poke-ll conversion sheet - sheet1

7/23/2019 Poke-LL Conversion Sheet - Sheet1 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/poke-ll-conversion-sheet-sheet1 1/15 d ex # P ok em on HD HD size Dam. mod AC Magic mod S av e init mod double f or m ov e T yp e D es crip ti on Orig. Total orig . hp Attack Defense Special Attack Special Defence Speed 1 Bulbasaur 2 d6 -1 12 0 14 -1 45 Grass, Poison A strange seed was planted on its back at birth. The plant sprouts and grows with this Pokémon. 318 45 49 49 65 65 45 2 Ivysaur 4 d8 0 13 0 14 -1 60 Grass, Poison When the bulb on its back grows large, it appears to lose the ability to stand on its hind legs. 405 60 62 63 80 80 60 3 Venusaur 7 d8 0 14 plus 1 13 0 80 Grass, Poison The plant blooms when it is absorbing solar energy. It stays on the move to seek sunlight. 525 80 82 83 100 100 80 4 Charmander 2 d6 -1 11 0 15 -1 65 Fire Obviously prefers hot places. When it rains, steam is said to spout from the tip of its tail. 309 39 52 43 60 50 65 5 Charmeleon 4 d6 0 12 0 14 0 80 Fire When it swings its burning tail, it elevates the temperature to unbearably high levels. 405 58 64 58 80 65 80 6 Charizard 7 d8 0 14 plus 1 13 0 100 Fire, Flying Spits fire that is hot enough to melt boulders. Known to cause forest fires unintentionally. 534 78 84 78 109 85 100 7 Squirtle 2 d6 -1 13 -1 14 -2 43 Water After birth, its back swells and hardens into a shell. Powerfully sprays foam from its mouth. 314 44 48 65 50 64 43 8 Wartortle 4 d6 0 14 0 14 -1 58 Water Often hides in water to stalk unwary prey. For swimming fast, it moves its ears to maintain balance. 405 59 63 80 65 80 58 9 Blastoise 7 d8 0 15 0 13 0 78 Water A brutal Pokémon with pressurized water jets on its shell. They are used for high speed tackles. 530 79 83 100 85 105 78 10 Caterpie 1 d6 -1 11 -2 16 -1 45 Bug Its short feet are tipped with suction pads that enable it to tirelessly climb slopes and walls. 195 45 30 35 20 20 45 11 Metapod 1 d6 -2 12 -2 16 -2 30 Bug This Pokémon is vulnerable to attack while its shell is soft, exposing its weak and tender body. 205 50 20 55 25 25 30 12 Butterfree 4 d8 -1 12 plus 1 14 -1 70 Bug, Flying In battle, it flaps its wings at high speed to release highly toxic dust into the air. 385 60 45 50 80 80 70 13 Weedle 1 d6 -1 11 -2 16 -1 50 Bug, Poison Often found in forests, eating leaves. It has a sharp venomous stinger on its head. 195 40 35 30 20 20 50 14 Kakuna 1 d6 -2 12 -2 16 -2 35 Bug, Poison Almost incapable of moving, this Pokémon can only harden its shell to protect itself from predators. 205 45 25 50 25 25 35 15 Beedrill 4 d8 plus 1 11 -1 14 0 75 Bug, Poison Flies at high speed and attacks using its large venomous stingers on its forelegs and tail. 385 65 80 40 45 80 75 16 Pidgey 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 56 Normal, Flying A common sight in forests and woods. It flaps its wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand. 251 40 45 40 35 35 56 17 Pidgeotto 3 d8 0 12 -1 15 -1 71 Normal, Flying Very protective of its sprawling territorial area, this Pokémon will fiercely peck at any intruder. 349 63 60 55 50 50 71 18 Pidgeot 6 d8 0 14 0 14 0 101 Normal, Flying When hunting, it skims the surface of water at high speed to pick off unwary prey such as MAGIKARP. 469 83 80 75 70 70 91 19 Rattata 1 d6 -1 11 -2 15 -1 72 Normal Bites anything when it attacks. Small and very quick, it is a common sight in many places. 253 30 56 35 25 35 72 20 Raticate 4 d6 0 13 -1 14 0 97 Normal It uses its whiskers to maintain its balance. It apparently slows down if they are cut off. 413 55 81 60 50 70 97 21 Spearow 1 d6 0 11 -1 16 -1 70 Normal, Flying Eats bugs in grassy areas. It has to flap its short wings at high speed to stay airborne. 262 40 60 30 31 31 70 22 Fearow 5 d8 plus 1 13 0 14 0 100 Normal, Flying With its huge and magnificent wings, it can keep aloft without ever having to land for rest. 442 65 90 65 61 61 100 23 Ekans 1 d6 0 11 -1 15 -1 55 Poison Moves silently and stealthily. Eats the eggs of birds, such as PIDGEY and SPEAROW, whole. 288 35 60 44 40 54 55 24 Arbok 5 d8 0 13 0 14 0 80 Poison It is rumored that the ferocious warning markings on its belly differ from area to area. 438 60 85 69 65 79 80 25 Pikachu 2 d6 -1 11 -1 15 0 90 Electric When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms. 300 35 55 30 50 40 90 26 Raichu 6 d8 plus 1 12 plus 1 14 plus 1 110 Electric Its long tail serves as a ground to protect itself from its own high voltage power. 475 60 90 55 90 80 100 27 Sandshrew 2 d6 0 14 -2 16 -2 40 Ground Burrows deep underground in arid locations far from water. It only emerges to hunt for food. 300 50 75 85 20 30 40 28 Sandslash 5 d8 plus 1 16 -1 15 -1 65 Ground Curls up into a spiny ball when threatened. It can roll while curled up to attack or escape. 450 75 100 110 45 55 65 29 Nidoran_ 1 d6 -1 12 -1 15 -2 41 Poison Although small, its venomous barbs render this Pokémon dangerous. The female has smaller horns. 275 55 47 52 40 40 41 30 Nidorina 3 d8 0 13 -1 15 -1 56 Poison The female's horn develops slowly. Prefers physical attacks such as clawing and biting. 365 70 62 67 55 55 56 31 Nidoqueen 7 d10 plus 1 14 0 13 0 76 Poison, Ground Its hard scales provide strong protection. It uses its hefty bulk to execute powerful moves. 495 90 82 87 75 85 76 32 Nidoran_ 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 50 Poison Stiffens its ears to sense danger. The larger its horns, the more powerful its secreted venom. 273 46 57 40 40 40 50 33 Nidorino 3 d8 0 12 -1 15 -1 65 Poison An aggressive Pokémon that is quick to attack. The horn on its head secretes a powerful venom. 365 61 72 57 55 55 65 34 Nidoking 7 d8 plus 1 14 0 14 0 85 Poison, Ground It uses its powerful tail in battle to smash, constrict, then break the prey's bones. 495 81 92 77 85 75 85 35 Clefairy 2 d8 -1 12 0 14 -2 35 Normal Its magical and cute appeal has many admirers. It is rare and found only in certain areas. 323 70 45 48 60 65 35 36 Clefable 6 d10 0 13 plus 1 13 -1 60 Normal A timid fairy Pokémon that is rarely seen. It will run and hide the moment it senses people. 473 95 70 73 85 90 60 37 Vulpix 1 d6 -1 11 -1 14 -1 65 Fire At the time of birth, it has just one tail. The tail splits from its tip as it grows older. 299 38 41 40 50 65 65 38 Ninetales 7 d8 0 14 0 13 0 100 Fire Very smart and very vengeful. Grabbing one of its many tails could result in a 1000-year curse. 505 73 76 75 81 100 100 39 Jigglypuff 1 d12 -1 10 -1 16 -2 20 Normal, Fairy When its huge eyes light up, it sings a mysteriously soothing melody that lulls its enemies to sleep. 270 115 45 20 45 25 20 40 Wigglytuff 5 2d8 0 12 0 15 -1 45 Normal, Fairy The body is soft and rubbery. When angered, it will suck in air and inflate itself to an enormous size. 425 140 70 45 75 50 45 41 Zubat 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 55 Poison, Flying Forms colonies in perpetually dark places. Uses ultrasonic waves to identify and approach targets. 245 40 45 35 30 40 55 42 Golbat 5 d8 0 13 0 14 0 90 Poison, Flying Once it strikes, it will not stop draining energy from the victim even if it gets too heavy to fly. 455 75 80 70 65 75 90 43 Oddish 2 d6 -1 12 0 14 -2 30 Grass, Poison During the day, it keeps its face buried in the ground. At night, it wanders around sowing its seeds. 320 45 50 55 75 65 30 44 Gloom 4 d8 0 13 0 14 -2 40 Grass, Poison The fluid that oozes from its mouth isn't drool. It is a nectar that is used to attract prey. 395 60 65 70 85 75 40 45 Vileplume 6 d8 0 14 plus 1 13 -1 50 Grass, Poison The larger its petals, the more toxic pollen it contains. Its big head is heavy and hard to hold up. 480 75 80 85 100 90 50 46 Paras 1 d6 0 12 -1 15 -2 25 Bug, Grass Burrows to suck tree roots. The mushrooms on its back grow by drawing nutrients from the bug host. 285 35 70 55 45 55 25 47 Parasect 4 d8 plus 1 14 0 14 -2 30 Bug, Grass A host-parasite pair in which the parasite mushroom has taken over the host bug. Prefers damp places. 405 60 95 80 60 80 30 48 Venonat 2 d8 -1 12 -1 15 -1 45 Bug, Poison Lives in the shadows of tall trees where it eats insects. It is attracted by light at night. 305 60 55 50 40 55 45 49 Venomoth 5 d8 0 13 plus 1 14 0 90 Bug, Poison The dust-like scales covering its wings are color coded to indicate the kinds of poison it has. 450 70 65 60 90 75 90 50 Diglett 1 d4 -1 10 -1 15 0 95 Ground Lives about one yard underground where it feeds on plant roots. It sometimes appears above ground. 265 10 55 25 35 45 95 51 Dugtrio 4 d6 0 12 -1 14 plus 1 120 Ground A team of DIGLETT triplets. It triggers huge earthquakes by burrowing 60 miles underground. 405 35 80 50 50 70 120 52 Meowth 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 0 90 Normal Adores circular objects. Wanders the streets on a nightly basis to look for dropped loose change. 290 40 45 35 40 40 90 53 Persian 5 d8 0 13 0 14 plus 1 115 Normal Although its fur has many admirers, it is tough to raise as a pet because of its fickle meanness. 440 65 70 60 65 65 115 54 Psyduck 2 d6 -1 12 0 15 -1 55 Water While lulling its enemies with its vacant look, this wily Pokémon will use psychokinetic powers. 320 50 52 48 65 50 55 55 Golduck 7 d8 0 14 plus 1 14 0 85 Water Often seen swimming elegantly by lake shores. It is often mistaken for the Japanese monster, Kappa. 500 80 82 78 95 80 85 56 Mankey 2 d6 0 11 -1 15 -1 70 Fighting Extremely quick to anger. It could be docile one moment then thrashing away the next instant. 305 40 80 35 35 45 70

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7/23/2019 Poke-LL Conversion Sheet - Sheet1

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dex # Pokemon HDHDsize

Dam.mod AC

Magicmod Save


doublefor move T yp e Descrip tion


orig. hp Attack Defense


SpecialDefence Speed

1 Bulbasaur 2 d6 -1 12 0 14 -1 45 Grass, Poison A strange seed was planted on its back at birth. The plant sprouts and grows with this Pokémon. 318 45 49 49 65 65 45

2 Ivysaur 4 d8 0 13 0 14 -1 60 Grass, Poison When the bulb on its back grows large, it appears to lose the ability to stand on its hind legs. 405 60 62 63 80 80 60

3 Venusaur 7 d8 0 14 plus 1 13 0 80 Grass, Poison The plant blooms when it is absorbing solar energy. It stays on the move to seek sunlight. 525 80 82 83 100 100 80

4 Charmander 2 d6 -1 11 0 15 -1 65 Fire Obviously prefers hot places. When it rains, steam is said to spout from the tip of its tail. 309 39 52 43 60 50 65

5 Charmeleon 4 d6 0 12 0 14 0 80 Fire When it swings its burning tail, it elevates the temperature to unbearably high levels. 405 58 64 58 80 65 80

6 Charizard 7 d8 0 14 plus 1 13 0 100 Fire, Flying Spits fire that is hot enough to melt boulders. Known to cause forest fires unintentionally. 534 78 84 78 109 85 100

7 Squirtle 2 d6 -1 13 -1 14 -2 43 Water After birth, its back swells and hardens into a shell. Powerfully sprays foam from its mouth. 314 44 48 65 50 64 43

8 Wartortle 4 d6 0 14 0 14 -1 58 Water Often hides in water to stalk unwary prey. For swimming fast, it moves its ears to maintain balance. 405 59 63 80 65 80 58

9 Blastoise 7 d8 0 15 0 13 0 78 Water A brutal Pokémon with pressurized water jets on its shell. They are used for high speed tackles. 530 79 83 100 85 105 78

10 Caterpie 1 d6 -1 11 -2 16 -1 45 Bug Its short feet are tipped with suction pads that enable it to tirelessly climb slopes and walls. 195 45 30 35 20 20 4511 Metapod 1 d6 -2 12 -2 16 -2 30 Bug This Pokémon is vulnerable to attack while its shell is soft, exposing its weak and tender body. 205 50 20 55 25 25 30

12 Butterfree 4 d8 -1 12 plus 1 14 -1 70 Bug, Flying In battle, it flaps its wings at high speed to release highly toxic dust into the air. 385 60 45 50 80 80 70

13 Weedle 1 d6 -1 11 -2 16 -1 50 Bug, Poison Often found in forests, eating leaves. It has a sharp venomous stinger on its head. 195 40 35 30 20 20 50

14 Kakuna 1 d6 -2 12 -2 16 -2 35 Bug, Poison Almost incapable of moving, this Pokémon can only harden its shell to protect itself from predators. 205 45 25 50 25 25 35

15 Beedrill 4 d8 plus 1 11 -1 14 0 75 Bug, Poison Flies at high speed and attacks using its large venomous stingers on its forelegs and tail. 385 65 80 40 45 80 75

16 Pidgey 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 56 Normal, Flying A common sight in forests and woods. It flaps its wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand. 251 40 45 40 35 35 56

17 Pidgeotto 3 d8 0 12 -1 15 -1 71 Normal, Flying Very protective of its sprawling territorial area, this Pokémon will fiercely peck at any intruder. 349 63 60 55 50 50 71

18 Pidgeot 6 d8 0 14 0 14 0 101 Normal, Flying When hunting, it skims the surface of water at high speed to pick off unwary prey such as MAGIKARP. 469 83 80 75 70 70 91

19 Rattata 1 d6 -1 11 -2 15 -1 72 Normal Bites anything when it attacks. Small and very quick, it is a common sight in many places. 253 30 56 35 25 35 72

20 Raticate 4 d6 0 13 -1 14 0 97 Normal It uses its whiskers to maintain its balance. It apparently slows down if they are cut off. 413 55 81 60 50 70 97

21 Spearow 1 d6 0 11 -1 16 -1 70 Normal, Flying Eats bugs in grassy areas. It has to flap its short wings at high speed to stay airborne. 262 40 60 30 31 31 70

22 Fearow 5 d8 plus 1 13 0 14 0 100 Normal, Flying With its huge and magnificent wings, it can keep aloft without ever having to land for rest. 442 65 90 65 61 61 100

23 Ekans 1 d6 0 11 -1 15 -1 55 Poison Moves silently and stealthily. Eats the eggs of birds, such as PIDGEY and SPEAROW, whole. 288 35 60 44 40 54 55

24 Arbok 5 d8 0 13 0 14 0 80 Poison It is rumored that the ferocious warning markings on its belly differ from area to area. 438 60 85 69 65 79 80

25 Pikachu 2 d6 -1 11 -1 15 0 90 Electric When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms. 300 35 55 30 50 40 9026 Raichu 6 d8 plus 1 12 plus 1 14 plus 1 110 Electric Its long tail serves as a ground to protect itself from its own high voltage power. 475 60 90 55 90 80 100

27 Sandshrew 2 d6 0 14 -2 16 -2 40 Ground Burrows deep underground in arid locations far from water. It only emerges to hunt for food. 300 50 75 85 20 30 40

28 Sandslash 5 d8 plus 1 16 -1 15 -1 65 Ground Curls up into a spiny ball when threatened. It can roll while curled up to attack or escape. 450 75 100 110 45 55 65

29 Nidoran_ 1 d6 -1 12 -1 15 -2 41 Poison Although small, its venomous barbs render this Pokémon dangerous. The female has smaller horns. 275 55 47 52 40 40 41

30 Nidorina 3 d8 0 13 -1 15 -1 56 Poison The female's horn develops slowly. Prefers physical attacks such as clawing and biting. 365 70 62 67 55 55 56

31 Nidoqueen 7 d10 plus 1 14 0 13 0 76 Poison, Ground Its hard scales provide strong protection. It uses its hefty bulk to execute powerful moves. 495 90 82 87 75 85 76

32 Nidoran_ 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 50 Poison Stiffens its ears to sense danger. The larger its horns, the more powerful its secreted venom. 273 46 57 40 40 40 50

33 Nidorino 3 d8 0 12 -1 15 -1 65 Poison An aggressive Pokémon that is quick to attack. The horn on its head secretes a powerful venom. 365 61 72 57 55 55 65

34 Nidoking 7 d8 plus 1 14 0 14 0 85 Poison, Ground It uses its powerful tail in battle to smash, constrict, then break the prey's bones. 495 81 92 77 85 75 85

35 Clefairy 2 d8 -1 12 0 14 -2 35 Normal Its magical and cute appeal has many admirers. It is rare and found only in certain areas. 323 70 45 48 60 65 35

36 Clefable 6 d10 0 13 plus 1 13 -1 60 Normal A timid fairy Pokémon that is rarely seen. It will run and hide the moment it senses people. 473 95 70 73 85 90 60

37 Vulpix 1 d6 -1 11 -1 14 -1 65 Fire At the time of birth, it has just one tail. The tail splits from its tip as it grows older. 299 38 41 40 50 65 65

38 Ninetales 7 d8 0 14 0 13 0 100 Fire Very smart and very vengeful. Grabbing one of its many tails could result in a 1000-year curse. 505 73 76 75 81 100 100

39 Jigglypuff 1 d12 -1 10 -1 16 -2 20 Normal, Fairy When its huge eyes light up, it sings a mysteriously soothing melody that lulls its enemies to sleep. 270 115 45 20 45 25 20

40 Wigglytuff 5 2d8 0 12 0 15 -1 45 Normal, Fairy The body is soft and rubbery. When angered, it will suck in air and inflate itself to an enormous size. 425 1 40 70 45 75 50 4541 Zubat 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 55 Poison, Flying Forms colonies in perpetually dark places. Uses ultrasonic waves to identify and approach targets. 245 40 45 35 30 40 55

42 Golbat 5 d8 0 13 0 14 0 90 Poison, Flying Once it strikes, it will not stop draining energy from the victim even if it gets too heavy to fly. 455 75 80 70 65 75 90

43 Oddish 2 d6 -1 12 0 14 -2 30 Grass, Poison During the day, it keeps its face buried in the ground. At night, it wanders around sowing its seeds. 320 45 50 55 75 65 30

44 Gloom 4 d8 0 13 0 14 -2 40 Grass, Poison The fluid that oozes from its mouth isn't drool. It is a nectar that is used to attract prey. 395 60 65 70 85 75 40

45 Vileplume 6 d8 0 14 plus 1 13 -1 50 Grass, Poison The larger its petals, the more toxic pollen it contains. Its big head is heavy and hard to hold up. 480 75 80 85 100 90 50

