portfolio book design


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A compilation of my selected works during my study years to promote myself during my graduation exhibition.


Page 1: Portfolio Book Design



By Ernest Woo King Tat

Page 2: Portfolio Book Design
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03Whoopie Monsters - Group ProjectCharacter Design, Advertising Campaign,Website Design, Promotional Items Design

01Creative Learning Activity BookActivity Book, Book Design, Character Design,Illustration, Promotional Items Design

02Boogie MirrorBook Design, Character Design, Comic Book,Illustration, Promotional Items Design

04The Perception of DreamsCharacter Design, Illustration, Photography,Poster Design, Sculpture Making

05Self Identity DesignIdentity Design, Print Design

Page 4: Portfolio Book Design

Height: 27.5 cm

Width: 20cm

Now let us start this colouringactivity book from A to Z and�nd out how many names ofanimals and food that you canthink of!

Good luck!

At the beginning and end of the book will consist of

these two pages that are meant for encouragement

and to praise, to motivate children to �nish this book.

01Creative Learning Activity BookActivity Book, Book Design, Character Design,Illustration, Promotional Items Design

Width: 20cm





It started with the initial idea of “dreams” and the connection it has with people. As I continue to brainstorm further and expand my ideas, I set down a speci�c main target audience to young children age range of 1 years old to 4 years old and came out with the question “What are the perception of dreams to young children?”After all the researches that I have done, I came to conclude that dreams can be something surreal and abstract for children, as it is mainly linked to the process during the time when they are sleeping, therefore whenever children were to ask about dreams, they will provide as many imaginary thoughts and illogical explanations as possible. But children’s imagination have most often been brought down by adults, directly or indirectly due to logical thinking and etc. So this will actually a�ects young children’s imagination as they grow up, which will also a�ect the growth in the mind for creativity as well.Therefore in this project, the concept is to boost up children’s imagination through the act of doing. In this case, I had decided to design an activity colouring book as the main platform. I have also design a poster and sticker album as forms of promotional materials to promote this project as well as to attract the targetted audience’s attention to see the value in it.

First page of the book, a page where children draw a

face on the head and write down their name.

Page 5: Portfolio Book Design

Height: 27.5 cm

Width: 20cm

Now let us start this colouringactivity book from A to Z and�nd out how many names ofanimals and food that you canthink of!

Good luck!

At the beginning and end of the book will consist of

these two pages that are meant for encouragement

and to praise, to motivate children to �nish this book.

01Creative Learning Activity BookActivity Book, Book Design, Character Design,Illustration, Promotional Items Design

Width: 20cm





It started with the initial idea of “dreams” and the connection it has with people. As I continue to brainstorm further and expand my ideas, I set down a speci�c main target audience to young children age range of 1 years old to 4 years old and came out with the question “What are the perception of dreams to young children?”After all the researches that I have done, I came to conclude that dreams can be something surreal and abstract for children, as it is mainly linked to the process during the time when they are sleeping, therefore whenever children were to ask about dreams, they will provide as many imaginary thoughts and illogical explanations as possible. But children’s imagination have most often been brought down by adults, directly or indirectly due to logical thinking and etc. So this will actually a�ects young children’s imagination as they grow up, which will also a�ect the growth in the mind for creativity as well.Therefore in this project, the concept is to boost up children’s imagination through the act of doing. In this case, I had decided to design an activity colouring book as the main platform. I have also design a poster and sticker album as forms of promotional materials to promote this project as well as to attract the targetted audience’s attention to see the value in it.

First page of the book, a page where children draw a

face on the head and write down their name.

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s A2



ter D



These are few examples of the book content. Each alphabets will have di�erent sets of task and

characters do draw from, giving children the space to express their creativity. The lines given are for children to spell out and write down 6 di�erent

spellings that are from the same alphabet.

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s A2



ter D



These are few examples of the book content. Each alphabets will have di�erent sets of task and

characters do draw from, giving children the space to express their creativity. The lines given are for children to spell out and write down 6 di�erent

spellings that are from the same alphabet.

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Characters Design based on spellings A to Z

Characters are based on spellings that are from each alphabets but I chose spellings that are not the norms that we use to learn during childhood education. By doing it this way, it helps children to take the initiative to learn more di�erent spellings from a young age.

The art style was was carefully chosen and drawn, especially when it comes to the appearance of the characters, so that children will be attracted to the �nal outcome.

