political awareness as a determinant of social discontent

Political Awareness as a Determinant of Social Discontent among Peasants in Barangay Talipapa and Barangay Cinco-cinco of Cabanatuan Nueva Ecija

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Political awareness as a determinant of social discontent among peasants in barangay cinco-cinco and barangay talipapa, Cabanatuan nueva ecija

Political Awareness as a Determinant of Social Discontent among Peasants in Barangay Talipapa and Barangay Cinco-cinco of Cabanatuan Nueva EcijaMarasigan, Jose M.Salto, Dianne D.Samson, Maria Johanna Ilyssa P.Tumaliuan, Ann Claire V.Uson, Nichole John O.Introduction:The researchers desire to study the political awareness as a determinant of social discontentment of peasants/famers that will be conducted in barangay Talipapa and barangay Cinco-cinco of Cabanatuan Nueva Ecija. Peasants that will be the main respondents were classified into; land owning and non-land-owning.The main goal of the study is to determine the extent of political awareness and level of social discontent on specific issues that can be related to the status of the life of peasants.The research will include the factors of political socialization that will be further arranged in order to verify whether what factor affects the most.Theoretical Framework:Ritzers Conflict Theory (2005)

Paige Theory of Agrarian Revolution

Max Horkheimers Critical Theory

Research Paradigm:

Statement of the Problem:1. What is the profile of peasants in terms of?AgeSexBarangayEducational AttainmentReligionIncome rangeClassification

2. What is the level of political awareness of peasants in Barangay Talipapa and Barangay Cinco-Cinco in terms of the following issues?PrivatizationSubsidyMonopolyTenancy

3. What is the level of social discontent of peasants in Barangay Talipapa and Barangay Cinco-Cinco in terms of the following issues?PrivatizationSubsidyMonopolyTenancy

4. What is the order of efficacy of the factors of socio-political socialization relative to the respondents level of social-political discontentment?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the level of political awareness and level of social discontent of peasants in terms of?

PrivatizationMonopolyTenancyLack of Subsidy

Research Methodology: Quantitative Study

Descriptive Design

Quota Sampling Method

Survey and InterviewStatistical Treatment:Mean

Standard Deviation

Percentage Analysis


Pearson R.Summary of Findings:Majority of the respondents were 40-50 years old with a percentage of 33%.

Majority of the respondents were males with a percentage of 76%.

Majority of the respondents attained the elementary level in education with a percentage of 42%.Majority of the respondents were Catholic with a percentage of 95%.

Majority of the respondents have the annual income range of 30,000 pesos to 50,000 pesos with a percentage of 51%.

Majority of the respondents were non-land owner with a percentage of 69%.

The level of political awareness of the respondents on privatization is moderately aware with 2.37 mean.

The level of political awareness of the respondents on monopoly is not aware with 1.32 mean.

The level of political awareness of the respondents on tenancy is moderately aware with 1.76 mean.

The level of political awareness of the respondents on lack of subsidy is moderately aware with 2.37 mean.

The level of social discontent of the respondents on privatization is discontented with 4.03 mean.

The level of social discontent of the respondents on monopoly is slightly discontented with 3.28 mean.

The level of social discontent of the respondents on tenancy is slightly discontented with 3.18 mean.

The level of social discontent of the respondents on lack of subsidy is discontented with 3.62 mean.

The factor that affects the most of the respondent was peer group or organization ranking 1 with 1.72 mean rank.

The political awareness and social discontent on privatization and monopoly is not significant with Pearson correlation of .017 and .090. The political awareness and social discontent on tenancy and lack of subsidy is significant with Pearson correlation of .327** and .242* .Conclusion:Most of the peasants living in Brgy. Talipapa and Brgy. Cinco-cinco was moderately aware of the issues of privatization, tenancy and also lack of subsidy. This is due to the continuous arising of inequalities in the society produced by not only capitalists but also some government actions.The peasants responded discontented and slightly discontented as their level of social discontent in terms of the issues laid down by the researchers. Related to Horkheimers critical theory, the society with its existing problems made peasants to be discontentedBased on the result of the study, the issues on Tenancy and Lack of Subsidy have significant relationship while the issue on Privatization and Monopoly are not significantly related. Therefore, the relationship of Political Awareness and Social Discontent among peasants depend on the issues that they are facing.