46 Paras 1 d6 0 12 -1 15 -2 25 Bug, Grass Burrows to suck tree roots. The mushrooms on its back grow by drawing nutrients from the bug host. 285 35 70 55 45 55 25

47 Parasect 4 d8 plus 1 14 0 14 -2 30 Bug, Grass A host-parasite pair in which the parasite mushroom has taken over the host bug. Prefers damp places. 405 60 95 80 60 80 30

48 Venonat 2 d8 -1 12 -1 15 -1 45 Bug, Poison Lives in the shadows of tall trees where it eats insects. It is attracted by light at night. 305 60 55 50 40 55 45

49 Venomoth 5 d8 0 13 plus 1 14 0 90 Bug, Poison The dust-like scales covering its wings are color coded to indicate the kinds of poison it has. 450 70 65 60 90 75 90

50 Diglett 1 d4 -1 10 -1 15 0 95 Ground Lives about one yard underground where it feeds on plant roots. It sometimes appears above ground. 265 10 55 25 35 45 95

51 Dugtrio 4 d6 0 12 -1 14 plus 1 120 Ground A team of DIGLETT triplets. It triggers huge earthquakes by burrowing 60 miles underground. 405 35 80 50 50 70 120

52 Meowth 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 0 90 Normal Adores circular objects. Wanders the streets on a nightly basis to look for dropped loose change. 290 40 45 35 40 40 90

53 Persian 5 d8 0 13 0 14 plus 1 115 Normal Although its fur has many admirers, it is tough to raise as a pet because of its fickle meanness. 440 65 70 60 65 65 115

54 Psyduck 2 d6 -1 12 0 15 -1 55 Water While lulling its enemies with its vacant look, this wily Pokémon will use psychokinetic powers. 320 50 52 48 65 50 55

55 Golduck 7 d8 0 14 plus 1 14 0 85 Water Often seen swimming elegantly by lake shores. It is often mistaken for the Japanese monster, Kappa. 500 80 82 78 95 80 8556 Mankey 2 d6 0 11 -1 15 -1 70 Fighting Extremely quick to anger. It could be docile one moment then thrashing away the next instant. 305 40 80 35 35 45 70

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57 Primeape 5 d8 plus 1 13 0 14 0 95 Fighting Always furious and tenacious to boot. It will not abandon chasing its quarry until it is caught. 455 65 105 60 60 70 95

58 Growlithe 3 d6 0 12 0 15 -1 60 Fire Very protective of its territory. It will bark and bite to repel intruders from its space. 350 55 70 45 70 50 60

59 Arcanine 8 d10 plus 1 14 plus 1 14 0 95 Fire A Pokémon that has been admired since the past for its beauty. It runs agilely as if on wings. 555 90 110 80 100 80 95

60 Poliwag 2 d6 -1 11 -1 15 0 90 Water Its newly grown legs prevent it from running. It appears to prefer swimming than trying to stand. 300 40 50 40 40 40 90

61 Poliwhirl 4 d8 0 13 -1 15 0 90 Water Capable of living in or out of water. When out of water, it sweats to keep its body slimy. 385 65 65 65 50 50 90

62 Poliwrath 7 d10 plus 1 15 0 13 -1 70 Water, Fighting An adept swimmer at both the front crawl and breast stroke. Easily overtakes the best human swimmers. 500 90 85 95 70 90 70

63 Abra 2 d4 -2 10 plus 1 15 0 90 Psychic Using its ability to read minds, it will identify impending danger and TELEPORT to safety. 310 25 20 15 105 55 90

64 Kadabra 4 d6 -1 11 plus 2 14 plus 1 105 Psychic It emits special alpha waves from its body that induce headaches just by being close by. 400 40 35 30 120 70 105

65 Alakazam 7 d6 -1 11 plus 2 13 plus 1 120 Psychic Its brain can outperform a supercomputer. Its intelligence quotient is said to be 5,000. 490 55 50 45 135 85 120

66 Machop 2 d8 0 12 -1 15 -2 35 Fighting Loves to build its muscles. It trains in all styles of martial arts to become even stronger. 305 70 80 50 35 35 35

67 Machoke 4 d8 plus 1 13 -1 14 -1 45 Fighting Its muscular body is so powerful, it must wear a power save belt to be able to regulate its motions. 405 80 100 70 50 60 45

68 Machamp 7 d10 Plus 3 14 0 13 -1 55 Fighting Using its heavy muscles, it throws powerful punches that can send the victim clear over the horizon. 505 90 130 80 65 85 55

69 Bellsprout 2 d6 0 11 0 16 -2 40 Grass, Poison A carnivorous Pokémon that traps and eats bugs. It uses its root feet to soak up needed moisture. 300 50 75 35 70 30 40

70 Weepinbell 4 d8 plus 1 12 0 15 -1 55 Grass, Poison It spits out POISONPOWDER to immobilize the enemy and then finishes it with a spray of ACID. 390 65 90 50 85 45 55

71 Victreebel 6 d8 plus 1 13 plus 1 14 -1 70 Grass, Poison Said to live in huge colonies deep in jungles, although no one has ever returned from there. 480 80 105 65 100 60 70

72 Tentacool 2 d6 -1 11 -1 13 -1 70 Water, Poison Drifts in shallow seas. Anglers who hook them by accident are often punished by its stinging acid. 335 40 40 35 50 100 70

73 Tentacruel 7 d8 0 13 0 12 0 100 Water, Poison The tentacles are normally kept short. On hunts, they are extended to ensnare and immobilize prey. 515 80 70 65 80 120 100

74 Geodude 2 d6 0 15 -1 16 -2 20 Rock, Ground Found in fields and mountains. Mistaking them for boulders, people often step or trip on them. 300 40 80 100 30 30 20

75 Graveler 4 d6 plus 1 16 -1 15 -2 35 Rock, Ground Rolls down slopes to move. It rolls over any obstacle without slowing or changing its direction. 390 55 95 115 45 45 35

76 Golem 6 d8 Plus 3 17 -1 14 -1 45 Rock, Ground Its boulder-like body is extremely hard. It can easily withstand dynamite blasts without damage. 485 80 110 130 55 65 45

77 Ponyta 4 d6 0 12 0 14 0 90 Fire Its hooves are 10 times harder than diamonds. It can trample anything completely flat in little time. 410 50 85 55 65 65 90

78 Rapidash 7 d8 plus 1 13 0 14 plus 1 105 Fire Very competitive, this Pokémon will chase anything that moves fast in the hopes of racing it. 500 65 100 70 80 80 105

79 Slowpoke 2 d10 0 13 -1 15 -3 15 Water, Psychic Incredibly slow and dopey. It takes 5 seconds for it to feel pain when under attack. 315 90 65 65 40 40 15

80 Slowbro 6 d10 0 16 plus 1 14 -2 30 Water, Psychic The SHELLDER that is latched onto SLOWPOKE's tail is said to feed on the host's left over scraps. 490 95 75 110 100 80 30

81 Magnemite 2 d4 -1 13 plus 1 15 -1 45 Electric, Steel Uses anti-gravity to stay suspended. Appears without warning and uses THUNDER WAVE and similar moves. 325 25 35 70 95 55 45

82 Magneton 6 d6 0 15 plus 2 14 -1 70 Electric, Steel Formed by several MAGNEMITEs linked together. They frequently appear when sunspots flare up. 465 50 60 95 120 70 70

83 Farfetch'd 3 d6 0 12 -1 14 -1 60 Normal, Flying The sprig of green onions it holds is its weapon. It is used much like a metal sword. 352 52 65 55 58 62 60

84 Doduo 2 d6 0 12 -1 15 0 75 Normal, Flying A bird that makes up for its poor flying with its fast foot speed. Leaves giant footprints. 310 35 85 45 35 35 75

85 Dodrio 6 d8 plus 1 13 0 14 0 100 Normal, Flying Uses its three brains to execute complex plans. While two heads sleep, one head stays awake. 460 60 110 70 60 60 100

86 Seel 2 d8 -1 12 -1 14 -1 45 Water The protruding horn on its head is very hard. It is used for bashing through thick ice. 325 65 45 55 45 70 45

87 Dewgong 6 d10 0 14 0 13 -1 70 Water, Ice Stores thermal energy in its body. Swims at a steady 8 knots even in intensely cold waters. 475 90 70 80 70 95 70

88 Grimer 2 d8 0 12 -1 15 -2 25 Poison Appears in filthy areas. Thrives by sucking up polluted sludge that is pumped out of factories. 325 80 80 50 40 50 25

89 Muk 7 d12 plus 1 14 0 13 -1 50 Poison Thickly covered with a filthy, vile sludge. It is so toxic, even its footprints contain poison. 500 105 105 75 65 100 50

90 Shellder 2 d6 0 15 -1 16 -2 40 Water Its hard shell repels any kind of attack. It is vulnerable only when its shell is open. 305 30 65 100 45 25 40

91 Cloyster 7 d6 plus 1 19 0 15 -1 70 Water, Ice When attacked, it launches its horns in quick volleys. Its innards have never been seen. 525 50 95 180 85 45 70

92 Gastly 2 d6 -1 11 plus 1 15 0 80 Ghost, Poison Almost invisible, this gaseous Pokémon cloaks the target and puts it to sleep without notice. 310 30 35 30 100 35 80

93 Haunter 4 d6 -1 11 plus 1 15 0 95 Ghost, Poison Because of its ability to slip through block walls, it is said to be from another dimension. 405 45 50 45 115 55 95

94 Gengar 7 d8 0 13 plus 2 14 plus 1 110 Ghost, Poison Under a full moon, this Pokémon likes to mimic the shadows of people and laugh at their fright. 500 60 65 60 130 75 110

95 Onix 4 d6 -1 19 -1 15 -1 70 Rock, Ground As it grows, the stone portions of its body harden to become similar to a diamond, but colored black. 385 35 45 160 30 45 70

96 Drowzee 2 d8 -1 11 -1 13 -2 42 Psychic Puts enemies to sleep then eats their dreams. Occasionally gets sick from eating bad dreams. 328 60 48 45 43 90 42

97 Hypno 6 d10 0 13 0 12 -1 67 Psychic When it locks eyes with an enemy, it will use a mix of PSI moves such as HYPNOSIS and CONFUSION. 483 85 73 70 73 115 67

98 Krabby 2 d6 plus 1 15 -2 16 -1 50 Water Its pincers are not only powerful weapons, they are used for balance when walking sideways. 325 30 105 90 25 25 50

99 Kingler 6 d6 Plus 3 16 -1 15 0 75 Water The large pincer has 10000 hp of crushing power. However, its huge size makes it unwieldy to use. 475 55 130 115 50 50 75

100 Voltorb 2 d6 -1 12 -1 15 0 100 Electric Usually found in power plants. Easily mistaken for a POKé BALL, they have zapped many people. 330 40 30 50 55 55 100

101 Electrode 6 d8 -1 13 0 14 plus 3 140 Electric It stores electric energy under very high pressure. It often explodes with little or no provocation. 480 60 50 70 80 80 140

102 Exeggcute 2 d8 -1 14 0 15 -2 40 Grass, Psychic Often mistaken for eggs. When disturbed, they quickly gather and attack in swarms. 325 60 40 80 60 45 40

103 E xeggutor 7 d 10 plus 1 14 p lus 2 14 -1 55 G rass, Psychic Legend has it that on rare occasions, one of its heads will drop off and continue on as an EXEGGCUTE. 520 95 95 85 125 65 55

104 Cubone 2 d6 -1 15 -1 15 -2 35 Ground Because it never removes its skull helmet, no one has ever seen this Pokémon's real face. 320 50 50 95 40 50 35

105 Marowak 5 d8 0 16 -1 14 -1 45 Ground The bone it holds is its key weapon. It throws the bone skillfully like a boomerang to KO targets. 425 60 80 110 50 80 45

106 Hitmonlee 5 d6 Plus 3 12 -1 12 0 87 Fighting When in a hurry, its legs lengthen progressively. It runs smoothly with extra long, loping strides. 455 50 120 53 35 110 87

107 Hitmonchan 5 d6 plus 1 14 -1 12 0 76 Fighting While apparently doing nothing, it fires punches in lightning fast volleys that are impossible to see. 455 50 105 79 35 110 76

108 Lickitung 4 d10 -1 14 0 14 -2 30 Normal Its tongue can be extended like a chameleon's. It leaves a tingling sensation when it licks enemies. 385 90 55 75 60 75 30

109 Koffing 3 d6 0 15 0 15 -2 35 Poison Because it stores several kinds of toxic gases in its body, it is prone to exploding without warning. 340 40 65 95 60 45 35

110 Weezing 6 d8 plus 1 17 0 14 -1 60 Poison Where two kinds of poison gases meet, 2 KOFFINGs can fuse into a WEEZING over many years. 490 65 90 120 85 70 60

111 Rhyhorn 3 d8 0 15 -1 16 -2 25 Ground, Rock Its massive bones are 1000 times harder than human bones. It can easily knock a trailer flying. 345 80 85 95 30 30 25

112 Rhydon 6 d12 Plus 3 17 -1 15 -2 40 Ground, Rock Protected by an armor-like hide, it is capable of living in molten lava of 3,600 degrees. 485 105 130 120 45 45 40

113 Chansey 5 4d6 -2 10 -1 13 -1 50 Normal A rare and elusive Pokémon that is said to bring happiness to those who manage to get it. 450 250 5 5 35 105 50

114 Tangela 5 d8 -1 16 plus 1 15 -1 60 Grass The whole body is swathed with wide vines that are similar to seaweed. Its vines shake as it walks. 435 65 55 115 100 40 60

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115 Kangaskhan 6 d12 plus 1 14 -1 14 0 90 Normal The infant rarely ventures out of its mother's protective pouch until it is 3 years old. 490 105 95 80 40 80 90

116 Horsea 1 d6 -1 13 0 16 -1 60 Water Known to shoot down flying bugs with precision blasts of ink from the surface of the water. 295 30 40 70 70 25 60

117 Seadra 5 d6 0 15 plus 1 15 0 85 Water Capable of swimming backwards by rapidly flapping its wing-like pectoral fins and stout tail. 440 55 65 95 95 45 85

118 Goldeen 2 d6 0 13 -1 15 -1 63 Water Its tail fin billows like an elegant ballroom dress, giving it the nickname of the Water Queen. 320 45 67 60 35 50 63

119 Seaking 5 d8 plus 1 13 0 14 -1 68 Water In the autumn spawning season, they can be seen swimming powerfully up rivers and creeks. 450 80 92 65 65 80 68

120 Staryu 3 d6 -1 12 0 15 0 85 Water An enigmatic Pokémon that can effortlessly regenerate any appendage it loses in battle. 340 30 45 55 70 55 85

121 Starmie 7 d8 0 14 plus 1 13 plus 1 115 Water, Psychic Its central core glows with the seven colors of the rainbow. Some people value the core as a gem. 520 60 75 85 100 85 115

122 Mr. Mime 6 d6 -1 13 plus 1 12 0 90 Psychic If interrupted while it is miming, it will slap around the offender with its broad hands. 460 40 45 65 100 120 90

123 Scyther 7 d8 plus 1 14 -1 14 plus 1 105 Bug, Flying With ninja-like agility and speed, it can create the illusion that there is more than one. 500 70 110 80 55 80 105

124 Jynx 5 d8 -1 11 plus 1 13 0 95 Ice, Psychic It seductively wiggles its hips as it walks. It can cause people to dance in unison with it. 455 65 50 35 115 95 95

125 Electabuzz 6 d8 0 12 plus 1 13 plus 1 105 Electric Normally found near power plants, they can wander away and cause major blackouts in cities. 490 65 83 57 95 85 105

126 Magmar 6 d8 plus 1 12 plus 1 13 0 93 Fire Its body always burns with an orange glow that enables it to hide perfectly among flames. 495 65 95 57 100 85 93

127 Pinsir 7 d8 Plus 3 15 -1 14 0 85 Bug If it fails to crush the victim in its pincers, it will swing it around and toss it hard. 500 65 125 100 55 70 85

128 Tauros 6 d8 plus 1 15 -1 14 plus 1 110 Normal When it targets an enemy, it charges furiously while whipping its body with its long tails. 490 75 100 95 40 70 110

129 Magikarp 1 d4 -2 12 -2 16 0 80 Water In the distant past, it was somewhat stronger than the horribly weak descendants that exist today. 200 20 10 55 15 20 80

130 Gyarados 8 d10 Plus 3 14 0 13 0 81 Water, Flying Rarely seen in the wild. Huge and vicious, it is capable of destroying entire cities in a rage. 540 95 125 79 60 100 81

131 Lapras 7 d12 0 14 0 13 -1 60 Water, Ice A Pokémon that has been overhunted almost to extinction. It can ferry people across the water. 535 130 85 80 85 95 60

132 Ditto 1 d6 -1 12 -1 15 -1 48 Normal Capable of copying an enemy's genetic code to instantly transform itself into a duplicate of the enemy. 288 48 48 48 48 48 48

133 Eevee 2 d6 -1 12 -1 14 -1 55 Normal Its genetic code is irregular. It may mutate if it is exposed to radiation from element STONEs. 325 55 55 50 45 65 55

134 Vaporeon 7 d12 0 13 plus 1 13 -1 65 Water Lives close to water. Its long tail is ridged with a fin which is often mistaken for a mermaid's. 525 130 65 60 110 95 65

135 Jolteon 7 d8 0 13 plus 1 13 plus 3 130 Electric It accumulates negative ions in the atmosphere to blast out 10000volt lightning bolts. 525 65 65 60 110 95 130

136 Flareon 7 d8 Plus 3 13 plus 1 12 -1 65 Fire When storing thermal energy in its body, its temperature could soar to over 1600 degrees. 525 65 130 60 95 110 65

137 Porygon 4 d8 0 13 0 14 -2 40 Normal A Pokémon that consists entirely of programming code. Capable of moving freely in cyberspace. 395 65 60 70 85 75 40

138 Omanyte 3 d6 -1 15 plus 1 15 -2 35 Rock, Water Although long extinct, in rare cases, it can be genetically resurrected from fossils. 355 35 40 100 90 55 35

139 Omastar 6 d8 0 17 plus 1 14 -1 55 Rock, Water A prehistoric Pokémon that died out when its heavy shell made it impossible to catch prey. 495 70 60 125 115 70 55

140 Kabuto 3 d6 0 15 -1 15 -1 55 Rock, Water A Pokémon that was resurrected from a fossil found in what was once the ocean floor eons ago. 355 30 80 90 55 45 55

141 Kabutops 6 d8 plus 1 15 0 14 0 80 Rock, Water Its sleek shape is perfect for swimming. It slashes prey with its claws and drains the body fluids. 495 60 115 105 65 70 80

142 Aerodactyl 7 d8 plus 1 13 0 14 plus 3 130 Rock, Flying A ferocious, prehistoric Pokémon that goes for the enemy's throat with its serrated saw-like fangs. 515 80 105 65 60 75 130

143 Snorlax 8 2d8 plus 1 13 0 12 -2 30 Normal Very lazy. Just eats and sleeps. As its rotund bulk builds, it becomes steadily more slothful. 540 160 110 65 65 110 30

144 Articuno 9 d10 0 15 plus 1 12 0 85 Ice, Flying A legendary bird Pokémon that is said to appear to doomed people who are lost in icy mountains. 580 90 85 100 95 125 85

145 Zapdos 9 d10 plus 1 14 plus 2 13 0 100 Electric, Flying A legendary bird Pokémon that is said to appear from clouds while dropping enormous lightning bolts. 580 90 90 85 125 90 100

146 Moltres 9 d10 plus 1 15 plus 2 13 0 90 Fire, Flying Known as the legendary bird of fire. Every flap of its wings creates a dazzling flash of flames. 580 90 100 90 125 85 90

147 Dratini 2 d6 0 12 -1 15 -1 50 Dragon Long considered a mythical Pokémon until recently when a small colony was found living underwater. 300 41 64 45 50 50 50

