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  • 8/3/2019 Power Point Notes 2


    Use a Picture as a Background on a PowerPoint Slide

    Pictures as PowerPoint slide backgrounds

    Wendy Russell

    A reader recently asked if he could use one of his pictures as a background for his PowerPointslide. The answer is yes and here is the method.

    Set Your Picture as the PowerPoint Background

    1. Right click on the background of the slide, being sure to avoid clicking on any text boxes.

    2. Choose Format Background... from the shortcut menu.

    PowerPoint Picture Background Options

    1. In the Format Backgrounddialog box, make sure that Fill is selected in the left pane.

    2. Click on Picture or texture fill as the type of fill.

    3. Click on the File... button to locate your own picture saved on your computer. (Otheroptions are to insert a picture stored on the clipboard or from the Clip Art.)

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    4. Optional- Choose to tile this picture(which repeats the picture several times across theslide) or to offset the picture by a specific percentage by direction.

    Note - The most common use for tiling a picture is to set a texture (a small picture file that isstored on your computer) as a background, rather than a photograph.

    5. Transparency- Unless the picture is the focal point of the slide, it is a good practice to seta transparencyby percentage, for the picture. By doing this, the picture is truly just abackdrop for the content.

    Offset a Picture Background in PowerPoint 2007

    Choose to Offset a Picture Background

    You may wish to use a picture for your PowerPoint background, but not want it to be tiled or tocover the whole slide. A solution to this is to offsetthe picture from the edges of the slide.

    Once the picture is chosen as the background, edit the text boxes for the amount of offset youwant from each edge of the slide. These measurements are in percentages.

    Note - It is wise to make the offset amount the same for all four sides of the slides. This willmaintain the proportion ratio of the picture.

    Make a Picture Background Transparent

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    Fade the Picture Background

    In most cases, the picture background you choose should not be the focal point of the PowerPointpresentation. Once you have chosen the picture as a background, you can easily make ittransparent by typing in a specific transparency percentage or by using the Transparent slider toget the effect that you want.

  • 8/3/2019 Power Point Notes 2


    Use Slide Masters for Making Global Changes to PowerPoint Slides

    Slide Masters for Global Changes

    Related - Custom Design Templates and Master Slides (earlier versions of PowerPoint)

    The slide master is one of several master slides that are used in PowerPoint to make globalchanges to all your slides at one time.

    Using the slide master allows you to ~

    change font colors and styles for every slide

    add a clipart or picture to every slide

    add a footer or date to every slide

    Access the Slide Master

    1. Click on the Viewtab of the ribbon.2. Click on the Slide Master button.

    Add a Picture to All Slides Using the PowerPoint 2007 Slide Master

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    Use main slide master to insert picture into every kind of slide layout in PowerPoint 2007

    Screen shot Wendy Russell

    Select the Main Slide Master Icon

    Once the slide master is open, click on the main, large thumbnail icon in the outline/slides

    pane to the left of the screen.

    Drag a Window Around Objects to be Aligned

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    Select all objects that need to be aligned in PowerPoint 2007

    Screen shot Wendy Russell

    Related - Align Graphic Objects in PowerPoint (earlier versions)

    Select the Graphic Objects

    Graphic objects can be lined up horizontally or vertically -- to the left, right, top or bottom -- in

    relation to each other or relative to the slide. It is a matter of a few simple steps in PowerPoint2007

    Start by placing your mouse near the outer edge of one of the graphics and drag a window tosurround all objects to be included in the alignment.

    Choose Align Options from the Arrange Tab on the Ribbon

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    Align Options in PowerPoint 2007

    1. Make sure all graphic objects are selected.

    2. In the Drawing section of the ribbon, choose Arrange> Align > [choose youralignment option].

    In the example shown, objects will be aligned to the right. Choosing the Align Right option willline up all the selected objects to the right edge of the object that is furthest to the righton theslide.

    Align Graphic Objects Relative to the Slide

    Example - Align PowerPoint 2007 graphic objects relative to the slide boundaries

    Screen shot Wendy Russell

    Align Relative to Slide

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    Alignment of graphic objects relative to the slide, will use the slide boundaries or exact center ofthe slide, depending on the choice made.

