pp - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031566/1867-01-17/ed-1/seq-1.pdf-...

- »W Mb, lounty »a4 StM«, t«> *fladsrsJtafta,«Ji •J . w ?'^ , r' atraet .Wftekala* and' ,&»« place of btgiaajng g5fc ,th«. t. ;ffc*»oMh-«ut *** and oc aoniharly alt f a t s acre lot »Bo«L e Snainer li. HaaenH **«t^*» af «Jd 1 Bataria u j l i u t ;r$Mtee souths 3 .-aniet-srihaSpeo fAaSttoSjft&U&ut* , irteof teg^,,*,. ( c VaWiatlon, an.* >MS*/*aa»e, '. Adaalnlttrattr. csflw?; r . boud enter *- ailaerKmahaTtoj (tt*}In,S*.ir|&rk i K ertibi* the same* tecatrlxof ihelait. (3, in said town of aUS,|Cwcatrti. r. : .u „r;1{.-..-.n -^—^„. s»—-NOWCR istf so all personstat.v inoty of l?raiikji_, ejr *re required Is-1 :reof, to the aaV- f ea>(t.hb ptsct of j rcUie Brit day of | ..VdmlnUlrator. *\.:<l' MS! 133 ^ 2 3& . m r«t»WBiTxn. 56. UON " I- A mm ~'rt IBgAPFOB ^.A-lf ff AT rl-fs.of »Z»S, s '-. . i i tRTrses, 8 ? *0. AC , '?fj I. (S, OOT- aUile* tail IHOKS, ire, Cheap LfeOVa. 4tTB8, old setting U.I.ON'3 amlsa*-t* ,U>N"3. £ :»•*, ;«H 1-/1 )p la th# 0IN6 it aesJ . »*# r $m$$:S0m ^Ii01^:Fj|A.iSK^Iir. 3EK& •?*.' SSAIL AND OFflCBS RATK) [ Twelve solid II Th»Jftt>)lW».t MtpfcetKDd 1 iSqiurt sntjretr,^.. i J^*iK-Ajp«l^!»inrra,lsMl »y:iisi«(£ipttdna' ' |«j*4*»*6*"e~ft..2' v ' one Inch In die ebl- - -»i '-. •'••'.. tjS^bnt^eatfSSftTO per Hoc. .....\ •l»tet »hd deaths. H»Hon*l G»llery, H»lon«,.N. Y.. .W«nn Me»U»t*llhoun, IceCretmraroWMdllar P»rtle»,or»*rYe<l »ttheS»l«ro. Osmn a«ir*Hn »»»ry Sirle. Oh*«M«U BMnd* «f AH* iM . Ctfj*ts.<xiM***ty o*-Uma*. ^BiUtlaMrftjwd JWriWTin ' Oyatera for.sale, by (heQijirtor Gallon^ {AprSyl .....,,..... ,MW.iiGii$& , OCtD«r»SBtfBGH,'N'. *.' U»TIOE pnrci«<ed ihe l«r«t and commodloosbMlliiInf corner of 1f«^er«ndDtTl«loii . known: as the TAtLM AN U6CSE «odTS«pec»foBj IP^ Uclf* «ri)%rt!6n orinttfiS i»<w>n»ge. a He irtB«i*e»»er- to mok* ttidret el»M Home, «ad with lu u»«)ii«ll** c»n glre MtlifteUbn to, Ml who tow f|v<trqUB *T«h a trUl; The eHBerfiMiMlbHWitn^8lwTR»lr.4*it«*v " ' - • —• ^..Miu'*ji'i-" r^..»'>iD^f"fj -'.'";.'f.,- ( !dr«Twy *4dttio»*l UM15 Onau. Noncf*, .pi tnnotira4h«ii^to~rr«i^*^! beclurieditti>#t«t««r and Tut Cutts 1* e«t»' gr»U»; b»t^U rljia»rtr^.«MIM notie«i prott f r i * # ^ ^ i | e ^ AH acoounu foiq»d»»riW«r «ho»ldi«Mfe»as^K^6^^oiPftie-tb, : be , aaMttht'Uraeofthe JJWt" §****&' lit do me mora hurra • than '• •'' '¥t»»i*BS*aiSeWbook4£««^M5'' f '^ ""* '•u Ana«»TrA»|«]l*BdllIii*; :- Hta clolhw were dark »nd prim; And «TerjUiln( about hhdeik ., -1 *fy .'• 'tol«liU««t*aKHrtrl«;; : ' _• ";; ' ; i''T •-'•-.•;_?r-' >;• 11:r> -'•«•*'" v;!'^ :';"•?',,:U" \; lie alwayihuprhU hat and coat : / ;: ''S«p«ft*W»BiNatoloo'4i»,¥'.''' ""' ',''' " ;--f V"j.^'^^ifiiMeBMS!M>iat*c. , ' ; > *;:.'-'i *-?. 1^a»'f«o>In|rj!p'hJ«6pok*» V cute, iiaWelQ nndenund tlwexact diflfejr- JDof»,W!ft'<ii . <tnce. between;, U»e i^est and tfce .wpret, « | I am, and SB •i^MZM^J^f%&-W&>: tf aud4iWyT#|»)iofJ»e|9 t , ,., . Jd aland on, ppJInarjt.; oerenjonJ,. ; ,flouqcetlJ (jf tho r> Mrs: bet hyfahUm, eiftet * lopg„pao^f^SSloT>aaw tTojatey. B|«rttiig;*«<;» <5cr r Ana, ruwfc.a roaated cbicken, and a] lemon pud- almwl abxWt her abouldera Willi aVpasmodlc rfi**,.aroaatedebicken,,and a ; lemony . a '"^ *^bmUUkiliifm «'e*C r^npf^ *,"^£| actipo Qt theAanda. ,s * Just «a y<to please. »f lie- waajust about «b; fteg Ihcj^beJ), wliei coarfei though I tUU not Molt I was quite "rawing-room door was suddenly opened; sneb,* fwl a« JK>^ appear ; |p consider, me,"., i, (oo^tt^b-iijiito^ 'Stffing Wbteb Mr»;^T<H>«j' JBouhced ;6n| into the room,' exchutmng m lonca rattq HV :p-i-\ i'S- 'ttl.)0«d«^Wt«,», TC *Ui How* i« »JWWf attM- recently be<in rtllited and reftirnlihed, and In allJU « PP olBUnent.l««fi«tcUj»hotet: 0*«iw«r»«»onaMe. as&^eii to«'a.tiuoraac»J a*ti ATT08tijJ»;?iS < tori,,ftK" - teEtoi roRN, | ^ tA^^fart. f^cjlpr 14* 2&^m&® ATTO«SS»^SOCaW3KL0K*l!I-AW,gtnlU>'sB: Chateaukaj;,N.T.JoverCUrtiSoper'3Store. 8p attei^ott paldto clalmf for Pe^slonj, Boaatlei, J . Saok-dayilpoaaht-arifitmetioor, . ^ '••9*.^f^i<^:mK'.•.'•:•'••*- : ..- : f . Aad*ent.bl« body and Wi ralnd .; _', _ ,'* |pia!io'ri;(o"B^plVte.; ; '"','ir : '••*" And biota were nellher on Ma lame ''-ThVn^c'oi^n i eB'jrMi:l0ilJr<t-'"," ''*' '•'.. iWA-JiiiWI^weiittdi';'!'';' v ";i?-' Pp oolnmia T»*Wa«yei #«r» oaat,' ~ 1'- .; KJ 1; '*»:3t -1- .fl IStX AMD C k,«aleBe,H. pS8i^*lAT^^5c^mmefeal I^J^Jfcf ^fe-.?. ATTOJMK A^piqdinasttoiH «ral ,0««rt«;:Bf'theiSUte;-an l Ucitw.floiW " '-••--• '- J.-4- o f tke Oourta or the ""Wo.." ,• .u.•-«•,-• •"'*'-J^ -f;>i.r»v'Us-'? !,.— »•••»• t.. .- . •.,«' -. r*r , Qppotfteord/ attenHonxlTen to W. B,;IKani»t. ilons, BounUei,, ATTOBNETS AND Colon Bt«K*-^.terT'T. Heatk'* SAT tkVT, Ko Drugstore, Ma PHYSICIAN AND SBtgiEOH, Rutoftbe»C«t»i«»t~ - - * • , Bnt house r«. Tjfs-t*.' a S«ri»pn bi tha Cfci m j , ve«ld aoiwaace to r _,. locatedtothta place. andaoHe«4*ahare ofHuWleMt- ronage. Kooiia, No*, tt and>13, Bogle'a Ilote!.— SDHOI ed «cp] who Rooms ore* the, Bank.Malone.H^f. .woqldufwJJiold a»,thatlie has form- '""' «i **• H. Oaasr. delpbia OoDece of —•-'•^linmm- •radaatedattbe F „m^m#mvs bulnaaain »Ufa bratehet, at . . _ . rar«era*iraUoaal»aBfc.ifliej1*re prepared . iona aU Dantat »paraU4niIn aaijperior manner and at noet raafonM* piioaav a*Jea*d Tee* Injerte* on aU mjitimimfmim t-JljE" '. &j- -• i'.i: oidBoomioTerthe toper- f ecarttJF hilinranM'CoiBpiijr, of New Ywi, lapltal and Surploj, »1^84,8«i «S •lumbia ftusranee €oiap»By, New York. l>ver f9,000,000 Represented I n o n e t ' Life tnaarJutce Com trr^imSwary^ WPoa^OJ^^rortCoTlnaJon. of cackaoOBtk I daroUtoother iownTUi franklin and «• »«HB^ : ffti*S»»^ ^3a»aftjl aod * «e and Lager Be?r, Poteen and Scotch *>U, » ^ a ^ f t afrtUoaarywiitantly on eat and of tha Bridge, |faln Street, Malone. = *. ^= ^*^U*fr* m*&tf, Kalone, N. ST Satk, Door* aad,BSocla coiatantlioa hand, and an or- ^fmn>*Sm0^l!»MM^&^it Woodwork'* f^^Jf*^^f^^^MmU^ «>« raachineiy In t h u a o p , and the praftlatorti now ready to plan* all klndf of lumber on ihort aotlea, and at the moit -. ja^ii» £6&0&n&JM!m0k3K9xi Water - ~ - - - - -^ *<Hrt »HD JBWELBT, »a**r*ted«, *e. ahre*. ,Jlp. 2 Hor- ujiALtWm DtC«B, Ma\*IOIKlW, Palfit,,OIl.,Pre f. Lv MORGAN•'* OO;. VOMMISS10N MERCHANTS. Grain, Roar, Proilalons. Ac., No. U La Salle street, Chlcaio. . . ... P4M8MIIN. MVI8 4 HAYDEN8, Wo«o»»,*t,I*o.80S ! l l t P O « « t r AND JOBBKB* or *aacjQoodK Yankee l*i W. BELCHER 4 Gov Va0ta3AtlCj^Il^tear>d3»_gaadaStreet, three «mHBAU>irOr. TUiiiER'* CO.i Wholeaale Dealer. im Ba«a», BkawtKlUMaar, *«.,-.«« fSPark Ra», o»'p«. , ijtetho AatorHoaae, tonaer location of the Park Thca- .'ij,.-'....^ ' mm mmm Company, of Hartford. Capital and Snrploa ..... _ . - HjOCTJiBS 80 pft^ litsarance Company, of Btriforf. Capital and Sarplus, .""!''"'-' ".'.", ,flj66%,l^!^; HffDix JiisRsaBce Pompnny, or nariforJ. Capital ami Surjrfu., : *t,OO«jI»0<„ Patnam fusrMW ; CejBpaijy r jBf ; Hartford. 6ap:ialandSnrpla» ^••r-. : .;.v-.-«.,-,•: .-,H|5(ayHt;«f Wntiifil Benefit iffe IHSBMHw CoBipaay, 1 In«orponaC«« in 1845. , Pe«otoibtjraaTnHoInanre whfdo-*efltocall and examine, the merits of Uill Ooapany before taking Poli- ties In any other. •if-';.. ••Si-.i»x¥*3 J *s<fi- s-i4£&ieij.Z t s- iii.t,<:-.iVXi'ij.t f suiurea aa»la«t. A e e i a e a t a cur n i l k n «« |*jatal«nd:|or ; ptnai,'.*"'r A -.>.:••';- S->.|»iM8rti|! ; . The onderilgned wbatd respectfully caTT tn'i jttteoilbn' »f the elUxefaiof FranVHn O m t y tortile J o K « t * g i o o ^ woni exhibit of C»pitalana 3mplu,M*eeiuitTAg*!»et, tpateabyFte ,TteDrompts«»»ft%wWc»lieaigrtpj»etv have been raid by these Coropanlea dortortbe pastyaar fofhlavrclnlty and elsewhere. UasnUlclentgaaranty lor tte fattrre, and tleraonrtratea the ad»antag»of Insuring In sound and reliable <Jqmpan(e«. . ; ,,. .-),. > The following from » w e U-knowtt underwriter ofthtt State!d relation to-o»«a Untoranee la worthy ofpertuaf; . H Itli a^j^nftfeconoisyybBtr^laipnt4*iioe«oaeek: tor cheap or ^orates, lrrespeeUveofabaraeterorfUnd- tog. ^;eonlyt«gltmtere«flttoriiij1lrlrii^ro^r^^ inadequate rata U bankraptey to the underwriter', and perhaps to th» insured al»*. When an offlee«sTer» tol»- fure,*t tocbjowarate, dlsappontment andfaUaraare Just as certain M P ertonlS'e^*ai>nee-^*y7ndona* Ineorae—Is next door to parerty andwaat. ABlntttr- ance CompanyhaftwaowtFtopTOdaeenoaarbysQacte; fliere;^nqmyatew|n their tranaacUoos; the aaaia Is M ewenUaltopi^erltyaafo5?Irlndltldnal». Taata ia^»«»^e» aicaaoTHaraaiMaDmrts/or Uay wfll hate »nearjyliuolvency,andl»ec«ialgned»oth«toa«»oftk* Capalett. - * •_ ..••-••••• • ',:. Parties deslrlnfj asuaai.a cntnuaba at eqnltablerataf, WW And It*, tbeir adVint»g# to apply at thUontct be- fore,! nsuring or renewing their Policies elsewhere. ; ^' ... For the convenience of parties residing In Fort COTlng- ton indCh.ileaagay, application for Iiuurance In any »f th**T»v«C^wptol«; troay Wasideto- Geo. W.XeirJa M U-*, li«w York, jtt. St.BilBWI*. t teenm AU&tlOSjamft*ttSOonnty of franWfn: «wMM Stiaaactti>d«^aMlR^A|raM^ J| ( jtsra4;^<Bii*aataj',X-T^«.'|f- v ,- r- , fWLHOUL AND &. Qlifi'f *""' ' ^^TW*rA•WfIBOW^- , a»»»»,».0*»rk)atlheiiew r :ta>Ma,MUIBt:,MaIone. -i! UfEllY STABLE. QiW«WlT.C^aJUt AM nnbwwiLairia t OtacfcVUr- } .. M -'. '".^ i^^i^^aJllaiaMstMatkhsiihsW n.'-ia aViit«f Wmwata. a» gutmatli -ManraM » w»l« ••« nisOiamer«>p>t»»r>wag»^-lla- 1-V; ; <,--'-^otkoatj'«ffcelJ5n3j';. ;;; -.;-.<..'•.., .i iBS- ,^& "O: js t as-^c': : JE(.- Brow's PatentXainp Chimney At a saving oTlOO per cent. -BaIohc,Jtjir|j6j,Jt^6Kr> »'-•'• •j!.'BBlTII"**iiEED. tOiAtl. AX JFIUATI! ^ BBKKJ>'« AltD »L/ get aBoiiif 430SOENTB4TED JUYK1 Remembsr ttwlHmake IBCtMtonsbtstSoap. Prfee.»esntf. a^ ^^« ••W^ sls^^a^BV^*^WF THE PABTLET? ihiae! Mora «InpI« 5 Sra&g Powwdng tha follawlflr ad* and eaaUy kept order than any other Maahloa. fMisa an ordinary apoo) of »Ult,llMaoret>ti»atfcr»ad,t»aa aroldlag tha trouble of fewlndbag. It takes tkaiela- brated OroTer * Baker 1 * paten* abMtlc lock stitoa. which la warranted to make, a seam from fifty to one hundred per cent stronger thin tha Wheeler A Wilson Machine can aie**w!*tk*aa«nw_ thread. Inflnlahand b«»»ty U ta «n»»l aaa IJaahka Ua« aalki tor from ttmMmr dtthtK n\litnk|a«4 <dtb a gaage. Mlf. sewer, and hemmer, vnlek adapt* It to any class of family sewing, whleh ean be done «a any Machine, and is afforded eompleU for t&. A sample of the liacbla* and iu work atay be aaaa at tkt fpaau at C.PMUU* «««)»%« MaloM.)(.r. «u]lfi>t^*iraj^h«\t!!00^tli,lit lay hli w>rk,y' ; _. Each day was something grand ; '-i-Arol^ret.ii» *cheraBto^e*r-Ieiir*'-':-*- *-' .:;/BJ^irw,iV«t^|aBW«V5 J<$-"fr' ^(Ui'oJg^p^saliar.ltbiiaK^cya^r,.'*! , 'i*at;hft^tf ; aj''aiojd»j|?r'tari*v £ ';., '. Htoioy* and carea were few; - And his detrast hope from day to day, - ";*WM:^ji>:Mi^*nce:trai.: '•^'., nAV*^'»te»i»ta'Hctf.«i^r^att" ; " : '' i- «.Tht.U»»eklW«*,irtin i |^do.V*::»^ :'* ,<f-f'.. »•>¥-•*i.-Jfc--* f «3-*}«/E v iXf-i: lie never slglied when IHIle lib Hbwayflfllfc would cross; ,.'" •AhftoVrJIw-erteri^JjiiijroritlS.f ,"•«*• «- $G. ^ n P'* e « t .i , 9'?»% renjorfe'i:;.',;,, ^' BilVheaaidciwnalXthatcainbalojigX ; ^'To'pfeotorto-fe.' - '- '"' ' '-• '.' reminded mo oftuegratinfi ; *^f^ a^ie^wUb;.': "Tb»fool^cr«ft««»>7 •aja.my Y ihi8lrea8. wiiich inhnrraoniniw wiac FAnd J^eii pftja- iftei; iho was cone $ f U ja no fault of bsra ii folly f:»rhiliarftt an earlier parrof my carter aiie^ haSn'triiaal'maVertf uneomfortable; and l^for even, a poker can.attest tTietruth ojfUiq -tll-wiih Uie Deaf-itttentfona. Those be3t In- French proverb, ilfaift rnifj/r^t^ppur $r$- iterilioaaf^ Wbati«;ottUl she not Jjavo said if •beau~l-j.'•<",.. ;,rv'."-'' u^ '" r .-'"t' ::t ^l~ ? -V- i8be-;hft4'kpii»'a Jbat,tp,ilitjf;. ; i8''iny.=wc»ldiog'' |? , Myrfo»^;l|i:ney-.you j ^ ^ H o m e ^ ^ . ' day T, BAl»maurcmy Biisb^na dies not canie up^onfy foritmoaMfflVtltim'tdM""'^ *»» tosfo W tuts*npper-party. fleJias been |<>u«*elE Vst iio .limp t? sit ilolwfl.; Jfox :dmwn at*tt;>a^4r*»liaddecllnea logo, 'i^HIte'OTCr>J%1hdigndi&bVlT^'Vi r'/ Q»tgbt ; biY&beeniaJl|tjd' tjffbelnKfln^Wpeb 1 yJSat meI" replied my mla(r>ik%H / ^: Icoat dobiUiipn;^ liknowli»»1repiily'.toisay. ' ^liiJte^-niHcb'oa jrour-gc^nnt jrfon to htm.' r t.w«b yob. would not go out to faW&Zm^lfa'P' %R9 ';*&''T*wm WiiblV twtf mi%<x •ayiUmpWereis'a tyr- throwing herself on irt: tne ri|toniati fn u»e annywof yentlcneaa well as of ,nnkltidr 'ebntn,of,|)t«r'i^q||iw]i«i^ i t e i i £ v f .,rr",({ '•,to>'i/xt:.-^-:--.'f"--<--^» ; -.-. .-•: «^r^ATpc^.p^«»t*i" -> „;,; t , ; i~ & 7 ; J Sh 0 ,5j3*ase4 for^.mbment.ortw^ and i/i'lvsverygbod'ofyoUj fmabrj^'stUjiw 4pnjaftf-anIden batfeome Ifltb ber^betd, ttiwtcesa*;; J r ,., . U -\ ^..r ^•'•*^\i t -i;\>- »h|feitt#'fi«!l!^'^-- 3 ' "~^-; '^- '^ '^ : -'Pi - •--' { ^Yoo^ nwy-8^l6i;:mj,1«>vc,",but iti, no, T f 1tI.'