portfolio by sara amanda westergaard bruun


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Welcome to my portfolio!


Page 1: Portfolio by Sara Amanda Westergaard Bruun


Page 2: Portfolio by Sara Amanda Westergaard Bruun


23.03.1987 [email protected] 28599397

education |

2010 - 2014 Master Degree in Landscape Architecture, University of Copenhagen 2011 University of Greenwich, London UK, for one semester2010 - 2011 The Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, for one semester 2009 Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen2007 - 2010 Bachelor Degree in Landscape Architecture, University of Copenhagen

internship |

2011 - 2011 Intern at POLYFORM Architects Copenhagen, for 6 months, full time2010 - 2010 Intern at GHB Landscape Architects Copenhagen, for 6 months, full time

work experience |

2013 - 2014 Media Analyst at Retriever in Singapore2012 - 2012 Assistant at POLYFORM Architects Copenhagen, for 6 months, full time2008 - 2010 Student assistant at KUBEN MANAGEMENT, Copenhagen

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competitions |

2013 ‘The Versatile Cemetery’, student’s competition, Norway2011 ‘Canary Wharf ’, student’s competition, London UK

travel |

2012 - 2014 Lived in Singapore for two years as an expatriate2011 Lived in London for one semester2007 2 months of travelling across USA 2006 3 months of travelling in Venezuela

other |

2012 Coordinator of an architecture exhibition at Albertslund Townhall, Denmark

2012 Student assistant in the committee of selecting applicants for University of Copenhagen

2011 Genereal coordinator of the introduction day for refreshers, University of Copenhagen.

2009 Voluntary student assistant in the Committee of Courses at University of Copenhagen

2008 - 2011 Voluntary student worker at the Association of Landscape Architecture Students, University of Copenhagen

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contents |

Page 5: Portfolio by Sara Amanda Westergaard Bruun

contents |

1 the rail trail | master thesis | singapore | 2014

2 the versatile cemetery | student’s competition | norway | 2013

3 albertslund | denmark | 2012

4 dübendorf | switzerland | 2012

5 amager fælled | royal academy of fine arts | 2010

6 canary wharf | student’s competition | london | 2011

7 exhibition | art&context | london | 2011

8 photos | normann copenhagen | denmark | 2011

9 photos | tisvilde hegn | denmark | 2010

Page 6: Portfolio by Sara Amanda Westergaard Bruun

the rail trail | master thesis | singapore | 2014

My thesis proposes a strategy and a plan for the area of an abandoned railway line of 26 kilometres cutting across Singapore. The railway line was built during British colonial rule in the early 1900’s to ferry tin, cement and rubber and later on also passengers from the Malay peninsula to the Singapore port in the south. After the closure of the railway in 2011 an open ideas competition of how to rethink the railway was launched. The project revolves around three key problem areas. Firstly, the project seeks to investigate how a former infrastructural site, like a railway track, with a significant cultural history can be strenghten via both restoration and transformation and how the genius loci of the site can be visually told. Secondly, the aim is to show how a hidden nature gem can be transformed in to a recreational green corridor by emphasizing and restorating the already given potentials of green structures and landscape patches of the site. Thirdly, the project seeks to contribute to the growing field in Singapore of how to use future climate changes and increases in rainfall intensities, experienced as flooding, as a design tool. The project contains examples of how to address the flooding challenge via integrating storm water management in the structure of the historical railway landscape.

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Cross section showing the cleaning biotope, the former station building and a new pavilion

A restoration and reconstruction of the former mangrove area on the northern part of the railway

The cleaning biotope integrated in the structures of the former railway tracks.

Reconstruction of a concrete canal in to a natural, meandering river, a solution to address flooding and future sea level rise

A former station transformed into a garden of native grasses

A former concrete canal transformed into a natural river

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the rail trail | master thesis | singapore | 2014

Physical modelling was used in the investigations of the spatiality along the trail, as it was used in the investigations of the different elements used in the project - the pathway, the pavilions and the viewing platforms Modelling was a great tool for testing different scales and materials, such as wood, metal, modeling clay and different kind of cardboards. Furthermore, the modelling proces was a great study in the techniques of laser cutting.

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Model of the emtire area done by laser cutting

Models testing the design of different viewing platforms along the trail

Models testing the design of the pathway

Models testing the design of the pavilions along the trail

Page 10: Portfolio by Sara Amanda Westergaard Bruun

the versatile cemetery | student’s competition | norway | 2013

Today many of our cemeteries are inflexible and hard to adapt to modern needs, tendencies and users. The cemetery of the future must be able to accommodate to changes like newcoming religions, new ways of furnishing and decorating burial plots, and especially changes in the needs of expansion. ‘The Versatile Cemetery’ consists of different departments for both coffin graves, urn graves and memorial groves as well as departments are designed to different users depending on their different faiths. The departments are designed as smaller islands scattered around the surrounding forest and park landscape. This kind of landscape also welcomes non-relatives, since it is a huge, green, and recreational area.