    To align objects relative to the slide, you need to make sure that there is a check mark beside theAlign to Slide option.

    From the Drawing section of the ribbon, choose Arrange> Align > Align to Slide

    Once you have made the choice to align objects to the slide boundaries, then you can choose analignment option. Align Right in this example, will cause the objects to line up next to the rightborder of the slide. You can see how this differs from a simple alignment ofobjects, as shown inStep 2 of this tutorial, when there is no check mark next to Align to Slide in theAlign sub menu.

    Align Graphic Objects in PowerPoint 2007 Using the Grid

    Align graphic objects using the grid in PowerPoint 2007

    Screen shot Wendy Russell

    Using the Grid to Align Objects

    In the Drawing section of the ribbon, choose Arrange > Align > Grid Settings...

    Snap Objects to PowerPoint Grid or Other Objects

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    Use snap features to align PowerPoint graphic objects to the grid

    Screen shot Wendy Russell

    Snap Features in PowerPoint

    Alignment of objects is often easier when you use Snap features in PowerPoint 2007.

    What is Snap?The Snap feature in any program makes the object jump to a specific location on the page as youdrag it, to help you align it better with other objects or to a certain location on the page.

    PowerPoint has two different options for the Snap feature -

    Snap objects to grid

    Snap objects to other objects

    Select either or both options if desired.

    Use a Grid to Align Objects on the Slide

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    Arrange graphic objects with precision by using the grid in PowerPoint 2007

    Screen shot Wendy Russell

    Align Graphic Objects Using a Grid

    From the Grids and Guides dialog box that you opened in the previous step, check the feature to

    Display grid on screen. This allows you to make precise placements for the graphic objects. Youcan set the grid spacing in decimals of inches.

    Note - Unlike other Microsoft programs, there is no feature within

    PowerPoint to change the measurements from inches to centimeters.

    Inches is the default measurement setting in PowerPoint. In order to

    make this change, you must edit the universal settings on your

    computer. This is done in the Regional Settings of the Control Panel

    in a Windows computer.

    Align Objects on Slides Using Drawing Guides

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    Align graphic objects using the drawing guides in PowerPoint 2007

    Screen shot Wendy Russell

    Use Drawing Guides for Aligning Graphics

    Drawing guides divide the PowerPoint slide into 4 quadrants. Drag objects to the location you wish

    using the drawing guides as a reference.

    Distribute Objects Horizontally or Vertically

    Align and distribute graphic objects in relation to other selected objects

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    Screen shot Wendy Russell

    Align Selected Objects on the Slide

    In most cases you will find it easiest to first align the objects where you want them to end up onthe slide. In the example shown, the centers of each object have been aligned, using theAlignMiddle option. This makes the center of each each object aligned with the others. However, they

    may still be unevenly spaced between each other. This can be corrected using the Distributeoptions.

    Distribute Selected Objects, Relative to Each Other

    From the Drawing section on the ribbon, choose Arrange> Align > Distribute Horizontally (orVertically)

    This will distribute the total space between all the objects selected, from the outside edges of thetwo outermost objects.

    Note in the example shown that the objects are still too close together and are not truly in themiddle of the slide. This will be addressed in the next step.

    Align and Distribute Objects Relative to Slide

    Align and distribute graphic objects in relation to the PowerPoint 2007 slide boundaries

    Screen shot Wendy Russell

    Line Up Graphic Objects

    Use theAlign to Slide feature to distribute the graphic objects in relation to the size of the wholeslide, rather than in relation to other objects on the slide.

    In this example, the graphic objects will be centered and aligned to the middle of the slide.

    1. Select all objects to be aligned.2. Make sure there is a check mark besideAlign to Slide

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    From the Drawing section of the ribbon, choose Arrange > Align > Align to


    2. Choose Arrange > Align > Align Middle

    3. Choose Arrange >Align > Distribute Horizontally.

    All objects should be centered in the middle of the slide, and they should all be distributed equally

    from the outer edges of the slide.