148 Dragonair 5 d8 0 13 0 14 -1 70 Dragon A mystical Pokémon that exudes a gentle aura. Has the ability to change climate conditions. 420 61 84 65 70 70 70

149 Dragonite 9 d10 Plus 3 15 plus 1 13 0 80 Dragon, Flying An extremely rarely seen marine Pokémon. Its intelligence is said to match that of humans. 600 91 134 95 100 100 80

150 Mewtwo 10 d12 plus 1 15 plus 3 13 plus 3 130 Psychic It was created by a scientist after years of horrific gene splicing and DNA engineering experiments. 680 106 110 90 154 90 130

151 Mew 9 d10 plus 1 15 plus 1 13 0 100 Psychic So rare that it is still said to be a mirage by many experts. Only a few people have seen it worldwide. 600 100 100 100 100 100 100

152 Chikorita 2 d6 -1 13 -1 14 -1 45 Grass A sweet aroma gently wafts from the leaf on its head. It is docile and loves to soak up the sun's rays. 318 45 49 65 49 65 45

153 Bayleef 4 d8 0 14 0 14 -1 60 Grass The scent of spices comes from around its neck. Somehow, sniffing it makes you want to fight. 405 60 62 80 63 80 60

154 Meganium 7 d8 0 15 0 13 0 80 Grass The aroma that rises from its petals contains a substance that calms aggressive feelings. 525 80 82 100 83 100 80

155 Cyndaquil 2 d6 -1 11 0 15 -1 65 Fire It is timid, and always curls itself up in a ball. If attacked, it flares up its back for protection. 309 39 52 43 60 50 65

156 Quilava 4 d6 0 12 0 14 0 80 Fire Be careful if it turns its back during battle. It means that it will attack with the fire on its back. 405 58 64 58 80 65 80

157 Typhlosion 7 d8 0 14 plus 1 13 0 100 Fire If its rage peaks, it becomes so hot that anything that touches it will instantly go up in flames. 534 78 84 78 109 85 100

158 Totodile 2 d6 0 13 -1 15 -2 43 Water Its well-developed jaws are powerful and capable of crushing anything. Even its trainer must be careful. 314 50 65 64 44 48 43

159 Croconaw 4 d8 0 14 -1 14 -1 58 Water If it loses a fang, a new one grows back in its place. There are always 48 fangs lining its mouth. 405 65 80 80 59 63 58

160 Feraligatr 7 d10 plus 1 15 0 14 0 78 Water When it bites with its massive and powerful jaws, it shakes its head and savagely tears its victim up. 530 85 105 100 79 83 78

161 Sentret 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -2 20 Normal A very cautious Pokémon, it raises itself up using its tail to get a better view of its surroundings. 215 35 46 34 35 45 20

162 Furret 4 d10 0 13 -1 15 0 90 Normal It makes a nest to suit its long and skinny body. The nest is impossible for other Pokémon to enter. 415 85 76 64 45 55 90

163 Hoothoot 1 d8 -1 11 -1 15 -1 50 Normal, Flying It always stands on one foot. It changes feet so fast, the movement can rarely be seen. 262 60 30 30 36 56 50

164 Noctowl 5 d10 -1 12 0 13 -1 70 Normal, Flying Its eyes are specially adapted. They concentrate even faint light and enable it to see in the dark. 442 1 00 50 50 76 96 70

165 Ledyba 1 d6 -2 11 -1 14 -1 55 Bug, Flying It is very timid. It will be afraid to move if it is alone. But it will be active if it is in a group. 265 40 20 30 40 80 55

166 Ledian 4 d6 -1 12 -1 12 0 85 Bug, Flying When the stars flicker in the night sky, it flutters about, scattering a glowing powder. 390 55 35 50 55 110 85

167 Spinarak 1 d6 0 11 -1 15 -2 30 Bug, Poison It lies still in the same pose for days in its web, waiting for its unsuspecting prey to wander close. 250 40 60 40 40 40 30

168 Ariados 4 d8 plus 1 13 0 14 -2 40 Bug, Poison It spins string not only from its rear but also from its mouth. It is hard to tell which end is which. 390 70 90 70 60 60 40

169 Crobat 7 d10 plus 1 14 0 14 plus 3 130 Poison, Flying It flies so silently through the dark on its four wings that it may not be noticed even when nearby. 535 85 90 80 70 80 130

170 Chinchou 2 d8 -1 11 -1 15 -1 67 Water, Electric It shoots positive and negative electricity between the tips of its two antennae and zaps its enemies. 330 75 38 38 56 56 67

171 Lanturn 6 d12 -1 12 0 14 -1 67 Water, Electric The light it emits is so bright that it can illuminate the sea's surface from a depth of over three miles. 460 125 58 58 76 76 67

172 Pichu 1 d4 -1 10 -1 15 -1 60 Electric It is not yet skilled at storing electricity. It may send out a jolt if amused or startled. 205 20 40 15 35 35 60

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173 Cleffa 1 d6 -2 10 -1 15 -3 15 Normal Because of its unusual, star-like silhouette, people believe that it came here on a meteor. 218 50 25 28 45 55 15

174 Igglybuff 1 d10 -1 10 -1 16 -3 15 Normal It has a very soft body. If it starts to roll, it will bounce all over and be impossible to stop. 210 90 30 15 40 20 15

175 Togepi 1 d6 -2 13 -1 14 -2 20 Normal The shell seems to be filled with joy. It is said that it will share good luck when treated kindly. 245 35 20 65 40 65 20

176 Togetic 4 d6 -1 14 0 13 -2 40 Normal, Flying They say that it will appear before kindhearted, caring people and shower them with happiness. 405 55 40 85 80 105 40

177 Natu 2 d6 -1 11 0 15 -1 70 Psychic, Flying Because its wings aren't yet fully grown, it has to hop to get around. It is always staring at something. 320 40 50 45 70 45 70

178 Xatu 6 d8 0 13 plus 1 14 0 95 Psychic, Flying They say that it stays still and quiet because it is seeing both the past and future at the same time. 470 65 75 70 95 70 95

179 Mareep 1 d6 -1 11 0 15 -2 35 Electric If static electricity builds in its body, its fleece doubles in volume. Touching it will shock you. 280 55 40 40 65 45 35

180 Flaaffy 3 d8 -1 12 0 14 -1 45 Electric As a result of storing too much electricity, it developed patches where even downy wool won't grow. 365 70 55 55 80 60 45

181 Ampharos 7 d10 0 14 plus 1 13 -1 55 Electric The tail's tip shines brightly and can be seen from far away. It acts as a beacon for lost people. 500 90 75 75 115 90 55

182 Bellossom 6 d8 0 15 plus 1 13 -1 50 Grass BELLOSSOM gather at times and appear to dance. They say that the dance is a ritual to summon the sun. 480 75 80 85 90 100 50

183 Marill 1 d8 -2 12 -2 15 -2 40 Water, Fairy The tip of its tail, which contains oil that is lighter than water, lets it swim without drowning. 250 70 20 50 20 50 40

184 Azumarill 5 d10 -1 14 0 14 -1 50 Water, Fairy By keeping still and listening intently, it can tell what is in even wild, fastmoving rivers. 410 100 50 80 50 80 50

185 Sudowoodo 4 d8 plus 1 16 -1 14 -2 30 Rock Although it always pretends to be a tree, its composition appears to be closer to a rock than a plant. 410 70 100 115 30 65 30

186 Politoed 7 d10 0 14 plus 1 13 -1 70 Water If POLIWAG and POLIWHIRL hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide. 500 90 75 75 90 100 70

187 Hoppip 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 50 Grass, Flying To keep from being blown away by the wind, they gather in clusters. They do enjoy gentle breezes, though. 250 35 35 40 35 55 50

188 Skiploom 3 d6 -1 12 -1 14 0 80 Grass, Flying The bloom on top of its head opens and closes as the temperature fluctuates up and down. 340 55 45 50 45 65 80

189 Jumpluff 6 d8 -1 13 -1 13 plus 1 110 Grass, Flying Once it catches the wind, it deftly controls its cotton-puff spores to float, even around the world. 450 75 55 70 55 85 110

190 Aipom 3 d6 0 12 -1 15 0 85 Normal Its tail is so powerful that it can use it to grab a tree branch and hold itself up in the air. 360 55 70 55 40 55 85

191 Sunkern 1 d6 -1 11 -1 16 -2 30 Grass It may drop out of the sky suddenly. If attacked by a SPEAROW, it will violently shake its leaves. 180 30 30 30 30 30 30

192 Sunflora 5 d8 0 12 plus 1 13 -2 30 Grass It converts sunlight into energy. In the darkness after sunset, it closes its petals and becomes still. 425 75 75 55 105 85 30

193 Yanma 4 d8 0 12 0 15 0 95 Bug, Flying If it flaps its wings really fast, it can generate shock waves that will shatter windows in the area. 390 65 65 45 75 45 95

194 Wooper 1 d6 -1 11 -2 16 -3 15 Water, Ground This Pokémon lives in cold water. It will leave the water to search for food when it gets cold outside. 210 55 45 45 25 25 15

195 Quagsire 5 d10 0 14 0 14 -2 35 Water, Ground This carefree Pokémon has an easy-going nature. While swimming, it always bumps into boat hulls. 430 95 85 85 65 65 35

196 Espeon 7 d8 0 13 plus 2 13 plus 1 110 Psychic It uses the fine hair that covers its body to sense air currents and predict its enemy's actions. 525 65 65 60 130 95 110

197 Umbreon 7 d10 0 16 0 11 -1 65 Dark When agitated, this Pokémon protects itself by spraying poisonous sweat from its pores. 525 95 65 110 60 130 65

198 Murkrow 4 d8 0 11 0 15 0 91 Dark, Flying Feared and loathed by many, it is believed to bring misfortune to all those who see it at night. 405 60 85 42 85 42 91

199 Slowking 6 d10 0 14 plus 1 12 -2 30 Water, Psychic It has incredible intellect and intuition. Whatever the situation, it remains calm and collected. 490 95 75 80 100 110 30

200 Misdreavus 5 d8 0 13 0 13 0 85 Ghost It likes playing mischievous tricks such as screaming and wailing to startle people at night. 435 60 60 60 85 85 85

201 Unown 2 d6 0 12 0 15 -1 48 Psychic Their shapes look like hieroglyphs on ancient tablets. It is said that the two are somehow related. 336 48 72 48 72 48 48

202 Wobbuffet 4 2d8 -1 12 -1 15 -2 33 Psychic It hates light and shock. If attacked, it inflates its body to pump up its counterstrike. 405 190 33 58 33 58 33

203 Girafarig 5 d8 0 13 plus 1 14 0 85 Normal, Psychic I ts tail has a small brain of its own. Beware! If you get close, it may react to your scent and bite. 455 70 80 65 90 65 85

204 Pineco 1 d6 0 15 -1 15 -3 15 Bug It likes to make its shell thicker by adding layers of tree bark. The additional weight doesn't bother it. 290 50 65 90 35 35 15

205 Forretress 6 d8 plus 1 18 0 14 -2 40 Bug, Steel Its entire body is shielded by a steel-hard shell. What lurks inside the armor is a total mystery. 465 75 90 140 60 60 40

206 Dunsparce 4 d10 0 13 0 14 -1 45 Normal When spotted, this Pokémon escapes backward by furiously boring into the ground with its tail. 415 100 70 70 65 65 45

207 Gligar 5 d8 0 15 -1 14 0 85 Ground, Flying It flies straight at its target's face then clamps down on the startled victim to inject poison. 430 65 75 105 35 65 85

208 Steelix 7 d8 0 20 -1 14 -2 30 Steel, Ground Its body has been compressed deep under the ground. As a result, it is even harder than a diamond. 510 75 85 200 55 65 30

209 Snubbull 2 d8 0 12 -1 15 -2 30 Normal Although it looks frightening, it is actually kind and affectionate. It is very popular among women. 300 60 80 50 40 40 30

210 Granbull 5 d10 Plus 3 14 0 14 -1 45 Normal It is actually timid and easily spooked. If attacked, it flails about to fend off its attacker. 450 90 120 75 60 60 45

211 Qwilfish 5 d8 plus 1 14 -1 15 0 85 Water, Poison To fire its poison spikes, it must inflate its body by drinking over 2.6 gallons of water all at once. 430 65 95 75 55 55 85

212 Scizor 7 d8 Plus 3 15 -1 14 -1 65 Bug, Steel It swings its eyepatterned pincers up to scare its foes. This makes it look like it has three heads. 500 70 130 100 55 80 65

213 Shuckle 7 d4 -2 23 -2 8 -3 5 Bug, Rock The BERRIES it stores in its vase-like shell decompose and become a gooey liquid. 505 20 10 230 10 230 5

214 Heracross 7 d8 Plus 3 14 -1 13 0 85 Bug, Fighting This powerful Pokémon thrusts its prized horn under its enemies' bellies then lifts and throws them. 500 80 125 75 40 95 85

215 Sneasel 5 d6 plus 1 12 -1 14 plus 1 115 Dark, Ice Its paws conceal sharp claws. If attacked, it suddenly extends the claws and startles its enemy. 430 55 95 55 35 75 115

216 Teddiursa 2 d8 0 12 -1 15 -2 40 Normal If it finds honey, its crescent mark glows. It always licks its paws because they are soaked with honey. 330 60 80 50 50 50 40

217 Ursaring 7 d10 Plus 3 14 0 14 -1 55 Normal Although it is a good climber, it prefers to snap trees with its forelegs and eat fallen BERRIES. 500 90 130 75 75 75 55

218 Slugma 1 d6 -1 11 0 15 -2 20 Fire It never sleeps. It has to keep moving because if it stopped, its magma body would cool and harden. 250 40 40 40 70 40 20

219 Magcargo 4 d6 -1 17 0 14 -2 30 Fire, Rock The shell on its back is just skin that has cooled and hardened. It breaks easily with a slight touch. 410 50 50 120 80 80 30

220 Swinub 1 d6 -1 11 -1 16 -1 50 Ice, Ground It rubs its snout on the ground to find and dig up food. It sometimes discovers hot springs. 250 50 50 40 30 30 50

221 Piloswine 5 d10 plus 1 14 0 14 -1 50 Ice, Ground Because the long hair all over its body obscures its sight, it just keeps charging repeatedly. 450 1 00 100 80 60 60 50

222 Corsola 4 d6 -1 14 0 13 -2 35 Water, Rock It continuously sheds and grows. The tip of its head is prized as a treasure for its beauty. 380 55 55 85 65 85 35

223 Remoraid 2 d6 0 11 0 15 -1 65 Water It has superb accuracy. The water it shoots out can strike even moving prey from more than 300 feet. 300 35 65 35 65 35 65

224 Octillery 6 d8 plus 1 14 plus 1 14 -1 45 Water It traps enemies with its suctioncupped tentacles then smashes them with its rock-hard head. 480 75 105 75 105 75 45

225 Delibird 2 d6 -1 11 0 15 0 75 Ice, Flying It carries food all day long. There are tales about lost people who were saved by the food it had. 330 45 55 45 65 45 75

226 Mantine 6 d8 -1 13 0 11 -1 70 Water, Flying As it majestically swims, it doesn't care if REMORAID attach to it for scavenging its leftovers. 465 65 40 70 80 140 70

227 Skarmory 6 d8 0 18 -1 14 -1 70 Steel, Flying Its sturdy wings look heavy, but they are actually hollow and light, allowing it to fly freely in the sky. 465 65 80 140 40 70 70

228 Houndour 2 d6 0 11 0 15 -1 65 Dark, Fire It uses different kinds of cries for communicating with others of its kind and for pursuing its prey. 330 45 60 30 80 50 65

229 Houndoom 7 d8 plus 1 12 plus 1 14 0 95 Dark, Fire If you are burned by the flames it shoots from its mouth, the pain will never go away. 500 75 90 50 110 80 95

230 Kingdra 8 d8 plus 1 15 plus 1 13 0 85 Water, Dragon It is said that it usually hides in underwater caves. It can create whirlpools by yawning. 540 75 95 95 95 95 85

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231 Phanpy 2 d10 0 13 -1 15 -2 40 Ground It swings its long snout around playfully, but because it is so strong, that can be dangerous. 330 90 60 60 40 40 40

232 Donphan 7 d10 Plus 3 17 0 14 -1 50 Ground It has sharp, hard tusks and a rugged hide. Its TACKLE is strong enough to knock down a house. 500 90 120 120 60 60 50

233 Porygon2 7 d10 0 15 plus 1 13 -1 60 Normal This upgraded version of PORYGON is designed for space exploration. It can't fly, though. 515 85 80 90 105 95 60

234 Stantler 6 d8 plus 1 13 0 14 0 85 Normal The curved antlers subtly change the flow of air to create a strange space where reality is distorted. 465 73 95 62 85 65 85

235 Smeargle 1 d6 -2 11 -2 15 0 75 Normal A special fluid oozes from the tip of its tail. It paints the fluid everywhere to mark its territory. 250 55 20 35 20 45 75

236 Tyrogue 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -2 35 Fighting It is always bursting with energy. To make itself stronger, it keeps on fighting even if it loses. 210 35 35 35 35 35 35

237 Hitmontop 5 d6 plus 1 15 -1 12 -1 70 Fighting If you become enchanted by its smooth, elegant, dance-like kicks, you may get drilled hard. 455 50 95 95 35 110 70

238 Smoochum 2 d6 -1 10 0 14 -1 65 Ice, Psychic Its lips are the most sensitive parts on its body. It always uses its lips first to examine things. 305 45 30 15 85 65 65

239 Elekid 3 d6 0 11 0 15 0 95 Electric It rotates its arms to generate electricity, but it tires easily, so it charges up only a little bit. 360 45 63 37 65 55 95

240 Magby 3 d6 0 11 0 15 0 83 Fire Each and every time it inhales and exhales, hot embers dribble out of its mouth and nostrils. 365 45 75 37 70 55 83

241 Miltank 6 d10 0 15 -1 14 0 100 Normal Its milk is packed with nutrition, making it the ultimate beverage for the sick or weary. 490 95 80 105 40 70 100

242 Blissey 8 4d6 -2 10 0 11 -1 55 Normal Anyone who takes even one bite of BLISSEY's egg becomes unfailingly caring and pleasant to everyone. 540 2 55 10 10 75 135 55

243 Raikou 9 d10 0 14 plus 1 13 plus 1 115 Electric The rain clouds it carries let it fire thunderbolts at will. They say that it descended with lightning. 580 90 85 75 115 100 115

244 Entei 9 d12 plus 1 14 plus 1 14 0 100 Fire Volcanoes erupt when it barks. Unable to restrain its extreme power, it races headlong around the land. 580 115 115 85 90 75 100

245 Suicune 9 d10 0 16 plus 1 12 0 85 Water Said to be the reincarnation of north winds, it can instantly purify filthy, murky water. 580 100 75 115 90 115 85

246 Larvitar 2 d6 0 12 -1 15 -2 41 Rock, Ground It feeds on soil. After it has eaten a large mountain, it will fall asleep so it can grow. 300 50 64 50 45 50 41

247 Pupitar 4 d8 0 13 0 14 -1 51 Rock, Ground Its shell is as hard as sheet rock, and it is also very strong. Its THRASHING can topple a mountain. 410 70 84 70 65 70 51

248 Tyranitar 9 d10 Plus 3 16 plus 1 13 -1 61 Rock, Dark Its body can't be harmed by any sort of attack, so it is very eager to make challenges against enemies. 600 100 134 110 95 100 61

249 Lugia 10 d12 plus 1 17 p lus 1 11 p lus 1 110 Psychic, Flying It is said that it quietly spends its time deep at the bottom of the sea because its powers are too strong. 680 106 90 130 90 154 110

