power newsletter 03-2015 3rd draft

March 30, 2015 Dear Members of the Power Memorial Academy Community (Alumni, faculty, friends and family): February 21, 2015 Board Meeting I thought I would write on a routine meeting of your alumni board. Typical of “volunteer” boards, getting a place to meet is always a problem and then arranging all members to attend, even with notice, is a chore. Mike Kelly arranged for us to use the Hampton Inn in Yonkers. Attending were: Chick Pisani, Mike Kelly, John Torres, Kevin McGeary, Joe DeFazio and Norm Jardine. John Minton and Kevin Bollach were out of town and Joe Maffia, CPA is working overtime during tax season. John Minton called to say he broke his shoulder and will not be able to march on March 17 and Kevin McGeary volunteered to pick up our PMA banner for the parade. We could not arrange a conference call; other members could not call in. Mike Kelly sent out the and each item was discussed: Page 1 of 21

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March 30, 2015

Dear Members of the Power Memorial Academy Community (Alumni, faculty, friends and family):

February 21, 2015 Board Meeting

I thought I would write on a routine meeting of your alumni board. Typical of “volunteer” boards, getting a place to meet is always a problem and then arranging all members to attend, even with notice, is a chore. Mike Kelly arranged for us to use the Hampton Inn in Yonkers. Attending were: Chick Pisani, Mike Kelly, John Torres, Kevin McGeary, Joe DeFazio and Norm Jardine. John Minton and Kevin Bollach were out of town and Joe Maffia, CPA is working overtime during tax season. John Minton called to say he broke his shoulder and will not be able to march on March 17 and Kevin McGeary volunteered to pick up our PMA banner for the parade. We could not arrange a conference call; other members could not call in.

Mike Kelly sent out the and each item was discussed:

1. Web site: The Board arranged for a proposal for an upgraded web site. The current web site was developed over the years passed along by volunteer family and friends and is technologically obsolete. The Board wanted a new web site that was technology current, easy to update by board members, rather than supported by expensive professionals, easy to use by alumni, particularly for updates, forums, events, etc. It needs to be secure and able to help distribute emails, as we currently have technical issues sending blast emails. The firm of ATI, All That Internet, gave an hour presentation afterward; the board went into executive session and approved the proposal.

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A committee as identified to work with the ATI team of Trista and Russell Polo, they are John Torres, Kevin McGeary, Chick Pisani, Joe DeFazio and John Begley will work on content and presentation issues. Mike Kelly will get the funds transferred via Kevin Bollbach. Trista will set up the first review meeting ASAP.

2. Newsletter: The board congratulated Norm Jardine on the recent newsletter; they all contributed to the effort. The next newsletter will be sent in late March, so all members of the Power community can be updated on the events surrounding St. Patrick’s Day. The board agreed to forward all notices of the passing of Power alums to all board members so they can update their areas. For example, the names will appear in the Final Dismissal of the newsletter. Chick Pisani had a conversation the PMA ‘60 alum Rich Lombardi, the Cancer Fighting Chef. Norm Jardine will reach out to see if he will contribute a feature on dietary methods for dealing with cancer, subject to editorial control. 

3. St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee: Induction of Parade Marshalls’ ceremony on Sunday, February 22, 2015 at Antun’s. Each year, the Power Memorial Academy Alumni Association board members buy a table to attend this event. Each board member personally pays for their own ticket at the table. Mike Kelly said the board contributed enough to have a full table of 10.

4. Special mailing to announce upcoming events: Joe DeFazio will be sending post cards

to those in the Power family where we have postal addresses but no emails. Since the Association treasury pays for the mailing out of pocket, getting email addresses is always important. Each mailing has a certain number returned, with no forwarding address and those are dropped from the roles. Some engender a notice that the Power alum has died and his name will be added to the necrology.

5. Status of Remembrance Mass: Joe DeFazio is chair of the committee organizing the remembrance Mass. By now, the events are routine, the announcements are out (by newsletter, special email blast and the upcoming post card mailing). Bishop Walsh has new time on his calendar and other priests who graduated from Power are signed up. Jeff Barry who plays the bagpipe has said he is available.

