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Post on 08-Jan-2016




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The patients identity :Name: Ms.H.Age: 24th.Nationality: Indonesian.Religion: Moslem.Marital Status: Single.Occupation: Makassar.Problem: Abortion.Contraceptive: Condom.Abortion Abortion is an abortion or the medical world is known by the term "abortion" which means spending the products of conception (meeting of egg and sperm cells) before the fetus can live outside the womb (Wikipedia, 2009. Augustine, 2012). According to Hawari (2006), that abortion is an abortion or termination (termination) accidental pregnancy (abortion provocatus), namely, pregnancy provoked a variety of ways, causing a miscarriage. Abortion performed by a pregnant woman, whether married or unmarried for various reasons. But the most important reason is the reasons that non-medical (including type of artificial abortion/accident).

In America, the reasons for abortion are:Do not want to have children for fear of disturbing a career, school or other responsibilities (75%).Not having enough money to take care of children (66%).Does not want to have children without fathers (50%).Loss Perform AbortionsSudden death due to bleeding.Sudden death due to anesthesia failed.Death due to serious infection around the womb.A torn uterus.Breast cancer.Ovarian cancer.Cancer of the cervix.Liver cancer.Infection of the pelvic cavity.Infection of the cervix.Next..Loss of self-esteem.Screaming hysterically.Nightmare many times about the baby.Want to commit suicide.Start trying to use illegal drugs.We can no longer enjoy sexsual relationship.

The advantage of the practice of abortion for the mother:Loss of secret evidence would be illegal intercourse.Avoid cock will be others that he had been having sex outside marriage.Wont to have children.ConclusionBased on these data we can conclude that abortion is unlawful and not justified under any circumstances except for the benefit of the mother.Abortion has a very harmful to a person who do it, in terms of both health and social. Besides abortion who do not qualify and are not done by a professional can lead to complications that are very dangerous and even can cause death. Teens knowledge about abortion would be a bulwark for teenagers about harm to have an abortion, it is because the knowledge will provide an overview to teens about the dangers that must be faced if sexual intercourse before marriage and the psychological and physical risks due to abortion.