250 Ho-Oh 10 d 12 Plus 3 15 p lus 1 11 0 90 F ire, Flying Legends claim this Pokémon flies the world's skies continuously on its magnificent sevencolored wings. 680 106 130 90 110 154 90

251 Celebi 9 d 10 plus 1 15 p lus 1 13 0 100 P sychic, Grass This Pokémon wanders across time. Grass and trees flourish in the forests in which it has appeared. 600 100 100 100 100 100 100

252 Treecko 2 d6 -1 11 0 15 -1 70 GrassTREECKO has small hooks on the bottom of its feet that enable it to scale vertical walls. This Pokémon attacks by slammingfoes with its thick tail. 310 40 45 35 65 55 70

253 Grovyle 4 d6 0 12 0 14 0 95 GrassThe leaves growing out of GROVYLE's body are convenient for camouflaging it from enemies in the forest. This Pokémon is amaster at climbing trees in jungles. 405 50 65 45 85 65 95

254 Sceptile 7 d8 0 13 plus 1 13 plus 1 120 GrassThe leaves growing on SCEPTILE's body are very sharp edged. This Pokémon is very agile - it leaps all over the branches of trees and jumps on its foe from above or behind. 530 7 0 85 65 105 85 120

255 Torchic 2 d6 0 11 0 15 -1 45 Fire TORCHIC sticks with its TRAINER, following behind with unsteady steps. This Pokémon breathes fire of over 1,800 degrees F,including fireballs that leave the foe scorched black. 310 45 60 40 70 50 45

256 Combusken 4 d8 0 13 0 14 -1 55 Fire, FightingCOMBUSKEN toughens up its legs and thighs by running through fields and mountains. This Pokémon's legs possess bothspeed and power, enabling it to dole out ten kicks in one second. 405 60 85 60 85 60 55

257 Blaziken 7 d8 Plus 3 13 plus 1 14 0 80 Fire, FightingIn battle, BLAZIKEN blows out intense flames from its wrists and attacks foes courageously. The stronger the foe, the moreintensely this Pokémon's wrists burn. 530 80 120 70 110 70 80

258 Mudkip 2 d6 0 12 -1 15 -2 40 Water  The fin on MUDKIP's head acts as highly sensitive radar. Using this fin to sense movements of water and air, this Pokémon candetermine what is taking place around it without using its eyes. 310 50 70 50 50 50 40

259 Marshtomp 4 d8 0 13 0 14 -1 50 Water, GroundThe surface of MARSHTOMP's body is enveloped by a thin, sticky film that enables it to live on land. This Pokémon plays inmud on beaches when the ocean tide is low. 405 70 85 70 60 70 50

260 Swampert 7 d10 plus 1 15 0 13 -1 60 Water, GroundSWAMPERT is very strong. It has enough power to easily drag a boulder weighing more than a ton. This Pokémon also haspowerful vision that lets it see even in murky water. 535 100 110 90 85 90 60

261 Poochyena 1 d6 -1 11 -1 16 -2 35 Dark At first sight, POOCHYENA takes a bite at anything that moves. This Pokémon chases after prey until the victim becomesexhausted. However, it may turn tail if the prey strikes back. 220 35 55 35 30 30 35

262 Mightyena 5 d8 plus 1 13 0 14 -1 70 DarkMIGHTYENA gives obvious signals when it is preparing to attack. It starts to growl deeply and then flattens its body. ThisPokémon will bite savagely with its sharply pointed fangs. 420 70 90 70 60 60 70

263 Zigzagoon 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 60 NormalZIGZAGOON restlessly wanders everywhere at all times. This Pokémon does so because it is very curious. It becomesinterested in anything that it happens to see. 240 38 30 41 30 41 60

264 Linoone 5 d8 0 13 -1 14 0 100 Normal

LINOONE always runs full speed and only in straight lines. If facing an obstacle, it makes a right-angle turn to evade it. This

Pokémon is very challenged by gently curving roads. 420 78 70 61 50 61 100

265 Wurmple 1 d6 -1 11 -2 16 -2 20 BugUsing the spikes on its rear end, WURMPLE peels the bark off trees and feeds on the sap that oozes out. This Pokémon's feetare tipped with suction pads that allow it to cling to glass without slipping. 195 45 45 35 20 30 20

266 Silcoon 1 d6 -1 12 -2 16 -3 15 BugSILCOON tethers itself to a tree branch using silk to keep from falling. There, this Pokémon hangs quietly while it awaitsevolution. It peers out of the silk cocoon through a small hole. 205 50 35 55 25 25 15

267 Beautifly 4 d8 0 12 plus 1 15 -1 65 Bug, FlyingBEAUTIFLY's favorite food is the sweet pollen of flowers. If you want to see this Pokémon, just leave a potted flower by anopen window. BEAUTIFLY is sure to come looking for pollen. 385 60 70 50 90 50 65

268 Cascoon 1 d6 -1 12 -2 16 -3 15 BugCASCOON makes its protective cocoon by wrapping its body entirely with a fine silk from its mouth. Once the silk goes aroundits body, it hardens. This Pokémon prepares for its evolution inside the cocoon. 205 50 35 55 25 25 15

269 Dustox 4 d8 -1 13 -1 13 -1 65 Bug, PoisonDUSTOX is instinctively drawn to light. Swarms of this Pokémon are attracted by the bright lights of cities, where they wreakhavoc by stripping the leaves off roadside trees for food. 385 60 50 70 50 90 65

270 Lotad 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -2 30 Water, GrassLOTAD live in ponds and lakes, where they float on the surface. It grows weak if its broad leaf dies. On rare occasions, thisPokémon travels on land in search of clean water. 220 4 0 30 30 40 50 30

271 Lombre 3 d8 -1 12 0 14 -1 50 Water, GrassLOMBRE is nocturnal - it will get active after dusk. It is also a mischief-maker. When this Pokémon spots anglers, it tugs ontheir fishing lines from beneath the surface and enjoys their consternation. 340 60 50 50 60 70 50

272 Ludicolo 6 d8 0 13 plus 1 13 -1 70 Water, GrassLUDICOLO begins dancing as soon as it hears cheerful, festive music. This Pokémon is said to appear when it hears thesinging of children on hiking outings. 480 80 70 70 90 100 70

273 Seedot 1 d6 -1 12 -1 16 -2 30 GrassSEEDOT attaches itself to a tree branch using the top of its head. It sucks moisture from the tree while hanging off the branch.The more water it drinks, the glossier this Pokémon's body becomes. 220 40 40 50 30 30 30

274 Nuzleaf 3 d8 0 11 0 15 -1 60 Grass, Dark NUZLEAF live in densely overgrown forests. They occasionally venture out of the forest to startle people. This Pokémondislikes having its long nose pinched. 340 70 70 40 60 40 60

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275 Shiftry 6 d10 plus 1 13 plus 1 14 0 80 Grass, DarkSHIFTRY is a mysterious Pokémon that is said to live atop towering trees dating back over a thousand years. It creates terrificwindstorms with the fans it holds. 480 90 100 60 90 60 80

276 Taillow 1 d6 -1 11 -1 16 0 85 Normal, FlyingTAILLOW courageously stands its ground against foes, however strong they may be. This gutsy Pokémon will remain defianteven after a loss. On the other hand, it cries loudly if it becomes hungry. 270 40 55 30 30 30 85

277 Swellow 5 d8 0 13 -1 15 plus 1 125 Normal, FlyingSWELLOW flies high above our heads, making graceful arcs in the sky. This Pokémon dives at a steep angle as soon as itspots its prey. The hapless prey is tightly grasped by SWELLOW's clawed feet, preventing escape. 430 60 85 60 50 50 125

278 Wingull 1 d6 -1 11 -1 16 0 85 Water, FlyingWINGULL has the habit of carrying prey and valuables in its beak and hiding them in all sorts of locations. This Pokémon ridesthe winds and flies as if it were skating across the sky. 270 40 30 30 55 30 85

279 Pelipper 5 d8 -1 15 0 14 -1 65 Water, FlyingPELIPPER is a flying transporter that carries small Pokémon and eggs inside its massive bill. This Pokémon builds its nest onsteep cliffs facing the sea. 430 60 50 100 85 70 65

280 Ralts 1 d4 -2 10 -1 15 -2 40 PsychicRALTS senses the emotions of people using the horns on its head. This Pokémon rarely appears before people. But when itdoes, it draws closer if it senses that the person has a positive disposition. 198 28 25 25 45 35 40

281 Kirlia 1 d6 -1 11 0 15 -1 50 PsychicIt is said that a KIRLIA that is exposed to the positive emotions of its TRAINER grows beautiful. This Pokémon controlspsychokinetic powers with its highly developed brain. 278 38 35 35 65 55 50

282 Gardevoir 7 d8 0 13 plus 2 12 0 80 Psychic, FairyGARDEVOIR has the ability to read the future. If it senses impending danger to its TRAINER, this Pokémon is said to unleashits psychokinetic energy at full power. 518 68 65 65 125 115 80

283 Surskit 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 65 Bug, Water  From the tips of its feet, SURSKIT secretes an oil that enables it to walk on water as if it were skating. This Pokémon feeds onmicroscopic organisms in ponds and lakes. 269 40 30 32 50 52 65

284 Masquerain 4 d8 0 13 0 14 -1 60 Bug, FlyingMASQUERAIN intimidates enemies with the eyelike patterns on its antennas. This Pokémon flaps its four wings to freely fly inany direction - even sideways and backwards - as if it were a helicopter. 414 70 60 62 80 82 60

285 Shroomish 1 d8 -1 13 -1 14 -2 35 GrassSHROOMISH live in damp soil in the dark depths of forests. They are often found keeping still under fallen leaves. ThisPokémon feeds on compost that is made up of fallen, rotted leaves. 295 60 40 60 40 60 35

286 Breloom 6 d8 Plus 3 14 0 14 -1 70 Grass, FightingBRELOOM closes in on its foe with light and sprightly footwork, then throws punches with its stretchy arms. This Pokémon'sfighting technique puts boxers to shame. 460 60 130 80 60 60 70

287 Slakoth 1 d8 0 13 -1 15 -2 30 NormalSLAKOTH lolls around for over twenty hours every day. Because it moves so little, it does not need much food. This Pokémon'ssole daily meal consists of just three leaves. 280 60 60 60 35 35 30

288 Vigoroth 5 d8 0 14 -1 15 0 90 NormalVIGOROTH is always itching and agitated to go on a wild rampage. It simply can't tolerate sitting still for even a minute. ThisPokémon's stress level rises if it can't be moving constantly. 440 80 80 80 55 55 90

289 Slaking 10 2d8 plus 5 15 plus 1 14 0 100 NormalSLAKING spends all day lying down and lolling about. It eats grass growing within its reach. If it eats all the grass it can reach,this Pokémon reluctantly moves to another spot. 670 150 160 100 95 65 100

290 Nincada 1 d6 -1 15 -1 16 -2 40 Bug, GroundNINCADA lives underground for many years in complete darkness. This Pokémon absorbs nutrients from the roots of trees. Itstays motionless as it waits for evolution. 266 31 45 90 30 30 40

291 Ninjask 5 d8 plus 1 12 -1 15plus1/r ound 160 Bug, Flying

NINJASK moves around at such a high speed that it cannot be seen, even while its crying can be clearly heard. For thatreason, this Pokémon was long believed to be invisible. 456 61 90 45 50 50 160

292 Shedinja 1 1 only plus 1 12 -1 16 -2 40 Bug, GhostSHEDINJA's hard body doesn't move - not even a twitch. In fact, its body appears to be merely a hollow shell. It is believed thatthis Pokémon will steal the spirit of anyone peering into its hollow body from its back. 236 1 90 45 30 30 40

293 Whismur 1 d8 -1 10 -1 16 -2 28 NormalNormally, WHISMUR's voice is very quiet - it is barely audible even if one is paying close attention. However, if this Pokémonsenses danger, it starts crying at an earsplitting volume. 240 64 51 23 51 23 28

294 Loudred 3 d8 0 11 0 15 -1 48 NormalLOUDRED's bellowing can completely decimate a wood-frame house. It uses its voice to punish its foes. This Pokémon's roundears serve as loudspeakers. 360 84 71 43 71 43 48

295 Exploud 6 d10 plus 1 13 plus 1 14 -1 68 NormalEXPLOUD triggers earthquakes with the tremors it creates by bellowing. If this Pokémon violently inhales from the ports on itsbody, it's a sign that it is preparing to let loose a huge bellow. 480 104 91 63 91 63 68

296 Makuhita 1 d8 0 11 -2 16 -2 25 FightingMAKUHITA is tenacious - it will keep getting up and attacking its foe however many times it is knocked down. Every time it getsback up, this Pokémon stores more energy in its body for evolving. 237 72 60 30 20 30 25

297 Hariyama 6 2d8 Plus 3 13 -1 14 -1 50 FightingHARIYAMA practices its straight-arm slaps in any number of locations. One hit of this Pokémon's powerful, openhanded,straight-arm punches could snap a telephone pole in two. 474 144 120 60 40 60 50

298 Azurill 1 d6 -2 11 -2 15 -2 20 Normal AZURILL spins its tail as if it were a lasso, then hurls it far. The momentum of the throw sends its body flying, too. Using thisunique action, one of these Pokémon managed to hurl itself a record 33 feet. 190 50 20 40 20 40 20

299 Nosepass 3 d6 -1 18 -1 13 -2 30 RockNOSEPASS's magnetic nose is always pointed to the north. If two of these Pokémon meet, they cannot turn their faces to eachother when they are close because their magnetic noses repel one another. 375 30 45 135 45 90 30

300 Skitty 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 50 NormalSKITTY has the habit of becoming fascinated by moving objects and chasing them around. This Pokémon is known to chaseafter its own tail and become dizzy. 260 50 45 45 35 35 50

301 Delcatty 4 d8 0 13 -1 15 -1 70 NormalDELCATTY prefers to live an unfettered existence in which it can do as it pleases at its own pace. Because this Pokémon eatsand sleeps whenever it decides, its daily routines are completely random. 380 70 65 65 55 55 70

302 Sableye 4 d6 0 14 0 14 -1 50 Dark, GhostSABLEYE lead quiet lives deep inside caverns. They are feared, however, because these Pokémon are thought to steal thespirits of people when their eyes burn with a sinister glow in the darkness. 380 50 75 75 65 65 50

303 Mawile 4 d6 0 14 -1 15 -1 50 Steel, FairyMAWHILE's huge jaws are actually steel horns that have been transformed. Its docile-looking face serves to lull its foe intoletting down its guard. When the foe least expects it, MAWHILE chomps it with its gaping jaws. 380 50 85 85 55 55 50

304 Aron 2 d6 0 15 -1 15 -2 30 Steel, RockThis Pokémon has a body of steel. To make its body, ARON feeds on iron ore that it digs from mountains. Occasionally, itcauses major trouble by eating bridges and rails. 330 50 70 100 40 40 30

305 Lairon 5 d8 plus 1 18 -1 15 -2 40 Steel, RockLAIRON tempers its steel body by drinking highly nutritious mineral springwater until it is bloated. This Pokémon makes its nestclose to springs of delicious water. 430 60 90 140 50 50 40

306 Aggron 7 d8 plus 1 19 0 14 -1 50 Steel, Rock AGGRON claims an entire mountain as its own territory. It mercilessly beats up anything that violates its environment. ThisPokémon vigilantly patrols its territory at all times. 530 70 110 180 60 60 50

307 Meditite 1 d6 -1 12 -1 15 -1 60Fighting,Psychic

MEDITITE undertakes rigorous mental training deep in the mountains. However, whenever it meditates, this Pokémon alwaysloses its concentration and focus. As a result, its training never ends. 280 30 40 55 40 55 60

308 Medicham 4 d8 0 1 4 0 14 0 80Fighting,Psychic

It is said that through meditation, MEDICHAM heightens energy inside its body and sharpens its sixth sense. This Pokémonhides its presence by merging itself with fields and mountains. 410 60 60 75 60 75 80

309 Electrike 1 d6 -1 11 0 15 -1 65 ElectricELECTRIKE stores electricity in its long body hair. This Pokémon stimulates its leg muscles with electric charges. These jolts of power give its legs explosive acceleration performance. 295 40 45 40 65 40 65

310 Manectric 6 d8 0 13 plus 1 14 plus 1 105 Electric

MANECTRIC is constantly discharging electricity from its mane. The sparks sometimes ignite forest fires. When it enters a

battle, this Pokémon creates thunderclouds. 475 7 0 75 60 105 60 105

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311 Plusle 4 d8 -1 11 0 14 0 95 ElectricPLUSLE always acts as a cheerleader for its partners. Whenever a teammate puts out a good effort in battle, this Pokémonshorts out its body to create the crackling noises of sparks to show its joy. 405 60 50 40 85 75 95

312 Minun 4 d8 -1 12 0 13 0 95 ElectricMINUN is more concerned about cheering on its partners than its own safety. It shorts out the electricity in its body to createbrilliant showers of sparks to cheer on its teammates. 405 60 40 50 75 85 95

313 Volbeat 4 d8 0 12 -1 14 0 85 BugWith the arrival of night, VOLBEAT emits light from its tail. It communicates with others by adjusting the intensity and flashing of its light. This Pokémon is attracted by the sweet aroma of ILLUMISE. 400 65 73 55 47 75 85

314 Illumise 4 d8 -1 12 0 14 0 85 BugILLUMISE attracts a swarm of VOLBEAT using a sweet fragrance. Once the VOLBEAT have gathered, this Pokémon leads thelit-up swarm in drawing geometric designs on the canvas of the night sky. 400 65 47 55 73 75 85

315 Roselia 4 d6 0 11 plus 1 14 -1 65 Grass, PoisonROSELIA shoots sharp thorns as projectiles at any opponent that tries to steal the flowers on its arms. The aroma of thisPokémon brings serenity to living things. 400 50 60 45 100 80 65

316 Gulpin 2 d8 -1 12 -1 15 -2 40 PoisonVirtually all of GULPIN's body is its stomach. As a result, it can swallow something its own size. This Pokémon's stomachcontains a special fluid that digests anything. 302 70 43 53 43 53 40

317 Swalot 6 d10 0 14 0 14 -1 55 PoisonWhen SWALOT spots prey, it spurts out a hideously toxic fluid from its pores and sprays the target. Once the prey hasweakened, this Pokémon gulps it down whole with its cavernous mouth. 467 100 73 83 73 83 55

318 Carvanha 2 d6 plus 1 10 0 16 -1 65 Water, DarkCARVANHA's strongly developed jaws and its sharply pointed fangs pack the destructive power to rip out boat hulls. Manyboats have been attacked and sunk by this Pokémon. 305 45 90 20 65 20 65

319 Sharpedo 6 d8 Plus 3 11 plus 1 15 0 95 Water, DarkNicknamed âthe bully of the sea,â SHARPEDO is widely feared. Its cruel fangs grow back immediately if they snap off. Justone of these Pokémon can thoroughly tear apart a supertanker. 460 70 120 40 95 40 95

320 Wailmer 4 d12 0 11 0 15 -1 60 Water  WAILMER's nostrils are located above its eyes. This playful Pokémon loves to startle people by forcefully snorting out seawater it stores inside its body out of its nostrils. 400 130 70 35 70 35 60

321 Wailord 7 2d8 plus 1 12 plus 1 15 -1 60 Water  WAILORD is the largest of all identified Pokémon up to now. This giant Pokémon swims languorously in the vast open sea,eating massive amounts of food at once with its enormous mouth. 500 170 90 45 90 45 60

322 Numel 2 d8 0 11 0 15 -2 35 Fire, GroundNUMEL is extremely dull witted - it doesn't notice being hit. However, it can't stand hunger for even a second. This Pokémon'sbody is a seething cauldron of boiling magma. 305 60 60 40 65 45 35