  • 8/3/2019 Power Point Notes 2


    Method 1 - Creating Invisible Hyperlinks Using Action Buttons

    Select an Action Button option from the Slide Show menu for the invisible hyperlink

    Wendy Russell

    Invisible hyperlinks are most often created using a PowerPoint feature, calledAction Buttons.

    Part 1 - Steps to Create the Action Button

    Choose Slide Show > Action Buttons and chooseAction Button: Custom which is the firstselection in the top row.

    1. Drag your mouse from the top left corner of the object to the bottom right corner. This willcreate a rectangular shape over the object.

    2. The Action Settings dialog box appears.

    Creating Invisible Hyperlinks Using Action Buttons - con't

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    Select the slide to link to in the Action Settings dialog box

    Wendy Russell

    1. Click beside Hyperlink to: in the Actions Settings dialog box, in order to select which slideto link to.

    2. Select the slide (or document or web site) you wish to link to from the drop down list. Inthis example we want to link to a specific slide.

    3. Scroll through the list of options until you see Slide...

    4. When you click on Slide... the Hyperlink to Slide dialog box opens. Preview and choose thecorrect slide from the list that appears.

    5. Click OK.

    The colored rectangularAction Button is now on top of the object you chose as the link. Do not beconcerned that the rectangle now covers your object. The next step is to change the color of the

    button to "no fill" which makes the button invisible.

    Making the Action Button Invisible

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    Part 2 - Steps to Change the Color of the Action Button

    1. Right-click on the colored rectangle and choose Format AutoShape...

    2. The Colors and Lines tab in the dialog box should be selected. If not, select that tab now.

    3. In the Fill section, drag the Transparencyslider to the right until it reaches 100%transparency (or type 100% in the text box). This will make the shape invisible to the eye,

    but it will still remain a solid object.

    4. Choose No Line for the line color.

    5. Click on OK.

    The Action Button is Now Invisible

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    Action Button is now an invisible button or invisible hyperlink

    Wendy Russell

    After removing all the fills from the action button, it is now invisible on the screen. You will notethat the selection handles, indicated by small, white circles, show that the object is currentlyselected, even though you see no color present. When you click somewhere else on the screen,the selection handles disappear, but PowerPoint recognizes that the object is still there on theslide.

    Test the Invisible Hyperlink

    Before continuing on, it is a good idea to test your invisible hyperlink.

    1. Choose Slide Show > View Show or press the F5shortcut key.

    2. When you reach the slide with the invisible hyperlink, click on the linked object and theslide should change to the one you linked to.

    After testing the first invisible hyperlink, if necessary, continue adding more invisible hyperlinks onthis same slide to other slides, as in the example of the quiz.

    Cover the Whole Slide with an Invisible Hyperlink

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    Make an action button to cover the complete slide. This will become an invisible hyperlink to another


    Wendy Russell

    You will probably also want to place another invisible hyperlink on the "destination" slide to link tothe next question (if the answer was correct) or back to the previous slide (if the answer was

    incorrect). On the "destination" slide, it is easiest to make the button large enough to cover thewhole slide. That way, you can click anywhere on the slide to make the invisible hyperlink work.

    Method 2 - Use a Different Shape as Your Invisible Hyperlink

    Use the AutoShapes menu to choose a different shape for the Invisible Hyperlink

    Wendy Russell

    If you want to make your invisible hyperlink as a circle or other shape, you can do so by using theAutoShapes, from the Drawing toolbar at the bottom of the screen. This method requires an extrafew steps, because you must first apply the Action Settings and then change the "color" of the

    AutoShape to be invisible.

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    Use an AutoShape

    1. From the Drawing toolbarat the bottom of the screen, choose AutoShapes > BasicShapes and choose a shape from the selections.

    (Note - If the Drawing toolbar is not visible, choose View > Toolbars > Drawing from themain menu.)

    2. Drag your mouse over the object you wish to link.

    Create a timeline

    1. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click SmartArt.

    2. In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic gallery, click Process, and then double-click a timeline layout (such asBasic Timeline).3. To enter your text, do one of the following:

    Click [Text] in the Text pane, and then type your text.