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The Animal & FoodSticker File

Illustrated by Ernest Woo

1 2 3 4 5 6

This illustrated sticker �le (above) will be use as a promotional materials to allow children not only have the platform to draw, but as well as to stick their favourite characters everywhere they desire.

Below are examples of stickers sticked all over a room and the reception counter in a clinic. As some children tend to get nervous or tense when they go into the clinic, so with stickers sticked all over, this will put children and doctor at ease.

Illustrated Sticker File - Promotional Material

The Animal & FoodS

ticker F


Illustrated by Ernest Woo

1 2 3 4 5 6

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The Animal & FoodSticker File

Illustrated by Ernest Woo

1 2 3 4 5 6

This illustrated sticker �le (above) will be use as a promotional materials to allow children not only have the platform to draw, but as well as to stick their favourite characters everywhere they desire.

Below are examples of stickers sticked all over a room and the reception counter in a clinic. As some children tend to get nervous or tense when they go into the clinic, so with stickers sticked all over, this will put children and doctor at ease.

Illustrated Sticker File - Promotional Material

The Animal & FoodS

ticker F


Illustrated by Ernest Woo

1 2 3 4 5 6

Page 12: Portfolio Book Design

02Boogie MirrorBook Design, Character Design, Comic Book,Illustration, Promotional Items Design

The objective of this project was to illustrate a narrative story and to test our capabilities to visualize a story with as little words as possible.

First of all, the task was to choose a story from whether an existing story, re-intepret an existing story or create a story of my own from scratch.After that, choose a platform to illustrate your story. It can be in a form of a storybook, graphic novel or a comic book. Lastly, promotional items is needed to promote the sales of this book.

My story is very much inspired by Tim Burton’s movie “Edward Scissorshands,” not much on the storyline but the whole concept of making ugly, dead things looks so lively and surreal.

For this project, my main platform to convey my message is through an illustrated comic book, comes along with a poster design and bookmark design as promotional materials.

Width: 17cm




Story written & Illustrated byErnest Woo King Tat

Page 13: Portfolio Book Design

02Boogie MirrorBook Design, Character Design, Comic Book,Illustration, Promotional Items Design

The objective of this project was to illustrate a narrative story and to test our capabilities to visualize a story with as little words as possible.

First of all, the task was to choose a story from whether an existing story, re-intepret an existing story or create a story of my own from scratch.After that, choose a platform to illustrate your story. It can be in a form of a storybook, graphic novel or a comic book. Lastly, promotional items is needed to promote the sales of this book.

My story is very much inspired by Tim Burton’s movie “Edward Scissorshands,” not much on the storyline but the whole concept of making ugly, dead things looks so lively and surreal.

For this project, my main platform to convey my message is through an illustrated comic book, comes along with a poster design and bookmark design as promotional materials.

Width: 17cm




Story written & Illustrated byErnest Woo King Tat

Page 14: Portfolio Book Design

The idea for the story was very much re�ected on my own personal past experience mixed with some wild fantasy and imaginations. The plot for the story started o� with a boy who did not care much about the average, typical school conversations or gossips, or even the meaning of attending to an institute to study. The normal stu� was just too boring and so, he daydream all the time.

As the story goes on, the personality of the character gradually change, especially after returning home from school. Deep down, the boy probably is not used to going to school and experience something new, he still �nd the world should stay simple and have fun. It is shown where a point in the book where things start to look weird, as the entire comic book is totally focusing on narrating the story through the boy’s point of view and thoughts.

For the execution style, as the story is a little bizarre, I tried to set the entire book somewhat purple-lish to bring out the mood of the story. As usual I did everything in lines and tried to draw out little details that could give a better impact the mood, but turns out something mas missing, felt like I needed to explore further. So I explored and tried out di�erent textured background to overlay my artwork to leave a better impression and mood to the audience.

Overall, this book is done beautifully in a colourful way to attract children’s attention as well as to give more imagination to the image to tell the story. There will be some text added onto the image to represent the child’s thought in the actual book.The entire medium used for this comic book project is a mixture of traditional and digital medium.

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The idea for the story was very much re�ected on my own personal past experience mixed with some wild fantasy and imaginations. The plot for the story started o� with a boy who did not care much about the average, typical school conversations or gossips, or even the meaning of attending to an institute to study. The normal stu� was just too boring and so, he daydream all the time.

As the story goes on, the personality of the character gradually change, especially after returning home from school. Deep down, the boy probably is not used to going to school and experience something new, he still �nd the world should stay simple and have fun. It is shown where a point in the book where things start to look weird, as the entire comic book is totally focusing on narrating the story through the boy’s point of view and thoughts.

