmethlng old or

lpng and alterationll atM.._~ )Irs Lemmg. ~ to 4.~ Thursda)' VA 1-6807




C;P Pointe

J8 TtmIlIo mothproofe d Repalr-Ilzpert ....ork. Harold Smith.



Want a MusicalInstrument?

5Ie-Civic Music Shop

fIR 2350121 IWII Itoad at Whitti.r



_ OOIRSETS - Indlndua11y..... _ llJId ~ca1 ev-Il .. 16 Yeal'll experience• a.-t. NL ~ 01' TO.I • JIeK1nley.

;;: ~ SChool vlcmity, bo)'s......... atLl. keel> Jake fromIi_.-r. Pleue notify Mrs.. DI& liar) land, VA •• 5402 or=r....... bool'l ottlce_1btIiiif identification bracelet.-" OIItolyn: also purse .. Ith

.. ~ Pointe nigh School1ldiY •• Jelferson bus RewardV;-6GN,m !16th. EuglIsh bull dog.• wIIItlI With brmdle marklnSI.,. at ar.-e Pomte Chlldren's~ Ml 5986:::e;;;n ill,," leather purse con-al '... and fountain pen" .. ~ul's School or Dean-IJuL ro. 1-(1954

Page 8: Pointe'. FIRST Newspaper - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945-49/48/1948-0… · the commg sprmg electlOn. I James K Watkms who Will be seekmg

Thursday, J ,lIlUal \ 1,


;:~: I ft_ .. 1= __ I __ g"_ 'Miss Phinney At IWvandotte Squad Falls-In Wake I School Holds Veteran Pointer MarksI ~T:~~1~119~DOWrllll:~DI~~~~~G(~c IFarms Meeting o(Pointe Swimming Team, , ,.I~~~~,,~~~~~~!.s,150thYear {(On the)

TE~ '1 STA..'PP.lG TE-\ 'I ST,-\~DI!IoGS I Th. Elizabeth Cass c h 8 P t e r, B~' ROB PHILLIPS I\\ ~andolltc llrsdt r\\ etnh l"OOse \IPaul stud. tit, han IJ, .'11 'sound I Tlw R."tt< k Lumb"r Company 1('<1 lIun prt IIINo, !IoamPII Ph, AJle~1l TPam :'>lame W, h f h A 'a Re\olu- e I Ih I f (')aeh lIe\\ 1100 rt'col or (' yan h I I I r I II I H \43 2!l <lau~ t('r~ <l t e m(,l1~ n • "' f'r • 1:"1< all' eo, ,backstl 01-.. ('ctglll~ out b,)th Art 111~ off 1':11,.:1,' 'I ,~, ~ l<t\(' 'allLl Il S "llIplo\ ('.,s hOllor€'< ,aw-

10 I t' I'

9 P RupT\('h 4 1t 12 ~Irmdr\ Clean,'I' 't Ion GIO"O Pomt/' l' arm9 \\ 1111

1<'rallk Bana, h th., Grosse Polilt., k I J 1"1 h I :II been II'l'lllllg 10 ol"ll)[ln~ on lhl' 11' H \\'el llt'r 66 vt'tL'ran company s 111t111 d2 H Furton 4 1.2 \ rt , Cah of Gro.sl' Pennlr ~Z 1ll ha\'(' Its r('g'ular monthl\, mel'tmg HIgh S\\Imnlt'rs blought home IB('c daIH d Ihlll, oIII, \t' 01 P au', A, mellUill fallllt'l, I lilt' PIt'!II.II" , G':-I: ~ POInt,'r wIth a llllllquet to I Jllllllllt Ilt