    Copy text from another location or program, click [Text] in the Text pane, and then paste your text.

    NOTE If the Text pane is not visible, click the control.

    Click in an entry in the SmartArt graphic, and then type your text.

    NOTE For best results, use this option after you add all of the entries that you want.


    Add or delete entries in your timeline

    Add an entry

    1. Click the SmartArt graphic that you want to add another entry to.

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    2. Click the existing entry that is located closest to where you want to add the new entry.

    3. Under SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in the Create Graphic group, click the arrow under Add Shape.

    If you don't see the SmartArt Tools or Design tabs, make sure that you've selected the SmartArt graphic.

    4. Do one of the following:

    To insert an entry after the selected entry, click Add Shape After.

    To insert an entry before the selected entry, click Add Shape Before.

    Delete an entry

    To delete an entry from your timeline, click the entry you want to delete, and then press DELETE.


    To add a shape from the Text pane:1. At the shape level, place your cursor at the end of the text where you want to add a new shape.2. Press ENTER, and then type the text that you want in your new shape.3. To add an assistant box, press ENTER while an assistant box is selected in the Text pane.


    Move an entry in your timeline

    To move an entry, click the entry, and then drag it to its new location.

    To move an entry in very small increments, hold down CTRL while you press the arrow keys on yourkeyboard.


    Change to a different timeline layout

    1. Right-click the timeline that you want to change, and then click Change Layout.2. Click Process, and then do one of the following:

    For a simple but effective timeline, click Basic Timeline.

    To show a progression, a timeline, or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow, click Accent Process.

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    To illustrate a timeline with pictures or photos, click Continuous Picture List. The circular shapes aredesigned to contain pictures.

    NOTE You can also change the layout of your SmartArt graphic by clicking a layout option in the Layouts group onthe Design tab under SmartArt Tools. When you point to a layout option, your SmartArt graphic changes to showyou a preview of how it would look with that layout.


    Change the colors of your timeline

    To quickly add a designer-quality look and polish to your SmartArt graphic, you can change the colors orapply aSmartArt Style to your timeline. You can also add effects, such as glows, soft edges, or 3-D effects. Using PowerPoint2007 presentations, you can animate your timeline.

    You can apply color combinations that are derived from the theme colors to the entries in your SmartArt graphic.

    1. Click the SmartArt graphic whose color you want to change.

    2. Under SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in the SmartArt Styles group, click Change Colors.

    If you don't see the SmartArt Tools or Design tabs, make sure that you've selected the SmartArt graphic.

    3. Click the color combination that you want.

    TIP When you place your pointer over a thumbnail, you can see how the colors affect your SmartArt graphic.

    Change the line color or style of an entry's border

    1. In the SmartArt graphic, right-click the border of the entry you want to change, and then click FormatShape.

    2. To change the color of the entry's border, click Line Color, click Color , and then click the color thatyou want.

    3. To change the style of the entry's border, click Line Style, and then choose the line styles you want.

    Change the background color of an entry in your timeline

    1. Click the SmartArt graphic you want to change.

    2. Right-click the border of an entry, and then click Format Shape.

    3. Click Fill, and then click Solid fill.

    4. Click Color , and then click the color that you want.

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    To change the background to a color that is not in thetheme colors, click More Colors, and then either click the colorthat you want on the Standard tab, or mix your own color on the Custom tab. Custom colors and colors on theStandard tab are not updated if you later change the document theme.

    To specify how much you can see through the background color, move the Transparency slider, or enter a number inthe box next to the slider. You can vary the percentage of transparency from 0% (fully opaque, the default setting) to100% (fully transparent).


    Apply a SmartArt Style to your timeline

    A SmartArt Style is a combination of various effects, such as line style, bevel, or 3-D, that you can apply to the entriesin your SmartArt graphic to create a unique and professionally designed look.

    1. Click the SmartArt graphic you want to change.

    2. Under SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in the SmartArt Styles group, click the SmartArt Style that youwant.

    To see more SmartArt Styles, click the More button .