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6. Status of Post Parade Party: Mike Kelly reported for Kevin Bollach, who is out of town. Since there is a catered event, the participant fees need to cover expenses. We need attendees to register for a correct count. Since the caterer has many years of experience with us, we can give final counts close to the event, but we need an estimate as soon as possible.

7. Status of Parade Marchers: Chair Kevin Bollbach of the Power Parade Contingent said reservations are coming in. The St. Patrick’s Day parade committee likes to keep track of the number for each contingent. Registering helps us keep an accurate count. The Board looks forward to Ed Kelly, PMA ‘65, USMA, class of 1970 and retired Brigadier General in organizing the marching contingent.

8. Gate Update: President of the Alumni Association, Chick Pisani reported he is working with Vinnie Sapeone. The gates remain in his barn upstate. The Gates will be installed at West Park cemetery, the final resting place of the many of the Christian Brothers who taught at Power, Rice and All Hallows.

9. Update on Class of 1965, 50th anniversary reunion: Norm Jardine relayed word from Ed Kelly, chair of the reunion committee that returns are strong and the attendance will probably exceed 100 and hopefully reach the limits of Moran’s Restaurant capacity.

10. Communications with 2015 Hall of Fame Inductees: Mike Kelly said the letters to the inductees will be sent shortly. It is important that inductees attend and bring a table of guests and purchase an ad in the journal. Each inductee will have a “shepherd” to guide him though the process; get a biography for the journal, etc. Shepherds have been selected. The letters will go to the nominees by March 20 th and need to be returned with bio info and a picture by April 30th.

11. Board member reports: Each member was asked for any individual updates. Kevin McGeary talked about the Power Memorial Memorabilia collection. He has all year books but 1946, 1947, 1954, 1955, 1964 and 1965. He is working with Brother DeLorenzo, CFC, Archivist/Historian at Iona, on these and other collection issues.

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12. Set date and location of next board meeting: Joe Maffia has provided his CPA firm’s conference room. We agreed the next board meeting will be after tax season and look to hold it on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at his office. It is noted, this is not only the same day as the Class of 1965 50th anniversary reunion but his step son’s engagement party, so Norman Jardine may not attend the board meeting.

13. Mike Kelly has agreed to update the current Class Captain’s List

14. Mike will also bring Email/Info sheets to the PPP with pencils so attendees can update on the spot.

15. The cost of a storage unit in N.Y.C. was deemed excessive and this item is now closed.

Remembrance Mass March 14, 2015:

The calendar says it is the end of winter, the middle of Lent and the cusp of St. Patrick’s Day. The winter of 2015 gave the city a brutal beating. Driving on the streets was a challenge, as each storm and the subsequent plowing grew larger and more numerous potholes. The old Power neighborhood, Hell’s kitchen, is experiencing a growth spurt and each road was clogged with construction material, scaffolding and the like. On Saturday, March 14, 2015, Power alumni gathered at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle on the corner of Columbus Avenue and West 60th Street to celebrate the annual remembrance Mass for the Power Memorial Academy Community. In a change from tradition, we celebrated Mass at 10:00 am. Bishop Gerald Walsh, PMA ‘59, celebrated the Mass.

The poor weather contributed to a lower turnout than prior years. The 60 or so attendees listened to the words of Bishop Walsh vested with a chasuble embossed with the Power seal. The Reverend Bishop’s homily mentioned the importance of the values taught the Power faculty and practiced by Power student. Quoting from Historian Lawrence K. Gould, "I do not think the greatest threat to our future is from bombs, or guided missiles. I don’t think our civilization will die that way. I think it will die when we no longer care; when the spiritual forces that make us wish to be right and noble die in the hearts of men. Nineteen notable civilizations have died from within, and not been conquered from without. It happened slowly, in the quiet and dark, when no one was aware."

He ended with a quote from the late Terrance Cardinal Cook, Archbishop of New York from 1968 to 1983. At a meeting on parochial schools, he said: “After prayer, the best gift one can give to another is education.” He used this comment to stress the faith value instilled by the parochial schools.