«fta«W.'Hlto-blih'tf»'renaaio at home this smllinKraattp^lorall tl»«t^;t|wi # ^ o>icpjr«;.Wowy/; : ;^^ ^ f J'Hotlj^icJtborwTw-2 ••lit"'us.'.-•&'»' - Ifeiingfolono. , Jobn^ brjn^ your master*a *?ldouH ; know:tf!»a; r replied « j r £ ^ p o ^ ?J " '^.^lil^st ber/ibaWj^t'Mf W0f$* flntl 'itShefiatliiaito JfrrJobn "nipmits ABabo flltfbginfcberwftHnd into ibo bockct* ot~Ii6r p^edjout ofj'tjie tdrayv'iag:{i.>Mjo4.. In ibe .iii^L^r'eaB.f^pogou knajtlfttk^nwifymgY''^ course of a fewt ininpfes her orders had been , u T / j 5 ^ » ob?cy/ljeld ont.% fctjierfm m% ini«; ojieyedi Alma* imntediutely^ hfter" thy ma? „, ..,." -ihaja-iuilptt bail been* a cup •ofpoisun,,' .*.-".: t « w d n&fc i Tooyef' <$#& iulo^be room to. f-'lcan'tbelpat, *fc, SUver,"? »bqeajj^, '' t_f tfd^tu^br?>1pDpet^ulBiytban.^b.e' h a d flouocedinto it. ineok-tw l sjioiijil ;jllkety««: to wear tonight, :|"U'fetcViK"',>"- •.' ; 'v>;- •=•;• > •>••• ,"i*»- •'-•'.» '.•-•; ; « ; - . tjbe left the i-oom^ and in a few minutes returned w^tjU uhandaome white neck tie, :f'VWbft #tel»im#mywai^^ One L wore on my weddlng^ay I And. you are really going to Jet me t wear i^ ; «rben yon «^lInbt : eTCB^p^aentl" ;,:«>,.,, , ''. r f'J^^li, : - T O t t U j i ^ ^ ' ^ ^ l 7 ' maeTnanl. moiisof m,e, »u»wered my mistreas, with a ^ery= sigijiflcant-iaftnfele iprber; eyea^; J?t»uf quite hi accordance >«ith my orUhiary henir ism.ot cbaraclei::, abd» M coijrse, without a thought in my head ot hitwng the lemon pmlding all ivmyaeJC. what are yoa jjoing* y.i- 4eola|.e you'v»"luiade a i^rfect :Ma0';m, TOMfc vetorn ill'* 'i-c-f- , Vroppr.IJu for Ma amount;- •' ; , .„ •w;ife fiatf*Th«'oia ! maniM^Ii | ^ V '. * *v > ;Tf«ug»'IbWran natuie'a-ionnt i. ' *;*^' Th« book* were closed, and he *ra*borne Up to his lait aecoant; f i«^' cried airs, Toovpy, <«»! vfor jtV^oiiMI «inumtJTreJWi}t# sucb silly scruples' A tbusblni arc one.^nd tbfe^fe cannot Ifi^pj , ^ einplifttiailly t reiniiMl lieeJnab^btF my vsn$ wU ;U0t J j ^lpa/tjtlunfeiany^Teibsal, ffiouli f-» lUiced Mra. Toovey; tq dtfe tlii ^ e letter for nsinglera<jnu;'ht. 'ajj- yt : - -^t=. : ; TpEbf 1^ 5 i f Hk; , P0KRft!^ r : The hearthrug-dugbt-to tell tftio story, be- §a9%S?iyiirt^a«&lboi» todosjwjttlfctbsib I,bad. .But,;spread.fsout there.before the flre4roj»Hfflor»b»g t^nJgbtahc^^<;tbibkar only of*W famlx, mtem^^iwem once in twMty-ibtMvbflM«ki.sftJit tu*Btory"bmtinr. m mvwfa&uyt% *m.?&&*,\-i*ni; si .bjiyivisb fc!!"'^* ,l t/* 1 *tW>»p^««rt^«tt^it|»^ nurrl*d tiislogk, maj *OW>»*B tav*r*« to thftaxtsnt «r lifdraadfalc^aaaqaeneaalaerltaWsi,! There^ my* dear, wh*t do ^demandbdTJri lstfetwltbrspltefiil, ,_,._ putting tit back -iritd> tier packet,: fjfii- IP To? ; iijrth«.risft».*.v:..-r» : <,-r. •'• -t ' ^ -•;-'. >- ; i . =V1 say «tat J am mncb obliged,to, Jtr^ Silver, for lie thoughtful care he Bad Tajcep' 'to keep me in iguorance of what bo "ftlricfdff ills Wllgbt be ppjeasantfof me tBfetto%y'.su^ j- IMra. Tooveygave»heraei( «o Bharpa twiet onth&ottMHwm./tJiatiwoader ahc dki not IdleMebalikiica.andflUDJbleoftt.vi' i ',^ "; »^Real^jmj .d^r," shp cried,;,^yoa—1 nittat say—yoaroake the blood ©urdle in my whid Laay isfl'l pleasant far you toi bear,. I rQ*peat t"bat yc« Hfa^tUng my bbabkud R bad ^xlftjiles 'Mmi^bft^eW Klmtnat J Will n6t alloi^ hini toitave itnytluag to da with Very, welli my dear madam-r cried my iter fmpatle'ttuy ^If Tbotrey likes yba to bltlead^bini: by the noee, that's his aOair; it; ^onldn'fe^tj,We. 4 ?--:;.'.•./-.;V^> -.'»•. -*J- 1 '-' ;Y "^c^ibTy|,bnt.yorftt»d|ow,me toaay that J don't belfere tberb'9, another,,woman in tbe .World whu'WObltfptit ut» i Witlt8ticb : be'riaWdr -- jpflr ^vyife-baiiborna hitherto. -V- B6 not ppoae, boweter, that ahe will mbmit to w , t y j a n n y ^ m . : .Xpuaregreatlyjnia- ben Uf.yfl» v |i»"iSlse*e wjl (et ^roit^o to is scandaloua party tonight Poor thing," •lie aaidaaldeY -"IraaBtdefend her in spite Vi^it f ;yo«r«pi¥iMW»v*iUfu^ < iydy r U. I dwa't know yoa. hate been i«d to the.man for tea y»«n, I abould y you »tro aim u lort, witb 4rour.-jBO«- u*v,-, , -;;-f^»;J',i , V^;" „*.<M r j!>:?>.»tet in' ?'^Y^ri«^lfiattoiiwo^iJot1«adyou^m ^ ¥ou^awmd^d," cepljed my-mistreas. . .Abv^eJl^jtr'i^ti^eftr^oJai'i^- ;.- * T ./".Tea j»ars,pJdfj GoodheaYena, Isaur*-e« wbat'ii the day of; tbe month!" ? . demanded rby^naster,;-am *b*»i IKi^on^BjBbg: to be answered, he threw hic*»eli nt:,1|«rjfeet, ex- claiming: "Beat moj mj>~4kSaagfel>. ,de- senteifc; mQUghtle83„ungratefi,J brute t h a t ! ami A.day tlmtwua the, ljeginpiDK ofaw much 1 happineRS t^tiiely .forgotten Tr? Pnt away the dear old neck-lie; I shalhsnix with yoii, Jftve., lieL^bem^waitforme if tbfiy like. Half, an liour a g o ! was an ass, mak« ing niyself and yuu uncomfortable for fcar some peopl«,i^ion'i cape a pin. for should think; 1 prelerred your society > to theira— ashamed of.my.OWJV happiueaa, in fact, Let them think I am governed f -by-my wtf&i- Too;(fe'gaYern\me^I<aate-$.;&Jtao^ltr.a''tod it shall alwaya be my glory.; to own the in- fluence of your goodness, Jcindneas nnd-gen- tlenesa. You are tbo fountain head alh ail my happiness; aud if it is ridiculous for a man to confess, that heloyea bit trite.better tlimi all*tso in the world, let-me appear tbe mast ridiculous or husband*.;,'Laugh with me, Laurn! ,• Why#.my darling, yoB'ttre fryJflg!"••,•• :•';•-•<;• 1 :.v -}•:,.' f>rt--t, ,'''"".••;: Something at that momenb aifecled'my , : f am aneugbieer. Ever since tbe ('. road was laid^Tve traveled over it every day, nr nearlyteyer^da&of my life. ,; -^ ; li'di a good wttnevTye had the same engine in cuarge-^lhe San.Trahciscp'-^Ihe prettiest «ngi*oe on fhd iv>ad i( *nd as well managed, ff I say it, as the beat. .,< : 4 It was a Southwestern road,/unniug we Will say from A. to Z. At A. my good old inother lived ; at Z. I had tfie sweetest little W e under the sun, and a baby; and lab; ways had & dollar or two pnt.byibra rainy day.. I was an odd kind of a man. Being itbe^leai*- » t t f y S ' **M*&£-jd# i Ji. tent.aadlwisl,tbe«tjc^t^«t«e^pii me ht; ^Tf&SSS^^'SSJ^ii^SS^r The bare baanot, much lo ba uroud at in yeiy^ncb"lliMmed » Wwra tiiiiSrwilsoatl^' dMIimig%BmMat^6nmmm£ nlylbV^formyibosband «of~th£$ig«} r^ therefore, whettlJto&bsfttMtfa*An-ocdfJ fc^tlc / '|mV.i : rt.-doyewaf-tiaitt;-!^c^tirtt sioii«l^«nt«siite.^^ r^n. dway-wlth; me: iu- a-mldnigitl, etorm of ofconceit-ofjijy-own'abilityjhat-I-nbwpnt «mTiplys:bectosd*# "mf ibfr thw%ii4xstam firegidoOTmpanUwWp with energy enouVb in hi* composition to take go much irouwe for tlte benefit and warning- ot domineerbiit bosbanrfste JfaffittftiMI&,fci& Origmatopplon^ Jl^t tbe biqi"Jurug;pBgb t i# pOTetOjd'Itjr/vYVr: ..'.•' V" ,,- 1 .'•'" , "-.V, »";. : shpjtTd^ !io^pbjefci»t m, -X m: going:.; to fnake at.; starMnjc happen.-Jnu ?bo>3ren««ted jwlmin hcairiDg;or any b^diYidtud; fedfe*inft the f^x^smnik^^'ymi^ »m tore* «nd#imbdl^ s *;nio1ttieiit:Mf mti&i* when Isay* Mttjl mMhtt^:m?\x^ hen person>aItog«aeri Is' BHcIi *, bne'»« a tirv-arfablo.»tii»i^clwnir^;to;bw tties. 1 itbaJJ vq^fiijifmnjyqirn-opinion, which, might be open M JU&- «u*pteioo;-br iartialit^ r l&ah»tt report xmtWwr that of Mr. obn Tttomiiaj tbei footman, 'in his dW'n rorda, bttewoioflb tnoriHii|^Qier he >Wa> Jn tho act of pnttlng' cbahf otirttfe iJrs^t moientMe*riheb>rf Ieft,tbe room: ^By t Wifet;If 1 W((* sai^Apel&totbj.r&ie" (upperbou^afdyt^uaBy g < ^ « i k ^ i u u l ft^4^ted),.«J:wott , -*'"-"-'* i,i '-••- melf nsl would: make m e such an- l wouldu't wel,, other, blow without even' asking to see horiavbii mimyo^^lttiiMHe^iuji w.asthei ified t*sbeakSho«inghi Oft sucb My own fmjbr^ssion-iaji Unit Jibi |)f hii»'jnfktalvift&er"rj^pa^tywpl master, h ahnndanfly JusUfleli; SftYeri my, mastejr, l,b.*Y*, only\v thbugliuTib v is^ptewber:^ m chJtnl* *fld anyt1iin*<but*sablt, tainly Abf at 511" ir bad *>rt'of 9 e uses ine;» UtUo raijgbly at tit it were not that-Jn.doinB sohe r , wu*e'startunplcasautlyOnlrer*hair, I should not bbjeetto be W treatcd-^sljould rather Hke IViniacfc; ;*rh*t they are a ^haronghly flippy patK&wbat noj£.-«nu VKeiitldJWondis^ cover who had my opportunities for observ- ing Miemtb^ethe,r-rr a-privilegfel iiave: nsed Xudicioualyj,ana tyjibput'415'saspiclQri.ofc lm- pertinence, TbopoTmay safely sayj/fot very tittle short 6f ten yWrB;' la be precfee^frbm ar»fCJa>o:^fe^t%aa*^ri|t6if|eta^ their honeymoon .trip, when my mistress took formitl; pofselslon of her aom% jtbd lent myrixnty pr^ecessor^ ! ^v«Im±pn; «to way,of all^old Son, -,•.-*"•. Ploftiisied nte lie yrill not think ofMog: nftej* n<ypromblflbjr. J)o;. "my love^ -let me f g1fe yhu aTonjeadvico on the way tq manage ydur ilofito #0^80 * rtAl^mymPrfesa* with a ^mf«m&mm\ nor mm trtmi VOB T B I V^S*fcji A. Darling •;:,': •i* tZj&f I • j|ifn I**Wtriilswfrrtsed to tmlt aarfy s«d- OeaMaaad Moa*. uade>r*dd. lightning,/imd imriy «e iir" lie of all the worW, bit parentaiind mine 'l8&t&e$.+ l Wm«*IHt*W#nbMto melcqttaidfe ed with bis faufts; bits also taught me to bear L #ilh*lmeBlf^iffio^Wil«?BM, SiAtieiffiKc* ^arine«lsv ; Tbet^ la nothing to be 4u at-ln tl^ocmtimiasvte c^ ancb lore a» mtne^- eiUrtly^arp^Mttitic, jdg-trou%»a*Be.' * Sac^ tightlyas lF ; Ser*Wrtb<krbe«*»^kaiirdf baMWbr^itnttBh*' h^i^r«jwr^?t ft* eirj&rfe'tlO'n..^.'- r .'*.»-r''= i^i-^>X.Jvfi ' to say what I think; but this T-*«r wry:: If any wife ever Wentthe way to spoil her huabandfyou are going exactly tlbat w; ' .Afbjnelfi'A-v-^ , . , . •,?f^p&mmi^iar^Joovtyr, crM jmy magter; u Iwlsb you'd mind your own busi- ntea, and not drive me into saying disagree 'abl^Qringf^i-ypttWv-: «v ; t ••-"'.•>• '-•'. i'VIIiiifB^onlyton'elmorevtenwrk to: maker Mr.SUverJ; ^Wi4 Mt^. TooVeyi "it is to re- quest that you wDJ not hold any further communlcatWn With my husband; ni not fiijiYebiiB cdti^pte^ byiyour bad ex-imple." ; - , f»3o i t0.'H^%^ ! .--. % ••) ..>,.-.««'f > v .„«.<.. I don't think rny master named any final destmationrfor Hra Toovey, who saifed out of the room with more anger than dignity. • " Hang tbff woman I" exclaimed my mas ter; ringing tbo hell, as ir that were the or- der, of execution;," I can't imagine bow Job Toovey manages to get along with. her.— What the dencedoes she want nere?-rflliing my wife's head with a tot of rubbish, < I'll be 'bbundi.".-/x-f.-;T-^'?'. ,.:•..• 1 .-,..'-,*" ..-,. Mr. John Thomas came in answer to the ^beu. 1 '"" '••"',; ""-.• ' • > " See that my' evening dress la all reatly," ihid my mtaier sharply. . ^ , . ,; - '^Evening dwiB.aSr? mistress told me to ibrm^fturjdr^ng-gqwn—" .. .-!' i*\Wbo la master here ? do instantly and doa^ltejlydur^briedmy mister. ••'*'• '; •"'••"* A5vy«».«k,r4rf.c6nite,iir,^ cried; Mr. Jobb Thomas .in * bewildered state ofmind, in Whibb condition Jiejiuitiedfrom the room. . n f t lee wbJttfm InippeiQeoV^M^ my .was ter iui»v»n as he w a i l e d alone. ^Tm to be^ K nttotoleadmg^trbigi'. Notyet. Lanraought y tblatltne t^ know that I fove her with all mjMQtt^f>ut tbat.Imm-maatar of my own f$ 1 , . sawatagbtnee that Mr. Silver had been-put latf out Rf tctnper by aomething. But she said. - - «s if quite unconscious of anything being the ai-tteri'^j" :,7:,~;:i; •"., ri ;•".•;,"'.'.'/.*" »"^ 1 *IHal» ybn jentoyed. ; ybur:ride;,lo^efT' - :'.-;, P (".Pretty «ell,^iui«weietI'mymiM» dryly. ••There Unojpbjoc^n tomy^going out.for aribour'aridej he »m0ug% of them I Bui th^t ishot wiy teilect fclittftr^fer ttin mil ;,^jj ^ iqve, H'h'irtBf'jajl' coBte tcoi&lkim'^ With. hlmiolmMt iJttit ah^wsrino-: l*»*2» «1 With hlra J about Oils sbocking hnaband^i,' - S-dfdk'hii&i' SAfeVoryour-: everything; ny*fe^o|ff Toovey,'. T follow you!' Whafeto^bot^Hl>?..Mr*TooYej?ha^ that when I say Unng I: mean it, /, i5e bafc the evening, Ilopehi", Objection?—oxpressedly order by your" d « « b r , a e * . v ••"»•;** •••"<•• ••v-/:. ':-:•**•.••.•; j: ."An intention of mine 10 go out to supper bia evt»if^appe«ra to .be equally unobjec r •VHAt-48y^i4ite/Hi*i;TodYey-i- , v' *?£:*-. £ ~l »VJCy dear Edward,'! s*ld my mistttss, -«? *-*terrnpt|ng: Mm:, f;.. ";J*ra,- :Tjpoyey^^Mjt*v ? t ,% t lnmbamy: toi«y^tt4M> , ir ,t rep}ied: iay tna9tek;-^;tofeW>y..;'dft-Jtpo; encourage her Yisitajf. " "' ..