J 3 78 T t t&\\\boConst Co H 3t II t1fh -t' s('con all t Irurespt'cl\('Y. I 10.', ,6 J Wlf' . .'(' aer - . 011,-ronctlll' F"b 2 at 1 30 pm a Itht'll t\\t'nty' I COlls,',Ul\e \\111 ,Ul>('Sof p"'\I(lllIn fl ••• 'nlerpllse, lIla'k hiS 50 v('ars 111lhe olganl. A nallvl' of I' T8 R :;;mlth :> 7.8 Brll,(g' Phannll<\ 41 31 lhc \\'01111tI • Clt\ Club \\ ht'n they trounced th,' \\ yandotl(' I Tom Brs\'msn collected on(' or allct t.'am\\ 01k plu~ matl\ OthNS I' lumb('l man

ill F D8'1~bllry ;; 9.10 Souare Dt'al Clean('rs 3q 33 !>rl~SElI«' Phmlle\', regent "II! BO'ars last Ftlday 62-:l2 Ilh" onl\' l\\o sN.ond pla"es \\hen I Fust dJll\lnatlOll~ 10 Ih., ola'IZII~IIC)n. II 200 r lallHS ftlt'nd~ 25 \('a" d l,lll I "

\' B 1 3 •• P 'h I L"bor"torlhs 17 35 I Th 81 D' I s\' t II but hh hdp('d out Dick °Conn('1! of, lh ., ,In' lall' t. h" I \8 A an eee aere p'" Plla, 0 a n ~ ' pr("ld(' at the bU~IIl.,,~ meptlllg I e tI(' ('\1 S , ..p a ' , " ItOTItal t ont,'.t took plau III " d f 11 \\ -WOIkt'l S h,'lp('ct him WI(' on l'l~ I I'

D.. C 3 1~ 16 " b u""a S ~'llr, ....t 33 39 h st t ,th' e\ an"s Grosse P01l11(' as DIck s leam-mate , _ I 1 an (' 0 " , Ii11 .....c arron • - ~r r .. ,,' • L " • \l'hpll d('h'gllt"~ W t I.' a e ('on Tt" C, S b d .. t h lIasl>room S, lon.1 ,l\l\Ind I"ns I brat' \\'rctll('~da v I1Ight at a IIllK thl'lI j'i \

18 C \'anSt ...fI1 2 n.14 Grossp Pomte RadIO SeT\'lc(' 33 ,9 b I Id D t t at I T"d L\lxmore took tht' only Burt purTier grab e urs on- I I f tl f ultv Th(' Lt I' , ' '" ,32 40 (l.'Tt'nt(' 10 e Ie ll\ e 101 , 1\\ II • ome 10m Ie It" I prlvat(' ball100lll 111FrliZ.'I, MIlIl I thry hs\(' lIa I II14 G \\"alt('rs Z 15-16 Kopp' " the Hot ...1 Statler :orarcll li, 18, jOl8 11'1I\1l1l1l1l1( ,lud.llh \\ kli !,t'I!Olm, , ' as!llr \\'.'lller IS tailed t'rt r awn'n II ,12 L RI'no 1 1'>.14 Pomt/' Cab 30 4~ 19 \\ III b(' pl('dl'd. A S t POllllt'r Bob Jenks slill rf'll1alllS fOI Ih"l1 paH'nts ami flll'JIlls liUI-, [,arr~ . 'i, " (" oi4. P Allard 1 5.6 DO'trmt Ga' BtI~ner Cn 10 ~21 __ _ _ DDOUnCe COD undeft'stl'd thiS season as he s\\eptl!lIlg thc lhn'c day 8p.,.'th Fcsltvltl bl fllellds, bcgllll hll> lon,g ,aree~ lI(,p ChtfOlJ 'J I ,

16 D Trombley 1 11.12 R L Parker Real E~tlltl' 30 4.2 T hi M h lhe lOO-\ard br('ast strok(' and Th(' spl'aker n'<t'l\ml( the most \\llh till' hllnb"l <ompan~ 111191 I children.7 !>r Rm th 1 1-

62 HIC

h(;amO'lI for ~Ight rom ey ot ers Swun. mmg. Class Illeu Ihe W)andottf' pool recolct ill vott's' on that nIght \\lll letel\C as an cxtr& hand HIS Job Ill- --