323 Camerupt 6 d8 plus 1 13 plus 1 14 -2 40 Fire, GroundCAMERUPT has a volcano inside its body. Magma of 18,000 degrees F courses through its body. Occasionally, the humps onthis Pokémon's back erupt, spewing the superheated magma. 460 70 100 70 105 75 40

324 Torkoal 6 d8 0 18 0 14 -2 20 FireTORKOAL digs through mountains in search of coal. If it finds some, it fills hollow spaces on its shell with the coal and burns it.If it is attacked, this Pokémon spouts thick black smoke to beat a retreat. 470 70 85 140 85 70 20

325 Spoink 2 d8 -2 11 0 14 -1 60 PsychicSPOINK bounces around on its tail. The shock of its bouncing makes its heart pump. As a result, this Pokémon cannot afford tostop bouncing - if it stops, its heart will stop. 330 60 25 35 70 80 60

326 Grumpig 6 d8 -1 13 plus 1 12 0 80 PsychicGRUMPIG uses the black pearls on its body to amplify its psychic power waves for gaining total control over its foe. When thisPokémon uses its special power, its snorting breath grows labored. 470 80 45 65 90 110 80

327 Spinda 3 d8 0 13 0 14 -1 60 Normal All the SPINDA that exist in the world are said to have utterly unique spot patterns. The shaky, tottering steps of this Pokémongive it the appearance of dancing. 360 60 60 60 60 60 60

328 Trapinch 1 d6 plus 1 12 -1 15 -3 10 GroundTRAPINCH's nest is a sloped, bowl-like pit dug in sand. This Pokémon patiently waits for prey to tumble down the pit. Its giant

 jaws have enough strength to crush even boulders. 290 45 100 45 45 45 10

329 Vibrava 3 d6 0 12 -1 15 -1 70 Ground, DragonTo make prey faint, VIBRAVA generates ultrasonic waves by vigorously making its two wings vibrate. This Pokémon'sultrasonic waves are so powerful, they can bring on headaches in people. 340 50 70 50 50 50 70

330 Flygon 7 d8 plus 1 14 0 14 0 100 Ground, DragonFLYGON is nicknamed âthe elemental spirit of the desert.â Because its flapping wings whip up a cloud of sand, this Pokémonis always enveloped in a sandstorm while flying. 520 80 100 80 80 80 100

331 Cacnea 2 d6 0 11 0 15 -2 35 GrassCACNEA lives in arid locations such as deserts. It releases a strong aroma from its flower to attract prey. When prey comesnear, this Pokémon shoots sharp thorns from its body to bring the victim down. 335 50 85 40 85 40 35

332 Cacturne 6 d8 plus 1 13 plus 1 14 -1 55 Grass, DarkDuring the daytime, CACTURNE remains unmoving so that it does not lose any moisture to the harsh desert sun. ThisPokémon becomes active at night when the temperature drops. 475 70 115 60 115 60 55

333 Swablu 2 d6 -1 13 -1 14 -1 50 Normal, FlyingSWABLU has light and fluffy wings that are like cottony clouds. This Pokémon is not frightened of people. It lands on the headsof people and sits there like a cotton-fluff hat. 310 45 40 60 40 75 50

334 Altaria 6 d8 0 15 0 13 0 80 Dragon, Flying ALTARIA dances and wheels through the sky among billowing, cotton-like clouds. By singing melodies in its crystal-clear voice,this Pokémon makes its listeners experience dreamy wonderment. 490 75 70 90 70 105 80

335 Zangoose 5 d8 plus 1 13 0 14 0 90 NormalMemories of battling its arch-rival SEVIPER are etched into every cell of ZANGOOSE's body. This Pokémon adroitly dodgesattacks with incredible agility. 458 73 115 60 60 60 90

336 Seviper 5 d8 plus 1 13 plus 1 14 -1 65 PoisonSEVIPER shares a generations-long feud with ZANGOOSE. The scars on its body are evidence of vicious battles. ThisPokémon attacks using its sword-edged tail. 458 73 100 60 100 60 65

337 Lunatone 5 d8 -1 13 plus 1 13 -1 70 Rock, PsychicLUNATONE was discovered at a location where a meteorite fell. As a result, some people theorize that this Pokémon camefrom space. However, no one has been able to prove this theory so far. 440 70 55 65 95 85 70

338 Solrock 5 d8 plus 1 14 -1 14 -1 70 Rock, PsychicSOLROCK is a new species of Pokémon that is said to have fallen from space. It floats in air and moves silently. In battle, thisPokémon releases intensely bright light. 440 70 95 85 55 65 70

339 Barboach 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 60 Water, GroundBARBOACH's sensitive whiskers serve as a superb radar system. This Pokémon hides in mud, leaving only its two whiskersexposed while it waits for prey to come along. 288 50 48 43 46 41 60

340 Whiscash 6 d12 0 13 0 14 -1 60 Water, GroundWHISCASH is extremely territorial. Just one of these Pokémon will claim a large pond as its exclusive territory. If a foeapproaches it, it thrashes about and triggers a massive earthquake. 468 110 78 73 76 71 60

341 Corphish 2 d6 0 13 -1 15 -2 35 Water  CORPHISH were originally foreign Pokémon that were imported as pets. They eventually turned up in the wild. This Pokémonis very hardy and has greatly increased its population. 308 43 80 65 50 35 35

342 Crawdaunt 6 d8 Plus 3 14 plus 1 15 -1 55 Water, DarkCRAWDAUNT has an extremely violent nature that compels it to challenge other living things to battle. Other life-forms refuseto live in ponds inhabited by this Pokémon, making them desolate places. 468 63 120 85 90 55 55

343 Baltoy 2 d6 -1 12 -1 14 -1 55 Ground, PsychicBALTOY moves while spinning around on its one foot. Primitive wall paintings depicting this Pokémon living among peoplewere discovered in some ancient ruins. 300 40 40 55 40 70 55

344 Claydol 7 d8 0 15 0 12 0 75 Ground, PsychicCLAYDOL are said to be dolls of mud made by primitive humans and brought to life by exposure to a mysterious ray. ThisPokémon moves about while levitating. 500 60 70 105 70 120 75

345 Lileep 3 d8 -1 14 0 13 -2 23 Rock, GrassLILEEP became extinct approximately a hundred million years ago. This ancient Pokémon attaches itself to a rock on theseafloor and catches approaching prey using tentacles shaped like flower petals. 355 66 41 77 61 87 23

346 Cradily 6 d10 0 15 0 13 -2 43 Rock, Grass

CRADILY roams around the ocean floor in search of food. This Pokémon freely extends its tree trunk-like neck and captures

unwary prey using its eight tentacles. 495 86 81 97 81 107 43

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347 Anorith 3 d6 plus 1 12 -1 15 0 75 Rock, Bug ANORITH was regenerated from a prehistoric fossil. This primitive Pokémon once lived in warm seas. It grips its prey firmlybetween its two large claws. 355 45 95 50 40 50 75

348 Armaldo 6 d8 Plus 3 15 0 14 -1 45 Rock, Bug ARMALDO's tough armor makes all attacks bounce off. This Pokémon's two enormous claws can be freely extended or contracted. They have the power to punch right through a steel slab. 495 75 125 100 70 80 45

349 Feebas 1 d4 -2 10 -2 15 0 80 Water  FEEBAS's fins are ragged and tattered from the start of its life. Because of its shoddy appearance, this Pokémon is largelyignored. It is capable of living in both the sea and in rivers. 200 20 15 20 10 55 80

350 Milotic 8 d10 0 14 plus 1 12 0 81 Water  MILOTIC is said to be the most beautiful of all the Pokémon. It has the power to becalm such emotions as anger and hostility toquell bitter feuding. 540 95 60 79 100 125 81

351 Castform 5 d8 0 13 0 14 -1 70 NormalCASTFORM's appearance changes with the weather. This Pokémon gained the ability to use the vast power of nature toprotect its tiny body. 420 70 70 70 70 70 70

352 Kecleon 5 d8 plus 1 13 0 12 -2 40 NormalKECLEON is capable of changing its body colors at will to blend in with its surroundings. There is one exception - this Pokémoncan't change the zigzag pattern on its belly. 440 60 90 70 60 120 40

353 Shuppet 1 d6 0 11 0 16 -1 45 GhostSHUPPET is attracted by feelings of jealousy and vindictiveness. If someone develops strong feelings of vengeance, thisPokémon will appear in a swarm and line up beneath the eaves of that person's home. 295 44 75 35 63 33 45

354 Banette 5 d8 plus 1 13 0 14 -1 65 GhostBANETTE generates energy for laying strong curses by sticking pins into its own body. This Pokémon was originally a pitifulplush doll that was thrown away. 455 64 115 65 83 63 65

355 Duskull 1 d4 -1 15 -1 13 -2 25 GhostDUSKULL can pass through any wall no matter how thick it may be. Once this Pokémon chooses a target, it will doggedlypursue the intended victim until the break of dawn. 295 20 40 90 30 90 25

356 Dusclops 5 d6 0 17 0 11 -2 25 GhostDUSCLOPS's body is completely hollow - there is nothing at all inside. It is said that its body is like a black hole. This Pokémonwill absorb anything into its body, but nothing will ever come back out. 455 40 70 130 60 130 25

357 Tropius 6 d10 0 14 0 13 -1 51 Grass, FlyingThe bunches of fruit around TROPIUS's neck are very popular with children. This Pokémon loves fruit, and eats it continuously.

 Apparently, its love for fruit resulted in its own outgrowth of fruit. 460 99 68 83 72 87 51

358 Chimecho 5 d8 -1 13 plus 1 14 -1 65 PsychicCHIMECHO makes its cries echo inside its hollow body. When this Pokémon becomes enraged, its cries result in ultrasonicwaves that have the power to knock foes flying. 425 65 50 70 95 80 65

359 Absol 6 d8 Plus 3 13 0 14 0 75 DarkEvery time ABSOL appears before people, it is followed by a disaster such as an earthquake or a tidal wave. As a result, itcame to be known as the disaster Pokémon. 465 65 130 60 75 60 75

360 Wynaut 1 d10 -2 12 -2 15 -2 23 PsychicWYNAUT can always be seen with a big, happy smile on its face. Look at its tail to determine if it is angry. When angered, thisPokémon will be slapping the ground with its tail. 260 9 5 23 48 23 48 23

361 Snorunt 2 d6 -1 12 -1 15 -1 50 IceSNORUNT live in regions with heavy snowfall. In seasons without snow, such as spring and summer, this Pokémon stealsaway to live quietly among stalactites and stalagmites deep in caverns. 300 50 50 50 50 50 50

362 Glalie 6 d8 0 14 0 14 0 80 IceGLALIE has a body made of rock, which it hardens with an armor of ice. This Pokémon has the ability to freeze moisture in theatmosphere into any shape it desires. 480 80 80 80 80 80 80

363 Spheal 1 d8 -1 12 -1 15 -2 25 Ice, Water  SPHEAL is much faster rolling than walking to get around. When groups of this Pokémon eat, they all clap at once to show their pleasure. Because of this, their mealtimes are noisy. 290 70 40 50 55 50 25

364 Sealeo 4 d10 0 13 0 14 -1 45 Ice, Water  SEALEO has the habit of always juggling on the tip of its nose anything it sees for the first time. This Pokémon occasionallyentertains itself by balancing and rolling a SPHEAL on its nose. 410 90 60 70 75 70 45

365 Walrein 7 d12 0 15 plus 1 13 -1 65 Ice, Water  WALREIN's two massively developed tusks can totally shatter blocks of ice weighing ten tons with one blow. This Pokémon'sthick coat of blubber insulates it from subzero temperatures. 530 110 80 90 95 90 65

366 Clamperl 3 d6 0 14 0 15 -2 32 Water  CLAMPERL's sturdy shell is not only good for protection - it is also used for clamping and catching prey. A fully grownCLAMPERL's shell will be scored with nicks and scratches all over. 345 35 64 85 74 55 32

367 Huntail 6 d6 plus 1 15 plus 1 14 -1 52 Water  HUNTAIL's presence went unnoticed by people for a long time because it lives at extreme depths in the sea. This Pokémon'seyes can see clearly even in the murky dark depths of the ocean. 485 55 104 105 94 75 52

368 Gorebyss 6 d6 0 15 plus 1 14 -1 52 Water  GOREBYSS lives in the southern seas at extreme depths. Its body is built to withstand the enormous pressure of water atincredible depths. Because of this, this Pokémon's body is unharmed by ordinary attacks. 485 55 84 105 114 75 52

369 Relicanth 6 d10 plus 1 17 -1 14 -1 55 Water, RockRELICANTH is a Pokémon species that existed for a hundred million years without ever changing its form. This ancientPokémon feeds on microscopic organisms with its toothless mouth. 485 100 90 130 45 65 55

370 Luvdisc 2 d6 -1 12 -1 14 0 97 Water  LUVDISC live in shallow seas in the tropics. This heart-shaped Pokémon earned its name by swimming after loving couples itspotted in the ocean's waves. 330 43 30 55 40 65 97

371 Bagon 2 d6 0 13 -1 16 -1 50 DragonBAGON has a dream of one day soaring in the sky. In doomed efforts to fly, this Pokémon hurls itself off cliffs. As a result of itsdives, its head has grown tough and as hard as tempered steel. 300 45 75 60 40 30 50

372 Shelgon 5 d8 plus 1 15 0 15 -1 50 DragonInside SHELGON's armor-like shell, cells are in the midst of transformation to create an entirely new body. This Pokémon'sshell is extremely heavy, making its movements sluggish. 420 65 95 100 60 50 50

373 Salamence 9 d10 Plus 3 14 plus 1 14 0 100 Dragon, FlyingSALAMENCE came about as a result of a strong, long-held dream of growing wings. It is said that this powerful desire triggereda sudden mutation in this Pokémon's cells, causing it to sprout its magnificent wings. 600 95 135 80 110 80 100

374 Beldum 2 d6 -1 14 -1 14 -2 30 Steel, PsychicInstead of blood, a powerful magnetic force courses throughout BELDUM's body. This Pokémon communicates with others bysending controlled pulses of magnetism. 300 40 55 80 35 60 30

375 Metang 5 d8 0 15 -1 14 -1 50 Steel, PsychicWhen two BELDUM fuse together, METANG is formed. The brains of the BELDUM are joined by a magnetic nervous system.By linking its brains magnetically, this Pokémon generates strong psychokinetic power. 420 60 75 100 55 80 50

376 Metagross 9 d8 Plus 3 17 plus 1 13 -1 70 Steel, PsychicMETAGROSS has four brains in total. Combined, the four brains can breeze through difficult calculations faster than asupercomputer. This Pokémon can float in the air by tucking in its four legs. 600 80 135 130 95 90 70

377 Regirock 9 d8 plus 1 20 -1 13 -1 50 RockREGIROCK was sealed away by people long ago. If this Pokémon's body is damaged in battle, it is said to seek out suitablerocks on its own to repair itself. 580 80 100 200 50 100 50

378 Regice 9 d8 -1 15 plus 1 10 -1 50 IceREGICE's body was made during an ice age. The deep-frozen body can't be melted, even by fire. This Pokémon controls frigidair of minus 328 degrees F. 580 80 50 100 100 200 50

379 Registeel 9 d8 0 19 0 11 -1 50 SteelREGISTEEL has a body that is harder than any kind of metal. Its body is apparently hollow. No one has any idea what thisPokémon eats. 580 80 75 150 75 150 50

380 Latias 9 d8 0 15 plus 1 11 plus 1 110 Dragon, PsychicLATIAS is highly sensitive to the emotions of people. If it senses any hostility, this Pokémon ruffles the feathers all over its bodyand cries shrilly to intimidate the foe. 600 80 80 90 110 130 110

381 Latios 9 d8 plus 1 14 plus 2 12 plus 1 110 Dragon, PsychicLATIOS has the ability to make its foe see an im age of what it has seen or imagines in its head. This Pokémon is intelligent andunderstands human speech. 600 80 90 80 130 110 110

382 Kyogre 10 d10 plus 1 15 plus 3 11 0 90 Water  

KYOGRE has the power to create massive rain clouds that cover the entire sky and bring about torrential downpours. This

Pokémon saved people who were suffering from droughts. 670 100 100 90 150 140 90

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383 Groudon 10 d10 plus 5 18 plus 1 13 0 90 GroundGROUDON has long been described in mythology as the Pokémon that raised lands and expanded continents. This Pokémontook to sleep after a cataclysmic battle with KYOGRE. 670 100 150 140 100 90 90

384 Rayquaza 10 d12 plus 5 15 plus 3 13 0 95 Dragon, FlyingRAYQUAZA lived for hundreds of millions of years in the earth's ozone layer, never descending to the ground. This Pokémonappears to feed on water and particles in the atmosphere. 680 105 150 90 150 90 95

385 Jirachi 9 d10 plus 1 15 plus 1 13 0 100 Steel, Psychic A legend states that JIRACHI will make true any wish that is written on notes attached to its head when it awakens. If thisPokémon senses danger, it will fight without awakening. 600 100 100 100 100 100 100


Deoxys(DefenseForme) 9 d6 0 1 9 0 11 0 90 Psychic

The DNA of a space virus underwent a sudden mutation upon exposure to a laser beam and resulted in DEOXYS. Thecrystalline organ on this Pokémon's chest appears to be its brain. 600 50 95 90 95 90 180

386Deoxys (AttackForme) 9 d6 plus 5 10 plus 3 16 plus 3 150 Psychic

The DNA of a space virus underwent a sudden mutation upon exposure to a laser beam and resulted in DEOXYS. Thecrystalline organ on this Pokémon's chest appears to be its brain. 600 50 150 50 150 50 150


Deoxys(NormalForme) 9 d6 plus 5 12 plus 3 15 plus 3 150 Psychic

The DNA of a space virus underwent a sudden mutation upon exposure to a laser beam and resulted in DEOXYS. Thecrystalline organ on this Pokémon's chest appears to be its brain. 600 50 180 20 180 20 150

386 Deoxys (SpeedForme) 9 d6 plus 1 15 plus 1 13 plus 4 180 Psychic The DNA of a space virus underwent a sudden mutation upon exposure to a laser beam and resulted in DEOXYS. Thecrystalline organ on this Pokémon's chest appears to be its brain. 600 50 70 160 70 160 90

387 Turtwig 2 d6 0 13 -1 15 -2 31 Grass Made from soil, the shell on its back hardens when it drinks water. It lives along lakes. 318 55 68 64 45 55 31

388 Grotle 4 d8 0 14 -1 14 -2 36 Grass It lives along water in forests. In the daytime, it leaves the forest to sunbathe its treed shell. 405 75 89 85 55 65 36

389 Torterra 7 d10 plus 1 15 0 13 -1 56 Grass, Ground Small Pokémon occasionally gather on its unmoving back to begin building their nests. 525 95 109 105 75 85 56

390 Chimchar 2 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 61 Fire It agilely scales sheer cliffs to live atop craggy mountains. Its fire is put out when it sleeps. 309 44 58 44 58 44 61

391 Monferno 4 d8 0 12 0 15 0 81 Fire, Fighting To intimidate attackers, it stretches the fire on its tail to make itself appear bigger. 405 64 78 52 78 52 81

392 Infernape 7 d8 plus 1 13 plus 1 14 plus 1 108 Fire, Fighting It uses a special kind of martial arts involving all its limbs. Its fire never goes out. 534 76 104 71 104 71 108

393 Piplup 2 d6 -1 12 0 15 -2 40 Water Because it is very proud, it hates accepting food from people. Its thick down guards it from cold. 314 53 51 53 61 56 40

394 Prinplup 4 d8 0 13 0 14 -1 50 Water It lives alone, away from others. Apparently, every one of them believes it is the most important. 405 64 66 68 81 76 50

395 Empoleon 7 d8 0 14 plus 1 13 -1 60 Water, Steel The three horns that extend from its beak attest to its power. The leader has the biggest horns. 530 84 86 88 111 101 60