•--• good-natured little laugh. ~J»iXjjti.wQn^tingb-ray de4r,'t v$>. f-<A' Tiiotey,." wfaettYoaflnd oal,*wbJe dayrthat JapOtbcr womerthaB carried Toft yode bus! bahd'a aflectlons; und noi only his affections, bnt hl» rnrtonfc^tnr i h a f r what: ^«nm'(fiily; httppen8,ino^ lA9f ?,ver; I/#«e >pj«ii|hr- « ,.,»fro spared to^espisemy «a^ yico,»nd to laugltat myrsoleibo.warnln, Promismg that from tay recumbent posi- tion bfr tbolender l T saw -and •hear4 cv^ry- ttttag tom-abo'attd relate, this is my itory;' 3 Tires had not yet been bogu,n |n tho di'aw- big; roo«,'bm; ftdm teforce of bablt^ I sup^ pO80,:Mrs. Sflver^when therd Wat'qo com- panyi would sifreading; or at' work by the Side of tbofircMjftcc;wbJie herhusband went for 9 ride aiU'iS*dInncr, which be did very Often in the summer twilight. Obo evening, Whilo.ibus sitting L i o n e l noticed that abo paused reflectively, and presently I beard. :hersayr , . ' . " No, no;Til nbtrjomind him. To say 10 blitt,' My lore, for the first ame in ten years yon havo forgotten the return of oar weddtflf- day,' might sound like a reproach. No ; neither tears nor reproaches belong to a day from which jdate tea years of trsoquU bappl- hess. J am sunt bis forgetfulness ariaee from no want of loveforme. Active and occu- pied a s ho Is, I know bow many other things be has to think «f. If heito*remembered i-well, it would |u»ve been very delightful. However, since he has chanced to forget, let mf ra&eot that his memory migbt be M r«- ttntive as that of the almanac, and yet h« might sot lovo ma. N o j if 1 avenge bia foigetfuinass, it shall be in my own way—by tusking the fireside «f which he is so fond more than usually pleasant to trim this eve- oiu." Mrs. Silver smiled and resumed ber work, which that evening was a haadsome smok- ing-cap siM w snstaDidettaat •*•• •taster ; but I *MrtsJoIy SAW liwtagismsarofAttwrlsi one sf sVsTsjf<s)'" Nurose •sksnksCte'snsv "TVs OOMST tj»r,*»lw »x«tinn»xL'in«JsU- trway, " hm wsV^rtSAing^^ tW tU old c«kv lorn of AAYtSJi i1c4«t*pera bad pa—* away, rvesa^^nSho'tosorprise him with one rj *^^toM»Bo _ '' I h*re never bail any other reading aloud of all UM sad s Aw of the most tjolicit.' But, take-»ny word fciriV : yon f il' lln'*tof>Srton Wh»t<s»«SdyattiwVeR>r) tcpen^ npee,* ' .- • .•'••-' ' 4 .••'*- yW- , ll'-ft'^opflnot..'- Bcally, my denr^yiJi)^wn; determined fobaaguio my busibaudrfsecond Lovclacri,- yooforget Mist Re is not Ayoiing} miitt of twenty." "•••i-iii sf"^3o4>4 bcaveiiSi my. dear } ". -.e^cJAimp^ Mrs* Toovey; " What have their wwHo do ^itbitt" , Ti;^"- !-WeB.etWifttot*sri*repUe4 my mb> reas, smilingt "my husband is as nngallaht a man as you could name." -, I" To J»», perhaps, mylove," Atuwered the amisble Toovey, with her sweetest sniibi if M bad been winter, and I bad been rcddTutr! sjwuUt bate been strongly tempted tobitvc to throw myselfAt the l.-uly's fee», and Set fir* toiler at tbw particnlar mf»ment. t ' ^ "To you also, dear; for, you rcmembch it. is only a few days ago you wera compiling' fog of bis* * shocking want of politeness**"' *Yery.Hfce!y; bat his rudenew Win**? is. easily -Acoonnted for., ,Iil» becatisdl give you what ho c insiders ill advice;' which means that hefl-urs to lose ibe power be now enjoys of tyrannising over yon «t hla plea« sure.'" . ." , . , . .»':'• t SVia« uw iS4# « My de*r. have you ever written « sejissr tlonatttetf* asked mjr mistress, Wiflt an Arch smile pl*yinj{ about the corners of ber mouth. « What do j o * mesm bv that ?** " You have such a vivid imaglnatlfin; the portrait you have drawn of my husband, so much resembles that of a romance Item," re- plied my nalstress. " Pray let us drop the subject," cried Mrs.- Toovey. "Posftlfely yonr notions are an outrage to oojimon sense, M " I'm sure, my dear, I hope to be Ibrgivca. Ymi see the soope of my miad.ls an Ysiy pro- saic; you'll think so, no doubt, whe» X t<ll TOO that at the moment yon came 1 was bosyplssninc nlHUe •trroeasntlc hot tapper tarmyBtsjeBeaud •spestslty Alimijibe)*. ding, of wWakl SSMW b> PMSSSJ^ !bsal ifWhthMfcr unuouncc the return of Mrs. Toov<givbht the lauyr herself entered before- he had time to pronounce her name; She appeared both surprised' and disgusted ito see that pretty little picture of domestic felicity/ i " jj*' What I? ahe exclaimed; «!«rer*pu'not -goneJ''; , 'i-- i iw •--^ -.• <' • >•.<••»» :"e$, "No; l a m going to sup at home," replied my master.'; . , t . • • .• .-.<•• ," When all the rest are :gone!" cried Mrk Toovey. u Bidiculbus I" f Good heavensJ^Jie.criedttoMtirig into laughter; "theres no, being m agreement With you, Mra. Towey^ Half an hoar ngo you quarreled with me for proposing to 00 now you quarrel with me for 7wi going."., ' "''Bat^ui*' busbnnd, dear f" Inquired my mistresa. ,.. , ; .... .'. . ,.„ .i v „- . '. ,,-.. : ** Gone, n>y lays! Gone, in spite of-att f cp.utd t do, 0? sayto oreYcnt^iio, after # » ? g into tbe most dreadiurpassion, and terrifying me almost to death. J cjinVnadeiwand it at aU. Its aa if he bad suddenly become another man—a lion, my love." .,' , -, "And,Mr8.,TooVey threatened, to g o instan. tanepusly ^n|o hysterics, %piro# of the terr rible change that bad comeover her hitherto sabja^Uivti fjord and m a ^ i ' Jtrequired A great deal of persuasion on Uja p u t of my Whoint "Jo/'aaidl "It every man had asked.his. wife, every man's wife w^ouldjhave said, 'can't spa^a yon. my dear,'and we should have had no.„cIuh', at all," said Granby. But I made no answer. At home I told" ?Jo. Shesatd: . . " I shall miss you, Ned;, but you love such, things, and then if. Granby belongs to if, ftlfyoaTe^ollect^yonyonrselfp^tbJnlw; jy're^ajgfjej^me Ipicultivate^ her, acquaint' ,.„. ,J»*sakerdfher b)feband^neVof yorir' oldest ami most Intimate frien'dl;'* "' 1 - 2 - fUJ^yoarpArdpn,--deiw.; • I, was wrong;",. 44,my T ,m*ster^Ai^^ '"The fecj is; the,wom«n's a uttle-taiMer,. and ipayibe a ^^efmkker:-': V- '*•>•-*-? -^ * A»,'- ^ 'J She. ia»-don» nbthin* but good Hfrjtbe present instance;-since I owe to Iter tbe knowledge of: the v pains; you had. taken,to f e e p from-.m'eV'a^^something which ypu^ho't tt WOUlfl ty: ^WW^jJ^^^pJ^T My master was evldeflUy embartassied: r'^Khen, tnyjdarlingt,'^^ bastamrnjered,^?:rayr, going U\ thbl supper does not ^ex yoajfj' 1;•-' •'In o'np;resp?ct,ft"little bit fin anottief,' flotatall. 0 , • Ai'VMigbt I;«sk^yoato^xptalriT^IBo^rebV m j msWer/r^lansmg-ini Uio^aCiUest degree- into his recenti|I humor. :. , 1 i" 0," ericaray-mistress, Muj * %oudttrt'texp«St ntcto .„ ,.., eclaim yob a spewh like a, heroine in a melodrama T By ihe way, that rs«ind^ me of something JI &fV4o, wo^td-yodmtod.puttmg. ooypar dressinggoifn for a momenta I. want to see how this cap, which I am embroidering fok'yb'ui'rWiUgO.WitniU' ;; > .'.••> -.'-••;•.; V->: ,". .W.Oaid Irnuid !" cried; my master, ink- ing, oft*14s walkfpglE50»r*ad BlTpplng Ifito bis * "'' ja j •*• why it's a pasltivVpie dressing-gown; •" why It's A paslUVe'pIeas- urd to find an^icuse for patting it op. -I should like never to Wear anything elBe." ' "ThAt will do, 1 tbipkr" si»ld>y mistress, after comparing the new t cap with tha old dressing-gown. u Vou may lake it off now.** ., ^There's 00 ne*dr fbr- hurry, my love, w replied Uy master, thrbwufg himself com fortably into a_favorite cbait^'il,.shall not start for tbl3 precious supper for another hoar. Bnt you were saying that my going oat taxed yott in 006 Way; ,th6ogb'not itv another,"- •>,•+ .---.•. ;• - , • * I meant that I wontrf rather hate had you at home this evening, because I had planned a nice little hot supper for you—a lobster rtssWet« roaited chicken, and a dAi«( tyiemon-poodmfc 1 *' . - " A lemon puddiruc r cried my master. * Bat now 111 tell you why I do not wind your golnc out to supper; h?s because I know you'll get 00 wine so food AS that in yo«r owrroeliar; »o leejon-pudding so nice at the one I've had made forVoo, «ven ifyou get any At all: because yooTl have to wear what you call a »choker' tnstead of yonr drsssing gown—laave your ears split with ton-vbe bored Ui death with and here no opportunity, . ^ nraeh yon may wishforft,for ssy- tnrlbycasrw*Je. 'Uasm, I lore yrw better s»sssftkiat • " • is) tk« BUhsiiissMwu, lb OtBtT yoowtfft*aujoe, snagtsxi aeStSHMB^. ' H WIS, •WivVSkSIM ^*5o, swt Msr 4am\ eV addgtadof: ieWs^ealDWaiiesaassaisss iftaifasfilMl sortr crtedV"»*'^l**tfr^ 7 iooare Mm to obitge SM, tkeia food!" ^.rr'TrTrnit.TTTMflii t k i t l rmlij *Tt - yp-'M lad y«i kM< hpsl . ^ l a h o , .forH « f ^ STbi ItfwZm wilbT5..v« yoar pslBJ,forhe wTO certslaly not b« st do* tarter Oka " k^saaW]SBtlAlHi6fit M " *•-- " wl*tls,t«»aMA»|i a M*«wa tufwsslsii Is «lui«M**t«,««tSr' and klsseeViatv , . _ osf satstneii 4*H$. "PJM J>*tum# 9mm while tbe ctoek aa the sAastfswpssoe slowly mistress Id get her to give up tbe idea of hysterics in ( the first place, and in the next, Of going: to (Qremorne; to confront her pec- cant husband, " in the sbockingest hausom I can find," as ahe said., ,.."..;.-,...-.....' Astomy^;masfer'&BUgge3tipn, that in deal- ing with the wild beasts called husbands, wives may,, in somacases,flnd.coaxtngdo better than coercion, she emphatically pooh- poohed it, even after a second help of the Jemnn-PHddbjg at sppper-^naya even after moretbao.oneg'aasdCoolfKpun0h»..... > : I Wilt only aay in conclusion, that's my story. If the hearthrug could have told it better, why did'nt she tell it ? •'-'•.'...",•!• your eyes and heart doeg not make a man lalkattve. My wife's name was Josephiue, and I called her:Jov /Some people called me un: sociable, and couldn't understand how, a njan could feel friendly without saying ten Words an hour. ' So; though T-'bad a few old friends—dear ones too—I didnol have so iriany acquaintances as most people, and did nbt care to have. The bouse which held jy wife and baby was the delirleat place on earth to me, except the old house which held mother, up in A. v - -.-...• I never belonged to a club, or mixed my- self up with etrnngers in any such way, and never should if it had not been for Granby. You see Granby wasonpwpf thesiiasehpiders, a handsonie: shc^vy f e ^ w S W l i k m ' t S folk: with him, and we were friends. Fie often rodotfrdm 2.'to &/$^fmtagain;%fhlt«tfetf he.said: .,. „^ J ^. ... -; - . i>ix>;'i** •»'You ought to belong to the Scientific Club,Gueldon." -" Never heard of it," said L " , w / s *- .1**1 am" a member," said'tier 'We meet once a fortnight, and have a jolly gddd tim€ We want thinking men, like you. We want some among us now. : l'll propose you, if youlikc'V I wasfondot such things,.aud lh;id ideas that Tfaircietl might be worth something. pBut then an engineer don't have nights and' days to. hbnselt, and the club would have: tbejrMndMpen thfttr^k^j^^r^ 1 t d e e , % d there "gazed at n% a # n WSfic." , The engme was iu fragments, the cars in splinters; dead, dying and wounded Were strewed around^men,, women and children, old age and tender youth.'. There were groans and shrieks of despair. The maimed cried ^^.^^^-^ijl^lm^aA &eir dead? aWr vbft^"mT5eaM^^BY other, was in my ear whispering "JSiurderert '•• : The beWs had gbae back to ! A- t iai|»jsopte came "thronging down to find their Ion ones: Searching for ail old man's danghter,I came toapiace; under the tree,and five, bodies were I vine there in nil their rwid T hqrror— f , a young one, a baby and two . Irwas fancy- . fancy, born of my anguish—they looked like,* ,qb! great Heavens! they weremy old moth- er, my wife,^y.<mildrenJ«aU l colaAnddead. How didTtm^bdmabf W t M n f " m a t chance bad brought this about f I gazed on the toajfofd'fate of her who'had ^veo me birth 1 , on "|he lovely features of my wife, on the ianocent- children.' I called them by natae; there waSino anawir-^TAerejieyer could be-never would be. And 1, aal com - preheoded this, Onward, up the track, tbun dered : WSBtB§r' *rato ^ ® « 6 V « j » ^ n ^ d / o u 3- 'it r Xifj3ltAt.crash . shut up with tbe engine, watching with, 4lL : £ n ,°'d S?a; ^ , . .,,._ -— ; - -•— - ' * 'tnd soul,insPcan.l otit, lH«e tonifdreii. 'Irwas faflC/—ft"«as pure n iaVtmiiira '••" '•• * - :fiincv. born of lis hea4 ia very hoC' said sol they must be superior men." "Nodoubti"*" 1 ** . laitfl " It isn't everybody who could be made a member," said Jo. "Why, of course, yon must say yes/' - 1 - - ^*~ " So I said yes, and Granby proposed me. Thursday fortnight, I went with him to the: rooms. There were some men with brains there and some without. The* real business of the evening was the supper, aud so it was every evening, i - - . .--, .. I'd always been n temperate man. I actu- ally did not know what effect wine would have upon me; but coming to drink more of it than I ever had at the club iablej I found i t put the steam on. After so niany glasses I wanted to talk; aftCT so many more, I did. s -1 seemed like somebody else, tha words were so ready., My little ideas -came ont and were listened to; 1 made sharp hits; I indulged in repartee; I told stories; I even came 1 to puns. I«beard somebody Granby: -.,-.<-^ •.-• . - -< •-..' ••ByOeorge, tiiftt's a man worth knowing. f thought him dull aLfirst" Yes, T knew it was belter to be quiet Ned Gnelden, With* bis ten words an hour, than the wine-made wit I was. •'. ';' ; '- :* ' I Was sure « f it When three briars after, f stumbled upataira to; find Jo watting'for me, with her babe on her breast, , ; '•' " Yon've b*en deceiving meJ!" satd 4ft' "I suspected, but "f wasn't sure. A scientific club coiildn't isniell' like a hufitfota?*.'