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Organized by Joe DeFazio, a member of the board of directors. Dr. DeFazio worked with the Church’s organist to develop a touching musical program. He is helped by Board members’ wives; they were there at the lobby to distribute the program. At the conclusion of the Mass, there was a coffee hour to catch up with fellow alums and purchase a few Power items. This year about 60 attended this free event, which is off from prior years. The board covered the cost of the church and organist.

The next remembrance Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, March 12, 2016. A specific time will be communicated shortly. As always, pass along this date to your Power friends. Please join us.

2015 St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Tuesday, March 17, 2015:

In its 254th edition, the NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade celebrates Irish Heritage, Culture and Faith. It is the oldest and the largest St. Patrick’s Day Parade in the world. Our proud alumni will be marching and the Grand Marshall will be Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York. Past aides to the Grand Marshall include Power alumni:

Hugh Harvey, PMA ‘64, representing the Kings County Lodge of the AOH, 2011; Terry McAdams, PMA ’52, at the 250th St. Patrick’s Day Parade in 2010; and Pat Rooney PMA ‘55, from the Queens County Lodge of the AOH in 2003.

Also, let’s not forget to congratulate Jim Burke PMA ‘57 who is the current (2015) president of the NY State Ancient Order of Hibernians.

PMA has a rich history of marching each March 17 th. In 1984 we thought the tradition ended when the school closed. Leap forward to the summer of 2002. John Ihle, PMA ’62, commented in the Discussion Forum that it would be nice to once again march up Fifth Avenue in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Follow-up entries in the Forum agreed it would be nice; others said it would be impossible.

The waiting list was five years to join the parade. Never-the-less, we were invited to join the Parade in 2003 and we’ve marched with Power Pride ever since. The details of our return to the parade are in “The Power Story” by Vic Kaplan, PMA ’52, which can be downloaded from our opening page (left hand side of the page).

This year marked our 13th appearance since returning to the line of march in 2003. As always, PMA marched proudly following a strict dress code. PMA Sashes were worn by each alumnus

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that marched. A couple of years ago, we had to purchase new/replacement sashes for our alumni to wear. To defray the cost of these sashes ($3,000.00) we ask that you contribute $10.00 per sash. All marchers were dressed in proper fashion with ties and laced shoes (no sneakers and no jeans).

Ed Kelly, PMA ‘65 (US Army, Brigadier General, ret) continuing his role as the marshal of the unit, organized the Power alums. The first row had three flags. On the east side, John Torres, a member of the alumni board, carried the US Flag, in the middle, Bill Gleason, a 1968 grad, carried the purple with gold lettering and fringe flag of Power Memorial Academy. This flag is starting to show its age and professional cleaners no longer will work on it for fear it will

disintegrate. On the west side, Jack Haren, PMA ‘65, dressed in full Irish regalia, including a kilt and sporran (the furry thing at... well look it up) carried the Irish flag he rescued from the principal’s office before the building at 161 West 61st Street was razed in 1984. As a pleasant addition, Jeff Barry returned to the front line to play his bagpipes.

The next two rows were basically board members who rotated carrying the banner reading “Power Memorial Academy.” Then the contingent had about 8 rows of 8 men across. All alums were properly attired with ties, shined shoes, and gold sashes with Power Memorial in purple. The parade committee pushed our assembly time back one hour to noon. We stepped off at about 2:00 pm. It was the half hour before starting that Ed Kelly showed his command. He organized each row and spacing. He motivated the “men of Power” by repeating the age old mantra: “Win the trophy and get Monday off.”

After an absolutely horrible winter, the day did not start well, but by 10:30 or so, the rain disappeared and the sun started to make it appearance. The Power muster assembly area at 46 th

street between Vanderbilt and Madison Avenues is shrouded in shade, giving the area a chill. However, as it is in front of the Hotel Roosevelt, we can get out of the cold and enjoy a (free) bathroom break.