396 Starly 1 d6 -1 11 -1 16 -1 60 Normal, Flying They flock in great numbers. Though small, they flap their wings with great power. 245 40 55 30 30 30 60

397 Staravia 3 d6 0 12 -1 15 0 80 Normal, Flying It flies around forests and fields in search of bug Pokémon. It stays within a huge flock. 340 55 75 50 40 40 80

398 Staraptor 6 d10 Plus 3 13 -1 14 0 100 Normal, Flying It has a savage nature. It will courageously challenge foes that are much larger. 475 85 120 70 50 50 100

399 Bidoof 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -2 31 Normal With nerves of steel, nothing can perturb it. It is more agile and active than it appears. 250 59 45 40 35 40 31

400 Bibarel 4 d8 0 13 -1 14 -1 71 Normal, Water It makes its nest by damming streams with bark and mud. It is known as an industrious worker. 410 79 85 60 55 60 71

401 Kricketot 1 d6 -2 11 -2 15 -2 25 Bug It shakes its head back to front, causing its antennae to hit each other and sound like a xylophone. 194 37 25 41 25 41 25

402 Kricketune 4 d8 0 12 -1 15 -1 65 Bug It crosses its knifelike arms in front of its chest when it cries. It can compose melodies ad lib. 384 77 85 51 55 51 65

403 Shinx 1 d6 0 11 -1 16 -1 45 Electric All of its fur dazzles if danger is sensed. It flees while the foe is momentarily blinded. 263 45 65 34 40 34 45

404 Luxio 3 d8 0 12 0 15 -1 60 Electric Its claws loose electricity with enough amperage to cause fainting. They live in small groups. 363 60 85 49 60 49 60

405 Luxray 7 d8 Plus 3 14 plus 1 14 -1 70 Electric It has eyes that can see through anything. It spots and captures prey hiding behind objects. 523 80 120 79 95 79 70

406 Budew 1 d6 -1 11 -1 14 -1 55 Grass, Poison Over the winter, it closes its bud and endures the cold. In spring, the bud opens and releases pollen. 280 40 30 35 50 70 55

407 Roserade 7 d8 0 13 plus 2 13 0 90 Grass, Poison It attracts prey with a sweet aroma, then downs it with thorny whips hidden in its arms. 505 60 70 55 125 105 90

408 Cranidos 3 d8 Plus 3 11 -1 16 -1 58 Rock It lived in jungles around 100 million years ago. Its skull is as hard as iron. 350 67 125 40 30 30 58

409 Rampardos 6 d10 plus 5 13 0 15 -1 58 Rock Its powerful head butt has enough power to shatter even the most durable things upon impact. 495 97 165 60 65 50 58

410 Shieldon 3 d6 -1 16 -1 13 -2 30 Rock, Steel A Pokémon that lived in jungles around 100 million years ago. Its facial hide is extremely hard. 350 30 42 118 42 88 30

411 Bastiodon 6 d8 -1 19 -1 11 -2 30 Rock, Steel Any frontal attack is repulsed. It is a docile Pokémon that feeds on grass and berries. 495 60 52 168 47 138 30

412 Burmy 1 d6 -2 11 -2 15 -2 36 Bug To shelter itself from cold, wintry winds, it covers itself with a cloak made of twigs and leaves. 224 40 29 45 29 45 36

413Wormadam(Sandy Cloak) 5 d8 0 15 -1 13 -2 36 Bug, Steel When BURMY evolved, its cloak became a part of this Pokémon's body. The cloak is never shed. 424 60 69 95 69 95 36

413Wormadam(Trash Cloak) 5 d8 0 15 0 13 -2 36 Bug, Ground When BURMY evolved, its cloak became a part of this Pokémon's body. The cloak is never shed. 424 60 79 105 59 85 36

413Wormadam(Plant Cloak) 5 d8 -1 14 0 13 -2 36 Bug, Grass When BURMY evolved, its cloak became a part of this Pokémon's body. The cloak is never shed. 424 60 59 85 79 105 36

414 Mothim 5 d8 plus 1 12 plus 1 15 -1 66 Bug, Flying It loves the honey of flowers and steals honey collected by COMBEE. 424 70 94 50 94 50 66

415 Combee 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 70 Bug, Flying A Pokémon formed by three others. It busily carries sweet floral honey to VESPIQUEN. 244 30 30 42 30 42 70

416 Vespiquen 6 d8 0 15 0 13 -2 40 Bug, Flying Its abdomen is a honeycomb for grubs. It raises its grubs on honey collected by COMBEE. 474 70 80 102 80 102 40

417 Pachirisu 4 d8 -1 13 -1 13 0 95 Electric It makes fur balls that crackle with static electricity. It stores them with berries in tree holes. 405 60 45 70 45 90 95

418 Buizel 2 d6 0 11 0 16 0 85 Water It has a flotation sac that is like an inflatable collar. It floats on water with its head out. 330 55 65 35 60 30 85

419 Floatzel 6 d10 plus 1 12 0 15 plus 1 115 Water It floats using its well-developed flotation sac. It assists in the rescues of drowning people. 495 85 105 55 85 50 115

420 Cherubi 1 d6 -1 11 0 15 -2 35 Grass The small ball holds the nutrients needed for evolution. Apparently, it is very sweet and tasty. 275 45 35 45 62 53 35

421 Cherrim 5 d8 0 13 0 14 0 85 Grass It blooms during times of strong sunlight. It tries to make up for everything it endured as a bud. 450 70 60 70 87 78 85

422 Shellos 2 d8 -1 12 -1 14 -2 34 Water Its colors and shapes differ from region to region. In the Sinnoh region, two types are confirmed. 325 76 48 48 57 62 34

423 Gastrodon 6 d12 0 13 plus 1 14 -2 39 Water, Ground It has a pliable body without any bones. If any part of its body is torn off, it grows right back. 475 1 11 83 68 92 82 39

424 Ambipom 6 d8 plus 1 13 0 14 plus 1 115 Normal To eat, it deftly shucks nuts with its two tails. It rarely uses its arms now. 482 75 100 66 60 66 115

425 Drifloon 3 d10 -1 11 0 15 -1 70 Ghost, Flying A Pokémon formed by the spirits of people and Pokémon. It loves damp, humid seasons. 348 90 50 34 60 44 70

426 Drifblim 6 2d8 0 11 plus 1 15 0 80 Ghost, Flying It's drowzy in daytime, but flies off in the evening in big groups. No one knows where they go. 498 150 80 44 90 54 80

427 Buneary 3 d6 0 11 -1 15 0 85 Normal It slams foes by sharply uncoiling its rolled ears. It stings enough to make a grown-up cry in pain. 350 55 66 44 44 56 85428 Lopunny 6 d8 0 14 -1 13 plus 1 105 Normal An extremely cautious Pokémon. It cloaks its body with its fluffy ear fur when it senses danger. 480 65 76 84 54 96 105

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429 Mismagius 6 d8 0 13 plus 1 13 plus 1 105 Ghost Its cries sound like incantations. Those hearing it are tormented by headaches and hallucinations. 495 60 60 60 105 105 105

430 Honchkrow 7 d10 Plus 3 12 plus 1 15 -1 71 Dark, Flying Becoming active at night, it is known to swarm with numerous MURKROW in tow. 505 100 125 52 105 52 71

431 Glameow 2 d6 -1 11 -1 15 0 85 Normal It claws if displeased and purrs when affectionate. Its fickleness is very popular among some. 310 49 55 42 42 37 85

432 Purugly 5 d8 0 13 0 15 plus 1 112 Normal It is a brazen brute that barges its way into another Pokémon's nest and claims it as its own. 452 71 82 64 64 59 112

433 Chingling 1 d6 -1 12 0 15 -1 45 Psychic It emits cries by agitating an orb at the back of its throat. It moves with flouncing hops. 285 45 30 50 65 50 45

434 Stunky 2 d8 0 12 -1 15 -1 74 Poison, Dark It protects itself by spraying a noxious fluid from its rear. The stench lingers for 24 hours. 329 63 63 47 41 41 74

435 Skuntank 6 d10 plus 1 13 0 14 0 84 Poison, Dark It sprays a vile-smelling fluid from the tip of its tail to attack. Its range is over 160 feet. 479 103 93 67 71 61 84

436 Bronzor 2 d6 -2 14 -2 13 -2 23 Steel, Psychic Implements shaped like it were discovered in ancient tombs. It is unknown if they are related. 300 57 24 86 24 86 23

437 Bronzong 7 d8 0 16 0 12 -2 33 Steel, Psychic One caused a news sensation when it was dug up at a construction site after a 2,000-year sleep. 500 67 89 116 79 116 33

438 Bonsly 1 d6 0 15 -2 15 -3 10 Rock It looks as if it is always crying. It is actually adjusting its body's fluid levels by eliminating excess. 290 50 80 95 10 45 10

439 Mime Jr. 2 d4 -2 11 0 13 -1 60 Psychic It habitually mimics foes. Once mimicked, the foe cannot take its eyes off this Pokémon. 310 20 25 45 70 90 60

440 Happiny 1 d10 -2 10 -2 14 -2 30 Normal It loves round white things. It carries an egg-shaped rock in imitation of CHANSEY. 220 100 5 5 15 65 30

441 Chatot 4 d8 0 12 plus 1 15 0 91 Normal, Flying It can learn and speak human words. If they gather, they all learn the same saying. 411 76 65 45 92 42 91

442 Spiritomb 6 d6 plus 1 16 plus 1 13 -2 35 Ghost, Dark A Pokémon that was formed by 108 spirits. It is bound to a fissure in an odd keystone. 485 50 92 108 92 108 35

443 Gible 2 d6 0 12 -1 15 -2 42 Dragon, Ground I t nests in small, horizontal holes in cave walls. It pounces to catch prey that stray too close. 300 58 70 45 40 45 42

444 Gabite 4 d8 plus 1 13 -1 15 0 82 Dragon, Ground There is a long-held belief that medicine made from its scales will heal even incurable illnesses. 410 68 90 65 50 55 82

445 Garchomp 9 d12 Plus 3 15 0 13 0 102 Dragon, Ground When it folds up its body and extends its wings, it looks like a jet plane. It flies at sonic speed. 600 108 130 95 80 85 102

446 Munchlax 4 2d8 0 11 -1 13 -3 5 Normal It wolfs down its weight in food once a day, swallowing food whole with almost no chewing. 390 135 85 40 40 85 5

447 Riolu 1 d6 0 11 -1 15 -1 60 Fighting The aura that emanates from its body intensifies to alert others if it is afraid or sad. 285 40 70 40 35 40 60

448 Lucario 7 d8 plus 1 13 plus 1 14 0 90 Fighting, Steel It has the ability to sense the auras of all things. It understands human speech. 525 70 110 70 115 70 90

449 Hippopotas 2 d8 0 14 -1 15 -2 32 Ground It lives in arid places. Instead of perspiration, it expels grainy sand from its body. 330 68 72 78 38 42 32

450 Hippowdon 7 d12 plus 1 16 0 14 -1 47 Ground It blasts internally stored sand from ports on its body to create a towering twister for attack. 525 108 112 118 68 72 47

451 Skorupi 2 d6 -1 15 -1 15 -1 65 Poison, Bug It grips prey with its tail claws and injects poison. It tenaciously hangs on until the poison takes. 330 40 50 90 30 55 65

452 Drapion 7 d8 plus 1 16 0 14 0 95 Poison, Dark It has the power in its clawed arms to make scrap of a car. The tips of its claws release poison. 500 70 90 110 60 75 95

453 Croagunk 2 d6 0 11 0 15 -1 50 Poison, Fighting I ts cheeks hold poison sacs. It tries to catch foes off guard to jab them with toxic fingers. 300 48 61 40 61 40 50

454 Toxicroak 6 d8 plus 1 13 0 14 0 85 Poison, Fighting I ts knuckle claws secrete a toxin so vile that even a scratch could prove fatal. 490 83 106 65 86 65 85

455 Carnivine 5 d8 plus 1 13 plus 1 14 -1 46 Grass It attracts prey with its sweet-smelling saliva, then chomps down. It takes a whole day to eat prey. 454 74 100 72 90 72 46

456 Finneon 2 d6 -1 12 -1 14 -1 66 Water After long exposure to sunlight, the patterns on its tail fins shine vividly when darkness arrives. 330 49 49 56 49 61 66

457 Lumineon 6 d8 0 14 0 13 0 91 Water It lives on the deep-sea floor. It attracts prey by flashing the patterns on its four tail fins. 460 69 69 76 69 86 91

458 Mantyke 3 d6 -2 12 0 12 -1 50 Water, Flying A friendly Pokémon that captures the subtle flows of seawater using its two antennae. 345 45 20 50 60 120 50

459 Snover 2 d8 0 12 0 14 -2 40 Grass, Ice It lives on snowy mountains. Having had little contact with humans, it is boldly inquisitive. 334 60 62 50 62 60 40

460 Abomasnow 6 d10 plus 1 14 plus 1 13 -1 60 Grass, Ice It whips up blizzards in mountains that are always buried in snow. It is the abominable snowman. 494 90 92 75 92 85 60

461 Weavile 7 d8 Plus 3 13 -1 13 plus 1 125 Dark, Ice They live in cold regions, forming groups of four or five that hunt prey with impressive coordination. 510 70 120 65 45 85 125

462 Magnezone 7 d8 0 16 plus 2 13 -1 60 Electric, Steel It evolved from exposure to a special magnetic field. Three units generate magnetism. 535 70 70 115 130 90 60

463 Lickilicky 7 d12 0 15 0 13 -1 50 Normal It wraps things with its extensible tongue. Getting too close to it will leave you soaked with drool. 515 110 85 95 80 95 50

464 Rhyperior 7 d12 plus 5 17 -1 15 -2 40 Ground, Rock It puts rocks in holes in its palms and uses its muscles to shoot them. GEODUDE are shot at rare times. 535 115 140 130 55 55 40

465 Tangrowth 7 d10 plus 1 17 plus 1 15 -1 50 Grass It ensnares prey by extending arms made of vines. Losing arms to predators does not trouble it. 535 100 100 125 110 50 50

466 Electivire 8 d8 Plus 3 13 plus 1 13 0 95 Electric It pushes the tips of its two tails against the foe, then lets loose with over 20,000 volts of power. 540 75 123 67 95 85 95

467 Magmortar 8 d8 plus 1 13 plus 2 13 0 83 Fire It blasts fireballs of over 3,600 degrees F from the ends of its arms. It lives in volcanic craters. 540 75 95 67 125 95 83

468 Togekiss 8 d10 -1 15 plus 2 12 0 80 Normal, Flying It will never appear where there is strife. Its sightings have become rare recently. 545 85 50 95 120 115 80

469 Yanmega 7 d10 0 14 plus 1 15 0 95 Bug, Flying By churning its wings, it creates shock waves that inflict critical internal injuries to foes. 515 86 76 86 116 56 95

470 Leafeon 7 d8 plus 1 17 0 14 0 95 Grass Just like a plant, it uses photosynthesis. As a result, it is always enveloped in clear air. 525 65 110 130 60 65 95471 Glaceon 7 d8 0 16 plus 2 13 -1 65 Ice As a protective technique, it can completely freeze its fur to make its hairs stand like needles. 525 65 60 110 130 95 65

472 Gliscor 7 d8 plus 1 17 -1 14 0 95 Ground, Flying It observes prey while hanging inverted from branches. When the chance presents itself, it swoops! 510 75 95 125 45 75 95

473 Mamoswine 7 d12 Plus 3 14 0 14 0 80 Ice, Ground Its impressive tusks are made of ice. The population thinned when it turned warm after the ice age. 530 110 130 80 70 60 80

474 Porygon-Z 7 d10 0 13 plus 2 14 0 90 Normal Additional software was installed to make it a better Pokémon. It began acting oddly, however. 535 85 80 70 135 75 90

475 Gallade 7 d8 Plus 3 13 0 12 0 80Psychic,Fighting A master of courtesy and swordsmanship, it fights using extending swords on its elbows. 518 68 125 65 65 115 80

476 Probopass 7 d8 -1 18 0 11 -2 40 Rock, Steel It exudes strong magnetism from all over. It controls three small units called Mini-Noses. 525 60 55 145 75 150 40

477 Dusknoir 7 d6 plus 1 18 0 11 -1 45 Ghost The antenna on its head captures radio waves from the world of spirits that command it to take people there. 525 45 100 135 65 135 45

478 Froslass 6 d8 0 13 0 14 plus 1 110 Ice, Ghost It freezes foes with an icy breath nearly -60 degrees F. What seems to be its body is actually hollow. 480 70 80 70 80 70 110

479Rotom (HeatRotom) 7 d6 0 16 plus 1 13 0 86 Electric, Fire Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc. 520 50 65 107 105 107 86

479Rotom (WashRotom) 7 d6 0 16 plus 1 13 0 86 Electric, Water Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc. 520 50 65 107 105 107 86

479Rotom (FrostRotom) 7 d6 0 16 plus 1 13 0 86 Electric, Ice Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc. 520 50 65 107 105 107 86


Rotom (Fan

Rotom) 7 d6 0 16 plus 1 13 0 86 Electric, Flying Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc. 520 50 65 107 105 107 86

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479Rotom (MowRotom) 7 d6 0 16 plus 1 13 0 86 Electric, Grass Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc. 520 50 65 107 105 107 86

479Rotom (NormalRotom) 5 d6 -1 14 plus 1 14 0 91 Electric, Ghost Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc. 440 50 50 77 95 77 91

480 Uxie 9 d8 0 17 0 11 0 95 Psychic Known as âThe Being of Knowledge.â It is said that it can wipe out the memory of those who see its eyes. 580 75 75 130 75 130 95

481 Mesprit 9 d8 plus 1 15 plus 1 13 0 80 Psychic Known as âThe Being of Emotion.â It taught humans the nobility of sorrow, pain, and joy. 580 80 105 105 105 105 80

482 Azelf 9 d8 Plus 3 13 plus 2 14 plus 1 115 Psychic Known as âThe Being of Willpower.â It sleeps at the bottom of a lake to keep the world in balance. 580 75 125 70 125 70 115

483 Dialga 10 d10 Plus 3 17 plus 3 13 0 90 Steel, Dragon It has the power to control time. It appears in Sinnoh-region myths as an ancient deity. 680 1 00 120 120 150 100 90

484 Palkia 10 d10 Plus 3 15 plus 3 12 0 100 Water, Dragon It has the ability to distort space. It is described as a deity in Sinnoh-region mythology. 680 90 120 100 150 120 100

485 Heatran 9 d10 plus 1 16 plus 2 13 0 77 Fire, Steel It dwells in volcanic caves. It digs in with its cross-shaped feet to crawl on ceilings and walls. 600 91 90 106 130 106 77

486 Regigigas 10 d12 plus 5 16 0 12 0 100 Normal There is an enduring legend that states this Pokémon towed continents with ropes. 670 110 160 110 80 110 100


Giratina (Origin

Forme) 10 2 d8 Plus 3 15 p lus 2 13 0 90 G host, Dragon A Pokémon that is said to live in a world on the reverse side of ours. It appears in an ancient cemetery. 680 150 100 120 100 120 90


Giratina(AlteredForme) 10 2 d8 plus 1 17 p lus 1 12 0 90 G host, Dragon A Pokémon that is said to live in a world on the reverse side of ours. It appears in an ancient cemetery. 680 150 120 100 120 100 90

488 Cresselia 9 d12 0 17 0 11 0 85 Psychic Shiny particles are released from its wings like a veil. It is said to represent the crescent moon. 600 120 70 120 75 130 85

489 Phione 6 d8 0 14 0 14 0 80 Water A Pokémon that lives in warm seas. It inflates the flotation sac on its head to drift and search for food. 480 80 80 80 80 80 80