- " Whichmeanf5 do,"-8ai»I gating in themidoUeoftbeToomiike'ftsignal'flagata Station and seeing Cwo Joea 4 •"" And Idbk/like bh&" sjUaTJoi; anjl abe ^etrta^IocketfbjatiSifand thrbabynpiir the spare bed rooni. - ' ' - " '" •t "'Ned,"-i"atd'8kB^"db'you'tiifnfc'ff1ltb%so' much like a bottled- up^and-atrapped'dowJu' 4einpn;a3steamisilaw to^forpnrihto-at^ bands of a drunken, man » And some day", mark my words, the time will come when not duty Thursuay night, hut all the days of *Hie weekwill be the same. Fye often beard- yon wonder what the feelings of an engin- eer who has about the same Wr murdered a Sfain tflili' of people,*; mustrbe,; ;and •know, ii? yorfon^Sfop wb^yp' H^ TfcE^Poo»-Tnis|Je;uroit„P«f<?» ^ivel fb^ m w recipe, m pentsal pi! 'Which is eargeaay ; recommended tb-certain classes: * There is ttoworkibg man bnt Would relUcs, to have the w^pojated ont by which he 1 might boneatty attain riches. No one would tponk us for a prescription to ensure pp 'Who keep; •followipg: •cents' $37 say to jjto 50;, itf one ^ boy slk p\ one fack'i aresaafn paffaof -*• '-•': '-^y.ou^t^sM'.^s^«^Po«>i;.." Most^verybody knows hbw to play pool. T6^ba*wt|tft4on'ilaM»Wa5W^ the game is played on a billiard tablo with twebty or tbjrty,bajb^';es^teball «umbered, A doaeo or more can play at the game. A certairtnbmberis fixed ^pon, and theTJlayer who shall first pocket r^mughlkdls; whose: combined numbers will iamount to it, wins tbe pile—which la made up by the players stsku^ Aceriaia amonnt -bwre ibegam* <»mmences. -Previous b the commence- ment ofJho game each rJayer;4raw3.;»:mitr- fhsM,inarU«a»aliam»btiiedtopjsasWgg all Aese years. Don't throw • went t 0 ^^?]^ cort^postd with the numbers ott;tbwtable.-* Thfe fUayer, alter: receiviagrJUs nssrbte,Hears the number inhis mind, and htjsgame is to po^tbailaenoogbv-tkeaumberkw^ ded to thatOT the marble la bis pocket, will ttiaka the number Which;, wins, Theother nightona ot-our Oldest cititens, occasionly given to''chance," came home ratber late.— Ula wife Was asleep. . When she awoke jn tbeinotBing, she found :on" the floor A mar- ble, upod wbichiWAiSthe a^JBer) * i W-n ">:Wlut'ctiiiit?4lse^said toiter abrdieyfling, the marble suspiciously. " It dropped out of your pautnloons pocket.:; What is it?" Lord r^>me4 his eyes, iooked^ blushed, waseon- ioaed and 8tammeretl: j. ? Wny*rwhy;f ita : ^ A marble, ain't M®/.:'? ¥e»,S said ahe, ^-bnt what are you doing with a marble in your • poek« at yonr. timSMittepi'«la my-pocks marble in my pocket for the last thirly-flve yiBars.';.- ever. sincjeJ ^used;tpxplay»for/keef»' with Bilt"''••;• "'Indeed!'?: increduonaly asted his wifer-*"'but what are these flguresonhere fort; What-:doesil*m&n^V i ,v Jn1eaD^17 thean?" said he .heaUatibgly; "Oht.lT?*? jvhy that w:is the number oif marbles Bill. QW-c41me-'Whm%aiimtplsyh^ ng'^ieasV'^t on there so 1 Wouldn't forget iu" The bid .^i».'^.ii fellow had a narrow..escapev^andhe.. hasn't played any nitU since. [Cincinnati fi>ws. , > I-.-i'.-'i ','."• - *~f.:~.>J?v.<; .,.*,."'{;:./,*;•-'...v.. A perdoits *a>ehtttWi ip the, jterter* of New York hns recently been Attended with remarkaWa results. "A^ybungfady orefghir een, her brother J*me» aged sixteen, and Micltael jGridy, Ait old pial otStiy.- WeM the adventflrcrs. Mlsa Walker .Mginated, the schemfe SbfeTtad read of a German'-iiRir' namedjSchWartt, Who some years ago en- tered the sewers Of New York, and emergetf therfe'from Witb aboutfST.OOO worth of jew- elry^ta, and resoived to imitate hfm. The expedition waJf soon started, and on Sunday tbey had - filled all the bags, somefifteenin number, tWy had taken with then^ Miss Walker and ber brother went successfully thr*\*hfe ufldertAking, but bnthing baa since b^enheardPfrcni G r a d y , t t d i t l S f e ^ ^ perfshad'. Tbe result of ihe week's search fs roughly estimated at f l ,(500,000. A little over onebushBl (how queer It seems to talk nf}?Wilry by the bushel> has baaarecoroed, and among tt has been one dlmond rin* YAloed at •M.OOO, twomoravalnedattti.OOo; and half a dozen Valued *t |5W and up- wards. Miss Walker and her brother, who find themselves thus lifted from penury to great wealth, Intend to procpett to England, when* they have relatives. * he said, not -*•'em*** V T»B Saaap BtACKrao CASH—The story that has gone " the ronada," ofthe Yermon- ter, who was imprisoned for selling blacked sheep has A sequel. Tha astute Buckeye and the Vermoater bare exchanged places, by aas^csiotilMiaJMlmprtsoainesrt. DartQess, the sheap w question did lose their ookr aa exposure to storms, as all shasp will which have attained A darkaurtVebrbeli*boused wbtsnfcrsJhs. Theiactttksall^hrtena* on exposaan la tha beat p s i i M . eWdaaca •J?**!* 0 *«*MWal msjaii, was -iisa^ Wlsaa away,Jfed. If you don'tcawfor my Jov^, don't ruin yourselfi" -v My.little Jo; She spoke/rbni ber"heatt and I bent overbad kissed ber. -; One club night, as Was I dressed t<» go, Jo stood before me. •«• . visa^y? "Ned," said she,." Inev.erTiad a, fault to find with you; before,' You've Been" kind and good, and loving, always^ but! shoutd be sorry'-we ever met,if you -art to go ob in- this way;: Dorr*t ask me whatT mean-. Yoa know. l,: -' ,: '- "• •''••'' -' :i -~-- : -~' '• ''"- " It takes dine tailors to make a man,"— bntonyitbnbng^tajain:hIrn.- - " •",-'•• Anlrishtpah whS has heardthat all flesh 'iSj^aSs, i^^ki^m0&i^y^M^f Ad advertifler says: '^ W«te4-iA female who has* -knowledge of fitting boots of* goodimoraliehjraetar^. .--.., •-,%.*--•; ~A.-, ; Thought wavelet is a little wave, and* flb'wret is a little flower, yet A^ bullet is not. a JtUle -bull, nor a hamlet a little nam.. . '"'Thourainestin-this bosom," aaibechap rsaid when a basin of water was thrown pvpr Mm-by.jthe. lady he waa serenwin^g. ' ' Why arejmiiroad companies like laun- dresses?" Because they nave ironed, ihe Whole cOuittry, "and sdmelimss T!O«" little $ $ $ $ & * # & ? * : '••• : ''•"•:. -«"'.•••*"»''••'• Why 1 is-alawy'er thamfJBt ill-ujed mas lb r social system ? BecanaeHhoogh he may rideJmbliawifcsirtegejilsttanttstdttW the- r conveyances of other'peiopWs -- '•: aieJ^at "« J0^'saidl,"it'9 onty tin clubnigbt" ! , «'» will grow/' saldBfi^; ^ A ;; '. H : *; Theniha pat her arms atbunditify Se M ; 'Mjon^be afra^:i^d: ,Ttt;nev^ip^n. r meantft;Ttui a t t w e l f i d*cibck that nightl felt that ThMfo^ottaaY^y W»'rf8tv "a&'my^jreapfuJionTP ^j: .:• .T^-,-4 m .:-rcouHn'tgdhim^toyd. iTmade ttp _.^ mind to sleep 6u the otab;"ad» aadjearftibe Tj place for;gaod b a x r d ^ ~ Juready I'felt iify;* i K 'rain'reel aslneVat bftdbjlbrp.' ;It*3D. por' :wasin ; 4iistt4of.iitutior.'' •',,':" ,.V7..;.::.'.';"':'- ,' It':wa? mirnl.ng.T% wiitef stodd jeacT&.t / broJb s mv- cMl.. I ia.(v" a grin-unbnl bia ficC My beau seeriiej ready to ;bur9t; My $ma trembled;I'looked at.tnv watch; IsaW^bat I^bad only:JuaVfife.'nKn^p^.r^c^;t^'^.4'e. P*% i":'.',v- i.-/,.^ S ; -.rJJ;;?>. i*5u' tJi.i.Si'Airam > Jo's Words Ciima;|tt:.my./mm4 v >9P»4-'A'f^ 1 to take charge of an engine J_I ssa^notfitto answer. I ought to have asked some sober man. Aa it was, 1 only caughtup\My ; bat, and rushed away. I waTjustln time: -The ;^'-E!s^cls^-tj$i]tt^^ Tha -cars wereijtlllfts.raiii'iilyi .From:fny; post I couidhear the .talking -rbiddbag each other good-bye, promising J<> write;,arid" came agam.- Among, then* jaW.sit:'ol4;^BD> tlemwi'ti^w-*by^hi^J6e;bf'-ttb"aita«& : boldera;. i»--.WW,.biddifc: tWO'Mnjbiigirla]:, adieus r- , •>.. , t . -.-,-.i * 1 .-; Lxi>"'„,'V s < . .r , •-• •f "Good-bye," ffitty^"goiidTby^ Iiue5 J beard him say; "don^t- be nervous/;The San Francisco 4Mbe aa&sV engtofton the line; and Guelden tMsafrat ^gtoaferiti iroujiin't'beafraid tqitrusi-ievary m^rtatl love in the world to their keei" could iuld happen Wrong-With the;two: together.- laakjM'tf gettbrpugb itaooMmdw, and Jo shall never talk to: me again."_ After all it was easy enough. I reeled AS I spoke, heard, tbe signal.. We; were off. ,, - t ,. Five hoursfronV L.t» 1).; five hours back 0 n the last f shoutd bi myself again, I knew. t saw a red flutter, and never guessed what t was until we were past the down train at wrong pbtce. Two minutes wore and we should have bad a collision. Somebody told me. I laughed. 1' I beard him sty^ re- spectfuDy, II , . , M Of coarse, Mr. GueMen, jjpa know what you are aboutr ••" Then I waa akwe, atid wonderktt whather, I should go slower or laster. I did soi thing, and the CATS rushed on at a 'feai 'rale. [• ' r ifW% WAS SaAOHHC MfSJT HsV a # a S a \ t ,SVSJta QOSJRI06. *Vfow~manf ipBeaarew*mataagf* t taoMraoW! * - T : -".f •'"• ^ rra - -* IlBt%tAtti*, eattle. i wkflftthe spaad.of^Ue.aaa -3l*fesit itmm-mimmigawm.mm St w ^ J win Sag somewhere. » WAI ' 7 ^ r ' v ^ <-—™^ Waser. By « miracle 1 was qif aounn IfsJiMtdthsshos*7rstood«i»si eto, «^L. T . T . _„. I a^efferraiyeyea alltcf'saW nfy wSfa, " HoWdrf you feel I" shw said; l »a little betterf» ,'\'i ...--- .^.; ; ;:. ,.. •;... " t was rejoiced and BO astonished by the sight of her, that I could not speak at first. Shje reue,it?d, the question. " T m o l t b e crrisfiied to pieces," said I,-for the train went over me. "but I feel no pain. ~ » ThenBJhe goes about the traja^agate/' *«- I trieq to i moYe--T there .waa nothbig the matter%i#*meyi m, tipT' f i a i lit niy own^bora^ydppoane;m'evacrib,-in Which two children* were asleep, beside me* .tiny, bald baby head. -My wifeapd chilcftea. were.safe I WaeTlrertoui^or 5 wnat:couM«be? "* , « Jo,' H dried T, "'tell me-^wfiat Ms hip penOt?$''<'~- ' - - •'* '•'• .-' >'--•-• • - v 1 ""It is nine o'clock," said Jo. ;V.yonc*me home in such a dreadful state from the club itbat I (MaWnXwAeyQJ^vIOftlfgjnp^iit to mana'S^smta, iaffVlK p^pte^TrVes,?- T b e San .Franeisco is halfway tp A,, I sup- pose; and yoii have bees frightening me to >deafh^withf-3«jf»llreadfbJ4alfcf«' ! . And-Jo began to cry. . ; .. Itwasa dream—only an awful dream.— BinlWaiwed through it alias though it : werefeXu»r^- •""^•' •.->«•,•* -J?.*'. : " Is there "a Bible intheboiute,:Jol' ,i saidI, Are^eibea^eWf'aaidJp^O' j : ;. ; She brought it»«jj4JCT|4i#y t hai»d; on it and took an oath (too solemn^tb^e^refieAted hwe).thatwhat;happenedneYeraboula : occur again. It never has. And if, tbo San Fran- cisco ever,, comes to grief, the yerdict will not be, asjifrshould ,beso ot^rMm.^r^e^ and'yet tbere is manyraman' pusses of ate a day, at ^ n one after eachTneal, do&i:t%ra«.. ear^-r'f8ir-bW-^im«ei^ to" elsof flour one barrejpf sugar, cfctor the baby, and a. naifdozen If yottdon^, believe it,,work- >pnjrielf:" •,, A widow;fad^«ceiVedapjt»Bent ofaJtur; key. •' WhO-aentM" ahe^AaltMflfiwe^ciah, porter. « r W t o l d i » p . t t ft ,tep as^bjec- »"Ab; T can g > ^ ? sm^ th?|a|ly; ^'BeoSKI?* said4fie^rtB!!,' ,4 ^ae^HSC #hat-*4old^ DeaieonQra«k":^' : ' : ::' .":y :<: ^l';; < .:.: v '."' :; MJ^§^£ <Jtajjfig;bHin«it bkatiMX&m-.. maiden'a pheels bydbe jMrneBtnesaofliia^ae said to, her, *My lofllssJaaYKplawtrfrosaain. yourtCheekSyiWhy fbrtjid n»tggAtliKAss»t?. . ^a^b^ajr»WBJ^lto^3i^:aoaw^i^ larveit/'if A .4 : \';-ni,-:'' -•;.;• i..',',•;•.&•••. ;..!:«-.; ..: Jv ,' j -. .v -4-.- :-• :..-\uk : r! :.MJ k^s jiviMsBtM,' z »il»lQr^pjopteAre.alflay» i , , - ;:t -- J ' ither -j uncomjaop,,' .; "vmM •' An enraged;parebt bafl'jerk , .m'glrm a^sl'TOskSafe. laffwaa^ >. on tbe eipuSe^rSon.otth^ ttrjeb W >wttfr-gre»;ve|#en:tote^ toairo^f -j-yandm;,; mmr ® 8 W r ? ^ t ;'.4^?-vv,:::.-?H •ry.i.-iX-i.si.v.Y,,"- A r "Waih1ai&fr'yH»e^^ cl«arafeterbtlc%ory concerning | b b r ^ W t v J GorowskL Tbe Count wason«te**«i*r" argument with »n ex rebel, Judge ^^**-,-- wfen he suddenly!said: «Jatoa|i~-v t; Admire j o u f .." Wty;?x$ms&$i9 Judge. ^ iaunot we bow y o ^ / ^ calling me snejt bard n a b ^ F " ^lnaee41 roared the Oorint,. "fadwiwevery^b^r 8at, isper&ck,Attdyou;areona^e/feck SCOnbd^ Kelt'^V f*-'"i -''-.,'t ;:'",.- 3v"-t 'r--*' 'CT-"i.".'-.']• •:-- The Noifolk> $ajt tho^Hila'«.'story ol' a''? sentry Jn ^h«' : *.late. ao^tdled,'*;who wai Placed •o&j^&Wytafa'&mt^to*&.; The adjbtapt of the: regtment cama f . atepg and:a,ltempte4#(>paaB. fbe gallant w*dief cried butj* Halt, ?*mcantnry here,Abd« love m the world to tbeit keepings iNothinzr crie_.—--,„ --—.-,•-. _,_,„- . .^IA %. -_.^ .„ Jl.:.,. iu£.3_ .„^,h^j. ^t you don t ^IsniouBt and givette amntorpin* Til make you refbrmtoewhole rwoftttfeB of tick-tacks in yitf ft isi rt,& horseman' or* order. I wlH daltirot jesstosay that the aojilaiy ,edown^»-! . ' V!-.""J":"',. ; A Pantheist minister met Dtl*' , one day, and abruptly asked; - Mr. Bnsasaew, how ofd are yon r" •• Stow, a* \ s*t<aow eldarsyour " As o'.daa the creation*" was tha answer bj a triumBhaat tone.' .".Than youareih^sanwA«4>fA4amAB4 i «prr "Certainly; I w a i > tha garden w h j j they wera^tte^ '"IbiVe arwaya hie** that theriwAsathirdperaoB m Jb* #k*de# Um ttwsB," sapMed tbe doctor, with peat oool «WSA» " but i never knew before that it wa« A Sssssx TaAMaxsna-nTtaa ; \ •5 ,-