5 A DeR,,,macker 1 5- K b 1;1 Feted by M rs Price thO' 120.~ ard m<lmdual medll')'. Itht' oratolllsi medal from th.' dlld('d hauling lumber to Bay Clt)'1 .'AU\!o,; .' \1.1\1\1,1 L Brecht 0 3,( Vlr!(IIHa oer er no I • II Thp 9~rond Girl Scout sWllnmlllg I For the first t1l11<' thiS season school \\ Ilh II It'am of horsl's Th., }o'arm~ H ,

10 A GOUIn 0 9-10 [, KlrstO'n 168 To ~tlmulate IIlterest III (llr d b F b 3 To par- \\ alt Flanders, the local dIver, \1as AI\ arcts \1'111also b(' "'II ell for 8m,(' lht'n he has capablely held I~ stud~ 1lI).( [I,Ruth Tha\'H S t MI9 F A Prlc~ of 687 prrlO ej(ms e ruarv "t ( t s H tTt'8m H1&,h 8 Gamell Le I B 167 \\~ou I~g h ld t of tillpale yOU must be "a Girl Scout jedged out of a second place by '\\ork m vcrse ,holr, detlamallOns, I[an assol tmt'n 0 POSI IOn IS I rrec IIlg a pall'l -

L Rf'no 2626 0 a. urll;ess 16; pst. f'qt~r " a m"e II1gh

and at least 10 years old Mrs ,Charlie Church of Wyandotte. and sct'nes !10m Shakrsp('ar ablhty and COnSl'lentlOusness eun- Lanp near th \\ "a"612 T..orramf' Jolul,ton Tromble\' School molhf'rs at HI' ((}l' use b" 'I

A Goum • C th nf' Riegler 167 home WNlnesdal, Dessert and Hazel Chateau Will conduct the Thet'ton Baganz turned 111 un. M . ' \I Id~

C, V8.l1Stppn 2601 a en . I H hi t -I XI h I ff I' sprved 10 \\eek cour~e ~ach Tuesda\ at doubtedly hiS best performance or onora e en 100S S I' -Team 111gb 1 Game R1gh Serll'll (or • II' I 461 coM~: ';:r~cp Girl Scout xO',ghbor'l the high school pool, Reglstr~tlOn lithe )'ear by takmg top honor9 \\ Ith 0 uhon to l

VanBecrlaere 958 Ruth Tha\ er f $200 I t t PI) W k'Ro h 448 hood (,hamnan for Trombley, ee IS Ipen y 0 spare (Contmued from ag(' ee s PC "anSteen 929 Loraine e rig 441 hopes for su(flclent response (rom I Non. sy, Immers and begmnprs Last Friday Ii meet \\ Itnesged the Clemf'nts 815 ::-:df Rct, Mrs H 1967 Xotllllgham' ~Irs Martha Ii UZP. Ruprlch 929 B('rmct' ~tcCarron 429 th~ mothhrs to rill all of thO' O'TOW' I,must be rpady for the pool al 6 30 Ilut prep contf'st for both Baganz. Chantl'\ 1669 BeUI nemouth Rd, Daar, 852 Braeonsflf'ld and Alice I't' FA I'R s ~" ~ •

lndJ\idual Hlgb S Gamea LorraIne Johnston c, Po R h H II d B bEt th I k t n ~423 Ill): leader.hlp nHds of the school pm mtermedl8tes at 7 10, I IC a, an a sser , e Lenea D Liddle, 20(8 FIl'el\\ood Mossner, 1153 La epoll\ e. rU IN I IT l A •L. Brecht 616 vola Burgf'~s New girls m Jsl brlllg health Ibreast stroke and medley relay Dr, Lorrame De Wolf, 835 St, mil C f b P T 'I!A Ru~>r' 61~ I .' d ,aIds filled out and SIgned by a sjleclallst9 Beganz WII! be lea\'mg I Clair. Kathr~n Zeunen, 886 Lme' :\USSI:<IG PLATE f tli