490 Manaphy 9 d10 plus 1 15 plus 1 13 0 100 Water Born on a cold seafloor, it will swim great distances to return to its birthplace. 600 100 100 100 100 100 100

491 Darkrai 9 d8 plus 1 15 plus 2 13 plus 1 125 Dark It can lull people to sleep and make them dream. It is active during nights of the new moon. 600 70 90 90 135 90 125

492Shaymin (LandForme) 9 d10 plus 1 15 plus 1 13 0 100 Grass, Flying It lives in flower patches and avoids detection by curling up to look like a flowering plant. 600 1 00 103 75 120 75 127

492Shaymin (SkyForme) 9 d10 plus 1 14 plus 2 14 plus 1 127 Grass It lives in flower patches and avoids detection by curling up to look like a flowering plant. 600 1 00 100 100 100 100 100

493 Arceus 11 d12 Plus 3 17 plus 2 12 plus 1 120 Normal It is described in mythology as the Pokémon that shaped the universe with its 1,000 arms. 720 120 120 120 120 120 120

494 Victini 9 d10 plus 1 15 p lus 1 13 0 100 Psychic, Fire This Pokémon brings victory. It is said that Trainers with Victini always win, regardless of the type of encounter. 600 100 100 100 100 100 100

495 Snivy 2 d6 -1 12 -1 15 -1 63 Grass It is very intelligent and calm. Being exposed to lots of sunlight makes its movements swifter. 308 45 45 55 45 55 63

496 Servine 4 d8 0 14 0 14 0 83 Grass It moves along the ground as if sliding. Its swift movements befuddle its foes, and it then attacks with a vine whip. 413 60 60 75 60 75 83

497 Serperior 7 d8 0 15 0 13 plus 1 113 Grass It can stop its opponents' movements with just a glare. It takes in solar energy and boosts it internally. 528 75 75 95 75 95 113

498 Tepig 2 d8 0 11 -1 15 -1 45 Fire It can deftly dodge its foe's attacks while shooting fireballs from its nose. It roasts berries before it eats them. 308 65 63 45 45 45 45

499 Pignite 4 d10 plus 1 12 0 15 -1 55 Fire, Fighting When its internal fire flares up, its movements grow sharper and faster. When in trouble, it emits smoke. 418 90 93 55 70 55 55

500 Emboar 7 d12 Plus 3 13 plus 1 14 -1 65 Fire, Fighting It can throw a fire punch by setting its fists on fire with its fiery chin. It cares deeply about its friends. 528 110 123 65 100 65 65

501 Oshawott 2 d6 -1 11 0 15 -1 45 Water It fights using the scalchop on its stomach. In response to an attack, it retaliates immediately by slashing. 308 55 55 45 63 45 45

502 Dewott 4 d8 0 13 0 14 -1 60 Water Strict training is how it learns its flowing double-scalchop technique. 413 75 75 60 83 60 60

503 Samurott 7 d10 plus 1 14 p lus 1 14 -1 70 Water One swing of the sword incorporated in its armor can fell an opponent. A simple glare from one of them quiets everybody. 528 95 100 85 108 70 70

504 Patrat 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -2 42 Normal Using food stored in cheek pouches, they can keep watch for days. They use their tails to communicate with others. 255 45 55 39 35 39 42

505 Watchog 5 d8 0 13 0 14 0 77 Normal When they see an enemy, their tails stand high, and they spit the seeds of berries stored in their cheek pouches. 420 60 85 69 60 69 77

506 Lillipup 1 d6 0 11 -2 15 -1 55 Normal It faces strong opponents with great courage. But, when at a disadvantage in a fight, this intelligent Pokémon flees. 275 45 60 45 25 45 55

507 Herdier 3 d8 0 13 -1 14 -1 60 Normal It has black, cape-like fur that is very hard and decreases the amount of damage it receives. 370 65 80 65 35 65 60

508 Stoutland 7 d10 plus 1 15 -1 13 0 80 Normal It rescues people stranded by blizzards in the mountains. Its shaggy fur shields it from the cold. 490 85 100 90 45 90 80

509 Purrloin 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 66 Dark They steal from people for fun, but their victims can't help but forgive them. Their deceptively cute act is perfect. 281 41 50 37 50 37 66

510 Liepard 5 d8 0 12 0 15 plus 1 106 Dark These Pokémon vanish and appear unexpectedly. Many Trainers are drawn to their beautiful form and fur. 446 64 88 50 88 50 106

511 Pansage 2 d6 -1 12 -1 15 -1 64 Grass This Pokémon dwells deep in the forest. Eating a leaf from its head whisks weariness away as if by magic. 316 50 53 48 53 48 64

512 Simisage 6 d8 plus 1 13 plus 1 14 0 101 Grass Ill tempered, it fights by swinging its barbed tail around wildly. The leaf growing on its head is very bitter. 498 75 98 63 98 63 101

513 Pansear 2 d6 -1 12 -1 15 -1 64 Fire When it is angered, the temperature of its head tuft reaches 600° F. It uses its tuft to roast berries. 316 50 53 48 53 48 64

514 Simisear 6 d8 plus 1 13 plus 1 14 0 101 Fire It loves sweets because they become energy for the fire burning inside its body. 498 75 98 63 98 63 101

515 Panpour 2 d6 -1 12 -1 15 -1 64 Water The water stored inside the tuft on its head is full of nutrients. Plants that receive its water grow large. 316 50 53 48 53 48 64

516 S imipour 6 d 8 plus 1 13 p lus 1 14 0 101 W ater The tuft on its head holds water. When the level runs low, it replenishes the tuft by siphoning up water with its tail. 498 75 98 63 98 63 101

517 Munna 1 d8 -2 11 0 15 -2 24 Psychic Munna always float in the air. People whose dreams are eaten by them forget what the dreams had been about. 292 76 25 45 67 55 24

518 Musharna 6 d12 -1 14 plus 1 13 -2 29 Psychic The mist emanating from their foreheads is packed with the dreams of people and Pokémon. 487 116 55 85 107 95 29

519 Pidove 1 d6 -1 12 -1 16 -2 43 Normal, Flying Each follows its Trainer's orders as best it can, but they sometimes fail to understand complicated commands. 264 50 55 50 36 30 43

520 Tranquill 3 d8 0 13 -1 15 -1 65 Normal, Flying It can return to its Trainer's location regardless of the distance separating them. 358 62 77 62 50 42 65

521 Unfezant 6 d 8 plus 1 14 0 15 0 93 N ormal, Flying Males swing their head plumage to threaten opponents. The females' flying abilities surpass those of the males. 478 80 105 80 65 55 93

522 Blitzle 1 d6 0 11 -1 16 0 76 Electric Its mane shines when it discharges electricity. They use their flashing manes to communicate with one another. 295 45 60 32 50 32 76

523 Zebstrika 6 d8 plus 1 13 0 14 plus 1 116 Electric They have lightning-like movements. When Zebstrika run at full speed, the sound of thunder reverberates. 497 75 100 63 80 63 116

524 Roggenrola 1 d6 0 14 -2 16 -3 15 Rock Its ear is hexagonal in shape. Compressed underground, its body is as hard as steel. 280 55 75 85 25 25 15

525 Boldore 4 d8 plus 1 15 -1 15 -2 20 Rock When it overflows with power, the orange crystal on its body glows. It looks for underground water in caves. 390 70 105 105 50 40 20

526 Gigalith 7 d10 Plus 3 17 0 14 -2 25 Rock Compressing the energy from its internal core lets it fire off an attack capable of blowing away a mountain. 505 85 135 130 60 70 25

527 Woobat 2 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 72 Psychic, Flying Its habitat is dark forests and caves. It emits ultrasonic waves from its nose to learn about its surroundings. 313 55 45 43 55 43 72

528 S woobat 5 d 8 -1 12 0 15 p lus 1 114 P sychic, Flying It emits sound waves of various frequencies from its nose, including some powerful enough to destroy rocks. 425 67 57 55 77 55 114529 Drilbur 2 d8 0 11 -1 15 -1 68 Ground It can dig through the ground at a speed of 30 mph. It could give a car running aboveground a good race. 328 60 85 40 30 45 68

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530 E xcadrill 7 d 12 Plus 3 13 -1 14 0 88 G round, Steel It can help in tunnel construction. Its drill has evolved into steel strong enough to bore through iron plates. 508 110 135 60 50 65 88

531 Audino 5 d10 0 14 0 13 -1 50 Normal It touches others with the feelers on its ears, using the sound of their heartbeats to tell how they are feeling. 445 1 03 60 86 60 86 50

532 Timburr 2 d8 0 12 -2 15 -2 35 Fighting It fights by swinging a piece of lumber around. It is close to evolving when it can handle the lumber without difficulty. 305 75 80 55 25 35 35

533 Gurdurr 4 d10 plus 1 14 -1 15 -2 40 Fighting This Pokémon is so muscular and strongly built that even a group of wrestlers could not make it budge an inch. 405 85 105 85 40 50 40

534 Conkeldurr 7 d12 plus 5 15 -1 14 -1 45 Fighting It is thought that Conkeldurr taught humans how to make concrete more than 2,000 years ago. 505 1 05 140 95 55 65 45

535 Tympole 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 64 Water They warn others of danger by vibrating their cheeks to create a high-pitched sound. 294 50 50 40 50 40 64

536 Palpitoad 4 d8 0 12 0 15 -1 69 Water, Ground When they vibrate the bumps on their heads, they can make waves in water or earthquake-like vibrations on land. 384 75 65 55 65 55 69

537 Seismitoad 7 d12 plus 1 14 0 14 -1 74 Water, Ground They shoot paralyzing liquid from their head bumps. They use vibration to hurt their opponents. 499 105 85 75 85 75 74

538 Throh 6 d12 plus 1 14 -1 13 -1 45 Fighting When it tightens its belt, it becomes stronger. Wild Throh use vines to weave their own belts. 465 120 100 85 30 85 45

539 Sawk 6 d8 Plus 3 14 -1 14 0 85 Fighting The sound of Sawk punching boulders and trees can be heard all the way from the mountains where they train. 465 75 125 75 30 75 85

540 Sewaddle 2 d6 -1 13 -1 14 -2 42 Bug, Grass Leavanny dress it in clothes they made for it when it hatched. It hides its head in its hood while it is sleeping. 310 45 53 70 40 60 42

541 S wadloon 4 d 6 0 15 -1 14 -2 42 B ug, Grass Forests where Swadloon live have superb foliage because the nutrients they make from fallen leaves nourish the plant life. 380 55 63 90 50 80 42

542 Leavanny 7 d8 plus 1 14 0 14 0 92 Bug, Grass Upon finding a small Pokémon, it weaves clothing for it from leaves, using the cutters on its arms and sticky silk. 490 75 103 80 70 70 92

543 Venipede 1 d6 -1 12 -1 15 -1 57 Bug, Poison Its bite injects a potent poison, enough to paralyze large bird Pokémon that try to prey on it. 260 30 45 59 30 39 57

544 Whirlipede 3 d6 -1 15 -1 14 -1 47 Bug, Poison Protected by a hard shell, it spins its body like a wheel and crashes furiously into its enemies. 360 40 55 99 40 79 47

545 Scolipede 6 d8 plus 1 14 -1 14 plus 1 112 Bug, Poison With quick movements, it chases down its foes, attacking relentlessly with its horns until it prevails. 475 60 90 89 55 69 112

546 Cottonee 1 d6 -2 13 -1 15 -1 66 Grass When attacked, it escapes by shooting cotton from its body. The cotton serves as a decoy to distract the attacker. 280 40 27 60 37 50 66

547 Whimsicott 6 d8 0 14 0 14 plus 1 116 Grass Like the wind, it can slip through any gap, no matter how small. It leaves balls of white fluff behind. 480 60 67 85 77 75 116

548 Petilil 1 d6 -1 12 0 15 -2 30 Grass The leaves on its head are very bitter. Eating one of these leaves is known to refresh a tired body. 280 45 35 50 70 50 30

549 L illigant 6 d 8 0 14 p lus 1 14 0 90 G rass Even veteran Trainers face a challenge in getting its beautiful flower to bloom. This Pokémon is popular with celebrities. 480 70 60 75 110 75 90

550 Basculin 6 d8 plus 1 13 0 15 0 98 Water Red and blue Basculin get along so poorly, they'll start fighting instantly. These Pokémon are very hostile. 460 70 92 65 80 55 98

551 Sandile 1 d6 0 11 -1 15 -1 65 Ground, Dark They live buried in the sands of the desert. The sun-warmed sands prevent their body temperature from dropping. 292 50 72 35 35 35 65

552 Krokorok 3 d8 0 12 -1 15 -1 74 Ground, Dark They live in groups of a few individuals. Protective membranes shield their eyes from sandstorms. 351 60 82 45 45 45 74

553 Krookodile 7 d10 plus 1 14 0 14 0 92 Ground, Dark They never allow prey to escape. Their jaws are so powerful, they can crush the body of an automobile. 509 95 117 70 65 70 92

554 Darumaka 2 d8 plus 1 12 -2 15 -1 50 Fire When its internal fire is burning, it cannot calm down and it runs around. When the fire diminishes, it falls asleep. 315 70 90 45 15 45 50



(Zen Mode) 8 d 12 -1 15 p lus 2 13 -1 55 F ire, Psychic Its internal fire burns at 2,500° F, making enough power that it can destroy a dump truck with one punch. 540 105 30 105 140 105 55


Darmanitan(StandardMode) 6 d12 plus 5 12 -1 15 0 95 Fire Its internal fire burns at 2,500° F, making enough power that it can destroy a dump truck with one punch. 480 1 05 140 55 30 55 95

556 Maractus 6 d8 0 13 plus 1 14 -1 60 Grass It uses an up-tempo song and dance to drive away the bird Pokémon that prey on its flower seeds. 461 75 86 67 106 67 60

557 Dwebble 2 d6 0 14 -1 15 -1 55 Bug, Rock This Pokémon can easily melt holes in hard rocks with a liquid secreted from its mouth. 325 50 65 85 35 35 55

558 Crustle 6 d8 plus 1 17 0 14 -1 45 Bug, Rock Competing for territory, Crustle fight viciously. The one whose boulder is broken is the loser of the battle. 475 70 95 125 65 75 45

559 Scraggy 3 d6 0 13 -1 14 -1 48 Dark, Fighting Its skin has a rubbery elasticity, so it can reduce damage by defensively pulling its skin up to its neck. 348 50 75 70 35 70 48

560 Scrafty 6 d8 plus 1 16 -1 12 -1 58 Dark, Fighting Groups of them beat up anything that enters their territory. Each can spit acidic liquid from its mouth. 488 65 90 115 45 115 58

561 Sigilyph 6 d8 -1 14 plus 1 14 0 97 Psychic, Flying They never vary the route they fly, because their memories of guarding an ancient city remain steadfast. 490 72 58 80 103 80 97

562 Yamask 2 d6 -1 14 -1 14 -2 30 Ghost Each of them carries a mask that used to be its face when it was human. Sometimes they look at it and cry. 303 38 30 85 55 65 30

563 Cofagrigus 6 d 6 -1 18 p lus 1 13 -2 30 G host It has been said that they swallow those who get too close and turn them into mummies. They like to eat gold nuggets. 483 58 50 145 95 105 30

564 Tirtouga 3 d6 0 15 -1 15 -2 22 Water, Rock Restored from a fossil, this Pokémon can dive to depths beyond half a mile. 355 54 78 103 53 45 22

565 Carracosta 6 d8 plus 1 17 0 14 -2 32 Water, Rock They can live both in the ocean and on land. A slap from one of them is enough to open a hole in the bottom of a tanker. 495 74 108 133 83 65 32

566 A rchen 4 d 6 plus 1 12 0 15 -1 70 R ock, Flying Said to be an ancestor of bird Pokémon, they were unable to fly and moved about by hopping from one branch to another. 401 55 112 45 74 45 70

567 Archeops 8 d8 plus 5 13 p lus 1 14 p lus 1 110 Rock, Flying They are intelligent and will cooperate to catch prey. From the ground, they use a running start to take flight. 567 75 140 65 112 65 110

568 Trubbish 2 d6 -1 13 -1 14 -1 65 Poison Inhaling the gas they belch will make you sleep for a week. They prefer unsanitary places. 329 50 50 62 40 62 65569 Garbodor 6 d8 plus 1 14 0 14 0 75 Poison It clenches opponents with its left arm and finishes them off with foul-smelling poison gas belched from its mouth. 474 80 95 82 60 82 75

570 Zorua 2 d6 0 11 0 15 -1 65 Dark It changes into the forms of others to surprise them. Apparently, it often transforms into a silent child. 330 40 65 40 80 40 65

571 Zoroark 7 d8 plus 1 13 plus 2 14 plus 1 105 Dark Bonds between these Pokémon are very strong. It protects the safety of its pack by tricking its opponents. 510 60 105 60 120 60 105

572 Minccino 2 d6 -1 11 -1 15 0 75 Normal They greet one another by rubbing each other with their tails, which are always kept well groomed and clean. 300 55 50 40 40 40 75

573 Cinccino 6 d8 plus 1 13 0 14 plus 1 115 Normal Their white fur is coated in a special oil that makes it easy for them to deflect attacks. 470 75 95 60 65 60 115

574 Gothita 1 d6 -1 12 -1 14 -1 45 Psychic Their ribbonlike feelers increase their psychic power. They are always staring at something. 290 45 30 50 55 65 45

575 Gothorita 4 d8 -1 13 0 13 -1 55 Psychic They use hypnosis to control people and Pokémon. Tales of Gothorita leading people astray are told in every corner. 390 60 45 70 75 85 55

576 Gothitelle 6 d8 -1 15 plus 1 12 -1 65 Psychic Starry skies thousands of light-years away are visible in the space distorted by their intense psychic power. 490 70 55 95 95 110 65

577 Solosis 1 d6 -1 11 plus 1 15 -2 20 Psychic They drive away attackers by unleashing psychic power. They can use telepathy to talk with others. 290 45 30 40 105 50 20

578 Duosion 3 d8 -1 12 plus 2 14 -2 30 Psychic Since they have two divided brains, at times they suddenly try to take two different actions at once. 370 65 40 50 125 60 30

579 Reuniclus 6 d12 0 14 plus 2 13 -2 30 Psychic When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power. 490 110 65 75 125 85 30

580 Ducklett 2 d8 -1 12 -1 15 -1 55 Water, Flying These bird Pokémon are excellent divers. They swim around in the water eating their favorite food--peat moss. 305 62 44 50 44 50 55

581 Swanna 6 d8 0 13 0 14 0 98 Water, Flying Swanna start to dance at dusk. The one dancing in the middle is the leader of the flock. 473 75 87 63 87 63 98

582 Vanillite 2 d6 -1 12 0 14 -2 44 Ice The temperature of their breath is -58° F. They create snow crystals and make snow fall in the areas around them. 305 36 50 50 65 60 44

583 Vanillish 4 d6 0 13 0 14 -1 59 Ice Snowy mountains are this Pokémon's habitat. During an ancient ice age, they moved to southern areas. 395 51 65 65 80 75 59584 Vanilluxe 7 d8 plus 1 14 p lus 1 13 0 79 Ice Swallowing large amounts of water, they make snow clouds inside their bodies and attack their foes with violent blizzards. 535 71 95 85 110 95 79

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585 Deerling 2 d 8 0 12 -1 15 0 75 N ormal, Grass The color and scent of their fur changes to match the mountain grass. When they sense hostility, they hide in the grass. 335 60 60 50 40 50 75

586 Sawsbuck 6 d8 plus 1 13 0 14 0 95 Normal, Grass They migrate according to the seasons. People can tell the season by looking at Sawsbuck's horns. 475 80 100 70 60 70 95

587 Emolga 5 d6 0 13 0 14 0 103 Electric, Flying The energy made in its cheeks' electric pouches is stored inside its membrane and released while it is gliding. 428 55 75 60 75 60 103