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Post on 27-Jun-2019




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lounty »a4 StM«, t«> * fladsrsJtafta, «Ji

• J • .w?'^,r'

atraet .Wftekala*

• and' ,&»« „ place of btgiaajng

g5fc ,th«. t . ;ffc*»oMh-«ut *** and oc aoniharly alt

f a t s acre lot »Bo«L e Snainer l i . HaaenH **«t^*» af «Jd 1

Bataria u j l i u t ;r$Mtee s o u t h s 3

.-aniet-srihaSpeo fAaSttoSjft&U&ut* , irteof teg^,,*,.(

c VaWiatlon, an.* >MS*/*aa»e, • '. Adaalnlttrattr.

csflw?; r

. b o u d e n t e r



(tt*}In,S*.ir|&rkiK ertibi* the same* tecatrlxof ihelait. (3, in said town of

aUS,|Cwcatrti. r. : .u „r;1{.-..-.n - ^ — ^ „ .

s » — - N O W C R i s t f so all persons tat. v

inoty of l?raiikji_, ejr *re required Is-1 :reof, to the aaV- f

ea>(t.hb ptsct o f j rcUie Brit day of |



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(S, O O T -aUile* tail

I H O K S , ire, Cheap LfeOVa.

4 t T B 8 , old setting


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iSqiurt sntjretr ,^. . i J^*iK-Ajp«l^!»inrra,lsMl

»y:iisi«(£ipttdna' '

|«j*4*»*6*"e~ft..2' v'

one Inch In die ebl-

- - » i '-. • ' • • ' . . t jS^bnt^eatfSSftTO

per Hoc. .....\ •l»tet »hd deaths.

H»Hon*l G»llery, H»lon«,.N. Y. . .W«nn Me»U»t*llhoun, IceCretmraroWMdllar P»rtle»,or»*rYe<l »ttheS»l«ro. Osmn

a«ir*Hn »»»ry Sirle. Oh*«M«U BMnd* «f AH* i M . Ctfj*ts.<xiM***ty o*-Uma*. ^BiUtlaMrftjwd JWriWTin ' Oyatera for.sale, by (heQijirtor Gallon^ {AprSyl

.....,,..... ,MW.iiGii$& , OCtD«r»SBtfBGH,'N'. * . ' U»TIOE pnrci«<ed ihe l«r«t

and commodloosbMlliiInf corner of 1f«^er«ndDtTl«loii

. known: as the TAtLM AN U6CSE «odTS«pec»foBj IP^ Uclf* «ri)%rt!6n orinttfiS i»<w>n»ge.a He irtB«i*e»»er-to mok* ttidret el»M Home, «ad with l u u»«)ii«ll**

c»n glre MtlifteUbn to, Ml who tow f|v<trqUB *T«h a trUl; The eHBerfiMiMlbHWitn^8lwTR»lr.4*it«*v

" ' - • —• ..Miu'*ji'i-" r^..»'>iD^f"fj -'.'";.'f.,-

(!dr«Twy *4dttio»*l U M 1 5 • Onau. Noncf*, .pi

tnnotira4h«ii^to~rr«i^*^! beclurieditt i>#t«t««r and Tut Cutts 1 * e«t»'

gr»U»; b»t^U rljia»rtr .«MIM notie«i prott f r i * # ^ ^ i | e ^

AH acoounu foiq»d»»riW«r

«ho»ldi«Mfe»as^K^6^^oiPftie-tb, :be ,



§****&' lit do me mora hurra • than

'• •'' '¥t»»i*BS*aiSeWbook4£«« M5''f ' ^ ""* ' •u • Ana«»TrA»|«]l*BdllIii*; :-

Hta clolhw were dark »nd prim; • And «TerjUiln( about hhdeik . , - 1

*fy .'• 'tol«liU««t*aKHrtrl«;;:' _• ";; ' ;i''T •-'•-.•;_?r-' >;• 11:r> -'•«•*'" v ; ! '^ :';"•?',,:U" \; l ie alwayihuprhU hat and coat : / ; :''S«p«ft*W»BiNatoloo'4i»,¥'.''' ""'' ',''' "

;--f V"j.^'^^ifiiMeBMS!M>iat*c. ,'; > *;:.'-'i

*-?. 1^a»'f«o>In|rj!p'hJ«6pok*» V

cute, iiaWelQ nndenund tlwexact diflfejr- JDof»,W!ft'<ii . <tnce. between;, U»e i^est and tfce .wpret, « | I am, and

S B •i^MZM^J^f%&-W&>: tf

aud4iWyT#|»)iofJ»e|9t , , . , . Jd aland on, ppJInarjt.; oerenjonJ,.;, flouqcetl J (jf tho r>

Mrs: bet hyfahUm, eiftet * lopg„pao^f^SSloT>aaw tTojatey. B|«rttiig;*«<;» <5crr Ana,

ruwfc.a roaated cbicken, and a] lemon pud- almwl abxWt her abouldera Willi aVpasmodlc rfi**,.aroaatedebicken,,and a;lemony . a '"^ *^bmUUkiliifm «'e*C r ^ n p f ^ *," £| actipo Qt theAanda. ,s * Just «a y<to please. »f

lie- waajust about «b; fteg Ihcj beJ), wliei coarfei though I tUU not Molt I was quite "rawing-room door was suddenly opened; sneb,* fwl a« JK>^ appear ;|p consider, me,".,

i, (oo^tt^b-iijiito^ • 'Stffing Wbteb Mr»; T<H>«j' JBouhced ;6n|

into the room,' exchutmng m lonca rattq HV

:p-i-\ i'S-

' ttl.) 0 « d « ^ W t « , » , TC * U i How* i« »JWWf attM-

recently be<in rtllited and reftirnlihed, and In allJU «PPolBUnent.l««fi«tcUj»hotet: 0*«iw«r»«»onaMe.

as&^eii to«'a.tiuoraac»J


ATT08tijJ»;?iS < tori,, ft K" -

teEtoi roRN,

| ^ tA^^fart . f^cjlpr

14* 2&^m&® ATTO«SS»^SOCaW3KL0K*l!I-AW,gtnlU>'sB:

Chateaukaj;,N.T.JoverCUrtiSoper'3Store. 8p attei^ott paldto clalmf for Pe^slonj, Boaatlei, J

. Saok-dayilpoaaht-arifitmetioor, .

^ '••9*.^f^i<^:mK'.•. '•:•'••*- :..-:

f. Aad*ent.bl« body and Wi ralnd .; _', _ ,'* |pia!io'ri;(o"B^plVte.;;'"','ir: '••*" And biota were nellher on Ma lame

''-ThVn^c'oi^nieB'jrMi:l0ilJr<t-'"," ''*' '•'.. iWA-JiiiWI^weiittdi';'!'';' v";i?-'

Pp oolnmia T»*Wa«yei #«r» oaat,' ~

1'- .;




- 1 -.fl IStX AMD C k,«aleBe,H.

p S 8 i ^ * l A T ^ ^ 5 c ^ m m e f e a l I^J^Jfcf ^ f e - . ? .

ATTOJMK A^piqdinasttoiH «ral ,0««rt«;:Bf'theiSUte;-anl

Uci tw . f l o iW " '-••--• ' -


o f tke Oourta or the ""Wo.."

,• .u.•-«•,-• •"'*'-J^ -f;>i.r»v'Us-'? !,.— »•••»• t.. .- . •.,«' -.


, Qppotfteord/ attenHonxlTen to W. B,;IKani»t.

ilons, BounUei,,

ATTOBNETS AND „ Colon Bt«K*-^.terT'T. Heatk'*

S A T tkVT, Ko Drugstore, Ma

PHYSICIAN AND SBtgiEOH, Rutoftbe»C«t»i«»t~ - - * •

, Bnt house

r«. Tjfs-t*.'

a S«ri»pn bi tha C fc i m j , ve«ld aoiwaace to r _,.

located to thta place. andaoHe«4*ahare ofHuWleMt-ronage. Kooiia, No*, t t and>13, Bogle'a Ilote!.—


ed «cp] who

Rooms ore* the, Bank.Malone.H^f.

.woqldufwJJio ld a»,thatlie has form-'""' «i * * • H. Oaasr.

delpbia OoDece of —•-'•^linmm-


F„m^m#mvs bulnaaain »Ufa bratehet, at . . _ . rar«era*iraUoaal»aBfc.ifliej1*re prepared . iona aU Dantat »paraU4niIn aaijperior manner and at noet raafonM* piioaav a*Jea*d T e e * Injerte* on a U m j i t i m i m f m i m t - J l j E " '. & j - -• i'.i:

oidBoomioTerthe toper-

f ecarttJF hilinranM'CoiBpiijr, of New Ywi, lapltal and Surploj, »1^84,8«i «S

•lumbia ftusranee €oiap»By, New York.

l > v e r f 9 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 R e p r e s e n t e d I n o n e t ' L i f e t n a a r J u t c e C o m

t r r ^ i m S w a r y ^ WPoa^OJ^^rortCoTlnaJon.

of cackaoOBtk I daroU to other iownTUi franklin and «• »«HB^:ffti*S»»^ ^3a»aftjl

aod * « e and Lager Be?r, Poteen and Scotch *>U, » ^ a ^ f t afrtUoaarywiitantly on eat and of tha Bridge, |faln Street, Malone.

= *. = *^U*fr* m*&tf, Kalone, N. ST Satk, Door* aad,BSocla coiatantlioa hand, and an or-^fmn>*Sm0^l!»MM^&^it Woodwork'* f^^Jf*^^f^^^MmU^ «>« raachineiy In t h u a o p , and the praftlatorti now ready to plan* all klndf of lumber on ihort aotlea, and at the moit

-. ja^ii» £6&0&n&JM!m0k3K9xi Water - ~ - - - - -^ *<Hrt

»HD JBWELBT, » a * * r * t e d « , *e . ahre*. ,Jlp. 2 Hor-

u j i A L t W m DtC«B, Ma\*IOIKlW, Palfit,,OIl.,Pre

f . Lv MORGAN•'* OO; . VOMMISS10N MERCHANTS. Grain, Roar, Proilalons.

Ac., No. U La Salle street, Chlcaio. . . ...

P4M8MIIN. MVI8 4 HAYDEN8, Wo«o»»,*t,I*o.80S

! l l t P O « « t r AND JOBBKB* or *aacjQoodK Yankee

l*i W . B E L C H E R 4 Gov V a 0 t a 3 A t l C j ^ I l ^ t e a r > d 3 » _ g a a d a S t r e e t , three

«mHBAU>irOr. TUiiiER'* CO.i Wholeaale Dealer. im Ba«a», BkawtKlUMaar, *«.,-.«« fSPark Ra», o»'p«.

, ijtetho AatorHoaae, tonaer location of the Park Thca-

.'ij,.-'....^ '

mm mmm Company, of Hartford. Capital and Snrploa . . . . . _ . - HjOCTJiBS 80

p f t ^ litsarance Company, of Btriforf. Capital and Sarplus, .""! ' '" ' - ' ".'.", ,f lj66%,l^!^;

HffDix JiisRsaBce Pompnny, or nariforJ. Capital ami Surjrfu., : *t,OO«jI»0<„

Patnam fusrMW;CejBpaijyrjBf;Hartford. 6ap:ialandSnrpla» ^ • • r - . : .;.v-.-«.,-,•: .-,H|5(ayHt;«f

Wntiifil Benefit iffe IHSBMHw CoBipaay, 1 I n « o r p o n a C « « i n 1 8 4 5 .

, Pe«otoibtjraaTnHoInanre whfdo-*ef l tocal l and examine, the merits of Uill Ooapany before taking Poli­ties In any other. •if-';.. ••Si-.i»x¥*3J*s<fi- s-i4£&ieij.Zts- iii.t,<:-.iVXi'ij.t

f s u i u r e a a a » l a « t . A e e i a e a t a cur n i l k • n « « |*jatal«nd:|or;ptnai,'.*"'r A -.>.:••';- S - > . | » i M 8 r t i | !

;. The onderilgned wbatd respectfully caTT tn'i jttteoilbn' »f the elUxefaiof FranVHn O m t y tortile J o K « t * g i o o ^ woni exhibit of C»pitalana 3mplu,M*eeiuitTAg*!»et, tpateabyFte ,TteDrompts«»»ft%wWc»lieaigrtpj»etv have been raid by these Coropanlea dortortbe pastyaar fofhlavrclnlty and elsewhere. UasnUlclentgaaranty lor tte fattrre, and tleraonrtratea the ad»antag»of Insuring In sound and reliable <Jqmpan(e«. . ; ,,. .-),. > The following from » weU-knowtt underwriter ofthtt State!d relation to-o»«a Untoranee la worthy ofpertuaf; . H I t l i a^j^nftfeconoisyybBtr^laipnt4*iioe«oaeek: tor cheap or orates , lrrespeeUveofabaraeterorfUnd-tog. ^;eonlyt«gl tmtere«f l t tor i i i j1 lr lr i i^ro^r^^ inadequate rata U bankraptey to the underwriter', and perhaps to th» insured al»*. When an offlee«sTer» tol»-fure,*t tocbjowarate, dlsappontment andfaUaraare Just as certain M P ertonlS'e^*ai>nee-^*y7ndona* Ineorae—Is next door to parerty andwaat. • ABlntttr-ance Company haftwaowtFtopTOdaeenoaarbysQacte; fliere;^nqmyatew|n their tranaacUoos; the aaaia U » Is M ewenUaltopi^erltyaafo5?Irlndltldnal». Taata ia^»«»^e» aicaaoTHaraaiMaDmrts/or Uay wfll hate »nearjyliuolvency,andl»ec«ialgned»oth«toa«»oftk* Capalett.-* •_ ..••-••••• • ',:.

Parties deslrlnfj asuaai.a cntnuaba at eqnltablerataf, WW And I t* , tbeir adVint»g# to apply at thUontct be­fore,! nsuring or renewing their Policies elsewhere. ; ' ... For the convenience of parties residing In Fort COTlng-ton indCh.ileaagay, application for Iiuurance In any »f th**T»v«C^wptol«; troay Wasideto- Geo. W.XeirJa M

U-*, li«w York, jtt. St.BilBWI*.

t teenm AU&tlOSjamft*ttSOonnty of franWfn: «wMM Stiaaactti>d«^aMlR^A|raM^

J|(jtsra4;^<Bii*aataj',X-T^«.'|f- v ,- r- • ,

f W L H O U L A N D &. Q l i f i ' f *""' ' ^ ^ T W * r A • W f I B O W ^ -

, a»»»»,».0*»rk)atlheiiew r :ta>Ma,MUIBt:,MaIone.

-i! UfE l lY STABLE. QiW«WlT.C^aJUt AM nnbwwiLair ia t OtacfcVUr-

} .. M -'. '".^ i^^i^^aJllaiaMstMatkhsiihsW n.'-ia

aVi i t« f Wmwata. a» g u t m a t l i - M a n r a M » w»l« • • « nisOiamer«>p>t»»r>wag»^-lla-

1-V;;<,--'-^otkoatj'«ffcelJ5n3j';. ;;; -.;-.<..'•.., ...i

iBS- , & "O: jst a s - c':: JE(.-B r o w ' s PatentXainp Chimney

At a saving oTlOO per cent. -BaIohc,Jtjir|j6j,Jt^6Kr> »'-•'• •j!.'BBlTII"**iiEED.

t O i A t l . A X J F I U A T I ! ^ B B K K J > ' « AltD »L/ get aBoi i i f 430SOENTB4TED JUYK1 Remembsr ttwlHmake IBCtMtonsbtstSoap. Prfee.»esntf.

a ^ ^ ^ « • •W^ sls^^a^BV^*^WF


ihiae! Mora «InpI«

5 Sra&g Powwdng tha follawlflr ad*

and eaaUy kept u» order than any other Maahloa. fMisa an ordinary apoo) of »Ult,llMaoret>ti»atfcr»ad,t»aa aroldlag tha trouble of fewlndbag. It takes tkaiela-brated OroTer * Baker1* paten* abMtlc lock stitoa. which la warranted to make, a seam from fifty to one hundred per cent stronger thin tha Wheeler A Wilson Machine can aie**w!*tk*aa«nw_ thread. Inflnlahand b«»»ty U ta «n»»l t» aaa IJaahka Ua« aalki tor from ttmMmr dtthtK n\litnk|a«4 <dtb a gaage. Mlf. sewer, and hemmer, vnlek adapt* It to any class of family sewing, whleh ean be done «a any Machine, and is afforded eompleU for t&. A sample of the liacbla* and iu work atay be aaaa at tkt f paau at

C . P M U U * «««)»%« MaloM.)( .r .

«u]lfi>t^*iraj^h«\t!!00^tli,lit l a y hli w>rk,y' • ;

_. Each day was something grand ; '-i-Arol ret.ii» *cheraBto^e*r-Ieiir*'-':-*- *-' . : ; /BJ^irw, iV«t^|aBW«V5 J<$-"fr' ^(Ui'oJg^p^saliar.ltbiiaK^cya^r,.'*!