For the execution style, as the story is a little bizarre, I tried to set the entire book somewhat purple-lish to bring out the mood of the story. As usual I did everything in lines and tried to draw out little details that could give a better impact the mood, but turns out something mas missing, felt like I needed to explore further. So I explored and tried out di�erent textured background to overlay my artwork to leave a better impression and mood to the audience.

Overall, this book is done beautifully in a colourful way to attract children’s attention as well as to give more imagination to the image to tell the story. There will be some text added onto the image to represent the child’s thought in the actual book.The entire medium used for this comic book project is a mixture of traditional and digital medium.

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Promotional Poster and Bookmark design

Book Launch A3 sized Poster Design Bookmark Design (Front & Back)

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Promotional Poster and Bookmark design

Book Launch A3 sized Poster Design Bookmark Design (Front & Back)

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03Whoopie Monster - Group ProjectCharacter Design, Advertising Campaign,Website Design, Promotional Items Design

Whoopie pie, a famous delicacy in the Western country is being introduced in Malaysia, but apparently, it is not as famous as Macarons. So the brief is very straight forward and simple, the task is to help promote Whoopie pie to the public. But the question is how good can students in a team of 5, think of an advertising campaign that is able to successfully grab the public’s attention? In other words, each group were required to propose a strategy for their advertising campaign, along with methods to allow people to get to know more about the product and promotional items.

For our group, we came up with a name of the shop called “Whoopie Monster.” The concept was to sell values, more than just whoopie pie. We set down values based on studies that proven certain �avours actually gives out certain kind of emotions, in fact when people eat certain food, it can actually helps to soothe certain emotions. So my task for this project was to design characters as part of an identity for this advertising campaign.

See visuals from the left to right Promotional Items

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03Whoopie Monster - Group ProjectCharacter Design, Advertising Campaign,Website Design, Promotional Items Design

Whoopie pie, a famous delicacy in the Western country is being introduced in Malaysia, but apparently, it is not as famous as Macarons. So the brief is very straight forward and simple, the task is to help promote Whoopie pie to the public. But the question is how good can students in a team of 5, think of an advertising campaign that is able to successfully grab the public’s attention? In other words, each group were required to propose a strategy for their advertising campaign, along with methods to allow people to get to know more about the product and promotional items.

For our group, we came up with a name of the shop called “Whoopie Monster.” The concept was to sell values, more than just whoopie pie. We set down values based on studies that proven certain �avours actually gives out certain kind of emotions, in fact when people eat certain food, it can actually helps to soothe certain emotions. So my task for this project was to design characters as part of an identity for this advertising campaign.

See visuals from the left to right Promotional Items

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Whoopie Monsters on the Website

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04The Perception of DreamsCharacter Design, Editorial Design, Illustration,Photography, Poster Design, Sculpture Making

A self-initiated project and thesis project. The idea was a continuation from the �rst project, which is Creative Learning Activity Book. The di�erence is that the target audience for this project is targetted to people of generation Y.

For a child, dreams can be something imaginary and surreal whereas for an adult, the perception of dreams is towards a goal or an ambition. When we were younger, most of us children were asked a very particular and straight forward question, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” Most of the time, children will speak with con�dence and give out all sort of unbelieavable answers, whether it is possible or not. But as we age, the gap between our current situation and our dreams tend to distant further. This is a situation that it is inevitable for everyone to face and especially for the people born from the 90’s and there after, according to my researches, perentage of people not achiev-ing their dreams have increase drastically. Some might notice or realized their problems, some do not. So my aim is to inspire people through my illustrations.

My main focus will be on the development of character designing in illustration. I chose sculpture instead of drawing on paper is because I feel that illustration can go way beyond the normal materials that I so used to and building the whole sculpture and space design can give the audience a more e�ective and powerful impact.