J, Eschl J' h 6121 R'''ln''e Pr"J1//fte Promote doctor, school nurse, or s(hooll due to a Border CitIes League rul- oln Rd !>tls L Le '-tond, 1952 Richard H Krakow of 10415Ken- 'R IA D l.,jInW\ Idual Hlgb 1 Game V £1 .. ," otflce R'lrl Health cardl can be II1g that no boy IS ehglble for C' U 2"4 k I 2.. I J.I,

H, Furton 2391' more than eight semesthrs III mter Kt'llmore Dr, arol \ ren, , slllg'ton road, r('portt'd to Par Lil w. f a"-"

obtamed trom leaders. ' -I' II E B d I h II"lJ. Jablonski 236 Pm'ate First Class \\'llham I T/5 Ha\\ley enterl'd the Arm\' _ scholastiC competitIon Essert and Mt'rrmea.thel Rd, A an ra, Pollee that someone removed ten D~ E. A RillC Manilla 235 f G P t In Junf' 1946 and re('elved hIS IN T' 0 Hall \\111 be graduated Thursda" bury,454 Clovt'rly Rd, !>1rs C L lIct'nse plate from hiS car while It ....... <> g

Ha"l!'v, a orll1f'r rosse Oln 1" ew Ime for Id Story J Ch t F h" , " IT Corbett 235, - baSIC tralnlllg at Fort McClellen, Grosse Pomte \\ III be striving French, 2081 Alllta ps er '\\ as parked In front of IS home V E200 SeOrl'll IHlgh School student now sta- Ala A ft'\\' months later he y,as Ronald Colman, one of Holly. for their t\\enty-slXth consecutive Calpl'llter, 546 Lakewood Ave; early Monday. 1" f I

A Morn.on, 205 Laurels go to Iioned With the Eighth Army m,as.lgned to hiS prt'sent station woods favoTite actors, WIll brmgl\\1ll collected o\er a peflod of Floyd G Pelk('y, 656 St Clair, N I,.IR IDave Piche for maklllg the very:Osaka Japan has recl'ntly bepn i Thp ~outh IS the son o( Mr9 you the "Fa\'ortte Story' program I three seasons When they pIaI' Mrs C R Salisbury, 700 Rivard Those who drl\€' on the wrong 0 " rdlft'lcull 5-7-10 split Ir you fel- promoted to the rank of Tech. 'I AlIcf' Ha\\lt'\' of 15004 St Paul at 900 pm every \'.'t'dnesday at ,host to Highland Park n('xt Tue;. Blvd, Mrs Richard BlOene, 1462 I sldt' of th(' hlgh\\a~ should be put E IJ 5 Ilows thml< It lsn t tough, try It, Imclan Fifth Grade Avenue III Grosse POlllte Park the usual lime of 800 pm iday, Feb. 3. Lakepolllte, Mrs Glady. Lumdale, all the right Side of the Jail A T D f ~

, -



Ed.. Ja Schlllie Hd...TU.2.1_










TU. I.HI320397 Mack Grosse Pte.

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Crossword Puzzles are fun for young and old, espe-cially these puzzles since they payoff dividends.

The winning solutions will be based on accuracy,originality and neatness, A sales slip from any ofthe advertisers appearing on this page must ac-company your answer to the crossword puzzle,First prize is $10, second prize is $5, third andfourth is $2 each and the fifth is $1. Solutionsmust be in by Tuesday 5 p,m. Mail to the Cross-word Puzzle Editor, Grosse Pointe Review, 15121Kercheval, Grosse Pointe 30.



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24 PrE'dlctlons of the weather27 P T of run28 Exa.mln~29 Back of the neck3() A small msect32 To ofljpnatc36 GIrls name37 Eln1>t,an sun ~od41 EiE'\ale

42 Sour '0 the t:l.~te43 ThE' na'lOnal I"~~'la'",re of

Ru.",a44 Verbal45 Soon48 Froun \\ater51 Plg Pcn

1 Agitate the alI'_

2 Consumed

I3 Togs for t{)ts

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I, 7. Neuralgia

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