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q q('1"1 I '6 fGH"t~ q I <fl <1 qqM 1'6 cfl 1mf1<1 VJ:'f 'ft ~ 'QT

ifl I as I tfl <.'I q Gf '4 '11 "1 {ltl. lfl)

Year June July August September Total

1971 204.4 84.4 241 .1 70.7 609.6

1972 212.9 145.6 183.9 68.3 610.7

1973 45.7 487.6 466.8 167.1 1167.2 1974 67 4 148 189.3 81 .1 480.8

1975 151 .7 287 377 1852.1 1000.8

1976 53.8 359.1 152.3 140.7 705.9

1977 206.7 242.8 494.7 94.7 1038.9

1978 204.4 143.6 623.9 75.5 750.4 1979 253.1 174.4 406.3 91::1 .8 932.6 1980 308.3 363.4 460.3 70.6 1202.6

1981 106.2 242.7 430.7 557.7 1337.3

1982 199.9 282.8 90.9 145.7 719.3

1983 283.5 361.4 214.9 210.2 1070

1984 109.3 337.1 116.8 15.8 579

1985 317.8 123.1 142.5 42.2 625.6

1986 218.2 309.6 270.1 49.5 847.4

1987 78.2 157.3 258.3 20.9 514.7

1988 126.8 443.6 347.8 417.6 1335.8

1989 302.9 146.1 365.1 59.1 873.2

1990 322.6 326.1 341 .5 49.1 1049.3 1991 122.1 185 175.3 15.1 497.5

1992 76.5 114.7 472.5 61.7 725.4 1993 124.4 252 277.6 109.2 763.2 1994 207.2 395.2 316.2 97.7 1016.3 1995 238.6 361.6 140 306.4 1046.8 1996 32 329.7 270.9 166.8 799.4 1997 2S 221 .2 222.2 163.3 632.7 1998 108.1 308.7 1M .8 185.4 7JJ 1999 200.7 308.4 253.3 319.5 1081 .9

N c 29 4904.4 7642.4 8135.1 4064.5 24747.3

q~~lt5d if>. 2

4qct&llCXS ft1<'64id'Jcl qofi cf;t{l6Jcl ~ ~ ~ 'liT Ct>imid'Jcl q \Jf .-q +i l'1 (ift.lfr)

Year June Julv AUQUSt Septembe1 Total 1971 116.4 68.2 225 112.2 521.8 1972 254.6 87.9 216.8 76.6 635.9 1973 110.9 240.2 462.8 72.6 886.5 1974 80.5 261.6 120.8 171 .7 634.6 1975 158 4 293.6 260.4 291 .4 1003.8 1976 109.4 295.7 181.1 142.8 729 1977 86.9 330.2 287.4 87.3 791.8 1978 226.2 446.2 176.8 12.8 862 1979 173.8 121.4 162 14 471 .2 1980 218 162.8 422.6 36.8 840.2 1981 136 103.8 235.2 334 809 1982 104.4 271 .6 176.8 129.3 682.1 1983 160 337.5 561.5 299 1358 1984 97 164.5 110 0 371 .5 1985 256 190 109.5 100.5 656 1986 106.5 304.5 188 34 633 1987 193.5 70.5 208 36 508 1988 126.5 626.7 348 352 1453.2 1989 245.4 220.2 362.9 49.12 877.62 1990 388.6 351.1 570.9 78.8 1389.4 1991 130.2 205.1 137.8 0 473.1 1992 78.7 20.8 440.5 61.8 601 .8 1993 123.4 242 275.6 103.2 744.2 1994 205.6 392.2 810.2 95.7 1503.7 1995 233.5 352.8 135 306.4 1027.7 1996 40.05 325.7 265 157.8 788.55 1997 28 218.2 217.3 160.3 623.8 1998 105.1 303.7 128.8 187.3 724.9 1999 200.5 304.4 247.3 317.4 1069.6