588 Karrablast 2 d6 0 12 -1 15 -1 60 Bug These mysterious Pokémon evolve when they receive electrical stimulation while they are in the same place as Shelmet. 315 50 75 45 40 45 60

589 Escavalier 6 d8 Plus 3 15 0 13 -2 20 Bug, Steel They fly around at high speed, striking with their pointed spears. Even when in trouble, they face opponents bravely. 495 70 135 105 60 105 20

590 F oongus 1 d 8 -1 11 -1 15 -3 15 G rass, Poison It lures people in with its Poké Ball pattern, then releases poison spores. Why it resembles a Poké Ball is unknown. 294 69 55 45 55 55 15

591 Amoonguss 6 d12 0 13 0 14 -2 30 Grass, Poison It lures prey close by dancing and waving its arm caps, which resemble Poké Balls, in a swaying motion. 464 114 85 70 85 80 30

592 Frillish 2 d6 -1 12 0 13 -2 40 Water, Ghost With its thin, veil-like arms wrapped around the body of its opponent, it sinks to the ocean floor. 335 55 40 50 65 85 40

593 Jellicent 6 d10 0 13 0 13 -1 60 Water, Ghost The fate of the ships and crew that wander into Jellicent's habitat: all sunken, all lost, all vanished. 480 1 00 60 70 85 105 60

594 Alomomola 6 2d8 0 14 -1 15 -1 65 Water The special membrane enveloping Alomomola has the ability to heal wounds. 470 165 75 80 40 45 65

595 Joltik 2 d6 -1 12 -1 15 -1 65 Bug, Electric Joltik that live in cities have learned a technique for sucking electricity from the outlets in houses. 319 50 47 50 57 50 65

596 Galvantula 6 d8 0 13 plus 1 14 plus 1 108 Bug, Electric When attacked, they create an electric barrier by spitting out many electrically charged threads. 472 70 77 60 97 60 108

597 Ferroseed 2 d6 -1 15 -2 13 -3 10 Grass, Steel When threatened, it attacks by shooting a barrage of spikes, which gives it a chance to escape by rolling away. 305 44 50 91 24 86 10

598 F errothorn 6 d 8 plus 1 17 -1 12 -2 20 G rass, Steel It fights by swinging around its three spiky feelers. A hit from these steel spikes can reduce a boulder to rubble. 489 74 94 131 54 116 20

599 Klink 2 d6 -1 13 -1 14 -2 30 Steel The two minigears that mesh together are predetermined. Each will rebound from other minigears without meshing. 300 40 55 70 45 60 30

600 Klang 5 d8 0 15 0 13 -1 50 Steel By changing the direction in which it rotates, it communicates its feelings to others. When angry, it rotates faster. 440 60 80 95 70 85 50

601 Klinklang 7 d8 plus 1 16 0 13 0 90 Steel Its red core functions as an energy tank. It fires the charged energy through its spikes into an area. 520 60 100 115 70 85 90

602 Tynamo 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 60 Electric While one alone doesn't have much power, a chain of many Tynamo can be as powerful as lightning. 275 35 55 40 45 40 60

603 Eelektrik 4 d8 0 13 0 14 -2 40 Electric They coil around foes and shock them with electricity-generating organs that seem simply to be circular patterns. 405 65 85 70 75 70 40

604 Eelektross 7 d10 plus 1 14 p lus 1 14 -1 50 Electric They crawl out of the ocean using their arms. They will attack prey on shore and immediately drag it into the ocean. 515 85 115 80 105 80 50

605 Elgyem 2 d6 -1 12 0 15 -2 30 Psychic It uses its strong psychic power to squeeze its opponent's brain, causing unendurable headaches. 335 55 55 55 85 55 30

606 B eheeyem 6 d 8 0 14 p lus 2 13 -2 40 P sychic It can manipulate an opponent's memory. Apparently, it communicates by flashing its three different-colored fingers. 485 75 75 75 125 95 40

607 Litwick 1 d6 -1 12 0 15 -2 20 Ghost, Fire Litwick shines a light that absorbs the life energy of people and Pokémon, which becomes the fuel that it burns. 275 50 30 55 65 55 20

608 Lampent 3 d8 -1 13 plus 1 14 -1 55 Ghost, Fire This ominous Pokémon is feared. Through cities it wanders, searching for the spirits of the fallen. 370 60 40 60 95 60 55

609 Chandelure 7 d 8 -1 15 p lus 2 13 0 80 G host, Fire It absorbs a spirit, which it then burns. By waving the flames on its arms, it puts its foes into a hypnotic trance. 520 60 55 90 145 90 80

610 Axew 2 d6 0 13 -1 15 -1 57 Dragon They use their tusks to crush the berries they eat. Repeated regrowth makes their tusks strong and sharp. 320 46 87 60 30 40 57

611 Fraxure 4 d8 plus 1 13 -1 15 -1 67 Dragon Since a broken tusk will not grow back, they diligently sharpen their tusks on river rocks after they've been fighting. 410 66 117 70 40 50 67612 Haxorus 8 d8 plus 5 15 0 14 0 97 Dragon They are kind but can be relentless when defending territory. They challenge foes with tusks that can cut steel. 540 76 147 90 60 70 97

613 Cubchoo 2 d6 0 11 0 15 -2 40 Ice When it is not feeling well, its mucus gets watery and the power of its Ice-type moves decreases. 305 55 70 40 60 40 40

614 Beartic 6 d10 plus 1 14 0 14 -1 50 Ice It can make its breath freeze at will. Very able in the water, it swims around in northern seas and catches prey. 485 95 110 80 70 80 50

615 Cryogonal 6 d 8 -1 11 p lus 1 11 p lus 1 105 I ce When its body temperature goes up, it turns into steam and vanishes. When its temperature lowers, it returns to ice. 485 70 50 30 95 135 105

616 Shelmet 2 d6 -1 14 -1 14 -2 25 Bug When attacked, it defends itself by closing the lid of its shell. It can spit a sticky, poisonous liquid. 305 50 40 85 40 65 25

617 Accelgor 6 d8 0 11 plus 1 14 plus 3 145 Bug When its body dries out, it weakens. So, to prevent dehydration, it wraps itself in many layers of thin membrane. 495 80 70 40 100 60 145

618 S tunfisk 6 d 12 0 14 0 13 -2 32 E lectric, Ground Its skin is very hard, so it is unhurt even if stepped on by sumo wrestlers. It smiles when transmitting electricity. 471 109 66 84 81 99 32

619 Mienfoo 3 d6 0 12 -1 15 -1 65 Fighting In fights, they dominate with onslaughts of flowing, continuous attacks. With their sharp claws, they cut enemies. 350 45 85 50 55 50 65

620 M ienshao 7 d 8 Plus 3 13 p lus 1 14 p lus 1 105 F ighting It wields the fur on its arms like a whip. Its arm attacks come with such rapidity that they cannot even be seen. 510 65 125 60 95 60 105

621 Druddigon 6 d8 Plus 3 15 0 13 -1 48 Dragon It warms its body by absorbing sunlight with its wings. When its body temperature falls, it can no longer move. 485 77 120 90 60 90 48

622 Golett 2 d6 0 12 -1 15 -2 35 Ground, Ghost The energy that burns inside it enables it to move, but no one has yet been able to identify this energy. 303 59 74 50 35 50 35

623 Golurk 6 d 10 Plus 3 14 -1 14 -1 55 G round, Ghost It flies across the sky at Mach speeds. Removing the seal on its chest makes its internal energy go out of control. 483 89 124 80 55 80 55

624 Pawniard 3 d6 0 13 -1 15 -1 60 Dark, Steel Blades comprise this Pokémon's entire body. If battling dulls the blades, it sharpens them on stones by the river. 340 45 85 70 40 40 60

625 Bisharp 6 d8 Plus 3 15 0 14 -1 70 Dark, Steel It leads a group of Pawniard. It battles to become the boss, but will be driven from the group if it loses. 490 65 125 100 60 70 70

626 Bouffalant 6 d10 plus 1 15 -1 13 -1 55 Normal Their fluffy fur absorbs damage, even if they strike foes with a fierce headbutt. 490 95 110 95 40 95 55627 Rufflet 3 d8 0 12 -1 15 -1 60 Normal, Flying They crush berries with their talons. They bravely stand up to any opponent, no matter how strong it is. 350 70 83 50 37 50 60

628 B raviary 7 d 10 Plus 3 14 -1 14 0 80 N ormal, Flying They fight for their friends without any thought about danger to themselves. One can carry a car while flying. 510 100 123 75 57 75 80

629 Vullaby 3 d8 -1 14 -1 14 -1 60 Dark, Flying Its wings are too tiny to allow it to fly. As the time approaches for it to evolve, it discards the bones it was wearing. 370 70 55 75 45 65 60

630 Mandibuzz 7 d12 0 15 -1 13 0 80 Dark, Flying It makes a nest out of bones it finds. It grabs weakened prey in its talons and hauls it to its nest of bones. 510 110 65 105 55 95 80

631 Heatmor 6 d10 plus 1 13 plus 1 14 -1 65 Fire It breathes through a hole in its tail while it burns with an internal fire. Durant is its prey. 484 85 97 66 105 66 65

632 Durant 6 d6 plus 1 16 -1 15 plus 1 109 Bug, Steel They attack in groups, covering themselves in steel armor to protect themselves from Heatmor. 484 58 109 112 48 48 109

633 Deino 2 d6 0 12 -1 15 -2 38 Dark, Dragon It tends to bite everything, and it is not a picky eater. Approaching it carelessly is dangerous. 300 52 65 50 45 50 38

634 Zweilous 5 d8 0 13 0 14 -1 58 Dark, Dragon After it has eaten up all the food in its territory, it moves to another area. Its two heads do not get along. 420 72 85 70 65 70 58

635 Hydreigon 9 d10 plus 1 15 plus 2 13 0 98 Dark, Dragon This brutal Pokémon travels the skies on its six wings. Anything that moves seems like a foe to it, triggering its attack. 600 92 105 90 125 90 98

636 Larvesta 3 d6 0 12 -1 15 -1 60 Bug, Fire This Pokémon was believed to have been born from the sun. When it evolves, its entire body is engulfed in flames. 360 55 85 55 50 55 60

637 V olcarona 8 d 10 0 13 p lus 2 13 0 100 B ug, Fire When volcanic ash darkened the atmosphere, it is said that Volcarona's fire provided a replacement for the sun. 550 85 60 65 135 105 100

638 Cobalion 9 d10 plus 1 17 p lus 1 14 p lus 1 108 Steel, Fighting This legendary Pokémon battled against humans to protect Pokémon. Its personality is calm and composed. 580 91 90 129 90 72 108

639 Terrakion 9 d10 Plus 3 15 0 13 plus 1 108 Rock, Fighting This Pokémon came to the defense of Pokémon that had lost their homes in a war among humans. 580 91 129 90 72 90 108

640 Virizion 9 d10 plus 1 13 p lus 1 12 p lus 1 108 Grass, Fighting This Pokémon fought humans in order to protect its friends. Legends about it continue to be passed down. 580 91 90 72 90 129 108


Tornadus(IncarnateForme) 9 d8 plus 1 13 plus 2 14 plus 1 111 Flying The lower half of its body is wrapped in a cloud of energy. It zooms through the sky at 200 mph. 580 79 115 70 125 80 111

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Tornadus(TherianForme) 9 d8 plus 1 14 plus 1 13 plus 1 121 Flying The lower half of its body is wrapped in a cloud of energy. It zooms through the sky at 200 mph. 580 79 100 80 110 90 121


Thundurus(TherianForme) 9 d8 plus 1 13 plus 2 14 0 101 Electric, Flying Countless charred remains mar the landscape of places through which Thundurus has passed. 580 79 115 70 125 80 111


Thundurus(IncarnateForme) 9 d8 plus 1 13 plus 2 14 plus 1 111 Electric, Flying Countless charred remains mar the landscape of places through which Thundurus has passed. 580 79 105 70 145 80 101

643 Reshiram 10 d10 Plus 3 15 p lus 3 12 0 90 Dragon, Fire This Pokémon appears in legends. It sends flames into the air from its tail, burning up everything around it. 680 100 120 100 150 120 90

644 Zekrom 10 d10 plus 5 17 p lus 2 13 0 90 Dragon, Electric Concealing itself in lightning clouds, it flies throughout the Unova region. It creates electricity in its tail. 680 100 150 120 120 100 90


Landorus(TherianForme) 9 d 10 plus 5 15 p lus 1 14 0 91 G round, Flying Lands visited by Landorus grant such bountiful crops that it has been hailed as âThe Guardian of the Fields.â 600 89 145 90 105 80 91

645Landorus(IncarnateForme) 9 d10 Plus 3 15 p lus 1 14 0 101 Ground, Flying Lands visited by Landorus grant such bountiful crops that it has been hailed as âThe Guardian of the Fields.â 600 89 125 90 115 80 101

646Kyurem (BlackKyurem) 11 d12 plus 5 15 p lus 2 13 0 95 Dragon, Ice It generates a powerful, freezing energy inside itself, but its body became frozen when the energy leaked out. 700 125 170 100 120 90 95


Kyurem(NormalKyurem) 10 d12 Plus 3 15 p lus 2 13 0 95 Dragon, Ice It generates a powerful, freezing energy inside itself, but its body became frozen when the energy leaked out. 700 125 120 90 170 100 95

646Kyurem (WhiteKyurem) 11 d 12 Plus 3 15 p lus 3 13 0 95 D ragon, Ice It generates a powerful, freezing energy inside itself, but its body became frozen when the energy leaked out. 660 125 130 90 130 90 95

647 K eldeo 9 d 10 0 15 p lus 2 13 p lus 1 108 W ater, Fighting By blasting water from its hooves, it can glide across water. It excels at using leg moves while battling. 580 91 72 90 129 90 108

648Meloetta (AriaForme) 9 d10 0 14 plus 2 12 0 90 Normal, Psychic Its melodies are sung with a special vocalization method that can control the feelings of those who hear it. 600 100 77 77 128 128 90


Meloetta(PirouetteForme) 9 d 10 Plus 3 15 0 14 p lus 1 128 N ormal, Fighting I ts melodies are sung with a special vocalization method that can control the feelings of those who hear it. 600 100 128 90 77 77 128

649 Genesect 9 d8 Plus 3 15 plus 2 13 0 99 Bug, Steel Over 300 million years ago, it was feared as the strongest of hunters. It has been modified by Team Plasma. 600 71 120 95 120 95 99

650 Chespin 2 d6 0 1 3 -1 15 -2 38

651 Quilladin 4 d8 0 15 -1 15 -1 57

652 Chesnaught 7 d10 plus 1 17 0 14 -1 64653 Fennekin 2 d6 -1 11 0 14 -1 60

654 Braixen 4 d6 -1 12 plus 1 14 -1 73

655 Delphox 7 d8 0 13 plus 1 13 0 104

656 Froakie 2 d6 -1 1 1 0 15 -1 71

657 Frogadier 4 d6 0 1 2 0 15 0 97

658 Greninja 7 d8 plus 1 13 plus 1 14 plus 1 122

659 Bunnelby 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 57

660 Diggersby 5 d10 -1 14 -1 14 0 78

661 Fletchling 1 d6 -1 11 -1 15 -1 62

662 Fletchinder 4 d8 0 12 -1 15 0 84

663 Talonflame 6 d8 0 13 0 14 plus 1 126

664 Scatterbug 1 d6 -1 11 -2 16 -2 35

665 Spewpa 1 d6 -2 13 -2 16 -2 29

666 Vivillon 4 d8 -1 12 plus 1 15 0 89

667 Litleo 3 d8 -1 12 0 15 -1 72668 Pyroar 7 d10 0 13 plus 1 14 plus 1 106

669 FlabŽbŽ 2 d6 -1 11 0 14 -2 42

670 Floette 3 d6 -1 1 2 0 13 -1 52

671 Florges 8 d8 0 13 plus 1 11 0 75

672 Skiddo 3 d8 0 12 0 15 -1 52

673 Gogoat 7 d12 plus 1 13 plus 1 14 -1 68

674 Pancham 3 d8 0 1 3 -1 15 -2 43

675 Pangoro 6 d10 Plus 3 14 0 14 -1 58

676 Furfrou 6 d8 0 13 0 13 0 102

677 Espurr 3 d8 -1 12 0 14 -1 68

678 Meowstic 6 d8 -1 14 0 14 0 104

679 Honedge 2 d6 0 1 5 -1 15 -2 28

680 Doublade 5 d6 plus 1 19 -1 15 -2 35

681 Aegislash(Blade Forme) 7 d8 plus 5 12 plus 3 15 -1 60

681 Aegislash(Shield Forme) 7 d8 -1 19 -1 11 -1 60

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682 Spritzee 3 d8 -1 13 0 14 -2 23

683 Aromatisse 6 d10 0 13 plus 1 13 -2 29

684 Swirlix 3 d8 -1 13 -1 15 -1 49

685 Slurpuff 6 d8 0 1 4 0 14 -1 72

686 Inkay 1 d6 -1 12 -1 15 -1 45

687 Malamar 6 d10 plus 1 14 0 14 -1 73

688 Binacle 2 d6 -1 13 -1 15 -1 50

689 Barbaracle 7 d8 plus 1 16 -1 13 -1 68

690 Skrelp 2 d6 0 13 0 14 -2 30

691 Dragalge 6 d8 0 15 plus 1 12 -2 44

692 Clauncher 2 d6 -1 13 -1 14 -2 44

693 Clawitzer 7 d8 0 14 plus 2 13 -1 59694 Helioptile 1 d6 -1 11 0 15 -1 70

695 Heliolisk 6 d8 -1 12 plus 1 13 plus 1 109

696 Tyrunt 3 d6 0 14 -1 15 -1 48

697 Tyrantrum 7 d8 Plus 3 16 0 15 -1 71

698 Amaura 3 d8 -1 1 2 0 14 -1 46

699 Aurorus 7 d12 0 13 plus 1 13 -1 58

700 Sylveon 7 d10 0 13 plus 1 11 -1 60

701 Hawlucha 7 d8 plus 1 14 0 14 plus 1 118

702 Dedenne 5 d8 -1 12 0 14 0 101

703 Carbink 7 d6 -1 19 -1 11 -1 50

704 Goomy 2 d6 -1 1 1 -1 14 -2 40

705 Sliggoo 5 d8 0 12 0 12 -1 60

706 Goodra 9 d10 plus 1 13 plus 1 11 0 80

707 Klefki 6 d6 0 15 0 13 0 75

708 Phantump 2 d6 0 12 -1 14 -2 38709 Trevenant 6 d10 plus 1 14 0 14 -1 56

710Pumpkaboo(Super Size) 2 d6 0 13 -1 15 -2 41

710Pumpkaboo(Large Size) 2 d6 0 13 -1 15 -1 46

710Pumpkaboo(Average Size) 2 d6 0 13 -1 15 -1 51

710Pumpkaboo(Small Size) 2 d6 0 13 -1 15 -1 56

711Gourgeist(SuperSize) 6 d10 plus 1 17 -1 14 -1 54

711Gourgeist(Large Size) 6 d8 plus 1 17 -1 14 -1 69

711Gourgeist(Average Size) 6 d8 plus 1 17 -1 14 0 84

711Gourgeist(Small Size) 6 d6 0 17 -1 14 0 99

712 Bergmite 2 d6 0 14 -1 15 -2 28713 Avalugg 7 d10 plus 1 19 -1 15 -2 28

714 Noibat 1 d6 -1 1 1 -1 15 -1 55

715 Noivern 7 d10 0 14 plus 1 14 plus 1 123

716 Xerneas 10 d12 Plus 3 15 plus 2 13 0 99

717 Yveltal 10 d12 Plus 3 15 plus 2 13 0 99

718 Zygarde 9 d12 plus 1 17 0 13 0 95