pourquoi take french? Étienne cd: le retour. “pourquoi take french?”, i heard you ask. well sit...

Pourquoi Take French? Étienn e Cd: Le Retour

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Page 1: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

Pourquoi Take French?


Cd: Le Retour

Page 2: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

“Pourquoi take French?”,

I heard you ask.

Well sit back and relate

as I kick your

aspirations into gear.

You got nothing to fear.

Page 3: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

When you learn a second language,

opportunities appear.

I know many languages.

I'm having fun;

Page 4: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

a lot more than I would be if

I was stuck with one.

Yeah, I learned French in school,

not in my home.

Mais, je parle français

wherever I may roam.

Page 5: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

Yeah, I've been

to Rome,

Barcelona, and


Rocked the masses

down under;

watched them

bounce and dance.

Page 6: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

But enough about me;

let me talk about you.

You gotta choice,

it's your voice.

Watcha gonna do?

Page 7: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

You can open cash doors.

Your value soars

when you learn a second language, man,

the world is yours.

Page 8: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

Let me tell ya little story that I think you might like.

It's about my high school friend whose name is Mike.

He said “Pourquoi

take French?”,

I don't live in France.

Page 9: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

So he didn't take French, although he had the chance.

So, check it, then one day he meets up with the girl of his


a rare beauty like the ones

up on the movie screens.

Page 10: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

He walks up to her and says,

"Shawty, how do you do?"

She says,

"Je parle français.


Page 11: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

He went from geeking' to freakin.

He just couldn't be speakin'

the French that would win him

the girl he was meetin‘.

Page 12: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

So he turned to me, for French help he was seeking.

(Yeah, well …)

He nearly flipped his lid.

I'll tell you what I did.

Page 13: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

I walked up to her, and said "Bonjour"

and now we got three kids.

Page 14: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

… 200 million people speak French in this world.

In more than 50

different countries;

that lotsa boys

and girls.

French is the official language of UN and NATO

Page 16: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

So the moral of the story,

is just this:It's not about the money-making or

taking all them trips.

But ya say, I'm gonna be a doctor, lawyer, engineer.

Well, those cats make more money when they speak French,

my dear,

Page 17: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

'cause the world is multilingual.

It's real, not virtual.

And, you'll be jammin' to these words I flow,

Just stick to what you know for sure.

(You know what I’m saying? What?)

Page 18: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

Whether for business

or for pleasure,

learning French

unlocks a treasure,

with no value you can measure,

you'll be rich man,

yeah forever.

Page 19: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

Whether for business or for pleasure,

learning French unlocks a treasure,

with no value you can measure,

you'll be rich man, yeah forever.

Page 20: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

Whether for business or for pleasure,

learning French unlocks a treasure,

with no value you can measure,

you'll be rich man, yeah forever.

Page 21: Pourquoi Take French? Étienne Cd: Le Retour. “Pourquoi take French?”, I heard you ask. Well sit back and relate as I kick your aspirations into gear

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