    When you place your pointer over a thumbnail, you can see how the SmartArt Style affects your SmartArtgraphic.

    You can also customize your SmartArt graphic by moving entries,resizing entries,adding a fill or effect, andadding a picture.


    Animate your timeline

    If you're using PowerPoint 2007, you can animate your timeline to emphasize each entry.

    1. Click the timeline that you want to animate.

    2. On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click Animate, and then click One by one.

    NOTE If you copy a timeline that has an animation applied to it to another slide, the animation is also copied.

  • 8/3/2019 Power Point Notes 2


    What is a slide master?

    A slide master is the top slide in a hierarchy of slides that stores information about the theme and slide layouts of apresentation, including the background, color, fonts, effects, placeholder sizes, and positioning.

    Every presentation contains at least one slide master. The key benefit to using slide masters is that you can makeuniversal style changes to every slide in your presentation, including ones added later to the presentation. When youuse a slide master, you save time because you don't have to type the same information on more than one slide. Theslide master especially comes in handy when you have extremely long presentations with lots of slides.

    Because slide masters affect the look of your entire presentation, when you create and edit a slide master orcorresponding layouts, you work in Slide Master view.

    A slide master in Slide Master view

    Slide layouts associated with the slide master

    For more details about slide masters, seeWhat is a slide master?.


    Use multiple slide masters in yourpresentation

    When you want your presentation to contain two or more different styles or themes (such as backgrounds, colors,fonts, and effects), you need to insert a slide master for each different theme.

    For example, in the image that follows, there are two slide masters as you would see them in Slide Master view. Eachslide master has a different theme applied to it. Each slide master owns the layouts beneath it. Any modifications orcustomizations made to those layouts belong to the associated slide master. All presentations have a slide master,whether you modify it directly or not. To apply more than one theme to a presentation, see Apply multiple themes to apresentation.


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    Best practice for creating and working withslide masters

    It is a good idea to create a slide master before you start to build individual slides, rather than after. When you createthe slide master first, all of the slides that you add to your presentation are based on that slide master and the

    associated layouts. When you start making changes, make them on the slide master.

    Also, if you create a slide master after you build individual slides, some of the items on the slides may not conform tothe slide master design. You can override some of the slide master customizations on individual slides by using thebackground and text formatting features, but others (such as footers and logos) can be modified only in Slide Masterview.


    Create and customize one or more slidemasters

    For each slide master that you want to create, do the following:

    1. Open a blank presentation, and then, on the View tab, in the Presentation Views group, click SlideMaster.

    2. When you open Slide Master view, a blank slide-master with the default, associated layouts appears. If youwant to add another slide master, do the following:

    1. Click a location in the slidethumbnail pane where you want the new slide master to appear.2. On the Slide Master tab, in the Edit Master group, click Insert Slide Master.

    NOTE In the slide thumbnail pane, the slide master is the larger slide image, and the associated layouts arepositioned beneath the slide master.

    3. To create one or more custom layouts or to modify existing layouts, see Create a new custom layout.4. To add or modify placeholders in your layouts, see Add one or more content placeholders to a layout orChange a placeholder.

    5. To remove any of the built-in slide layouts that accompany the default slide master, in the slide thumbnailpane, right-click each slide layout that you want to delete, and then click Delete Layout on theshortcut menu.

    6. To apply a design or theme-based colors, fonts, effects and backgrounds, see Apply a theme to yourpresentation.

    7. To set the page orientation for all of the slides in your presentation, on the Slide Master tab, in the PageSetup group, click Slide Orientation, and then click either Portrait or Landscape.8. To add text that will appear as a footer at the bottom of all of the pages in your presentation, do thefollowing:

    1. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Header & Footer.2. In the Header and Footer dialog box, on the Slide tab, select the Footer check box, and thentype the text that you want to appear in the center-bottom of your slides.

    3. Click Apply to All.

    9. Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Save As.10. In the File name box, type a file name, or do nothing to accept the suggested file name.11. In the Save as type list, click PowerPoint Template, and then click Save.12. On the Slide Master tab, in the Close group, click Close Master View.

