powerpoint group eta


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Group Eta: TasksHardware: Jonathan, SajidSoftware: Elaine, Kris, RaheemResearch: Daniel, and Brian

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Problem• Keys are one of the most commonly lost personal

belongings• Keys have an important value in everyday life, so

we want to ensure security of our most important possessions and properties

• Lost keys can cause very expensive consequences • Eg: Car theft, broken house, loss of personal


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The Eta KeyTone is the solution to these problems!

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Purpose Prevention of losing valuable keys Removes fear of losing keys Removes worries of unwanted break-ins and theft Removes hassle of replacing keys

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How our Product Works A Bluetooth receiver is going to be paired up with a Bluetooth receiving device such as a phone or a computer

The receiver on a key chain emits a sound when a signal is received

Using this information the user can locate their keys. The software for the final product is in the form of an app.

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Bluetooth Requires hardware and software components Hardware

◦ sends and receives signals at specific frequencies at approx. 2.4 GHz

◦ Signal spread out over a wide range of frequencies◦ Hops frequencies at a rate of 1600 per second to prevent interference

Software◦ interprets the signal and then reads and understands it

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GoalTo develop a working prototype of our product which

will be used to test the technology needed

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How we have achieved the results Conducted research on required technologies Purchased the necessary technologies for our prototype

Developed software that is compatible with our prototype

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Why we did not achieve our intended results?

Poor time management◦ Had to switch projects several times (From the cane, to the elevator, to the key chain, 4 weeks before demo day!)

◦ Was focused on the cane idea, that we haven’t come up with a back up plan in case our audience didn’t need it One of our group members disappeared into the abyss Lack of communication

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What we have learned How to properly wire a microcontroller with its components

How to use these technologies (microcontroller, Bluetooth module)◦ Greatest challenge was making the Bluetooth module pair with the receiver

Properly understand the code before implementing it How to deal with developmental problems

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Research Found several options for signal transimissions: RFID, ultrasonic, bluetooth

Why we chose Bluetooth

• Best range • Least interference• Cheaper than long range RFID• Bluetooth modules have unique IDs

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Materials HC-05 Bluetooth module Arduino UNO microcontroller 8 ohm speaker 100 ohm speaker 9V battery power source Software (Arduino Developer)

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Future Product is marketable to a huge population

◦ Anyone who owns and uses keys Marketable to major businesses

◦ Automobile companies, security companies, etc.◦ Potential to sell the product to these businesses

Consumer price: Bluetooth receiver-$45.00 App-$1.00

◦ Cost is a one-time purchase

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Final Product Small, lightweight, durable Mobile device application

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Future Improvements Increase information

◦ Digital locating capabilities

Personalization◦ Ability to customize the alert(eg: vibration, musical tone, song◦ Variety of designs to suit the user’s personality