, 'i*at;hft tf;aj''aiojd»j|?r'tari*v£';.,

'. Htoioy* and carea were few; -And his detrast hope from day to day, -";*WM:^ji>:Mi^*nce:trai.: '•^'., nAV* '»te»i»ta'Hctf.«i r^att";":'' i-«.Tht.U»»eklW«*,irtini|^do.V*::»^ : ' *

,<f-f'.. »•>¥-•*i.-Jfc--*f «3-*}«/E v iXf-i: lie never slglied when IHIle lib

Hbwayflfllfc would cross; ,.'" •AhftoVrJIw-erteri^JjiiijroritlS.f ,"•«*•

«- $G. ^nP'*e«t.i,9'?»% renjorfe'i:;.',;,, ' BilVheaaidciwnalXthatcainbalojigX ; ^'To'pfeotorto-fe.' -'- '"' ' '-• ' . '

reminded mo oftuegratinfi; * f a^ie^wUb;.': "Tb»fool^cr«ft««»>7 •aja.myYihi8lrea8. wiiich inhnrraoniniw wiac FAnd J^eii pftja- iftei; iho was cone $ f U ja no fault of bsra ii folly f:»rhiliarftt an earlier parrof my carter aiie haSn't riiaal' maVertf uneomfortable; and l^for even, a poker can.attest tTietruth ojfUiq -tll-wiih Uie Deaf-itttentfona. Those be3t In-French proverb, ilfaift rnifj/r^t^ppur $r$- iterilioaaf^ Wbati«;ottUl she not Jjavo said if •beau~l-j. '•<",. . ;,rv'."-'' u^ '"r.-'"t'::t^l~ ?-V- i8be-;hft4'kpii»'a Jbat,tp,ilitjf;.;i8''iny.=wc»ldiog'' |?,Myrfo»^;l|i:ney-.you j ^ ^ H o m e ^ ^ . ' day T, B A l » m a u r c m y Biisb^na dies not canie up^onfy foritmoaMfflVtltim'tdM""'^ *»» tosfo W tuts*npper-party. fleJias been |<>u«*elE Vst iio .limp t ? sit ilolwfl.; Jfox :dmwn at*tt;>a^4r*»liaddecllnea logo, 'i^HIte'OTCr>J%1hdigndi&bVlT^'Vi r ' / Q»tgbt;biY&beeniaJl|tjd' tjffbelnKfln^Wpeb 1 yJSat meI" replied my mla(r>ik%H / ^ : Icoat dobiUiipn;^ liknowli»»1repiily'.toisay. ' ^liiJte^-niHcb'oa jrour-gc^nnt jrfon to htm.' rt.w«b yob. would not go out to

faW&Zm^lfa'P' %R9 ';*&''T*wm WiiblV twtfmi%<x•ayiUmpWereis'a tyr-throwing herself on irt: tne ri|toniati fn u»e annywof yentlcneaa a» well as of ,nnkltidr 'ebntn,of,|)t«r'i^q||iw]i«i^ i t e i i £ v f .,rr",({ '•,to>'i/xt:.-^-:--.'f"--<--^»;-.-. .-•: «^r^ATpc^.p^«»t*i" -> „;,; t , ; i~ & 7 ; J Sh0,5j3*ase4 for^.mbment.ortw^ and i/i'lvsverygbod'ofyoUj fmabrj^'stUjiw 4pnjaftf-anIden batfeome Ifltb ber^betd, ttiwtcesa*;; •• Jr,., . U - \ ..r ^•'•*^\i t -i;\>- »h|feitt#'fi«!l! ' --3' "~^-; '^- '^ • '^:-'Pi - •--' { ^Yoo^ nwy-8^l6i;:mj,1«>vc,",but i t i , no, T f 1tI.'«fta«W.'Hlto-blih'tf»'renaaio at home this smllinK raattp^lor all tl»«t^;t|wi # ^

o>icpjr«;.Wowy/;:; ^ ^ f J'Hotlj^icJtborwTw-2 ••lit"'us.'.-•&'»' - Ifeiingfolono. , Jobn^ brjn^ your master*a *?ldouH;know:tf!»a;r replied « j r £ ^ p o ^ ?J "

' ^ . ^ l i l ^ s t ber/ibaWj^t'Mf W0f$* flntl 'itShefiatliiaito JfrrJobn "nipmits ABabo flltfbginfcberwftHnd into ibo bockct* ot~Ii6r p^edjout ofj'tjie tdrayv'iag:{i.>Mjo4.. In ibe

.iii^L^r'eaB.f^pogou knajtlfttk^nwifymgY''^ course of a fewt ininpfes her orders had been ,u T / j 5 ^ » ob?cy/ljeld ont.% fctjierfm m% ini«; ojieyedi Alma* imntediutely^ hfter" thy ma?

„,..,." -ihaja-iuilptt bail been* a cup •ofpoisun,,' .*.-".: t « w d n&fciTooyef' <$#& iulo^be room to. f-'lcan'tbelpat, *fc, SUver,"? »bqeajj^, '' t_f

tfd^tu^br?>1pDpet^ulBiytban.^b.e' h a d flouocedinto i t .

ineok-tw l sjioiijil ;jllkety««: to wear tonight, :|"U'fetcViK"',>"- • . ' ; ' v > ; - •=•;• > •>••• , " i * » - • ' - • ' .» ' . • - • ; ; « ; -. tjbe left the i-oom^ and in a few minutes returned w tjU uhandaome • white neck tie,

:f'VWbft #tel»im#mywai^^ One L wore on my weddlng^ay I And. you are really going to Jet met wear i ; «rben yon «^lInbt:eTCB^p^aentl" ;,:«>,.,, , ' ' . r

• f 'J^^l i , : -TOttUj i^^'^^l7 ' maeTnanl. moiisof m,e, »u»wered my mistreas, with a ery= sigijiflcant-iaftnfele iprber; eyea^; J?t»uf

quite hi accordance >«ith my orUhiary henir ism.ot cbaraclei::, abd» M coijrse, without a thought in my head ot hitwng the lemon pmlding all ivmyaeJC. ^ « what are yoa jjoing* y.i- 4eola|.e you'v»"luiade a i^rfect

:Ma0';m, TOMfc

vetorn ill'*


, Vroppr.IJu for Ma amount; - •'; „ , .„ •w;ife fiatf*Th«'oia!maniM^Ii | ^ V ' . * *v > ;Tf«ug»'IbWran natuie'a-ionnt i. ' *;*^'

Th« book* were closed, and he *ra*borne Up to his lait aecoant;

f i « ^ ' cried airs, Toovpy, <«»! vfor jtV oiiMI «inumtJTreJWi}t# sucb silly scruples' A tbusblni arc one.^nd tbfe^fe cannot Ifi^pj

, einplifttiaillytreiniiMl lieeJnab^btF

my vsn$

w U ;U0t J

j ^lpa/tjtlunfeiany^Teibsal, ffiouli f-» lUiced Mra. Toovey; tq dt fe tlii

^ e letter for nsinglera<jnu;'ht.

' a j j -

yt : - - t=. : ; TpEbf 1^5i fHk; ,P0KRft!^r

: The hearthrug-dugbt-to tell tftio story, be-§a9%S?iyiirt^a«&lboi» todosjwjttlfctbsib I,bad. .But,;spread.fsout there.before the flre4roj»Hfflor»b»g t nJgbtahc^^<;tbibkar only

of*W famlx, mtem^^iwem once in twMty-ibtMvbflM«ki.sftJit tu*Btory"bmtinr.

m mvwfa&uyt% *m.?&&*,\-i*ni;



fc!!"'^*,lt/*1*tW>»p^««rt^«tt^it|»^ nurrl*d t i i s l o g k , maj *OW>»*B tav*r*« to thftaxtsnt «r


There^ my* dear, wh*t do ^demandbdTJri

lstfetwltbrspltefiil, ,_,._ putting tit back -iritd> tier packet,: fjfii- IP To? ;iijrth«.risft».*.v:..-r»:<,-r. •'• -t ' ^ -•;-'. >-;i . =V1 say «tat J am mncb obliged,to, Jtr^ Silver, for l i e thoughtful care he Bad Tajcep' 'to keep me in iguorance of what bo "ftlricfdff ills Wllgbt be ppjeasantfof me tBfetto%y'.su^ j-

IMra. Tooveygave»heraei( «o Bharpa twiet onth&ottMHwm./tJiatiwoader ahc dki not IdleMebalikiica.andflUDJbleoftt.vi' i ',^ "; »^Real^jmj .d^r," shp cried,;, yoa—1 nittat say—yoaroake the blood ©urdle in my

whid Laay isfl'l pleasant far you toi bear,. I rQ*peat t"bat yc« Hfa^tUng my bbabkud R bad ^xlftjiles 'Mmi^bf t^eW Klmtnat J Will n6t alloi^ hini toitave itnytluag to da with

Very, welli my dear madam-r cried my iter fmpatle'ttuy • ^If Tbotrey likes yba to

bltlead^bini: by the noee, that's his aOair; it; ^onldn'fe^tj,We.4?--:;.'.•./-.;V^> -.'»•. -*J-1 '-' ;Y "^c^ibTy|,bnt.yorftt»d|ow,me toaay that J don't belfere tberb'9, another,,woman in tbe .World whu'WObltfptit ut» iWitlt8ticb:be'riaWdr -- jpflr ^vyife-baiiborna hitherto. -V- B6 not

ppoae, boweter, that ahe will mbmit to w , t y j a n n y ^ m . : .Xpuaregreatlyjnia-ben Uf.yfl»v|i»"iSlse*e wjl (et ^roit^o to is scandaloua party tonight Poor thing,"

•lie aaidaaldeY -"IraaBtdefend her in spite

Vi^itf;yo«r«pi¥iMW»v*iUfu^ < iydyr U. I dwa't know yoa. hate been i«d to the.man for tea y»«n, I abould y you »tro aim u lort, witb 4rour.-jBO«-u*v,-, ,-;;-f »;J',i,V ;" „*.<M rj!>:?>.»tet in'


^ ¥ou^awmd^d," cepljed my-mistreas. . .Abv^eJl^jtr'i^ti^eftr^oJai'i^- ;.- * T ./".Tea j»ars,pJdfj GoodheaYena, Isaur*-e« wbat'ii the day of; tbe month!"?. demanded rby^naster,;-am *b*»i IKi^on^BjBbg: to be answered, he threw hic*»eli nt:,1|«rjfeet, ex­claiming: "Beat moj mj>~4kSaagfel>. ,de-senteifc; mQUghtle83„ungratefi,J brute that! ami A.day tlmtwua the, ljeginpiDK ofaw much 1 happineRS t^tiiely .forgotten Tr? Pnt away the dear old neck-lie; I shalhsnix with yoii, Jftve., lieL^bem^waitforme if tbfiy like. Half, an liour a g o ! was an ass, mak« ing niyself and yuu uncomfortable for fcar some peopl«,i^ion'i cape a pin. for should think; 1 prelerred your society > to theira— ashamed of.my.OWJV happiueaa, in fact, • Let them think I am governedf-by-my wtf&i-Too;(fe'gaYern\me^I<aate-$.;&Jtao^ltr.a''tod it shall alwaya be my glory.; to own the in-fluence of your goodness, Jcindneas nnd-gen-tlenesa. You are tbo fountain head alh ail my happiness; aud if it is ridiculous for a man to confess, that heloyea bit trite.better tlimi all*tso in the world, let-me appear tbe mast ridiculous or husband*.;,'Laugh with me, Laurn! ,• Why#.my darling, yoB'ttre

f r y J f l g ! " • • , • • :•';•-•<;• 1 • :.v -}•:,.' f>rt--t, , ' ' ' " " . • • ; : Something at that momenb aifecled'my

,: f am aneugbieer. Ever since tbe ('. road was laid^Tve traveled over it every day, nr nearlyteyer^da&of my life. ,; -

; li'di a good wttnevTye had the same engine in cuarge-^lhe San.Trahciscp'-^Ihe prettiest «ngi*oe on fhd iv>adi(*nd as well managed, ff I say it, as the beat. .,< :4

It was a Southwestern road,/unniug we Will say from A. to Z. At A. my good old inother lived ; at Z. I had tfie sweetest little W e under the sun, and a baby; and lab; ways had & dollar or two pnt.byibra rainy day.. I was an odd kind of a man. Being

itbe^leai*- » t t f y S ' **M*&£-jd#iJi. tent.aadlwisl,tbe«tjc^t^«t«e^piimeht; ^Tf&SSS^^'SSJ^ii^SS^r The bare baanot, much lo ba uroud at in yeiy^ncb"lliMmed » Wwra tiiiiSrwilsoatl^'

dMIimig%BmMat^6nmmm£ nlylbV^formyibosband «of~th£$ig«} r^ therefore, whettlJto&bsfttMtfa*An-ocdfJ fc^tlc/'|mV.i:rt.-doyewaf-tiaitt;-!^c^tirtt sioii«l^«nt«siite.^^ r^n. dway-wlth; me: iu- a-mldnigitl, etorm of


«mTiplys:bectosd*# "mf ibfr thw%ii4xstam firegidoOTmpanUwWp with energy enouVb in hi* composition to take go much irouwe for tlte benefit and warning- ot domineerbiit

bosbanrfste JfaffittftiMI&,fci& Origmatopplon^ Jl^t tbe biqi"Jurug;pBgbti# pOTetOjd'Itjr/vYVr: ..'.•' V " , , - 1 .'•'" , "-.V, • »";.

: shpjtTd !io pbjefci»tm, -X m: going:.; to fnake at.; starMnjc happen.-Jnu ?bo>3ren««ted jwlmin hcairiDg;or any b^diYidtud; fedfe*inft

the f^x^smnik^^'ymi^ »m tore* «nd#imbdl^s*;nio1ttieiit :Mf mti&i* when Isay* Mttjl mMhtt^:m?\x^ hen person>aItog«aeri Is' BHcIi *, bne'»« a tirv-arfablo.»tii»i^clwnir^;to;bw tties. 1 itbaJJ vq^fiijifmnjyqirn-opinion, which, might be openM JU&- «u*pteioo;-br iartialit^rl&ah»tt report xmtWwr that of Mr. obn Tttomiiaj tbei footman, 'in his dW'n rorda, bttewoioflb tnoriHii|^Qier he >Wa>

Jn tho act of pnttlng' cbahf otirttfe iJrs^t moientMe*riheb>rf Ieft,tbe room: ^By

t Wifet;If1 W((* sai^Apel&totbj.r&ie" (upperbou^afdyt^uaBy g < ^ « i k ^ i u u l

ft^4^ted),.«J:wott,-*'"-"-'*i,i'-••-me l f nsl

would: make me such an-l wouldu't

wel , , other, blow without even' asking to see horiavbii mimyo^^lttiiMHe^iuji w.asthei ified t*sbeakSho«inghi Oft sucb My own fmjbr^ssion-iaji Unit Jibi |)f hii»'jnfktalvift&er "rj pa tywpl master, h ahnndanfly JusUfleli; SftYeri my, mastejr, l,b.*Y*, only\ v thbugliuTibv i s ^ p t e w b e r : ^ m chJtnl* *fld anyt1iin*<but*sablt, tainly Abf at 511" ir bad *>rt'of 9 e uses ine;» UtUo raijgbly at tit it were not that-Jn.doinB sohe r , wu*e'startunplcasautlyOnlrer*hair, I should not bbjeetto be W treatcd-^sljould rather Hke IViniacfc; ;*rh*t they are a ^haronghly flippy patK&wbat noj£.-«nu VKeiitldJWondis cover who had my opportunities for observ­ing Miemtb^ethe,r-rr a-privilegfel iiave: nsed Xudicioualyj,ana tyjibput'415'saspiclQri.ofc lm-pertinence, TbopoTmay safely sayj/fot very tittle short 6f ten yWrB;' la be precfee^frbm ar»fCJa>o:^fe^t%aa*^ri|t6if|eta^ their honeymoon .trip, when my mistress took formitl; pofselslon of her aom% jtbd lent myrixnty pr^ecessor^!^v«Im±pn; «to way,of all^old Son, - , • . -*"• . •

Ploftiisied nte lie yrill not think ofMog: nftej* n<ypromblflbjr. J)o;. "my love^ -let mefg1fe yhu aTonjeadvico on the way tq manage ydur

ilofito #0^80 * rtAl^mymPrfesa* with a

^mf«m&mm\ nor mm trtmi


V^S*fc j i A. D a r l i n g •;:,': •i* tZj&f

I • j | i f n I**Wtriilswfrrtsed to tmlt aarfy s«d-OeaMaaad Moa*.

uade>r*dd. lightning,/imd imriy « e iir" lie of all the worW, bit parentaiind mine

'l8&t&e$.+l Wm«*IHt*W#nbMto melcqttaidfe ed with bis faufts; bits also taught me to bear

L#ilh*lmeBlf^iffio^Wil«?BM, SiAtieiffiKc* ^arine«lsv; Tbet^ la nothing to be 4u at-ln tl^ocmtimiasvte c^ ancb lore a» mtne^-eiUrtly^arp^Mttitic, jdg-trou%»a*Be.' * Sac^

tightlyas lF;Ser*Wrtb<krbe«*»^kaiirdf baMWbr^itnttBh*' h ^ i ^ r « j w r ^ ? t ft* eirj&rfe'tlO'n.. .'-r.'*.»-r''= i^i-^>X.Jvfi '

to say what I think; but this T-*«r wry:: I f any wife ever Wentthe way to spoil her huabandfyou are going exactly tlbat w; '

.Afbjnelfi'A-v-^ , . , . •,?f^p&mmi^iar^Joovtyr, crM jmy magter; u Iwlsb you'd mind your own busi-ntea, and not drive me into saying disagree 'abl^Qringf^i-ypttWv-: «v ; t ••-"'.•>• '-•'.

i'VIIiiifB^onlyton'elmorevtenwrk to: maker Mr.SUverJ; ^Wi4 Mt . TooVeyi "it is to re­quest that you wDJ not hold any further communlcatWn With my husband; n i not fiijiYebiiB cdti^pte^ byiyour bad ex-imple." ;-,f»3oit0.'H^%^!.--. % ••) ..>,.-.««'f > v.„«.<..