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A3 sized Promotional Poster

Editorial Design #1 Final Comic Stand 1

Finalized Visuals for Final Project

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Final Comic Stand 2

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Final Comic Stand 3

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Final Comic Stand 4

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Comic Book Stand - Final Project Installation Art

05Self Identity DesignIdentity Design, Print Design

Logo Design - 2 cm

Logo Design - 4 cm

Logo Design - 6 cm

Logo Design - 8 cm

Logo Design - 10 cm



ERNEST WOO+6012 2887663

[email protected]


+6012 [email protected]

Logo Design - 12 cm

Page 27: Portfolio Book Design

Comic Book Stand - Final Project Installation Art

05Self Identity DesignIdentity Design, Print Design

Logo Design - 2 cm

Logo Design - 4 cm

Logo Design - 6 cm

Logo Design - 8 cm

Logo Design - 10 cm



ERNEST WOO+6012 2887663

[email protected]


+6012 [email protected]

Logo Design - 12 cm

Page 28: Portfolio Book Design


No. 5, Jln Anggerik Oncidium 31/71BKota Kemuning 40460 Shah Alam


+6012 [email protected]


ERNEST WOO+6012 2887663

[email protected]




My identity design is a combination of Graphic Design and lllustration as I want to portray myself as a graphic designer as well as an illustrator. Although most of my current works and my strength are in illustrations, I want to show that I am also capable in producing graphic design works.

Envelope Design

Envelope Design #2

Ernest Woo



No. 5, Jln Anggerik Oncidium 31/71BKota Kemuning 40460 Shah Alam


+6012 [email protected]

ERNEST WOO+6012 2887663

[email protected]

Letterhead Design

Page 29: Portfolio Book Design


No. 5, Jln Anggerik Oncidium 31/71BKota Kemuning 40460 Shah Alam


+6012 [email protected]


ERNEST WOO+6012 2887663

[email protected]




My identity design is a combination of Graphic Design and lllustration as I want to portray myself as a graphic designer as well as an illustrator. Although most of my current works and my strength are in illustrations, I want to show that I am also capable in producing graphic design works.

Envelope Design

Envelope Design #2

Ernest Woo



No. 5, Jln Anggerik Oncidium 31/71BKota Kemuning 40460 Shah Alam


+6012 [email protected]

ERNEST WOO+6012 2887663

[email protected]

Letterhead Design

Page 30: Portfolio Book Design


No. 5, Jln Anggerik Oncidium 31/71BKota Kemuning 40460 Shah Alam


+6012 [email protected] review:www.behance.net/ernestwoo



A passionate and multidisciplinary fresh graduate, looking for a position as a creative visualcommunicator in a space that allows my current skills and knowledge to be fully utilized and enhanced.

The One Academy of Communcation Design, Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya.

The One Academy of Communcation Design, Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya.

(2004 - 2008)Hin Hua High School, Klang.

BA (Hons) in Graphic Design & Illustration

(2010 - 2013)

(2009 - 2010)

Foundation Studies in Communication Design (2009 - 2010)

Collaborative and voluntary work to assist Justlife Shop in producing 5 installation artworksin preparation for the celebration of Justlife Earth Day.

(April 2012 - May 2012)






English Mandarin Melayu

-Able to produce simple digital hand-drawn animations through Adobe Photoshop-Able to produce rhotoscope videos through Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premier Pro

Attributes-Reliable team player that provides any help in anyway possible-Trained and possesses critical & conceptual thinking skills-Independant learner and adaptable to almost any mortal situation

Technical Quali�cations

Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Adobe Premier Pro

DSLR PhotographyDigital Painting Macintosh Windows

The EndThank you for allowing me to take your valued time.

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No. 5, Jln Anggerik Oncidium 31/71BKota Kemuning 40460 Shah Alam


+6012 [email protected] review:www.behance.net/ernestwoo



A passionate and multidisciplinary fresh graduate, looking for a position as a creative visualcommunicator in a space that allows my current skills and knowledge to be fully utilized and enhanced.

The One Academy of Communcation Design, Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya.

The One Academy of Communcation Design, Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya.

(2004 - 2008)Hin Hua High School, Klang.

BA (Hons) in Graphic Design & Illustration

(2010 - 2013)

(2009 - 2010)

Foundation Studies in Communication Design (2009 - 2010)

Collaborative and voluntary work to assist Justlife Shop in producing 5 installation artworksin preparation for the celebration of Justlife Earth Day.

(April 2012 - May 2012)






English Mandarin Melayu

-Able to produce simple digital hand-drawn animations through Adobe Photoshop-Able to produce rhotoscope videos through Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premier Pro

Attributes-Reliable team player that provides any help in anyway possible-Trained and possesses critical & conceptual thinking skills-Independant learner and adaptable to almost any mortal situation

Technical Quali�cations

Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Adobe Premier Pro

DSLR PhotographyDigital Painting Macintosh Windows

The EndThank you for allowing me to take your valued time.

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