poor little rich slum-1

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Post on 09-Jan-2016




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Book Review


POOR LITTLE RICH SLUMThe book Poor little Rich Slum is written by Rashmi Bansal and Deepak Gandhi. This book is of one hundred and ninety two pages which include twenty eight chapters. The book was published in the year 2012 and the publication house is Westland India. The price of the book amounts to Rupees three hundred and forty five only. Poor Little Rich Slum is the fourth book by writer entrepreneur and youth expert Rashmi Bansal, written in her trademark style and each chapter ending with witty quotes. Her earlier books have focused on business and social entrepreneurship by the MBA and the non-MBA students. Co-authored with Deepak Gandhi and with insightful photographs by Dee Gandhi, the layout of this new book is unusual. Rashmi Bansal is the author of Connect the Dots and I Have A Dream which have been translated into ten languages. Deepak Gandhi is a management consultant, speaker and teacher in the social sector. Dee Gandhi is self taught freelance photographer. Book Jacket ( Book Cover): In White and Blue with sketches of the slum is an insightful cover which conveys to the reader what to expect from the book. About the Book: What Dharavi means to one and all and how they react to the circumstances, the business acumen that strives in a slum, the NGOs and activists working for change, and the future developments of one of the worlds largest slums. The descriptions are soaked in reality and the direct quotes by the slum dwellers show the world the zeal to survive and be successful.The 28 chapters cover: Dharavi continues to fascinate the social scientists from India and around the world. The outsider is blind to the drudgery of Dharavi, the authors begin describing the tough conditions of life. Dharavi has set a silent revolution of energy and enterprise; it is an incubator factory of dreams; it is the wonder of the urban jungle.There are slums of despair and there are slums of hope. Agents of hope are everywhere in Dharavi planting seeds of change, - according to the authors. The book is an inspiring study about the development and value-based of a slum in the heart of a bubbling metropolis. The financial capital of India has a slum which shows the world how to earn money and survive in conditions which is harsh.The authors profile the real life stories of Jameed Shaw who is a Bihari migrant now making shoes for celebrities, Mushtaq Syed who runs leather business, Soaib Grewal graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design and runs Waterwalla in Dharavi, a social enterprise for clean water technologies in the urban slums, Srini Swaminathan a BITS Pilani engineer now teaches in the slum as a part of Teach for India. He has devised a moving blackboard, an apron he wears on which students can write. These are a few of them. The bbok speaks about the life of people who live in conditions which are not very conducive but still find a way to earn their livelihood. The following quote sums up the enterprising and inspiring book Education has opened our minds like a parachute- Mustaq Syed, INMA Enterprise.