I don't think rny master named any final destmationrfor Hra Toovey, who saifed out of the room with more anger than dignity. • " Hang tbff woman I" exclaimed my mas ter; ringing tbo hell, as ir that were the or­der, of execution;," I can't imagine bow Job Toovey manages to get along with. her.— What the dencedoes she want nere?-rflliing my wife's head with a tot of rubbish, < I'll be 'bbundi.".-/x-f.-;T-^'?'. ,.:•..• 1 .-,..'-,*" . . - , . •

Mr. John Thomas came in answer to the ^beu.1'"" ' • • " ' , ; ""-.• ' • > " See that my' evening dress la all reatly," ihid my mtaier sharply. . ^ , . ,;- '^Evening dwiB.aSr? mistress told me to ibrm^fturjdr^ng-gqwn—" .. .-!' i*\Wbo la master here ? do instantly and doa^ltejlydur^briedmy mister. ••'*'• ';•"'• •"* A5vy«».«k,r4rf.c6nite,iir,^ cried; Mr. Jobb Thomas .in * bewildered state ofmind, in Whibb condition Jiejiuitiedfrom the room. . n f t lee wbJttfm InippeiQeoV^M^ my .was ter iui»v»n as he wai l ed alone. ^Tm to be

Knttotoleadmg^trbigi'. Notyet. Lanraought y tblatltne t^ know that I fove her with all

mjMQtt^f>ut tbat.Imm-maatar of my own f$ 1 , . sawatagbtnee that Mr. Silver had been-put

latf out Rf tctnper by aomething. But she said. - - «s if quite unconscious of anything being the

ai-tteri'^j" :,7:,~;:i; •"., ri ;•".•;,"'.'.'/.*" »"^ 1 *IHal» ybn jentoyed.;ybur:ride;,lo^efT' -:'.-;, P (".Pretty «ell,^iui«weietI'mymiM» dryly. ••There Unojpbjoc^n tomy^going out.for aribour'aridej

he h « »m0ug% of them I Bui th^t ishot wiy

teilect fclittftr^fer ttin mil ; , ^ j j ^ iqve, H'h'irtBf'jajl' coBte tcoi&lkim'^ With. h lmiolmMt iJttit ah^wsrino-: l*»*2» «1 With hlraJ about Oils sbocking hnaband i,' - S-dfdk'hii&i'

SAfeVoryour-: e v e r y t h i n g ;

ny*fe^o|ff Toovey,'. T

follow you!' W h a f e t o ^ b o t ^ H l > ? . . M r * T o o Y e j ? h a ^ that when I say • Unng I: mean it, / , i5e bafc

the evening, Ilopehi", Objection?—oxpressedly order by your"

d««br,ae*.v ••"»•;** •••"<•• ••v-/:. ':-:•**•.••.•; j: ."An intention of mine 10 go out to supper

bia evt»if^appe«ra to .be equally unobjec

r •VHAt-48y^i4ite/Hi*i;TodYey-i-,v' *?£:*-. £ ~l »VJCy dear Edward,'! s*ld my mistttss, -«? *-*terrnpt|ng: Mm:, f;.. ";J*ra,- :Tjpoyey^^Mjt*v

? t,%

tlnmbamy: toi«y^tt4M>,ir,trep}ied: iay tna9tek;-^;tofeW>y..;'dft-Jtpo; encourage her Yisitajf. " "' . . • - - •

good-natured little laugh. ~J»iXjjti.wQn^tingb-ray de4r,'t

v$>. f-<A'

Tiiotey,." wfaettYoaflnd oal,*wbJe dayrthat JapOtbcr womerthaB carried Toft yode bus! bahd'a aflectlons; und noi only his affections, bnt hl» rnrtonfc^tnr ihafr what: «nm'(fiily; httppen8,ino^ lA9f ?,ver; I/#«e >pj«ii|hr-— « , . ,»fro s p a r e d to^espisemy « a ^ yico,»nd to laugltat myrsoleibo.warnln,

Promismg that from tay recumbent posi­tion bfr tbolender lT saw -and •hear4 cv^ry-ttttag tom-abo'attd relate, this is my itory;' 3 Tires had not yet been bogu,n |n tho di'aw-big; roo«,'bm; ftdm teforce of bablt^ I sup^ pO80,:Mrs. Sflver^when therd Wat'qo com-panyi would sifreading; or at' work by the Side of tbo fircMjftcc; wbJie herhusband went for 9 ride aiU'iS*dInncr, which be did very Often in the summer twilight. Obo evening, Whilo.ibus sitting L i o n e l noticed that abo paused reflectively, and presently I beard. :hersayr , . ' .

" No, no;Til nbtrjomind him. To say 10 blitt,' My lore, for the first ame in ten years yon havo forgotten the return of oar weddtflf-day,' might sound like a reproach. N o ; neither tears nor reproaches belong to a day from which jdate tea years of trsoquU bappl-hess. J am sunt bis forgetfulness ariaee from no want of love for me. Active and occu­pied as ho Is, I know bow many other things be has to think «f. If hei to* remembered i-well, it would |u»ve been very delightful. However, since he has chanced to forget, let mf ra&eot that his memory migbt be M r«-ttntive as that of the almanac, and yet h« might sot lovo ma. Noj if 1 avenge bia foigetfuinass, it shall be in my own way—by tusking the fireside «f which he is so fond more than usually pleasant to trim this eve-oiu ."

Mrs. Silver smiled and resumed ber work, which that evening was a haadsome smok-ing-cap siM w snstaDidettaat •*•• •taster ; but I *MrtsJoIy SAW liwtagismsarofAttwrlsi one sf sVsTsjf<s)'" Nurose •sksnksCte'snsv •

"TVs OOMST tj»r,*»lw »x«tinn»xL'in«JsU-trway, " hm wsV^rtSAing^^ t W t U old c«kv lorn of AAYtSJi i1c4«t*pera bad pa—* away, rvesa^^nSho'tosorprise him with one

r j * ^ ^ t o M » B o _ '' I h*re never bail any other

reading aloud of all UM sad s Aw of the most

tjolicit.' But, take-»ny word fciriV:yonfil' lln'*tof>Srton Wh»t<s»«SdyattiwVeR>r) tcpen^ n p e e , * ' .- • . • ' • • - ' ' .» 4 .••'*- yW-, ll'-ft' opflnot..'- Bcally, my denr^yiJi)^wn; determined fobaaguio my busibaud rf second Lovclacri,- yooforget Mist Re is not Ayoiing} miitt of twenty." "•••i-iii sf"^3o4>4 bcaveiiSi my. dear } ". -.e^cJAimp^ Mrs* Toovey; " What have their wwHo do ^ i t b i t t " , T i ; ^ " -

!-WeB.etWifttot*sri*repUe4 my mb> reas, smilingt "my husband is as nngallaht

a man as you could name." -, I" To J»», perhaps, mylove," Atuwered the

amisble Toovey, with her sweetest sniibi if M bad been winter, and I bad been rcddTutr! sjwuUt bate been strongly tempted tobitvc to throw myself At the l.-uly's fee», and Set fir* toiler at tbw particnlar mf»ment. t ' ^

" T o you also, dear; for, you rcmembch it. is only a few days ago you wera compiling' fog of bis* * shocking want of politeness**"' •

*Yery.Hfce!y; bat his rudenew Win**? is. easily -Acoonnted for., ,Iil» becatisdl give you what ho c insiders ill advice;' which means that hefl-urs to lose ibe power be now enjoys of tyrannising over yon «t hla plea« sure.'" • . ." • , . , . .» ' : ' •

t SVia« u w


« My de*r. have you ever written « sejissr tlonatttetf* asked mjr mistress, Wiflt an Arch smile pl*yinj{ about the corners of ber mouth.

« What do j o * mesm bv that ?** " You have such a vivid imaglnatlfin; the

portrait you have drawn of my husband, so much resembles that of a romance Item," re­plied my nalstress.

" Pray let us drop the subject," cried Mrs.-Toovey. "Posftlfely yonr notions are an outrage to oojimon sense,M

" I'm sure, my dear, I hope to be Ibrgivca. Ymi see the soope of my miad.ls an Ysiy pro-saic; you'll think so, no doubt, whe» X t<ll TOO that at the moment yon came 1 was bosyplssninc nlHUe •trroeasntlc hot tapper tarmyBtsjeBeaud •spestslty Alimijibe)*. ding, of wWakl SSMW h« b> P M S S S J ^

!bsal ifWhthMfcr

unuouncc the return of Mrs. Toov<givbht the lauyr herself entered before- he had time to pronounce her name; She appeared both surprised' and disgusted ito • see that pretty little picture of domestic felicity/ i " jj*' What I? ahe exclaimed; «!«rer*pu'not -goneJ'';,'i--iiw •-- -.• • <' • >•.<••»» :"e$,

" N o ; l a m going to sup at home," replied my master.'; • . , t . • • .• .-.<••

," When all the rest are :gone!" cried Mrk Toovey. u Bidiculbus I" • f Good heavensJ^Jie.criedttoMtirig into

laughter; "theres no, being m agreement With you, Mra. Towey^ Half an hoar ngo you quarreled with me for proposing to 00 now you quarrel with me for 7wi going."., ' "''Bat^ui*' busbnnd, dear f" Inquired my mistresa. ,.. ,; .... .'. . ,.„ .iv „- . '. ,,-.. : ** Gone, n>y lays! Gone, in spite of-att f

cp.utdtdo, 0? sayto oreYcnt^iio, after # » ? g into tbe most dreadiurpassion, and terrifying me almost to death. J cjinVnadeiwand it at aU. I t s aa if he bad suddenly become another man—a lion, my love." .,' , -, "And,Mr8.,TooVey threatened, to go instan.

tanepusly n|o hysterics, %piro# of the terr rible change that bad comeover her hitherto sabja^Uivti fjord and m a ^ i ' Jtrequired A great deal of persuasion on Uja put of my

Whoint "Jo/ 'aaidl "It every man had asked.his. wife, every

man's wife w^ouldjhave said, 'can't spa^a yon. my dear,'and we should have had no.„cIuh', at all," said Granby.

But I made no answer. At home I told" ?Jo. Shesatd: . .

" I shall miss you, Ned;, but you love such, things, and then if. Granby belongs to if,

ftlfyoaTe^ollect^yonyonrselfp^tbJnlw; jy're^ajgfjej^me Ipicultivate^ her, acquaint'

, . „ . ,J»*sakerdfher b)feband^neVof yorir' oldest ami most Intimate frien'dl;'* "'1-2-

fUJ^yoarpArdpn,--deiw.; • I, was wrong;",. 44 ,my T ,m*ster^Ai^^ '"The fecj is; the,wom«n's a uttle-taiMer,. and ipayibe a ^ ^ e f m k k e r : - ' : V- '*•>•-*-? - ^ * A » , ' -^ 'J She. ia»-don» nbthin* but good Hfrjtbe present instance;-since I owe to Iter tbe knowledge of: thevpains; you had. taken,to feep from-.m'eV'a something which ypu^ho't tt WOUlflty:^WW^jJ^^^pJ^T

My master was evldeflUy embartassied: r' Khen, tnyjdarlingt,' ^ bastamrnjered, ?:rayr,

going U\ thbl supper does not ^ex yoajfj' 1;•-' •'In o'np;resp?ct, ft" little bit f i n anottief,'

flotatall.0 • , • Ai'VMigbt I;«sk^yoato^xptalriT^IBo^rebV m j msWer/r^lansmg-ini Uio^aCiUest degree-into his recenti|I humor. :. , 1 i" 0," erica ray- mistress, Muj

* %oudttrt'texp«St ntcto .„ ,.., eclaim yob a spewh like a, heroine in a melodrama T By ihe way, that rs«ind^ me of something JI &fV4o, wo^td-yodmtod.puttmg. ooypar dressinggoifn for a momenta I . want to see how this cap, which I am embroidering fok'yb'ui'rWiUgO.WitniU' ;; > .'.••> -.'-••;•.; V->:

,". .W.Oaid Irnuid !" cried; my master, ink­ing, oft*14s walkfpglE50»r*ad BlTpplng Ifito bis

* " ' ' ja j •*• why it's a pasltivVpie dressing-gown; •" why It's A paslUVe'pIeas-urd to find an^icuse for patting it op. -I should like never to Wear anything elBe." '

"ThAt will do, 1 tbipkr" si»ld>y mistress, after comparing the new tcap with tha old dressing-gown. u Vou may lake it off now.** ., ^There's 00 ne*dr fbr- hurry, my love,w

replied U y master, thrbwufg himself com fortably into a_favorite cbait^'il,.shall not start for tbl3 precious supper for another hoar. Bnt you were saying that my going oat taxed yott in 006 Way; ,th6ogb'not itv another,"- • •>,•+ .---.•. ;• - , •

* I meant that I wontrf rather hate had you at home this evening, because I had planned a nice little hot supper for you—a lobster rtssWet« roaited chicken, and a dAi«( tyiemon-poodmfc1*' • . -

" A lemon puddiruc r cried my master. * Bat now 111 tell you why I do not wind

your golnc out to supper; h?s because I know you'll get 00 wine so food AS that in yo«r owrroeliar; »o leejon-pudding so nice at the one I've had made forVoo, «ven if you get any At all: because yooTl have to wear what you call a »choker' tnstead of yonr drsssing gown—laave your ears split with

ton-vbe bored Ui death with and here no opportunity,

. ^ nraeh yon may wish for ft, for ssy-tnrlbycasrw*Je. 'Uasm, I lore yrw better

s»sssftkiat • " • is) tk«

B U h s i i i s s M w u , l b OtBtT

yoowtfft*aujoe, snagtsxi aeStSHMB^. 'HWIS, •WivVSkSIM

^ * 5 o , swt Msr 4am\ eV

addgtadof: ieWs ealDWaiiesaassaisss iftaifasfi lMl

s o r t r c r t e d V " » * ' ^ l * * t f r ^ 7 i o o a r e Mm to obitge SM, tkeia

food!" ^.rr'TrTrnit.TTTMflii t k i t l rmlij *Tt - yp-'M lad y« i kM< hpsl . ^ l a h o , . for H « f ^ S T b i I t f w Z m wilbT5..v«

yoar pslBJ, for he wTO certslaly not b« st d o * tarter Oka " k^saaW]SBtlAlHi6fitM " *•-- " wl*tls,t«»aMA»|i

a M*«wa tufwsslsii Is «lui«M**t«,««tSr' and klsseeViatv , . _ osf satstneii 4*H$. • "PJM J>*tum# 9mm while tbe ctoek aa the sAastfswpssoe slowly

mistress Id get her to give up tbe idea of hysterics in( the first place, and in the next, Of going: to (Qremorne; to confront her pec­cant husband, " in the sbockingest hausom I can find," as ahe said., ,.."..;.-,...-.....'

As to my ;masfer'&BUgge3tipn, that in deal­ing with the wild beasts called husbands, wives may,, in somacases, flnd.coaxtng do better than coercion, she emphatically pooh-poohed it, even after a second help of the Jemnn-PHddbjg at sppper-^naya even after moretbao.oneg'aasdCoolfKpun0h»..... > • : I Wilt only aay in conclusion, that's my story. If the hearthrug could have told it better, why did'nt she tell it ? •'-'•.'...",•!•

your eyes and heart doeg not make a man lalkattve.

My wife's name was Josephiue, and I called her: Jov /Some people called me un: sociable, and couldn't understand how, a njan could feel friendly without saying ten Words an hour. ' So; though T-'bad a few old friends—dear ones too—I didnol have so iriany acquaintances as most people, and did nbt care to have. The bouse which held

jy wife and baby was the delirleat place on earth to me, except the old house which held mother, up in A. v - - . - . . . •

I never belonged to a club, or mixed my­self up with etrnngers in any such way, and never should if it had not been for Granby. You see Granby wasonpwpf thesiiasehpiders, a handsonie: shc^vy fe^wSWlikm'tS folk: with him, and we were friends. Fie often rodotfrdm 2.'to &/$^fmtagain;%fhlt«tfetf he.said: .,. „^J^. ...-; - . i>ix>;'i**

•»'You ought to belong to the Scientific Club,Gueldon."

-" Never heard of it," said L " , w / s *-.1**1 am" a member," said'tier 'We meet once a fortnight, and have a jolly gddd tim€ We want thinking men, like you. We want some among us now. :l'll propose you, if youlikc'V

I wasfondot such things,.aud lh;id ideas that Tfaircietl might be worth something. pBut then an engineer don't have nights and' days to. hbnselt, and the club would have:

t b e j r M n d M p e n t h f t t r ^ k ^ j ^ ^ r ^ 1

tdee,%d there "gazed at n% a#n WSfic." , The engme was iu fragments, the cars in splinters; dead, dying and wounded Were strewed around^men,, women and children, old age and tender youth.'. There were groans and shrieks of despair. The maimed cried ^^.^^^-^ijl^lm^aA &eir dead? a W r vbft^"mT5eaM^^BY other, was in my ear whispering "JSiurderert '•• : The beWs had gbae back to! A-tiai|»jsopte came "thronging down to find their Ion ones: Searching for ail old man's danghter,I came toapiace; under the tree,and five, bodies • were I vine there in nil their rwidThqrror—

f , a young one, a baby and two . Irwas fancy- .

fancy, born of my anguish—they looked like,* ,qb! great Heavens! they weremy old moth­er, my wife,^y.<mildrenJ«aUlcolaAnddead.

How didTtm^bdmabf W t M n f " m a t chance bad brought this about f I gazed on the toajfofd'fate of her who'had ^veo me birth1, on "|he lovely features of my wife, on the ianocent- children.' I called them by natae; there waSino anawir-^TAerejieyer could be-never would be. And 1, aal com -preheoded this, Onward, up the track, tbun dered:WSBtB§r' *rato ® « 6 V « j » ^ n ^ d / o u 3-

'itrXifj3ltAt.crash .

shut up with tbe engine, watching with, 4lL:£n ,°'d S ? a ; ^ , . . , , . _ -—; - -•— - ' * 'tnd soul,insPcan.l otit, lH«e tonifdreii. 'Irwas faflC/—ft"«as pure

n iaVtmiiira '••" '•• * - :fiincv. born of

lis hea4 ia very hoC' said sol

they must be superior men." "Nodoubti"*"1** . laitfl " It isn't everybody who could be made a

member," said Jo. "Why, of course, yon must say yes/' - 1 - - ^*~

" So I said yes, and Granby proposed me. Thursday fortnight, I went with him to the: rooms. There were some men with brains there and some without. The* real business of the evening was the supper, aud so it was every evening, i - - . .--, .. I'd always been n temperate man. I actu­ally did not know what effect wine would have upon me; but coming to drink more of it than I ever had at the club iablej I found i t put the steam on. After so niany glasses I wanted to talk; aftCT so many more, I did. s -1 seemed like somebody else, tha words were so ready., My little ideas -came ont and were listened to; 1 made sharp hits; I indulged in repartee; I told stories; I even came1 to puns. I«beard somebody Granby: -.,-.<- •.-• . - -< •-..'