Each year, the Power contingent is braced by new groups. This year, the Shanee (Kansas) High School band was in front of us and the Middlebury (New Jersey) High School band directly behind us. The Rice High School Alumni followed the Middlebury band and the student contingent from All Hallows several groups behind. By the time we reached 5 th avenue, in proper military form, the sun was shining brightly. Our first stop was in front of St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Encased in scaffolding (outside and in) under a $175 million restoration program, the senior ministers stood in review. Most proud was the Vicar of the archdiocese, Bishop Gerald Walsh, Power class of ‘59. Typically, the bishop is the most humble and unassuming person,

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and remember, as vicar, he is the number 2 in the archdiocese. He was so pleased to point out the contingent from his high school to his fellow clerics. We stopped for a minute as he spoke to various board members.

Shortly after moving past the cathedral, Dick Woods, PMA ‘43 left the line of march to the applause of his peers. As he closes in on his 90th birthday, he is a role model to us all for his devotion to alma mater.

Fifth Avenue also had a tough winter making each step hazardous, as the street had potholes, cracks, uneven surfaces and other obstructions. Maneuvering and keeping balance were the order of the day. As we crossed 58th street, the city skyline opened as we approached Central Park and the cross wind really stiffened. Jack Haren, PMA ‘65, said keeping the flag under control, was like roping steers. The wind was so powerful (forgive the pun) the flag pole he carried bent under its force.

Ed Kelly kept us under control. As he did on 51st street, while passing the archdiocese hierarchy ordering the contingent: Eyes right; as we passed the reviewing stand at 63 rd street, he ordered: Eyes left. The entire contingent responded smartly to both instructions.

At the reviewing stand was this year’s Grand Marshal was Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York. Across from the reviewing stand was the TV camera and broadcast booth. We passed the TV camera about 2:45 pm, or 15 minutes before they shut off the coverage. After a 5 year absence, we made the TV broadcast for the second year in a row. If anyone taped the parade, let me know ([email protected]) and we will try to get it posted to our new web site.

Mike Kelly’s parade contact mentioned that lead TV commentator, Teresa Goodwin Smyth, gave a shout out to Association President Chick Pisani and parade chairman, Mike Kelly. She also mentioned she enjoyed seeing the Power Alumni Board at the annual Grand Marshall reception at Antun’s last month.

Passing the reviewing stand, the contingent kept its formation. The crowds, from 46 th street to 79th street, were amazingly supportive. We appreciated the cheers. According to one bystander, the warm camaraderie and sense of pride shared by everyone was noticeable. Ed Kelly kept control by gently reminding us the parade is not over and we need to look smart (well, those weren’t his exact words, but what I can type.) By 79 th street, having been standing around since about 11:00 am and then marching for an hour starting at 2:00 pm, we found the end of the parade to be a welcome relief.

We reached the parade terminal, we headed to the Power post parade party (PPP) held at Cathedral High School at 56th street and 1st avenue.  You don't have to march to attend the

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party, so circle this event on your calendar as well.  The purpose of the party is to raise money for a scholarship awarded to a deserving student at All Hallows in the name of Power.  It is one way to keep our name alive.

The party lasted from 4 PM till about 7:30 or so.  While we celebrate in the basement cafeteria, the gym upstairs hosts a “sober” St. Patrick’s Day party. Our buffet included Irish standards as Corn Beef and cabbage, soda bread and an open bar.  Also available were Lasagna, sausage, chicken, salad, and a full desert presentation.  After 3 hours standing and an hour marching, the refreshments were a welcome sight.

There were short speeches by parade chair Mike Kelly, who asked those attending to register and pay a little earlier so we know how much to order. He also reminded attendees to complete information sheets so we have the latest contact data. Association president, Chick Pisani, updated the alums on the status of the new web site. In addition, wives of board members sell Power memorabilia throughout the event.

It was a pleasure to hear the noise level of the Alumni and friends enjoying each other’s company and the retelling of all the old stories. While most were a little sore from marching when they arrived within a short time in the company of friends, all were having a good time.

Class of 1965 – 50th anniversary reunion

"PMA Class of 1965 will hold its 50th Reunion at Moran's Restaurant in Manhattan on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at 5:00 PM. Class members interested in additional information contact Ed Kelly at [email protected]."

