posterior compartment of the thigh


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Posterior compartment of the thigh. Cutaneous innervation. Posterior compartment of the thigh the hamstrings. They have long course. They reach the ham (popliteal fossa). The hamstrings are:. biceps femoris semimembranosus semitendinosus + or - ischial part of the adductor magnus. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Posterior compartment of the thigh
Page 2: Posterior compartment of the thigh
Page 3: Posterior compartment of the thigh

They have long course.They reach the ham

(popliteal fossa)

Page 4: Posterior compartment of the thigh

biceps femoris semimembranosus semitendinosus + or - ischial part of the

adductor magnus

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Page 8: Posterior compartment of the thigh

The muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh are innervated by the tibial (medial) part of the sciatic nerve


The short head of the biceps is innervated by a branch of the common peroneal nerve.

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1. Extension of hip joint.2. Flexion of knee joint.3. semimembranous + semitendinosus: medial rotation of leg.4. Biceps femoris---lateral rotation of leg.

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11--biceps biceps femorisfemoris,,

a-long heada-long head

b-short headb-short head

Low medialLow medial

Linea Linea asperaaspera

Head of Head of fibulafibula


the tibial the tibial (medial)(medial)

Common Common peronealperoneal

Lateral Lateral rotation of rotation of legleg


Low medialLow medialUpp part Upp part of med s of med s of tibiaof tibia

the tibial the tibial (medial) (medial) partpart

Medial Medial rotation of rotation of legleg


Upp lateralUpp lateralBack of Back of med med condyle of condyle of tibiatibia

the tibial the tibial (medial) (medial) partpart

Medial Medial rotation of rotation of legleg

Page 12: Posterior compartment of the thigh

thickest nerve in the body about 2cm in diameter L4, L5, S1, S2, and S3

Inside the pelvis Then leave through

greater sciatic Foramen, below piriformis.

Descends bet greater troc and ischial tuberosity.

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descend to reach popliteal fossa.

it divides into 2 terminal branches -Tibial Nerve (med popliteal) -Common peroneal nerve(lat popliteal).

Level of division is variable.

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1. Muscular:2. Articular:3. Terminal:

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1 -Muscular Branches

Long head of biceps femoris

Short head of biceps femoris



Adductor Magnus (hamstring portion)

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2 -Articular Branches:

To the hip jointTo the knee joint

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3 -Terminal Branches:

Tibial Nerve

Common Peroneal


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1. Motor loss: - paralysis of

hamstrings----weakness of flexion of knee.

- paralysis of muscles of leg- foot----flail foot, foot drop.

2. Sensory loss: on leg and foot

except medial side of leg and foot??

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When there's pressure on, or inflammation of, the nerve roots, there's usually a burning or electrical-type pain, which can be accompanied by tingling or numbness in the leg or foot.

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Page 25: Posterior compartment of the thigh

Definition. Boundaries.

Roof. Floor.


Page 26: Posterior compartment of the thigh

Sup medial : semitendinosus, semimembranosus.

Sup lateral: biceps femoris (B)

Inf medial: medial head of gastrocnemius (MG)

Inf lateral : lateral head of gastrocnemius (LG)+


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Skin. Superficial fascia: -VEIN---short

saphenous vein. -Cutaneous

nerve---post cut n of thigh.

Deep fascia (popliteal fascia).

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1. Upper 1/3: popliteal surf of femur.

2. Middle 1/3: capsule of knee joint.

3. Lower 1/3: popliteus+its fascia.

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From superficial to deep:

• Tibial nerve • Common

peroneal nerve.• popliteal vein .• Popliteal artery. • Popliteal Lns.• Popliteal fat.

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Larger branch. L4,5,S1,2,3. Level of origin is

variable. Enters pop fossa

at upper angle. Leaves at lower


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Has a triple relation with the pop vessels:

1. Upp part: lateral to pop v.

2. midd part: crosses pop v.

3. Lower part: medial to pop v.

At distal border of popliteus---post tibial n

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Branches:1. Cutaneous: sural n:2. Muscular: To

gastrocnemius, plantaris,

soleus popliteus.

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3. Articular: Sup med inf med, middle genicular


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Weakness of plantar flexion.

Weakness of inversion

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Only cutaneous branch of tibial n.

Accompanied by small saphenous v.

Between 2 heads of Gastrocnemius.

Peirces deep fascia

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Passes behind below lat malleolus

Ends at the lateral side of little toe.

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Origin smaller terminal lateral

branch of sciatic n L4,5,S1,2.

Course & Relations

Enters the fossa at its upper angle.

follows med border of biceps femoris.

leaves fossa at the lat angle of gastrocnemius & soleus.

passes behind head of fibula.

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winds laterally around neck of fibula

pierces peroneus longus

deep to peroneus longus divides into 2 terminal branches

supf peroneal n deep peroneal n

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Branches1. Cutaneous: a- sural communicating

n joins sural n

b- lat cutaneous n of calf supplies skin on lat side of back of leg

2. Muscular: short head of biceps femoris

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3. Articular: sup, inf lat genicular

and recurrent genicular n.

4. Terminal Branches: superficial and deep peroneal n.

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Foot drop. WHY? Loss of cutaneous

sensation. WHERE?

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Tibial nerveTibial nerveCommon peroneal nerveCommon peroneal nerve

Larger branch.Larger branch.


Enters pop fossa at upper Enters pop fossa at upper angle.angle.

Leaves at lower angle.Leaves at lower angle.

Has Has a triple relationa triple relation with with the pop vessels.the pop vessels.

At distal border of At distal border of popliteus---post tibial npopliteus---post tibial n

smaller terminal lateralsmaller terminal lateral


at sup angle of popliteal at sup angle of popliteal fossa.fossa.

leaves fossa at the lat leaves fossa at the lat angle. angle.

winds laterally around winds laterally around neck of fibulaneck of fibula

deep to peroneus longus deep to peroneus longus superficial peroneal n superficial peroneal n

deep peroneal ndeep peroneal n

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Tibial nerveTibial nerveCommon peroneal nerveCommon peroneal nerve


sural nsural n


To gastrocnemius, To gastrocnemius, plantaris,soleus,popliteuplantaris,soleus,popliteu


Sup medSup med

inf med, inf med,

middle genicular n.middle genicular n.


sural communicating n sural communicating n lat cutaneous n of calf lat cutaneous n of calf


short head of biceps short head of biceps femorisfemoris


Sup lat,Sup lat,

inf lat genicular, inf lat genicular, recurrent genicular n.recurrent genicular n.

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Origin: continuation of

femoral art as it passes through opening in adductor magnus muscle.

Course: from its origin it

runs downwards & slightly laterally in popliteal fossa

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reaches lower border of popliteus

terminates by dividing into ant & post tibial arteries

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Branches1. Muscular: supplies

surrounding muscles

2. Articular(genicular) :

-lat & med sup genicular -middle genicular

-lat & med inf genicular

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Formed by union of venae comitantes of ant, post tibial arteries.

At the lower border of popliteus.

Enters pop fossa at lower angle.

Leaves at upp angle. Continues as femoral

vein at adductor opening.

Lies bet tibial n and pop a.

TRIBUTARIES: 1- veines accompany

arteries. 2- small saphenous v.

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Around termination of small saphenous v. Drain above heel, deep structures of calf. Drain into deep inguinal LNs.

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