N = 29 4494.5 7232.1 7543.2 3820.8 23090.6

4Rtl1tid w. 3

. 'QCld'""llCXS ft=tci5'Qldlcl 'QqciliJC15

cb ~ I d'l <:>'I q I ~Cf) 'ti 'I( I 'ti >fl q vf ~''ti "1

(4)'.1fr) 3l. w . ~ qlfqq; ~

' 1971 839.3

2 1972 694.6

3 1973 1260.3

4 1974 691.5

5 1975 105.5

6 1976 859.1

7 1977 1161 .8

8 1978 933

9 1979 1238.6

10 1980 1258.4

11 1981 1416.8

12 1982 869.3

13 1983 1152. 7

14 1984 715.3

15 1985 788.5

16 1986 1080.7

17 1987 770.7

18 1988 1503.7

19 1989 971.8

20 1990 1292.7

21 1991 507.8

22 1992 803.8

23 1993 870.4

24 1994 1157.4

25 1995 1343.7

26 1996 882.5

27 1997 327.5

28 1998 867.8

29 1999 1240.5

q~~ll!O $1>. 4

~)q>~~'ifl 'EAfil Cf ~ ~~16'~ ~rn~iiu - 2001

~Ill<!~~~ ~) q;:fl <SiQ tft e4l<fit11:ft wrcrr

3i.iP. ~ (X) (Y) x2 y2 XY 1 ~ 51.61 330 2663.59 108900 17031 .3

2 1"111,.W'llQ 79.14 152 6263.14 23104 12029.28

3 ~ 69.96 124 4894.40 15376 8675.04

4 I~ 75.78 162 5742.61 26244 12276.36

5 ~ 69.9 142 4886.01 20164 9925.8

6 tR\ifi 61.43 102 3773.64 10404 6265.86

7 qoft 60.99 210 3719.78 44100 12807.9

8 l1R"rrTq 75.15 58 5647.52 3364 4358.7

9 ~ 78.12 6102.73 0 0

10 :~ 56.78 246 3223.97 60516 13967.88

11 11N1TlC! 60.81 175 3697.86 30625 10641.75

12 ~ 51.36 179 2637.85 32041 9193.44

13 ~ 81 .37 198 6621.08 39204 16111 .26

14 ~ 73.09 158 5342.15 24964 11548.22

15 ~ 63.8 367 4070.44 134689 23414.6

16 ri 79.61 6337.75 0 0

~~ 1088.9 2603 75624.52 573695 168247.4

~ ,1( t: x.1) - ( ~ x... ;II' £ '/) r -= -=---~-___:::_----------

~ C. N ~ ~>2-)- ( ~ ><-5 . 7 J N 1- ( €:. f)- ( t 1)1

< - ~ r. 16f.~"f!2·3) - (iO!l9 ·9_) "/. ( 2b0f)

J ~6 ')< ~~!V-8 · ~~ - (io~t,9 ·s_} ~ ~(.if."!< £!f .56.90- (260~2.

.,,. ; :i.6'6 30'3 6 ·<t - .2..S l-9..9 f-3 ·-t

- ..14 !il=B.9.3 · ~ "'(' =

"1 .2 i..4 9 0 . :r ";<. ~· :240 ?S5J.. j

'(' - .i.lj ~g 9'3 ·2

::: L4l. · 5.9 r:- is so · 32

'(" :: - 14 ;tiS3 ·3

2 2 7- 2. b i . 4.L

;: - o· 65

vi•ll<:il l~~ ~ ~ ~ 'ERffi

31'.w. ~ (X) (Y) x2 y'i xv .. 1~ 26.25 330 689.06 108900 8662.5

2 l'll'l,.CO ' llq 7.9 152 62.41 23104 1200.8

3 Cf>cit.1 12.01 124 144.24 15376 1489.24

41~ 9.95 162 99.00 26244 1611.9

5~ 8.63 142 74.48 20164 1225.46 6~ 14.42 102 207.94 10404 1470.84

7 1fOft 10.55 210 111.30 44100 2215.5

8~ 7.54 58 56.85 3364 437.32

9~ 16.49 271 .92

10 I~ 19.5'3 246 382.59 60516 4811 .76 11 ~ 21.71 175 471 .32 30625 3799.25

12 ~ 36.78 179 1352.77 32041 6583.62

13 ~ 13.5 198 182.25 39204 2673

14 "'~ 6.96 158 48.44 24964 1099.68

15 ~ 19.23 367 369.79 134689 7057.41

16 ~ 12.67 160.53 ~~ 244.15 2603 4684.902 573695 44338.28