Class of 1955 – 60th anniversary reunion

The PMA Class of 1955 will be celebrating their 60th Reunion. We are trying to arrange a low key luncheon in May or June, 2015. Date and location will be published shortly. We anticipate a private room in a NYC restaurant, on a Wednesday or Saturday at noon. If you are interested or would like to make any suggestions please contact Mike Kelly at 845-462-2865 or [email protected].

If you are not on our mailing list and would like to be posted on Alumni activities, please send your contact info to Mike at above Email.

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Summer 2015 events:

o Keep an eye out for possible summer alumni events:

o Attend a Nassau Pops Symphony Orchestra concert. Its musical director/conductor is Power alum, Lou Pannachulli, PMA ‘68. Dates open so far (more will be added and we will make a choice of appropriate date:

Fri. July 10 – Memorial Park, Mineola 8pm

Sun. July 12 – Heckscher Park, Huntington 8:30pm

Fri. July 17 - Greis Park, Lynbrook 8pm

Wed. July 22 - Valley Stream Village Green 8pm

Fri. July 31 - Memorial Park, Mineola 8pm

o Group to attend NY Mets/Miami Marlins baseball game. Marlin pitcher, Dan Haren Jr. is son of Power alum, Dan Haren, PMA ‘67. Traded last year from the Dodgers, we are waiting to see him come out of spring training with the Marlins before we firm up a date.

Power Memorial Academy social media:

LinkedIn: If you are a LinkedIn member, there is a Power group. Simply send an invitation, with the name of your principal, to validate. There are some non-Power grads that “snuck” in, but it is tough to remove them. We are re-writing the introduction to the site.

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Power Memorial History Lesson

Thomas David Gorman (March 16, 1919 – August 11, 1986) was an American pitcher and umpire in Major League Baseball who pitched five innings in four games for the New York Giants in 1939, and went on to serve as a National League umpire from 1951 to 1976 and then as a league supervisor. His son Brian has been a major league umpire since 1991 and wears the same uniform number 9 the elder Gorman wore after the NL began adding numbers to umpire uniforms in 1970

Gorman was born in New York City and grew up in the Hell's Kitchen neighborhood. After pitching in the minor leagues for three years, he served in the Army in Europe as a member of the 16th Infantry during World War II. An injury in 1946 ended his playing career; faced with the choice of returning to New York City and becoming a plumber, he became aware of an umpiring position in the New England League, and although he felt he was not cut out to be an umpire, his wife persuaded him to take the position for the 1947 season for $180 per month. He later moved up to the International League in 1949. He also coached baseball at Rice High School in Manhattan, a Christian Brothers school.

After joining the NL staff, he umpired in the World Series in 1956, 1958, 1963, 1968 and 1974, serving as crew chief in the last two Series. In 1956, he was in left field for Don Larsen's perfect game. In Game 1 of the 1968 Series, he called balls and strikes as Bob Gibson of the St. Louis Cardinals struck out a Series-record 17 Detroit Tigers.

He also officiated in the National League Championship Series in 1971 and 1975, serving as crew chief in 1971, and in the three-game playoff to determine the NL champion in 1959. He also worked in the All-Star Game in 1954, 1958, 1960 (both games) and 1969, calling balls and strikes for the second half of the second 1960 game.

Tom graduated in 1938 (Kevin McGeary says the Power achieves do not have a copy of the 1938 year book, anyone know where we can get a copy, contact Kevin at [email protected]). As a junior, he played both baseball and basketball. He led the team in scoring with just over 200 points. He captained the 1938 basketball team which lost in the city championship finals.

Annual Alumni Reunion Dinner

Circle this on your calendar: WHAT: Power Memorial Academy 84th Anniversary Reunion Dinner and PMA Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony WHEN: November 7th 2015---6pm-11pm

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 WHERE: Armenian Reception Hall, 630 2nd Avenue (Between 34th St. & 35th St. on East Side of 2nd Ave.) N.Y. C. WHY: Open Bar/ Dinner / Complete Dessert & Coffee and Music for Your Dancing and Listening Pleasure: COST: $150.00 per person. Tables will hold 8 or 10 people. For further information please contact Mike Kelly '55 at 845-462-2865 or by emailing him at [email protected] 


There will be a hot buffet dinner with dessert, coffee and tea and an open bar throughout the evening. There will be a silent auction and PMA memorabilia for sale.