    Group shapes or objects

    1. Select the shapes or other objects that you want to group.

    To select multiple objects, such as pictures, shapes, or other objects, hold CTRL and click each object that youwant. For more information about selecting shapes, see Select a shape or other object.

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    2. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Group, and then click Group .

    If you do not see the Drawing Tools or Format tabs, make sure that you selected a shape or other object.


    After you group shapes or other objects, you can continue to select any single shape or object within thegroup. Select the group, and then click the individual shape or object that you want to select.

    You cannot group shapes and other objects across multiple programs.


    Group pictures1. Select the pictures that you want to group.

    To select multiple objects, such as pictures, shapes, or other objects, hold CTRL and click each object that youwant. For more information about selecting pictures, see Select a shape or other object.

    2. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click , and then click Group.

    If you do not see the Picture Tools or Format tabs, make sure that you selected a picture or other object.


    After you group pictures or otherobjects, you can continue to select any single picture or object within thegroup. Select the group, and then click the individual picture or object that you want to select.

    All of the pictures or other objects in the group must be in the same program. For instance, you cant have agroup that consists of one picture in Word and another picture in PowerPoint.


    Ungroup shapes, pictures, or objects

    To ungroup a group of shapes, pictures, or other objects (for example, if you want to move a group but leave oneshape behind or make extensive changes to one shape without changing the other shapes), do the following:

    1. Select the group that you want to ungroup.2. Do one of the following:

    To ungroup shapes or other objects, under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange

    group, click Group , and then click Ungroup .

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    To ungroup pictures, under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click ,

    and then click Ungroup .

    3. If you do not see the Drawing Tools, Picture Tools, or Format tabs, make sure that you selected a groupof shapes, pictures, or other objects


    Convert a SmartArt graphic to individualshapes

    If you want to give the shapes of your SmartArt graphic a complex look or get fine control over resizing and positioningof shapes in your SmartArt graphic, convert your SmartArt graphic to individual shapes.

    IMPORTANT After you convert your SmartArt graphic to individual shapes, it is not possible to convert them back to aSmartArt graphic. When you convert a SmartArt graphic, you cannot automatically layout shapes, and you lose thedesign and formatting tools available on the SmartArt Tools tabs, including the Layouts, Change Colors, and SmartArtStyles galleries. However, you can still format the shapes by using the options on the Drawing Tools tab instead.

    1. Select all of the shapes in your SmartArt graphic.

    To select all of the shapes, click a shape, and then press CTRL+A.

    2. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy.3. To convert your SmartArt graphic to individual shapes, click a different area in your document, and then onthe Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Paste.

    NOTE When you convert to shapes from a SmartArt graphic, each individual shape becomes a grouped shape. So forevery shape in your SmartArt graphic, two shapes are grouped when you paste one shape is for the text, and theother shape is for the geometry. If the shape in your SmartArt graphic did not contain text, you may see a font or textsize that is different from the other shapes when you enter text in the shape.


    Regroup shapes or objects

    1. Select any one of the shapes orobjects that were previously in a group.

    If you converted your SmartArt graphic to individual shapes, it is not possible to convert them back to aSmartArt graphic or to regroup them.

    2. Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Group, and then click Regroup .

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    If you do not see the Drawing Tools or Format tabs, make sure that you selected a shape or other object.


    Regroup pictures

    1. Select any one of the pictures or objects that were previously in a group.

    2. Under Picture Tools, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click , and then click Regroup .

    If you do not see the Picture Tools or Format tabs, make sure that you selected a picture or other object.


    The Group button is not available

    The Group button may not be available if the shape, picture or object has been inserted into a placeholder oryou are trying to group a placeholder, as placeholders can not be grouped with other shapes, pictures, objects. Movethe shape, picture, or object to another location on your slide outside of the placeholder or remove the placeholder

    from the objects that you want to group.

    NOTE If moving the shape, picture or object does not make the Group button available, you cansearch the PSSKnowledge Base, post your question to the Microsoft Office Discussion Groups, orfind answers from other users in thePowerPoint community.