••ByOeorge, tiiftt's a man worth knowing. f thought him dull aLfirst" Yes, T knew it was belter to be quiet Ned Gnelden, With* bis ten words an hour, than the wine-made wit I was. •'. ';' ; '- :* '

I Was sure « f it When three briars after, f stumbled upataira to; find Jo watting'for me, with her babe on her breast, , ; • '•' " Yon've b*en deceiving meJ!" satd 4ft' "I suspected, but "f wasn't sure. A scientific club coiildn't isniell' like a hufitfota?*.'-

" Whichmeanf5 do,"-8ai»I gating in themidoUeoftbeToomiike'ftsignal'flagata Station and seeing Cwo Joea 4

•"" And Idbk/like bh&" sjUaTJoi; anjl abe ^etrta^IocketfbjatiSifand thrbabynpiir the spare bed rooni. - ' ' - " '" •t "'Ned,"-i"atd'8kB^"db'you'tiifnfc'ff1ltb%so' much like a bottled- up^and-atrapped'dowJu' 4einpn;a3steamisilaw to^forpnrihto-at^ bands of a drunken, man » And some day", mark my words, the time will come when not duty Thursuay night, hut all the days of *Hie weekwill be the same. Fye often beard-yon wonder what the feelings of an engin­eer who has about the same Wr murdered a Sfain tflili' of people,*; mustrbe,; ;and •know, ii? yorfon^Sfop wb^yp'

H ^ TfcE^Poo»-Tnis|Je;uroit„P«f<?» ^ivel fb^ m w recipe, m pentsal pi! 'Which is eargeaay ; recommended tb-certain classes: * There is ttoworkibg man bnt Would relUcs, to have the w^pojated ont by which he1 might boneatty attain riches. No one would tponk us for a prescription to ensure pp 'Who keep; •followipg: •cents' $37

say to jjto 50;, itf one ^ boy slk p\ one fack'i aresaafn paffaof -*•

'-•': '-^y.ou^t^sM'. s^«^Po«>i;.." Most^verybody knows hbw to play pool.

T6^ba*wt|tft4on'ilaM»Wa5W^ the game is played on a billiard tablo with twebty or tbjrty,bajb^';es^teball «umbered, A doaeo or more can play at the game. A certairtnbmberis fixed ^pon, and theTJlayer who shall first pocket r^mughlkdls; whose: combined numbers will iamount to it, wins tbe pile—which la made up by the players stsku^ Aceriaia amonnt -bwre ibegam* <»mmences. -Previous b the commence­ment of Jho game each rJayer;4raw3.;»:mitr-

fhsM,inarU«a»aliam»btiied to pjsasWgg all Aese years. Don't throw • went t 0 ^ ^ ? ] ^ cort^postd with the numbers ott;tbwtable.-* Thfe fUayer, alter: receiviagrJUs nssrbte,Hears the number inhis mind, and htjsgame is to po^tbailaenoogbv-tkeaumberkw^ ded to thatOT the marble la bis pocket, will ttiaka the number Which;, wins, Theother nightona ot-our Oldest cititens, occasionly given to''chan ce," came home ratber late.— Ula wife Was asleep. . When she awoke jn tbeinotBing, she found :on" the floor A mar­ble, upod wbichiWAiSthe a^JBer) *iW-n ">:Wlut'ctiiiit?4lse^said toiter abrdieyfling, the marble suspiciously. " It dropped out of your pautnloons pocket.:; What is it?" Lord r^>me4 his eyes, iooked^ blushed, waseon-ioaed and 8tammeretl: j. ? Wny*rwhy;f ita:^ A marble, ain't M®/.:'? ¥e»,S said ahe, ^-bnt what are you doing with a marble in your • poek« at yonr. timSMittepi'«la my-pocks

marble in my pocket for the last thirly-flve yiBars.';.- ever. sincjeJ ^used;tpxplay»for/keef»' with Bilt"''••;• "'Indeed!'?: increduonaly asted his wifer-*"'but what are these flguresonhere fort; What-:doesil*m&n^V i,vJn1eaD^17 thean?" said he .heaUatibgly; "Oht.lT?*? jvhy that w:is t h e number oif m a r b l e s Bill . QW-c41me-'Whm%aiimtplsyh^

ng'^ieasV'^t on there so 1 Wouldn't forget iu" The bid .^i».'^.ii fellow had a narrow..escapev^andhe.. hasn't

played any nitU since. [Cincinnati fi>ws. , > I-.-i'.-'i ','."• - *~f.:~.>J?v.<; .,.*,."'{;:./,*;•-'...v..

A perdoits *a>ehtttWi ip the, jterter* of New York hns recently been Attended with remarkaWa results. "A^ybungfady orefghir een, her brother J*me» aged sixteen, and Micltael jGridy, Ait old pial otStiy.- WeM the adventflrcrs. Mlsa Walker .Mginated, the schemfe SbfeTtad read of a German'-iiRir' namedjSchWartt, Who some years ago en­tered the sewers Of New York, and emergetf therfe'from Witb aboutfST.OOO worth of jew-elry^ta, and resoived to imitate hfm. The expedition waJf soon started, and on Sunday tbey had-filled all the bags, some fifteen in number, tWy had taken with then^ Miss Walker and ber brother went successfully thr*\*hfe ufldertAking, but bnthing baa since b^enheardPfrcni Grady,ttditlSfe^^ perfshad'. Tbe result of ihe week's search fs roughly estimated at f l ,(500,000. A little over onebushBl (how queer It seems to talk nf}?Wilry by the bushel> has baaarecoroed, and among tt has been one dlmond rin* YAloed at •M.OOO, twomoravalnedattti.OOo; and half a dozen Valued * t | 5W and up­wards. Miss Walker and her brother, who find themselves thus lifted from penury to great wealth, Intend to procpett to England, when* they have relatives.

* he said, not -*•'em*** V

T»B Saaap BtACKrao CASH—The story that has gone " the ronada," of the Yermon-ter, who was imprisoned for selling blacked sheep has A sequel. Tha astute Buckeye and the Vermoater bare exchanged places, by aas^csiotilMiaJMlmprtsoainesrt. DartQess, the sheap w question did lose their ookr aa exposure to storms, as all shasp will which have attained A darkaurtVebrbeli*boused wbtsnfcrsJhs. Theiact t tksal l^hrtena* on exposaan la tha beat ps i iM. eWdaaca •J?**!*0 *«*MWal msjaii, was -iisa^ Wlsaa

away,Jfed. If you don'tcawfor my Jov^, don't ruin yourselfi" -v My.little Jo; She spoke/rbni ber"heatt and I bent overbad kissed ber. -;

One club night, as Was I dressed t<» go, Jo stood before me. •«• . v i s a ^ y ?

"Ned," said she,." Inev.erTiad a, fault to find with you; before,' You've Been" kind and good, and loving, always^ but! shoutd be sorry'-we ever met,if you -art to go ob in-this way;: Dorr*t ask me whatT mean-. Yoa k n o w . l , : - ' , : ' - "• •''••'' -' :i-~--:-~' '• ''"- •

" It takes dine tailors to make a man,"— bntonyitbnbng^tajain:hIrn.- - " •",-'••

Anlrishtpah whS has heardthat all flesh 'iSj aSs, i^^ki^m0&i^y^M^f

Ad advertifler says: ' W«te4-iA female who has* -knowledge o f fitting boots of* goodimoraliehjraetar^. .--.., •-,%.*--•; ~A.-, ; Thought wavelet is a little wave, and* flb'wret is a little flower, yet A bullet is not. a JtUle -bull, nor a hamlet a little nam.. . '"'Thourainestin-this bosom," aaibechap

rsaid when a basin of water was thrown pvpr Mm-by.jthe. lady he waa serenwin^g. ' '

Why arejmiiroad companies like laun­dresses?" Because they nave ironed, ihe Whole cOuittry, "and sdmelimss T!O«" little

$ $ $ $ & * # & ? * : • • ' • • • : ' ' • " • : . - « " ' . • • • * " » ' ' • • ' •

Why1 is-alawy'er thamfJBt ill-ujed mas lb r social system ? BecanaeHhoogh he may

rideJmbliawifcsirtegejilsttanttstdttW the- r conveyances of other'peiopWs -- '•:


"« J0^'saidl,"it'9 onty tin clubnigbt" ! , «'» will grow/' saldBfi^; ^ A ;;'. H : * ;

Theniha pat her arms atbunditify SeM ; 'Mjon^be afra^: i^d: ,Ttt;nev^ip^n.

r meant ft ;Ttui attwelfi d*cibck that nightl felt that ThMfo^ottaaY^y W»'rf8tv "a&'my^jreapfuJionTP ^j: .:• .T^- , -4 m

.:-rcouHn'tgdhim^toyd. iTmade ttp _ . ^ mind to sleep 6u the otab;"ad» aadjearftibe Tj place for;gaod b a x r d ^ ~ Juready I'felt iify;*i K'rain'reel aslneVat bftdbjlbrp.' ;It*3D. p o r '

:wasin;4iistt4of.iitutior.'' •',,':" ,.V7..;.::.'.';"':'- ,' It':wa? mirnl.ng.T% wiitef stodd jeacT&.t /

broJb smv- cMl.. I ia.(v" a grin-unbnl bia ficC My beau seeriiej ready to ;bur9t; My $ma trembled;I'looked at.tnv watch; IsaW^bat I bad only:JuaVfife.'nKn^p^.r^c^;t^'^.4'e. P*% i":'.',v- i.-/,.^ S;-.rJJ;;?>. i*5u' tJi.i.Si'Airam

> Jo's Words Ciima;|tt:.my./mm4v>9P»4-'A'f^1

to take charge of an engine J_I ssa^not fit to answer. I ought to have asked some sober man. Aa it was, 1 only caughtup\My; bat, and rushed away. I waTjustln time: -The ;^'-E!s^cls^-tj$i]tt^^ Tha -cars wereijtlllfts.raiii'iilyi .From:fny; post I couidhear the .talking -rbiddbag each other good-bye, promising J<> write;,arid" came agam.- Among, then* jaW.sit:'ol4; BD> tlemwi'ti^w-*by^hi^J6e;bf'-ttb"aita«&: boldera;. i»--.WW,.biddifc: tWO'Mnjbiigirla]:, adieus r- , •>.., t. -.-,-.i * 1 .-; Lxi>"'„,'V s<. .r,•-• •f "Good-bye," ffitty^"goiidTby^ Iiue5 J beard him say; "don t- be nervous/;The San Francisco 4Mbe aa&sV engtofton the line; and Guelden tMsafrat ^gtoaferiti iroujiin't'beafraid tqitrusi-ievary m^rtatl love in the world to their keei" could iuld happen Wrong-With the;two: together.-

laakjM'tf gettbrpugb itaooMmdw, and Jo shall never talk to: me again."_ After all it was easy enough. I reeled AS I spoke, heard, tbe signal.. We; were off. ,, -t , .

Five hoursfronV L.t» 1).; five hours back 0 n the last f shoutd bi myself again, I knew. t saw a red flutter, and never guessed what t was until we were past the down train at

wrong pbtce. Two minutes wore and we should have bad a collision. Somebody told me. I laughed. 1' I beard him sty^ re-spectfuDy, II , . ,

MOf coarse, Mr. GueMen, jjpa know what you are aboutr ••"

Then I waa akwe, atid wonderktt whather, I should go slower or laster. I did soi thing, and the CATS rushed on at a 'feai 'rale. • [• ' r

ifW% WAS SaAOHHC MfSJT HsV a #aSa\t ,SVSJta QOSJRI06. *Vfow~manf ipBeaarew*mataagf*t

taoMraoW! * - T :-".f •'"• ^ r r a - -* IlBt%tAtti*, eattle. i wkflftthe spaad.of^Ue.aaa

-3l*fesit itmm-mimmigawm.mm St w^ J win Sag somewhere. » WAI ' 7^r'v^ • <-—™^ Waser. By « miracle 1 was q i f a o u n n IfsJiMtdthsshos*7rstood«i»si

eto, «^L. T . T . _„. I a^efferraiyeyea alltcf'saW nfy wSfa, " HoWdrf you feel I" shw said; l»a little

betterf» ,'\'i . . . - - - .^.; ; ;:. ,.. •;... " t was rejoiced and BO astonished by the sight of her, that I could not speak at first. Shje reue,it?d, the question.

"Tmoltbe crrisfiied to pieces," said I,-for the train went over me. "but I feel no pain. ~ » ThenBJhe goes about the traja^agate/' *«-

I trieq toimoYe--T there .waa nothbig the matter%i#*meyi m, tipT' f i a i lit niy own^bora^ydppoane;m'evacrib,-in Which two children* were asleep, beside m e * .tiny, bald baby head. -My wifeapd chilcftea. were.safe I WaeTlrertoui^or5wnat:couM«be? "* ,

« Jo,'H dried T, "'tell me-^wfiat Ms hip penOt?$''<'~- ' - - •'* '•'• .-' >' - - • - • • - v

1 ""It is nine o'clock," said Jo. ;V.yonc*me home in such a dreadful state from the club itbat I (MaWnXwAeyQJ^vIOftlfgjnp^iit to mana'S^smta, iaffVlK p^pte^TrVes,?-Tbe San .Franeisco is halfway tp A,, I sup­pose; and yoii have bees frightening me to >deafh^withf-3«jf»llreadfbJ4alfcf«'! . And-Jo began to cry. . ; ..

Itwasa dream—only an awful dream.— B i n l W a i w e d through it alias though it :werefeXu»r^- •""^•' •.->«•,•* -J?.*'. : " Is there "a Bible intheboiute,:Jol',isaidI,

Are^eibea^eWf'aaidJp^O' j : ;. ; She brought it»«jj4JCT|4i#ythai»d; on it

and took an oath (too solemn^tb^e^refieAted hwe).thatwhat;happenedneYeraboula:occur again. It never has. And if, tbo San Fran­cisco ever,, comes to grief, the yerdict will not be, asjifrshould ,beso ot^rMm.^r^e^

and'yet tbere is manyraman'

pusses of ate a day, at ^ n one after eachTneal,

do&i:t%ra«.. ear^-r'f8ir-bW-^im«ei^ to" elsof flour one barrejpf sugar,

cfctor the baby, and a. naif dozen If yottdon^, believe it,,work-

>pnjrielf:" •,,

A widow;fad^«ceiVedapjt»Bent ofaJtur; key. •' WhO-aentM" ahe^AaltMflfiwe^ciah, porter. « r W t o l d i » p . t t f t , t e p as^bjec-»" Ab; T can g > ^ ? sm^ th?|a|ly; 'BeoSKI?* said4fie^rtB!!,' ,4^ae^HSC #hat-*4old^ DeaieonQra«k":^' : ' : ::' .":y:<:^l';;<.:.:v '."'

:;MJ^§^£<Jtajjfig;bHin«it bkatiMX&m-.. maiden'a pheels bydbe jMrneBtnesaofliia^ae said to, her, *My lofllssJaaYKplawtrfrosaain. yourtCheekSyiWhy fbrtjid n»tggAtliKAss»t?. . ^a^b^ajr»WBJ^lto^3i^:aoaw^i^ larveit/'if A .4 : \';-ni,-:'' -•;.;• i..',',•;•.&•••. ;..!:«-.; ..: Jv ,'j-. .v -4-.- :-• :..-\uk:r! :.MJ k^s jiviMsBtM,' z »il»lQr^pjopteAre.alflay»i,


ither -j uncomjaop,,' .; "vmM

•' An enraged;parebt bafl'jerk , .m'glrm a^sl'TOskSafe. laffwaa^ >. on tbe eipuSe^rSon.otth^ ttrjeb W >wttfr-gre»;ve|#en:tote^ toairo^f


mmr ® 8 W r ? ^ t ;'.4^?-vv,:::.-?H •ry.i.-iX-i.si.v.Y,,"-

A r"Waih1ai&fr'yH»e^^ cl«arafeterbtlc%ory concerning | b b r ^ W t v


GorowskL Tbe Count w a s o n « t e * * « i * r " argument with »n ex rebel, Judge ^^**- , - -wfen he suddenly!said: « J a t o a | i ~ - v t ; Admire j o u f .." Wty;?x$ms&$i9 Judge. ^ iaunot we bow y o ^ / ^ calling me snejt bard n a b ^ F " ^lnaee41 roared the Oorint,. "fadwiwevery^b^r 8at, isper&ck,Attdyou;areona^e/feck SCOnbd Kelt' V f*-'"i-''-.,'t;:'",.- 3v"-t 'r--*' 'CT-"i.".'-.']•

•:-- The Noifolk> $ajt tho^Hila'«.'story ol' a''? sentry Jn ^h«':*.late. ao^tdled,'*;who wai Placed •o&j^&Wytafa'&mt^to*&.; The adjbtapt of the: regtment camaf. atepg and:a,ltempte4#(>paaB. f b e gallant w*dief cried b u t j * Halt, ?*mcantnry here,Abd« love m the world to tbeit keepings iNothinzr crie_.—--,„ --—.-,•-. _ ,_ ,„ - .

.^IA %. -_.^ .„ Jl .: . , . iu£ .3_ .„^,h^j. ^t you don t ^IsniouBt and givette amntorpin* Til make you refbrm toe whole rwoftttfeB of tick-tacks in yitf ft isi rt,& horseman'

or* order. I wlH daltirot jess to say that the aojilaiy ,edown^»-! . ' V!-.""J":"',.;

A Pantheist minister met Dtl*' , one day, and abruptly asked; - Mr. Bnsasaew, how ofd are yon r" •• Stow, a* \ s*t<aow e ldarsyour " As o'.daa the creation*" was tha answer bj a triumBhaat tone.' .".Than youareih^sanwA«4>fA4amAB4 i«prr "Certainly; I w a i > tha garden whjj they wera^t te^ '"IbiVe arwaya hie** that theriwAsathirdperaoB m Jb* #k*de#Um ttwsB," sapMed tbe doctor, with peat oool «WSA» " but i never knew before that it wa«

A Sssssx TaAMaxsna-nTtaa ;

\ •5 , -