PMA Hall of Fame

Last but not least, if all of the above weren’t enough to pique your interest, we will be introducing the 5th class of inductees of the Power Memorial Academy Hall of Fame at the Reunion.

Eat Right and Stay Active to Help Lower Cancer Risk

By Stacy Simon

Take care of your heart and help lower your cancer risk by eating smarter and being more active. The American Cancer Society has updated its guidelines for nutrition and physical activity to help you reduce your risk of cancer. And a recent study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention found that nonsmokers whose lifestyles were most consistent with

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Society guidelines had a significantly lower risk of dying from cancer, cardiovascular disease, or all causes combined.You may already be following our advice. If you are not and want to make changes, try some of the tips here.

Achieve and maintain a healthy weight throughout life.Being overweight or obese is related to increased risk for cancers including breast in post-menopausal women, colon, endometrium, and pancreas. It may also be associated with increased risk for cancers including liver, cervix, ovary, and aggressive prostate cancer.It is also a factor in an estimated 14% to 20% of cancer deaths in the US.

Fighting Chef” He maintains the site to provide information on preventing and fighting Cancer with good nutrition. The above is reprinted from www.thecancerfightingchef.org A website created by Chef Richard Lombardi, PMA ‘60) who is “The Cancer To read the rest of the above article and to get more information of fighting cancer, please visit the site.

Final Dismissal


Brother Michael F. Sheridan

Class of 1935:

James O’Connor

Class of 1942:

Waleed G. Maloof

Class of 1943:

James C. Sullivan

Class of 1948:

Father James F. McCabe

Class of 1949:

John J. Martin

Class of 1950:

Raymond Coyne

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William P. O’Hara

Class of 1951:

John W. LallyMartin J. Ross

Class of 1952:

John F. DoyleTerrance McAdamsDaniel Timothy

Class of 1958:

Vincent P. ArbourRichard C. Bertodatti

Class of 1959:

George M. Reilly

Class of 1961:Peter Fiduccia

Class of 1965:

Dennis BreenTheodore Yarma

Class of 1972:

Thomas P. Kilcullen

Class of 1973:

Theodore Czyz

Class of 1982:

Roger G. Pinks

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Request for submission of articles, updates of personal situations, new jobs, grandchildren, anniversaries, reunions, volunteer activities, retirements, etc.

If you have any submissions for future Alumni newsletters, please send to Norman Jardine, editor, at [email protected]

President’s Letter

To My Brother Panthers:

I want to all to know how proud I am of all of you. The spirit of Power which you exhibit, brings nothing but goodwill and sincere compliments from others who know of our reputation. This spirit was felt all during our Mass of Remembrance and it was felt during our march up 5th Ave for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

At the parade assembly point, I had occasion to speak with Paul Krebbs of All Hallows. He again expressed his gratitude for our contribution to All Hallows in the name of Power Memorial Academy. He reiterated the contribution is being administered in a special account for their scholarships and is already gaining substantial interest.

Our Hall of Fame is growing with a list of Power’s Who’s Who. We have a wonderful group of alumni candidates selected for the 2015 Hall of Fame induction, but it is mainly up to you to provide us with future candidates. Who, better than you, knows your alumnus friend, co-worker, relative or classmate. Those of us on the PMAAA board rely on you to provide us with the names and background information of potential candidates. If you have someone in mind, please send me an email with a brief biography of the candidate and the reasons why he should be considered for induction. My email address is [email protected]

I wish to address a sensitive topic; which is our Necrology. If and when you become aware of an alumnus who passes away, please notify us at [email protected] so we can honor him at our Mass of Remembrance.

I look forward to seeing you at our next event.

Pro Christo Rege

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Andrew “Chick” Pisani, President

Power Memorial Academy Alumni Association

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