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Vegetation creates the walls of one department


A smaller wall creates the island of one department

Connections and cohesionAccommodating different faiths and new tendencies

Winter landscape in the department for Muslims


Example of how the overall plan could look like

Page 12: Portfolio by Sara Amanda Westergaard Bruun

albertslund | denmark | 2012

Albertslund is a suburb to Copenhagen with almost 30,000 inhabitants. Most of the city was built in the 60s as part of the welfare state. It is known for the modern well planned suburb and contains many qualities, e.g a segregated traffic system with a pathsystem only for bikes and pedestrians. It is known for its many recreational green areas and great examples of storm water management. Today the city is in need of a facelift and an adaption to modern life. This project aims to find a future solution for one site in the city. Several similar projects of other parts of the city, were done by other students from all over the globe during a course at University of Copenhagen in the spring of 2012. All projects made were exhibited at The Town Hall of Albertslund City to inspire the citizens to discover their city in new ways.

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Analysis of different structures

Concept models

Final exhibition at The Town Hall of Albertslund City

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dübendorf | switzerland | 2012

This project is a proposal for a future masterplan of a site situated in Dübendorf, Switzerland. The site is a former military air field which mainly consists of two runways and different building structures for former military facilities. This closed area offers a great oppportunity to transform the area into an urban landscape, which will solve future local needs. The proposal is based on the idea of the metaphor of the rhizome of a plant, where a grid structure gradually will become more complex as it develops over time. The existing streams running through the site will be developed into a bigger wetland area, which will take care of the water management and the wildlife of the site. The existing buildings will be preserved and transformed into cultural and educational institutions.

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Concept model of the site

The area is divided into quadratic squares sized 200 x 200 meters, forming a rigid structure, which over time will be subdivided into smaller areas



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Visualisation showing one of the plots within the grid. This plot is used for urban gardening

Visualisation showing the existing runway cutting through the site. The background shows a glimpse of the recreative wetland area

Cross section through the wetland area

Concept and overall idea of the proposal

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This project is situated on Amager Fælled south of Copenhagen city center. The area is artificial land, formerly used by the military. Eventhough the soil is contaminated, the area is very attractive by its closeness to the city center. The area has a character of marshland, and only few species of plants and trees grow here. This project aims to transform this big deserted landscape into a recreative wetland area full of experiences, with both marshy lakes and artificial hills. Visitors have to walk along floating paths and bridges to get to the various kind of buildings on the site containing both museums, sport facilities etc. The landscape contains a variety of native flora and fauna.

amager fælled | royal academy of fine arts | 2010

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Model showing the whole area

Situation Cross section showing the spatiality and the variety in species growing in the wetland area

The concept in terms of the marshy lakes and the artificial hillsVisualisation showing the floating pathways and the buildings scattered across the landscape

Cross section showing the spatiality and the scale of the area

Page 18: Portfolio by Sara Amanda Westergaard Bruun

canary wharf | student’s competition | london | 2011

This is a competition proposal for an abandoned lot. The lot is placed in the eastern part of London, United Kingdom, in the middle of Canary Wharf, a major financial district, the headquarter of numerous of major banks. This proposal focuses on how to use a temporarily landscape as the main element for attracting thousands of visitors to the site during The Olympic Games in London 2012.

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Design Concept



The wood of trees in the southwestern part of the area


Trunks and trees

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exhibition | art&context | london | 2011

This project took place in Cornwall, United Kingdom, and was exhibited in London, United Kingdom, at the school of Architecture and Construction. in December, 2011. The project shows how time can be explicit in nature, and how time is an abstract and relative term. The main product of the project was a film using timelapse to show how time is visible in nature.

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Page 22: Portfolio by Sara Amanda Westergaard Bruun

photos | normann copenhagen | denmark | 2011

I have taken these photos for the interior- and design firm, Normann Copenhagen. It is a part of a campaign for the product, Lighthouse. The task was to take pictures of the lighthouse in different significant locations in Copenhagen. All pictures are taken within three hours in the dusk and in the dark on Sankt Hans Evening, June 2011.

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Page 24: Portfolio by Sara Amanda Westergaard Bruun

photos | tisvilde hegn | denmark | 2010

These photos are taken during the autumn, 2011 as part of a project at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. Tisvilde Hegn is a very characteristic landscape in Denmark. It is placed in the northern part of Sealand. It was planted as an plantation around year 1500 because of sand drift. Today you can find 200 years old pine trees. Because of the strong wind and wild life many of the trees have become very architectural characteristic with their curly an crooked shapes.

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Page 26: Portfolio by Sara Amanda Westergaard Bruun

Sara Amanda Westergaard Bruun

23.03.1987 cand.hort.arch

[email protected]

+45 28599397